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We compared the ability of two legend designs on a soil-landscape map to efficiently and effectively support map reading tasks with the goal of better understanding how the design choices affect user performance. Developing such knowledge is essential to design effective interfaces for digital earth systems. One of the two legends contained an alphabetical ordering of categories, while the other used a perceptual grouping based on the Munsell color space. We tested the two legends for 4 tasks with 20 experts (in geography-related domains). We analyzed traditional usability metrics and participants’ eye movements to identify the possible reasons behind their success and failure in the experimental tasks. Surprisingly, an overwhelming majority of the participants failed to arrive at the correct responses for two of the four tasks, irrespective of the legend design. Furthermore, participants’ prior knowledge of soils and map interpretation abilities led to interesting performance differences between the two legend types. We discuss how participant background might have played a role in performance and why some tasks were particularly hard to solve despite participants’ relatively high levels of experience in map reading. Based on our observations, we caution soil cartographers to be aware of the perceptual complexity of soil-landscape maps.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):234-246

This paper focuses on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of dynamic and interactive maps in relation to the user. A label placement method with an improved algorithmic efficiency is presented. Since this algorithm has an influence on the actual placement of the name labels on the map, it is tested if this efficient algorithms also creates more effective maps: how well is the information processed by the user. We tested 30 participants while they were working on a dynamic and interactive map display. Their task was to locate geographical names on each of the presented maps. Their eye movements were registered together with the time at which a given label was found. The gathered data reveal no difference in the user’s response times, neither in the number and the duration of the fixations between both map designs. The results of this study show that the efficiency of label placement algorithms can be improved without disturbing the user’s cognitive map. Consequently, we created a more efficient map without affecting its effectiveness towards the user.  相似文献   

The general aim of this paper is to evaluate the influence of panning on the map user’s (attentive) behaviour, using a mixed methods approach. A user study was conducted in which participants – with an expertise in cartography – had to execute four tasks in Google Maps, using only a panning operation. During the first two tasks, participants had to follow a predefined route; during the latter two tasks they had to locate Belgium on a less detailed scale level. A strong task-related interactive behaviour was revealed by the participants’ mouse action and eye movements. Furthermore, the attentive behaviour was influenced by the type of view (map or satellite) and whether it occurs while performing the panning operation. The georeferenced eye movements were imported in a GIS for spatial analysis. Based on these spatial queries, we discovered that the duration of the fixations was associated by their location on the map.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(2):176-180

The main goal of this research is to set a group of typographic criteria to suit a wide array of map users. A group of Bertin’s visual variables were applied individually and associatively for the same set of labels. Two kinds of maps (with point and areal objects) were presented to expert and non-expert map users and analysed accordingly. Additionally, the effect of gender variation was taken into account. The data were aggregated and studied for each graphical variable. For some combinations of Bertin’s variables, statistically significant differences were detected in the preferences of the different map users (e.g. male versus female and expert versus non-expert). Consequently, we identified which graphical variables (individually or combined) were more preferred by specific user groups in relation to their application on text objects.  相似文献   

We report on how visual realism might influence map-based route learning performance in a controlled laboratory experiment with 104 male participants in a competitive context. Using animations of a dot moving through routes of interest, we find that participants recall the routes more accurately with abstract road maps than with more realistic satellite maps. We also find that, irrespective of visual realism, participants with higher spatial abilities (high-spatial participants) are more accurate in memorizing map-based routes than participants with lower spatial abilities (low-spatial participants). On the other hand, added visual realism limits high-spatial participants in their route recall speed, while it seems not to influence the recall speed of low-spatial participants. Competition affects participants’ overall confidence positively, but does not affect their route recall performance neither in terms of accuracy nor speed. With this study, we provide further empirical evidence demonstrating that it is important to choose the appropriate map type considering task characteristics and spatial abilities. While satellite maps might be perceived as more fun to use, or visually more attractive than road maps, they also require more cognitive resources for many map-based tasks, which is true even for high-spatial users.  相似文献   


We combine eye tracking and a questionnaire-based approach to explore the influence of label density on the perceived visual complexity of maps. We design two experiments in which participants are asked to search for the names of point features on maps and to rate the map complexity and legibility for different label densities. Specifically, we conduct a highly controlled experiment in which all the map variables except the label density are held constant (the controlled experiment). Then, we conduct a second experiment following the same protocol but using real maps as visual stimuli (the real-map experiment) to verify if the results of the controlled experiment were applicable to real maps. The results of both experiments indicate a significantly positive correlation between perceived visual complexity and label density and between the response time in visual search tasks and label density. Surprisingly, we observe a significant inverse correlation between the label density and two eye movement parameters (fixation duration and fixation frequency) between the two experiments. We discuss how the variables of real maps might have affected these eye movement parameters and why the results of the two experiments are inconsistent. Our findings suggest that eye tracking parameters are not reliable indicators of map complexity. These empirical results can be helpful to future map design and map complexity investigation.  相似文献   


Although the efficiency of label placement algorithms has been studied extensively, few studies considered the influence of the label designs on the efficiency of map readers. Labels are one of the most important elements on the map as they can provide more information than other symbols can. The design of the labels does have to stress the theme, shape and functionality of the associated objects, which results in a more efficient interpretation of the map content by the user. How the label designs can enhance the map readers’ efficiency (and thus the quality of the maps themselves) is the main objective of this study. A user study was conducted in which the participants were asked to locate a target label on a map. Different label designs were implemented across the trials. The participants’ reactions times were registered to measure their efficiency and statistically analysed using a one-way ANOVA. Two different users’ characteristics were considered: gender and expertise. Related to the size, shape, orientation and texture of the labels, a number of significant differences (P<0·05) and trends were located. Differences in efficiency between males and females, on the one hand, and between novices and experts, on the other hand, were also described statistically. Consequently, recommendations can be formulated regarding the design of labels in order to obtain more efficient maps, keeping in mind the map users’ characteristics.  相似文献   

地图个性化认知是地图设计与地图可用性研究中的重要问题。本文以二维电子地图为例,针对不同样式地图原型对特定用户的认知适合度问题进行研究。以交叉组合设计的4种地图原型为素材进行单因素组内眼动试验设计,采用Tobii X120眼动仪获取目标点周围兴趣区内的首次进入时间、首次注视时间和首次鼠标点击时间等眼动(行为)参数,通过描述统计、方差分析等多元数理统计分析进行量化计算,发现地图样式对首次进入时间、首次注视时间、首次鼠标点击时间均有显著影响,说明用户对不同样式地图的认知效果在认知敏感程度、注意程度、信息加工速度方面都存在一定差异。而后,本文进一步寻求认知心理学理论依据,并绘制眼动热点图、统计均值图、折线图、雷达图等可视化图形,将上述结论进行直观表示。本文的研究工作表明,不同地图的认知效果因人而异,地图设计必须考虑用户的个性化认知特点。  相似文献   

Virtual globes (VGs) allow Internet users to view geographic data of heterogeneous quality created by other users. This article presents a new approach for collecting and visualizing information about the perceived quality of 3D data in VGs. It aims at improving users' awareness of the quality of 3D objects. Instead of relying on the existing metadata or on formal accuracy assessments that are often impossible in practice, we propose a crowd-sourced quality recommender system based on the five-star visualization method successful in other types of Web applications. Four alternative five-star visualizations were implemented in a Google Earth-based prototype and tested through a formal user evaluation. These tests helped identifying the most effective method for a 3D environment. Results indicate that while most websites use a visualization approach that shows a ‘number of stars’, this method was the least preferred by participants. Instead, participants ranked the ‘number within a star’ method highest as it allowed reducing the visual clutter in urban settings, suggesting that 3D environments such as VGs require different design approaches than 2D or non-geographic applications. Results also confirmed that expert and non-expert users in geographic data share similar preferences for the most and least preferred visualization methods.  相似文献   

Colour impairments influences access to geographical information which is usually represented by colour maps. Three dimensions of colour: Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV), are intuitive and most critical visual variables in map design. In this paper, we specifically focus on colour deficiency of red-green colour impairments. A controlled experiment was designed and conducted to explore how three colour dimensions (HSV) affect the abilities of people with normal colour vision or with red-green colour impairments to distinguish colours in maps. An eye-tracking approach was applied to quantify the accuracy and response time by capturing user eye movements to analyse the effectiveness and efficiency. In this study, we used one section of the administrative map of Hebei Province to test participant responses to area features. Differences of effectiveness and efficiency across normal colour vision and red-green colour impairments were compared. Multiple comparisons among Hue, Saturation and Value were analysed. Results show that for both normal colour vision and red-green colour impairments, Hue is the most differentiable than Saturation and Value. Saturation and Value are at the same level to be differentiated and more difficult to be distinguished. Guidelines of designing maps for both normal colour vision and red-green colour impairments were derived. The results of this study can be helpful to improve the map designs for colour deficiency.  相似文献   

Glyphs are small geometric shapes that in geovisualization are often used to represent multidimensional spatial data. The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of their two types – star and polyline glyphs, as they can encode the same message and can provide similar functionality. Thus, if the two glyph types are similar and can be used for the same data, the question arises as to which of them better facilitates various user tasks. To address this question, an empirical study of 26 individual users is conducted to investigate differences in user performance for polyline and star glyphs shown either in a grid plot or on a map display. In this study, a task-based approach with eye-tracking is applied, as well as a subjective questionnaire and a psychological test of cognitive style. The finding is that polyline glyphs better facilitate tasks when datapoint values in glyphs are to be read, whereas star glyphs are better when a visual search among glyphs is to be done. Moreover, the results reveal that the map display works better than the grid plot. If star glyphs are to be used, the key (legend) needs to be better incorporated into a visual interface.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):240-246

The use of computer-generated perspective views, often named as three-dimensional (3D) maps, is growing. These terrain visualisations should be more understandable for users without cartographic education, which are not familiar with contour lines. Within the study, two eye-tracking experiments and online questionnaire were used for investigating the difference between user cognition of classical two-dimensional (2D) visualisation with contour lines and perspective 3D view. Questionnaire was focused on maps understandability, suitability and aesthetics. Results of the questionnaire shows, that the majority of participants prefer 3D visualisation. First eye-tracking experiment was designed as a pair of maps in one stimulus. One shows 2D visualisation, the other 3D visualisation. No significant differences between user preferences of 2D and 3D visualisation were found, but the results were influenced with the order of the maps in the stimuli. Because of that another experiment was designed. In this case stimuli contained only one of two possible visualisations (2D and 3D). ScanPath comparison of this experiment results confirmed that users have different strategies for cognition of 2D and 3D visualisation, although statistically significant difference between both types of visualisation was found in the ScanPath length metric only.  相似文献   

Due to recent technological progress, maps have become more popular than ever before. This is especially true for young people, who interact with these technologies on a daily basis. Therefore, it is essential that these potential map users possess sufficient knowledge and skills to process the content of cartographic products. A user study was conducted during which pupils (aged 11–18 years) and geography students (>18 years) had to solve a number of cartography questions using topographic maps. The data were analyzed statistically, taking into account a number of potentially influencing factors (user characteristics) on the participants’ results: age, gender, youth club membership, knowledge about the area, among others. The results show a rising trend in the pupils’ scores with increasing age, which can be explained by education in cartography at school. Geography students perform much better, but no influence of any other user characteristics was detected. For pupils, knowledge about the area and gender might be considered as influencing factors. However, the detected influence of gender depends on the scoring system.  相似文献   


Despite the now-ubiquitous two-dimensional (2D) electronic maps, three-dimensional (3D) globe viewers, or 3D geo-browsers such as Google Earth and NASA World Wind have gained much attention. However, the effect of such interactive 3D geo-browsers on spatial knowledge acquisition and decision-making is not well known. This study aims to explore the potential benefits of using interactive 3D geo-browsers in three processes of pedestrian navigation (self-localization, spatial knowledge acquisition, and decision-making) in digital environments. We employed eye tracking to show differences of visual attention in pedestrian navigation between a 2D map (Google Map) and a 3D geo-browser (Google Earth). The results indicated that benefits and drawbacks of 3D representations are task dependent. Participants using the 3D geo-browser had an extensively visual search resulting in significantly longer response time than the 2D participants for spatial knowledge acquisition, whereas 3D users performed a more efficient visual search and resulted in a better navigation performance at complex decision points. We speculate that the inefficient knowledge acquisition when using the 3D geo-browser was most probably due to information overload and obstructed views. Landmarks in photorealistic 3D models assisted recall of spatial knowledge from mental maps, which contributed to efficient decision-making at a complex turning point. These empirical results can be helpful to improve the usability of pedestrian navigation systems.  相似文献   

Extracting meaningful information from the growing quantity of spatial data is a challenge. The issues are particularly evident with spatio-temporal data describing movement. Such data typically corresponds to movement of humans, animals and machines in the physical environment. This article considers a special form of movement data generated through human–computer interactions with online web maps. As a user interacts with a web map using a mouse as a pointing tool, invisible trajectories are generated. By examining the spatial features on the map where the mouse cursor visits, a user's interests and experience can be detected. To analyse this valuable information, we have developed a geovisual analysis tool which provides a rich insight into such user behaviour. The focus of this paper is on a clustering technique which we apply to mouse trajectories to group trajectories with similar behavioural properties. Our experiments reveal that it is possible to identify experienced and novice users of web mapping environments using an incremental clustering approach. The results can be used to provide personalised map interfaces to users and provide appropriate interventions for completing spatial tasks.  相似文献   

The main goal of this research is to investigate the influence of a map’s background colour on user preferences regarding labels’ typography, including their size, shape, orientation and texture. Four sets of backgrounds were tested: blank maps, grey scale, hot colours and cold colours. The foreground of these maps is populated with name labels, which are associated with point objects or areal objects. Bertin’s visual variables were applied to this set of name labels, both separately and in combination. User preferences of different typographic variations were registered and compared on the basis of different background colours using a one-way ANOVA. The results indicated that the typographic design of the map labels should not be adapted according to the map’s background colour.  相似文献   

电子地图显示中点状要素LoD模型的建立   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
将计算机3维模型简化中的LoD技术引入电子地图显示中,通过构建Delaunay三角网和Voronoi图,提出了一种建立点状要素显示LoD模型的算法,基本上解决了电子地图显示时出现的重叠,压盖等现象。  相似文献   

News Items     
The process of reading a topographic map requires users to recognize and learn the cartographic symbols of the key (or legend) while interpreting the territory as depicted on the map at a given level of abstraction (the form and nature of features, their saliency and relationships). We present the results of an empirical user study that aims to identify and assess the main graphical characteristics that are used by map users to recognize the design principles which constitute the topographic mapping style adopted by IGN (Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière), France. Our results suggest that 91% of the participants were able to recognize an IGN-France topographic map amongst other topographic map products. We also determine which graphical characteristics play a role in the recognition of this cartographic style, either by visual memory or by visual perception, and identify the representation of relief, including contour lines and shaded relief, as one of the major graphical characteristics of the topographic mapping style of IGN-France. Moreover, the participants of our study considered the representation of touristic POI (points of interest), toponymy, typography, the main roads network, the individual buildings and the forests, to be essential for stylistic recognition.  相似文献   

In this article, we present the realisation of a multi-frame and multi-dimensional WebGIS that allows users to simultaneously analyse a specific portion of the Earth taking into account the historical information, too. Two graphical panels have been realised: one for the usual 2D view and one for a more realistic 3D view. Both panels display historical maps of the city, the current orthophoto and the digital topographical map. The 3D frame is based on NASA World Wind, an open source virtual globe from where 3D buildings are shown extruding the 2D shapes using their mean height. Thanks to a specifically designed graphical user interface, it is also possible to dynamically thematise the buildings on the globe according to different criteria (e.g. the construction time span) so that only the geometries fulfilling the request are turned on. Within the proposed application, a synchronisation between the two panels has been implemented, in order to maintain a constant alignment of the two viewers. The application is also open to the time dimension. In fact, assigning to each geometry two dates (e.g. ‘year of construction’ and ‘year of demolition’), it is possible to dynamically view how buildings have changed over time, both in their shape and height. Future developments of this work will concern the possibility of implementing a city model with a higher level of detail.  相似文献   

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