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Vertical profiles of temperature, measured over the sea in the summer near the Eastern coast of the Mediterranean, show significant diurnal fluctuation in the height of the marine inversion. During the day, the inversion moved down and during the night it moved up. The fluctuation was about 250 m. Numerical simulations of the daily fluctuation in the height of the inversion during the summer day shows the following: Over the sea, during daytime, the inversion base sinks 250 m, and during the night, it rises back to its original height. The developing sea breeze during the day causes the air over the sea to move downward adiabatically. At night, the inversion rises mainly due to advection of cool stratified air (including an inversion at 480 m) from a long distance over the sea. Such diurnal fluctuations are observed 100 km off shore. This scale is determined by the scale of the sea breeze. Comparison of some of the model vertical profiles with the temperature profiles measured over the sea show a similar diurnal oscillation. The amplitude of the oscillation is the same.  相似文献   

利用中国第3次青藏高原大气科学试验2014年7-8月改则探空试验期间获取的每天3次观测的探空数据,对该地区对流层大气垂直结构进行了研究。结果表明:改则地区海拔高度17-19 km存在逆温现象;第一对流层顶平均高度16082 m,第二对流层顶平均高度16466 m,前者出现概率远高于后者,两类对流层顶的高度均与其对流层顶的温度、气压成反比。08、14和20时(北京时)的最大风速分别出现在11.8、12.6和12.1 km高度,风速分别为16.2、16.3和15.9 m/s,风向随高度顺时针变化,对应为暖平流,由下层西南风转为上层的东南风,17 km以上高度稳定成东北风,下层主导风为西南风。在约8 km的高度上存在一个最大相对湿度聚集区,从地面开始相对湿度随高度升高而增大(逆湿现象),达到该聚集区后,随高度升高而减小。青藏高原西部雨季对流层顶折叠现象出现概率较低,可能与该季节高空急流或高空锋天气较少有关。  相似文献   

利用常规观测、地面加密自动站及NCEP再分析资料,针对上合组织青岛峰会的气象服务过程,对海雾维持和消散两个阶段的气象要素特征进行了分析。结果表明:1)当能见度低于1 000 m时,相对湿度为99%,能见度介于1 000~2 000 m之间时,相对湿度为95%~99%。2)近地面层30°N以北黄海海域持续吹东南风,并在青岛形成水汽辐合中心,有利于青岛形成海雾;当东南风转为东北风,水汽辐合中心减弱或消失时,海雾趋于消散。3)在海雾维持阶段,逆温层最低高度稳定在980 hPa以下,总逆温差逐渐增强,逆温梯度跃升与海雾强度增强同步;最大逆温层厚度和逆温层总厚度下降12 h后海雾逐渐减弱,逆温层最低高度上升时能见度也随之上升。4)白天逆温层之上为下沉运动,之下为上升运动,夜间700 hPa之下均为上升运动,且上升运动中心位于逆温层之下,这种垂直结构有利于逆温层和海雾的维持;当逆温强度减弱,垂直运动穿越逆温层贯穿700 hPa以下对流层时,海雾趋于消散。  相似文献   

云对地基微波辐射计反演湿度廓线的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国气象局大气探测试验基地的L波段探空数据和微波辐射计观测数据,采用MonoRTM辐射传输模型作为正演亮温模型,BP (back propagation) 神经网络作为反演工具,在由亮温反演大气湿度廓线的过程中,添加与样本匹配的云底高度和云厚度信息,建立新的反演模型,使新反演模型得到的反演湿度廓线和未添加云信息的反演湿度廓线分别与探空数据进行对比,获取两种反演方法各高度层的均方根误差,分析云信息对反演大气湿度廓线的影响。对比结果表明:未添加云信息时,测试样本的反演湿度廓线与探空廓线的相关系数平均值为0.685,而添加云信息后,相关系数平均值为0.805。相比未添加云信息的反演廓线,添加云信息之后多数高度层的均方根误差均有不同程度减小,而在有云以上高度层表现尤为明显。  相似文献   

利用瞬变扰动分析的原理,提供了一个可以客观判定海雾发生时天气类型的方法。在分类结果的基础上,对环流形势、散度和垂直速度以及温度湿度的垂直廓线等进行合成分析,得到低空(1 000 hPa)为低压扰动下发生海雾(L型海雾)的环流和物理量场基本特征,并与高压控制下海雾(H型海雾)进行对比,结果表明:1)L型海雾位势高度负异常扰动主要表现在低层,其平均值为-65.66 gpm,向上逐渐减弱;2)L型海雾在发生时其逆温强度小于H型海雾,雾层较厚,雾层上空湿度仍然比较大,而H型海雾雾层上空有比较明显的干层;3)L型海雾在垂直方向上的分布具有三层结构,第一层1 000~950 hPa为辐合伴有弱上升和下沉运动,第二层950~850 hPa为辐散伴有弱下沉运动,第三层850~500 hPa为逐渐加强的上升运动;H型海雾为两层结构,1 000 hPa为辐散伴有弱的上升和下沉运动,950~500 hPa为一致的下沉运动;4)概率密度统计分析进一步定量表明了L型和H型海雾发生时垂直运动以及相对湿度在各层中的分布情况。这些结论对黄海西北部夏季低压环流形势下海雾的预报提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

采用西南地区巫溪大官山同一坡面10个不同海拔高度梯度观测站2019~2020年逐小时温湿观测资料,分析了气温、气温直减率、日较差和相对湿度的梯度变化特征。结果表明:观测期间,气温随海拔升高而降低,海拔2000 m以上区域秋、冬季常出现逆温或同温现象;年平均气温递减率为0.57℃/100 m,最大值出现在3月和9月,分别为0.63℃/100 m和0.62℃/100 m,2月最低为0.49℃/100 m;日较差总体随海拔升高而减小,但在海拔1065~1222 m,出现了日较差随海拔升高而快速下降的突变区;年、春季在海拔1222~2180 m,秋季在海拔1222~2550 m,出现了日较差相对稳定层,其它季节不太明显。在海拔1670 m以下区域,年相对湿度为78.5%,夏季最大(85.3%),秋季次之(82%),冬季再次(74.3%),春季最低(72.3%);随着海拔升高云雾出现频率增大,年和各季相对湿度均随之增大;海拔1670~1930 m为突变区间,相对湿度迅速增加,在海拔1930~2550 m,年、春、夏、秋季处于云中的时间较多,相对湿度变化不大;冬季由于云层低,海拔较高的区域常处于云的上方,相对湿度随海拔升高反而有所减小。   相似文献   

利用东疆红柳河黑戈壁下垫面陆气相互作用观测站2017年近地大气边界层梯度探测资料和红柳河气象站天气现象观测数据,分析该地区典型晴天条件下的近地层风速、温度和比湿的四季廓线特征。结果表明:四季近地层风廓线变化规律明显。典型晴天条件下,在0.5~4 m高度内风速随高度的增加而变大的速度较快,在4~32 m范围内,白天风速随高度增大较缓慢,但夜间出现快速增大;存在明显的夜间逆温,逆温层主要集中在4~32 m,冬季逆温强于夏季,晨间0.5~32 m间的温度差可达4.6℃,且红柳河四季的气温日较差均较大,秋季可达到15.7℃;夜间比湿高于白天,秋、冬季夜间逆湿层出现在10~32 m,其比湿差为0.15 g/kg左右,夏季无逆湿现象。  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of virtual potential temperature,specific humidity,temperature at saturation points,moist staticenergies along with parcel condensing levels using minisonde data are analysed for two stations through which a mon-soon depression passed.The height of the cloud base came down as low as 910 hPa level from 835 hPa.Equivalent po-tential temperature increased in the vertical profile as well as in the conserved variable diagram as the depression ap-proached the station.Parcel condensing levels showed clearly inversion top and cloud top but not in all cases.Moist stat-ic energy showed an increase upto 10 kJ/kg as the depression approached.  相似文献   

塔中春季阴天近地层风速、温度和湿度廓线特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用塔中最新安装的80 m梯度观测塔探测系统采集的资料,详细分析了2006年4月2日1次阴天天气时塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地近地层风速、温度和湿度廓线演变特征,并与典型晴天廓线做了对比,得到以下结果:(1)阴天,夜间风速廓线风速值随高度增高而增大,但不是以对数增长,而是以比对数关系更快的速度增长;白天,风速很小,近地层10 m上下廓线分布规律各异;(2)温度廓线有夜间辐射型、早上过渡型、白天日射型及傍晚过渡型4种类型,与晴天类似;(3)比湿廓线存在一个极小值,其出现高度以上比湿随高度增加而增加,廓线呈逆湿特征,极小值出现高度以下比湿随高度减小而增加。  相似文献   

利用塔中80m梯度观测塔探测系统采集的资料,详细的分析了2006年4月10日沙尘暴过境时,塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地近地层风速、温度和湿度廓线的演变特征。结果表明:风速廓线满足风速值随高度增高而增大,风速梯度随高度增高而减小的对数律关系;沙尘暴由爆发前到过境时,温度廓线的温度值由随高度增高而增大转变为温度值随高度增高而减小,同时在贴地层2m处存在一微弱拐点;沙尘暴过境时,近地层大气出现微弱逆湿现象,并在不同高度上存在多处拐点,比湿增减在时间上与风速的增减呈负相关性,且整个沙尘暴天气是一个降温增湿的过程。  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations were made of the Marine Boundary Layer at Tarapur, a site near Bombay on the sea coast, by acoustic sounder and instrumented tower. The meteorological tower was used to sense wind and temperature at various levels up to a height of 120 m while the acoustic sounder was used to examine the thermal structure of the boundary layer up to a height of 700 m. Data recorded for the year 1982 have been analysed.Analysis of the data shows that while the normal structures of thermal echoes and shear echoes represent the mixing depth of the atmospheric boundary layer, the often observed elevated layers are due to sea breeze reversals with their base giving a measure of the depth of the sea-breeze circulation during the day. A sea breeze has been detected during both spring (March to May) and autumn (October to December) months. The onset times are around 1000 hr during spring months and around noon during the autumn period, the height of development being respectively up to 500 and 350 m. The capability of the sodar to detect the base and thickness of the sea breeze, is clearly revealed.  相似文献   

Wang  S.  Fernando  H. J. S.  Dorman  C.  Creegan  E.  Krishnamurthy  R.  Wainwright  C.  Wagh  S.  Yamaguchi  R. 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2021,181(2-3):365-393

This work presents ship-based measurements of fog off St John’s, Newfoundland, on 13 September 2018 during the Coastal Fog field campaign. The measurements included cloud-particle spectra, cloud-base height and aerosol backscatter, radiation, turbulence, visibility, and sea-surface temperature. Radiosonde soundings were made at intervals of less than 2 h. Fog occurred in two episodes during the passage of an eastward-moving synoptic low-pressure system. The boundary-layer structure during the first fog episode consisted of three layers, separated by two saturated temperature inversions, and capped by a subsidence inversion. The lowest layer was fog, and the upper layers were cloud. The second fog episode consisted of one well-mixed fog layer capped by a subsidence inversion. Low wind speeds and stable stratification maintained low surface-layer turbulence during fog. Droplet size distributions had typical bimodal distributions. The visibility correlated with the droplet number concentration and liquid water content. The air temperature was higher than the sea-surface temperature for the first 30 min of the first fog episode but was lower than the sea for the remainder of all fog. The sensible heat flux was upward, from sea to air, for the first 62% of the first fog episode and then reversed to downward, from air to sea, for the remainder of the first fog episode and the second fog episode. The counter-gradient heat fluxes observed (i.e., opposite to what is expected from the instantaneous air–sea temperature difference) appear to be related to turbulence, entrainment, and stratification in the fog layer that overwhelmed the influence of the air–sea temperature difference. While the synoptic-scale dynamics preconditioned the area for fog formation, the final step of fog appearance in this case was nuanced by stratification–turbulence interactions, local advective processes, and microphysical environment.


In 2005 the Study of Stable Boundary Layer Environment at Dome C (STABLEDC) experimental campaign was conducted at the plateau station of Concordia at Dome C, Antarctica. Temperature profiles measured with a microwave radiometer were used to study the characteristics of surface-based temperature inversions over the course of a year. Statistics of temperature profiles for every month are discussed; the difference between daytime and nocturnal cases observed during the summer months disappears during winter. Surface-based temperature inversions occurred in 70 % of the time during summer, and almost all of the time during winter. During winter the occurrence of warming events leads to a decrease in the temperature difference between the top and the base of the inversion (i.e. the inversion strength). The inversion strength maxima ranged between $3\,^{\circ }\mathrm{C}$ (December) and $35\,^{\circ }\mathrm{C}$ (August) corresponding to gradients of 0.1 and $0.3\,^{\circ }\mathrm{C}\, \mathrm{m}^{-1}$ , respectively. The average surface-based inversion height presents a daily cycle during the summer months with values up to 200 m in the morning hours, while it affects a layer always deeper than 100 m during the winter months. The relationships between inversion strength and the downward longwave radiative flux, absolute temperature, and wind speed are examined. The inversion strength decreases as the longwave radiation increases. A clear anti-correlation between inversion strength and near-surface temperature is evident throughout the year. During the winter, the largest inversion strength values were observed under low wind-speed conditions; in contrast, a clear dependence was not found during the summer.  相似文献   

Summary During the field experiment FRONTEX 1989 a shallow cold front with a fog field behind its leading edge was observed over the North Sea. The fog field was about 70 km wide, 160 m deep at the front side and 400 m deep at the rear side and was capped by a strong frontal inversion. With increasing height of the inversion the fog broke up into cumulus clouds. The horizontal temperature gradient was largest at 500 m with 9 K/100 km. The observed segment of the front was situated near the col of a geostrophic deformation field with vanishing cross-front wind but non-vanishing cross-front confluence. The front moved at a rate of 5 m/s. It exhibits characteristics of a gravity current which propagates into a stably stratified environment.The physical processes leading to the observed frontal structure and motion are elucidated by experiments with a two-dimensional numerical model. The charateristics of the observed front can be reproduced if both, geostrophic forcing and boundary-layer processes, such as air-sea temperature difference, moisture content and cloud radiational cooling are taken into account. The development of the front under altered conditions is studied by the comparison of different simulations. The reason for the movement of the front is discussed refering to the mechanisms of geostrophic forcing and the forcing by surface friction. The analysis of the forces acting on the cold air mass shows that the Coriolis force is important at some distance behind the frontal head, but has little effect on the processes at the frontal head.With 13 Figures  相似文献   

北京秋季一次降雪前污染天气的激光雷达观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2009年11月5~8日北京地区发生的一次特殊天气形势下的重污染天气过程为例,研究分析本次污染特点和大气边界层结构特征以及此天气过程的大气温度和相对湿度结构特点。激光雷达是探测大气边界层及气溶胶的一个高效工具,利用ALS300激光雷达系统测量信号,应用Fernald方法反演大气消光系数,根据反演的气溶胶消光系数的最大突变,即最大递减率的高度来确定大气边界层的高度。利用其观测的退偏比分析大气污染物特性。利用微波辐射计数据,确定大气温度和湿度时空特征。研究结果表明:在本次污染天气下,大气具有很强的逆温结构,逆温最大可达近1 K(100 m)-1,500 m以上的大气相对湿度很低,在这种天气特征下的大气边界层高度在400 m左右,非常稳定。污染结束降雪开始前,大气逆温结构消失,大气湿度大幅度增加,接近饱和。根据lidar(light detection and ranging)退偏比的分析,本次污染天气是一次典型的烟尘类颗粒物的污染,污染具有区域性特点。PM2.5(空气动力学当量直径小于等于2.5μm的颗粒物)与AOT(Aerosol Optical Thickness)之间有明显的线性关系,相关系数达到0.72。该lidar系统能够反演出秋季降雪前本次污染天气背景下北京城区上空的大气污染特性和大气边界层高度。  相似文献   

In this paper, a heavy sea fog episode that occurred over the Yellow Sea on 9 March 2005 is investigated. The sea fog patch, with a spatial scale of several hundred kilometers at its mature stage, reduced visibility along the Shandong Peninsula coast to 100 m or much less at some sites. Satellite images, surface observations and soundings at islands and coasts, and analyses from the Japan Meteorology Agency (JMA) axe used to describe and analyze this event. The analysis indicates that this sea fog can be categorized as advection cooling fog. The main features of this sea fog including fog area and its movement axe reasonably reproduced by the Fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5). Model results suggest that the formation and evolution of this event can be outlined as: (1) southerly warm/moist advection of low-level air resulted in a strong sea-surface-based inversion with a thickness of about 600 m; (2) when the inversion moved from the warmer East Sea to the colder Yellow Sea, a thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) gradually formed at the base of the inversion while the sea fog grew in response to cooling and moistening by turbulence mixing; (3) the sea fog developed as the TIBL moved northward and (4) strong northerly cold and dry wind destroyed the TIBL and dissipated the sea fog. The principal findings of this study axe that sea fog forms in response to relatively persistent southerly waxm/moist wind and a cold sea surface, and that turbulence mixing by wind shear is the primary mechanism for the cooling and moistening the marine layer. In addition, the study of sensitivity experiments indicates that deterministic numerical modeling offers a promising approach to the prediction of sea fog over the Yellow Sea but it may be more efficient to consider ensemble numerical modeling because of the extreme sensitivity to model input.  相似文献   

南疆沙漠腹地大气边界层气象要素廓线分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用塔中80m观测塔梯度系统采集的2006年8月、10月和2007年1月、4月的风、温度、湿度资料,结合气象站的同步气象资料,对南疆沙漠腹地近地层四季的晴天平均风速、温度、湿度廓线分布特征进行分析。结果表明,晴天平均风速白天随高度升高增加缓慢,夜间较快,低层风速白天比夜间大,高层则白天比夜间小,春夏季风速较大;四季平均温度廓线表现为夜间辐射型、早上过渡型、白天日射型和傍晚过渡型等四种类型,早、晚过渡时间四季各有不同,日最低、最高温度出现时间四季则相差不大;冬季夜间比湿随高度升高而增大,整个80m近地层表现为逆湿状态,其他季节逆湿一般出现在0.5—1m、1~2m、32—47m、63—80m等4个层次上,各逆湿层出现的时间各季节有所差异。  相似文献   

Summary The boundary-layer structure of the Elqui Valley is investigated, which is situated in the arid north of Chile and extends from the Pacific Ocean in the west to the Andes in the east. The climate is dominated by the south-eastern Pacific subtropical anticyclone and the cold Humboldt Current. This combination leads to considerable temperature and moisture gradients between the coast and the valley and results in the evolution of sea and valley wind systems. The contribution of these mesoscale wind systems to the heat and moisture budget of the valley atmosphere is estimated, based on radiosoundings performed near the coast and in the valley. Near the coast, a well-mixed cloud-topped boundary layer exists. Both, the temperature and the specific humidity do not change considerably during the day. In the stratus layer the potential temperature increases, while the specific humidity decreases slightly with height. The top of the thin stratus layer, about 300 m in depth, is marked by an inversion. Moderate sea breeze winds of 3–4 m s−1 prevail in the sub-cloud and cloud layer during daytime, but no land breeze develops during the night. The nocturnal valley atmosphere is characterized by a strong and 900 m deep stably stratified boundary layer. During the day, no pronounced well-mixed layer with a capping inversion develops in the valley. Above a super-adiabatic surface layer of about 150 m depth, a stably stratified layer prevails throughout the day. However, heating can be observed within a layer above the surface 800 m deep. Heat and moisture budget estimations show that sensible heat flux convergence exceeds cold air advection in the morning, while both processes compensate each other around noon, such that the temperature evolution stagnates. In the afternoon, cold air advection predominates and leads to net cooling of the boundary layer. Furthermore, the advection of moist air results in the accumulation of moisture during the noon and afternoon period, while latent heat flux convergence is of minor relevance to the moisture budget of the boundary layer. Correspondence: Norbert Kalthoff, Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Universit?t Karlsruhe/Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Postfach 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany  相似文献   

2015-04-28渤海海雾形成过程中的海气相互作用分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用FY和MTSAT卫星资料、ERA Interim再分析资料、黄渤海浮标站资料、黄渤海自动站逐小时观测资料,对发生在2015年4月28—29日的渤海海雾成因进行分析,着重探讨了海雾形成过程中的海气相互作用。结果发现,近海面处大气低层逆温层抬升,大于90%的大湿度区向上、向西扩展,对海雾形成非常有利;海雾生成前、生成发展过程中存在明显的东到东南风,有利于黄海水汽向渤海输送,海面上空有水汽通量大值区由渤海海峡向渤海中部移动,使得渤海上空水汽输送加强,提供了海雾形成所需的水汽;在海雾形成过程中渤海上空气温高于海温,风切变造成的海气界面湍流热交换为大气输送向海洋,使得冷海面上空暖湿空气降温冷却达到饱和形成海雾,是平流冷却雾。   相似文献   

太原雾天能见度预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用中尺度数值预报模式MM5对山西省2009年发生的几场典型雾个例进行数值模拟。结果表明:模拟2 m温度比观测值偏低约2 ℃,相对湿度模拟结果比观测值偏大约15 %,10 m的模拟风速比观测的偏大0-2 m·s-1。山西省雾的预报指标为20 m液态水含量大于等于0.13 g·kg-1而小于0.60g·kg-1、20-1500 m高度大气层存在逆温层、地面风速小于4 m·s-1。利用太原测站日平均能见度、日平均相对湿度以及空气污染指数进行拟合建立太原能见度预报模型,并利用实测资料订正MM5、CAPPS模式预报误差,给出订正后的能见度预报方程并以两次实例对区域及太原雾天能见度预报表明该能见度预报模型有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

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