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Based on the analytical results for 101 samples from 50 survey spots,this paper describes the changes in rations of various components in calcium carbonate from the sea area at the Pearl River mouth with pH.Relations of ∑CO2 with salinity,and Ca concentration with salinity in different parts of the river mouth have been established.The annual throughput of Ca from the Pearl River and the saturation degrees of calcite and aragonite have been calculated.  相似文献   

Homogeneity, mass fractions of about forty trace elements and Sr isotope composition of Ca carbonate reference materials (RMs) between original and nano‐powdered pellets are compared. Our results using nanosecond and femtosecond LA‐(MC)‐ICP‐MS show that the nano‐pellets of the RMs MACS‐3NP, JCp‐1NP and JCt‐1NP are about a factor of 2–3 more homogeneous than the original samples MACS‐3, JCp‐1 and JCt‐1, and are therefore much more suitable for microanalytical purposes. With the exception of Si, the mass fractions of the synthetic RM MACS‐3 agree with its fine‐grained analogue MACS‐3NP. Very small, but significant, differences between original and nano‐pellets are observed in the RMs JCp‐1 and JCt‐1 for some trace elements with very low contents, indicating the need for re‐certification. Strontium mass fractions in the analysed RMs are high (1500–7000 mg kg?1), and their isotope compositions determined by LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS in the original and the nano‐pellets agree within uncertainty limits.  相似文献   

The paper suggests an accurate approach to studying carbonate equilibrium in the water of the Razdol’naya River. The approach involves measuring pH by Pitzer’s scale, using a cell without liquid junction; measuring the total alkalinity by Bruevich’s technique; and using apparent constants of carbonate equilibrium with regard for the organic alkalinity. The Pitzer technique was employed to calculate the apparent constants of carbonate equilibrium in solution that models the riverine water: Ca(HCO3)2–NaCl–H2O within the range of alkalinity of 0–0.005 mol/kg and temperatures of 0–25°C. Carbonate equilibrium in the water of the Razdol’naya River was sampled for studying at eight sites during all four seasons. Although the contents of biogenic compounds in the water are high, they can merely insignificantly affect the acid–base equilibrium, which is controlled in the riverine water by carbonate equilibrium and the concentrations of humic substances, which play the greater role, the greater the discharge of the river. In addition to the production and destruction of organic matter, carbonate equilibrium in the river is also affected by the supply of humic substances with soil waters and total alkalinity with groundwaters. The fluxes of alkalinity and humic substances annually brought by the Razdol’naya River to Amur Bay are evaluated at 1.33 × 109 mol and 9.9 × 106 kgC, respectively. The carbon dioxide export with the Razdol’naya River is equal to the alkalinity flux and does not depend on the weathering mechanisms.  相似文献   

A slightly acidic hot spring named "Female Tower"(t=73.5°C, pH=6.64) is located in the Jifei Geothermal Field, Yunnan Province, southwestern China. The precipitates in the hot spring are composed of large amounts of calcite, aragonite and sulfur. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) analyses reveal that the microbial mats were formed from various coccoid or rod-shaped filamentous microbes. Transmission electron microscopy(TEM) shows that the intracellular sulfur granules are commonly associated with these microbes. A culture-independent molecular phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that the majority of the bacteria in the spring are sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. In the spring water, H_2S concentration is up to 60 ppm, while SO_4~(2-) concentration is only about 10 ppm. We speculate that H_2S might derive from sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in this hot spring water, leading to the intracellular formation of sulfur granules. Meanwhile, this reaction increased the p H in the micronscale microdomains, which fosters the precipitation of calcium carbonate in the microbial mats. The results of this study indicate that the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria might play an important role in calcium carbonate precipitation in slightly acidic hot spring environments.  相似文献   

A systematic research was performed about diffusion kinetics of adsorbing F^- dissolved in water for carbonate hydroxyapatite (CHAP) from the natural hydroxyapatite which was modified by adulterating with CO3^2-. The result shows that the speed of F^- adsorption is controlled by membrane diffusion when F^- concentration is relatively low, which is expressed by the kinetic equation of diffusion Q=0.0005(Ci-C)(t-ti)+0.3967, or by vacancy diffusion when F^- concentration is relatively high, which is expressed by the kinetic equation of diffusion In[C(o, t)]=8.4718-0.5048Int. Based on the feature of CHAP for adsorbing F^- dissolved in water and its special channel of the structure of CO3^3- modified hydroxyapatite, models of vacancy diffusion and membrane diffusion were established.  相似文献   

Ishkov  V. N. 《Astronomy Reports》2022,66(1):48-63
Astronomy Reports - The past 24th cycle of solar activity was developing under the conditions when background magnitudes of the general magnetic field of the Sun had dropped by more than half after...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Theexploitationofoffshorenaturalresourcesin thetropichaspresentedgeotechnicalengineerswith theproblemofdealingwithinsitucarbonatesedi mentsinharshconditionsforwhichfewengineering dataareavailable.Thecarbonatesedimentsaresub jectedtolargestaticstressesduetotheweightof foundationstructuresaswellascyclicstressesdueto waveaction,andinsomecases,earthquakeloading.Ithasbeenprovedthatthenatureofcyclicstresschangesoccurringintheseabeddepositduetowave loadinginvolvesacontinuousrotationo…  相似文献   

Release of CO2 from surface ocean water owing to precipitation of CaCO3 and the imbalance between biological production of organic matter and its respiration, and their net removal from surface water to sedimentary storage was studied by means of a quotient θ = (CO2 flux to the atmosphere)/(CaCO3 precipitated). θ depends not only on water temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration but also on the CaCO3 and organic carbon masses formed. In CO2 generation by CaCO3 precipitation, θ varies from a fraction of 0.44 to 0.79, increasing with decreasing temperature (25 to 5°C), increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration (195–375 ppmv), and increasing CaCO3 precipitated mass (up to 45% of the initial DIC concentration in surface water). Primary production and net storage of organic carbon counteracts the CO2 production by carbonate precipitation and it results in lower CO2 emissions from the surface layer. When atmospheric CO2 increases due to the ocean-to-atmosphere flux rather than remaining constant, the amount of CO2 transferred is a non-linear function of the surface layer thickness because of the back-pressure of the rising atmospheric CO2. For a surface ocean layer approximated by a 50-m-thick euphotic zone that receives input of inorganic and organic carbon from land, the calculated CO2 flux to the atmosphere is a function of the CaCO3 and Corg net storage rates. In general, the carbonate storage rate has been greater than that of organic carbon. The CO2 flux near the Last Glacial Maximum is 17 to 7×1012 mol/yr (0.2–0.08 Gt C/yr), reflecting the range of organic carbon storage rates in sediments, and for pre-industrial time it is 38–42×1012 mol/yr (0.46–0.50 Gt C/yr). Within the imbalanced global carbon cycle, our estimates indicate that prior to anthropogenic emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere the land organic reservoir was gaining carbon and the surface ocean was losing carbon, calcium, and total alkalinity owing to the CaCO3 storage and consequent emission of CO2. These results are in agreement with the conclusions of a number of other investigators. As the CO2 uptake in mineral weathering is a major flux in the global carbon cycle, the CO2 weathering pathway that originates in the CO2 produced by remineralization of soil humus rather than by direct uptake from the atmosphere may reduce the relatively large imbalances of the atmosphere and land organic reservoir at 102–104-year time scales.  相似文献   

MauriceTucker 《《幕》》2004,27(1):47-48
This meeting was held in the historic city of Durham, northeastern England, 8-10^th July,with 145 limestone lovers attending from all round the world, some came from as far afield as Australia, India and Japan, and there were 30 from North America. This series of meetings was started by Robin Bathurst in 1959 and the first 8 were held in Liverpool,where Robin was lecturer and then professor of geology. The aim has always been to have a small focused conference with plenty of time for discussion.  相似文献   

Based on the data developed from various s natural waters in the Qinghai Lake area and ostracode shells present in drill core QH-16A of recent lake-floor sediments ,this paper discusses the distribution of stable isotopes in the modern water body of Qinghai Lake,and the initial isotopic composition of the lake water has been deduced ,Studies of δ^18O,δ^13C,Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in ostracode shells provide the basis for the establishment of the model of climatic fluctuation in the Qinghai Lake area since the postaglacial age,as well as for the elucidation of the environmental evolution of the water body of Qinghai Lake since the postglacial age.  相似文献   

Please refer to the attachment(s) for more details  相似文献   


The process of gas exchange of CO2 in the atmosphere–water system and its relation to the daily course of variable fluorescence of phytoplankton is studied on the basis of long-term (2004–2014) measurements during the open water period for Lake Baikal. It is found that the decrease in photosynthetic activity of plankton is almost synchronous to the increase in the CO2 flux from atmosphere to water. It follows from comparison of the spring and summer data with December measurements that the daily decrease in variable fluorescence of phytoplankton is caused by the internal daily rhythm of the photosynthetic activity of plankton.


Doklady Earth Sciences - The first direct Pb–Pb dating of carbonate rocks of the Kamo Group has been carried out. The Pb–Pb age of carbonates of the lower units (the Madra, Jurubchen,...  相似文献   

Based on the natural and social conditions as well as hydrogeological characteristics of the Ryukyu limestone, a major aquifer in the Ryukyu Islands, a conception of underground dam, was proposed in the early 1970s in order to develop ground water resources in the Quaternary Ryukyu limestone regions of Japan. The practice of nearly thirty years has shown that the underground dam is an environment-friendly and effective way for developing ground water in these regions.To further improve the technology associated with underground dam, the authors introduced related analytic methods. The application of the geographical information system technology to site selection of the underground dam is reported in this paper.  相似文献   

Ultramafic portions of ophiolitic fragments in the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) show pervasive carbonate alteration forming various degrees of carbonated serpentinites and listvenitic rocks. Notwithstanding the extent of the alteration, little is known about the processes that caused it, the source of the CO2 or the conditions of alteration. This study investigates the mineralogy, stable (O, C) and radiogenic (Sr) isotope composition, and geochemistry of suites of variably carbonate altered ultramafics from the Meatiq area of the Central Eastern Desert (CED) of Egypt. The samples investigated include least-altered lizardite (Lz) serpentinites, antigorite (Atg) serpentinites and listvenitic rocks with associated carbonate and quartz veins. The C, O and Sr isotopes of the vein samples cluster between ?8.1‰ and ?6.8‰ for δ13C, +6.4‰ and +10.5‰ for δ18O, and 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7028–0.70344, and plot within the depleted mantle compositional field. The serpentinites isotopic compositions plot on a mixing trend between the depleted-mantle and sedimentary carbonate fields. The carbonate veins contain abundant carbonic (CO2±CH4±N2) and aqueous-carbonic (H2O-NaCl-CO2±CH4±N2) low salinity fluid, with trapping conditions of 270–300°C and 0.7–1.1 kbar. The serpentinites are enriched in Au, As, S and other fluid-mobile elements relative to primitive and depleted mantle. The extensively carbonated Atg-serpentinites contain significantly lower concentrations of these elements than the Lz-serpentinites suggesting that they were depleted during carbonate alteration. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope compositions of Au deposits in the CED are similar to those from the carbonate veins investigated in the study and we suggest that carbonation of ANS ophiolitic rocks due to influx of mantle-derived CO2-bearing fluids caused break down of Au-bearing minerals such as pentlandite, releasing Au and S to the hydrothermal fluids that later formed the Au-deposits. This is the first time that gold has been observed to be remobilized from rocks during the lizardite–antigorite transition.  相似文献   

More than ever before, the last decade revealed the immense vulnerability of the world??s cities to natural hazards. Neither the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004, the hurricane Katrina in 2005, the cyclone Nargis in 2008 nor the earthquakes in Sichuan in 2008 or in Haiti 2010 found the people, the city administrations or the national or international organizations well prepared in the advent of anticipated but to a large extent disregarded natural disasters. It is evident that the lack of tailor-made disaster management plans and standard operational procedures are often the crucial point in proper risk reduction approaches. This study presents an approach to transfer knowledge of an extensive multidisciplinary scientific study on risk identification into recommendations for risk reduction strategies. The study has been conducted by means of a combination of experts from different scientific communities coming from civil and coastal engineering, remote sensing, social sciences, evacuation modelling and capacity development. The paper presents the results of this research approach and interweaves key findings with recent experiences from an eyewitness on a previous hazard event. Thus, necessary tsunami hazard and vulnerability information as well as valuable insights into preparedness activities have been derived for initiating updated infrastructural designs and practical recommendations for emergency management as well as strategic spatial planning activities at the local scale. The approach was applied in the context of tsunami early warning and evacuation planning in the coastal city of Padang, Western Sumatra, Republic of Indonesia.  相似文献   

In order to better understand what controls carbonate weathering rates, we report results from the Jura Mountains (East France), an area exclusively composed of carbonate rocks. This region presents an altitude gradient increasing from 250 m to 1300 m. Over the basin, this gradient generates climatic contrasts of 5℃ and a runoff three times higher in altitude. This place offers a good opportunity for understanding the controlling factors of carbonate weathering. Contrary to thermodynamic calculations that predict the highest concentrations at low temperature, we observe that carbonate dissolution is two times higher at low elevation than in the mountains. This observation can only be explained by a variation in soil pCO2. In order to better constrain the observed variation in cation contents (principally Ca and Mg) of rivers, we used the ASPECTS ecological model (Rasse et al., 2001). Based on both hourly climatic data, vegetation type and soil type, ASPECTS may reconstruct pCO2 in soil.  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - Ferromagnesian carbonate metasomatites in limestones of the Lower Riphean Suran Formation in the Avzyan ore region (Bashkir meganticlinorium) are represented by...  相似文献   

On the basis of exhaustive researches on the facies sequences and depositlonal evolutionary process of various depositional systems, the genetic stratigraphic framework of the extensional rifted oceanic basin, which has undergone strong structural destruction, has been reconstructed by means of dynamic genetic stratigraphic analysis. Five depositional episodes have been distinguished from various isochronous stratigraphic boundaries and stratigraphic sequences with the three-dimensional structure of each depositional episode analysed in detail. The tectonic paleogeographic environment corresponding to different stages of each depositional episode has been reconstructed for individual depositional system tracts. And the evolution history of this rifted basin has been divided into four stages' initial rifting and oceanization of continental crust, stretching and spreading of the basin, subduction and basin differentiation, and convergence and collision. A NNE-trending intracontinental soft collision sutur  相似文献   

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