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多源时空数据的地表分类信息挖掘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国土空间的发展,自然资源管理、国土空间规划等对于地表分类信息的需求日益增大,如何采用数据挖掘手段高效准确地获取地表分类信息成为目前重要的研究方向.本文在对多源数据进行分析研究的基础上,以地理国情监测、基础测绘、天地图等多源时空数据为数据源,参考第三次全国国土调查分类方案,综合采用多维度地表分类、语义规则映射、空间综...  相似文献   

In this study, temporal MODIS-Terra MOD13Q1 data have been used for identification of wheat crop uniquely, using the noise clustering (NC) soft classification approach. This research also optimises the selection of date combination and vegetation index for classification of wheat crop. First, a separability analysis is used to optimise the date combination for each case of number of dates and vegetation index. Then, these scenes have undergone for NC soft classification. The resolution parameter (δ) was optimised for the NC classifier and found to be a value of 1.6 × 104 for wheat crop identification. Classified outputs were analysed by receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis for sub-pixel detection. Highest area under the ROC curve was found for soil-adjusted vegetation index corresponding to the three different phenological stages data sets. From this study, the data sets corresponding to the Sowing, Flowering and Maturity phenological stages of wheat crop were found more suitable to identify it uniquely.  相似文献   

以空间数据生产过程为出发点,研究空间数据质量问题的产生原因,提出基于生产过程的空间数据误差分类,包括:数据源误差、数据采集误差和系统处理误差,并认为数据采集误差是影响空间数据质量的主要因素,而空间数据可视化是对数据误差最为有效的检查手段,通过在生产过程中实现地图符号化、隐性信息可视化、拓朴检查和地图接边等检查方法,提高空间数据质量.  相似文献   

特征提取和选择是模式识别核心问题之一,它极大地影响着分类器的设计和性能,高维的特征选择更是一个NP难题。针对特征选择这一组合优化及多目标优化问题,本文提出了改进的融合启发信息ACO(Antcolony optimization)特征选择的新方法,该算法比不用启发信息的ACO方法能更好地找出代表问题空间的最优特征子集,降低分类系统的搜索空间,从而提高搜索效率。以航空纹理影像的特征选择和分类问题为例,利用原始蚂蚁算法和改进的蚂蚁算法选择的特征分别进行识别,结果证明该算法不仅能够比没有改进的蚂蚁找出有效特征集、降低图像特征空间维数、减少图像分类的工作量,而且提高了分类识别正确率。  相似文献   

李志建  郑新奇  赵璐  杨鑫 《测绘科学》2010,35(1):121-123
地理信息分类的传统线性算法具有正向直接判定的快速优势,但局限于对已知数据进行线性的判别划分,而非线性未知信息的分类预测同样是GIS技术的重要内容。人工神经网络算法为一些非线性知识的发现提供了可能。本文在通用的GIS格式数据基础上,采用L-M算法进行分类,通过分类结果来预测未知信息。开发出可视化的GIS数据神经网络分类预测软件模块。并以美国各镇人口为样例数据进行测试,分类预测结果显示该算法具有可行性及系统具有实用性。  相似文献   

商建伟 《测绘通报》2020,(9):159-161
自我国全面建成地理国情普查成果库之后,工作重心由全面普查变为重点监测。不论普查还是监测,准确地对地表覆盖进行分类一直是工作的重点和难点。在常态化监测阶段,把握地表覆盖分类成果的主要质量指标,归纳其诸如变化率、变化区域分布、变化类型,分析影响其成果质量的主要因素,对监测生产组织及质量控制具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

改进的P-SVM支持向量机与遥感数据分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张睿  马建文 《遥感学报》2009,13(3):445-457
本文介绍了将P-SVM算法引入多光谱/高分辨率遥感数据的分类, 并且展示了卫星ASTER和航空ADS40数字影像分类的技术过程和结果验证。结果表明:P-SVM方法的分类精度不低于SVM, 并减少了时耗。  相似文献   

In the past, researchers tried hard classification techniques with contextual information to improve classification results. While modelling the spatial contextual information for hard classifiers using Markov Random Field it has been found that the Metropolis algorithm is easier to program and it performs better when compared with the Gibbs sampler. In this study, it has been found that in the case of soft contextual classification, the Metropolis algorithm fails to sample from a random field efficiently and the Gibbs sampler performs better than the Metropolis algorithm, due to the high dimensionality of the soft classification outputs.  相似文献   

赵理君  唐娉 《遥感学报》2016,20(2):157-171
目前普遍采用的分类器通常都是针对单一或小量任务而设计的,在小数据量的处理中能取得比较满意的结果。但对于海量遥感数据的处理,其在处理时效和分类精度方面还有待研究。本文以遥感图像场景分类任务为例,着重对遥感数据分类问题中几种典型分类方法的适用性进行比较研究,包括K近邻(KNN)、随机森林(RF),支持向量机(SVM)和稀疏表达分类器(SRC)等。分别从参数敏感性,训练样本数据量,待分类样本数据量和样本特征维数对分类器性能的影响等几个方面进行比较分析。实验结果表明:(1)KNN,RF和L0-SRC方法相比RBF-SVM,Linear-SVM和L1-SRC,受参数影响的程度更弱;(2)待分类样本固定的情况下,随着训练样本数目的增加,SRC类型分类方法的分类性能最佳,SVM类型方法次之,然后是RF和KNN,在总体分类时间上呈现出L0-SRCL1-SRCRFRBF-SVM/Linear-SVMKNN/L0-SRC-Batch的趋势;(3)训练样本固定的情况下,所有分类方法的分类精度几乎都不受待分类样本数目变化的影响,RBF-SVM方法性能最佳,其次是L1-SRC,然后是Linear-SVM,最后是RF和L0-SRC/L0-SRC-Batch,在总体分类时间上,L1-SRC和L0-SRC相比其他分类方法最为耗时;(4)样本特征维数的变化不仅影响分类器的运行效率,同时也影响其分类精度,其中SRC和KNN分类器器无需较高的特征维数即可获得较好的分类结果,SVM对高维特征具有较强的包容性和学习能力,RF分类器对特征维数增加则表现得并不敏感,特征维数的增加并不能对其分类精度的提升带来更多的贡献。总的来说,在大数据量的遥感数据分类任务中,现有分类方法具有良好的适用性,但是对于分类器的选择应当基于各自的特点和优势,结合实际应用的特点进行权衡和选择,选择参数敏感性较小,分类总体时间消耗低但分类精度相对较高的分类方法。  相似文献   

作为空间数据库更新的一项关键内容,变化信息的提取直接关系着整个更新工作的效果。居民地是空间实体中变化频率较高的要素,成为空间数据库更新的关注重点。文中针对当前提取方法尚未关注空间实体具体变化的问题,提出一种基于图形数据差的居民地变化信息提取方法。根据图形数据差的分类,实现变化信息的归类,继而通过图形数据差的判别方法,达到居民地变化信息提取的目的。通过实验验证该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

One of the potential applications of polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data is the classification of land cover, such as forest canopies, vegetation, sea ice types, and urban areas. In contrast to single or dual polarized SAR systems, full polarimetric SAR systems provide more information about the physical and geometrical properties of the imaged area. This paper proposes a new Bayes risk function which can be minimized to obtain a Likelihood Ratio (LR) for the supervised classification of polarimetric SAR data. The derived Bayes risk function is based on the complex Wishart distribution. Furthermore, a new spatial criterion is incorporated with the LR classification process to produce more homogeneous classes. The application for Arctic sea ice mapping shows that the LR and the proposed spatial criterion are able to provide promising classification results. Comparison with classification results based on the Wishart classifier, the Wishart Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic (WLRTS) proposed by Conradsen et al. (2003) and the Expectation Maximization with Probabilistic Label Relaxation (EMPLR) algorithm are presented. High overall classification accuracy of selected study areas which reaches 97.8% using the LR is obtained. Combining the derived spatial criterion with the LR can improve the overall classification accuracy to reach 99.9%. In this study, fully polarimetric C-band RADARSAT-2 data collected over Franklin Bay, Canadian Arctic, is used.  相似文献   

Spectrally similar nature of land covers in a glacierized terrain hampers their automated mapping from multispectral satellite data, which may be overcome by using multisource data. In the present study, an artificial neural network (ANN)-based information extraction approach was applied for mapping the Kolahoi glacier and adjoining areas, using Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) data and several ancillary layers such as image transformations and topographic attributes. Results reveal that ANN (highest overall accuracy (OA): 83.74%) outperforms maximum likelihood classifier (highest OA: 66.90%) and the incorporation of ancillary data into the classification process significantly enhances the mapping accuracy (>9%), particularly the addition of Near Infrared Red/Short Wave Infrared (NIR/SWIR) data to the spectral data. A nine-band combination dataset (spectral data, slope, Red/NIR and decorrelation stretch) was found to be the best multisource dataset. Results of the Z-tests (at 95% confidence level) also corroborate and statistically validate the above findings.  相似文献   

High compression ratio, high decoding performance, and progressive data transmission are the most important requirements of vector data compression algorithms for WebGIS. To meet these requirements, we present a new compression approach. This paper begins with the generation of multiscale data by converting float coordinates to integer coordinates. It is proved that the distance between the converted point and the original point on screen is within 2 pixels, and therefore, our approach is suitable for the visualization of vector data on the client side. Integer coordinates are passed to an Integer Wavelet Transformer, and the high-frequency coefficients produced by the transformer are encoded by Canonical Huffman codes. The experimental results on river data and road data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach: compression ratio can reach 10% for river data and 20% for road data, respectively. We conclude that more attention needs be paid to correlation between curves that contain a few points.  相似文献   

High compression ratio,high decoding performance,and progressive data transmission are the most important require-ments of vector data compression algorithms for WebGIS.To meet these requirements,we present a new compression approach.This paper begins with the generation of multiscale data by converting float coordinates to integer coordinates.It is proved that the distance between the converted point and the original point on screen is within 2 pixels,and therefore,our approach is suitable for the visualization of vector data on the client side.Integer coordinates are passed to an Integer Wavelet Transformer,and the high-frequency coefficients produced by the transformer are encoded by Canonical Huffman codes.The experimental results on river data and road data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach:compression ratio can reach 10% for river data and 20% for road data,respectively.We conclude that more attention needs be paid to correlation between curves that contain a few points.  相似文献   

Optical Earth Observation data with moderate spatial resolutions, typically MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), are of particular value to environmental applications due to their high temporal and spectral resolutions. Time-series of MODIS data capture dynamic phenomena of vegetation and its environment, and are considered as one of the most effective data sources for land cover mapping at a regional and national level. However, the time-series, multiple bands and their derivations such as NDVI constitute a large volume of data that poses a significant challenge for automated mapping of land cover while optimally utilizing the information it contains. In this study, time-series of 10-day cloud-free MODIS composites and its derivatives – NDVI and vegetation phenology information, are fully assessed to determine the optimal data sets for deriving land cover. Three groups of variable combinations of MODIS spectral information and its derived metrics are thoroughly explored to identify the optimal combinations for land cover identification using a data mining tool.The results, based on the assessment using time-series of MODIS data, show that in general using a longer time period of the time-series data and more spectral bands could lead to more accurate land cover identification than that of a shorter period of the time-series and fewer bands. However, we reveal that, with some optimal variable combinations of few bands and a shorter period of time-series data, the highest possible accuracy of land cover classification can be achieved.  相似文献   

多源特征数据可以提高遥感图像的分类精度,选择合适的特征数据十分重要。利用基尼指数对多尺度纹理信息、主成分变换前三分量、地形数据等特征进行选择,选出最佳特征子集。利用支持向量机、神经网络分类法、最大似然法分别对全部特征数据和最佳特征子集结合多光谱数据进行分类。实验结果表明:基尼指数可以有效地对多源特征数据进行选择,特征选择可以提高分类器效率,提高分类精度。  相似文献   

高维遥感图像的快速分类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙华生  李晓轩 《测绘科学》2016,41(8):19-23,37
为了实现对高维遥感图像的快速准确分类,提出了一种基于k均值二叉树支持向量机(SVM)的分类方法。该方法通过对选取的训练样本进行k均值聚类,生成支持向量机分类二叉树,作为确定最佳分类顺序的依据,以降低分类过程中的误差累积并提高整体分类精度,而且可缓解由样本数量不均衡导致的分类误差。该方法可在不进行降维处理的情况下,对高维遥感图像进行快速准确分类。测试结果表明,其分类速度和分类精度都优于传统的支持向量机分类结果。  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to suggest a new approach for eliminating the lengthy process of selecting various parameters for extracting texture features and to quantify the relative importance of the parameters affecting textural classification. A multivariate data analysis technique called ‘conjoint analysis’ has been used in the study to analyse the relative importance of these parameters. Results indicate that the choice of texture feature and window size have higher relative importance in the classification process than quantization level or the choice of image band for extracting texture feature. Results of the classification of an Indian urban environment using spatial property (texture) have also been reported. It was observed that the classification incorporating texture features using grey level co-occurrence matrix and wavelet-based approach improves the overall accuracy in a statistically significant manner in comparison to pure spectral classification.  相似文献   

The scope of this paper is to demonstrate, evaluate and compare two burn scar mapping (BSM) approaches developed and applied operationally in the framework of the RISK-EOS service element project within the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) program funded by ESA (http://www.risk-eos.com). The first method is the BSM_NOA, a fixed thresholding method using a set of specifically designed and combined image enhancements, whilst the second one is the BSM_ITF, a decision tree classification approach based on a wide range of biophysical parameters. The two methods were deployed and compared in the framework of operational mapping conditions set by RISK-EOS standards, based either on sets of uni- or multi-temporal satellite images acquired by Landsat 5 TM and SPOT 4 HRV. The evaluation of the performance of the two methods showed that either in uni- or multi-temporal acquisition mode, the two methods reach high detection capability rates ranging from 80% to 91%. At the same time, the minimum burnt area detected was of 0.9–1.0 ha, despite the coarser spatial resolution of Landsat 5 TM sensor. Among the advantages of the satellite-based approaches compared to conventional burn scar mapping, are cost-efficiency, repeatability, flexibility, and high spatial and thematic accuracy from local to country level. Following the catastrophic fire season of 2007, burn scar maps were generated using BSM_NOA for the entirety of Greece and BSM_ITF for south France in the framework of the RISK-EOS/GMES Services Element project.  相似文献   

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