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从三维边界元方法出发,基于Wagner的自由液面抬升理论,采用数值仿真的方法研究了圆球入水的问题。通过数值模拟与轴对称体入水试验结果的正确性及适用性进行验证的基础上,并分析了不同半径的球体在不同速度下的入水总体受力和表面压力的变化规律。计算结果表明随着球体半径和入水速度的增加,峰值压力迅速增加,受力峰值与球体半径的平方和入水速度平方成正比关系;球体表面压力系数的分布计算结果表明,在测试点与水开始接触时压力系数最大,然后迅速减小;压力系数和入水速度无关,但和入水深度相关。  相似文献   

通过自由落体的入水方式,分别在静水和规则波中开展了两种不同横剖面的曲面楔形体入水砰击问题试验研究。使用高速摄像系统记录楔形体入水过程流场演变和运动特性,采用加速度传感器和压力传感器进行数据的动态采集。试验结果表明,在静水中入水时,外凸剖面楔形体入水砰击后模型两侧的射流飞溅比反曲剖面更剧烈,而在楔形体前端的水面以下部分形成的气腔更小;在规则波中入水时,对于相同模型,在波峰和上跨零点相位下模型入水砰击后两侧的射流飞溅比在波谷相位更剧烈。相同工况时,反曲剖面模型所受砰击的加速度峰值和压力峰值更小;在相同的入水速度下,对于相同模型,波浪载荷和砰击载荷的共同作用会使模型所受砰击压力显著增大。  相似文献   

双体船由于其优良的快速性和横稳性等特性,在民用和军用中应用广泛。针对无限水深下迎浪、斜浪中自由运动的WigleyⅢ双体船,利用线性势流软件WAMIT,通过调整片体间距,对双体船的水动力系数及船体运动响应进行计算和比较,分析不同片体间距的双体船的耐波性。结果发现,片体间距较小的双体船附加质量系数较小,垂荡、纵摇阻尼系数显著增大,垂荡和纵摇运动响应幅值增大,且附加质量系数为负值时的系数绝对大小和频率范围随着片体间距的减小而变大。同时,片体间距越小的双体船间的流体干扰作用令自由面运动响应更加剧烈,迎浪下船体垂荡运动响应略有增大,纵摇运动响应略有减小;而斜浪下垂荡、纵摇、横摇运动响应均增大,船体的耐波性较差。当片体间距较大,在某一频率入射波下,双体船运动响应接近为零,且该频率随着片体间距的增大而减小。另外说明,相较于阻尼系数,附加质量系数对船体运动的影响更大。  相似文献   

由于畸形波的物理机制较复杂,有关畸形波-结构物相互作用的理论研究进展缓慢。然而对于较简单的畸形波模型与规则结构体,可以给出畸形波-结构物相互作用的理论解。本文基于畸形波的一种基本模型聚焦模型,采用解析方法研究其对半浸没圆柱体产生的波浪载荷。为保留畸形波的大部分特征,聚焦模型采用高斯包络描述。通过流场分隔给出绕射势,进而给出圆柱所受水平波浪力与波浪弯矩。采用适当方法简化理论公式,并与数值结果进行对比验证。此外,系统分析了聚焦程度、浸没深度与聚焦位置等参数对波浪载荷的影响。  相似文献   

在深海采矿车布放回收中,准确预报脐带缆在底部自由悬垂边界条件和顶部波浪载荷随机激励等共同影响下的动力响应是关键点之一。基于三维势流理论与集中质量法,结合水面支持船运动和海流联合激励,对深海布放回收中脐带缆的顶端张力等力学特性进行研究。结果表明:在布放回收过程中,轴向张力在结构载荷中占主要成分;由波浪引起的轴向张力极值与均值差距最大可达到54%;轴向张力的频谱存在双谱峰,分别为 0.14 Hz的主峰和0.10 Hz 的次峰;当浪向角为180°时,轴向张力处于峰谷。  相似文献   

Ice loads on a ship hull affect the safety of the hull structure and the ship maneuvering performance in ice-covered regions. A discrete element method (DEM) is used to simulate the interaction between drifting ice floes and a moving ship. The pancake ice floes are modelled with three-dimensional (3-D) dilated disk elements considering the buoyancy, drag force and additional mass induced by the current. The ship hull is modelled with 3D disks with overlaps. Ice loads on the ship hull are determined through the contact detection between ice floe element and ship hull element and the contact force calculation. The influences of different ice conditions (current velocities and directions, ice thicknesses, concentrations and ice floe sizes) and ship speeds are also examined on the dynamic ice force. The simulated results are compared qualitatively well with the existing field data and other numerical results. This work can be helpful in the shil3 structure design and the navigation securitv in ice-covered fields.  相似文献   

Vessels operating in shallow waters require careful observation of the finite-depth effect. In present study, a Rankine source method that includes the shallow water effect and double body steady flow effect is developed in frequency domain. In order to verify present numerical methods, two experiments were carried out respectively to measure the wave loads and free motions for ship advancing with forward speed in head regular waves. Numerical results are systematically compared with experiments and other solutions using the double body basis flow approach, the Neumann-Kelvin approach with simplified m-terms, and linearized free surface boundary conditions with double-body m-terms. Furthermore, the influence of water depths on added mass and damping coefficients, wave excitation forces, motions and unsteady wave patterns are deeply investigated. It is found that finite-depth effect is important and unsteady wave pattern in shallow water is dependent on both of the Brard number τ and depth Froude number Fh.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a numerical simulation procedure of moored ship motions due to initial attack of large-scaled tsunamis and investigate the effects on the motions and mooring loads. The effect of methodology on selection of tsunami wave components and of the drag forces are then considered by using the numerical simulation method, applying to several case studies for LNG-carrier. Large ship motions and excessive mooring loads beyond the safe working loads are induced by the resonant tsunami wave components in the sway and surge motions and drag forces.  相似文献   

This paper aims to validate a numerical seakeeping code based on a 3D Rankine panel method by comparing its results with experimental data. Particularly, the motion response and hull-girder loads on a real modern ship, a 6500 TEU containership, are considered in this validation study. The method of solution is a 3D Rankine panel method which adopts B-spline basis function in the time domain. The numerical code is based on the weakly nonlinear scheme which considers nonlinear Froude-Krylov and restoring forces. The main focus of this study is given to investigate the nonlinear characteristics of wave-induced loads, and to validate this present scheme for industrial use in the range of low Froude number. The comparisons show that the nonlinear motions and hull-girder loads, computed by the present numerical code, have good overall agreements with experimental results. It is found that, for the better accuracy of computational results, particularly at extreme waves in oblique seas, the careful treatment of soft-spring (or compatible) system is recommended to the control of non-restoring motions such as surge, sway, and yaw.  相似文献   

This paper presents the structural response of a fast and relatively small, composite materials catamaran to slamming loads. Finite element method is used to provide valuable information in order to optimise the design of the catamaran. The analysis is carried out using ANSYS 6.0 finite element software.The response of the structure to quasi-static slamming loads according to Det Norske Veritas High Speed and Light Craft crest landing and hollow landing rules [DNV, 1999] has been implemented and studied. An optimisation study for the structural response is carried out by changing the ply orientation in the vessel and suitable recommendations are made.  相似文献   

Based on the linear potential flow theory and matching eigen-function expansion technique, an analytical model is developed to investigate the hydrodynamics of two-dimensional dual-pontoon floating breakwaters that also work as oscillating buoy wave energy converters (referred to as the integrated system hereafter). The pontoons are constrained to heave motion independently and the linear power take-off damping is used to calculate the absorbed power. The proposed model is verified by using the energy conservation principle. The effects of the geometrical parameters on the hydrodynamic properties of the integrated system, including the reflection and transmission coefficients and CWR (capture width ratio, which is defined as the ratio of absorbed wave power to the incident wave power in the device width). It is found that the natural frequency of the heave motion and the spacing of the two pontoons are the critical factors affecting the performance of the integrated system. The comparison between the results of the dual-pontoon breakwater and those of the single-pontoon breakwater shows that the effective frequency range (for condition of transmission coefficient KT < 0.5 and the total capture width ratio ηtotal > 20%) of the dual-pontoon system is broader than that of the single-pontoon system with the same total volume. For the two-pontoon system, the effective frequency range can be broadened by decreasing the draft of the front pontoon within certain range.  相似文献   

The seakeeping characteristics of a Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull (SWATH) vehicle equipped with fixed stabilizing fins was investigated by experimental and numerical methods The calculation methods range from viscous CFD simulation based on an unsteady RANS approach to Boundary Element Method (BEM) based on Three Dimensional Translating-pulsating Source Green Function (3DTP). Responses of ship motions in head regular waves and nonlinear effects on motion responses with increasing wave amplitude were analyzed. Numerical simulations have been validated by comparisons with experimental tests. The results indicate that the heave and pitch transfer functions depict two peaks with the increase of wave length. Comparisons amongst experimental data and different numerical calculations illustrate that the RANS method predicts ship motions with higher accuracy and allows the detection of nonlinear effects. The heave and pitch transfer functions see a downward trend with the increasing wave amplitude in the resonant zone at low speed.  相似文献   

刘晨飞  刘亚东 《海洋工程》2018,36(6):109-115
基于CFD技术和重叠网格技术完成了黏性流场中KVLCC2船模的操纵性水动力导数的数值计算。为保证计算的精确性,进行了网格的收敛性分析,给出了合适的网格划分方法;通过数值模拟斜航运动、纯横荡运动和纯艏摇运动计算出的水动力与相应条件下的试验值对比,计算结果与试验值吻合良好,计算出的水动力导数准确度较高。基于MMG分离建模方法建立KVLCC2船模的操纵性数学模型,利用龙格-库塔算法求解微分方程组,对船舶操纵运动进行仿真。回转试验和Z形操舵试验的仿真结果与试验结果对比,其回转直径和轨迹都非常吻合,表明采用的船舶操纵性预报是可行的。  相似文献   

海洋空间资源开发中,海上观光旅游平台具有较广的应用前景。浮式观光平台可设计为圆环形结构,环形内部区域可以为游艇停泊和亲水场所提供掩护。此类结构与船舶月池结构类似,有内域半封闭水体,也存在水体共振问题。为分析此类结构水体共振响应,评估内域水体掩护条件,对以圆环形为基础增加弦与所截圆弧围成区域平台模型(观光平台)的内域水体共振模态进行模拟。观光平台共有6个特征模态,分布在0.2~0.6 rad/s之间。模态峰值主要分布在中轴线附近位置。平台圆弧和直边界组合导致共振模态分布包括圆形水体环向模态特征和矩形水体模态特征;不同弦心距对应不同内域水体尺寸。随着内域水体尺寸减小,模态响应频率向高频移动;通过增加环形宽度和设置主迎浪面在突出平台位置,可降低波浪透射,从而减弱内域水体共振响应幅值。工程设计中可调整上述参数降低内域水体共振幅值,达到较好的泊稳条件。  相似文献   

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