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国内外GIS软件的空间分析功能比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过分析空间分析与空间数据的关系,详细比较了国内外GIS软件的空间分析功能,介绍了国内外成熟的GIS软件在空间分析功能上的优势,对空间分析的发展进行了展望. 相似文献
基于GIS空间数据库,对山东省108个城镇的综合发展水平进行了空间统计分析。首先选用了反映城市综合发展水平的14项指标,并进行了主成分分析,得出反映城镇综合发展水平的综合指标,并分析了山东省各城镇的综合发展水平与分布状况。然后利用该综合指标,对各个城镇进行了空间统计分析,通过计算全局空间自相关指标,分析认为山东省各城镇综合发展水平总体上未呈现空间相关关系;通过计算局部空间自相关指标,分析认为山东省68.5%的城镇分布存在非相似空间集聚特征。 相似文献
ABSTRACTThis article attempts to detail time series characteristics of PM2.5 concentration in Guangzhou (China) from 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2013 based on wavelet analysis tools, and discuss its spatial distribution using geographic information system software and a modified land use regression model. In this modified model, an important variable (land use data) is substituted for impervious surface area, which can be obtained conveniently from remote sensing imagery through the linear spectral mixture analysis method. Impervious surface has higher precision than land use data because of its sub-pixel level. Seasonal concentration pattern and day-by-day change feature of PM2.5 in Guangzhou with a micro-perspective are discussed and understood. Results include: (1) the highest concentration of PM2.5 occurs in October and the lowest in July, respectively; (2) average concentration of PM2.5 in winter is higher than in other seasons; and (3) there are two high concentration zones in winter and one zone in spring. 相似文献
GIS空间数据的分析与制图一体化策略 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
地理信息系统(GIS)是地理学、地图学等在信息化时代发展的新的理论技术体系,其软件系统需要同时具有地理空间分析与地图表达两方面的功能.但是分析与制图对地理空间数据的要求存在一定程度的差异,导致两者间数据无法充分共享.在分析地理空间数据冲突的基础上,初步探讨了在GIS中实现分析与制图功能一体化的数据采集与应用方案,有助于避免数据的重复建设,提高地理空间数据的利用效率. 相似文献
Some thoughts on the integration of spatial analysis and Geographic Information Systems 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Duane F. Marble 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2000,2(1):31-35
It is past time for us to examine the relationship that exists between what we commonly call spatial analysis on the one hand, and geographic information systems or GIS on the other. GIS technology is widely used but seems to incorporate only a portion of the tools found in spatial analysis. Spatial analysis can be accused of overly simplistic approaches that severely limit its practical utility. This paper suggests that discarding myopic views and meeting upon a common ground of increased knowledge of modern computing concepts and techniques, including object-orientation, can prove extremely fruitful to both sides. 相似文献
Application of integration of spatial statistical analysis with GIS to regional economic analysis 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
CHENFei DUDaosheng 《地球空间信息科学学报》2004,7(4):262-267
This paper summarizes a few spatial statistical analysis methods for to measuring spatial autocorrelation and spatial association, discusses the criteria for the identification of spatial association by the use of global Moran Coefficient, Local Moran and Local Geary. Furthermore, a user-friendly statistical module, combining spatial statistical analysis methods with GIS visual techniques, is developed in Arcview using Avenue. An example is also given to show the usefulness of this module in identifying and quantifying the underlying spatial association patterns between economic units. 相似文献
在空间信息科学领域,人们提出了空间信息网格(SIG)的概念,为空间数据的信息获取、共享、访问、分析和处理提供技术支持,以实现网格环境下的空间资源共享与协同。本文着重于网格技术与移动代理技术在地理信息共享领域的应用研究,结合空间信息网格技术,探讨了区域资源环境信息共享技术。在此基础上,本文设计了基于网格的地理信息共享与服务体系框架,并初步实现了基于该框架的西南地区资源环境信息共享与服务平台的原型系统。在原型系统中实现了网格环境下的WMS服务、WFS服务、服务资源注册服务、服务状态监测服务以及安全方面的访问控制服务。 相似文献
本文阐述了空间统计分析方法的基本原理,介绍了判断空间关联显著性的相关指标及其计算方法,并将空间统计分析方法应用于环境质量评价领域,探索区域环境质量在空间上的分布特征,挖掘环境质量数据中的空间关联关系.结合惠州市2008年空气现状调查中的硫酸盐化速率数据进行分析,结果表明,该数据在整体上存在显著的空间自相关和聚集模式;在局部层面存在三个统计显著性较高的聚集区.由此可知,空间统计分析方法能有效地挖掘环境质量数据中的潜在关联关系,为环境质量评价提供十分重要的统计依据. 相似文献
尺度依赖性、空间依赖性和空间非均质性是空间信息的本质特征,如何在空间分析中综合考虑以上特征目前仍缺少有效方法.本文提出的空间信息分层复合分析模型通过“回归的回归”两阶段分析建立包含空间异质性、空间依赖关系与空间尺度效应的空间单元综合回归模型,有助于解决空间分析中数据的多维复杂性涉及的尺度效应、空间依赖性和空间异质性综合... 相似文献
This paper deals with the extension of internet-based geographic information systems with functionality for exploratory spatial data analysis (esda). The specific focus is on methods to identify and visualize outliers in maps for rates or proportions. Three sets of methods are included: extreme value maps, smoothed rate maps and the Moran scatterplot. The implementation is carried out by means of a collection of Java classes to extend the Geotools open source mapping software toolkit. The web based spatial analysis tools are illustrated with applications to the study of homicide rates and cancer rates in U.S. counties.This research was supported in part by a number of grants from the US National Science Foundation: NSF Grant SBR-9410612, BCS-9978058, to the Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (csiss), and a grant from the National Consortium on Violence Research (ncovr is supported under grant SBR-9513040 from the National Science Foundation). In addition, support was provided by grant RO1 CA 95949-01 from the National Cancer Institute. Special thanks to Dr. Eugene J. Lengerich of the Pennsylvania State Cancer Institute for providing the data on colon cancer diagnoses. 相似文献