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This article reports the depositional environment and provenance for the Tianquanshan Formation in the Longmuco–Shuanghu–Lancangjiang suture zone, and uses these to better understand the tectonic evolution of this region. Zircons in the andesite of the Tianquanshan Formation yielded concordia ages of 246, 247, and 254 Ma, indicating that the Tianquanshan Formation formed during the late Permian–Early Triassic. The Tianquanshan Formation consists of flysch and ocean island rock assemblages, indicating that the Longmuco–Shuanghu–Lancangjiang Palaeo-Tethys Ocean continued to exist as a mature ocean in the late Permian–Early Triassic. The detrital zircons in the greywackes of the Tianquanshan Formation yielded peak ages of 470–620, 710–830, 910–1080, 1450–1660, and 2400–2650 Ma, indicating the provenance of the Tianquanshan Formation was either Indian Gondwana or terranes that have an affinity with Indian Gondwana in the Tibetan Plateau (i.e. the Southern Qiangtang, Lhasa, and Himalayan terranes). The Ordovician quartzites, Carboniferous sandstones, Carboniferous–Permian diamictites, and the Upper Permian–Lower Triassic greywackes in the Southern Qiangtang, Lhasa, and Himalayan terranes all contain detrital zircons with youngest ages of ca. 470 Ma, indicating their source areas have been in a stable tectonic environment since the Ordovician, and this inference is supported by the continuous deposition in a littoral–neritic passive margin in these regions from the Ordovician to the lower Permian. Combining the present results with regional geological data, we infer that the Southern Qiangtang, Lhasa, and Himalayan terranes were all in a stable passive continental margin along the northern part of Indian Gondwana during the long period from the Ordovician to the early Permian. At early Permian, because of the opening of the Neo-Tethys Ocean, the tectonic framework of this region underwent a marked change to a rifting and active environment.  相似文献   

The Changning–Menglian Belt represents the main Paleo-Tethyan Suture in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, which divides Gondwana- and Eurasia-derived continental fragments from each other. The belt contains ultramafic–mafic volcanic rocks that provide evidence of the tectonic processes which operated during the evolution of the Paleo-Tethyan Ocean. New geochemical data for Early Carboniferous volcanics in the southern Changning–Menglian Belt show that wehrlites have cumulate and poikilitic textures, and contain low-Fo (84.2–87.2) olivine, clinopyroxene with low Mg# values (79.4–85.6), and spinel with high Cr# values (67.8–72.4). Estimated equilibrium temperatures obtained using olivine-spinel Fe-Mg exchange geothermometry range from 978°C to 1373°C (mean = 1205°C; n = 3). These observations combined with a lack of reaction or melt impregnation textures indicate that these units represent magmatic cumulates rather than having formed as a result of mantle-melt reactions. Both wehrlites and basalts in the belt have subparallel rare earth element (REE)-and primitive-mantle-normalized multi-element patterns with slightly positive Nb-Ta anomalies, but negligible Eu and Zr-Hf anomalies. The volcanics have similar Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions with εNd(t) values of 4.2–4.5 (mean = 4.3; n = 3) and 4.0–4.4 (mean 4.2; n = 4), respectively, and also have similar immobile element ratios, such as Nb/La, Nb/U, Th/La, Zr/Nb, Th/Ta, La/Yb, Nb/Th, Nb/Y, and Zr/Y. These characteristics indicate both units have ocean island basalt (OIB)-like geochemical affinities, consistent with the fact that the clinopyroxene in the wehrlites is compositionally similar to OIB-related cumulus clinopyroxene. This suggests that both the wehrlites and basalts were derived from similar parental magmas that underwent generally closed-system magmatic differentiation dominated by fractionation of the olivine and clinopyroxene. This parental magma was likely generated in an oceanic seamount setting from an OIB-type mantle source (i.e., asthenospheric mantle) containing garnet-spinel lherzolite material. Combing this new data with that from oceanic seamount volcano-sedimentary suites derived from previous research enables the identification of a mature late Paleozoic ocean basin between the passive northeastern Gondwanan margin and the northward-migrating microcontinent of Lanping–Simao.  相似文献   

The Liupanshan Arcuate Tectonic Belt (LATB) is located at the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Major strike-slip and thrust faults in the Liupanshan area are prominent Cenozoic structures, which are critical in understanding and reconstructing the tectonic deformation history. This paper not only provides detailed investigations on geometric and kinematic characteristics of these faults in the LATB, but also dates the faults’ movements by electron spin resonance (ESR). The LATB underwent a succession of compression, extension and again compression tectonic deformation processes since the Cenozoic. The Liupanshan Curved Faults first experienced sinistral strike-slip shear during 57–61 Ma. The Liupanshan Curved Faults responded to the deformation caused by the eastward escape of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau and acted as the northeastern boundary of the deformation. Timing for the formation of the Liupanshan Curved Faults shows that the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates must have occurred earlier than these faults’ activity because the latter is reflected the far-field effect of the collision.  相似文献   

In order to constrain the detrital provenance of the siliciclastic rocks, palaeogeographic variations, and crustal growth history of central China, we carried out simultaneously in situ U–Pb dating and trace element and Hf isotope analyses on 368 detrital zircons obtained from upper Permian–Triassic sandstones of the Songpan terrane, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Two groups of detrital zircons, i.e. magmatic and metamorphic in origin, have been identified based on cathodoluminescence images, zircon Ti-temperatures, and Th/U ratios. Our data suggest that the derivation of siliciclastic rocks in the Songpan terrane was mainly from the Qinling, Qilian, and Kunlun orogens, whereas the Yangtze and North China Cratons served as minor source areas during late Permian–Triassic times. The detrital zircons from Middle–Late Triassic siliciclastic rocks exhibit wide age spectra with two dominant populations of 230–600 Ma and >1600 Ma, peaking at ~1.8–1.9 Ga and ~2.4–2.5 Ga, suggestive of a derivation from the Qinling, Qilian, and Kunlun orogens and the Yangtze Craton being the minor source area. The proportions of detrital zircon populations from the northern Qinling, Qilian, and Kunlun orogens distinctly decreased during Middle–Late Triassic time, demonstrating that the initial uplift of the western Qinling occurred then and it could have blocked most of the detritus from the Qilian–northern Qinling orogens and North China Cratons into the main Songpan–Ganzi depositional basin. The relatively detrital zircon proportions of the Yangtze Craton source decreased during Early-Middle Late Triassic time, indicating that the Longmenshan orogen was probably being elevated, since the early Late Triassic and gradually formed a barrier between the Yangtze Craton and the Songpan terrane. In addition, our Lu–Hf isotopic results also reveal that the Phanerozoic magmatic rocks in central China had been the primary products of crustal reworking with insignificant formation of a juvenile crust.  相似文献   

Zeng  Yongyao  Gao  Lei  Zhao  Wenqing 《中国地球化学学报》2021,40(2):199-211

Global climate during the Jurassic has been commonly described as a uniform greenhouse climate for a long time. However, the climate scenario of a cool episode during the Callovian–Oxfordian transition following by a warming trend during the Oxfordian (163.53 to 157.4 Ma) is documented in many localities of the western Tethys. It is still unclear if a correlatable climate scenario also occurred in the eastern Tethys during the same time interval. In this study, a detailed geochemical analysis on the 1060 m thick successions (the Xiali and Suowa formations) from the Yanshiping section of the Qiangtang Basin, located in the eastern Tethys margin during the Callovian–Oxfordian periods, was performed. To reveal the climate evolution of the basin, carbonate content and soluble salt concentrations (SO42−, Cl) were chosen as climatic indices. The results show that the overall climate patterns during the deposition of the Xiali and Suowa formations can be divided into three stages: relatively humid (~ 164.0 to 160.9 Ma), dry (~ 160.9 to 159.6 Ma), semi-dry (~ 159.6 to 156.8 Ma). A similar warming climate scenario also occurred in eastern Tethys during the Callovian–Oxfordian transition (~ 160.9 to 159.6 Ma). Besides, we clarify that the Jurassic True polar wander (TPW), the motion of the lithosphere and mantle with respect to Earth’s spin axis, inducing climatic shifts were responsible for the aridification of the Qiangtang Basin during the Callovian–Oxfordian transition with a review of the paleolatitude of the Xiali formation (19.7 + 2.8/−2.6° N) and the Suowa formation (20.7 + 4.1/−3.7° N). It is because the TPW rotations shifted the East Asia blocks (the North and South China, Qiangtang, and Qaidam blocks) from the humid zone to the tropical/subtropical arid zone and triggered the remarkable aridification during the Middle-Late Jurassic (ca. 165–155 Ma).


《Gondwana Research》2013,23(3-4):1060-1067
Convergence between the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate has resulted in the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, and understanding the associated dynamical processes requires investigation of the structures of the crust and the lithosphere of the Tibetan Plateau. Yunnan is located in the southwest edge of the plateau and adjacent to Myanmar to the west. Previous observations have confirmed that there is a sharp transition in mantle anisotropy in this area, as well as clockwise rotations of the surface velocity, surface strain, and fault orientation. We use S receiver functions from 54 permanent broad-band stations to investigate the structures of the crust and the lithosphere beneath Yunnan. The depth of the Moho is found to range from 36 to 40 km beneath southern Yunnan and from 55 to 60 km beneath northwestern Yunnan, with a dramatic variation across latitude 25–26°N. The depth of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) ranges from 180 km to less than 70 km, also varying abruptly across latitude 25–26°N, which is consistent with the sudden change of the fast S-wave direction (from NW–SE to E–W across 26–28°N). In the north of the transition belt, the lithosphere is driven by asthenospheric flow from Tibet, and the crust and the upper mantle are mechanically coupled and moving southward. Because the northeastward movement of the crust in the Burma micro-plate is absorbed by the right-lateral Sagaing Fault, the crust in Yunnan keeps the original southward movement. However, in the south of the transition belt, the northeastward mantle flow from Myanmar and the southward mantle flow from Tibet interact and evolve into an eastward flow (by momentum conservation) as shown by the structure of the LAB. This resulting mantle flow has a direction different from that of the crustal movement. It is concluded that the Sagaing Fault causes the west boundary condition of the crust to be different from that of the lithospheric mantle, thus leading to crust–mantle decoupling in Yunnan.  相似文献   

The molecular composition of Carboniferous–Permian coals in the maturity range from 0.66 to 1.63% vitrinite reflectance has been analysed using organic geochemistry to investigate the factors influencing the biomarker compositions of humic coals. The Carboniferous–Permian coal has a variable organofacies and is mainly humic-prone. There is a significant difference in the distribution of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons in these coals, which can be divided into three types. The Group A coals have biomarker compositions typical of humic coal, characterised by high Pr/Ph ratios, a lower abundance of tricyclic terpanes with a decreasing distribution from C19 tricyclic terpane to C24 tricyclic terpane and a high number of terrigenous-related biomarkers, such as C24 tetracyclic terpane and C29 steranes. The biomarker composition of Group B coals, which were deposited in a suboxic environment, have a higher abundance of rearranged hopanes than observed in Group A coals. In contrast, in Group C coals, the Pr/Ph ratio is less than 1.0, and the sterane and terpane distributions are very different from those in groups A and B. Group C coals generally have abnormally abundant tricyclic terpanes with a normal distribution maximising at the C23 peak; C27 steranes predominates in the m/z 217 mass fragmentograms. The relationships between biomarker compositions, thermal maturity, Pr/Ph ratios and depositional environments, indicate that the biomarker compositions of Carboniferous–Permian coals in Ordos Basin are mainly related to their depositional environment. This leads to the conclusion that the biomarker compositions of groups A and B coals collected from Shanxi and Taiyuan formations in the northern Ordos Basin are mainly related to their marine–terrigenous transitional environment, whereas the biomarker compositions for the Group C coals from Carboniferous strata and Shanxi Formation in the eastern Ordos Basin are associated with marine incursions.  相似文献   

Studies and efforts to control aeolian desertification in China have focused on the arid and semiarid lands in the north. However, the aeolian desertification that is occurring on the high-altitude Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, which has a cold and humid climate, has received attention only in recent years. In this paper, we report the results of monitoring this aeolian desertification between 1975 and 2005 and of our analysis of its causes on the Zoige Plateau, which is located in the northeastern part of China’s Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Aeolian desertified lands expanded at a compound annual rate of 4.07% between 1975 and 2005. They expanded most rapidly between 1975 and 1990, at an annual rate of 7.73%. Factors responsible for this expansion include increasing temperature, decreasing precipitation, over-grazing, drainage of water systems, and land reclamation for agriculture. Increasing temperature, over-grazing, and the drainage of water systems were the key factors. The climatic variations between 1975 and 2005 were not sufficient by themselves to lead to aeolian desertification. Human disturbances such as over-grazing and drainage of water systems must thus have been primarily responsible for the observed changes, and human behavior must be adjusted to control the expansion of aeolian desertification and rehabilitate the desertified lands.  相似文献   

The carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn deposits in the Sanjiang metallogenic belt on the Tibetan Plateau are typical of MVT Pb–Zn deposits that form in thrust-fold belts. The Jiamoshan Pb–Zn deposit is located in the Changdu area in the middle part of the Sanjiang belt, and it represents a new style of MVT deposit that was controlled by karst structures in a thrust–fold system. Such a karst-controlled MVT Pb–Zn deposit in thrust settings has not previously been described in detail, and we therefore mapped t...  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial distribution, stocks, and influencing factors of soil organic carbon (SOC) is important for understanding the current situation of SOC in alpine meadow ecosystems on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP). We sampled 23 soil profiles to a depth of 50 cm in a 33.5 hm\(^{2}\) plot in a typical meadow on the central QTP. The distribution, stock and influencing factors of SOC was then analyzed. The mean density of soil carbon content (SOCD) was 2.28 kg m\(^{-2}\) with a range of 5.99 kg  m\(^{-2}\). SOCD in the 0–10 cm layer was 3.94 kg m\(^{-2}\) and decreased quadratically with depth. The total stock of SOC to a depth of 50 cm was ca. 2950 t, the 0–10 and 0–30 cm layers accounting for 38 and 80%, respectively. SOCD varied moderately spatially and was distributed more homogeneously in the 0–10 and 40–50 cm layers but was more variable in the middle three layers. SOCD was significantly correlated positively with soil-water content, total porosity, and silt content and negatively with soil pH, bulk density, stone content and sand content. This study provides an important contribution to understanding the role of alpine meadows in the global carbon cycle. It also provides field data for model simulation and the management of alpine meadow ecosystems.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - When and how the Bangong–Nujiang Tethyan Ocean closed is a highly controversial subject. In this paper, we present a detailed study and review of the...  相似文献   

The regional hydrology and ecosystems of the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau have changed over the past 40 years driven by intense human activity and regional climate changes. Annual mean air temperature has increased in the region. Streamflow from the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau has decreased significantly. Overall, a number of Alpine step meadows and Alpine frigid meadows have seriously degraded. Degeneration of vegetation and grassland led to desertification and frequently induced dust storms. With the continuous increase in cultivated land area, grassland area in the region has dropped significantly since the 1960s. At present, degraded grassland occupies about 83% of total usable grassland area. As the number of livestock increased, range condition deteriorated and the carrying capacity was reduced. The forest area in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau has decreased by 20%, and the local ecosystem has become very fragile. Given the relatively stable weather conditions, the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau can be characterized by its three major ecosystems: grassland ecosystem, forest ecosystem and wetland ecosystem, which are crucial in maintaining the ecological stability. Changes in these ecosystems could influence sustainable development in the region. To avoid further deterioration of the environment and ecosystems, it is important to establish and implement ecosystem protection planning. Some effective measures are essential in this respect, including technical and political considerations.  相似文献   

The geochemical characteristics of two sections—the Permian–Triassic boundary (PTB) Guryul Ravine section, Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Kashmir, India; and the Attargoo section, Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India—have been studied in the context of provenance, paleo-weathering, and plate tectonic setting. These sections represent the siliciclastic sedimentary sequence from the Tethys Himalaya. The PTB siliciclastic sedimentary sequence in these regions primarily consists of sandstones and shales with variable thickness. Present studied sandstones and shales of both sections had chemical index of alteration values between 65 and 74; such values reveal low-to-moderate degree of chemical weathering. The chemical index of weathering in studied samples ranged from 71 to 94, suggesting a minor K-metasomatism effect on these samples. Plagioclase index of alteration in studied sections ranged from 68 to 92, indicating a moderate degree of weathering of plagioclase feldspars. The provenance discriminant function diagram suggests that the detritus involved in the formation of present studied siliciclastic sedimentary rocks fall in quartzose sedimentary and felsic igneous provenances. These sediments were deposited in a passive continental margin plate tectonic setting according to their location on a Si2O versus K2O/Na2O tectonic setting diagram.  相似文献   

The Upper Carboniferous—Lower Permian(Upper Pennsylvanian-Asselian) Tobra Formation is exposed in the Salt and Trans Indus ranges of Pakistan.The formation exhibits an alluvial plain(alluvial fan-piedmont alluvial plain) facies association in the Salt Range and Khisor Range.In addition,a stream flow facies association is restricted to the eastern Salt Range.The alluvial plain facies association is comprised of clast-supported massive conglomerate(Gmc),diamictite(Dm)facies,and massive sandstone(Sm) Hthofacies whereas the stream flow-dominated alluvial plain facies association includes fine-grained sandstone and siltstone(Fss),fining upwards pebbly sandstone(Sf),and massive mudstone(Fm) Hthofacies.The lack of glacial signatures(particularly glacial grooves and striatums) in the deposits in the Tobra Formation,which are,in contrast,present in their timeequivalent and palaeogeographically nearby strata of the Arabian peninsula,e.g.the AI Khlata Formation of Oman and Unayzah B member of the Saudi Arabia,suggests a pro-to periglacial,i.e.glaciofluvial depositional setting for the Tobra Formation.The sedimentology of the Tobra Formation attests that the Salt Range,Pakistan,occupied a palaeogeographic position just beyond the maximum glacial extent during Upper Pennsylvanian-Asselian time.  相似文献   

This paper comprises of two sections. The first section describes challenges in the Carboniferous–Permian Gondwanan stratigraphic palynology, and progress in techniques such as presence of the ‘rare-marine intervals’, and ‘radiometric dating’ in some Gondwanan successions, e.g., South Africa, Australia and South America, as tools to confidently calibrate these palynozones. The second section describes developments in the palynological work on the Carboniferous–Permian Nilawahan Group of the Salt Range, Pakistan, and summarises their correlation with the coeval succession of the Gondwana continents and with the Russian/International stages.  相似文献   

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