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A target of our study was the Bohemian Massif in Central Europe that was emplaced during the Variscan orogeny. We used teleseismic records from ten broadband stations lying within and around the massif. Different techniques of receiver function interpretation were applied, including 1-D inversion of R- and Q-components, forward modelling of V s velocity, and simultaneous determination of Moho depth and Poissons ratio in the crust. These results provide new, independent information about the distribution of S wave velocity down to about 60 km depth. In the area of Bohemian Massif, the crustal thickness varies from 29 km in the NW to 40 km in the SE. A relatively simple velocity structure with gradually increasing velocities in the crust and uppermost mantle is observed in the eastern part of the Bohemian Massif. The western part of the massif is characterized by more complicated structure with low S wave velocities in the upper crust, as well as in the uppermost mantle. This could be related to tectono-magmatic activity in the Eger rift that started in the uppermost Cretaceous and was active in the West Bohemia-Vogland area till the late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

We have compiled a representative three-dimensional P-velocity model of the crust of the Bohemian Massif (BM) to provide a basis for removing effects of the crustal structure in teleseismic tomography of the upper mantle. The model is primarily based on recently published 2D velocity models from findings of wide-angle refraction and near-vertical reflection seismic profiles of CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002, and SUDETES 2003 experiments. The best fitting 3D model of the BM crust (NearNeighbour model) is complemented by velocities according to the reference Earth model at sites where data are sparse, which precludes creating artificial heterogeneities that are products of interpolation method. To test the model, we have performed tomographic inversions of the P-wave travel times measured during the BOHEMA II experiment and compared the results obtained with and without crustal corrections. The tests showed that the presented crustal model decreases magnitudes of velocity perturbations leaking from the crust to the mantle in the western part of the BM. The tomographic images also indicated a highvelocity anomaly in the lower crust or just beneath the crust in the Brunovistullian unit. Such anomaly is not described by our model of the crust since no seismic profile intersects this part of the unit. The tests also indicated that crustal corrections are of the great importance especially for interpretations of the uppermost mantle down to depths of about 100 km.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the geochronological, geochemical and zircon Hf isotopic data for Mesozoic granitoids within the Erguna Massif, NE China, and discusses the spatial-temporal variation of zircon Hf isotopic compositions, with the aim of constraining the accretion and reworking processes of continental crust within the Erguna Massif, and shedding light on the crustal evolution of the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Based on the zircon U-Pb dating results, the Mesozoic granitic magmatisms within the Erguna Massif can be subdivided into five stages: Early-Middle Triassic(249–237 Ma), Late Triassic(229–201 Ma), Early-Middle Jurassic(199–171 Ma), Late Jurassic(155–149 Ma), and Early Cretaceous(145–125 Ma).The Triassic to Early-Middle Jurassic granitoids are mainly I-type granites and minor adakitic rocks, whereas the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous granitoids are mainly A-type granites. This change in magmatism is consistent with the southward subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate and subsequent collision and crustal thickening, followed by post-collision extension. Zircon Hf isotopic data indicate that crustal accretion of the Erguna Massif occurred in the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. ZirconεHf(t) values increase gradually over time, whereas two-stage model(TDM2) ages decrease throughout the Mesozoic. The latter result indicates a change in the source of granitic magmas from the melting of ancient crust to more juvenile crust. Zircon εHf(t)values also exhibit spatial variations, with values decreasing northwards, whereas TDM2 ages increase. This pattern suggests that,moving from south to north, there is an increasing component of ancient crustal material within the lower continental crust of the Erguna Massif. Even if at the same latitude, the zircon Hf isotopic compositions are also inconsistent. These results reveal lateral and vertical heterogeneities in the lower continental crust of the Erguna Massif during the Mesozoic, which we use as the basis of a structural and tectonic model for this region.  相似文献   

Along the border of the Adriatic microplate, pre-Alpine granulite-facies rocks from the deepest crust are outcropping at only two places: in the Ivrea Zone of the Southern Alps and in Southern Calabria. In these two areas the main features of the present crustal structures, i.e. overlapping of large continental crustal and upper mantle segments, are interpreted as resulting from their Hercynian geodynamic evolutions.The tilted, nearly complete crustal sections in both areas display very similar lithological sequences and experienced a common geological evolution, as deduced from petrological and radiometric dates. At the end of Hercynian time (~295 m.y.), the Ivrea body and the lower crustal rocks of Southern Calabria were contemporaneously sheared off from the upper mantle and uplifted into intermediate crustal levels, where they slowly cooled during Mesozoic time. The tectonic uplift was accompanied by granitoid plutonism and andesitic to rhyolitic volcanism, which continued after the Hercynian uplift.Considering the presently similar crustal structures and the Upper Carboniferous and Permian geological evolutions along the whole Adriatic plate boundary, the Ivrea Zone and Southern Calabria are used to resolve the pre-Alpine history of the boundary zone between the Adriatic and the Central European block: the uplift of the lower crustal/upper mantle flakes of the Adriatic block was due to flat overthrusting of these flakes on the continental crust of “Central Europe”. The material of the Central European crust underthrust (subducted) thereby melted during the re-equilibration of the geotherms which had been disturbed by the subduction process; this led to an extensive calc-alkaline plutonism and volcanism of crustal origin along the Adria boundary. In this boundary region, the overlying uppermost crustal levels (“Schiefergebirgsstockwerk”) were synchronously folded (“Asturian phase”) in response to the overlapping of the deeper crustal levels. Subsequently to the orogeny, the mountain chain was eroded and molasse basins developed on the overthrust Adriatic crustal segment during the Lower Permian.In this model, the granulite-facies flakes of the Ivrea Zone and of Southern Calabria are interpreted as pre-Hercynian lower crustal segments which were thrust into the middle crust during the Hercynian orogeny, thus giving rise to wave velocity inversions in the crust. Further, it is proposed that similar geodynamic processes have played a role in the genesis of the Conrad discontinuity which is present in many parts of the Hercynian fold belt. But only in the Ivrea Zone and in Southern Calabria the crustal discontinuities formed in Hercynian time were uplifted to the surface as a result of Alpine reactivation of the Adriatic boundary zone and due to their special positions in the bends of the Alpine-Apennine-Maghrebide mountain system.According to the present knowledge of the Carboniferous paleogeography and of the orogenic evolution on both sides of the Adria sufure zone, this fault zone was located within the European continent. Its role during the Hercynian orogeny is discussed envisaging two possibilities: an A-subduction zone or a subfluence zone (in the sense of Behr and Weber).  相似文献   

On the basis of geological and geophysical data, a contribution is made to understanding the structure and evolution of the Earth's crust across the Princess Astrid Coast, East Antarctica, especially in the area of the Schirmacher Oasis and the Wohlthat Massif. The crustal material is mostly composed of medium- to high-grade metamorphics which underwent three important tectogenic events (close of the Archaean, within the Proterozoic and at the close of the Precambrian). The intrusive age of the Eliseev Anorthosite Massif could be determined (2,400 Ma). The dominant structural features in the Schirmacher Oasis show a strike of some 40° to 60° and indicate a NNE-SSW oriented compressional stress regime. It is probably connected with the last major thermotectonic event some 400 to 600 Ma ago. The Phanerozoic history is controlled by the younger Gondwana break-up and N-S oriented tension.The continental crust as a whole is of relatively acid composition. This is also reflected in the negative regional magnetic anomaly. Probably, its origin is linked to late Precambrian thermotectonic activation. A typical feature is the crustal thinning to the north (from some 50 to 20 km) in connection with deep-reaching E-W crustal faults indicating northward down-faulted blocks.  相似文献   

We propose a new quantitative determination of shear wave velocities for distinct geological units in the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic (Central Europe). The phase velocities of fundamental Love wave modes are measured along two long profiles (~200 km) crossing three major geological units and one rift-like structure of the studied region. We have developed a modified version of the classical multiple filtering technique for the frequency-time analysis and we apply it to two-station phase velocity estimation. Tests of both the analysis and inversion are provided. Seismograms of three Aegean Sea earthquakes are analyzed. One of the two profiles is further divided into four shorter sub-profiles. The long profiles yield smooth dispersion curves; while the curves of the sub-profiles have complicated shapes. Dispersion curve undulations are interpreted as period-dependent apparent velocity anomalies caused both by different backazimuths of surface wave propagation and by surface wave mode coupling. An appropriate backazimuth of propagation is found for each period, and the dispersion curves are corrected for this true propagation direction. Both the curves for the long and short profiles are inverted for a 1D shear wave velocity model of the crust. Subsurface shear wave velocities are found to be around 2.9 km/s for all four studied sub-profiles. Two of the profiles crossing the older Moldanubian and Teplá-Barrandian units are characterized by higher velocities of 3.8 km/s in the upper crust while for the Saxothuringian unit we find the velocity slightly lower, around 3.6 km/s at the same depths. We obtain an indication of a shear wave low velocity zone above Moho in the Moldanubian and Teplá-Barrandian units. The area of the Eger Rift (Teplá-Barrandian–Saxothuringian unit contact) is significantly different from all other three units. Low upper crust velocities suggest sedimentary and volcanic filling of the rift as well as fluid activity causing the earthquake swarms. Higher velocities in the lower crust together with weak or even missing Moho implies the upper mantle updoming.  相似文献   

The Qinling–Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt in east-central China is the largest high and ultrahigh pressure (HP and UHP) metamorphic zone in the world. The Dabie Mountains are the central segment of this orogenic belt between the North China and Yangtze cratons. This work studies the nature of the crustal structure beneath the Dabie orogenic belt to better understand the orogeny. To do that, we apply ambient noise tomography to the Dabie orogenic belt using ambient noise data from 40 stations of the China National Seismic Network (CNSN) between January 2008 and December 2009. We retrieve high signal noise ratio (SNR) Rayleigh waves by cross-correlating ambient noise data between most of the station pairs and then extract phase velocity dispersion measurements from those cross-correlations using a spectral method. Taking those dispersion measurements, we obtain high-resolution phase velocity maps at 8–35 second periods. By inverting Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps, we construct a high-resolution 3D shear velocity model of the crust in the Dabie orogenic belt.The resulting 3D model reveals interesting crustal features related to the orogeny. High shear wave velocities are imaged beneath the HP/UHP metaphoric zones at depths shallower than 9 km, suggesting that HP/UHP metaphoric rocks are primarily concentrated in the upper crust. Underlying the high velocity HP/UHP metamorphic zones, low shear velocities are observed in the middle crust, probably representing ductile shear zones and/or brittle fracture zones developed during the exhumation of the HP/UHP metamorphic rocks. Strong high velocities are present beneath the Northern Dabie complex unit in the middle crust, possibly related to cooling and crystallization of intrusive igneous rocks in the middle crust resulting from the post-collisional lithosphere delamination and subsequent magmatism. A north-dipping Moho is revealed in the eastern Dabie with the deepest Moho appearing beneath the Northern Dabie complex unit, consistent with the model of Triassic northward subduction of the Yangtze Craton beneath the North China Craton.  相似文献   

本文利用中国地震科学探测台阵2013-2015年在南北地震带北段及其周缘架设的673个台站所记录到的远震波形所提取到的接收函数并应用H-κ扫描方法获取了南北地震带北段及其周缘的地壳厚度和泊松比,结果显示研究区地壳厚度从青藏高原东北缘向鄂尔多斯块体逐渐减小,从65 km逐渐减薄至40 km,不同块体之间地壳厚度存在明显差异.祁连造山带西部地壳厚度超过60 km,而东部地壳厚度仅为约50 km左右,表明祁连造山带东、西部地壳增厚变形存在着明显差异.西秦岭造山带地壳厚度从60 km减薄到40 km,其东部具有较薄的地壳厚度可能经历了拆沉.阿拉善块体作为华北克拉通西部块体的一部分,西部地壳厚度约50 km,而东部约45 km,表明阿拉善块体西部由于印度一欧亚板块碰撞也受到了活化改造,其克拉通性质只在其中东部残留.研究区泊松比变化范围为0.20~0.31,平均泊松比约0.25,表明地壳主要由长英质矿物组成,较高的泊松比主要分布在六盘山断裂带和银川一河套地堑.研究结果显示地壳厚度与高程之间具有较好的相关性,表明地壳整体上处于相对均衡的状态,而西秦岭造山带和祁连造山带东部的部分区域地壳可能处于不均衡状态.  相似文献   

With deep sea petroleum explorations become more and more popular,some geological phenomena have emerged:extension of lower crust and upper crust is inhomogeneous;shelf break has been moved rapidly after crustal stretching.These geological phenomena are important to the continental margin evolution.To investigate the thinning of the whole crust and the contribution of the upper crust versus the lower crust to the crustal stretching since the Cenozoic,we calculated the stretching factors of the upper and the lower crust based on the 13 seismic lines in the Baiyun Sag from CNOOC.The results indicated that the whole crustal thickness decreases seaward while the whole crustal stretching factor increases from shelf to slope.Our calculations showed that the lower crustal stretching factor is higher than that of the upper crust in the Baiyun Sag.In the Cenozoic,deformation of the Baiyun Sag is controlled mainly by ductile shearing rather than brittle shearing.Based on the numerical modeling,we can conclude the initial crust in the Baiyun Sag is thermally attenuated.The stretching factor(β)of the lower crust increases from the north to the south of the continental margin,indicating two stretching centers:the Baiyun Sag and the Liwan Sag.The geometry of the shelf break and theβisoline trap have the similar trend in 23.8 and 13.8 Ma,both located in the intense deforming zone of the lower crust,and therefore we conclude the stretching and flowing of the lower crust cause the displacement of the shelf break before and after 23.8 Ma.  相似文献   

The latest seismic data and improved information about the subglacial bedrock relief are used in this study to estimate the sediment and crustal thickness under the Antarctic continent. Since large parts of Antarctica are not yet covered by seismic surveys, the gravity and crustal structure models are used to interpolate the Moho information where seismic data are missing. The gravity information is also extended offshore to detect the Moho under continental margins and neighboring oceanic crust. The processing strategy involves the solution to the Vening Meinesz-Moritz’s inverse problem of isostasy constrained on seismic data. A comparison of our new results with existing studies indicates a substantial improvement in the sediment and crustal models. The seismic data analysis shows significant sediment accumulations in Antarctica, with broad sedimentary basins. According to our result, the maximum sediment thickness in Antarctica is about 15 km under Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. The Moho relief closely resembles major geological and tectonic features. A rather thick continental crust of East Antarctic Craton is separated from a complex geological/tectonic structure of West Antarctica by the Transantarctic Mountains. The average Moho depth of 34.1 km under the Antarctic continent slightly differs from previous estimates. A maximum Moho deepening of 58.2 km under the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains in East Antarctica confirmed the presence of deep and compact orogenic roots. Another large Moho depth in East Antarctica is detected under Dronning Maud Land with two orogenic roots under Wohlthat Massif (48–50 km) and the Kottas Mountains (48–50 km) that are separated by a relatively thin crust along Jutulstraumen Rift. The Moho depth under central parts of the Transantarctic Mountains reaches 46 km. The maximum Moho deepening (34–38 km) in West Antarctica is under the Antarctic Peninsula. The Moho depth minima in East Antarctica are found under the Lambert Trench (24–28 km), while in West Antarctica the Moho depth minima are along the West Antarctic Rift System under the Bentley depression (20–22 km) and Ross Sea Ice Shelf (16–24 km). The gravimetric result confirmed a maximum extension of the Antarctic continental margins under the Ross Sea Embayment and the Weddell Sea Embayment with an extremely thin continental crust (10–20 km).  相似文献   

The refraction CEL09 profile from the CELEBRATION 2000 project intersects the main terranes of the Bohemian Massif in the NW–SE direction: the Saxothuringian, the Teplá-Barrandian, the Moldanubian and the Moravo-Silesian. In its easternmost part, it crosses the Western Outer Carpathians overthrust westward onto the Bohemian Massif. Only the first 450 km were surveyed with the densest deployment of shot points providing data suitable for a reliable geological interpretation. The first-arrival depth-recursive tomography was applied here to derive a P-wave velocity image of the upper and middle crust (Part A). The proper interpretation of the obtained velocity features is the subject of the accompanying paper (Part B). The attained resolution in the velocity image is shown to be superior as compared with the previous CEL09 models based also on the more uncertain later arrivals of reflection waves. The applied DRTG (depth-recursive tomography on grid) method is based on a regular network of refraction grid rays generated for iteratively updated starting models. Only the distinct first arrivals with minimum uncertainty are used for the DRTG inversions to yield the maximum resolution. Thanks to the full control of the data fit by the grid rays used, the statistical lateral resolution could be determined at single grid depths for the chosen confidence levels. Thus, the lateral sizes of the anomalies that can be yet resolved are determined in dependence on their depths and their velocity excesses. The defocusing of the imaged features is studied on the basis of the spatial responses to spike excitation. The calculated spatial responses also allowed the edge smearing of the velocity anomalies to be assessed. Special attention is paid to the imaging of low-velocity zones that are usually suppressed by the smoothing measures used in standard tomographic methods. An improvement was achieved if the smoothing was suggested with regard to the occurrence of the low-velocity zones repeatedly appearing in higher iterations. The gained deblurring effect concerns both the negative and positive anomalies as documented on the velocity features interpreted in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

Summary The phase velocity dispersion of Rayleigh waves for the Moxa-Vienna (MOX-VIE) and Moxa-Kaperské Hory (MOX-KHC) profiles, and of both Rayleigh and Love waves for the Kaperské Hory-Ksi (KHC-KSP) profile have been measured and inverted into models of shearwave velocity vs. depth. The three paths cross, respectively, the central part of the Bohemian Massif, its western margin, and the Bohemian Pluton and Cretaceous. For the MOX-VIE profile mean and lower crustal shear wave velocities of 3.7 and 3.9 km/s, respectively, a mean Moho depth of 34 km, and no existence of a low-velocity layer in the lower crust were found. The model obtained for the MOX-KHC profile is characterized by a slightly lower velocity in the lower crust (3.8 km/s), by a slightly lower Moho depth (32 km), and by the appearance of a weak low-velocity channel between 55 and 140 km. The crustal section of the final model for the KHC-KSP profile agrees well with the KHKS82 model derived by Novotný from results of DSS along international profile VII. Our final Rayleigh-wave model has significantly lower shear-wave velocities down to 215 km in the mantle. A systematic difference of 0.18 km/s between the average velocities of Rayleigh and Love waves has been revealed for the depth range from 30 to 215 km. Since almost no contamination of the fundamental Love mode with higher modes has been observed, and since the investigated structure hardly contains an unresolved system of thin, alternately low- and high-velocity layers, the cause of the difference is evidently polarization anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath the Bohemian Massif. It is recommended that the discussed investigations should be supplemented with data from the fan of KSP-GRF (Gräfenberg Array, Germany) paths and from the KHC-BRG (Berggiesshübel, Germany) profile.  相似文献   

We are proposing a hypothesis that earthquake swarms in the West Bohemia/Vogtland seismoactive region are generated by magmatic activity currently transported to the upper crustal layers. We assume that the injection of magma and/or related fluids and gases causes hydraulic fracturing which is manifested as an earthquake swarm at the surface. Our statements are supported by three spheres of evidence coming from the western part of the Bohemian Massif: characteristic manifestations of recent geodynamic activity, the information from the neighbouring KTB deep drilling project and from the 9HR seismic reflection profile, and the detailed analysis of local seismological data. (1) Recent manifestations of geodynamic activity include Quaternary volcanism, rich CO 2 emissions, anomalies of mantle-derived 3 He, mineral springs, moffets, etc. (2) The fluid injection experiment in the neighbouring KTB deep borehole at a depth of 9 km induced hundreds of micro-earthquakes. This indicates that the Earth's crust is near frictional failure in the western part of the Bohemian Massif and an addition of a small amount of energy to the tectonic stress is enough to induce an earthquake. Some pronounced reflections in the closely passing 9HR seismic reflection profile are interpreted as being caused by recent magmatic sills in the crust. (3) The local broadband seismological network WEBNET provides high quality data that enable precise localization of seismic events. The events of the January 1997 earthquake swarm are confined to an extremely narrow volume at depths of about 9 km. Their seismograms display pronounced reflections of P- and S-waves in the upper crust. The analysis of the process of faulting has disclosed a considerable variability of the source mechanism during the swarm. We conclude that the mechanism of intraplate earthquake swarms generated by magma intrusions is similar to that of induced seismicity. As the recent tectonic processes and manifestations of geodynamic activity are similar in European areas with repeated earthquake swarm occurrence (Bohemian Massif, French Massif Central, Rhine Graben), we assume that magma intrusions and related fluid and gas release at depths of about 10 km are the universal cause of intraplate earthquake swarm generation  相似文献   

Ion microprobe UThPb ages of zircons from granulite facies lower crustal xenoliths from north Queensland, Australia, correlate well with the ages of major orogenic episodes manifest at the earth's surface. About half of the xenoliths contain Proterozoic zircons which are similar in age to the episodes of high-grade metamorphism of the older surface rocks. All the xenoliths contain late Paleozoic zircons which show a real 100 Ma range in206Pb238/U ages (from 320 to 220 Ma), which is attributed to granulite facies metamorphism followed by slow cooling in the deep crust. The Paleozoic zircon ages coincide in time with the prolonged episode of eruption of voluminous felsic ash-flows and intrusion of high-level granites in this region (320-270 Ma). Mineral and melt inclusions in the zircons provide clues to the origin of some of the xenoliths, and coupled with the age information, can be used to infer the geological processes operating in the lower crust. The zircons from two mafic xenoliths contain felsic and intermediate melt inclusions implying at least a two-stage history for these rocks, involving either partial melting of a more felsic protolith or crystal accumulation from an evolved melt. Some of the zircons from the felsic xenoliths contain CO2-rich fluid inclusions, indicating that those zircons grew during high-grade metamorphism. The isotopic and chemical data for the whole rock xenoliths show that they originate from a segment of the lower crust which is a heterogeneous mixture of supracrustal and mafic, mantle-derived, lithologies. The major orogenic event responsible for the formation of that crust occurred in the late Paleozoic, when Proterozoic supracrustal rocks were emplaced into the lower crust, possibly along thin-skinned thrust slices. This was accompanied by intrusion of high-temperature, mantle-derived melts which caused partial melting of pre-existing crust. The most likely setting for such tectonism is a continental margin subduction zone.  相似文献   

Pacific-type orogeny revisited: Miyashiro-type orogeny proposed   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Shigenori  Maruyama 《Island Arc》1997,6(1):91-120
Abstract The concept of Pacific-type orogeny is revised, based on an assessment of geologic data collected from the Japanese Islands during the past 25 years. The formation of a passive continental margin after the birth of the Pacific Ocean at 600 Ma was followed by the initiation of oceanic plate subduction at 450 Ma. Since then, four episodes of Pacific-type orogeny have occurred to create an orogenic belt 400 km wide that gradually grew both oceanward and downward. The orogenic belt consists mainly of an accretionary complex tectonically interlayered with thin (<2 km thick), subhorizontal, high-P/T regional metamorphic belts. Both the accretionary complex and the high-P/T rocks were intruded by granitoids ~100 million years after the formation of the accretionary complex. The intrusion of calc-alkaline (CA) plutons was synchronous with the exhumation of high-P/T schist belts. Ages from microfossils and K-Ar analysis suggest that the orogenic climax happened at a time of mid-oceanic ridge subduction. The orogenic climax was characterized by the formation of major subhorizontal orogenic structures, the exhumation of high-P/T schist belts by wedge extrusion and subsequent domed uplift, and the intrusion-extrusion of CA magma dominantly produced by slab melting. The orogenic climax ended soon after ridge subduction, and thereafter a new Pacific-type orogeny began. A single Pacific-type orogenic cycle may correspond to the interaction of the Asian continental margin with one major Pacific oceanic plate. Ophiolites in Japan occur as accreted material and are not of island-arc but of plume origin. They presumably formed after the birth of the southern Pacific superplume at 600 Ma, and did not modify the cordilleran-type orogeny in a major way. Microplates, fore-arc slivers, intra-oceanic arc collisions and the opening of back-arc basins clearly contributed to cordilleran orogenesis. However, they were of secondary importance and served only to modify pre-existing major orogenic components. The most important cause of cordilleran-type orogeny is the subduction of a mid-oceanic ridge, by which the volume of continental crust increases through the transfer of granitic melt from the subducting oceanic crust to an orogenic welt. Accretionary complexes are composed mainly of recycled granitic sediments with minor amounts of oceanic material, which indicate that the accretion of oceanic material, including huge oceanic plateaus, was not significant for orogenic growth. Instead, the formation and intrusion of granitoids are the keys to continental growth, which is the most important process in Pacific-type orogeny. Collision-type orogeny does not increase the volume of continental crust. The name ‘Miyashiro-type orogeny’ is proposed for this revised concept of Pacific-type or cordilleran-type orogeny, in order to commemorate Professor A. Miyashiro's many contributions to a better understanding of orogenesis.  相似文献   

安徽气枪实验固定台层析成像初步结果   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为探索气枪震源在探测区域性地壳结构中的应用, 2015年10月10~20日在长江马鞍山-安庆段开展气枪流动激发实验(安徽实验),在20个固定点定点激发2973炮,中间流动激发1872炮,由周边109个固定台、700个流动台(包括11条测线)进行接收。为获取郯庐断裂带南端较为精细的地壳速度结构,本文利用安徽气枪实验中采集到的固定台数据进行初至P波震相拾取,对20个气枪源、52个台站、335个震相进行体波层析成像,验证了利用气枪震源进行体波层析成像的可行性,并得到了P波速度结构的一些初步结果:①利用大容量气枪震源可进行三维体波层析成像;②15km深度的成像结果显示出大区域高低速异常区的清晰轮廓,即从研究区中心向外整体呈现出低-超低-低-高的分布特征,与地质构造背景相关,具有显著的横向不均匀性;③秦岭-大别造山带显示出高速异常,与其深部超高压变质岩相对应,而长江中下游地区整体呈现低速异常,与其特殊的成矿背景相对应。  相似文献   

史克旭  张瑞青  肖勇 《地球物理学报》1954,63(12):4369-4381
青藏高原东北缘作为高原向外扩张的最前缘地区,代表了高原最新的变形状态,是研究青藏高原变形加厚的关键地区.本文利用"中国地震科学台阵探测"项目在南北地震带北段布设的密集宽频带流动台阵资料,采用虚拟地震测深方法(VDSS),对青藏高原东北缘及周边地区的地壳厚度进行了研究,以期为研究青藏高原东北向扩展的前缘位置,以及扩展的动力学模式等提供地球物理学依据.波形模拟的结果显示,研究区地壳厚度变化剧烈.其中,祁连和西秦岭地块内地壳厚度存在明显的东西向横向变化,以103°E为界,东部地区为45~50 km,而西部地区地壳已明显增厚,约达到55 km以上.与祁连造山带相邻的阿拉善块体南缘地壳也明显加厚,接近55 km,而阿拉善块体内部地壳厚度约为45~50 km.与其他研究地区相比,鄂尔多斯地块地壳相对要薄,但整体而言,鄂尔多斯地块地壳呈现南北薄(约45 km)、中央厚(约50 km)的形态特征.此外,在六盘山断裂带台站下方观测到复杂的SsPmp震相,推测为双Moho界面结构.结合其他地球物理学证据,我们认为青藏高原东北缘地区地壳增厚方式以均匀缩短增厚为主,且高原向北东扩展的前缘已越过祁连山北缘断裂,进入阿拉善块体南缘地区.  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘中下地壳流与地壳变形   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
尹力  罗纲  孙云强 《地球物理学报》2018,61(10):3933-3950
地壳缩短导致青藏隆升造山是普遍的认识.然而,在青藏东部,越来越多的观测数据和研究支持了中下地壳流与隆升造山的关系.目前,地壳缩短造山机制和中下地壳流造山机制仍然处于争论之中.本文建立了二维黏弹塑性有限元模型,模拟了龙门山断层带的多个地震循环的应变与变形,探讨了无与有中下地壳流情况下,地壳地表的位移、速度与变形的分布和演化;以及有中下地壳流情况下,不同流动范围、速度与黏度对模型结果的影响;并结合地形变观测数据的约束,推测了青藏东缘中下地壳流的流动状态.模拟结果显示,通过对比有和无中下地壳流的模拟结果,发现青藏东部震间的地表垂向速度在变形样式及数值上存在较大差异,即存在地壳流的地表垂向抬升速率显著大于无地壳流;震间在龙门山断层西侧附近产生的垂向凸状隆起随中下地壳流的速度、黏度及通道长度的变化而变化.此外,本文研究结果对青藏其他地区可能存在的地壳流的研究也具有一定的参考意义.  相似文献   

V.Cerv  S.Kovacikova 《地震地质》2001,23(2):153-165
根据捷克和斯洛伐克电磁台站的数据 ,得到波西米亚块体地壳和上地幔的电阻率分布模型。估计电阻率时特别使用了短周期和长周期的电磁数据以及用连续谱方法对固定台站数据的分析结果。根据欧洲地磁感应矢量分布绘出了显著的地电不均匀带的地图 ,将波西米亚块体的视电阻率与中欧有关台站的感应标量长度与W1响应做了比较 ,并根据电阻率 /深度图估计了电导率范围 ,该图与替代性理想导体反演相对应  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe mafic-ultramafic complexesinthe Hongqilingarea were emplacedintothe metamorphic rocksof the Hulan Group. Age determination of the intrusion and metamorphism of the Hulan Groupmetamorphic rocks is crucial for the study of petrogenesis and evolution, orogenesis and itsdevelopment of the region. However ,so far it has been difficult to determine the geochronology ofmafic-ultramafic rocks inthe area ,thusthe age obtainedfromprevious data hadto be used.Inrecentyears ,withthe …  相似文献   

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