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以南桑威奇俯冲带为例,根据EGM2008超高阶地球重力场模型、卫星重力数据为基础,利用移去-恢复原理计算了研究区大地水准面,实现了研究区不同场源深度大地水准面异常信息的分离,根据Runcorn模型计算了研究区小尺度地幔对流应力场,并结合天然地震空间展布和前人研究成果,对俯冲带结构特征与地幔对流模式进行了探讨。结果表明:南桑威奇俯冲带具有俯冲倾角较大、地震震级较低、弧前侵蚀明显等典型的马里亚纳型俯冲带特征,俯冲带南北部俯冲深度存在明显差异,中段偏北俯冲深度可达500 km;受到软流圈与上地幔上部物质密度差异的控制,东斯科舍海脊下存在沿海脊轴向南流动强地幔流;俯冲带结构与小尺度地幔对流应力场具有很强的相关性。本研究对于搞清南桑威奇俯冲带深部构造特征,理解俯冲运动、地幔对流方向及其动力控制机制提供了新的研究思路和方法。  相似文献   

热带海洋温跃层深度与南海夏季风强度关系探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
计算了1975~1999年南海夏季风强度指数,针对季风强、弱年进行太平洋至印度洋20℃等温面的深度(温跃层深度)距平场合成分析,得到强、弱季风年温跃层深度距平的4种分布形式.使用历年季风强度指数与各月温跃层深度距平作相关计算,发现孟加拉湾和赤道中太平洋的深度距平与季风强度具有很好的正相关,台湾以东海域呈较高的负相关,可作为季风预测的重要因子.  相似文献   

介绍了海洋学计算中3种深度与压强的转化方法:(1)EOS-80(Equation of State of Seawater 1980,EOS-80)标准采用的方法;(2)最新发布的TEOS-10(Thermodynamics Equation of seawater 2010,TEOS-10)标准采用的方法;(3)通过海水吉布斯函数计算压强与深度的关系的方法。对以上3种计算方法进行了比较,结果表明:在一般的海洋学研究中,3种方法精度相差不大,均可使用。在要求计算效率的情况下,可以选用EOS-80标准采用的方法,在更高精度的海洋学研究中,应该使用TEOS-10标准采用的方法或者吉布斯函数方法。  相似文献   

Having been calculated and analysed, it is found in this research paper that there exist a close lag relationship between sea surface temperature (SST) change in the north of the North Atlantic and height change at 500 hPa level in South Asia. In this paper, it is focused on the analysis of physical processes of the relation between SST and height and their effect on summer monsoon in South Asia.  相似文献   

Altimeter measurements of sea‐level variability have errors due to the altimeter not repeatedly sampling the same point on the ocean surface. The errors are proportional to the local slope of the mean sea surface. Accurate removal of geoid error is essential if altimeter data are to be used to study the relationship between geostrophic turbulence and bathymetry. The error can be reduced by using an accurate model of the mean surface. We use the multiyear TOPEX altimeter data set to develop a model for the mean sea surface along the TOPEX/POSEIDON ground track by estimating the coefficients of a local plane centered on every 2 km x 7 km bin sampled by the altimeter. We have evaluated the ability of this model. compared against two global mean sea‐surface models, to reduce the error associated with steep gradients. The two global models are the Center for Space Research 1995 model and the Ohio State University 1995 model. The three models show similar variability over the oceans, and none shows the large residual errors that can be seen in collinear analysis near some seamounts and trenches. The standard deviation of the variability using the plane model, however, is consistently smaller in low‐variability, high‐geoid‐gradient areas, indicating a slightly better performance than the two global models.  相似文献   

After reviewing the inverse method, we apply it to deducing the general circulation of the North Atlantic ocean. We argue that the method is purely classical in nature, being nothing more than a mathematical statement of the principles upon which nearly all previous circulation schemes have been based. The ‘smoothed’ solution is shown to represent the components of the flow field that are determinable independently of the initial reference level. We then produce two circulation schemes based upon two different initial reference levels — 2000 decibars and the bottom — called North Atlantic-1A and North Atlantic-1B respectively. The models share many features in common and are strikingly similar to several previous schemes, most notably those of Jacobsen and Defant in the region west of Bermuda. No simple level-of-no-motion emerges in the flow fields; rather the velocity sections exhibit a complex cellular structure. Zonally integrated meridional cells of models and of the uniquely determined components are very similar, showing a poleward movement of warm saline water compensated at depth by a return flow of cold, fresher water. The magnitudes of the implied polar sea overflows and the heat fluxes are in good agreement with previous estimates. Finally, it is argued that neither these model circulations nor any other circulation pattern based upon the existing data can be regarded as actually representing the true time average ocean circulation because the data are aliased in time; the frequency/wavenumber spectrum of the ocean is inadequately known to determine the resulting errors.  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship between multi-year air temperature and pressure fluctuations over the ocean, based on an approximate solution of the problem on the determination of large-scale seawater temperature anomalies from the conditions predominating at the sea surface. The dependence derived is numerically analysed using observations made in the North Atlantic. It is shown that the variability of annual mean air temperature anomalies is largely controlled by the air pressure field which has taken place during the preceding long-term period. The dependence derived may be applied to generate long-term forecasts of the ocean's hydrometeorological regime.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

 Bathymetry, satellite-derived gravity, and interpreted seismic reflection data across the northern Falkland/Malvinas Plateau fossil continent–ocean transform rim may record the degree of mechanical coupling across the boundary after ridge–transform intersection time. The rim comprises a broad microcontinental block in the east and a continental marginal fracture ridge 50–100 km wide elsewhere. Free-air gravity anomalies tentatively suggest that the fracture ridge is locked against oceanic elastic lithosphere both to the north (Argentine Basin) and south (Central Falkland Basin). Received: 18 January 1996 / Revision received: 25 March 1995  相似文献   

The expansion of the temperature anomaly field in the North Atlantic is considered using natural orthogonal functions of depth. It is shown that the first few components of this expansion describe the field both at the surface and in the upper 1000 m layer accurately enough. The relation between the water temperature anomaly at some levels and the above components is estimated for various regions of the ocean.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

We present and assess the distribution of neon in South Atlantic and South Pacific waters, on the basis of more than 3000 mostly new neon data which were obtained primarily under the hydrographic program of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (predominantly southern summer to fall cruises). Data precision is better than±0.5%, and the set is internally consistent within±0.3% and partly better, and compatible with reported high-quality neon values. Using suitably averaged data (precision 0.1–0.3%), we find that the total range of neon anomalies relative to a solubility equilibrium with atmospheric neon at the observed potential temperature and salinity (using the solubilities of Weiss, J. Chem. Eng. Data 16 (1971) 235) is approximately 0–4%, and below 2000 m depth, 3–4% only. We consistently observe two types of neon depth profiles, one for the temperate-latitudes ocean, which is characterized by a near-surface maximum and a minimum in Antarctic Intermediate Water, and one for the Southern Ocean that essentially displays a steady increase with depth. The neon distribution reflects the influence of air injected by submerged air bubbles, the areal distribution of atmospheric pressure, seasonal temperature changes in the mixed layer and solar heating below it, and interaction with sea ice and glacial ice, largely in keeping with previous work. However, it appears that interaction with sea ice reduces neon anomalies distinctly less than the literature suggests. The temperate-ocean shallow maxima point to widespread subsurface heating in the course of the summer season by roughly 1 K. Among the major source water masses of the deep waters, the neon anomalies are lowest in Antarctic Intermediate Water (∼1.5%), intermediate in North Atlantic Deep Water (∼3%, confirming previous work) and similarly in Circumpolar Deep Water, and highest in Antarctic Bottom Water (∼3.8%). The anomalies in Southeast Pacific deep waters (>2500 m) are comparatively less (only∼3.3%), as a result of the contribution of Antarctic Intermediate Water. The present study is the first attempt to deal with the oceanic distribution of neon in a systematic fashion. The results can serve to assist assessments of the oceanic distributions of other dissolved gases.  相似文献   

The southwestern tropical Atlantic (05°S–25°S/20°W–47°W), where part of the South Equatorial Current (SEC) enters at its eastern border, is of particular interest as it is fed by many western boundary currents along the eastern Brazilian continental shelf. However, the long-term variability of the dynamics in this region, which are also important as they contribute to the climate over northeastern Brazil, is largely unknown. We use the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) here for the first time in this area to simulate the ocean circulation with an isotropic horizontal grid resolution of 1/12° and 40 terrain-following layers. As a primary evaluation of the ROMS configuration, we explore surface and vertical thermal structures, the surface mixed layer, and mass transports within the upper levels. Interannual variability results are compared with the first two-year series of observed thermal profiles derived from the three PIRATA-SWE moorings. The simulated thermal structure in the upper ocean layers agrees well with in-situ data. ROMS simulations point out a broad and relatively weak SEC flow composed of a sequence of more or less defined near-surface cores. The westward SEC transport for the upper 400 m along the PIRATA-SWE section, calculated from the ROMS simulation for 2005–2007, shows an average volume transport of 14.9 Sv, with a maximum observed in JFM (15.7 Sv), and a minimum during MJJ (13.8 Sv). ROMS results indicate that the 2005–2007 seasonal near-surface westward SEC transport is modulated by the zonal wind variability. Three zonal sections extending from the American continent to the PIRATA buoy sites confirm that stronger northward NBUC transport and decreasing BC transport were achieved during May 2006 and May 2007, i.e. at the time the sSEC bifurcation reaches its southernmost position. On the other hand, the maximum southward BC flow was verified during January 2006, January 2007 and March 2007, with a minimum northward NBUC flow in December 2005 and October/December 2006, corresponding to the period when the sSEC bifurcation reaches its lowest latitude (OND). Sea Surface Height (SSH) and the surface Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) derived from simulations and AVISO Rio05 product point out the highest surface meso-scale activity (EKE  50 cm2 s−2) along the cSEC and NBUC/BC patches. Preliminary results provide additional ingredients in the complexity of the SEC divergence region and encourage us to conduct a more detailed exploration of the dynamics of this region using the ROMS. This also shows the need to continue, extend, and vertically upgrade the observational PIRATA-SWE array system, especially with more levels of salinity measurements and the installation of current measurements.  相似文献   

To decipher the distribution of mass anomalies near the earth's surface and their relation to the major tectonic elements of a spreading plate boundary, we have analyzed shipboard gravity data in the vicinity of the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 31–34.5° S. The area of study covers six ridge segments, two major transforms, the Cox and Meteor, and three small offsets or discordant zones. One of these small offsets is an elongate, deep basin at 33.5° S that strikes at about 45° to the adjoining ridge axes.By subtracting from the free-air anomaly the three-dimensional (3-D) effects of the seafloor topography and Moho relief, assuming constant densities of the crust and mantle and constant crustal thickness, we generate the mantle Bouguer anomaly. The mantle Bouguer anomaly is caused by variations in crustal thickness and the temperature and density structure of the mantle. By subtracting from the mantle Bouguer anomaly the effects of the density variations due to the 3-D thermal structure predicted by a simple model of passive flow in the mantle, we calculate the residual gravity anomalies. We interpret residual gravity anomalies in terms of anomalous crustal thickness variations and/or mantle thermal structures that are not considered in the forward model. As inferred from the residual map, the deep, major fracture zone valleys and the median, rift valleys are not isostatically compensated by thin crust. Thin crust may be associated with the broad, inactive segment of the Meteor fracture zone but is not clearly detected in the narrow, active transform zone. On the other hand, the presence of high residual anomalies along the relict trace of the oblique offset at 33.5° S suggests that thin crust may have been generated at an oblique spreading center which has experienced a restricted magma supply. The two smaller offsets at 31.3° S and 32.5° S also show residual anomalies suggesting thin crust but the anomalies are less pronounced than that at the 33.5° S oblique offset. There is a distinct, circular-shaped mantle Bouguer low centered on the shallowest portion of the ridge segment at about 33° S, which may represent upwelling in the form of a mantle plume beneath this ridge, or the progressive, along-axis crustal thinning caused by a centered, localized magma supply zone. Both mantle Bouguer and residual anomalies show a distinct, local low to the west of the ridge south of the 33.5° S oblique offset and relatively high values at and to the east of this ridge segment. We interpret this pattern as an indication that the upwelling center in the mantle for this ridge is off-axis to the west of the ridge.  相似文献   

洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)的微量元素成分和同位素比值具有变化范围大的特点,这些变化很难简单地用地幔部分熔融和结晶分异等岩浆演化过程来解释。传统观点认为洋中脊玄武岩的地球化学成分的多样性是由其下部地幔成分的大尺度不均一性决定的。这种地幔不均一性则是外来物质的加入造成的,如再循环的地壳物质、下大陆岩石圈、交代的岩石圈和外地核等成分加入到上地幔中。在本研究中,我们对大西洋洋中脊的玄武岩展开研究工作,评估了玄武岩源区的温压条件并综合对比了微量元素和同位素比值。靠近地幔柱的洋中脊玄武岩的地球化学和同位素成分具有较大的变化。地幔柱对洋中脊地区的影响范围可以达到1400公里,但并不是每个地幔柱都能够影响其周围1400km范围内的所有洋中脊脊段。未受地幔柱影响的洋中脊玄武岩成分和地幔潜在温度均没有异常表现。我们认为上述现象是由于地幔柱柱头形状不同造成的。地幔柱的流动形状可以分为管状和饼状两种,饼状地幔柱影响其周围的地幔是没有方向性的,而管状地幔柱对其周围地幔的影响在方向上具有选择性。沿着大西洋中脊的玄武岩的元素和同位素比值变化较大,暗示其源区具有较高的不均一性。我们认为该地区地幔不均一性主要是由于上地幔中加入了俯冲板片和拆沉下地壳造成的。另外,地幔柱的活动也不容忽视,它们影响了其周围部分洋脊段的成分变化。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the ocean level seasonal variability in the tropical Atlantic calculated within the framework of a non-linear baroclinic model allowing for the bottom topography and the coastline when the real distributions of wind stress, temperature, and salinity in the upper ocean are preset. The results of the numerical experiment are compared with altimeter data and computations of the dynamic topography of the ocean surface.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

Area averaged mixing is inferred from the difference between cross-isopycnal advection and air-sea forcing, using a density budget in isopycnal layers. The results suggest that mixing is weak (indistinguishable from zero) in the thermocline in qualitative agreement with local and regional measurements. Mixing increases in warmer density classes, but becomes indeterminate at low densities, where climatological flux errors are largest. At high density, mixing reappears owing to the heat flux required to balance the formation of dense water and reflects mixing with intermediate and bottom water.  相似文献   

Cross-spectral analysis has been used to study the relationship between geoid and bathymetry in 16°×16° blocks in the oceans. The admittances resulting from this analysis have been compared with thermomechanical models of the lithosphere and sublithosphere in order to determine modes of topographic compensation in different parts of the oceans. Peak admittances at short wavelengths (<800 km) indicate that loads are supported by the mechanical strength of the lithosphere, while peak admittances at long wavelengths (>800 km) are indicative of lithospheric cooling or dynamic sublithospheric processes. Models of upper mantle convection predict higher admittances at long wavelengths than do models of lithospheric cooling. In most areas the observed admittances can be explained by models of the thermomechanical properties of the lithosphere, but in the eastern Pacific Ocean, the northern Indian Ocean, and over the Cape Verde Rise high long-wavelength admittances are evidence for the existence of upper mantle convection.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》2003,26(3):255-268
Data collected during cruises of the Former Soviet Union (in 1963–1989) and the British Atlantic meridional transect program (in 1995–1999) were used to analyse macroscale patterns in phyto- and zooplankton biomass, size structure, species diversity, chlorophyll a, and plankton bioluminescence in the macroscale anticyclonic gyre of the South Atlantic Ocean. The spatial pattern of bioluminescence intensity was in good agreement with that of remotely sensed (CZCS) chlorophyll a, phosphate, salinity, and copepod species diversity index distributions especially in terms of geographic inclinations of the isolines, both associated with the north-westward pattern off the South equatorial current. Among the 416 copepod species recorded in samples, 51 species were noted throughout the whole gyre. On the other hand, there were a number of species found only in one of the currents. The mesozooplankton biomass size spectra (calculated in carbon units), exhibited a fairly stable slope of the curve from the eastern periphery of the gyre to its centre. The British Atlantic meridional transect program meridional transect through the western part of the gyre showed mesozooplankton size spectra in greater detail between the equator and 50° S. Although the spectra change slowly along the transect as far as 36° S, there is a general trend toward increasing slopes from the equatorial region to the oligotrophic central gyre. The calculated phyto-to-zooplankton ratio indicated that for the tropical anticyclonic gyres, the mesozooplankton carbon biomass could be represented as the exponential function of the phytoplankton carbon.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThegeoidistheiargeopotentials~econfidingmostlywiththemeanseasurfaceandisdenotedastheheightrelativetotheidealelliPSes~eoftheearth.Thegeoidundulationsinglobalaceareupto100m.TheunevenstructureOftheearthgivesrisetotheunevenfeatureofthecitysot...  相似文献   

The basement topography and the free-air gravity along two profiles in the central North Atlantic between 16° and 25° N, crossing a number of fracture zones, were divided in three wavelength intervals. Two-dimensional modelling shows that the short wavelength (>50 km) gravity is well explained by uncompensated topography (mainly spreading topography). For the long wavelengths (>200 km) there is no correlation of topography and gravity. In principle this topography is compensated. Residual anomalies comprise the Ridge effect as well as regional anomalies related to depth anomalies. The 50 to 200km band-pass filtered topography and gravity contain relevant information on fracture zones. Models require a base of the crust that parallels the topography rather than a form of regional compensation. For an explanation of this crustal model that has the appearance of frozen in normal faults we have to consider the typical morphology as created in the transform domain. The geophysical processes that cause this morphology are still an object of study.  相似文献   

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