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The Llanos foothills are located in the frontal thrust zone of the Eastern Cordillera in Colombia in a complex environment that BP has been exploring actively since 1988. This exploration has resulted in the discovery of several fields with a variety of hydrocarbon fluids (gas condensate and volatile oil) in very tight quartz-arenites. The structural style and complexity of this fold-and-thrust belt changes along the trend from single frontal structures to an imbricate of up to five thrust sheets in a triangle zone. In highly complex environments, the seismic image quality is poor, and interpretation becomes very challenging. The structural models of the area have evolved as more data have been acquired. The initial structural model required inversion of the basin at the end of the Andean orogeny. The structural style changed to an in-sequence imbricate thrust stack with very long, trailing back limbs that return to regional elevation and finalize in a tighter structures with short back limbs. The concept of early deformation and multiple phases has been introduced. Three main phases have been distinguished: (1) an early event during the deposition of the Lower Carbonera (39–29 Ma), with incipient structures formed to create syntectonic deposition; (2) a phase of steady subsidence that increased notably at the end of the period (29–7 Ma); and (3) the latest phase (7–0 Ma), when most deformation and uplifting occurred. The migration of hydrocarbons happened simultaneously with the deformation, and its final distribution, amount, and variation in composition is related to the structural evolution of the area.  相似文献   

Mississippian arc magmatic suites of the Au-rich Pataz and Cu-dominated Montañitas regions in Peru reveal distinct modes of magmatic-hydrothermal petro- and metallogenesis. The distinction is remarkable due to their broad contemporaneity (336–322 Ma), arc-parallel position, and close distance (<?50 km) to each other. In both arc regions, petrography, geochemistry, and the tectonic setting of magmatic suites suggest a rapid switch from syn-collisional/compressional to post-collisional/extensional (with ‘A2-type’ signature) emplacement regime. Rocks of the Au-rich Pataz region originate from mixed sources with a contribution from the mantle (εHf?>?0 and δ18O of ~?5.3‰) and assimilated old crust (variously low εHf and δ18O >?5.3‰). The ultimate source of Au in the mineralised Pataz batholith was oxidised (fO2 at FMQ buffer; based on zircon trace chemistry) and alkali-, LILE- and HFSE-enriched, most likely represented by the metasomatised mantle. The syn-extensional emplacement of the relatively reduced (ΔFMQ?<?0), but unmineralised, A2-type suite involved assimilation of reduced crust. Associated, reduced, magmatic-hydrothermal fluids infiltrated the Au-bearing batholith suite and effectively mobilised and transported and concentrated Au. In the Montañitas region, rocks are oxidised (ΔFMQ?>?0) and dominantly mantle derived without significant incorporation of crustal material. Samples from the Cu-mineralised suites indicate the additional contribution of a δ18O <?5.3‰ source, potentially melted layer-2 gabbro. In addition, the elevated whole-rock La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios are compatible with minor addition of slab-derived material, which may have enhanced Cu endowment in this region. Late-magmatic, oxidised fluids derived from the younger A2-type suite controlled Cu mobilisation and concentration, while Au behaved largely refractory. In general terms, it is postulated that source mixing in continental arcs is a first-order control of contrasting Cu and Au endowment and that sequential intrusion processes facilitate late-magmatic-hydrothermal mobilisation and concentration of specific metal assemblages.  相似文献   

This paper presents paleosol chronosequences from the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, covering the last 35,000 yr. The changes in the morphology of the soils which developed in successive layers of volcanic ash reflect climatic changes and are correlated to the palynological studies of Van Der Hammen. Middle Pleniglacial soils are regarded as gleyed (Polylepis) forest soils formed under low evapotranspiration, and soils of the Middle/Upper Pleniglacial transition as humiferous (grassland) Paramo soils. An intervening arid erosion phase was followed by a humid and warmer period (Holocene) during which humiferous soils developed partly under forest, partly under grassland, but throughout under conditions of higher evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

The Cordillera Huayhuash in the central Peruvian Andes (10.3°S, 76.9°W) is an ideal mountain range in which to study regional climate through variations in paleoglacier extents. The range trends nearly north-south with modern glaciers confined to peaks >4800 m a.s.l. Geomorphology and geochronology in the nearby Cordillera Blanca and Junin Plain reveal that the Peruvian Andes preserve a detailed record of tropical glaciation. Here, we use ASTER imagery, aerial photographs, and GPS to map and date glacial features in both the western and eastern drainages of the Cordillera Huayhuash. We have used in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in quartz bearing erratics on moraine crests and ice-polished bedrock surfaces to develop an exposure age chronology for Pleistocene glaciation within the range. We have also collected sediment cores from moraine-dammed lakes and bogs to provide limiting 14C ages for glacial deposits. In contrast to the ranges to the north and south, most glacial features within the Cordillera Huayhuash are Lateglacial in age, however we have identified features with ages that span 0.2 to 38 ka with moraine sets marking the onset of glacier retreat at 0.3 ka, 9–10 ka, 13–14 ka, 20–22 ka, and >26 ka. The range displays a pronounced east-west variation in maximum down-valley distance from the headwall of moraine crests with considerably longer paleoglaciers in the eastern drainages. Importantly, Lateglacial paleoglaciers reached a terminal elevation of 4000 m a.s.l. on both sides of the Cordillera Huayhuash; suggesting that temperature may have been a dominant factor in controlling the maximum glacier extent. We suggest that valley morphology, specifically valley slope, strongly influences down-valley distance to the maximum glacier extent and potential for moraine preservation. While regionally there is an extensive record of older (>50 ka) advances to the north (Cordillera Blanca) and to the south (Junin region), the apparent lack of old moraines in this locality may be explained by the confined morphology of the Cordillera Huayhuash valleys that has inhibited the preservation of older glacial geomorphic features.  相似文献   

The Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes represents an inverted Cretaceous basin where Cretaceous magmatism is characterized by rare mafic dykes and sills. We use 40Ar/39Ar, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes, as well as major and trace elements analyses of Cretaceous intrusions from both flanks of the Eastern Cordillera in combination with structural data to document the complex evolution of the basin. Magmatism, which is diachronous and geochemically diverse, seems to be related to mantle melting beneath the most subsiding segments of each sub-basin during enhanced extensional tectonics. The mafic intrusions display two different compositional series: an alkaline one with OIB-like pattern and a tholeiitic one with MORB-like features. This indicates at least two diverse mantle sources. Trace-element patterns suggest that the intrusions were emplaced in an extensional setting. 40Ar/39Ar dating on primary plagioclase and hornblende provides plateau ages between ~136 and ~74 Ma.The geochemical and temporal diversities show that the emplacement of the magmas was tectonically controlled, each sub-basin reflecting an individual subsidence event.  相似文献   

Mylonite textures in granodiorite boulders are responsible for higher rates of surface denudation of host rocks and the progressive development of unusual rock weathering features, termed weathering posts. These textures are characterized by smaller grain sizes, higher biotite content, and a higher biotite axial ratio in host rocks relative to weathering posts. Elemental concentrations do not show a significant difference between weathering posts and the host rocks in which they are found, and this reflects the absence of a weathering residue on the rock surfaces. Chemical weathering loosens the bonds between mineral grains through the expansion of biotite, and the loosened grains fall off or are blown off the boulder surface and continue their chemical alteration in the surrounding soil. The height of weathering posts on late Quaternary moraines increases at a linear rate of ~ 1.45 ± 0.45 cm (1000 yr)? 1 until post heights reach the diameter of host rocks. Such a rate of boulder denudation, if unrecognized, would generate significant errors (> 20%) in cosmogenic exposure ages for Pleistocene moraines. Given the paucity of boulders with diameters that significantly exceed 1.5 m, the maximum age of utility of weathering posts as a numeric age indicator is ~ 100 ka.  相似文献   

We report paleomagnetic, magnetic fabric and structural results from 21 sites collected in Cretaceous marine mudstones and Paleogene continental sandstones from the limbs, hinge and transverse zones of the Zipaquira Anticline (ZA). The ZA is an asymmetrical fold with one limb completely overturned by processes like gravity and salt tectonics, and marked by several axis curvatures. The ZA is controlled by at least two (2) transverse zones known as the Neusa and Zipaquira Transverse Zones (NTZ and ZTZ, respectively). Magnetic mineralogy methods were applied at different sites and the main carriers of the magnetic properties are paramagnetic components with some sites being controlled by hematite and magnetite. Magnetic fabric analysis shows rigid-body rotation for the back-limb in the ZA, while the forelimb is subjected to internal deformation. Structural and paleomagnetic data shows the influence of the NTZ and ZTZ in the evolution of the different structures like the ZA and the Zipaquira, Carupa, Rio Guandoque, Las Margaritas and Neusa faults, controlling several factors as vergence, extension, fold axis curvature and stratigraphic detatchment. Clockwise rotations unraveled a block segmentation following a discontinuos model caused by transverse zones and one site reported a counter clockwise rotation associated with a left-lateral strike slip component for transverse faults (e.g. the Neusa Fault). We propose that diverse transverse zones have been active since Paleogene times, playing an important role in the tectonic evolution of the Cundinamarca sub-basin and controlling the structural evolution of folds and faults with block segmentation and rotations.  相似文献   

Global warming in high mountain areas has led to visible environmental changes as glacial retreat, formation and evolution of moraine dammed lakes, slope instability, and major mass movements. Landslide dams and moraine dams are rather common in the Cordillera Blanca Mountains Range, Peru, and have caused large damages and fatalities over time. The environmental changes are influencing the rivers’ and dams’ equilibrium, and the potential induced consequences, like catastrophic debris flows or outburst floods resulting from dam failures, can be major hazards in the region. The studies of past landslide dam cases are essential in forecasting induced risks, and specific works on this topic were not developed in the study region. Reflecting this research gap, a database of 51 cases and an evolution study of landslide dams in the Cordillera Blanca Mountains is presented. The main morphometric parameters and information of the landslide, the dam body, the valley, and the lake, if any, have been determined through direct and indirect survey techniques. Low variability in some of the main morphometric parameter distributions (valley width and landslide volume) has been shown, most likely due to an environmental control connected to the regional tectonic and glacial history. In order to analyze present and future landslide dam evolution, a morphological analysis was carried out using two recently developed geomorphological indexes employed on the Italian territory. The results of the Cordillera Blanca analysis have been compared with a large Italian landslide dam inventory, highlighting as much the differences as the similarities between the two datasets. The long-term geomorphological evolution changes are evaluated. Many of the stable dams are in disequilibrium with their surrounding environment and their classification result is of “uncertain determination.”  相似文献   

Continuous heavy rainfall hit northern Peru in the second half of the 2008/2009 summer season. From the end of January to the beginning of March, the Cordillera Huayhuash experienced abnormally high precipitations that exceeded 270?mm. The antecedent rainfall, aggravated with a severe rainstorm of 20?mm on March 7 triggered a large debris flow in the upper Carhuacocha Valley early in the morning on March 8. The debris flow interrupted drainage from the upper part of the valley damming a lake in the narrow depression between the trough slope and the lateral moraine. As a result of the drainage interruption, water percolated through the moraine dam of Cangrajanca Lake where a secondary mass movement occurred in its inner slope. In September 2009, we mapped the debris flow and related landforms and estimated the total area and volume of both mass movements using geodetic measurements. About 104,000?m3 of sediments was moved from the trough slope towards the moraine from which 534,000?m3 flowed to Cangrajanca Lake subsequently. We analysed the rainfall conditions that triggered the debris flow using rainfall data from the nearby stations. We also compared the precipitation preceding the event with the rainfall thresholds for debris flow initiation.  相似文献   

This paper provides a detailed account of the landslide that took place between 09:00 and 10:00 am on April 25, 2009, near the village of Rampac Grande in northern Peru (department of Ancash). Lives were lost and property destroyed during the event. Archive information, remotely sensed data, and detailed field investigations including sampling were applied to describe the events. Historically, landslides have been a common problem in this region with recorded events dating as far back as the 1800s. The landslide is considered as a deep-seated composite rotational–translational earth slide–earth flow. The local community suspected that a mining company had triggered the landslide as it prospected for precious metals. No evidence was found to suggest that anthropogenic activity caused the landslide. Instead, it was likely caused by the considerable amount of cumulative precipitation during the annual rainy season. Several possible sources of future landslide reactivation have been identified. Finally, a poster has been produced for the local community providing basic information about the event and how to manage the potential future landslide hazard. It is hoped that this simple method of knowledge dissemination will provide a fundamental bridge between the efforts of research scientists and the needs of the local community.  相似文献   

In the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, a new structural model constrained by field data, paleontologic determinations, and interpretations of seismic reflection profiles is proposed. The model implies 70 km of shortening, including reactivation of basement structures as inverse faults in both flanks of the chain. These faults propagated within the lower Cretaceous strata, inducing passively rooted and transported thrust sheets as the successive basement faults were reactivated. Two structural styles are identified in the western flank: (1) positive flower structures in a transpressive regime, which affected rocks older than upper Paleocene and were unconformably covered by post–late Paleocene sediments, and (2) compressive structures during the late Miocene–Recent Andean phase. Presently, WNW-ESE compression reactivates Late Paleocene structures, which locally affect Andean trends. In the western margin of the Eastern Cordillera, the Cambao thrust takes up most displacement, whereas the Bituima fault takes only a minor part. To the south, this relationship reverses, suggesting complementary behavior by the Bituima and Cambao faults, as well as a transfer zone. This suggestion explains the southward termination of the Guaduas syncline as a structure related to the Cambao fault, whereas the Bituima fault increases its displacement southward, generating the Girardot foldbelt that takes over the structural position of the Guaduas syncline.  相似文献   

The late Miocene Cordillera Blanca Batholith lies directly overthick (50 km) crust, inboard of the older Cretaceous CoastalBatholith. Its peraluminous ‘S’ type mineralogyand its position suggest recycling of continental crust, whichis commonly thought to be an increasingly important componentin magmas inboard of continental margins. However, the peraluminous,apparent ‘S’ type character of the batholith isan artefact of deformation and uplift along a major crustallineament. The batholith is a metaluminous ‘I’ typeand the dominant high-silica rocks (>70%) are Na rich withmany of the characteristics of subducted oceanic slab melts.However, the position of the batholith and age of the oceaniccrust at the trench during the Miocene preclude slab melting.Instead, partial melting of newly underplated Miocene crustis proposed. In this dynamic model newly underplated basalticmaterial is melted to produce high-Na, low HREE, high-Al ‘trondhjemitic’type melts with residues of garnet, clinopyroxene and amphibole.Such Na-rich magmas are characteristic of thick Andean crust;they are significantly different from typical cole-alkaline,tonalite-grano-diorite magmas, and their presence along thespine of the Andes provokes questions about models of trondhjemitegenesis by melting of subducted oceanic crust, as well as anygeneralized, circum-Pacific model involving consistent isotopicor chemical changes inboard from the trench. KEY WORDS: batholith; modified ‘I’ type granite; Na-rich magma; thick crust * Corresponding author.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the morphology of the Andes of Peru and its evolution based on the geometry of river channels, their bedrock profiles, stream gradient indices and the relation between thrust faults and morphology. The rivers of the Pacific Basin incised Mesozoic sediments of the Marañon thrust belt, Cenozoic volcanics and the granitic rocks of the Coastal Batholith. They are mainly bedrock channels with convex upward shapes and show signs of active ongoing incision. The changes in lithology do not correlate with breaks in slope of the channels (or knick points) such that the high gradient indices (K) with values between 2,000–3,000 and higher than 3,000 suggest that incision is controlled by tectonic activity. Our analysis reveals that many of the ranges of the Western Cordillera were uplifted to the actual elevations where peaks reach to 6,000 m above sea level by thrusting along steeply dipping faults. We correlate this uplift with the Quechua Phase of Neogene age documented for the Subandean thrust belt. The rivers of the Amazonas Basin have steep slopes and high gradient indices of 2,000–3,000 and locally more than 3,000 in those segments where the rivers flow over the crystalline basement of the Eastern Cordillera affected by vertical faulting. Gradient indices decrease to 1,000–2,000 within the east-vergent thrust belt of the Subandean Zone. Here a correlation between breaks in river channel slopes and location of thrust faults can be established, suggesting that the young, Quechua Phase thrust faults of the Subandean thrust belt, which involve Neogene sediments, influenced the channel geometry. In the eastern lowlands, these rivers become meandering and flow parallel to anticlines that formed in the hanging wall of Quechua Phase thrust faults, suggesting that the river courses were actively displaced outward into the foreland.  相似文献   

The Shuswap metamorphic core complex of the southeast Canadian Cordillera, which is allochthonous with respect to a fixed reference frame beneath the Plains of the North American craton, evolved and became consolidated prior to major development of thrust faulting in the Rocky Mountains.Polyphase deformation of the infrastructure of the complex beneath a weakly compressed suprastructure is probably due to shear strains generated by underthrusting of marginal lithosphere rather than to gravitational upwelling and lateral spreading.Pre-metamorphic to early metamorphic strain of the complex may be related to eastward underthrusting from the west. Late metamorphic strain may be related to westward underthrusting of the North American craton from the east. Continued underthrusting of the craton led to uplift and northeastward translation of the consolidated metamorphic complex together with development of thrust faults in the Rocky Mountains.  相似文献   

This work integrates stress data from Global Positioning System measurements and earthquake focal mechanism solutions, with new borehole breakout and natural fracture system data to better understand the complex interactions between the major tectonic plates in northwestern South America and to examine how the stress regime in the Eastern Cordillera and the Llanos foothills in Colombia has evolved through time. The dataset was used to generate an integrated stress map of the northern Andes and to propose a model for stress evolution in the Eastern Cordillera. In the Cordillera, the primary present-day maximum principal stress direction is WNW–ESE to NW–SE, and is in the direction of maximum shortening in the mountain range. There is also a secondary maximum principal stress direction that is E–W to ENE–WSW, which is associated with the northeastward “escape” of the North Andean block, relative to stable South America. In the Cupiagua hydrocarbon field, located in the Llanos foothills, the dominant NNE–SSW fractures are produced by the Panama arc–North Andes collision and range-normal compression. However, less well developed asymmetrical fractures oriented E–W to WSW–ENE and NNW–SSE are also present, and may be related to pre-folding stresses in the foreland basin of the Central Cordillera or to present-day shear associated with the northeastward “escape” of the north Andean block. Our study results suggest that an important driver for orogenic deformation and changes in the stress field at obliquely convergent subduction zone boundaries is the arrival of thickened crust, such as island arcs and aseismic ridges, at the trench.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary study of Miocene successions in the eastern External Betic Zone (South Iberian Margin) was carried out. Evidences of syn-sedimentary tectonic activity were recognized. The results enabled a better reconstruction of the stratigraphic architecture (with an improved chronostratigraphic resolution) in the framework of the Miocene foredeep evolution of the eastern EBZ. Two main depositional sequences were dated as uppermost Burdigalian-upper Serravallian p.p. and middle-upper Tortonian. p.p., respectively. The vertical and lateral diversification of lithofacies associations and thicknesses resulted from the syn-depositional tectonic complexity of the area. A great variety of sedimentary depositional realms is due to different subsidence rates, and the growing of anticlines and synclines during the Langhian p.p.-Serravallian. After a regression with an early Tortonian erosional gap, platform to hemipelagic realms developed during the middle Tortonian. The end of the sedimentation coincided with the emplacement of an important olisthostrome-like mass consisting of Triassic material related to either the development of thrust systems or diapirs emerged in the middle-late Tortonian, during the nappe emplacement. Correlations with other external sectors of the Betic Chain, and the external domains of the Rif, Tell, and northern Apennine Chains highlighted a similar Miocene foredeep evolution during the building of these orogens.  相似文献   

Continents are thought to be built at convergent margins by mantle-derived mafic inputs, but the processes that transform them into more felsic and long-lasting constituents are still unclear. Here we use U-Pb geochronology, trace elements and Hf isotopic compositions of modern detrital zircons from western Mexico to illustrate how a typical mafic island-arc built on an oceanic basin can be rapidly transformed into a mature intermediate to felsic continent by the combined effects of subduction erosion and rear-arc sediment underthrusting, prompted by the closure of a back-arc basin. In western Mexico, the most significant mass transfer from mantle to crust occurred during the Early Cretaceous in the context of an intra-oceanic island arc, locally dubbed Alisitos-Guerrero. Subsequently, the process of “continentalization” was achieved by the deep reprocessing of the newly formed lithologies once they were dynamically incorporated into the melting source during the development of the Mexican Orogen. The Mexican continental crust did not only grow by arc-related inputs, however, as there was at least one magmatic episode in the Jurassic where extensional-driven mantle upwellings triggered melting of upper-crustal sediments. In this view, mafic island arcs and back-arc basins are ephemeral geologic features that can be easily consumed into trenches, but the geochemical evidence of their existence, and possibly even a significant portion of their mass, can be preserved in younger and more felsic continental igneous rocks.  相似文献   

Backstripping analysis and forward modeling of 162 stratigraphic columns and wells of the Eastern Cordillera (EC), Llanos, and Magdalena Valley shows the Mesozoic Colombian Basin is marked by five lithosphere stretching pulses. Three stretching events are suggested during the Triassic–Jurassic, but additional biostratigraphical data are needed to identify them precisely. The spatial distribution of lithosphere stretching values suggests that small, narrow (<150 km), asymmetric graben basins were located on opposite sides of the paleo-Magdalena–La Salina fault system, which probably was active as a master transtensional or strike-slip fault system. Paleomagnetic data suggesting a significant (at least 10°) northward translation of terranes west of the Bucaramanga fault during the Early Jurassic, and the similarity between the early Mesozoic stratigraphy and tectonic setting of the Payandé terrane with the Late Permian transtensional rift of the Eastern Cordillera of Peru and Bolivia indicate that the areas were adjacent in early Mesozoic times. New geochronological, petrological, stratigraphic, and structural research is necessary to test this hypothesis, including additional paleomagnetic investigations to determine the paleolatitudinal position of the Central Cordillera and adjacent tectonic terranes during the Triassic–Jurassic. Two stretching events are suggested for the Cretaceous: Berriasian–Hauterivian (144–127 Ma) and Aptian–Albian (121–102 Ma). During the Early Cretaceous, marine facies accumulated on an extensional basin system. Shallow-marine sedimentation ended at the end of the Cretaceous due to the accretion of oceanic terranes of the Western Cordillera. In Berriasian–Hauterivian subsidence curves, isopach maps and paleomagnetic data imply a (>180 km) wide, asymmetrical, transtensional half-rift basin existed, divided by the Santander Floresta horst or high. The location of small mafic intrusions coincides with areas of thin crust (crustal stretching factors >1.4) and maximum stretching of the subcrustal lithosphere. During the Aptian–early Albian, the basin extended toward the south in the Upper Magdalena Valley. Differences between crustal and subcrustal stretching values suggest some lowermost crustal decoupling between the crust and subcrustal lithosphere or that increased thermal thinning affected the mantle lithosphere. Late Cretaceous subsidence was mainly driven by lithospheric cooling, water loading, and horizontal compressional stresses generated by collision of oceanic terranes in western Colombia. Triassic transtensional basins were narrow and increased in width during the Triassic and Jurassic. Cretaceous transtensional basins were wider than Triassic–Jurassic basins. During the Mesozoic, the strike-slip component gradually decreased at the expense of the increase of the extensional component, as suggested by paleomagnetic data and lithosphere stretching values. During the Berriasian–Hauterivian, the eastern side of the extensional basin may have developed by reactivation of an older Paleozoic rift system associated with the Guaicáramo fault system. The western side probably developed through reactivation of an earlier normal fault system developed during Triassic–Jurassic transtension. Alternatively, the eastern and western margins of the graben may have developed along older strike-slip faults, which were the boundaries of the accretion of terranes west of the Guaicáramo fault during the Late Triassic and Jurassic. The increasing width of the graben system likely was the result of progressive tensional reactivation of preexisting upper crustal weakness zones. Lateral changes in Mesozoic sediment thickness suggest the reverse or thrust faults that now define the eastern and western borders of the EC were originally normal faults with a strike-slip component that inverted during the Cenozoic Andean orogeny. Thus, the Guaicáramo, La Salina, Bitúima, Magdalena, and Boyacá originally were transtensional faults. Their oblique orientation relative to the Mesozoic magmatic arc of the Central Cordillera may be the result of oblique slip extension during the Cretaceous or inherited from the pre-Mesozoic structural grains. However, not all Mesozoic transtensional faults were inverted.  相似文献   

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