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Based on the author’s previously obtained results on P and Si forms in southern Bohai Sea surface sediments,this study maindy foucusing on the controlling factors,existence forms,and biogeo-chemical processes of P and Si showed that the transferable forms of phosphorus in sediments were mainly controlled by the mineralization of organic matters and the reduction of high-valence iron;whereas the transferable forms of silicon were possibly controlled by the dissolution and precipitation as well as bio-chemical processes of living organisms.  相似文献   

IMRODUcTlONThe577km1ongMinjiangRiver,thelongestriverinFujianProvinceofChina,hasa6O992km2drainagebasin.Thewaterdischargeislarge(meaninyearsis198Om/s).TheannualrunofffromtheMinjiangRiveris5.84xlOlom,WhichismorethanthatoftheHuangheRiver,andranksthirdintheannualrunoffofmaorChineseriversWhang,l994).SimdentnutrientSfromtheMinjiangRivertotheseaisanarisa-ryconditionforthefonnationandcontinuingexistenceoftheMindongFisheryGroundandtheMihahongFisheryGround.Inthendingareaofriverwaterwithseaw…  相似文献   

The oil-gas migration and accumulation in the Songliao Basin were analyzed in the view of fluid dynamics by the authors. The key point of fluid dynamics is hydrodynamics. Oil-gas migration and accumulation are related closely with formation and evolution of hydrodynamic field. Based on abundant data, initial formation pressure and other parameters, such as water head were studied. They can be used to understand the present distribution of hydrodynamic field and its hydrochemical features. Generally, the hydrodynamic field in the basin is obviously asymmetrical. In its north and east part, there are the areas of centripetal flow caused by topographic relief when meteoric water permeate downwards. Its south part is an evaporation-concentration area. The central depression is an area of centrifugal flow driven by sediment compaction and its cross-formational flow area. Only at the basin margin and in the local uplifted and denudated area are the meteoric water permeating downwards areas. The centrifugal flow driven by sediment compaction is the main dynamic factor that induces oil-gas migration and accumulation and its formation period corresponding to the main stage of oil-gas migration and accumulation. Moreover, the evolution of hydrodynamic field has the cyclic property, which results in phased oil-gas migration by stages, and further dominates the terraced annular oil and gas distribution, concentric with their corresponding sags.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThedistingnishingc~teristicsofQinghaboe,thebiewstsalinelakeinCfuna,are:vastwaterm,higheleVation,closeddrinagbasinandattrativenaedland-scape.The~clakeleveldIDPsincethebegiwhngofthiscentwhascausedaseriesofenvironrnntalProblems(degenndionofghanggIaSSlandaIDunthelake,desertffica-tioninthebeacharea,aeOianerosionoftheeXposedlakebed,deCrainwaersuPPliesandincreaseinthewaterndnends).IncentalAsia,mostofthewell-knOWnlargelakes,includingla.kessuchasIssyk-kul(SeVaStyanvandSndmov,l…  相似文献   


INTR0DUCnONErhailake,thesecondlargestlakeintheYUnnanPlateauinS0uthWstChina,islo-catedinDaliDefecthe25035'to25"58'N,looo05't0l(X)o07'E(Fig.l)-The40kInlong3-9kInwidelakeisnaInedafteritsearlikeshape.ItsbasicchimteristicsaregiveninTablel.EtheibeeisampicalriftlakeintheDalibasinwhichdeveloPedalongtheYuaniangHongheThewestsideofthebasinisformedbytheDiancangMountainwhichconsists0frock(PrecaInbrianschistandgneissandMiocenemetaInrphiclimestone).TheseisndcallystillactivemoUntainrangrisab0ut…  相似文献   

Phytoplanktonic desmids community in Donghu Lake, Wuhan,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Donghu Lake (30o33′N, 114o23′E) is a shallow medium sized freshwater lake in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and about 5 kilometers away from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River. Before the 1960s, the water surface area was about 27.8 km2. The lake water was clear and the pH ranged from 6 to 7. The shallow area of the lake abounded with macrophytes. The phytoplanktonic and peripheral desmids were very abundant also in this lake. In the late 1960s, Donghu Lake with tota…  相似文献   

Freshwater mussels are a major component of the zoobenthos and they therefore play an important role in freshwater ecosystems. The community composition and the standing crop of freshwater mussels in Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China and one of two lakes connected to the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, were investigated from February 2008 to May 2009. Mussels were sampled in hydrologically and geographically distinct sampling areas. A total of 42 species and 13 genera were identified, of which 32 species were endemic to China. Two species, Unio douglasiae and Lamprotula caveata, dominated all sampling areas. The number of genera and species, and the number of species within each genus, differed significantly among sampling areas. Freshwater mussels were very abundant, with an overall density of 0.28 ± 0.22 ind./m2 and biomass of 4.08 ± 3.96 g/m2. Significant variation observed among sampling areas and among genera was probably due to the variety of habitats among the areas sampled and to the adaptability of different freshwater mussels to environments. This study suggests that Poyang Lake and other freshwater lakes in the region are important sites of freshwater mussel biodiversity and conservation.  相似文献   

Application of MODIS in ocean color is mainly based on bands 8-16 with the spatial resolution of 1 000 m.This spatial resolution,however,can not meet the application demand of inland waters where the areas are relatively small.With the assumption of the black water at shortwave infrared(SWIR) wavelengths(>1 000 nm),we first propose an atmospheric correction method for bands 1 and 2 with their spatial resolution of 250 m,and we then establish a quantitative retrieval model for suspended sediment concentratio...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONMacrozoobenthos ,amajorgroupofaquaticfauna ,playsanimportantroleinthematerialcycleandenergyflowinawaterecosystem .Inrecentdecades ,interestinthebioenergeticsofthisgrouphasgrownrapidly .Aspectsofthebioenergeticsofmanybenthicfreshwaterspecieshavebeenpub lished .Owingtodifficultyinsamplecollectionandspecimenprocessing ,studiesofthebenthiccom munityhavereceivedlessattention .Withfisherydevelopmentandthelakeeutrophicationproblem ,investigationsontheecologicalfunctionofthelakecommun…  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) were documented in 1996–1997 at 4 different trophic state stations in Donghu Lake, a typical shallow eutrophic lake along the Changjiang River's middle reaches. The mean concentrations of DOC were 15.11±3.26, 15.19±4.24, 14.27±3.43, and 13.31±3.30 mg/L in Station I, II, III, and IV, respectively. The DOC concentrations of the studied area were very similar to that in other lakes along the Changjiang River's middle reaches. The POC mean of the whole lake was 5.01 mg/L due to the large amount of organic detritus of both allochthonous and autochthonous origin. Significant linear relationship was found between POC and chlorophyll a at all 4 stations, which presumably reflect that phytoplankton, its exudates and its metabolic products were the main contributors to the POC pool in the water column. The slope of such linear relationship at Station IV was significantly steeper than that at Station I, II and III. In addition, the DOC/POC ratios (mean value: 4.40) indicated that the organic detritus was the most important component of the particulate organic matter; in other works, next to organic detritus, phytoplankton dominated the particulate organic matter in Donghu Lake. Project 39770146, 39430101 supported by NSFC and the State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, affiliated to the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Eutrophication has become a serious concern in many lakes, resulting in cyanobacterial blooms. However, the mechanism and pathways of cyanobacteria decline are less understood. To identify and define the growth and decline of Microcystis blooms in Taihu Lake of China, and to illuminate the destination of surface floating blooms, we investigated the biomass distribution and variations in colony size, morphology, and floating velocity from October 2008 to September 2009. The results showed that the Microcystis bloom declined in response to biomass decrease, colony disaggregation, buoyancy reduction, and increased phytoplankton biodiversity, and these indicative parameters could be applied for recognition of the development phases of the bloom. Three major decline pathways were proposed to describe the bloom decline process, colony disaggregation (Pathway Ⅰ), colony settlement (Pathway Ⅱ), and cell lysis in colonies (Pathway Ⅲ). We proposed a strategy to define the occurrence and decline of Microcystis blooms, to evaluate the survival state under different stress conditions, and to indicate the efficiency of controlling countermeasures against algal blooms.  相似文献   

Two short sediment cores named ZS and THS dated by the 210Pb or 137Cs method were collected from the northwest and southwest of Taihu Lake respectivly,and total organic carbon(TOC) and nutrients including total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP) were determined to analyze the chronology and nutrients change in recent sediment.The results show that 137Cs activities are low(less than 15 Bq/kg) in the two cores,attributed to the 137Cs migration.Based on 210Pb constant rate of supply(CRS) model,the sedimentation accumulation rates range from 0.13 g/(cm2·yr) to 0.76 g/(cm2·yr) in the ZS core,and from 0.10 g/(cm2·yr) to 0.56 g/(cm2·yr) in the THS core.A remarkable increase in organic matter and nutrients has occurred in the two dated cores since the mid-1980s.The historical changes of organic matter and nutrients in the two cores are consisitent with the monitoring data for surface sediment after the 1960s.The TP accumulation rates after the early 1980s are 0.97 and 0.92 times higher than those from the 1950s to the 1980s in ZS and THS cores,respectively.Higher TP concentrations in the past two-decade deposits of Taihu Lake are due to both diagenetic factors and human activities.  相似文献   

Survey on PCDDs and PCDFs in sediments and soils in Ya-Er Lake area, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTIONOverthepastseveralycars,considerableinteffethasbocenteIdontheenvir0nmentalbehaviouroftoxicandpersistritcomP0undssuchashalogenatalaromat-ies,inparticularthepolychiorinataldibopdioxins(PCDDe)andpolydil0rinateddi~fUtansrpCDFs).ManyofthesecomPounds,espedllythosewithahighdegere0fchiorinesubstitution,arehighlylipophiliccontawhnantSwithlowWhtersolubility,highre-sistancet0chdricaltransformationsandlowwhcrobiologhaldegradatfonpeatnnann,l988,Bromanetal.,l989,Hites,l990)whichexplain…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThelargestlakeinMexicoandthirdlargestinLatinAmerica,ChapalaLake(approximately2 0°N) ,is 1 50 0mabovesealevel,measures 75× 2 5km ,hasaveragedepthof6m (maximumdepthcloseto 1 1m)andamountainchainalongitsnorthernandsouthernshores (Fig .1a) .TheLermaRiverflowsintoit;theSantiagoRiverflowsoutofit.Thebeautifullandscape,andwarmclimateconducivetobreezecirculationalongitsshore ;absenceofabrupttemperaturevariations,andthemoderateairhumidityat tractmanytouriststothelake .Manyretirees…  相似文献   

Study on the organic compounds and stable isotope composition of a sediment section in Dabusu Lake revealed that the organic materials in the sediments came mainly from terrestrial plants brought into the lake by rtmoff.The δ^13 C of the organic materials had high values during warm-dry climatic stages and decreased in cold-wet stages.Analysis of data on carbonate content and ^14C age showed that the lake basin had experienced several wet-cold and warm-dry climatic cycles since 15000 a BP. Since 6700 a BP, the climate reached a relatively stable warm-dry stage,so that the lake water was gradually condensed and finally a saline lake was formed.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll α(ch1-α) and suspended solid concentrations are two frequently used water quality parameters for monitoring a lake. Traditional measurement of ch1-α and suspended solids, requiring laborious laboratory work, which is often expensive and time consuming. Hyperspectral remote-sensing measurement provides a fast and easy tool for estimating water trophic status. In situ hyperspectral data on March 7-8, July 6-7, September 20 and December 7-8, 2004 and the corresponding water chemical data were used to regress the algorithm of water quality parameters. Results showed that the peak of water leaving radiance around 700 nm (R700) varied proportionally with ch1-α concentration, and moved to infrared when algal bloom occurred. The reflectance ratio of R702/R685 was well correlated with ch1-α when water surface in no algal bloom case and the correlation coefficient was better if absorption of phycocyanin was considered. The reflectance ratio R620/R531 was highly correlated to the concentration of suspended solids. The relationship between suspended solids and other band groups were also compared. Secchi disk depth could be calculated by non-linear correlation with suspended solids concentration.  相似文献   

This study introduces a method to quantify the scenic value of wetland landscapes and provides the guidance on the allocation of efforts for the purpose of preserving the most important environments.Dongting Lake,a traditional tourist location,is one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China and a Grade 5A National Scenic Region. This study objectively analyzes the scenic resources of South Dongting Lake,and presents a model based on Quantification TheoryⅠto assess wetland scenic landscapes.Employing a multilinear regression relationship between land-scape factors and their associated scenic value,we built up the Wetland Landscape Quantification Model(WLQM), which was used to classify 221 landscapes into five grades.Finally,some suggestions are proposed regarding quantitative assessment and its use for the sustainable development of wetland environments.  相似文献   

By using field survey data from the sixth forest inventory of Jiangxi Province in 2003, the biomass and carbon storage for three studied species (Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata, and Pinus elliottii) were estimated in Taihe and Xingguo counties of Boyang Lake Basin, Jiangxi Province, China. The relationship between carbon density and forest age was analyzed by logistic equations. Spatio-temporal dynamics of forest biomass and carbon storage in 1985-2003 were also described. The results show that total stand area of the three forest species was 3.10 × 10^5 ha, total biomass 22.20 Tg, vegetation carbon storage 13.07 Tg C, and average carbon density 42.36 Mg C/ha in the study area in 2003. Carbon storage by forest type in descending order was: P. massoniana, C. lanceolata and P. elliottii. Carbon storage by forest age group in descending order was: middle stand, young stand, near-mature stand and mature stand. Carbon storage by plantation forests was 1.89 times higher than that by natural forests. Carbon density of the three species increased 8.58 Mg C/ha during the study period. The carbon density of Taihe County was higher in the east and west, and lower in the middle. The carbon density of Xingguo County was higher in the northeast and lower in the middle. In general, the carbon density increased with altitude and gradient. Afforestation projects contribute significantly to increasing stand area and carbon storage. Appropriate forest management may improve the carbon sequestration capacity of forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

On the basis of lacustrine sedimentary profile of Ebinur Lake, sequences of evolution of paleoclimate and paleoenvironment in Ebinur Lake area have been rebuilt by analysing the sedimentary stratigraphy, bio-stratigraphy and geochemistry as well as the chronological records. The results show that, during the last 10 ka years, the general change trends of the paleoclimate in E-binur Lake area can be divided into three stages: (1) 10. 2 – 8.3 ka B. P., a warm-cool dry climate stage; (2) 8.3–3.5 ka B. P., a warmer moist climate stage (specially, 7.3–6.4 ka B. P., a relatively stable humid temperate stage); (3) 3.5 ka B. P. —present, adraught temperate climate stage, similar to the present climate. In addition, there existed clearly several times of secondary undulations of dry-humid climate, i.e. 8.3 ka and 7.3 ka for dry climate  相似文献   

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