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A crustal seismic velocity model for the UK, Ireland and surrounding seas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A regional model of the 3-D variation in seismic P -wave velocity structure in the crust of NW Europe has been compiled from wide-angle reflection/refraction profiles. Along each 2-D profile a velocity–depth function has been digitised at 5 km intervals. These 1-D velocity functions were mapped into three dimensions using ordinary kriging with weights determined to minimise the difference between digitised and interpolated values. An analysis of variograms of the digitised data suggested a radial isotropic weighting scheme was most appropriate. Horizontal dimensions of the model cells are optimised at 40 × 40 km and the vertical dimension at 1 km. The resulting model provides a higher resolution image of the 3-D variation in seismic velocity structure of the UK, Ireland and surrounding areas than existing models. The construction of the model through kriging allows the uncertainty in the velocity structure to be assessed. This uncertainty indicates the high density of data required to confidently interpolate the crustal velocity structure, and shows that for this region the velocity is poorly constrained for large areas away from the input data.  相似文献   

The onshore crustal and upper mantle velocity structure of the British Isles has been investigated by teleseismic receiver function analysis. The results of the study augment the dense offshore and sparse onshore models of the velocity structure beneath the area. In total almost 1500 receiver functions have been analysed, which have been calculated using teleseismic data from 34 broadband and short-period, three-component seismic recording instruments. The crustal structure has primarily been investigated using 1-D grid search and forward modelling techniques, returning crustal thicknesses, bulk crustal Vp / Vs ratio and velocity-depth models. H −κ stacking reveals crustal thicknesses between 25 and 36 km and Vp / Vs ratios between 1.6 and 1.9. The crustal thicknesses correlate with the results of previous seismic reflection and refraction profiles to within ±2 km. The significant exceptions are the stations close to the Iapetus Suture where the receiver function crustal thicknesses are up to 5 km less than the seismic refraction Moho. This mismatch could be linked to the presence of underplated magmatic material at the base of the crust. 1-D forward modelling has revealed subcrustal structures in northern Scotland. These correlate with results from other UK receiver function studies, and correspond with the Flannan and W-reflectors. The structures are truncated or pinch out before they reach the Midland Valley of Scotland. The isolated subcrustal structure at station GIM on the Isle of Man may be related to the closure of the Iapetus Ocean.  相似文献   

P and S receiver functions obtained from a portable array of 34 broad-band stations in east central China provide a detailed image of the crust–mantle and lithosphere–asthenosphere boundaries (LAB) in the Dabie Shan and its adjacent areas. Clear S -to- P converted waves produced at the LAB show a thin lithosphere beneath the whole study area. Based on our results, the thickest lithosphere of 72 km is observed beneath the southern part of the area within the Yangtze craton, whereas beneath the North-China platform, the lithosphere is only 60 km thick. S receiver functions also reveal, in good agreement with P receiver functions, a maximum depth of the Moho beneath the Dabie Shan orogen at approximately 40 km. Furthermore, we interpret the structural difference at 32° latitude as the probable location of the mantle suture formed between the Yangtze and the Sino-Korean cratons.  相似文献   

We present a neural network approach to invert surface wave data for a global model of crustal thickness with corresponding uncertainties. We model the a posteriori probability distribution of Moho depth as a mixture of Gaussians and let the various parameters of the mixture model be given by the outputs of a conventional neural network. We show how such a network can be trained on a set of random samples to give a continuous approximation to the inverse relation in a compact and computationally efficient form. The trained networks are applied to real data consisting of fundamental mode Love and Rayleigh phase and group velocity maps. For each inversion, performed on a 2°× 2° grid globally, we obtain the a posteriori probability distribution of Moho depth. From this distribution any desired statistic such as mean and variance can be computed. The obtained results are compared with current knowledge of crustal structure. Generally our results are in good agreement with other crustal models. However in certain regions such as central Africa and the backarc of the Rocky Mountains we observe a thinner crust than the other models propose. We also see evidence for thickening of oceanic crust with increasing age. In applications, characterized by repeated inversion of similar data, the neural network approach proves to be very efficient. In particular, the speed of the individual inversions and the possibility of modelling the whole a posteriori probability distribution of the model parameters make neural networks a promising tool in seismic tomography.  相似文献   

We describe a waveform modelling technique and demonstrate its application to determine the crust- and upper-mantle velocity structure beneath Africa. Our technique uses a parallelized reflectivity method to compute synthetic seismograms and fits the observed waveforms by a global optimization technique based on a Very Fast Simulated Annealing (VFSA). We match the S , Sp, SsPmP and shear-coupled PL phases in seismograms of deep (200–800 km), moderate-to-large magnitude (5.5–7.0) earthquakes recorded teleseismically at permanent broad-band seismic stations in Africa. Using our technique we produce P - and S -wave velocity models of crust and upper mantle beneath Africa. Additionally, our use of the shear-coupled PL phase, wherever observed, improves the constraints for lower crust- and upper-mantle velocity structure beneath the corresponding seismic stations. Our technique retains the advantages of receiver function methods, uses a different part of the seismogram, is sensitive to both P - and S -wave velocities directly, and obtains helpful constraints in model parameters in the vicinity of the Moho. The resulting range of crustal thicknesses beneath Africa (21–46 km) indicates that the crust is thicker in south Africa, thinner in east Africa and intermediate in north and west Africa. Crustal P - (4.7–8 km s−1) and S -wave velocities (2.5–4.7  km s−1) obtained in this study show that in some parts of the models, these are slower in east Africa and faster in north, west and south Africa. Anomalous crustal low-velocity zones are also observed in the models for seismic stations in the cratonic regions of north, west and south Africa. Overall, the results of our study are consistent with earlier models and regional tectonics of Africa.  相似文献   

Maize diversity is important to the livelihoods of millions of farmers in Mexico, the crop's centre of origin; to maize breeders seeking new genetic material; and to producers and consumers worldwide. Key social processes that determine maize diversity include historic and cultural emphases on maize as a primary crop; land-use practices encompassing heterogeneous agro-ecological conditions; farmers' seed-saving practices; farmer selection of useful traits; and farmer seed exchange and purchasing networks. We consider the impacts of recent agricultural and rural development policies on these processes. We focus on La Frailesca, a commercial and semi-subsistence maize-growing region in southern Mexico. Qualitative data were collected via focus group discussions, semi-structured interviews, and participant observation in four villages at intervals over a 2-year period. These techniques were complemented with semi-structured interviews with local and state policymakers. Observations suggest that policies promoting market liberalisation, agricultural modernisation, and rural education have contributed to significant changes in the social processes which have historically generated maize diversity. Increasing numbers of smallholder maize producers are diversifying into alternative livelihood options, including temporary or permanent migration, and cultural and economic emphases on maize production are changing. Changes in La Frailesca raise important questions about the fate of maize genetic diversity as the Mexican agricultural sector is further realigned with the global agricultural economy.  相似文献   

We present new methods for the interpretation of 3-D seismic wide-angle reflection and refraction data with application to data acquired during the experiments CELEBRATION, 2000 and ALP 2002 in the area of the Eastern Alps and their transition to the surrounding tectonic provinces (Bohemian Massif, Carpathians, Pannonian domain, Dinarides). Data was acquired on a net of arbitrarily oriented seismic lines by simultaneous recording on all lines of seismic waves from the shots, which allows 2-D and 3-D interpretations. Much (80%) of the data set consists of crossline traces. Low signal to noise (S/N) ratio in the area of the young orogens decreases the quality of travel time picks. In these seismically heterogeneous areas it is difficult to assign clearly defined arrivals to the seismic phases, in particular on crossline record sections.
In order to enhance the S/N ratio, signal detection and stacking techniques have been applied to enhance the Pg -, Pn - and PmP phases. Further, inversion methods have been developed for the interpretation of WAR/R-data, based on automated 1-D inversion ( Pg ) and the application of the delay time concept ( Pn ). The results include a 3-D velocity model of the crust based on Pg waves, time and depth maps of the Moho and a Pn -velocity map. The models based on stacked data are robust and provide a larger coverage, than models based on travel time picks from single-fold (unstacked) traces, but have relatively low resolution, especially near the surface. They were used as the basis for constructing models with improved resolution by the inversion of picks from single-fold data. The results correlate well with geological structures and show new prominent features in the Eastern Alps area and their surrounds. The velocity distribution in the crust has strong lateral variations and the Moho in the investigation area appears to be fragmented into three parts.  相似文献   

We present velocity constraints for the upper-mantle transition zones beneath Central Siberia based on observations of the 1982 RIFT Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profile. The data consist of seismic recordings of a nuclear explosion in north-western Siberia along a 2600 km long seismic profile extending from the Yamal Peninsula to Lake Baikal. We invert seismic data from the mantle transition zones using a non-linear inversion scheme using a genetic algorithm for optimization and the WKBJ method to compute the synthetic seismograms. A statistical error analysis using a graph-binning technique was performed to provide uncertainty values in the velocity models.
Our best model for the upper-mantle velocity discontinuity near 410 km depth has a two-stage velocity-gradient structure, with velocities increasing from 8.70–9.25 km s−1 over a depth range of 400–415 km, a gradient of 0.0433 s−1, and from 9.25–9.60 km s−1 over a depth range of 415–435 km, a gradient of 0.0175 s−1. This derived model is consistent with other seismological observations and mineral-physics models. The model for the velocity discontinuity near 660 km depth is simple, sharp and includes velocities increasing from 10.15 km s−1 at 655 km depth to 10.70 km s−1 at 660 km depth, a gradient of 0.055 s−1.  相似文献   

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