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Every man has to consume a certain quatity of water every day. This use constitutes the most basic need for water. In households water is also used for basic hygiene, washing, cleaning, and for the transport of sewage. Water is used in industry for cooling, generating electric power, for the production of a large variety of goods, and other purposes. The greatest demand for water results from irrigation. To satisfy these demands, an increasing quantity of ground-water is used. It is available at many places, where far extended subsurface reservoirs exist; it is better protected against pollution than surface water. But even though ground-water exists in many geological formations, which seem to be infinite, the availability is limited. The recharge of ground-water is dependent on the supply of atmospheric moisture. Especially in semiarid and arid zones this component of the hydrologic cycle determines the availability of ground-water. Besides natural conditions, technical and economic factors such as drilling of boreholes and the cost of pumping of ground-water have to be considered. Also political decisions can limit the availability of ground-water. If, for instance, wetlands are destroyed by drawdown of ground-water, nontechnical and non-economical aspects are involved. We face undesirable effects of ground-water pumping. Whether these effects are tolerable or intolerable depends on the decision-making processes on a political level.  相似文献   

Ground-Water could be considered as an immense reservoir, from which only a certain amount of water can be withdrawn without affecting the quantity and quality of water. This amount is determined by the characteristics of the environment in which ground-water occurs and by the interactions of ground-water with precipitation, surface water, and people. It should be recognized that quantity and quality of ground-water are intimately related and should be considered accordingly. Quantity refers to usable water and water is usable for any specific purpose only so long as its quality has not deteriorated beyond acceptable limits. Thus an overall quantitative and qualitative management of ground water is inevitable, and its should also involve the uses of ground-water reservoirs for purposes other than water supply. The main objective of ground-water management is to ensure that ground-water resources will be available in appropriate time and in appropriate quantity and quality to meet the most important demands of our society. Traditional, and obvious uses of ground-water are the extraction of water for water supplies (domestic, municipal, agricultural, and industrial) and the natural discharge feeding lakes and maintaining base flow of streams. Not so obvious are the uses of ground-water reservoirs, the very framework within which ground-water occurs and moves, and in which other fluids or materials can be stored. In the last two decades, ground-water reservoirs have been intensively considered for many other purposes than water supplies. Diversified and very often conflicting uses need to be evaluated and dealt with in the most efficient way in order to determine the importance of each possible use, and to assign priorities of these uses. With rising competition for the use of ground-water reservoirs, we will also need to increase the potential for effective planning of ground-water development and protection. Man's development and use of ground-water necessarily modifies the natural conditions and the total natural system must be successfully blended with the unnatural stresses placed upon it. This can be accomplished by introducing new methods (such as ground-water zoning) in and by developing alternative strategies for ground-water management and protection.  相似文献   

Methods are described for developing geochemical reaction models from the observed chemical compositions of ground water along a hydrologic flow path. The roles of thermodynamic speciation programs, mass balance calculations, and reaction-path simulations in developing and testing reaction models are contrasted. Electron transfer is included in the mass balance equations to properly account for redox reactions in ground water. The mass balance calculations determine net mass transfer models which must be checked against the thermodynamic calculations of speciation and reaction-path programs. Although reaction-path simulations of ground-water chemistry are thermodynamically valid, they must be checked against the net mass transfer defined by the mass balance calculations. An example is given testing multiple reaction hypotheses along a flow path in the Floridan aquifer where several reaction models are eliminated. Use of carbon and sulfur isotopic data with mass balance calculations indicates a net reaction of incongruent dissolution of dolomite (dolomite dissolution with calcite precipitation) driven irreversibly by gypsum dissolution, accompanied by minor sulfate reduction, ferric hydroxide dissolution, and pyrite precipitation in central Florida. Along the flow path, the aquifer appears to be open to CO2 initially, and open to organic carbon at more distant points down gradient.  相似文献   

Estimating ground-water recharge from streamflow records   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to estimate ground-water recharge based on the investigation of the balance between ground-water recharge and discharge from streamflow hydrographs. Two methods of hydrograph analysis are employed in a case study of Cho-Shui River basin, Taiwan. The first is the recession-curve-displacement method, which assumes the linearity of the master recession curve while the profile of the ground-water head distribution is nearly stable. The second method is the base-flow-record estimation, which uses a relatively arbitrary procedure to estimate a continuous record of ground-water discharge (baseflow) under the streamflow hydrograph. Through implementing these two methods, the annual rates of ground-water recharge and infiltration in the area of Cho-Shui River basin are examined as our case study. Results showed that the discharge calculated by the method of base-flow-record estimation is about 16% average less than the recharge calculated by the recession-curve-displacement method in the mountain region.  相似文献   

Geochemistry and the understanding of ground-water systems   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
Geochemistry has contributed significantly to the understanding of ground-water systems over the last 50 years. Historic advances include development of the hydrochemical facies concept, application of equilibrium theory, investigation of redox processes, and radiocarbon dating. Other hydrochemical concepts, tools, and techniques have helped elucidate mechanisms of flow and transport in ground-water systems, and have helped unlock an archive of paleoenvironmental information. Hydrochemical and isotopic information can be used to interpret the origin and mode of ground-water recharge, refine estimates of time scales of recharge and ground-water flow, decipher reactive processes, provide paleohydrological information, and calibrate ground-water flow models. Progress needs to be made in obtaining representative samples. Improvements are needed in the interpretation of the information obtained, and in the construction and interpretation of numerical models utilizing hydrochemical data. The best approach will ensure an optimized iterative process between field data collection and analysis, interpretation, and the application of forward, inverse, and statistical modeling tools. Advances are anticipated from microbiological investigations, the characterization of natural organics, isotopic fingerprinting, applications of dissolved gas measurements, and the fields of reaction kinetics and coupled processes. A thermodynamic perspective is offered that could facilitate the comparison and understanding of the multiple physical, chemical, and biological processes affecting ground-water systems.
Resumen La geoquímica ha contribuido significativamente al entendimiento de los sistemas de aguas subterráneas durante los últimos 50 años. Entre los avances históricos puede incluirse el desarrollo del concento de facies hidroquímicas, la aplicación de la teoría de equilibrio, investigación de los procesos oxidación-reducción, y datación con radiocarbono. Otros conceptos, herramientas y técnicas hidroquímicas han ayudado a esclarecer los mecanismos de flujo y transporte en sistemas de agua subterránea, y han ayudado a descifrar un archivo de información paleoambiental. Información hidroquímica e isotópica puede utilizarse para interpretar el origen y modo de recarga de agua subterránea, descifrar procesos reactivos, aportar información paleohidrológica, y calibrar modelos de flujo de agua subterránea. Necesita avanzarse en la obtención de muestras representativas. Se necesitan mejoras en la interpretación de la información obtenida y en la construcción e interpretación de modelos numéricos que utilizan datos hidroquímicos. El mejor enfoque asegurará un proceso iterativo optimizado entre toma y análisis de datos de campo, interpretación, y la aplicación de herramientas de modelizado estadísticas, directas, e inversas. Se anticipan avances a partir de investigaciones microbiológicas, la caracterización de orgánicos naturales, caracterización isotópica, aplicaciones de mediciones de gas disuelto, y los campos de cinética de reacción y procesos acoplados. Se ofrece una perspectiva termodinámica que podría facilitar la comparación y entendimiento de los múltiples procesos físicos, químicos, y biológicos que afectan sistemas de aguas subterráneas.

Résumé La géochimie a contribué de façon importante à la compréhension des systèmes deaux souterraines pendant les 50 dernières années. Les avancées ont portées sur le développement du concept des faciès hydrochimiques, sur lapplication de la théorie des équilibres, létude des processus doxydoréduction, et sur la datation au radiocarbone. Dautres concepts, outils et techniques, ont aidé à l élucidation des élucider les mécanismes découlement et de transport dans les systèmes deaux souterraines, et à la compréhension des archives informations paléo-environnementales. Les informations hydrochimiques et isotopiques peuvent être utilisées pour interpréter lorigine et le mode de recharge des eaux souterraines, affiner lestimation des temps de recharge et d écoulements, déchiffrer les processus de réaction, apporter une meilleure information paléohydrogéologique et calibrer les modèles découlement des eaux souterraines. Beaucoup de progrès ont besoin dêtre réalisés pour obtenir des échantillons représentatifs. Des améliorations sont nécessaires dans linterprétation des informations obtenues, et dans la construction et linterprétation de modèles numériques utilisant des données hydrochimiques. La meilleure approches arsurément un processus itératif optimisé entre la collection de données de terrain et lanalyse, linterprétation, et lapplication doutils de modélisation statistique, inverse et direct. Des avancées sont anticipées par les dans le demeine des études microbiologiques, dans la caractérisation des matières organiques naturelles, le marquage isotopique, les mesures de gaz dissous, les réactions cinétiques la compréhension des couplages. Une perspectives thermodynamique pourraient faciliter la comparaison et la compréhension des multiples processus physiques, chimiques et biologiques qui affectent les systèmes hydrogéologiques.

Matthess  G. 《GeoJournal》1983,7(5):435-443
GeoJournal - The concentration and migration of contaminants in ground-water is influenced by many geochemical, physical, and biological processes. The mobility of inorganic and organic...  相似文献   

C. R. Meinardi 《GeoJournal》1983,7(5):413-425
Brackish ground-water bodies under coastal areas and islands often show a regular pattern as to the form and salt content. Two types of theories give an explanation, the Badon GHijben/Herzberg (BGH) approach, based on density differences; and theories on mixing phenomena, like diffusion and disperson. The underlying assumptions of both approaches and their respective merits are discussed. The BG g approach is particularly suited to coastal strips and small islands, whereas the mixing theories give better results for more inland areas. This conclusion is illustrated by a number of case studies, two of them concerning the lowlands of the Netherlands and two others dealing with small oceanic islands. The theoretical aspects of the problem of maximum yield of individual wells and drains situated above brackish ground-water are introduced and some solutions are presented.  相似文献   

J. Moon  S. Jeong 《Engineering Geology》2011,117(3-4):207-216
Current practice for estimating water inflow rate relies mostly on analytical solutions which assume a homogeneous, isotropic porous medium around a tunnel. Field measurements indicate that current engineering practice does not consistently make adequate estimate of ground-water flow into a tunnel during excavation due to various factors that analytical solutions do not properly take into account. Among the various factors affecting ground-water flow, the significance of a highly pervious feature located near the tunnel is discussed in this research. The highly pervious feature, which is located near an underground opening and connected to a large source of water, can provide a path for relatively high-head water to the joints intersecting the opening. This paper describes the influence of a highly pervious feature on the ground-water flow regime around a tunnel and the change of inflow rate as the tunnel approaches a highly pervious feature.  相似文献   

地下水位下降对采矿覆岩下沉影响探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地下采煤会导致地表下沉盆地的形成。然而地下水尤其是承压水的流失即水位降低对地表下沉盆地的形成存在不可忽视的影响,而对两者之间的关系及其过程的力学机理是岩移领域亟待研究的课题之一。矿区地下水位降低的主要原因为承压水通过采动裂隙向下渗流、煤层开采前顶板岩溶含水岩层的疏干以及地面人为钻井取水。根据对一具体矿区地下水位下降对地表沉陷影响实测数据的分析得出,在以采煤为主导条件导致地表下沉的过程中,几乎全部的开采沉陷量中均包含有由于含水层释水而造成的沉陷量。通过对上覆岩层力学机理分析,指出水位降低对覆岩移动、地表下沉的影响是由于一定地质条件下可渗水性岩石的物理力学特性、渗水对其它岩石的软化、释水后原冲积层的压密固结以及水渗透过程中的水岩耦合作用等因素综合作用所致。同时,在以上理论的基础上还探讨性地建立了地下水位下降对地表下沉贡献模型,在此模型基础上可以建立2个或2个以上影响因素对地表下沉的贡献模型。最后以框图形式概括了地下水位下降及其对地表下沉影响的综合过程。  相似文献   

塔里木河下游生态输水后地下水变化规律研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
为准确反映塔里木河下游生态输水工程后地下水的动态变化,实现为本地区开展大规模的生态恢复和重建工作提供科学依据,在塔里木河下游沿321km河道上布设了9个监测断面和39口监测井,采用电导法定期监测地下水位近3年。结果显示:输水后地下水位在河道纵向、横向上有各自的变化规律,说明生态输水的效益是逐步显现的。因此,对本地区生态输水的综合评价应该放在几年以后再开展。同时,通过对生态输水后地下水位变化的分析,提出了调整输水规模和方式的建议。  相似文献   

Direct Pco2 measurements on water samples from several CO2-charged warm springs are significantly higher than Pco2 values calculated from field pH and alkalinity (and other constituents). In addition, calcite saturation indices calculated from field pH and solution composition indicated supersaturation in samples which, on the basis of hydrogeologic concepts, should be near saturation or undersaturated. We attribute these discrepancies to uncertainties in field pH, resulting from CO2 outgassing during pH measurement. Because samples for direct Pco2 measurement can be taken with minimal disturbance to the water chemistry, we have used the measured Pco2 to back calculate an estimate of the field pH and the carbon isotopic composition of the water before outgassing. By reconstructing water chemistry in this way, we find generally consistent grouping of δ13C, pH, and degree of calcite saturation in samples taken from the same source at different times, an observation which we expect based on our understanding of the hydrogeology and geochemistry of the ground-water systems. This suggests that for very careful geochemical work, particularly on ground-waters much above ambient temperature, Pco2 measurements may provide more information on the system and a better estimate of its state of saturation with respect to carbonate minerals than can field measurements of pH.  相似文献   

火山喷发文字记录资料的考证可以给出历史上火山喷发的最为准确的时间限定,对喷发过程、灾害效应也都可给出极为详细、准确的措施。长白山天池火山喷发的满语资料是除了汉语、朝语之处另一种极为重要的资料来源,目前已从有关满语神话传说中得到了若干有重要意义的火山与火山学信息。本文列出了3类、14条天池火山喷发的神话与传说,从中可以得知数千年以来天池火山发生过多次猛烈的与温和的周期性的喷发。天池火山喷发与火山泥石流、喷发后洪水泛滥有密切关系,泛滥物波及到距离天池火山460km以过的嫩江流域及珲春一带。在中国近代史上还有若干次火山喷发记录,经考察较为确定的1951年昆仑山西部于田县卡尔达西火山喷发是一次地下岩浆上侵、地表汽爆炸与喷发的火山喷发事件。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(6):751-779
Uranium concentrations and 234U/238U ratios in saturated-zone and perched ground water were used to investigate hydrologic flow and downgradient dilution and dispersion in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain, a potential high-level radioactive waste disposal site. The U data were obtained by thermal ionization mass spectrometry on more than 280 samples from the Death Valley regional flow system. Large variations in both U concentrations (commonly 0.6–10 μg l−1) and 234U/238U activity ratios (commonly 1.5–6) are present on both local and regional scales; however, ground water with 234U/238U activity ratios from 7 up to 8.06 is restricted largely to samples from Yucca Mountain. Data from ground water in the Tertiary volcanic and Quaternary alluvial aquifers at and adjacent to Yucca Mountain plot in 3 distinct fields of reciprocal U concentration versus 234U/238U activity ratio correlated to different geographic areas. Ground water to the west of Yucca Mountain has large U concentrations and moderate 234U/238U whereas ground water to the east in the Fortymile flow system has similar 234U/238U, but distinctly smaller U concentrations. Ground water beneath the central part of Yucca Mountain has intermediate U concentrations but distinctive 234U/238U activity ratios of about 7–8. Perched water from the lower part of the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain has similarly large values of 234U/238U. These U data imply that the Tertiary volcanic aquifer beneath the central part of Yucca Mountain is isolated from north-south regional flow. The similarity of 234U/238U in both saturated- and unsaturated-zone ground water at Yucca Mountain further indicates that saturated-zone ground water beneath Yucca Mountain is dominated by local recharge rather than regional flow. The distinctive 234U/238U signatures also provide a natural tracer of downgradient flow. Elevated 234U/238U in ground water from two water-supply wells east of Yucca Mountain are interpreted as the result of induced flow from 40 a of ground-water withdrawal. Elevated 234U/238U in a borehole south of Yucca Mountain is interpreted as evidence that natural downgradient flow is more likely to follow southerly paths in the structurally anisotropic Tertiary volcanic aquifer where it becomes diluted by regional flow in the Fortymile system.  相似文献   

土压缩模量预测回归分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在土压缩模量Es的分析计算中,常用的分析方法是根据土的e-p曲线试验资料建立公式求解,本文引入了数学上的回归分析方法来探讨Es与其它各项物理力学指标参数之间的相关关系,旨在找出对Es影响最显著的指标参数,并建立最优回归方程式,以此来预测Es。研究结果表明:该方法通用性强,应用范围广,亦可推广应用于其它相关领域。  相似文献   

为解决电信手工绘制的逻辑图不易维护的问题,研究了电信带方向逻辑图和不带方向逻辑图的自动生成算法.算法是从数据库提取缆线的路由信息,用深度优先的方式遍历缆线经过的所有坐标,采取回溯的方式,计算缆线在每个点的偏移值,调整缆线顺序,自动绘制逻辑图.产生的逻辑图没有不必要的交叉,避免了传统的手工绘制.结果表明,对于常用的电信逻辑图,自动生成算法是可以满足要求的.   相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1218-1225
Copper deposits of Cuba belong to the Jurassic lead-zinc-copper, Cretaceous copper and Paleogene copper complexes, which differ substantially in their formation conditions. The island is differentiated into a number of metallogenic zones formed at the initial and early stages of the Cuba folded province. Pinar del Rio, Pinos, Trinidad and Oriente zones, of an intrageanticlinal nature, are prospective with respect to copper vein deposits of the lead-Zinc-copper complex. The Sasa and Cauto zones - intrageosynclinal - are prospective with regard to copper-pyrite and copper vein deposits of the Cretaceous complex. A metallogenic study of the island is indicated in planning the exploration of its copper prospects. -- AGI Staff.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of Thermal Waters of Continental Margin of Far East of Russia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studied waters belong to warm(T=30-50℃),alkaline(pH=8.9-9.3),low mineralized(TDS235 mg/1)Na-HCO_3 or Na-SO_4-HCO_3 thermal waters with high content of SiO_2(up to 81 mg/l)and F(up to 3.9 mg/1),occur on modern volcano-tectonic rejuvenated areas of Eastern Sikhote-Alin orogenic belt.Low~3He concentration as well as N_2/O_2 and N_2/Ar ratios exclude influence of deep mantle fluid.New rare earth element data constrain our understandmg of water-rock interaction occurring in the water source region.Meteoric origin of waters is proved by stable isotope values varying from-71‰to-136.1‰and from-10.8‰to-18.8‰forδ~2U andδ~(18)O respectively.REE patterns reflect high pH,resultfing from water-rock interaction and oxidative conditions.Calculations of deep aquifer temperature using Na-K and quartz geothermometers show 116.8-131.1°C and 82.2-125.8℃respectively.Presence of deep faults both with abnormal thermal gradient(~45-50 K/km)define unique geochemical shape of thermal waters of Sikhote-Alin,area,where no present volcanic activity is registered.  相似文献   

Using the database of automatic hydrometeorological stations, installed in the Don RIver delta and Taganrog Bay seashore, the sources of the anomalois scale water negative surge and salinization of the Azov Sea under conditions of low river flow in 2015–2016 are studied. The new schemes of stratification and advection of salty sea waters in the Don River mouth under different weather conditions, water discharge and levels are given.  相似文献   

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