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熊庆 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》2021,40(5):前插1-前插3,999-1011
大洋岩石圈形成演化的关键过程是熔体如何从软流圈地幔中抽取、迁移汇集并最终形成洋壳.蛇绿岩可能为揭示上述过程提供关键对象.前人研究发现,熔体在地幔中主要通过网脉状纯橄岩通道发生迁移汇聚,这种地幔通道与壳幔过渡带和洋壳内的岩浆体系共同构成大洋扩张中心的巨型熔体抽取系统.地幔深部来源的熔体在通过纯橄岩通道时,会发生复杂的熔岩相互作用,使得熔体和地幔的组成均发生变化,形成大洋岩石圈壳-幔组成解耦现象.在不同的大洋扩张中心,地幔内熔体迁移方式和过程是多样的,导致大洋岩石圈的结构和组成复杂多变.我国西藏雅江带蛇绿岩形成于多种构造体制(洋中脊、俯冲带等),其地幔内发育较为新鲜的纯橄岩通道样品,如纯橄岩、铬铁矿岩、辉石岩等.这些样品能够为深入研究地幔纯橄岩通道的成因、熔体在通道内的反应迁移过程,以及不同构造体制下大洋岩石圈壳-幔组成解耦与否的原因,提供新的窗口,同时有助于进一步认知大洋扩张中心巨型岩浆-动力系统、壳幔圈层分异和地球物质循环过程.  相似文献   

新疆西部巴楚地区晋宁期的洋岛火山岩   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
塔里木盆地中部有一条近东西向的重磁高异常带,火成岩露头仅见于西部的巴楚地区。采集25件晋宁期火山岩样品进行研究,地球化学特征表明岩石形成的大地构造背景为洋岛,且可清楚地区分出洋岛碱性玄武岩(亚速尔型洋岛)和洋岛拉斑玄武岩(夏威夷型洋岛),两者反映了洋盆发育的不同阶段。一件晋宁期超基性岩样品显示出岛弧岩浆岩的性质,与塔里木中部地区的闪长岩和花岗闪长岩应同为晋宁期岛弧的记录。它们可能指示一条横贯塔里木盆地中部的晋宁期古缝合线,原称的塔里木板块(克拉通)是由两个原先分隔的地块在晋宁运动时碰撞拼合而形成的,并成为罗迪尼亚超大陆的一部分。该古缝合线在震旦纪-中生代构造活动性较强,尤其是二叠纪-三叠纪的构造-岩浆事件规模较大。据此讨论了晋宁期构造-岩浆活动在认识基底形成、区域演化和油气勘探中的意义。  相似文献   

孟加拉残留洋盆地形成过程与构造单元划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟加拉盆地位于印度板块东北部,处于印度板块、欧亚板块和缅甸微板块汇聚区,其东临印缅造山带,西接印度古地盾,北隔西隆高地与喜马拉造山带前渊相望,向南进入孟加拉湾。孟加拉盆地西部和北部发育在印度古陆上,其余大部分地区分布在白垩系残留洋壳上,属于残留洋盆地。本文结合区域构造和剖面演化特征,还原了孟加拉盆地的形成过程,并据此将孟加拉盆地划分为:前裂谷-同裂谷期、大陆漂移期、软碰撞期和硬碰撞期共四个构造演化阶段。结合构造演化过程和盆地现今构造沉积特征,将孟加拉盆地划分为:西部陆架、陆架斜坡带、南部坳陷、中部隆起带、北部坳陷和东部褶皱带共六个次级构造单元。演化过程研究表明,孟加拉盆地残留洋部分形成于古新世,并自始新世开始范围不断减小;至上新世,盆地东部残留洋消失,残留洋局限于盆地南部地区。孟加拉盆地残留洋部分控制了盆地沉积中心的分布和迁移,决定了盆地油气的分布。  相似文献   

新生代古海洋Nd同位素演化及其古环境意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文对当前在新生代古海洋Nd同位素演化及其古环境意义研究方面的最新成果进行了简明的阐述,说明在巴拿马海峡于5-3Ma关闭前后,太平洋和大西洋洋流的变化与其海水Nd同位素的变化相对应。但同期的印度洋Nd同位素没有明显变化,其原因需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

正As anticipated from studies of ophiolite complexes,direct investigations of the oceanic crust confirm that basaltic dikes are an integral part of the upper 2 km of the oceanic crust.Currently available information suggests  相似文献   

The (ultra‐) high pressure eclogites from Sumdo area, recorded the subduction and exhumation process of the Paleo‐Tethys oceanic crust. Previous studies showed that there are significant differences in temperature and pressure conditions of the eclogites in four regions, e.g. Sumdo, Xindaduo, Bailang and Jilang. The cause of this differences remains unclear. Studying the peak metamorphic conditions and P‐T path of Sumdo eclogite is of great significance to reveal the subduction and exhumation mechanism of Paleo‐Tethys ocean. In this paper, we choose the Jilang eclogite as an example, which has a mineral assemblage of garnet, omphacite, phengite, hornblende, rutile, epidote, quartz and symplectit (diopside + amphibole + plagioclase), and minor biotite. Garnet has a “dirty” core with abundant mineral inclusions and a “clear” rim with less mineral inclusions, showing typical growth zoning. From the core to the rim, Prp content in garnet increasing while Grs content decreasing. P‐T pseudosection calculated with Domino constrained peak P‐T conditions of Jilang eclogite as 563°C, 2.4 GPa. Combined with petrographical observation, four stages of metamorphism have been recognized: (1) early stage prograde metamorphism represent by the core of garnet and mineral inclusions therein; (2) peak metamorphism represent by the rim of garnet, omphacite, phengite, glaucophane, rutile and quartz; (3) first stage of retrograde metamorphism characterized by decomposition of lawsonite to zoisite; (4) second stage of retrograde metamorphism characterized by symplectites surrounding omphacite and cornona rimmed garnet. Jilang eclogite shows a clockwise P‐T path, and near isothermal decompression during exhumation. It differs from eclogites in other area, which are hosted by garnet‐bearing mica schists or serpentinites. Jilang eclogites are enclosed in metamorphic quartzites, with relatively low P‐T conditions. We infer that the Jilang eclogite was derived from the shallow part of the subduction zone, and was exhumated by low density materials in the subduction channel.  相似文献   

胶辽地块古元古代构造—热演化与深部过程   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
近年来的研究表明,华北克拉通由东部地块和西部地块于1.85Ga沿中部带碰撞形成,且碰撞前东部地块的西缘为活动陆缘,研究程度高。相比之下,东部地块的东缘大面积分布的古元古代胶辽吉造山带研究薄弱。根据新近多学科研究成果,综合揭示出胶辽吉造山带古元古代的构造—热演化和深都地质作用过程如下:早期底侵可能与深都地幔柱相关,发生于2.53~2.36Ga之间,导致2.47~2.33Ga岩墙事件、胶辽吉裂谷带的形成和双峰式火山活动。该幕底侵不仅导致地壳上都沉积格架的不同,也导致地壳内初始热结构的分异,从而决定不同空间上变质作用类型和PTt轨迹的差异。晚期底侵导致地壳下部于2.17Ga左右产生A型辽吉花岗岩、2.2Ga与2.0Ga的伟晶岩事件和顺层伸展变形。其主要的造山运动发生在1.911~1.883Ga之间,裂谷封闭、收缩变形,在该造山带南部出现高压变质。之后,1.875~1.66Ga之间,出现小断块的拆沉、环斑花岗岩、钾长花岗岩和正长岩的非造山岩浆事件、伟晶岩脉和基性岩墙群事件和榆树砬子群沉积。东都地块南缘大别—苏鲁一带1.7~1.6Ga期间应是一个重要的古元古代强烈活动陆缘带。中元古代1.6Ga以后大别—苏鲁一带经历了一系列再造事件而与东都地块主体形成显著差异。总之,胶辽吉造山带的底侵样式、碰撞过程、拆沉方式都直接制约着浅部地壳的构造—热演化特征。  相似文献   

Structural and petrological data suggest that the Xigaze ophiolite from the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (YZSZ) in south Tibet was a typical slow-spreading ridge. A new field, geochemical, mineral, and U-Pb zircon dataset of plagiogranite intrusions were used to constrain the dynamic processes of oceanic accretion in this slow-spreading ridge. Plagiogranites mainly occur as dykes or intrusions intruded into the whole sequence of the ophiolite and have a similar orientation to the dolerite dykes developed in the late stage of detachment faulting. U-Pb zircon ages of 122–123 Ma were obtained for two types of plagiogranites and associated dolerite dykes. Detailed geochemical and mineralogical examinations suggest that the plagiogranites are the product of low-pressure (2–3 kbar) fractional crystallization of mid-ocean ridge basalt-like magma and unlikely to have been derived from the partial melting of hydrous gabbroic rocks. The complex cross-cut relationship between the plagiogranites and ophiolite sequence reflects that they are controlled by small discontinued melt lenses rather than a big magma chamber under the ridge axis and reveals multiple injections during the oceanic crust accretion. The formation of plagiogranites possibly reflects the complex characteristic of oceanic accretion at slow-spreading ridges, time-dependent on structural (external) and magmatic (internal) processes.  相似文献   

The results of reinterpretation of the geophysical data obtained during the study of the central sector of the Kuril Island Arc (2005–2010) are reported. The new boundaries of the shallow bedding of the basement and its block uplifts of varied composition are defined within the previously discovered zone of tectonic stretching and destruction of the Vityaz submarine ridge and interarc trough. Interblock depressions filled with sedimentary and volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks are distinguished. Areas represented by volcanoplutonic complexes including basic and sialic series (up to granite) are distinguished within the unbroken basement of the Vityaz Ridge. Intrusions and volcanic edifices composed of basic rocks are registered on the whole area studied. The relationship between the formation of the destruction zone and the geodynamic processes in the mantle is illustrated by the map of the Moho relief and structural-density model of the Earth’s crust.  相似文献   

高山冰缘环境中冰碛母质土壤的发生与演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘耕年  宋长青 《冰川冻土》1995,17(3):204-212
研究区位于天山乌鲁木齐河源区海拔3000m以上的高山冰缘环境中,末次冰期冰碛和新冰期冰碛上发育高山草甸土,海拔3000-3700m。小冰期冰碛上发育高山寒冻土,海拔3700-3800m,土壤的剖面结构,粘土矿物组成和化学成分分析均表明土壤的发生演化与冰川作用密切相关。  相似文献   

On the basis of exhaustive researches on the facies sequences and depositlonal evolutionary process of various depositional systems, the genetic stratigraphic framework of the extensional rifted oceanic basin, which has undergone strong structural destruction, has been reconstructed by means of dynamic genetic stratigraphic analysis. Five depositional episodes have been distinguished from various isochronous stratigraphic boundaries and stratigraphic sequences with the three-dimensional structure of each depositional episode analysed in detail. The tectonic paleogeographic environment corresponding to different stages of each depositional episode has been reconstructed for individual depositional system tracts. And the evolution history of this rifted basin has been divided into four stages' initial rifting and oceanization of continental crust, stretching and spreading of the basin, subduction and basin differentiation, and convergence and collision. A NNE-trending intracontinental soft collision sutur  相似文献   

衡水地区多年超采深层地下水,形成了以衡水市区为中心的区域地下水降落漏斗,改变了初始的水动力场和水化学场。运用聚类分析、Piper三线图、Gibbs图、氯碱指数、离子相关关系方法分析了该地区历史时期和现阶段深层地下水的水文地球化学特征及其演化规律,探讨了水化学组分的来源及形成机制。结果表明:该地区深层地下水水化学演化受到了较大的人类活动影响,根据Q型聚类分析将研究区划分为补给、径流、排泄3个水化学分区。20世纪70年代到现阶段,随降落漏斗产生发展,研究区形成了新的局部补径排关系,加强了地下水对围岩的溶滤作用,导致研究区水化学场发生了变化,径流区地下水水化学类型由Cl·HCO3-Na、HCO3·Cl-Na和SO4·Cl-Na转化为SO4·Cl-Na和Cl·SO4-Na,排泄区地下水水化学类型由Cl·HCO3-Na和Cl-Na转化为Cl-Na。Gibbs图和离子关系显示,研究区现阶段深层地下水在降落漏斗影响下,水化学组分主要受岩石风化、阳离子交替吸附和脱碳酸作用控制。  相似文献   

Corals from the Seychelles Islands, Indian Ocean, occur mainly as small coralline algae–vermetid remnants found in cavities adhering to the rock surface, and they rarely attain more than 2 m2in area. Samples ofGoniastreaandPoritesfrom elevations between 1.7 and 6 m above present mean sea level were dated by TIMS238U–234U–230Th techniques. The ages from well-preserved corals lie between 131,000 and 122,000 yr B.P., in agreement with most other observations of the last-interglacial sea level. Field evidence and dating from high marine limestones from two sections at La Digue Island indicate a period of coral buildup until 131,000 yr B.P., followed by a drop in sea level between 131,000 and 122,000 yr B.P.  相似文献   

西沙周缘深水沉积盆地位于南海西北部深水区,属新生代盆地,主要经历了三次构造运动和断陷与坳陷两个演化阶段.西沙北坳陷带和中建坳陷沉积了厚层的断陷期和坳陷期地层,断陷早期发育烃源岩,断陷晚期发育主要储层;坳陷早期发育储层,坳陷晚期发育区域盖层,具备优越的生储盖条件.西沙南坳陷带构造运动强烈,地温梯度高,局部出现洋壳基底,坳...  相似文献   

This paper is a companion to Clark (1988; hereafter Part I) which described the evolution of the Tejeda Magmatic System (TMS), a Miocene caldera complex, Gran Canaria, Spain, based on geochronologic, paleomagnetic and field data. In this study, petrochemical data are used to corroborate the history out-lined in Part I. Geochemical discriminant analysis shows that whereas the Extra-Caldera (EC) Mogan/Fataga volcanics are separated by a composition gap, no composition gap exists within the Intra-Caldera (IC) sequence. IC ignimbrites change rapidly but progressively from pantellerites and comendites to comenditic trachytes and finally to trachytes in a 0.47 Ma time interval. Significantly, the lower pantelleritic part of the IC series is similar to the EC pantellerites (units B, C and D) as expected based on results from Part I. The appearance of a compositional gap in the EC sequence is the result of flows having been trapped within the caldera during the 0.47 Ma Mogan-Fataga transition interval. The transitional IC sequence may be geochemically modelled by mixing of Mogan comendites and Fataga trachytes. The mixing was most probably induced by the high discharge of magma from the compositionally-zoned Tejeda magma body. The rate of change in erupted composition is best explained by imagining a continuous influx of Fataga or parental Fataga magma into a chamber whose previous silicic component (Mogan composition) was no longer being replenished and that the two magmas did not convectively mix prior to eruption. Repose times between successive eruptions in the lower to middle Mogan (from P1/T1 to A) were of order 30 000 a; the upper Mogan pantellerites and comendites/comenditic trachytes (B to F?) erupted once every 125 000 years or so. The longer repose time for the upper units is consistent with their more differentiated character.  相似文献   

Long and high swells are dangerous for many islands located in the Tropics because they can generate large breakers and long run up associated with large set up when reaching the coast. Most of the time those islands do not experience large waves especially in usually protected areas, for instance, by coral reefs or wind protected. Long waves have the ability to reach such areas, thanks to wave set up, shoaling and bottom refraction. This article describes an example of such high swell events and its impact on the islands. The buoy network used by the French National Weather Service and all available satellite observations related to waves are presented together with numerical sea-state models used to issue early warnings.  相似文献   

晚中新世以来亚洲季风阶段性演化的海陆记录   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在综合对比晚新生代以来中国黄土高原黄土一红粘土沉积、西北太平洋粉尘沉积、南海有孔虫、阿拉伯海有孔虫记录的基础上,探讨了大约8Ma以来亚洲季风的阶段性演化历史。结果发现,黄土高原粉尘沉积在8Ma前后大规模出现,在3.5Ma前后大幅增加;印度季风在8Ma前后形成(或显著加强);南海ODP1146站位浮游有孔虫Neoglcboquadrina丰度也有两次明显增加,表明海水表面温度不断降低和海洋生产力的增加,指示东亚冬季风作用增强。北太平洋()DP885/886钻孔风成粉尘通量也有增加,指示亚洲内陆进一步的干旱化和冬季风作用的增强。印度洋沉积通量在11Ma前后开始增加。在9~8Ma时出现峰值,表明喜马拉雅山和青藏高原南部逐渐隆起。当隆起达到足够高度时,导致亚洲内陆干旱气候带扩大,同时提供大量粉尘并向东传输到中国北方和北太平洋地区。青藏高原北缘山前盆地的沉积记录显示,在3.6Ma时,高原北部的进一步快速隆升过程可能影响到整个高原,从而导致亚洲内陆更加干旱化,东亚季风增强,粉尘沉积加快,南海及印度洋陆源沉积作用加剧。  相似文献   

柴北缘超高压变质带:从大洋到大陆的深俯冲过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
    柴北缘超高压变质带同我国大别- 苏鲁造山带类似,同属典型的大陆型俯冲碰撞带。柯石英在榴辉岩和片麻岩中均 有发现,且石榴橄榄岩锆石中含有金刚石。本文从岩石学、温压计算、地球化学和年代学四个方面,对此带中的鱼卡、绿 梁山、锡铁山和都兰4 个榴辉岩和石榴橄榄岩出露地区近些年的研究进展进行了系统详细的综述。与典型的大陆型俯冲碰 撞带不同,柴北缘超高压变质带保存了早期陆壳俯冲前发生的洋壳深俯冲的证据。因此,结合现有数据,本文对柴北缘超 高压变质带从大洋俯冲到大陆俯冲碰撞的构造演化模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

海山沉积过程与全球气候变化和古海洋演化有着紧密联系,维嘉海山保留了西太平洋晚中生代以来的完整沉积记录,是探索西太平洋海山构造演化的理想场所.基于浅地层剖面、大洋钻探和最新相关研究成果,通过研究海山的沉积特征、火山活动和沉降速率等,探索西太平洋维嘉海山晚中生代以来的沉积过程.结果显示维嘉海山顶部发育3个沉积单元,并发现了...  相似文献   

简平  刘敦一  孙晓猛 《地质学报》2003,77(2):217-228
本文应用SHRIMP方法精确测定了金沙江蛇绿岩带中蛇绿岩的辉长岩和斜长岩、呈脉状产于辉长岩和变质橄橄岩中的斜长花岗岩、以及呈岩株状侵入蛇绿岩中的花岗闪长岩的锆石U-Pb年龄,提供了古特提斯洋壳演化的年代学制约。滇西之用层状角闪辉长岩的年龄为328±8Ma,书松斜长岩为329±7Ma,白马雪山辉长岩为282~285Ma,它们可能反映了海底扩张不同阶段的时代。研究还表明,在这些辉长岩和斜长岩中,部分锆石记录了375~352Ma的略老的年龄,暗示蛇绿岩浆活动可能始于晚泥盆世。在金沙江蛇绿岩中,滇西娘九丁斜长花岗岩和川西雪堆斜长花岗岩,具有高硅低钾的成分特征。但是,这些岩石的REE总量高,LREE富集;Sr初始值高,达0.7058~0.7070;在其锆石组成中,存在继承锆石。这些证据表明斜长花岗岩中存在陆壳物质的混染,可能与洋壳俯冲消减有关。娘九丁斜长花岗岩的年龄为285±6Ma,雪堆斜长花岗岩为300±5Ma,记录了古特提斯洋壳俯冲消减事件。滇西吉义独花岗闪长岩,呈岩株状侵入蛇绿岩中,年龄为263±6Ma,限定了蛇绿混杂岩的年代上限。  相似文献   

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