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<正>Structure and composition of the Uralian ophiolites reflect a large spectrum of geodynamic environment of their creation during Paleozoic time:from mid-ocean ridge,rift zone in continental margin,and suprasubduction spreading zone(SSZ)with resultant lherzolite or harzburgite ophiolite type(LOT and HOT).Residual  相似文献   

Structural mapping in the Southern half of the Oman ophiolite has revealed a palaeoridge organization with similarities to an EPR microplate, forming in superfast spreading conditions. A NW-trending propagator was rapidly opening in a lithosphere no more than 1 Myr older and itself created in a NE-SW ridge system. The NW-trending propagator, underlined by small mantle diapirs, was active or dying when detached as part of a future ophiolite. Local thrusting of the future ophiolite was also initiated very early, between 1 and 5 Myr after ridge accretion; it was accompanied by a 40° rotation within this time lapse. Such an activity supports the comparison of the Oman palaeoridge system with an oceanic microplate, and provides evidence to suggest the existence of thrusts at active microplates.  相似文献   

Nature of the Moho Transition Zone in the Oman Ophiolite   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
The Moho Transition zone of ophiolites is dominantly composedof dunite, with various types of segregations (gabbros, pyroxenites,and chromitites). Representing a level of magmatic exchangebetween asthenospheric mantle and the constructing ocean crust,it records active melt circulation below a spreading ridge axisand offers the opportunity of observing the distribution ofmelt locally percolating and ponding in a deforming porous matrix.In the Oman ophiolite, the Moho Transition Zone has a thicknessvarying from ten to hundreds of meters; its thickness and compositionare related to the geometry of the asthenospheric mantle flow:thick Moho Transition Zones are on top of mantle diapirs characterizedby vertical flow, whereas thin Moho Transition Zones are presentin areas of horizontal mantle flow. A large high-temperatureplastic strain is recorded in thin Moho Transition zones, incontrast to thick ones where the strain is weaker and heterogeneous.Thick Moho Transition Zones display an intense magmatic activityexpressed by diffuse melt impregnations, dikes and sills. Inthese thick zones, we have studied the geometry of the meltcirculation at various scales. We present here the analysisof textures and lattice fabrics which record high-temperatureplastic strain and allow us to quantify it Melt circulates withinthe dunites and can locally destroy the solid framework, inrelation to a viscosity drop and the sharp overturn of mantleflow observed in this type of transition zone. KEY WORDS: Oman; ophiolite; Moho Transition Zone; textures *Corresponding author  相似文献   

Abstract. The hydrothermal alteration in Ghuzayn Volcanics was associated with mineralization and accumulation of three massive sulfide deposits. The Ghuzayn Volcanics were discriminated into basaltic and andesitic lavas. The crossplots of Zr versus Nb, Y, Hf, La and Lu show that they fall in the same linear fractionation trends with more evolved affinities in the andesitic lavas compared to the less evolved affinities in the basaltic lavas. The immobile trace element contents of the Ghuzayn Volcanics show that they are of oceanic to continental tholeiitic affinity which fall in the fields of back‐arc basin basalt, N‐MORB and island arc tholeiite all meet and match with the field of the Lau‐Tonga back‐arc basin lavas. The ore‐body No. 2 is underlain by a zone of intense argillization and silicification which are so‐called alteration pipe as in some of the Cyprus‐type massive sulfide deposits. The alteration in the proximity of the ore‐body No. 2 is characterized by a zone of epidotization and slight silicification and sulfide disseminations, and surrounded by another zone of slight silicification and sulfide dissemination in the outermost rim around the ore‐body No. 2. The alteration zones in the proximity of the ore‐body No. 2 were divided into Zones I and II based on the abundance of the secondary minerals in the altered basaltic lavas. The Zone I is located in the most northern upper part of the ore‐body No. 2 and characterized by corrensite, saponite and prehnite. However, the Zone II is located in the southern part of the ore‐body No. 2 and characterized by chlorite and epidote. Both alteration zones were formed by different alteration stages. Stage 1 was formed by non to partly reacted fluids, to crystallize Mg‐chlorite and albite at temperatures ranging from 150 to 250d?C. Further, these fluids evolved with time and became Mg‐depleted, Si‐ and metal‐enriched to crystallize Fe2+‐chlorite, epidote, quartz and sulfides at temperatures ranging from 250 to 350d?C in stage 2. Later, these fluids were evolved again to be Mg‐ and Ca‐enriched in stage 3 to crystallize prehnite, laumontite, corrensite and saponite at temperatures ranging from 150 to 220d?C. Late zeolite and calcite have overgrown the previously crystallized phases and crosscutting veins along the altered basaltic lavas in stage 4. Finally, the lavas were cracked and refractured to facilitate penetration of seawater into deeper parts to heat up again and re‐leach the silica and metals in a new mineralizing event.  相似文献   

The Tertiary Mineoka ophiolite occurs in a fault zone at the intersection of the Honshu and Izu forearcs in central Japan and displays structural evidence for three major phases of deformation: normal and oblique-slip faults and hydrothermal veins formed during the seafloor spreading evolution of the ophiolite at a ridge-transform fault intersection. These structures may represent repeated changes in differential stress and pore-fluid pressures during their formation. The second series of deformation is characterized by oblique thrust faults with Riedel shears and no significant mineral veining, and is interpreted to have resulted from transpressional dextral faulting during the obduction of the ophiolite through oblique convergence and tectonic accretion. This deformation occurred at the NW corner of a TTT-type (trench–trench–trench) triple junction in the NW Pacific rim before the middle Miocene. The third series of deformation of the ophiolite is marked by contractional and oblique shear zones, Riedel shears, and thrust faults that crosscut and offset earlier structures, and that give the Mineoka fault zone its lenticular (phacoidal) fabric at all scales. This deformation phase was associated with the establishment and the southward migration of the TTT Boso triple junction and with the kinematics of oblique subduction and forearc sliver fault development. The composite Mineoka ophiolite hence displays rocks and structures that evolved during its complex geodynamic history involving seafloor spreading, tectonic accretion, and triple junction evolution in the NW Pacific Rim.  相似文献   

The late Cretaceous-lower Tertiary hydrothermal alteration of serpentinized peridotite in the Semail ophiolite has formed two distinct types of listwaenite. Type I is characterized by the presence of calcite (Type IA) or dolomite (Type IB)+fuchsite±spinel. Type II is dominated by silicate minerals (quartz, chlorite, fuchsite)±calcite+dolomite±magnetite±apatite±plagioclase. Most listwaenites occur as veins along thrust fault zones within the ophiolite mélange. High Cr and Ni contents, abundant occurrence of Cr-spinel within a matrix of red-brown ferruginous carbonates within a micro-vein network of goethite, and the relics of mesh texture indicate an ultramafic protolith. Type I and II listwaenites represent different stages of hydrothermal alteration. The mineralogical and chemical distinctions of both types are the response to the extent of the reactions between the protoliths and the solutions leading to different stages of metasomatic replacement. The hydrothermal fluids involved in the formation of Type I listwaenite were enriched in Ca, Mg, and CO2, whereas Type II listwaenite bodies were formed from a hydrothermal fluid enriched in SiO2. REE and trace elements in both listwaenite types were extracted in part from adjoining peridotite. No Au anomaly in the study areas has been detected.  相似文献   

Tectonically exposed mantle peridotite in the Oman Ophiolite is variably serpentinized and carbonated. Networks of young carbonate veins are prevalent in highly serpentinized peridotite, particularly near low-temperature alkaline springs emanating from the peridotite. An unusual feature in some samples is the coexistence of serpentine and quartz, which is not commonly observed in serpentinites. This assemblage is unstable with respect to serpentine?+?talc or talc?+?quartz under most conditions. Serpentine in the carbonated serpentinites in this study is more iron rich than in most serpentinites reported in previous studies, and samples with co-existing quartz contain the most iron-rich serpentines. Calculations of thermodynamic equilibria in the MgO–SiO2–H2O–CO2 system suggest that serpentine?+?quartz may be a stable assemblage at low temperatures (e.g., <~15–50?°C) and is stabilized to higher temperatures by preferential cation substitutions in serpentine over talc. Based on these calculations, serpentine?+?quartz assemblages could result from serpentinization at near-surface temperatures. Clumped isotope thermometry of carbonate veins yields temperatures within error of the observed temperatures in Oman groundwater for all samples analyzed, while the δ18O of water calculated to be in equilibrium with carbonate precipitated at those temperatures is within error of the observed isotopic composition of Oman groundwater for the majority of samples analyzed. As groundwater geochemistry suggests that carbonate precipitation and serpentinization occur concomitantly, this indicates that both hydration and carbonation of peridotite are able to produce extensive alteration at the relatively low temperatures of the near-surface weathering environment.  相似文献   

Structural and fabric analysis of the well-exposed Hilti mantlesection, Oman ophiolite, suggests that shear zone development,which may have resulted from oceanic plate fragmentation, wasinfluenced by pre-existing mantle fabric present at the paleo-ridge.Detailed structural mapping in the mantle section revealed agently undulating structure with an east–west flow direction.A NW–SE strike-slip shear zone cuts across this horizontalstructure. The crystal preferred orientation (CPO) of olivinewithin the foliation is dominated by (010) axial patterns ratherthan more commonly observed (010)[100] patterns, suggestingthat the horizontal flow close to the Moho involved non-coaxialflow. Olivine CPO within the shear zone formed at low temperatureis characterized by (001)[100] patterns and a sinistral senseof shear. The olivine CPO becomes weaker with progressive mylonitizationand accompanying grain size reduction, and ultimately developsinto an ultra-mylonite with a random CPO pattern. The olivine[010]-axis is consistently sub-vertical, even where the horizontalfoliation has been rotated to a sub-vertical orientation withinthe shear zone. These observations suggest that the primarymechanical anisotropy (mantle fabric) has been readily transformedinto a secondary structure (shear zone) with minimum modification.This occurred as a result of a change of the olivine slip systemsduring oceanic detachment and related tectonics during cooling.We propose that primary olivine CPO fabrics may play a significantrole in the subsequent structural development of the mantle.Thus, the structural behavior of oceanic mantle lithosphereduring subduction and obduction may be strongly influenced byinitial mechanical anisotropy developed at an oceanic spreadingcenter. KEY WORDS: mantle lithosphere; anisotropy; shear zone; olivine CPO; Oman ophiolite  相似文献   

班公湖-怒江缝合带(班怒带)分割了北部的羌塘地体和南部的拉萨地体,代表曾经消失的大洋——班公湖-怒江洋(班怒洋)。蛇绿岩从西部的日土到东部的丁青断续分布,是记录班怒洋演化的重要载体。长期以来关于班怒带蛇绿岩何时形成、在哪里形成、如何就位的研究薄弱。本文基于对班怒带中段东巧蛇绿岩之上的一套海陆过渡相地层(东巧组)的地层学、沉积学和物源研究,认为东巧蛇绿岩在晚侏罗世Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian之前仰冲到一个亲拉萨的被动大陆边缘之上。在此基础上,结合蛇绿岩年代学和地球化学数据,重建了东巧蛇绿岩从形成到仰冲至地表的过程,探讨了东巧蛇绿岩仰冲的动力学机制及其大地构造意义。  相似文献   

Platinum-group element (PGE) abundances in mantle rocks are generally considered to result from a late meteorite addition to the early Earth, post-dating the core separation event. As such, PGEs are key tracers for the Earth accretion history. For decades, the PGEs systematics of undepleted mantle peridotites has been used to constrain the composition of meteorite impactors involved in the late veneer material. Despite multiple evidence of considerable modifications by partial melting, harzburgites from the Sumail ophiolite (Oman) display a mean PGE composition very akin to recently refined estimates for the Primitive Upper Mantle (PUM) of the Earth. These rocks document a resetting of the PUM signature by percolating basaltic melts, which precipitated Pd-enriched Cu–Ni sulphides within a strongly Pd-depleted residual harzburgitic protolith. Such a resetting casts doubt on both the reliability of any PUM estimates and relevance of the PUM concept itself, at least for PGEs.  相似文献   

The collision between the North Palawan Block (NPB) and Philippine Mobile Belt (PMB) has been the subject of studies considering its significance in help-ing define the tectonic evolution of the Philippine is-land arc system. The geology of the western Panay island reveals the presence of a continent-related block (Buruanga Peninsula) juxtaposed to an oceanic frag-ment (Antique Ophiolite Complex). Our recent work in the Buruanga Peninsula helped us define the terrane boundary between the Peninsula and the Antique Ophiolite Complex. However, considering available published data, the Antique Ophiolite Complex has never been considered to be a part of the NPB and to mark the collision zone between Palawan and the PMB.  相似文献   

杨高学  朱钊  刘晓宇  李海  佟丽莉 《地质学报》2023,97(6):2054-2066
蛇绿岩记录了大洋岩石圈形成、演化、消亡的全过程,是刻画区域板块构造和洋 陆格局演化的关键证据。本文通过系统梳理前人相关研究,总结西准噶尔蛇绿岩最新研究成果,探讨大陆地壳增生方式、恢复古大洋演化历史,从而对西准噶尔构造体制转化提供新制约。西准噶尔地区发育多条震旦纪—石炭纪被构造肢解的蛇绿岩带,具有典型的岩块 基质结构,绝大多数蛇绿岩包括正常洋壳组分和海山/大洋高原残片,其中基性岩具有MORB和OIB的地球化学特征。基于前人研究,本文认为在西准噶尔古大洋发育过程中,发育不同时代与地幔柱有关的海山/大洋高原,同时存在增生型和侵蚀型两类汇聚板块边界。另外,大洋高原增生不仅是大陆地壳增生的有效途径之一,还可能诱发俯冲极性反转和传递。而在大洋高原形成初期,还可能存在地幔柱诱发俯冲起始机制。  相似文献   

魏海泉  Melnik  O  刘永顺  Barmin  A  Sparks  RSJ 《岩石学报》2006,22(12):3007-3013
在圆柱形火山通道的下部,岩浆上升速度与岩浆粘度、密度及压力有关。这时的流体动力学过程可以应用一般的牛顿流体模型。火山通道中部气泡化岩浆上升时,液相和气相的转化符合质量守恒方程,混合相总体符合动量守恒方程。其中气泡形成与生长过程符合达西定律与数密度方程。在火山通道靠上部的碎屑化带里,不同组分符合质量守恒方程,混合相总体符合动量守恒方程。天池火山千年大喷发时,通道直径是62m。岩浆房内的岩浆舍有约3%体积百分数的气泡,气泡体积在65%时岩浆破碎,颗粒离开通道时的速度是145ms^-1,而气体离开通道时的速度是170ms^-1。气体颗粒分散相出口压力是12.2MPa。在破火山口塌陷之前,岩浆房内气泡体积可高达30%-40%。与此同时,碎屑化发生时岩浆的孔隙度也增加到70%-75%左右。这时的出口压力降低至7—8MPa,出口气体速度增加到180ms^-1。气象站碱流质寄生火山喷发对应的喷发通道直径是40m,喷发以气体出口速度15-25ms^-1的弱爆破性喷发和侵出式喷发为特征。这时浮岩的孔隙度比千年大喷发的孔隙度低,为48%~61%,而浮岩密度高,为1.01~1.35gcm^-3。在侵出相喷发时最高释放率可以达到42m^3s^-1(致密岩石当量DRE),孔隙度变化范围是70%-80%。  相似文献   

This is the first graphic presentation of the Michelson Ridge in its entirety from a total coverage, multi-beam survey. The ridge splits the Izu and Bonin Trenches, is comprised of four guyots, and is anomalous to the strike of all other ridges heretofore discovered in the Pacific Ocean. The ridge is obducting/offscraping onto the Philippine plate instead of subducting.  相似文献   

A paleoclimatic reconstruction for the past 35,000 years for northern Oman is based on an unusual approach using travertines and fracture calcites associated with hyperalkaline springs. High-pH groundwaters (pH up to 11.9) discharge from the mantle sequence of the Oman Ophiolite as the product of modern, low-temperature serpentinization. Under arid climatic conditions, hyperalkaline discharge occurs at the surface. Uptake of atmospheric CO2 precipitates characteristic laminated travertines, accompanied by strong kinetic depletion of 13C and 18O. Pluvial climates supporting a shallow bicarbonate-groundwater flow system and vegetation are recorded by fracture calcites with equilibrium stable isotope contents and calcite-replaced roots and stems. All such carbonates have modern initial 14C contents, allowing radiocarbon dating and paleoclimatic reconstruction for the late Pleistocene and Holocene. Our reconstruction shows a dominantly wet late Pleistocene up to 19,000 yr B.P., when a phase of climatic deterioration began, leading to a period of hyperaridity which dominated from ca. 16,300 to 13,000 yr B.P. The early Holocene pluvial occurred from 12,500 to ca. 6500 yr B.P. and was followed by renewed climatic deterioration and the current phase of hyperaridity. Comparison of this paleoclimatic reconstruction with that for lacustrine deposits from the A'Rub al Khali of central Saudi Arabia and the summer insolation-driven monsoon record of east Africa and the Arabian Sea is remarkably good.  相似文献   

对日喀则地区群让、白朗和白岗的地幔橄榄岩和辉长辉绿岩进行了主微量元素和铂族元素(PGE)分析,结果显示,三地的地幔橄榄岩PGE总量相似,球粒陨石标准化曲线大致平坦,IPGE和PPGE的分馏不显著,白岗和群让样品的PdN/IrN和PdN/PtN值大于1;白岗村蛇绿岩糜棱岩带中采集到洋岛型碱性玄武质辉绿岩,其化学性质与仁布洋岛型玄武质岩石相似。表明日喀则蛇绿岩起源于弧后盆地环境,其南部的蛇绿岩糜棱岩带可能包含了日喀则蛇绿岩形成时相对应的岛弧火山岩,以及新特提斯洋的残留物。  相似文献   

基于ASTER数据的蛇绿岩组分识别:以德尔尼矿区为例   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文运用高级星载热辐射和反射探测器(ASTER)反射率数据对青海德尔尼蛇绿岩的主要岩石组成和蚀变矿物进行探测.以现有的标准光谱库数据作为参照,采用光谱角制图法来提取感兴趣的岩性和矿物信息,并通过与现有地质图对比,验证结果的精度.实验结果表明,运用ASTER数据和标准的光谱库数据,可较有效地识别蛇绿岩的主要岩性和相关矿物成分,但不同岩性的识别精度不同.  相似文献   

An important issue in reservoir modeling is accurate generation of complex structures. The problem is difficult because the connectivity of the flow paths must be preserved. Multiple-point geostatistics is one of the most effective methods that can model the spatial patterns of geological structures, which is based on an informative geological training image that contains the variability, connectivity, and structural properties of a reservoir. Several pixel- and pattern-based methods have been developed in the past. In particular, pattern-based algorithms have become popular due to their ability for honoring the connectivity and geological features of a reservoir. But a shortcoming of such methods is that they require a massive data base, which make them highly memory- and CPU-intensive. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology for which there is no need to construct pattern data base and small data event. A new function for the similarity of the generated pattern and the training image, based on a cross-correlation (CC) function, is proposed that can be used with both categorical and continuous training images. We combine the CC function with an overlap strategy and a new approach, adaptive recursive template splitting along a raster path, in order to develop an algorithm, which we call cross-correlation simulation (CCSIM), for generation of the realizations of a reservoir with accurate conditioning and continuity. The performance of CCSIM is tested for a variety of training images. The results, when compared with those of the previous methods, indicate significant improvement in the CPU and memory requirements.  相似文献   

We present new,geological,metamorphic,geochemical and geochronological data on the East Anatolian-Lesser Caucasus ophiolites.These data are used in combination with a synthesis of previous data and numerical modelling to unravel the tectonic emplacement of ophiolites in this region.All these data allow the reconstruction of a large obducted ophiolite nappe,thrusted for>100 km and up to 250 km on the Anatolian-Armenian block.The ophiolite petrology shows three distinct magmatic series,highlighted by new isotopic and trace element data:(1)The main Early Jurassic Tholeiites(ophiolite s.s.)bear LILEenriched,subduction-modified,MORB chemical composition.Geology and petrology of the Tholeiite series substantiates a slow-spreading oceanic environment in a time spanning from the Late Triassic to the Middle-Late Jurassic.Serpentinites,gabbros and plagiogranites were exhumed by normal faults,and covered by radiolarites,while minor volumes of pillow-lava flows infilled the rift grabens.Tendency towards a subduction-modified geochemical signature suggests emplacement in a marginal basin above a subduction zone.(2)Late Early Cretaceous alkaline lavas conformably emplaced on top of the ophiolite.They have an OIB affinity.These lavas are featured by large pillow lavas interbedded a carbonate matrix.They show evidence for a large-scale OIB plume activity,which occurred prior to ophiolite obduction.(3)Early-Late Cretaceous calc-alkaline lavas and dykes.These magmatic rocks are found on top of the obducted nappe,above the post-obduction erosion level.This series shows similar Sr-Nd isotopic features as the Alkaline series,though having a clear supra-subduction affinity.They are thus interpreted to be the remelting product of a mantle previously contaminated by the OIB plume.Correlation of data from the Lesser Caucasus to western Anatolia shows a progression from back-arc to arc and fore-arc,which highlight a dissymmetry in the obducted oceanic lithosphere from East to West.The metamorphic P-T-t paths of the obduction sole lithologies define a southward propagation of the ophiolite:(1)P-T-t data from the northern Sevan-Akera suture zone(Armenia)highlight the presence and exhumation of eclogites(1.85±0.02 GPa and 590±5℃)and blueschists below the ophiolite,which are dated at ca.94 Ma by Ar-Ar on phengite.(2)Neighbouring Amasia(Armenia)garnet amphibolites indicate metamorphic peak conditions of 0.65±0.05 GPa and 600±20 C with a U-Pb on rutile age of 90.2±5.2 Ma and Ar-Ar on amphibole and phengite ages of 90.8±3.0 Ma and 90.8±1.2 Ma,respectively.These data are consistent with palaeontological dating of sediment deposits directly under(Cenomanian,i.e.>93.9 Ma)or sealing(Coniacian-Santonian,i.e.,≤89.8 Ma),the obduction.(3)At Hinis(NE Turkey)PT-t conditions on amphibolites(0.66±0.06 GPa and 660±20℃,with a U-Pb titanite age of80.0±3.2 Ma)agree with previous P-T-t data on granulites,and highlight a rapid exhumation below a top-to-the-North detachment sealed by the Early Maastrichtian unconformity(ca.70.6 Ma).Amphibolites are cross-cut by monzonites dated by U-Pb on titanite at 78.3±3.7 Ma.We propose that the HT-MP metamorphism was coeval with the monzonites,about 10 Ma after the obduction,and was triggered by the onset of subduction South of the Anatolides and by reactivation or acceleration of the subduction below the Pontides-Eurasian margin.Numerical modelling accounts for the obduction of an"old"~80 Myr oceanic lithosphere due to a significant heating of oceanic lithosphere through mantle upwelling,which increased the oceanic lithosphere buoyancy.The long-distance transport of a currently thin section of ophiolites(<1 km)onto the Anatolian continental margin is ascribed to a combination of northward mantle extensional thinning of the obducted oceanic lithosphere by the Hinis detachment at ca.80 Ma,and southward gravitational propagation of the ophiolite nappe onto its foreland basin.  相似文献   

Wang  Hang  Tian  Gang  Zhao  Yonghong  Xie  Yuqing  Zhang  Qiong  Xu  Andong  Li  Xiaofan 《Natural Hazards》2019,96(2):879-892
Natural Hazards - Landslide disaster monitoring has always been an important research topic. In this study, we used the finite element numerical method to simulate the Meiping landslide dynamic...  相似文献   

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