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The present work evaluates the stress effects in two epiphytic lichen species with different thallus morphology, the foliose Parmelia caperata and the fruticose Evernia prunastri, as resulting from transplanting from an unpolluted to an air-polluted area. Lichen samples were collected in Portugal in a clean area, during the spring 2003, and transplanted (1) to the same zone nearby and (2) to a polluted area as affected by an industrial complex. Transplant samples were taken periodically during four months in both places. At the same time lichen samples from the clean-air site native (in-situ) populations were also collected. For each sample were measured the chlorophyll content, the chlorophyll degradation and the cell membrane damage, the latter represented by leacheate conductivity. During the experiment the meteorological conditions were registered. The results indicate the absence of stress effects of transplanting as such, and suggest that leachate conductivity may be the more sensitive indicator of general lichen vitality.  相似文献   

The results of a transplant experiment with the fruticose lichen Evernia prunastri aimed at monitoring the trends of trace elements deposition in a repeated biomonitoring study are reported. Data comparability between the two surveys and interpretation of the results were addressed in this study. The ratio between the concentration of each element after the exposure and in control samples prior to exposure (exposed-to-control ratio, EC ratio), as well as an appropriate interpretative scale, were adopted as a means of determining the temporal trends of element accumulation by lichen transplants. The results showed that the method adopted is indeed a reliable tool, pinpointing a Zn smelting plant and an oil refinery as principal pollution sources in the area, which indicate that elements associated with the former were similarly accumulated in both 2002 and 2003, while elements associated with the latter tended to decrease in 2003.  相似文献   

The lichen Evernia prunastri has been employed for biomonitoring the atmospheric deposition of heavy metals at urban, rural and industrial sites in Central Italy. Lichen samples have been collected in a control site 1500 m a. s. l. (Parco Nazionale dAbruzzo, Central Italy) and subsequently transplanted at urban site (Cassino city center), at rural location 7 km away from Cassino (S. Elia Fiumerapido) and at industrial location (Piedimonte S. Germano) surrounding an automobile factory. Once defined the surface of impact relevant to this work, the lichen samples were transplanted at the four cardinal points of each site. Studies of bioaccumulation of Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn in lichen samples were performed five times at regular intervals between November 2000–December 2001. Microwave digestion of the samples and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry were employed for the heavy metal determinations. Suitable certified reference materials (CRM) were used for validation of the analytical methodology. Results showed the ability of Evernia prunastri to accumulate the heavy metals under study. As expected, the area chosen as control site showed significantly (Friedman test, cluster analysis) lower impact in comparison to the other sites and the rural site showed smaller impact than the urban and the industrial sites.  相似文献   

The results of an investigation about the vertical distribution patterns of selected trace elements in an urban environment, as reflected by their accumulation in lichen transplants, are reported. Thalli of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea were transplanted in 2 sites in the urban area of Thessaloniki (N Greece), subjected to very different traffic loads: 1) Tsimiski, downtown of Thessaloniki, at one of the busiest streets of the city, a street canyon 2) Toumba, far from the city centre, at the edge of the city, at an open street. In each site, thalli were suspended along a vertical transect at 3, 6, 9 and 12 m, and retrieved after one year. The results showed that while at Toumba the elemental composition of lichen samples was essentially influenced by natural occurrence, mainly airborne soil dust, at Tsimiski also anthropogenic input of pollutants determined by vehicle traffic was involved for some elements such as Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. The vertical distribution patterns of heavy metals accumulated in lichens showed that in general elevation has no statistically significant influence on the concentration of most metals, but this was not true for Pb, whose concentrations increased with increasing elevation from ground. Residents may thus be more exposed to high concentrations of Pb than pedestrians.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of UV-B radiation combined with NaHSO3 in solution under laboratory conditions, we compared the amounts of stress-ethylene produced by two lichen species of the same genus. Ramalina lacera, an epiphytic Mediterranean lichen, was found to be rather sensitive to UV-B combined with NaHSO3, relative to the epilithic desert lichen R. maciformis. The impact of high temperatures with FeCl2 in solution, measured by amounts of stress ethylene accentuated the adaptability of R. maciformis to desert conditions, whereas R. lacera appeared to be rather sensitive to extreme temperatures especially in the case of chemical contamination. The adaptability of R. maciformis to UV-B appears to be related to the photoprotective capabilities of lichen substances.  相似文献   

Many lichens are very sensitive to air pollution due to their symbiotic nature. However, they are generally less sensitive to toxic effects of trace elements; therefore they can be used as accumulator organisms for estimating concentrations of these elements in the environment. Heavy metal accumulation in lichens is a commonly used bioindication method for assessing heavy metal ambient levels. An active biomonitoring method was used for the determination of short-term accumulation of zinc, lead, arsenic and cadmium by epiphytic lichens transplanted at different localities in Slovenia polluted by heavy metals. The atomic absorption spectrophotometry method was used for the determination of heavy metal content in lichen thalli. The content of heavy metals in lichens collected in the background area with clean air (Rogla, Pohorje Mountains) was used as the reference value. Lichens were transplanted from Rogla using the branch transplantation technique for a period of 6 months in the surroundings of Slovenian thermal power plants (Velenje, otanj, Zavodnje, Veliki Vrh, Vnajnarje, and Dobovec) and close to the lead and zinc ore smelter at erjav. The monthly accumulation of heavy metals was comparable within years at selected locations. Heavy metal pollution was the highest at erjav despite of remediation of lead and zinc ore smelter. The monthly accumulation of all four heavy metals was statistically significantly higher in lichens exposed at erjav than at other localities.  相似文献   

对2002年1月1日-2002年12月31日日照市环境监测中心提供的PM10(可吸入颗粒物)日平均浓度资料和对应时段的日照市地面气象资料做了深入的分析,揭示了污染物PM10变化特征及其随气象要素的变化规律。同时分析了主要污染物PM10与地面风速、风向间的相关关系,发现日照市大于等于3级的PM10污染日均出现在1-4月,地面风速对污染物PM10浓度有一定影响,当地面风速超过5m/s时,3级及以上污染日很少出现,当地面风速超过6.5m/s时,随着风速的提高,污染物浓度呈下降趋势。污染物浓度呈明显的季节变化,冬、春季节明显高于夏、秋季节。  相似文献   

Calibration of Four Species of Tillandsia as Air Pollution Biomonitors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many organisms have been used as bioindicators of atmospheric contamination, with moss and lichen species being the most common. However, studies using epiphytic vascular species of Tillandsia have shown a good correlation between the presence of pollutants and the bioindicator's response. Therefore, the aim of our investigation was to calibrate and compare the response of four Tillandsia species of Argentina to ascertain whether they could be used as atmospheric contamination biomonitors. For this, we analysed the correlation between the levels of heavy metals in total atmospheric deposition samples and: a) their rate of enrichment; b) the physiological response of the plant samples. Tillandsia samples collected from a non contaminated area in the province of Córdoba were transplanted to four areas in the capital city with different sources of pollution (industrial or traffic emissions). They were exposed for a period of 3 to 6 months after which the concentrations of Pb, Ni, Fe, Zn, Cu and S as well as the physiological parameters of foliar damage were determined. Simultaneously samples of total atmospheric deposition were also taken.The highest level of metal enrichment was found in T. capillaris followed by T. tricholepis, T. permutata and T. retorta. Also, the use of a foliar damage index proved to be effective and could be a useful tool to evaluate different levels of atmospheric quality in these species. The rate of heavy metal deposition was higher in the industrial area for all metals except for Zn whose values were higher in areas with high levels of traffic.  相似文献   

Test shallot plants Allium cepa L. var. ascalonicum were exposed to field conditions at six research plots in the most polluted areas in Slovenia in the vegetation seasons in 1999 and 2000. The intention of this research was to evaluate the influence of air pollution on mitotic activity and frequency of chromosomal aberrations in meristematic tissues of root tips of bioindication plants. Significant differences in the mitotic index and in frequency of chromosomal aberrations at different sampling plots in pot experiments were found and the correlation between the ozone concentration and the mitotic index was determined. The results showed the presence of cytotoxic substances at chosen sampling sites, which caused the decrease of mitotic cell division and the presence of genotoxic substances, which resulted in the increase of frequency of chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

为了研究海南省三亚地区冬春季大气污染状况,于2011年12月—2013年4月的冬春季节在三亚鹿回头村(监测点位于三亚市郊,三面临海,周围没有工业污染源)开展了大气主要污染物(NOx、O3、PM2.5)的连续监测,利用观测数据对三亚地区冬春季大气污染变化特征进行分析.结果表明:三亚地区大气污染物浓度均低于国家一级标准的浓度值,NO、NO2、NOx、O3、PM2.5质量浓度的日平均值(平均值±标准差)分别为(2.1±2.2)、(5.2±3.4)、(7.3±3.8)、(59.8±28.4)和(17.5±14.3)μg·m-3.在污染物的日变化方面,NOx、PM2.5呈现典型的双峰型,其峰值分别出现在08:00和17:00,峰谷在13:00;O3的日变化为单峰型,峰值出现在13:00.通过后向轨迹分析发现,三亚地区大气污染物受局地源排放和外源输送的共同影响,来自陆地的气流易造成污染物的积累,而来自海上的气流则有利于污染物的清除.  相似文献   

本文基于2007年和2008年生长季内蒙古羊草和大针茅草原湍流观测资料,分析了两种典型草原下垫面生长季的不同土壤水分条件下水汽和二氧化碳通量交换特征及其控制因子。主要结果如下:(1)在植被生长峰值期,日尺度上,干旱条件下土壤湿度是潜热通量的主要控制因子,而土壤水分条件较好时潜热通量主要受净辐射控制。(2)与大针茅草原相比,羊草草原叶面积指数较大,水分条件较好时,其潜热通量平均值更大,CO2吸收能力更强,吸收CO2更多;但在土壤水分胁迫出现时,羊草草原叶面的气孔闭合度急剧增加,大针茅草原的潜热通量、和CO2吸收反而更大,表现出更为耐旱的植被特性。(3)地表导度可以用来解释土壤水分条件对羊草和大针茅草原碳水通量的影响。  相似文献   

An observational dataset from a wintertime field campaign in the Inn Valley, Austria, is analysed in order to study mechanisms of air pollution transport in an Alpine valley. The results illustrate three types of mechanisms: transport by a density current, back-and-forth transport by valley winds, and transport by slope winds. The first type is associated with an air mass difference along the valley. Cooler air located in the lower part of the valley behaves like a density current and produces the advection of pollutants by upvalley winds. In the second type, strong horizontal gradients in pollution concentrations exist close to ground. Multiple wind reversals result in a back-and-forth transport of pollutants by weak valley winds. In the third type, upslope winds during daytime decrease low-level pollution concentrations and cause the formation of elevated pollution layers.  相似文献   

郭凤霞  陈聪 《大气科学》2012,36(4):713-721
为了解闪电对对流层上部NOx的贡献,本文利用美国全球水资源和气候中心(GHRC)提供的1995年4月~2005年12月的闪电卫星格点资料及高层大气研究卫星 (UARS) 上的卤素掩星试验装置 (HALOE) 1991年10 月~2005 年11月的观测资料,分析了中国地区闪电与对流层上部NOx体积混合比的时空分布特征及两者的相关性.结果表明:中国地区闪电和对流层上部的NOx在季节分布、年际分布和空间分布上保持很好的一致性,闪电是对流层上部NOx的重要来源;NO极值高度在350 hPa左右,云闪直接产生的NO是极值产生的主要原因,NO2的极值高度在250 hPa左右,因为闪电产生的NO在传输过程中会被氧化成NO2并通过雷暴的垂直输送作用抬升到更高高度;强对流活动有利于NOx的传输,而人类活动产生的NOx一般较难输送到对流层上部,因此闪电多发区的NOx极值较大,所在的高度也较高.  相似文献   

利用2017年广州S波段双偏振雷达和地面自动站小时雨量资料,对比分析了广州极端降水(雨强≥50 mm·h^(-1))与强降水(雨强为20~50 mm·h^(-1))的微物理特征。结果表明:极端降水的20 dBZ和30 dBZ回波发展高度与强降水都差异较小,说明广州地区的降水强度与对流发展高度关系不大。在低层,极端降水平均回波更强,雨滴粒径更大,结合Z H-Z DR的分布表明广州地区降水具有海洋性对流特征。与强降水对比,0℃层以下极端降水的Z H、Z DR、K DP值都明显更大,尤其在4~5 km都快速增长,说明广州地区极端降水的发展关键在4~5 km高度,并在下落过程中继续增长,因此造成极端降水的发生。  相似文献   

利用1960~2006年我国地温、气温逐日4个时次[02:00(北京时间,下同)、08:00、14:00和20:00]的台站观测资料,计算并分析了我国东南、西北地区各季地气温差的年代际变化特征。分析结果表明:我国东南部地区各季地气温差在20世纪70年代末以前,大部分年份偏高,高于平均值,而在20世纪70年代末以后,我国东南部地区各季地气温差偏低,在夏季和冬季表现尤为明显。我国西北地区春季和夏季地气温差在20世纪70年代末以前大部分年份偏低,低于平均值;而在20世纪70年代末以后,地气温差则大部分年份明显偏高。我国西北地区秋季地气温差的年代际变化特征不明显,而冬季地气温差的年代际变化趋势与春夏季相反,在20世纪70年代末以前大部分年份偏高,高于平均值,而在20世纪70年代末以后偏低。另外,发现地温和气温对我国东南、西北地区各季地气温差的年代际变化在各季所起的贡献作用不同。  相似文献   

Six locations across mainland Portugal were selected for exposing Parmelia sulcata, for a one-year period (8 months for one site), with simultaneous measurement of total (dry + wet) deposition (one-month periods). The exposed lichens and the total (dry + wet) deposition were analysed for cobalt contents by INAA (instrumental neutron activation analysis) and ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy), respectively. The designated wet deposition was evaluated through the collected water volume; the designated dry deposition was assessed after the (dried) residual mass of the wet deposition. An excellent agreement between Co contents in exposed lichens and the cumulative (1) Co contents in the dry deposition, (2) dry deposition, and (3) wet deposition has been found for the locations with alternate drought and precipitation months, high dry deposition, and high Co contents in the latter. Continuous rainfall was found to hinder the Co accumulation in the lichen due to its release from the lichen and/or lower Co contents in the dry deposition. At three locations, P. sulcata Co contents, after subtraction of the background (before exposure), equalled or exceeded the Co contents in the cumulative dry deposition at the end of the exposure time. The optimal exposure period for this species likely depends on the exposure conditions.  相似文献   

O_3和PM_(2.5)是影响长三角地区空气质量的主要污染物。利用2016年33个城市大气环境监测站6项污染物的小时浓度及4个省会城市的气象数据进行统计分析,研究了该地区O_3和PM_(2.5)浓度的时空分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明:长三角地区O_3年平均浓度为50~73μg·m~(-3),平均为61μg·m~(-3);除芜湖和宣城外,其余31城市均存在不同程度的超标状况,超标率为0.34%~18.86%,平均为5.68%。O_3在5月和9月达到浓度高值;四季O_3日变化均呈单峰型,峰值出现在15∶00,夏季O_3峰值浓度最高值为157μg·m~(-3)。O_3浓度沿海城市整体高于内陆城市;夏季宿迁—淮安—滁州片区O_3污染较重。O_3与NO_2、CO显著负相关,且与NO_2相关性较强;O_3与气温、日照时数显著正相关,与相对湿度、降水呈负相关。PM_(2.5)年平均浓度在25~62μg·m~(-3)范围内,平均为49μg·m~(-3);各城市均出现PM_(2.5)超标,滁州PM_(2.5)超标率最大,为23.91%。PM_(2.5)在3月和12、1月达到浓度峰值;其日变化呈双峰型,09∶00—10∶00和22∶00—23∶00达到峰值。冬季徐州PM_(2.5)浓度最高,为102μg·m~(-3)。PM_(2.5)与NO_2、CO、SO_2、PM_(10)显著正相关,与气温、风速、降水负相关。  相似文献   

为了进一步认识闪电活动与对流层氮氧化物的关系及更准确地估算中国地区闪电产生的氮氧化物(LNOx)总量,选取人口稀疏,工业生产水平较低的青藏高原地区作为研究区域,基于LIS(Lightning Imaging Sensor)和GOME-2(The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2)卫星探测仪资料,分析了青藏高原中部区域2009年1月至2012年2月闪电与对流层NO2垂直浓度(VCD)月均值资料的时空分布特性和相关性。在此基础上,结合Beirle et al.(2004)的LNOx估算方法,估算了中国内陆地区的LNOx产量。结果表明:青藏高原地区对流层NO2与闪电与在年际趋势、空间分布及季节变化上保持很好的一致性,闪电密度与NO2VCD的线性拟合相关系数为0.84,这表明青藏高原地区NOx受人为源影响小,是研究LNOx的理想区域。基于拟合结果,估算得到中国内陆地区LNOx的年均产量为0.15(0.03~0.38)Tg(N)a-1。这一结论进一步缩小了以往研究中中国地区LNOx产量估算的不确定范围,有助于更清楚地认识闪电在中国气候变化中的重要作用。  相似文献   

本文解读最近发布的政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,IPCC)第六次气候变化评估报告(Sixth Assessment Report,AR6)关于空气污染-气候相互作用的主要新结论。在大气污染物的气候效应方面,AR6估算了大气污染物或其前体物排放变化导致的有效辐射强迫值(Effective Radiative Forcing,ERF),对评估大气污染治理可能产生的气候效应具有启示性意义。AR6也估算出1750—2019年间人为强迫导致的全球平均地表温度(Global mean Surface Air Temperature,GSAT)变化为1.29(0.99~1.65)℃,其中,均匀混合温室气体、臭氧、气溶胶导致的温度变化分别为1.58(1.17~2.17)℃、0.23(0.11~0.39)℃、-0.50(-0.22~-0.96)℃。气溶胶历史变化的气候效应中,起决定性作用的是由SO2排放变化通过气溶胶-云相互作用所产生的ERF (高信度),从而部分抵消了人为排放温室气体所引起的变暖(高信度)。在气候变化影响大气污染物方面,AR6首次评估获得了地表臭氧浓度对温度的敏感性,在偏远地区为-0.2 ~-2 nL·L-1·℃-1、在污染区为0.2 ~2 nL·L-1·℃-1。在大多数陆地区域,关于气候变化是增加还是减少PM2.5,目前模式结果结论的一致性较低。  相似文献   

周涛  周青  张勇  张传江  李津  赵华  张茜茹 《气象科技》2022,50(4):574-583
本文综合利用2015—2020年地面气象观测资料、欧洲中心ERA5再分析资料及大气环境监测数据,分析了汾渭平原东部运城市污染物浓度的变化特征以及与天气形势和气象要素的关系。结果表明:①2015—2020年期间运城市PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、CO 5种污染物年平均浓度呈下降趋势,而O3浓度呈上升趋势;②冬季和夏季空气质量相对较差,首要污染物分别是PM2.5和O3,边界层高度的变化与近地层风向风速、污染物浓度的关系密切,冬季(夏季)PM2.5(O3)污染较重时边界层高度较低(较高),以东北风(东南风)为主,风速偏小(偏大);③最后利用自组织映射神经网络(SOM)算法分别对冬夏925 hPa位势高度场进行天气分型并开展不同天气形势下污染物浓度与气象要素的变化对比研究,发现冬季污染时以静稳天气为主,低层弱东北风将污染物输送至运城市,而夏季O3污染较重时受热低压形势控制,利于O3前体物汇合,太阳辐射较强时O3浓度较高。  相似文献   

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