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从洋-陆俯冲到陆-陆碰撞:回眸与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大陆造山带的经典含义是指由于大陆地壳岩石在板块俯冲-碰撞的巨大挤压应力下,遭受强烈变形、变质和熔融作用,地壳发生大规模缩短、加厚和隆升而形成的地带.分布在大陆边缘和内部的造山带,经历从洋壳扩张、洋-陆俯冲到陆-陆碰撞的造山过程,形成"俯冲增生型"、"陆陆碰撞型"和远离板块边界的"陆内型"造山带.造山带类型的分析是识别地...  相似文献   

台湾造山带是中新世晚期以来相邻菲律宾海板块往北西方向移动,导致北吕宋岛弧系统及弧前增生楔与欧亚大陆边缘斜碰撞形成的。目前该造山带仍在活动,虽然规模很小,但形成了多数大型碰撞造山带中的所有构造单元,是研究年轻造山系统的理想野外实验室,为理解西太平洋弧-陆碰撞过程和边缘海演化提供了一个独特的窗口。本文总结了二十一世纪以来对台湾造山带的诸多研究进展,讨论了其构造单元划分及演化过程。我们将台湾造山带重新划分为6个构造单元,由西至东分依次为:(1)西部前陆盆地;(2)中央山脉褶皱逆冲带;(3)太鲁阁带;(4)玉里-利吉蛇绿混杂岩带;(5)纵谷磨拉石盆地;(6)海岸山脉岛弧系统。其中,西部前陆盆地为6.5Ma以来伴随台湾造山带的隆升剥蚀形成沉积盆地。中央山脉褶皱逆冲带为新生代(57~5.3Ma)欧亚大陆东缘伸展盆地沉积物由于弧-陆碰撞受褶皱、逆冲及变质作用改造形成的。太鲁阁带是造山带中的古老陆块,主要记录中生代古太平洋俯冲在欧亚大陆活动边缘形成的岩浆、沉积和变质岩作用。玉里-利吉蛇绿混杂岩带和海岸山脉岛弧系统分别为中新世中期(~18Ma)以来南中国海板块向菲律宾海板块之下俯冲形成的岛弧和弧前增生楔,其中玉里混杂岩中有典型低温高压变质作用记录,变质年龄为11~9Ma;岛弧火山作用的主要时限为9.2~4.2Ma。纵谷磨拉石盆地记录1.1Ma以来的山间盆地沉积。台湾造山带的构造演化可划分为4个阶段:(a)古太平洋板块俯冲与欧亚大陆边缘增生阶段(200~60Ma);(b)欧亚大陆东缘伸展和南中国海扩张阶段(60~18Ma);(c)南中国海俯冲阶段(18~4Ma);(d)弧-陆碰撞阶段(<6Ma)。台湾弧-陆碰撞造山带是一个特殊案例,其弧-陆碰撞并不伴随着弧-陆之间的洋盆消亡,而是由于北吕宋岛弧及弧前增生楔伴随菲律宾海板块运动向西北方走滑,仰冲到欧亚大陆边缘,形成现今的台湾造山带。  相似文献   

杨文采 《地质论评》2022,68(1):2022020013-2022020013
本文对西太平洋的洋-陆转换作用进行探讨。西太平洋洋-陆转换带在中国东部可分为华南、华北-黄海和东北3个区段。东北地区中-新生代洋-陆转换作用涉及古今太平洋板块和蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋板块两方面俯冲作用的影响,产生大面积中基性岩浆和火山活动,从侏罗纪一直延伸到现在。不同于东北和华南地区,华北-黄海有克拉通型的岩石圈,在晚侏罗世—新近纪因为太平洋板块的大角度旋转造成软流圈低黏度物质上涌,和地壳拉张与幔源岩浆的底侵,造成上地壳裂谷型沉积盆地。燕山地区在侏罗纪与东北地区类似,有强烈的软流圈上涌和岩石圈岩石部分熔融,产生强烈岩浆活动。在白垩纪到新生代,因为蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋闭合和太平洋板块大角度旋转,发生沿蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋的转换断层的拉张,产生从南蒙古过锡林浩特的NW向玄武质岩浆和火山带。洋-陆转换带不同区段有不同的动力学作用演化过程,与先期岩石圈的性质、大洋板块俯冲带的分布、方向变化和俯冲持续时间、以及后期俯冲带后撤作用都有密切关系。洋-陆转换作用的统一后果是大陆的增生,但是不同区段大陆增生和物质运动的模式是不一样的。  相似文献   

蒋昌宏  杜德宏  王孝磊 《岩石学报》2022,38(5):1360-1374
岩浆作用是联系地球深部与表层碳储库的桥梁,是全球碳循环的重要一环。揭示岩浆作用与碳循环之间的关系对理解地球系统演化过程中的环境效应和气候变化有重要意义。本文综述了前人在岩浆系统研究的重要进展,介绍了陆内穿地壳岩浆系统,梳理了从幔源岩浆底侵和地壳熔融,到岩浆上升、累积、混合、分异直至喷出等物理化学过程,构建了地壳岩浆活动的统一框架。岩浆过程同时控制着挥发分行为,岩浆自身的去气作用将地球深部挥发分带到地表,而接触热变质作用可改造围岩并将其中的碳脱出。基于穿地壳岩浆系统,本文系统阐述了岩浆挥发分的来源、组成、行为,及其释放到大气中对气候与环境产生的潜在影响。尤其是针对中国华南地区分布的大量陆内中生代的侵入岩和火山岩,结合同期广泛分布的巨厚碳酸盐岩,介绍和展望了陆内岩浆系统和去气作用的联系及环境效应,提出该时期的岩浆活动及其与碳酸盐岩的反应很可能对局部乃至全球的气候造成了显著的影响,该领域有较大研究潜力。  相似文献   

中国区域成矿研究的若干问题及其与陆-陆碰撞的关系   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
陈衍景 《地学前缘》2002,9(4):319-328
在中国区域成矿作用研究中 ,遇到诸多重大问题 ,如 :(1)中国东部属于环太平洋地区之一 ,但为什么热液矿床大规模成矿时代不同于环太平洋的新生代 ,而爆发于中生代的燕山期 ?(2 )中国陆区经历了 >3.0Ga的演化 ,为什么大规模成矿作用在东部地区爆发于燕山期 ,西南特提斯成矿域爆发于新生代 ,而西北中亚成矿域爆发于海西期晚期 ?(3)国外不少著名成矿省位于太古宙克拉通内部 ,为什么中国的有色贵金属等热液矿床却集中分布于显生宙造山带内部或其边缘 ?(4)按照绿岩带金矿成矿理论 ,绿岩带型金矿化伴随或尾随于克拉通化 ,形成在太古宙 ,为什么中国绿岩带型金矿却形成在克拉通化后的 2 0多亿年以后的中生代 ?(5 )世界范围内 ,海相油田的重要性远大于陆相 ,为什么中国情况恰相反 ,陆相油田远比海相油藏重要 ?……。笔者认为这些问题彼此相关 ,代表了中国区域成矿的特色 ,其根本原因在于中国陆区不同构造单元经历了晚古生代以来的强烈碰撞事件 ,因此加强研究碰撞造山体制的成岩、成矿、成藏和流体作用是解决这些问题的关键途径。  相似文献   

与陆-陆碰撞作用相关的盆-山构造数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆-陆碰撞作用是导致大陆岩石圈各种地质作用发生的最重要的驱动机制,如何识别和标定陆-陆碰撞作用,特别是其四维时空演化,是地学界长期以来关注和研究的重点。陆-陆碰撞作用的主要表现形式为下伏地块沿陆内俯冲带的强烈下插(俯冲)和上覆地块沿陆内俯冲带的不断仰冲(逆冲扩展),在垂直俯冲带方向出现盆-山相间的构造格局和MOHO的弯曲、错断。通过数值模拟计算,详细论述了在仰冲(逆冲扩展)和俯冲作用过程中,盆地坳陷、山体抬升、MOHO上抬和下坳等各种位移量和位移速率之间的耦合关系及盆地中心的迁移规律。说明它们有可能成为判断或标定陆-陆碰撞作用的一种标志或尺度。  相似文献   

印度板块与亚洲板块的碰撞使喜马拉雅-青藏高原隆升,地壳增厚并生长扩展。探测青藏高原深部结构,揭露两个大陆如何碰撞以及碰撞如何使大陆变形的过程,是对全球关切的科学奥秘的探索。深地震反射剖面探测是打开这个科学奥秘的最有效途径之一。二十多年来,运用这项高技术探测到青藏高原巨厚地壳的精细结构,攻克了难以得到下地壳和Moho面信息的技术瓶颈,揭露了陆-陆碰撞过程。本文在探测研究成果的基础上,从青藏高原南北-东西对比,再到高原腹地,系统地综述了青藏高原之下印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞-俯冲的深部行为。印度地壳在高原南缘俯冲在喜马拉雅造山带之下,亚洲板块的阿拉善地块岩石圈在北缘向祁连山下俯冲,祁连山地壳向外扩展,塔里木地块与高原西缘的西昆仑发生面对面的碰撞,在高原东缘发现龙日坝断裂(而不是龙门山断裂)是扬子板块的西缘边界,高原腹地Moho面厚度薄而平坦,岩石圈伸展垮塌。多条深反射剖面揭露了在雅鲁藏布江缝合带下印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞的行为,不仅沿雅鲁藏布江缝合带走向印度地壳俯冲行为存在东西变化,而且印度地壳向北行进到拉萨地体内部的位置也不同。在缝合带中部,研究显示印度地壳上地壳与下地壳拆离,上地壳向北仰冲,下地壳向北俯冲,并在俯冲过程中发生物质的回返与构造叠置,这导致印度地壳减薄,喜马拉雅地壳加厚。俯冲印度地壳前缘与亚洲地壳碰撞后沉入地幔,处于亚洲板块前缘的冈底斯岩基与特提斯喜马拉雅近于直立碰撞,冈底斯下地壳呈部分熔融状态,近乎透明的弱反射和局部出现的亮点反射以及近于平的Moho面都反映出亚洲板块南缘处于伸展构造环境。  相似文献   

杨文采 《地质论评》2022,68(3):769-780
本文对西太平洋的洋—陆转换作用进行探讨。西太平洋洋—陆转换带在中国东部可分为华南、华北—黄海和东北3个区段。东北地区中—新生代洋—陆转换作用涉及古今太平洋板块和蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋板块两方面俯冲作用的影响,产生大面积中基性岩浆和火山活动,从侏罗纪一直延伸到现在。不同于东北和华南地区,华北—黄海有克拉通型的岩石圈,在晚侏罗世—新近纪因为太平洋板块的大角度旋转造成软流圈低黏度物质上涌,和地壳拉张与幔源岩浆的底侵,造成上地壳裂谷型沉积盆地。燕山地区在侏罗纪与东北地区类似,有强烈的软流圈上涌和岩石圈岩石部分熔融,产生强烈岩浆活动。在白垩纪到新生代,因为蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋闭合和太平洋板块大角度旋转,发生沿蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋的转换断层的拉张,产生从南蒙古过锡林浩特的NW向玄武质岩浆和火山带。洋—陆转换带不同区段有不同的动力学作用演化过程,与先期岩石圈的性质、大洋板块俯冲带的分布、方向变化和俯冲持续时间、以及后期俯冲带后撤作用都有密切关系。洋—陆转换作用的统一后果是大陆的增生,但是不同区段大陆增生和物质运动的模式是不一样的。  相似文献   

周金胜  王强 《岩石学报》2022,38(5):1399-1418
岩浆是将地球内部物质传送到表层系统的主要载体,并造成显著的资源聚集和环境效应。岩浆动力学是研究岩浆的迁移、储存、演化、就位以及喷发过程,侧重物理机制。这些岩浆过程主要发生在岩浆通道系统中,包括岩浆储库和岩浆管道。本文对目前国际岩浆动力学领域一些热点和前沿进行了介绍,这包括从岩浆房到岩浆储库概念的转变、岩浆储库的生长和动力学演化过程、岩浆过程的时间尺度以及岩浆中晶体的生长。然后阐述了岩浆中挥发分的种类和溶解度、获取天然岩浆挥发分含量的方法、一些典型镁铁质岩浆中的挥发分含量、岩浆去气的化学和物理机制,并简要梳理了热液金属矿床的形成过程和岩浆挥发分进入地表圈层系统引发的环境气候效应。最后列举了一些岩浆动力学有关的重要科学问题并建议了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

与陆-陆碰撞作用相关的盆-山构造数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆 -陆碰撞是导致大陆岩石圈各种地质作用发生的最重要的驱动机制 ,如何设别和标定陆 -陆碰撞作用 ,特别是其四维时空演化 ,是地学界长期以来关注的重点。陆 -陆碰撞作用的主要表现形式为下伏地块沿陆内俯冲带的强烈下插 (俯冲 )和上覆地块沿陆内俯冲带的不断仰冲 (逆冲扩展 )  相似文献   

中国冰川变化对气候变化的响应程度研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
理清冰川变化对气候变化的响应程度、揭示响应度的空间变化规律,是开展冰川变化预估及其对社会经济影响程度量化研究的基础。使用1958-2010年西部地区150个气象站点的夏季平均气温和年降水量资料、中国第一、二次冰川编目数据,通过夏季平均气温和年降水量变化趋势值定量反映气候变化,以冰川面积变化率表征冰川变化,借助GIS技术平台,采用参照对比方法,从宏观层面研究了中国西部冰川变化对气候变化的响应程度。依据等分分类法(Equal Interval),将响应程度分为极低度响应、低度响应、中度响应、高度响应、极高度响应5级。结果表明:中国冰川变化对气候变化的响应方式与程度不同,对夏季平均气温变化表现为正响应,而对年降水量变化主要表现为负响应,冰川分布区年降水量增加带来的冰川积累量增多不足以抵消因温度升高而增加的消融量,升温是中国西部冰川快速退缩的主导性因素。就整体而言,冰川变化对夏季平均气温变化的响应程度相对较低,但局部地区冰川变化对温度变化高度敏感,响应程度高与极高。不同类型冰川的变化对夏季平均气温变化的响应程度亦不同,海洋型冰川的变化以中高度响应为主,极大陆型冰川的变化主要呈现极低、低响应程度,而大陆型冰川变化的响应程度呈两级化。  相似文献   

中国南方显生宙大地构造演化简史   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
王清晨  蔡立国 《地质学报》2007,81(8):1025-1040
中国南方的构造格架以众多造山带围绕扬子克拉通分布为特征。这些造山带分别形成于古生代(华南造山带)和中—新生代(秦岭-大别山造山带、松潘-甘孜造山带、三江造山带、右江造山带和沿海造山带)。在造山带中散布着保山地块和南海地块等微陆块。本文以扬子克拉通为中心,概述了中国南方显生宙构造古地理演化的主体面貌,并归纳了其对海相烃源岩堆积的制约关系,指出制约和影响中国南方古地理演化的几个主要的构造事件为:新元古代晚期至古生代早期的大陆裂谷和被动大陆边缘形成事件,古生代中期华南造山带形成演化事件,古生代晚期张裂事件,中生代古特提斯洋闭合造山事件,侏罗纪以来的太平洋板块俯冲事件,新生代印度板块与欧亚大陆的碰撞事件等。本文还指出,上述这些事件延续的时间有限,变形强度在空间上也有差异,对于油气成藏和晚期调整的影响也会因时因地而异。具体事物具体分析才能对研究中国南方油气分布规律有所帮助。  相似文献   

中国历史时期气候变化对社会发展的影响*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
历史时期气候变化对社会发展的影响与人类适应问题,是当前全球变化领域的研究热点之一。近年来,在利用丰富的历史文献资料研究中国历史时期(特别是过去2000年时段)气候变化与人类社会相互作用的过程机理方面取得了一系列新成果。本文将其归纳为3个方面: 理论上,构建了基于粮食安全的气候影响传递过程分析框架;方法上,实现了服务于气候变化影响研究的、基于语义差异的历史社会经济序列定量重建;科学认识上,总结出“冷抑暖扬”而又福祸相依的宏观韵律。在此基础上,对未来研究需要进一步深化的方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The features of climate change and their effects on glacier snow melting in the past 50 years (1961–2010) in Xinjiang were studied. Regional climate data for 49 meteorological stations in the Tianshan Mountains and the northern and southern areas of Xinjiang were collected with the aid of techniques such as climatological statistical diagnosis, regional climate models, remote sensing, and geographic information system. The annual average temperature displayed a rising trend across the Tianshan mountainous area and both areas of Xinjiang. The trend was particularly apparent in winter and autumn with the rate of increase in the annual average minimum temperature being significantly higher than that of the maximum temperature. Rainfall also tended to increase in all three areas over the 50-year period, with the magnitude of change being highest in the mountainous area followed by northern Xinjiang and then southern Xinjiang. As a result of the rising temperatures, there was a negative material balance among the region's glaciers, of which the year 1982/1983 was the key year for the development of Tianshan mountain glacier snow. After this date, glacial ablation intensified with an annual change increase in average temperature of 1 °C, leading to a glacier material balance change of about 300 mm. To establish rainfall and temperature sequences for three regional climate change scenarios in the 2011–2050 period, we adopted the delta method using actual measurements during the 1961–2000 period against corrected data from rainfall and temperature simulations. All three scenarios indicated that temperatures will continue to increase, that the increase in rainfall may decrease in mountainous regions but will increase in the basin, and that the speed of glacial ablation in Xinjiang will continue to accelerate.  相似文献   

The structure of the Jiuling Massif has been investigated in order to delineate the polyorogenic deformation and discuss its geodynamic evolution and orogenic mechanisms. Detailed structural analysis indicates that the D1 event is characterized by top-to-the NNW ductile shearing with pervasive foliation, and mineral and stretching lineation developed in the entire region. Compared with the D1 deformation, D2 structures are localized in ductile shear zones with subvertical foliation and subhorizontal E–W trending lineation, indicating a dextral ductile shearing. The D3 event, marked by folds and thrusts mainly in a brittle domain, modified the D1 structures by asymmetrical folds. The dominant D4 structures are gravitational folds and normal faults, corresponding to a later extension. Our new geochronological data suggest that the D1 event occurred between 465 and 380 Ma with D2 dextral shearing at the end of this Early Paleozoic orogen, and the D3 event has been constrained at 245–215 Ma. The final uplift of the Jiuling Massif by the D4 event can be correlated with the Late Mesozoic extension across the eastern South China block. Along with previous studies in the South China block, the structural pattern of the Jiuling Massif elucidates the influence of the Early Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic intracontinental belts triggered by repeated reactivation of the Jiangshan–Shaoxing Fault. Combined with deformation to the south, the Early Paleozoic belt shows a positive flower pattern, with opposing kinematics, rooted in the Jiangshan–Shaoxing Fault. During the Early Mesozoic, a general intracontinental belt was developed with uniform kinematics in both the Jiuling Massif and the Xuefengshan Belt, possibly resulted from the far-field effect of the Triassic NW-directed Paleo-Pacific subduction.  相似文献   

NE China is the easternmost part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The area is distinguished by widespread occurrence of Phanerozoic granitic rocks. In the companion paper (Part I), we established the Jurassic ages (184–137 Ma) for three granitic plutons: Xinhuatun, Lamashan and Yiershi. We also used geochemical data to argue that these rocks are highly fractionated I-type granites. In this paper, we present Sr–Nd–O isotope data of the three plutons and 32 additional samples to delineate the nature of their source, to determine the proportion of mantle to crustal components in the generation of the voluminous granitoids and to discuss crustal growth in the Phanerozoic.

Despite their difference in emplacement age, Sr–Nd isotopic analyses reveal that these Jurassic granites have common isotopic characteristics. They all have low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7045±0.0015), positive Nd(T) values (+1.3 to +2.8), and young Sm–Nd model ages (720–840 Ma). These characteristics are indicative of juvenile nature for these granites. Other Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic granites in this region also show the same features. Sr–Nd and oxygen isotopic data suggest that the magmatic evolution of the granites can be explained in terms of two-stage processes: (1) formation of parental magmas by melting of a relatively juvenile crust, which is probably a mixed lithology formed by pre-existing lower crust intruded or underplated by mantle-derived basaltic magma, and (2) extensive magmatic differentiation of the parental magmas in a slow cooling environment.

The widespread distribution of juvenile granitoids in NE China indicates a massive transfer of mantle material to the crust in a post-orogenic tectonic setting. Several recent studies have documented that juvenile granitoids of Paleozoic to Mesozoic ages are ubiquitous in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, hence suggesting a significant growth of the continental crust in the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

中国天山地区降水对全球气候变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
天山地区的降水变化及其对全球气候变化的响应是近年来研究的热点。利用中国天山地区40个气象站1951-2014年的月降水数据,运用线性倾向估计、相关分析等气候诊断方法,分析了该区域的降水变化,探讨了主要气候指数与降水同步变化的相关关系。结果表明:年降水呈现出"西多东少,北多南少,高山多外围少"的特征,年降水变化率为6.0 mm·(10a)-1。SASMI与年降水表现为显著正相关,PDO、PNA和AO与年降水表现为弱正相关,且有局限性。在枯水期,SASMI与天山北坡及部分中高山地带的降水表现为弱正相关,而在西天山南坡表现为弱负相关,ENSO与中、西天山南北坡的中低山带的降水变化相关性较高。在丰水期,SASMI与天山南坡和高山区降水变化相关性较高,PDO与中、西天山南北坡的低山带部分站点的降水变化相关性较高。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国水资源情势影响综合分析   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了近年在气候变化对中国水资源影响研究方面的若干进展。研究表明,中国水资源问题的产生不仅与人口和社会经济快速发展有联系,更与气候环境的显著变化密切相关;未来的气候变化将会导致一些流域水资源更加短缺和洪涝灾害更加频繁,对流域水资源和可持续发展产生重要影响;在流域水资源综合规划与管理中,应十分重视气候变化的影响问题。  相似文献   

The process of salinization has increased dramatically over the past several decades in the northwest arid zone of China. Soil salinization has been recognized as a major environmental problem for many years in the Tarim River Basin. It is the key issue of solving the soil salinization problem to study interaction between water and salt in arid zone, which will provide useful principle and methodology to its solution. Taking Tarim River and Bosten Lake for example, by systematically collecting the basic data of hydrogeology, meteorology, and social economy, we analyzed the interaction of water and salt of Tarim River and Bostan Lake in natural and artificial conditions in aspects of basins, oases, lakes and marshes. The results showed that: (1) Temperature and precipitation are both increasing gradually in the whole Tarim River Basin, the climate tends to be come warmer and wetter, but the water quality condition is not optimistic; (2) At the end of the 1950s, mineralization degree was less than 1.0 g/L from the upper reaches to the lower reaches of the Tarim River. At present, it is more than 3.0 g/L in Alaer Lake (the upper reaches of the Tarim River) except in July, August and October, during which it is less than 1.0 g/L. In Qiala (the lower reaches), it is more than 1.0 g/L except in March, moreover, it is about 5.0 g/L in July and December. The eco-water conveyance project implementation has still not improved Tarim River's water quality condition; (3) Bostan Lake was a tiny salt-water lake in the late 1950s, but the water-soil development of the oasis has aggravated the salinization in recent thirty years. Since the West Pumping Station was brought into operation in 1982, the Bostan Lake which accumulated salt has begun to be desalted. We consider that climate may not be the key factor for salinization in this area. Instead, socio-economic factors relevant to human activities should be mainly responsible for such changes, as is confirmed by our further analysis. In order to improve present situation of water-soil salinization, water resources utilization and management should be strengthened, highly efficient and water-saving irrigating technology should be spread,  相似文献   

Like most African countries, Botswana contributes almost insignificantly to global greenhouse emissions (GHGs). In this context, some have argued that energy policy and legislative measures to regulate emissions in Botswana should not be accorded high priority. This is a misguided view when one considers that each country, no matter how under-industrialized, contributes to the overall global emission problem. Moreover, the least developed countries will have to industrialize in order to meet the increasing economic and social needs of their growing populations. For rapidly growing economies like Botswana, whose annual energy demand is projected to increase by about 4% for the next ten years, the importance of compiling accurate inventories of sources and sinks of GHGs and formulating environmentally-friendly policies can hardly be over- emphasized. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) provides the ideal basis for the country-by-country investigations and management of global climatic change; specifically its nature, properties, directionality, characteristics and probable consequences. Botswana was a founding signatory of UNFCCC in 1992 and ratified the Convention in 1994. The country is also involved in regional cooperation efforts, within the Southern African Development Community, to enforce regulatory mechanisms to minimize GHG emissions from the energy sector. There exist certain energy-related institutions, policies, and regulations in the country which could mitigate the impact of GHG emissions on global warming. This paper, based on government and other relevant documentation, critically analyses Botswana's energy sector policies in as far as they affect climate change. It is clear that much still needs to be done about energy policies in terms of proper formulation, monitoring, co-ordination, energy pricing and the exploration of energy alternatives to mitigate potentially negative impacts on climate change.  相似文献   

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