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To calculate the Balmer, Paschen, and Brackett line intensities, we solved the statistical equilibrium equations for a twenty level plus continuum atom of hydrogen.From the temperature, ionization, and the first three level populations of the prominence models deduced in a previous work we have calculated the populations of the twenty bound levels and the integrated intensities corresponding to the series mentioned above. The method was also applied to the Heasley and Mihalas theoretical models.Since the Lyman series are optically thick, we have worked out two different options: (a) assume radiative balance in these lines and (b) correct the radiative rates by multiplying them with an integro-exponential function EI2 which depends on the line optical depth at the thread center. The first option is shown to be the more consistent.The integrated line intensities from the Balmer series have been compared with the observations and a clear difference was noted between quiescent and active prominences in the sense that the active prominence case can not be well fitted with the available models.To evaluate the influence of the pressure, the temperature, the thermal conduction coefficient and the turbulence, velocity on the spectrum we have compared the results from different models.From this study we conclude that only the lines arising from the lower levels up to 8–10 can give us information about the physical parameters that characterized the solar prominences since the intensities from the higher members of the series depend only on atomic properties because of the small departures from LTE of the upper levels involved.Member of the Carrera del Investigador, CONICET, Argentina.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the middle Balmer decrement (n = 10–22) in a number of quiescent prominences. The average decrement continues smoothly the trend of the decrement determined in our previous work on the earlier Balmer lines. The range of T ex is found to be 3450–11 000 K, consistent with the generally accepted range of values for T e. In addition, some values for the hydrogen-to-metal (Fe, Ti+) integrated line intensities are given.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations of the Nai D emission lines of prominences were made with the Domeless Solar Telescope in Hida Observatory. When active prominences are bright in the D2 emission line, the intensity ratio of D1 to D2 is found to deviate significantly from the theoretical ratio of the optically-thin case. On the other hand, the intensity ratio is close to the theoretical ratio for the most part of quiescent prominences. Furthermore, the full widths at half maximum intensity of the D2 emission line for active prominences become wider than those of the D1 line, as the intensity of the D2 line gets higher. These observed features clearly show that the emitting region of the Nai D lines is optically thick in some types of prominences. Non-LTE calculations were made by taking the ionization degree of hydrogen atoms and the thickness of the prominences and the electron temperature as free parameters. It is shown that the electron temperature of the emitting region of the Nai D lines should be as low as 4000 K for an explanation of the large optical thickness of the Nai D lines for active prominences. Brief discussions are included about the possible existence of low temperatures in active prominences.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to explain the Balmer progression in velocities seen in Pleione and other shell stars. Equations of conservation of mass and momentum are simultaneously solved with assumptions which simplify the calculations of the solution. We have considered the radiation pressure due to lines and continuum. It is found that the high-excitation lines are formed where the velocity gradients are high.  相似文献   

Pikel'ner computed a stationary solution for coronal gas streaming along a magnetic arch, which develops into a dense condensation similar to prominence matter. This paper discusses the choice of boundary conditions and presents additional solutions.  相似文献   

Bibhas R. De 《Solar physics》1973,31(2):437-447
A mechanism is suggested for the formation of loop-type prominences in solar-active regions following flare events. The mechanism is based on the already existing idea of compression of a coronal plasma element resulting in enhanced radiation and consequent cooling of the element. A model is suggested for such a compression based on the concept of a contracting, force-free filamentary structure. If the current in a filament increases with time, then there is a radial contraction of the filament. Since the coronal plasma is frozen into the magnetic field lines of the filament, a contraction of the filament causes a compression of the filamentary plasma. This model of compression is shown to be in approximate qualitative and quantitative agreement with observations.  相似文献   

The classical method for determining the velocities of microturbulent motions in solar prominences is generalized to account for the possible opacity of the spectral lines. A new characteristic of a line is introduced which, for a given line formation mechanism, can be used to determine the optical thickness of the emitting region. The method is applied to lines in the EUV region observed with the SUMER spectrograph as part of the SOHO space program. Comparison with observational data not only confirms the validity of this mechanism for line formation, but also shows that the optical thickness of the medium is small for these lines. Difficulties involved in determining the kinetic temperature and, therefore, the microturbulent velocities, are discussed. Based on lines of various ions, this velocity is estimated to be on the order of 30–40 km/s.  相似文献   

We identify the Balmer 9 and 11 lines of He ii at 959 Å and 942 Å in solar spectra. These lines are produced mainly by recombination following photoionization of He ii by coronal XUV radiation. From analysis of the line intensities, we confirm the theoretical model of Avrett et al. (1976), who found that an appreciable amount of He++ is present at temperatures of 1–2 × 104 K and that the anomalously strong He ii 304 line is produced primarily by collisional excitation. We also confirm the suggestion of Kohl (1977) that the photoionization-recombination process is more important in active regions than in the quiet Sun, and we find that the 304 line is produced largely by recombination in solar flares.  相似文献   

Spatially well resolved prominence spectra of the three lines Ca+ K, H, and Ca+ 8542 are analysed. It is confirmed that the branching in the emission relations of Ca+ versus H correlates with the magnitude of non-thermal (turbulent) broadening.  相似文献   

M. Liggett  H. Zirin 《Solar physics》1984,91(2):259-267
We have studied rotation in non-eruptive limb prominences; in most cases dopplergrams could be used to confirm proper motion measurements. In some cases part of the prominence rotates; in the others, the entire body is in rotation. Velocities of 15–75 km s-1 are found. Of fifty-one prominences studied in 1978, five showed rotation.  相似文献   

We suggest the following heuristic model for the evolution of a quiescent filament. The middle part of the filament rises due to heating, while its ends remain anchored in the chromosphere; and a kink appears in the H filament due to projection and line-of-sight effects. Further, the top segment of the filament rises rapidly above the solar surface 1–2 days before the disappearance of a filament or eruption of a prominence. The top of the filament attains a high temperature due to further heating, thereby becoming invisible in H, giving the impression that the filament has split into two parts. It is expected that this gap between the H filament can be seen in the observations in high-temperature lines and soft X-rays.  相似文献   

Verma  V.K. 《Solar physics》2000,194(1):87-101
The paper presents the results of a study of the distribution and asymmetry of solar active prominences (SAP) for the period 1957–1998 (solar cycles 19–23). The east-west (E-W) distribution study shows that the frequency of SAP events in the 81–90° slice (in longitude) near the east and west limbs is up to 10 times greater than in the 1–10° slice near the central meridian of the Sun. The north-south (N-S) latitudinal distribution shows that the SAP events are most prolific in the 11–20° slice in the northern and southern hemispheres. Further, the E-W asymmetry of SAP events is not significant. The N-S asymmetry of SAP events is significant and it has no relation with the solar maximum year or solar minimum year during solar cycles. Further, the present study also shows that the N-S asymmetry for cycles 19–23 follows and confirms the trend of N-S asymmetry cycles as reported by Verma (1992).  相似文献   

We investigate the question of the possible variable conditions in dwarf novae. The Balmer decrements are used as variability indicators due to their form being strongly dependent on the conditions in the radiating medium. It is shown that the decrements are usually anomalous and variable in time at minimum light, which indicates a variability of the conditions in the radiating medium. The spectrum changes significantly during the outburst state, the decrement becomes steep and has no anomalies. It appears that the outburst makes the emitting region more homogeneous and sparse. Another possible explanation is that the radiation is emitted by some other region, unseen at minimum light.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the excitation of the helium singlet level 21 P in the homogeneous and filamentary models of quiescent prominences with following parameters: the optical thickness at the limit of helium Lyman continuum 1c M = 0.1–100, T e = 7000 K, n e = 5 × 1010 cm–3. Assuming a model He atom with seven discrete levels (11 S, 23 S, 21 S, 23 P, 21 P, 33 D, 31 D) and the continuum the steady state equations for the levels 23 S, 21 P and the continuum have been solved together with the radiative transfer equations for the line 584 Å and the continuum 504 Å. The variations with depth of the functions n 2 3 S /n 1 1 S (1 c), n 2 1 P /n 1 1 S (1c ), and n + He n e /n 1 1 S(1c ) as well as the intensities of the triplet (D3, 10830 Å) and singlet (16678, 20581 Å) lines have been calculated. Comparison with observations leads to the following conclusions: (1) The line intensities calculated for filamentary models of prominences agree better with observations than those for homogeneous ones. (2) The helium level 21 P is excited by diffuse field 584 Å being formed by recombinations and spontaneous transitions 21 P – 11 S and escaping from the prominence into the space between the filaments and to the surface. (3) Underpopulation of the singlet level 21 P may be explained by combination of weak excitation mechanism (recombinations and formation of the diffuse field 584 Å) and strong deexcitation mechanism (spontaneous transitions into the level 11 S).  相似文献   

We have studied three pairs of prominences, two of them clearly showing the effect of interaction by a dynamical plasma bridge. The other one was a superimposed optical pair which also showed, after being spectroscopically studied, the possible effect of interaction. We have calculated the atom density in the prominence and bridges, and applied the Goldberg-Unno method for the determination of Doppler-widths of the calcium H and K lines.  相似文献   

Macroscopic velocity fields have been studied in a solar prominence. The spectra and monochromatic images were analyzed, and the existence of a contracting motion, possibly due to a pinch effect, is discussed. A helical shape of the prominence is proposed.  相似文献   

A new type of oscillations, being long-period oscillations of line-of-sight velocities, with periods ranging from 42 to 82 min and amplitudes in excess of 200 m s-1 has been discovered in prominences. These oscillations may be interpreted as a combination of torsional and longitudinal ones.  相似文献   

Earlier studies of quiescent prominences claim that there is a systematic downward directed motion of the small-scale structure. Disk observations, on the other hand, have detected mass motions both upwards and downwards. The earlier high-resolution observations of limb prominences have been re-examined using local cross-correlation techniques for measurements of motion perpendicular to the line of sight. The new measurements reveal flow speeds and directions that are in good agreement with current Doppler measurements on the disk.  相似文献   

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