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A preliminary discussion is presented of measurements of the polarization of the He i D3 multiplet in a quiescent prominence, observed with a wavelength-scanning Stokes polarimeter. For a series of 43 observations in the same prominence, the linear polarization of the major component of D3 lies primarily in the range 1 to 2% and of the wing component, the range 2 to 5%; the polarization vector angle lies primarily in the range 10–25° for the major component, and 25–35° for the other component. From a more limited data set, the polarization of both components is found to first increase as a function of height in the prominence, and then to decrease; the polarization angles of the major component vary in a random-like way with height, while the wing component shows a systematic change. The amount of polarization and the angle of polarization are governed by the Hanle effect. The collective effect of the group of lines at the peak of D3 evidently has a different sensitivity to the Hanle effect than does the wing component, thus yielding at least four independent measurements - two polarizations and two angles. With some redundancy, the vector magnetic field can then be established using the detailed theory of the Hanle effect. Since the wing component of D3 is a simple triplet, an initial estimate of the magnetic field strength and its horizontal orientation, 0, relative to the line of sight, is simply obtained. Examples of such calculations are presented.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract AST 78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The Stokes components of He i D3 emission in two quiescent prominences, using full spectral profile measurements, are analyzed to derive vector magnetic fields. Two independently developed schemes, based on the Hanle effect, are used for interpretation. They involve solutions of the statistical equilibrium equations for the He i D3 multiplet, including the effect of coherency and full level crossing, which predict the magnetic field dependence of the observed polarization. Derived magnetic field vector solutions for each pair of linear polarization Stokes profiles corresponding to an observational point in the prominence are, intrinsically, not uniquely determined, and a set of possible solutions is usually obtained. However, mutual consistency of these solutions with those independently predicted by the form of the circular polarized component, allow, in almost all cases, rejection of all solutions of a set except one symmetrical pair. Of such a pair, a unique solution can be determined with a high confidence level by reference to independent potential field information. Field vectors are found usually to be close to horizontal and normal to the prominence surface, but extreme exceptions are found. Field values range from 6 G to 60 G. The derived vectorfield configurations and their magnitudes are briefly discussed relative to these prominences and to different quiescent prominence models.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

An observed relation between line-of-sight velocities and the longitudinal component of the magnetic field in quiescent prominences is discussed. Weak fields in quiescent prominences are associated with large velocities determined from Doppler shifts of resolved emission knots and Doppler line widths measured in Ca ii K line. It is suggested that the observed irregular motions in prominences are driven by photospheric horizontal convection coupled by the prominence magnetic field. An energy flux of 3 × 105 ergs cm–2 sec–1 present in the form of Alfvén waves in quiescent prominences is consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

We have measured the longitudinal component, B, of the magnetic field in quiescent prominences and obtained a relationship between B and , where is the angle between the long axis of the prominence and the north-south direction on the sun. From this relationship we deduce a distribution function for the magnetic field vector in quiescent prominences in terms of the angle between the field and the long axis of the prominence. The mean angle, , for our data is small, - 15°, indicating that the magnetic field traverses quiescent prominences under a small, but finite angle.On leave from Max-Planck Institut für Physik und Astrophysik, München.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Observations of a round, unipolar sunspot in the Zeeman triplet Fe i 6302.5 with the High Altitude Observatory Stokes Polarimeter are used to derive the vector magnetic field in the spot. The behavior of the magnitude, inclination, and azimuth of the field vector B across the spot is discussed. A linear relation is found between the continuum intensity I c and the field magnitude B. Time series obtained in the umbra show significant power in the magnitude of the field at a period of t 180 s but the other components of the field vector do not display this behavior.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We determine magnetic fields and electric currents in three prominences without simplifications used in our previous papers.  相似文献   

We discuss the longitudinal component of the magnetic field, B , based on data from about 135 quiescent prominences observed at Climax during the period 1968–1969. The measurements are obtained with the magnetograph which records the Zeeman effect on hydrogen, helium and metal lines. Use of the following lines, H; Hei, D3, Hei, 4471 Å; Nai, Di and D2, leads to the same value for the observed magnetic field component in these prominences. For more than half of the prominences their mean field, B , satisfy the inequalities 3 G B 8 G, and the overall mean value for all the prominences is 7.3 G. As a rule, the magnetic field enters the prominence on one side and exits on the other, but in traversing the prominence material, the field tends to run along the long axis of the prominence.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Eberhart Jensen 《Solar physics》1982,77(1-2):109-119
Three quiescent prominences were observed in the Ca ii K-line and a fourth one also in the H-line at Oslo Solar Observatory, Harestua, and reduced by Rustad (1974) and by Engvold et al. (1980). These data are used to study the distribution of the line-of-sight velocity component, N(u 0). It is pointed out that in a stationary and isotropic case, N(u 0) should be a gaussian distribution. For each of the sets of measurements gaussians were therefore fitted by a least square procedure. The range in observed velocities varies considerably between the prominences. For the best observed prominence more than 70% of the kinetic energy is in the supersonic range. In the other cases none or only an insignificant part of the observations exceed the velocity of sound. Considerable deviations from gaussian distributions are apparent for the smallest velocities. This distortion shows up conspicuously in the slope of the energy spectrum, a parameter that may be used as a rough measure of spectral resolution.If it is assumed that we have to do with MHD-turbulence as described by Kraichnan (1965), a characteristic relationship should exist between velocity and eddy size. When supersonic velocities are present, compressibility effects may severely alter this relationship. The possibility of observational confirmation is discussed.If a turbulent velocity field is indeed present, the heat conductivity and other transport coefficients may be significantly altered as compared to the atomic values.  相似文献   

We analyse the magnetic support of solar prominences in two-dimensional linear force-free fields. A line current is added to model a helical configuration, well suited to trap dense plasma in its bottom part. The prominence is modeled as a vertical mass-loaded current sheet in equilibrium between gravity and magnetic forces.We use a finite difference numerical technique which incorporates both vertical photospheric and horizontal prominence magnetic field measurements. The solution of this mixed boundary problem generally presents singularities at both the bottom and top of the model prominence. The removal of the singularities is achieved by superposition of solutions. Together with the line current equilibrium, these three conditions determine the amplitude of the magnetic field in the prominence, the flux below the prominence and the current intensity, for a given height of the line current. A numerical check of accuracy in the removal of singularities, is done by using known analytical solutions in the potential limit.We have investigated both bipolar and quadrupolar photospheric regions. In this mixed boundary problem the polarity of the field component orthogonal to the prominence is mainly fixed by the imposed height of the line current. For bipolar regions above (respectively below) a critical height the configuration is inverse (respectively normal). For quadrupolar regions the polarity is reversed if we refer the prominence polarity to the closest photospheric polarities. We introduce the polarity of the component parallel to the prominence axis with reference to a sheared arcade. Increasing the shear with fixed boundary conditions can increase or decrease the mass supported depending on the configuration.  相似文献   


We study the longitudinal magnetic field in a number of active limb prominences showing fields in excess of 30 G. The objects fall into three groups: surges, caps and active region prominences. There appears to be an upper limit of 150–200 G for the field strength in prominences.

A model of surges is presented in which a pre-surge axi-symmetric magnetic field is established by a line current in the corona. We observe particle acceleration in surges that indicates v×B≠0 in these objects during periods comparable to the Alfvén transit time.

The strong fields observed in caps seem to run between parts of active regions in accordance with Hale's law of sunspot group polarities.


The locations of flares and chromospheric absorption features on May 21 and 23, 1967, are compared with a series of H magnetograms. Each of the four major flares included in the study developed as double emission ribbons lying at positions of steep field gradient on opposite sides of the boundary between regions of opposite magnetic polarity. At certain stages, the flare outlines followed closely the isogauss contours of the longitudinal field. A fluctuating field of 75 gauss was measured directly in the importance two flare of May 21. Modifications in the magnetic structure of the active region followed the flares of May 23.  相似文献   

Observations of the strength and spatial distribution of vector magnetic fields in active regions have revealed several fundamental properties of the twist of their magnetic fields. First, the handedness of this twist obeys a hemispheric rule: left-handed in the northern hemisphere, right-handed in the southern. Second, the rule is weak; active regions often disobey it. It is statistically valid only in a large ensemble. Third, the rule itself, and the amplitude of the scatter about the rule, are quantitatively consistent with twisting of fields by turbulence as flux tubes buoy up through the convection zone. Fourth, there is considerable spatial variation of twist within active regions. However, relaxation to a linear force-free state, which has been documented amply in laboratory plasmas, is not observed.  相似文献   

It is shown that for certain definite conditions of symmetry imposed on the permitting magnetic field geometry for an isothermal case in Kippenhahn and Schlüter's (1957) model of a quiescent prominence, any irrotational velocity field would quickly get converted to rotational.  相似文献   

The interrelations of the latitudinal distribution of the coronal green emission maxima, maximal numbers and areas of prominences, magnetic fields, sunspots, and polar faculae in the 20th and 21st sunspot cycles have been investigated. It is again demonstrated how the behaviour of all studied data depends on their heliographic latitude. In the polar zone, well separated from the equatorial we observe following polarity magnetic fields transported only polewards, while the equatorial zone is occupied mostly by leading polarity fields, developed there, moving equatorwards, and crossing the equator to the other hemisphere with the new cycle during the minimum of sunspot activity.This magnetic field distribution is well emphasized by the places of maximal occurrence of prominences and by the distribution of coronal green emission maxima which also differ in dependence on latitude.The question of identifying the first and last evolutionary stages of an extended cycle of activity is discussed and the existence of a magnetic activity cycle lasting 15–17 years is suggested.  相似文献   

A new type of magnetograph has been built capable to measure weak magnetic fields in the chromosphere and corona. Measurements of magnetic field in two prominences are demonstrated as examples.  相似文献   

U. Anzer  E. Priest 《Solar physics》1985,95(2):263-268
The development of magnetic field structures which can lead to prominence configurations of the Kuperus-Raadu type is discussed. Starting from streamer type configurations and preserving the total current in the system we find that simple two-dimensional static configurations lead to prominences which in general lie systematically much lower than the heights found from observations. We therefore conclude that either more complex field configurations are needed to explain the recent observations by Leroy et al. (1983) or the initial configurations must be very special.  相似文献   

T. Moran  P. Foukal 《Solar physics》1991,135(1):179-191
We describe an electrograph instrument designed for measurement of macroscopic electric fields in solar plasmas, using the polarization dependence of line width in Stark-broadened hydrogen Paschen emission lines. Observations of quiescent prominences and limb chromosphere with our electrograph at the NSO/Sac Peak Evans Coronal Facility provide upper limits of 5–10 V cm–1 for transverse macroscopic electric fields in these structures, averaged over an area of about 5 × 7 arc sec. Random thermal motions of hydrogen ions across magnetic field lines generate a quasi-static electric field, which should be distinguishable from pressure broadening in the intensely magnetized chromosphere over a sunspot, given an electrograph sensitivity a factor 2–3 better than that achieved here. Future electrograph measurements of limb flares, post-flare loops and eruptive prominences, even at 5 V cm–1 sensitivity, could provide a useful new test of reconnection and discharge effects in such dynamic structures.  相似文献   

The Hanle effect method has been applied to the determination of the magnetic field in 120 prominences of the polar crown observed during the 1974–1980 period, which is the ascending phase of cycle XXI. The average field strength which was about 6 G at the beginning of the cycle reached twice this value just before the maximum. There is also a clear trend for a increase of the prominence field with the altitude. We confirm the fact that the magnetic vector makes a small angle (25 °) with the long axis of the prominence. As to the field orientation, we show that the most striking feature lies in the regular pattern of the component which is parallel to the axis of the filament; its direction seems to depend closely on the polarities of the high latitude photospheric field.  相似文献   

Based upon the new magnetic field vector measurements of Bommieret al. (1994) we construct prominence models which are in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium. We compare these new models with earlier ones and find that they are on average more massive and also considerably narrower.  相似文献   

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