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空间数据增量信息提取是空间数据库增量更新的基础,而要素几何匹配则为空间数据增量信息提取的关键流程之一。针对面状要素几何匹配时所产生的单一匹配算子匹配准确度低,以及多算子加权匹配算法匹配效率低、冗余度高、结果不准确等情况,本文提出一种基于多层次匹配的面状要素几何匹配算法。该算法以反映面状要素位置、大小、形状特征的质心匹配算子、面积重叠度算子以及转向角函数匹配算子为基础,并按各算子复杂度进行层次匹配规则设计,以提高算法效率、保证匹配的准确性。本文通过2种方法进行对比实验,结果表明:层次匹配算法匹配完整度和准确度均能达到90%以上,可以很好地进行面状要素几何匹配;与加权匹配方法相比效率更高,代价更小,且所得匹配结果比加权匹配方法所得结果更加准确。  相似文献   

党的十六届五中全会《关于国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》提出了建设社会主义新农村的历史任务。为了制定好“十—五”规划.2005年5月.根据国务院领导的指示.由中研室、中农办、财政部、建设部、人民银行和贵州省的有关同志,到韩国就“新村运动”进行了考察。我作为考察团团长,深深感到当前要认真贯彻落实五中全会《建议》的精神,  相似文献   

一、中央和省委关于国土资源规划工作的有关精神(一)中央对国土资源“十一五”工作做出了全面部署。党的十六届五中全会通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》对“十一五”期间的国土资源主要工作进行了部署。在《建议》十个方面的四十六条中,与  相似文献   

按照厅党组的统一安排,我参加了机关公务员培训学习。通过学习感到确实收获很大,特别是系统全面地学习了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》、《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》和《浙江省国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》。目前正逢新一轮土地利用总体规划编制,结合本职工作,更深刻领会到必须要以国民经济和社会发展规划为依据,努力做好新一轮土地利用总体规划编制工作。  相似文献   

沮家宝在十届全国人大四次会议上作致府工作报告强调坚持最严格的土地管理制度促进节约使用合理利用资源;《国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要(草案)》提出我国1.2亿公顷耕地保有量为约束性指标,强调建设资源节约型社会强化资源保护和管理。[编按]  相似文献   

据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,十一假期,人们的手机上收到的除了亲朋好友的祝福短信,恐怕就是众多不厌其烦的楼盘广告。"十一黄金周"以往都是各大楼盘的销售旺季,但是今年,全国各主要城市商品房销售却比往年冷清不少。"金九银十"为何变成了"冷九寒十",楼市是否就此迎来下行的拐点?  相似文献   

阐述了排课系统的管理层次、操作权限分配、资源管理、网络排课的具体实现过程。本系统较好地解决了多个校区、多个学院之间的分配资源和排课冲突问题。其特点是资源统一管理、分散使用,利用校园网进行教学管理,不受时间、空间的限制。  相似文献   

获得了一个非连续减算子的不动点,推广了在要求算子具有连续性和某种紧性的条件下对减算子研究的一些结果。  相似文献   

介绍解五维波动问题的微分算子级数法,首先引进数性算子概念及微分算子级数法;其次.推导出了求解公式;最后通过求解公式求解了一些五维波动方程的例题,得出任何维数(n≥5)的波动方程柯西问题都可以用微分算子级数法求其解。  相似文献   

正7月10日,河南省自然资源厅党组书记刘金山主持召开党组会,深入学习王国生书记、尹弘省长在河南省委十届十一次会议暨省委工作会议上的讲话精神,深刻领会会议要求,研究部署贯彻落实措施。厅长张兴辽出席会议。会议指出,省委十届十一次会议暨省委工作会议以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻习近平总书记视察河南重要讲话精神,总结上半年工作情况,分析当前形势,对扎  相似文献   

本文对浙江省化石观赏石的主要类型、时空分布等情况作了简要叙述,并结合国际上化石观赏石的收藏和贸易情况,就浙江省的开发问题提出了一些看法。浙江省的恐龙蛋、鱼、螺、贝、虾及笔石等化石具有地方特色,且有一定的数量。这些化石在西方颇受欢迎,有较多的经营者和收藏者。  相似文献   

The aviation industry has become one of the top ten greenhouse gas emission industries in the world.China's aviation carbon emissions continue to increase,but t...  相似文献   

通过倾斜摄影测量技术获取的影像覆盖范围广、纹理信息丰富,但是由于在获取过程中传感器视角的变化,倾斜立体影像间往往存在较大的几何畸变,加大了影像匹配的难度。运用郑州某地区航空影像数据,对SIFT、Harris-Affine及MSERs3种算子进行了对比实验,结果表明,在综合考量匹配点数量及其分布和正确匹配率情况下,Harris-Affine优于MSERs和SIFT算子。  相似文献   

据成矿地质特征、成矿环境和成矿作用研究,内蒙古黄岗梁—孟恩陶勒盖地区存在同熔、重熔两个岩浆岩系列和与此相应的深源浅成Sn-Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn(Mo,Au)矿床系列;浅源深成Sn-Fe-W-Be矿床系列。区内矿床可划分为6个主要的成因类型和11种元素组合型式,本文探讨了成矿作用、成矿模式。成矿过程可用大井式、孟恩式、黄岗梁式、胡家店式、宝盖沟式5个矿床型式来概括。  相似文献   

Minke whales caught in the Yellow Sea range from 4.16 m to 8.60 m in length with an average length of 6.93 m for the female and 6.14 m for the male. Sex ratio of the female is 74.3%. The pregnancy ratio of all sexually matured females is 65.8%. The minimum size of the pregnant whale observed is 6.60 m in length. Females having a body length of more than 7 m long are all sexually matured. According to the studies on the embryos obtained from the females caught in the northern Yellow Sea, there is only one breeding season each year. Mating mostly occurs from July through September, and the length of pregnancy is ten to eleven months with the peak of calving from May through July. Most females breed one calf each time, only two cases with twins. Sex ratio of female fetus is 56.6%, and the newly born calf measures 250–270 cm in body length. This paper was published in Chinese inOceanologia et Limnologia Sinica 13 (4): 338–345.  相似文献   

建立中国水资源信息学学科体系的刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代初,欧洲出现新兴边缘学科水资源信息学,在短短10余年时间里得以迅速发展。我国近年来的水利信息化进程明显加快,数字水利、数字流域等发展迅速。目前,正在从传统水利向现代水利过渡,以水利信息化带动水利产业化,成为我国今后水利发展的主要方向。本文在介绍这一新兴学科基础上,建议尽快建立我国自己的水资源信息学学科体系,为水利信息化的不断深入以及可持续发展做好理论准备。  相似文献   

On August 8, 2017, a Ms = 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in the Jiuzhaigou Valley, in Sichuan Province, China(N: 33.20°, E: 103.82°). Jiuzhaigou Valley is an area recognized and listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1992. Data analysis and field survey were conducted on the landslide, collapse, and debris flow gully, to assess the coseismic geological hazards generated by the earthquake using an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV), remote-sensing imaging, laser range finders, geological radars, and cameras. The results highlighted the occurrence of 13 landslides, 70 collapses, and 25 potential debris flow gullies following the earthquake. The hazards were classified on the basis of their size and the potential property loss attributable to them. Consequently, 14 large-scale hazards, 30 medium-sized hazards, and 64 small hazards accounting for 13%, 28%, and 59% of the total hazards, respectively, were identified. Based on the variation tendency of the geological hazards that ensued in areas affected by the Kanto earthquake(Japan), Chi-chi earthquake(Taiwan China), and Wenchuan earthquake(Sichuan China), the study predicts that, depending on the rain intensity cycle, the duration of geological hazard activities in the Jiuzhaigou Valley may last over ten years and will gradually decrease for the following five to ten yearsbefore returning to pre-earthquake levels. Thus,necessary monitoring and early warning systems must be implemented to ensure the safety of residents,workers and tourists during the construction of engineering projects and reopening of scenic sites to the public.  相似文献   

The developed regions are faced with the problems of regional comprehensive development, and the research on regional comprehensive development has become a trend in the world. To optimize regional industrial structure and to select and determine scientifically the spatial development strategy of regional industries are the central themes to be solved for the research on regional comprehensive development in the developed regions. This paper proposed the basis for optimizing regional industrial structure, and the main factors of selecting and determining the regional leading industries. Based on this, the paper puts forward the leading industries and the spatial development strategy in Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou area in the future ten or more years. Combined with the situation of Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou area, the paper also discusses some problems of locating superior developing axis to benefit the rational distribution of regional productive forces.  相似文献   

The developed regions are faced with the problems of regional comprehensive development, and the research on regional comprehensive development has become a trend in the world. To optimize regional industrial structure and to select and determine scientifically the spatial development strategy of regional industries are the central themes to be solved for the research on regional comprehensive development in the developed regions. This paper proposed the basis for optimizing regional industrial structure, and the main factors of selecting and determining the regional leading industries. Based on this, the paper puts forward the leading industries and the spatial development strategy in Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou area in the future ten or more years. Combined with the situation of Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou area, the paper also discusses some problems of locating superior developing axis to benefit the rational distribution of regional productive forces.  相似文献   

近年来硅灰石因具有优异的物理、化学特性而被广泛应用于陶瓷等十多个工业领域,并在世界范围内由于工业需求的不断增长而产销两旺。鲁山东银洞沟硅灰石矿储量大,质量较好,地理位置优越,具备开发利用条件。其市场前景广阔,潜在经济价值巨大。应在处理好环保及伴生工业矿物综合回收利用的基础上高起点地开发利用,为地方经济发展服务  相似文献   

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