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Blubber samples, taken through the entire blubber column, were collected from three different anatomical locations on ringed seals (Phoca hispida). The outer and inner layers of these samples were analysed for concentrations of sigma PCBs (sum of the analysed congeners, polychlorinated biphenyls) and p,p'-DDE (4,4'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene). No significant differences were found in blubber thickness or in per cent extractable lipid when comparing age- and sex-groups, or in extractable lipid content when comparing anatomical locations of the blubber or blubber depth. No significant differences were found between the three different anatomical locations with respect to the concentrations of sigma PCBs or p,p'-DDE. However, the concentrations of both sigma PCB and p,p'-DDE were significantly higher in the outer blubber layer compared to the inner. Higher levels of both sigma PCB and p,p'-DDE were found in males compared to females and juveniles in both the inner and outer parts of the blubber column. The most commonly used blubber sampling devices are biopsy tools that penetrate only the outer layer of the blubber. Analyses of such samples will not reflect the real body burden of organochlorines. Standard methods for sampling blubber of marine mammals should be developed so that comparative studies and longitudinal monitoring programs of pollutants in marine mammals can be conducted in a meaningful way.  相似文献   

The number of harbour seals in Japan has been rebounding since protection began in the mid‐1980s. With the increase in seal numbers, increased conflict with fisheries has occurred through depredation and the belief that seals compete with fisheries for prey. However, competition can only be determined if the prey species and quantities seals consume over time are known. We studied the diet of harbour seals in Erimo, site of the largest population of harbour seals in Japan, from 2011 to 2012 and assessed the degree of prey overlap with local fisheries. We used both hard parts and DNA techniques to identify prey items in seal scats, and compared these results to local fisheries data. A total of 46 prey occurrences was detected by both methods, of which 17 matched between techniques at least to the family level. Hard parts methods identified five incidences of prey undetected by DNA methods in five scats (one incidence per scat). DNA methods identified 24 additional prey occurrences in 13 scats, for which no hard part evidence for that prey had been found. This more than doubled the total number of prey occurrences across the 15 scats compared. Overall, the most frequently occurring harbour seal prey were walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), sculpins and snailfishes. In contrast, the top three groups targeted by fisheries were codfishes, salmon and invertebrates. Many species common in the harbour seal's diet such as snailfishes and blennies were not targeted by fisheries. Fishes such as greenlings, sculpins, rockfishes and Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) were common in the diet of harbour seals, but made up a very small proportion of fisheries catches in Erimo. The importance of other prey species varied between seasons. Sculpins, greenlings and forage fishes were the top three prey groups for harbour seals in spring by percent modified frequency of occurrence, whereas the most important target groups by percentage mass caught by fisheries were codfishes, cephalopods and other invertebrates. Sculpins and rockfishes remained as important prey items for harbour seals in summer and autumn, in addition to codfishes, snailfishes and blennies. In contrast, the main groups caught by fisheries in summer were other fishes, particularly Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata) and various species of sharks and eels, and invertebrates. By autumn, Erimo fisheries had focussed on catching salmon. Salmon were taken by harbour seals as well during this period, but at a relatively lower frequency compared to other prey groups. The results of our study show that although harbour seals consumed several of the prey species targeted by fisheries, the relative importance of these species to seals and fisheries and the seasons in which they were targeted were different.  相似文献   

Species differences in sensitivity to related planar halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAH) add significant uncertainty in assessing the ecological risk to aquatic mammals. To investigate mechanisms of PHAH sensitivity in aquatic mammals, we cloned and sequenced the cDNA of Baikal seal aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), an intracellular protein that initiates PHAH-mediated effects. The Baikal seal AHR cDNA has an open reading frame of 843 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 94.6 kDa. Comparison of AHR amino acid sequences indicated a high degree of sequence conservation (98%) between Baikal and harbor seals. The high conservation of AHRs between Baikal and harbor seals indicates that these seals express AHR proteins closely related structurally. In our previous report (Kim & Hahn, 2002), the dioxin-binding affinity of the harbor seal AHR was at least as high as that of the AHR from a dioxin-sensitive strain of mice, suggesting that this seal species may be sensitive to PHAH effects. This implies that Baikal seal may also be sensitive to dioxin effects.  相似文献   

Bioaccumulation of endocrine disruptors in marine mammals positioned at the top of the food chain is of toxicological concern. Livers from four pups and ten adult harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) stranded in San Francisco Bay (SFB) and the Gulf of Maine (GOM) were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and their hydroxylated metabolites (OH-PCBs). We used GC–ECD and GC–NCI/MS to investigate the presence of 28 PCBs and 8 OH-PCB metabolites, respectively. Σ28PCB concentrations (di- to octa-CBs) ranged from 1.81 to 35.9 μg/g lipid with a median of 6.53 for the seal pups and 2.31 to 249 μg/g lipid with a median of 28.9 for the adult seals. Σ8OH-PCB concentrations (penta- to hepta-OH-PCBs) ranged from 0.02 to 0.69 μg/g lipid with a median of 0.04 for the adult seals, i.e., at much lower concentrations than those for PCBs. Ratios of OH-PCBs to PCBs (0.24% on average) were comparable to those in beluga whale, but were lower than ratios in human livers. The OH-PCB profiles were slightly different between SFB and GOM seal livers, although similar PCB congener patterns were observed. Generally, 4-OH-CB107 was found predominantly in seal livers and was the only OH-PCB detectable in most of seal pup livers. This study provides information on OH-PCBs in seals, adding to the scarce exposure data for these chemicals.  相似文献   

The Cape fur seal Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus colony at Robberg Peninsula, Plettenberg Bay, on the south-east coast of South Africa, was driven to extinction by indiscriminate harvesting by the late 1800s. Seals only began to recolonise this site in the 1990s. This study describes the recolonisation process from 2000 to 2009, exploring both within- and between-year count data of seals using the site. Counts increased over the study period from <300 animals to >3 100. Generalised linear models indicated the importance of year and month in explaining variability in the counts. Withinyear variability in the counts decreased over the study period, which may be related to an increasing proportion of resident (as opposed to transient) seals in the colony. However, the colony is currently still in a transition phase with a low ratio of breeding to non-breeding animals, based on the low numbers of pups born in the colony (currently still <100 per year). The influx of seals to the Robberg area may be associated with shifts in prey availability at the ecosystem level. The colony benefits from the protection afforded by the reserve status of the Robberg Peninsula and the existence of a marine protected area adjacent to it. However, human interference associated with fishing and/or ecotourism on the peninsula may inhibit development into a substantial breeding colony. Potential interventions for the conservation and management of this colony are discussed.  相似文献   

The diet of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus was studied in three regions (Béjaia, Bénisaf and Ghazaouet) along the Algerian coast. Ontogenetic, spatial and seasonal variations in anchovy diet were investigated using multivariate analyses and analysed in relation with sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a. 46 prey taxa of varying size between 0.57 mm (Euterpina acutifrons) and 6.8 mm (fish larvae) were recorded. Whatever the season, the region or the fish size, anchovy is exclusively zooplanktivorous and copepods were the most present prey, constituting 87% by number of the prey taken and found in 98% of the anchovy stomachs examined. However, their occurrence and number varied according to the different areas, seasons and fish size. During its first year of life, anchovy feeds almost exclusively on copepods (mainly small and medium size prey). As anchovy grows, copepods are gradually substituted by large crustaceans such as decapods and amphipods. Hierarchical cluster analysis, analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) and similarities percentage (SIMPER) indicated a distinct diet of anchovy of the bay of Bejaia from those of the bays of Bénisaf and Ghazaouet probably due to differences in hydrologic conditions. Diet differences also occurred between seasons. Summer and spring have distinct prey assemblages each and showed low diet similarities with the two other seasons. More prey species were found in the diet during winter (36) and autumn (30) and the vacuity index was lower in winter. Temporal variability in satellite-derived chlorophyll-a matched the seasonal variability in the diversity of the anchovy prey and feeding intensity as reflected by the vacuity index, suggesting further investigation of the potential use of satellite-derived chlorophyll-a data as a proxy for anchovy feeding intensity.  相似文献   

High-latitude seas are mostly covered by multi-year ice, which impacts processes of primary production and sedimentation of organic matter. Because of the warming effect of West Spitsbergen Current (WSC), the waters off West Spitsbergen have only winter ice cover. That is uncommon for such a high latitude and enables to separate effects of multiyear-ice cover from the latitudinal patterns. Macrofauna was sampled off Kongsfjord (79°N) along the depth gradient from 300 to 3000 m. The density, biomass and diversity at shallow sites situated in a canyon were very variable. Biomass was negatively correlated with depth (R=-0.86, p<0.001), and ranged from 61 g ww m−2 (212 m) to 1 g ww m−2 (2025 m). The biomasses were much higher than in the multiyear-ice covered High Arctic at similar depths, while resembling those from temperate and tropical localities. Species richness (expressed by number of species per sample and species–area accumulation curves) decreased with depth. There was no clear depth-related pattern in diversity measures: Hurbert rarefaction, Shannon–Wiener or Pielou. The classic increase of species richness and diversity with depth was not observed. Species richness and diversity of deep-sea macrofauna were much lower in our study than in comparable studies of temperate North Atlantic localities. That is related to geographic isolation of Greenland–Icelandic–Norwegian (GIN) seas from the Atlantic pool of species.  相似文献   

Banded kokopu populations were surveyed seasonally over 1 year in five Coromandel streams to determine the influence of food supply on diet, growth, abundance, and movement. Streams with high benthic invertebrate abundance and drift of aquatic origin had high fish abundance. However, terrestrial drift was the dominant food for adult banded kokopu over all seasons and streams, on average comprising 75% of their diet by number and 89% by weight. Annual growth rates of tagged individuals ranged from 3 mm to 16.5 mm, with smaller fish growing faster than large fish. Low growth rates of large fish were consistent with the recapture of a fish that had only grown from 195 mm to 215 mm in 7 years. Our observations confirmed the strong association between banded kokopu, pool habitat, and cover, and also indicated that high fish abundance restricted growth rates and movement and increased interaction.  相似文献   

采用全人工配合饲料(试验组饲料)与湿颗粒饲料 (对照组饲料 )对南方池养牙鲆进行为期 204d的饲养试验.结果表明,试验组与对照组牙鲆的尾相对增重率分别为 2 304%、2 297%,尾平均日增重差异不大,平均饲料系数分别为 1. 56、2. 58,牙鲆增重 1kg所需饲料成本分别为 10. 92元和 13. 55元,试验组比对照组节省饲料成本2. 63元 /kg鱼增重;试验组与对照组牙鲆平均内脏比 (分别为 6. 50%、6. 38% )、平均丰满度(分别为 1. 09、1. 07)、肌肉粗蛋白含量、粗脂肪含量等差异不显著(p>0. 05),10种必需氨基酸和 5种鲜味氨基酸的含量很接近.由此可见,南方池养牙鲆采用全人工配合饲料饲养是完全可行的.  相似文献   

A well‐replicated decadal‐term (2005–2014) stomach content data set was analysed in order to infer inter‐annual fluctuations in the diet of the Argentine hake, Merluccius hubbsi, an opportunistic predator in the San Jorge Gulf (SJG) ecosystem in the Southwest Atlantic. Ten research cruises were carried out each year during January from 2005 to 2014. A total of 18,461 specimens of Me. hubbsi was analysed, of which 6,777 (36.71%) contained food in their stomachs. The diet of Me. hubbsi changed markedly from 2011 onwards, with much greater consumption of the lobster krill Munida gregaria compared to the years before 2011. The frequency of occurrence (%F) of Mu. gregaria in the stomach contents of Argentine hake increased from the year 2009 onwards, most noticeably since 2011, and mostly over the southern region of the SJG. The main predators of Mu. gregaria in the SJG are two species of teleost fish (pink cusk eel, Genypterus blacodes, Argentine seabass, Acanthistius brasilianus) and three Rajidae skates (Zearaja chilensis, Psammobatis spp. and Sympterygia bonapartii), which exhibited decreased catches in the years analysed. The increased consumption of Mu. gregaria by Me. hubbsi, coupled with decreased trends in abundance of the main predators of the lobster krill during the last decade, indicate that top‐down trophic dynamic control occurs in the SJG ecosystem.  相似文献   

中国渤海的微口线虫属(线虫动物门)一新种   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
描述了中国渤海自由生活海洋线虫一新种,奥氏微口线虫Tershellingia austenae sp.nov ,奥氏微口线虫与同属相近种马尔代夫微口线虫的区别特征是:体长(前者为770~950μm,后者为2370μm)、亚头刚毛的位置(前者位于化感器的两边,后者位于化感器之后)及长度(前者明显长于后者),化感器宽度与相应体直径的比例在新种中也更大一些(50~60 vs 45).提供了一个表格式检索表,以助鉴定和比较该属缺乏明显界定食道后球的一个种组.模式标本存放于英国伦敦自然历史博物馆.  相似文献   

One new species of free-living marine nematodes Cephalanticoma filicaudata sp. nov. from the Huanghai Sea, China is described and illustrated. Cephalanticoma filicaudata sp. nov. is characterized by well developed cephalic capsule, three teeth at the anterior of oesophagus, excretory pore opens posterior to cervical setae, only two cervical setae per file, body length longer than 5 200 μm, tail long and no ventral-lateral seta between the supplement and the cloacal opening. Types are deposited in the College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China.  相似文献   

We estimated the composition of two food sources for the cultured pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii using stable isotopes and stomach content analysis in the coastal areas of the Uwa Sea, Japan. The δ13C values of oysters (−17.5 to −16.8‰) were intermediate between that of particulate organic matter (POM, −20.2 to −19.1‰) and attached microalgae on pearl cages (−13.0‰). An isotope mixing model suggested that oysters were consuming 78% POM (mainly phytoplankton) and 22% attached microalgae. The attached microalgal composition of the stomach content showed a strong resemblance to the composition of that estimated through the isotope mixing model, suggesting preferential utilization of specific components is unlikely in this species. These results indicate that P. fucata martensii feed on a mixture of phytoplankton and attached microalgae, and that the attached microalgae on pearl cages can serve as an important additional food source.  相似文献   

The development of suitable reference states for ecosystem-based management requires documentation of changes in structure and functioning of marine ecosystems, including assessment of the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down processes as drivers of change. We used monitoring data available from St Helena Bay, the most productive bay and an important nursery area situated on the west coast of South Africa, during 1950–2010 to reveal changes in the abiotic and biotic components. St Helena Bay in the 1950s showed similarities to 2000–2010 in terms of wind patterns, hydrology and phytoplankton. Upwelling, oxygen and nutrient concentrations in subthermocline water displayed pronounced decadal-scale variability. Primary production in St Helena Bay is variable, but consistently higher than that on the adjacent Namaqua shelf. Zooplankton size composition and biomass in August have changed markedly since the 1950s. During 2001–2010, mesozooplankton biomass in autumn was considerably lower than in summer, probably due to predation by small pelagic fish. Pelagic fish catch patterns and distributions have altered dramatically. Conservation measures, implemented to reverse past negative human impact, have benefitted marine mammals, the abundance of which has increased in the area, but additional conservation measures are necessary to reverse the decline in African penguins Spheniscus demersus. St Helena Bay shows a muted response to long-term change in the southern Benguela, with marked decadal variability but no clear long-term trend in oceanography and biogeochemistry. Changes in ecosystem boundary conditions and fishing pressure cannot be ignored as important drivers of change in the southern Benguela since the 1950s.  相似文献   

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