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In 1968–2005 different observers (mainly, one of the authors—V.M. Lyuty) performed numerous measurements of luminosity of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151. It is shown that (a) luminosity of the object pulsated over 38 years with a period of 160.0106(7) min coinciding, within the error limits, with the well-known period P 0 = 160.0101(2) min of the enigmatic “solar” pulsations, and (b) when registering oscillations of luminosity of NGC 4151 nucleus with the P 0 period, time moments of observations must be reduced to the earth instead of the sun, i.e., to the reference frame of the observer. The coherent P 0 oscillation is characterized, therefore, by invariability of both frequency and phase with respect to redshift z and the earth’s orbital motion, respectively. From these results it, thus, follows that the coherent P 0 oscillation seems to be of a true cosmological origin. The P 0 period itself might represent a course of the “cosmic clock” related to the existence of an absolute time of the Universe in Newton’s comprehension.  相似文献   

Makarov  V.I.  Tlatov  A.G.  Sivaraman  K.R. 《Solar physics》2001,202(1):11-26
We present the pattern of the polar magnetic reversal for cycle 23 derived from H synoptic charts and have also included the reversals of the earlier cycles 18–22 for comparison. At the beginning of a new cycle (i.e., soon after the polar reversal) the zonal boundaries of unipolar magnetic regions of opposite polarities (seen as filament bands on the synoptic charts) appear close to and on either side of the equator continuing through the years of minimum indicating the onset of the cancellation of flux at these low latitudes. The cycle thus starts with cancellation of flux close to the equator and ends with the polar reversal or flux cancellation near the poles. The filament bands just below the polemost ones migrate and reach latitudes 35°–45° by the time of polar reversal and become the polemost, once the polar reversal has taken place. During the years of minimum that follow, these filament bands remain more or less stagnant at the latitudes 35°–45° except for occasional slow migration towards the equator. The migration to the poles starts at a low speed of 3 m s–1 only when the spot activity has risen to a significant level and then it accelerates to 30 m s–1 at the peak of the activity. It takes 3–4 years for the polemost bands to reach the poles moving at these high speeds. We quantify this possible cause and effect phenomenon by introducing the concept of the `strength of the solar cycle' and represent this by either of a set of three parameters. We show that the velocity of poleward migration is a linear function of the `strength of the solar cycle'.  相似文献   

On the basis of the law of conservation of energy, the variations of radiation energy as a result of the variations of the dimensions of the Universe and of the increase in total energy of the hypothetical false vacuum, the author introduces an assumption that the Universe is an actual subsystem of the infinite whole of reality. Analyzing the consequences of introducing this assumption into the standard model of the Universe, he comes to the conclusion that the Universe, with respect to its evolution, represents an ultrastable system consisting of a dynamic system of the de Sitter evolution phase with the Planck values and of a dynamic system of Friedmann's phase of evolution into which the dynamics of its partial subsystems is incorporated.  相似文献   

Stable rings can exist at inclinations of 0–15°, 165°–180°, or ~90° to Neptune's equator, but perturbations due to the massive satellite Triton would produce a severe “warping” of the ring plane. If Neptune possesses rings, they may not lie in the plane of its equator.  相似文献   

A numerical test is made to determine if the high-latitude torsional wave is generated from the low-latitude torsional pattern as a result of our reduction procedures. The results indicate that the high-latitude motions are not an artifact of the analysis, but are true solar features. We demonstrate also that the one-wave-per-hemisphere torsional oscillation does not result from the reduction procedure. These results place the observations in conflict with the predictions of - () models of the solar cycle.Now at Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Mitra has suggested that the Superrotation of the upper atmosphere is caused by a deposition of meteoroids. The meteoroids are assumed to impart to the atmosphere the excess of their orbital angular momentum per unit mass over the Earth's angular momentum per unit mass. The process is to take place in the height region above 150 km. Only above this height is a Superrotation of the atmosphere observed. In this report the forces that tend to make the atmosphere corotate with the Earth are analysed. It is shown that the most important of these forces is ion drag, and not viscous drag as postulated by Mitra. As the net angular spin momentum imparted by the meteoroids seems to be less than Mitra's estimate and its main part is applied to the atmosphere at altitudes much lower than 150 km, the hypothesis that meteoroids provide a significant contribution to the Superrotation is rejected.  相似文献   

Is there an asteroid type or meteorite class that best exemplifies the materials that went into the Earth? Carbonaceous chondrites were once the objects of choice, and in the minds of many this choice is still valid. However, the origin of primitive chondritic meteorites is unclear. At the extremes they could either be fragments of very small parent bodies that never became hot enough to undergo geochemical modification other than mild lithification, or remnants of the uppermost layers of a body that had undergone a significant degree of internal differentiation, while the top layers remained cool due to radiative heat loss or loss of volatiles to space. This latter case is problematic if one considers these objects as precursors to the Earth since the timescale for the evolution of such a small body could be longer than the timescale for the accretion of the Earth. Large-scale circulation of materials in the primitive solar nebula could greatly increase the diversity of materials near 1 AU while also making the entire inner solar system both more homogeneous and much wetter than previously expected. The total mass of the nebula is an important, but poorly constrained factor controlling the growth of planetesimals. There is also a selection effect that dominates our sampling of the planetesimals that may have existed 4.5 billion years ago; namely, small fragile bodies are more likely to be lost from the system or ground down by collisions between small bodies, yet these are precisely those that may have dominated the population from which the Earth accreted. The composition of these aggregates could have played a very important role in the early chemical evolution of the Earth. In particular, the Earth may have been much wetter and richer in hydrocarbons and other reducing materials than previously suspected.  相似文献   

We examine the scenario that the Doppler factor determines the observational differences of blazars. Significantly negative correlations are found between the observational synchrotron peak frequency and the Doppler factor. After correcting the Doppler boosting, the intrinsic peak frequency has a tight linear relation with the Doppler factor. It is interesting that this relation is consistent with the scenario that the black hole mass governs both the bulk Lorentz factor and the synchrotron peak frequency. In addition, the distinction between the kinetic jet powers of BL Lac objects and flat spectrum radio quasars disappears after the boosting factor δ~2 is considered. The negative correlation between the peak frequency and the observational isotropic luminosity, known as the blazar sequence, also disappears after the Doppler boosting is corrected. We also find that the correlation between the Compton dominance and the Doppler factor exists for all types of blazars. Therefore, this correlation is unsuitable for examining the external Compton emission dominance.  相似文献   

A.T. Young 《Icarus》1973,18(4):564-582
Water solutions of sulfuric acid, containing about 75% H2SO4 by weight, have a refractive index within 0.01 of the values deduced from polarimetric observations of the Venus clouds. These solutions remain liquid at the cloud temperature, thus explaining the spherical shape of the cloud particles (droplets). The equilibrium vapor pressure of water above such solutions is 0.01 that of liquid water or ice, which accounts for the observed dryness of the cloud region. Furthermore, H2SO4 solutions of such concentration have spectra very similar to Venus in the 8–13 μm region; in particular, they explain the 11.2 μm band. Cold sulfuric acid solutions also seem consistent with Venus spectra in the 3–4 μm region. The amount of acid required to make the visible clouds is quite small, and is consistent with both the cosmic abundance of sulfur and the degree of out-gassing of the planet indicated by known atmospheric constituents. Sulfuric acid occurs naturally in volcanic gases, along with known constituents of the Venus atmosphere such as CO2, HCl, and HF ; it is produced at high temperature by reactions between these gases and common sulfate rocks. The great stability and low vapor pressure of H2SO4 and its water solutions explain the lack of other sulfur compounds in the atmosphere of Venus—a lack that is otherwise puzzling.Sulfuric acid precipitation may explain some peculiarities in Venera and Mariner data. Because sulfuric acid solutions are in good agreement with the Venus data, and because no other material that has been proposed is even consistent with the polarimetric and spectroscopic data, H2SO4 must be considered the most probable constituent of the Venus clouds.  相似文献   

A meteorite impact capable of creating a 200 km diameter crater can demagnetize the entire crust beneath, and produce an appreciable magnetic anomaly at satellite altitudes of ~400 km in case the pre-existing crust is magnetized. In this study we examine the magnetic field over all of the craters and impact-related Quasi-Circular Depressions (QCDs) with diameters larger than 200 km that are located on the highlands of Mars, excluding the Tharsis bulge, in order to estimate the mean magnetization of the highland crust. Using the surface topography and the gravity of Mars we first identify those QCDs that are likely produced by impacts. The magnetic map of a given crater or impact-related QCD is derived using the Mars Global Surveyor high-altitude nighttime radial magnetic data. Two extended ancient areas are identified on the highlands, the South Province and the Tempe Terra, which have large number of craters and impact-related QCDs but none of them has an appreciable magnetic signature. The primordial crust of these areas is not magnetized, or is very weakly magnetized at most. We examine some plausible scenarios to explain the weak magnetization of these areas, and conclude that no strong dynamo existed in the first ~100 Myr of Mars’ history when the newly formed primordial crust was cooling below the magnetic blocking temperatures of its minerals.  相似文献   

Massive black holes (BHs) are at once exotic and yet ubiquitous, residing at the centers of massive galaxies in the local Universe. Recent years have seen remarkable advances in our understanding of how these BHs form and grow over cosmic time, during which they are revealed as Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). However, despite decades of research, we still lack a coherent picture of the physical drivers of BH growth, the connection between the growth of BHs and their host galaxies, the role of large-scale environment on the fueling of BHs, and the impact of BH-driven outflows on the growth of galaxies. In this paper we review our progress in addressing these key issues, motivated by the science presented at the “What drives the growth of black holes?” workshop held at Durham on 26–29th July 2010, and discuss how these questions may be tackled with current and future facilities.  相似文献   

In 2006, Earth encountered a trail of dust left by Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle two revolutions ago, in A.D. 1932. The resulting Leonid shower outburst was observed by low light level cameras from locations in Spain. The outburst peaked on 2006 Nov. 19d 04h39m ± 3m UT (predicted: 19d 04h50m ± 15m UT), with a FWHM of 43 ± 10 min (predicted: 38 min), at a peak rate of ZHR=80±10/h (predicted: 50-200 per hour). A low level background of older and brighter Filament Leonids (χ∼2.1) was also present, which dominated rates for Leonids brighter than magnitude +4. The 1932-dust outburst was detected among Leonids of +0 magnitude and brighter. These outburst Leonids were much brighter than expected, with a magnitude distribution index χ=2.60±0.15 (predicted: χ=3.47 and up). Trajectories and orbits of 24 meteors were calculated, most of which are part of the Filament component. Those that were identified as 1932-dust grains penetrated just as deep as Leonids in past encounters. We conclude that larger meteoroids than expected were present in the tail of the 1932-dust trail and meteoroids did not end up there because of low density. We also find that the radiant position of meteors in the Filament component scatter in a circle with radius 0.39°, which is wider than in 1998, when the diameter was 0.09°. This supports the hypothesis that the Filament component consists of meteoroids in mean-motion resonances.  相似文献   

A radial deformation of the Reissner-Nordstr?m metric which leads to the appearance of charged, traversable wormholes is investigated. It is shown that the resulting wormholes are not covered by event horizons and physical signals can travel between the two parallel universes either way across the wormhole. The status of energy conditions and the classification of geodesics are also discussed in details.  相似文献   

It is shown that the primordial entropy of the universe can be generated in the residual phase prior to Calabi-Yau splitting and following the passing to the field theory limit of the heterotic super-string in ten space-time dimensions, wherein matter is represented by either a radiative equation of state or the equation of state for stiff matter.  相似文献   

Here we consider our universe as homogeneous spherically symmetric FRW model and analyze the thermodynamics of this model of the universe in scalar-tensor theory. Assuming the first law of thermodynamics validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics (GSLT) at the event horizon is examined in both the cases when the universe is filled with perfect fluid and the holographic dark energy.  相似文献   

Abstract— I review the dynamical and compositional evidence for possibly linking CM chondrites and asteroids having G-class taxonomic designations. Three G asteroids have been identified through previous theoretical studies as being likely meteorite source bodies due to their locations near resonances. Two of these objects, 19 Fortuna and 13 Egeria, have spectral properties that are consistent with such a linkage with CM chondrites. Fortuna has a similar strength 0.7 μm absorption feature and near-infrared spectral slope to CM chondrites but a weaker ultraviolet feature. Egeria also has the characteristic 0.7 μm feature of CM chondrite spectra but does not match as well in the near-infrared. However, since the 0.7 μm feature is apparent in the spectra of approximately one-half of measured C-type asteroids, no definitive statement about any linkages can be made. Ceres is spectrally different from known meteorites in the 3 μm wavelength region and cannot be convincingly linked with any meteorite group.  相似文献   

Supernova (SN) explosions inject a considerable amount of energy into the interstellar medium (ISM) in regions with high-to-moderate star formation rates. In order to assess whether the driving of turbulence by supernovae is also important in the outer Galactic disc, where the star formation rates are lower, we study the spatial distribution of molecular cloud (MC) inclinations with respect to the Galactic plane. The latter contains important information on the nature of the mechanism of energy injection into the ISM. We analyse the spatial correlations between the position angles (PAs) of a selected sample of MCs (the largest clouds in the catalogue of the outer Galaxy published by Heyer et al). Our results show that when the PAs of the clouds are all mapped to values into the  [0°, 90°]  interval, there is a significant degree of spatial correlation between the PAs on spatial scales in the range of 100–800 pc. These scales are of the order of the sizes of individual SN shells in low-density environments such as those prevailing in the outer Galaxy and where the metallicity of the ambient gas is of the order of the solar value or smaller. These findings suggest that individual SN explosions, occurring in the outer regions of the Galaxy and in likewise spiral galaxies, albeit at lower rates, continue to play an important role in shaping the structure and dynamics of the ISM in those regions. The SN explosions we postulate here are likely associated with the existence of young stellar clusters in the far outer regions of the Galaxy and the ultraviolet emission and low levels of star formation observed with the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite in the outer regions of local galaxies.  相似文献   

HD 196885 Ab is the most ??extreme?? planet-in-a-binary discovered to date, whose orbit places it at the limit for orbital stability. The presence of a planet in such a highly perturbed region poses a clear challenge to planet-formation scenarios. We investigate this issue by focusing on the planet-formation stage that is arguably the most sensitive to binary perturbations: the mutual accretion of kilometre-sized planetesimals. To this effect we numerically estimate the impact velocities dv amongst a population of circumprimary planetesimals. We find that most of the circumprimary disc is strongly hostile to planetesimal accretion, especially the region around 2.6 AU (the planet??s location) where binary perturbations induce planetesimal-shattering dv of more than 1 kms?1. Possible solutions to the paradox of having a planet in such accretion-hostile regions are (1) that initial planetesimals were very big, at least 250 km (2) that the binary had an initial orbit at least twice the present one, and was later compacted due to early stellar encounters (3) that planetesimals did not grow by mutual impacts but by sweeping of dust (the ??snowball?? growth mode identified by Xie et al., in Astrophys J 724:1153, 2010b), or (4) that HD 196885 Ab was formed not by core-accretion but by the concurrent disc instability mechanism. All of these 4 scenarios remain however highly conjectural.  相似文献   

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