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Zsuzsanna Varga 《GeoJournal》1998,46(3):215-219
Although agricultural work is declining in Hungary, farming remains an important source of employment. However, the agrarian population should not be regarded as homogenous because many small farms are worked only for subsistence and family income supplement. This is because of prolonged economic crisis which makes for a shortage of job opportunities in other sectors of the economy. Until economic growth accelerates there is a need for transitional solutions to the problem of unemployment. It is argued that the present farming system could be diversified through labour-intensive programmes to provide piped water and drainage in small towns and villages and simultaneously engage many of the long-term unemployed who are no longer entitled to benefit and lack the qualifications for jobs that require special skills. The environment could also be protected by the afforestation of 300–400 000 ha of arable land or its conversion to grassland. Light industry could also generate employment while stimulating the growth of local farm production and the improvement of the infrastructure. Training for unemployed young people should also be a priority if the erosion of rural labour resources is not to become irreversible. A much more proactive approach is needed from government to safeguard rural labour resources and achieve greater integration between forestry, farming and processing. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Elke Knappe 《GeoJournal》1998,46(3):243-246
Agriculture has ceased to be the major employer in the rural areas of East Germany. Far-reaching structural change has resulted in a sharp decrease in employment and the mono-structural character of villages has been lost. Unemployment is now a major problem and women are worst affected. New jobs have been created in construction and elsewhere in the tertiary sector but most people who have found new jobs have to commute to the towns or migrate permanently to the urban areas. A north-south contrast has developed because the more developed network of towns in the latter, combined with a relatively good infrastructure, has enabled many villages to survive as viable communities. An example is Fuchshain near Leipzig where employment with the farming company (the former cooperative with 4200 ha of land) has declined but the population has grown through new housing built for commuters. In the north there has been much depopulation and many houses are used as second homes. Either way there is more conflict occurring now within rural communities because of tensions between the employed and the unemployed and between old and new residents. It is therefore important that land use planning should take into account the changed economic and social profiles and measures should be adopted to ensure that the countryside remains visually attractive and socially cohesive. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

After losing much of their demographic vitality under communism, rural areas of Eastern Europe are now handicapped by greatly reduced commuting opportunities and by a lack of foreign investment in the countryside. Although restitution and privatisation has placed much of the land under the control of private farmers, there is a need to modernise agriculture and rural infrastructure generally and also to increase the scope for pluriactivity. At the same time, functional links with the towns must be restored through a growth of employment linked with the central place system. Despite the importance of private enterprise under the conditions of a market economy, the government must take a lead and this paper deals with initiatives taken in rural Slovakia to mobilise the human resources of the countryside. The paper is heavily oriented towards research by the geographers at Nitra who have been much involved with the transformation of their local area. It is evident that while there has been no shortage of ideas, progress has been limited on account of low investment and the tensions associated with a series of three Meciar governments which have dominated Slovak politics through the 1990s. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a substantial growth of population in the rural areas of the United States and Western Europe. This is explored with particular reference to census evidence relating to Great Britain. Two sets of explanations are examined. The first relates to the exercise of residential preferences unconstrained by job location, and it is notable that the retired and the otherwise non-employed have increased substantially in numbers over the past 15–20 years. The second explanation focuses on employment relocation. Much resource-based, tertiary and, especially, manufacturing employment has grown in non-metropolitan areas. British and European evidence shows the manufacturing shift to have been substantial and it is suggested that this, coupled with (pre-)retirement migration and associated multiplier developments, may explain much of the counter-urbanisation that we are witnessing. The paper briefly explores some consequence of these trends, relating to the duplication of infrastructure, pressure on rural land and housing, and social change.  相似文献   

In South Africa attempts are being made to address the socio-spatial distortions of the apartheid era through a more equitable distribution of resources, and the re-drawing of municipal geographical boundaries. However, boundaries are not neutral geographic lines. Boundary changes are often associated with a redistribution of political power and resources. The aim of this paper is to analyse the effects of the contemporary territorial and administrative restructuring on urban dynamics in South Africa. More specifically, the focus is on how the process of territorial restructuring impacted on metropolitan areas as well as on secondary cities and their hinterlands. Examining and elucidating the manner in which various social, economic and political forces have manifested themselves in the process of boundary delimitation in a major metropolitan centre as well as adjacent rural areas is a central theme of this paper. There were considerable contestations over the delimitation of new local government boundaries. Affluent metro authorities like that in Durban were opposed to the spatial extension of their boundaries because of the costs of the providing services and infrastructure in the deprived margins. Similarly, there was concern that incorporation of rural areas will result in increased municipal service charges being imposed on these communities. Tensions were heightened between urban and rural regions because traditional leaders believed that their territorial jurisdiction and authority were being undermined. In other parts of the country, the merger of traditionally white and black fragments of secondary cities often resulted in many black locations continuing to be marginalized. There appears to be neither the political will nor the economic capacity to upgrade these zones of marginalized urban communities. While the Municipal Demarcation Board was largely successful in eliminating the political geography of apartheid at a macro- scale, this paper suggests that the greater challenge for government and policy makers is to reduce the socio-spatial and economic inequalities which appears to be still very high and perhaps increasing. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Conclusion Despite its uniqueness, the vitality inherent in the rural structure of Israel is of particular interest to other developing regions with a predominant rural-agricultural population. Latin American countries, for example, are investing considerable resources in the development of new lands through construction of penetration roads and other infrastructure. Several countries have created regional development authorities; some have policies designed to attract private investments into virgin areas.13) The general emphasis tends increasingly toward state-initiated and planned settlement, often in conjuction with agrarian reform programs — an approach dictated both by economic efficiency and welfare criteria.Past experience has shown that the rural population has to be organized in viable communities in order to become amenable to economic and cultural integration. Communities must likewise be spatially organized in an optimal way that will make it possible to provide them with amenities and so direct their production for the purpose of achieving economic status. At the same time, maximum flexibility must be preserved to fit varying developmental stages, since physical plans once carried into effect are extremely difficult to modify.In order to reduce the social and economic pull of existing urban centers it may be advisable to develop new settlement areas as self-sufficient enclaves, independent to some extent from the facilities existing in the region. The settlements would share the national infrastructure of communications and public services, but would gear their production to regional as well as extra-regional demand, bypassing the traditional local market place. Then, as the new communities consolidate as social and economic entities, the options for collaboration or competition with existing central places can be laid open on a more equitable basis.Admittedly such sheltered development may affect the role of the local intermediary and lessen the commercial activities of the urban sector, but it would also stimulate the development of an independent framework of handling, marketing, and an increasing degree of processing the settlements' produce. These complementary activities would help to retain part of the added value of the production and generate new sources of employment for successive village generations. The delay in the growth for the region's total output may well be worthwhile for achieving that social and economic transformation which in turn may lead to a more balance and sustained development of the entire region.14)  相似文献   

F.W. Carter  D. Kaneff 《GeoJournal》1998,46(3):183-191
Agriculture has always been very important for the Bulgarian economy, but during the socialist period there was considerable progress made in the diversification of employment opportunities in rural areas. While many people commuted to non-agricultural jobs in the townships (and there was a large permanent transfer from rural to urban areas), there were additional opportunities in small factories and local services in the villages themselves. The transition has seen these opportunities much reduced, at precisely the time when full-time paid work in agriculture has declined due to market restructuring while complex problems have emerged associated with liquidating the state-run cooperatives and establishing a viable alternative. The paper discusses the general issues and presents a case study from the north-central part of the country. The rebuilding of a cooperative farming system (along with other forms of consolidation) is a positive trend which could increase spending power in the villages and help in the growth of employment in rural industries and services. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

David Turnock 《GeoJournal》1998,46(3):171-181
The decline in agricultural production and the inevitability of reduced employment on the land makes rural diversification an important priority. The papers in this collection outline the problem and indicate the range of options available, noting the differences between the northern and southern parts of the region. Attention is given to the settlement system because opportunity will vary according to the accessibility of urban areas. The tourist industry offers considerable opportunity but has implications for environmental conservation which should therefore attract greater attention. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Jianfa Shen 《Geoforum》1995,26(4):395-409
Economic reforms since the late 1970s have brought about significant changes in rural China. A large number of surplus rural labourers have been released from the agricultural sector and there has been a massive transition of rural residents from agricultural to non-agricultural employment. These changes will be analyzed by examining the changes in the employment structure of rural residents. Rural to urban migration is another important option for many rural labourers. The size of China's urban population and the scale of rural to urban migration continue to be an ‘enigma’ due to several changes in the definition of the urban population. Several data sources will be used to provide more realistic estimates of rural to urban migrations on a set of comparable though different bases. Data on the new entries into urban employment and the urban ‘non-agricultural population’ will be used to illustrate the scale of migration by rural residents to the formal urban sector. This may only record those migrants who have changed their registration status from ‘agricultural population’ to ‘non-agricultural population’ which is tightly controlled by the government. The 1990 Census data provide some evidence on the rural to urban migration by the registered ‘agricultural population’. The 1987 1% population sampling data will be used to analyze the actual migrations among cities, towns and counties over the period 1982–1987. It is found that town and county populations tended to move to towns at the intra-provincial level, but to cities at the inter-provincial level. Out-migrants from cities tended to move to cities at both the intra- and inter-provincial levels.  相似文献   

岩溶地区是实施乡村振兴战略的坚中之坚,是极易出现返贫的地区之一,有必要梳理总结岩溶地区消除石漠化贫困的历程、成果和存在的问题,巩固脱贫攻坚成果,夯实乡村振兴的理论基础。本研究以岩溶地区实施重大生态工程的时间节点为主线,参考各阶段前人取得的阶段性和标志性成果,系统梳理了石漠化贫困的相关概念和研究历程;然后对各阶段的研究热点进行整理,归纳总结了石漠化与农村贫困的关系、石漠化致贫机制、消除石漠化贫困的策略、防治工程减贫效益评价等4个方面的前人研究成果。研究表明:石漠化贫困与石漠化区贫困的界限不清,是造成石漠化防治工程和精准扶贫衔接脱节的原因之一,应突出石漠化区生态脆弱的特性,将生态建设有机融入巩固脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接之中,实现生态、资源、人口和经济各要素的耦合协调发展;工作超前,理论基础研究落后的现实依然存在,应加强石漠化区乡村人地关系及相对贫困的研究,探究石漠化阻碍乡村振兴的制约机制;此外,在岩溶地区生态质量不断提升的背景下,应优化石漠化防治工程后评价体系,凸显社会效益和经济效益评价的重要性,总结经验、汲取教训,巩固岩溶地区脱贫攻坚成果,实现脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有效衔接。   相似文献   

J. U. Obot Dr. 《GeoJournal》1981,5(3):243-249
Calabar was selected for settlement by the Efik people in 1600 because of its suitability for controlling the slave trade. It did not develop into a major urban centre till the 1970s. This was because of poor transportation development. The available water transport was poorly run by a privately managed British Company, the Elder Demster.With the creation of a state capital in 1967 the government developed ferry services. Theses did not only encourage the migration of people from the rural areas to the newly created state capital for employment in the government and industrial establishments, but triggered off urbanization processes. The opening of a land route in 1978 increased population migration, concentration and urbanization.The increased population is not accompanied by increased food supply. Food is scarce and very highly priced especially the protein-rich foods. The low labour productivity is not unconnected with the prevalent malnutrition and undernourishment in the municipality. Here the government is reminded of its responsibility in meaningful planning that will take care of the necessary food supply now lacking in the area.  相似文献   

Today “rural diversification” is high on the agenda in rural development. This article analyses rural diversification under conditions of post-socialist economic transition using case areas in Latvia and Estonia. The study shows that transition from centrally planned economy to market economy has had an enormous impact in the rural areas. Agricultural production and employment has decreased dramatically and rural unemployment is high. The conditions for rural diversification the first years after independence depended a lot on the local presence of non-farm activities before the split up of collective farming, in both production facilities but also in the skills and relations people had. Since independence, markets for traditional rural services and products have decreased. The extent to which local businesses find markets outside the local area and people have been able to integrate into the new labour market of service and construction jobs often in urban areas are essential for the diversification of the rural economy. Most rural inhabitants only have skills in large-scale agriculture and limited contacts to outside the local area which makes exploiting new opportunities difficult. The local capacity for withholding, developing and inducing new activities is weak. The challenge for rural development policy is to extend the possibilities of the rural inhabitants to exploit new opportunities.  相似文献   

The Alcohol Plan was implemented in Brazil in 1974 with the purpose of supplying an alternative to soaring gasoline prices and to boosting the sugar cane industry of NE Brazil. Ten years later, an assesment of the plan shows that emphasis on sugar cultivation has substracted land formerly occupied by other crops, monopolized the utilization of newly opened lands, and furthered land ownership concentration. The alleged boost to employment is also doubtful, for the pressures on production efficiency have led to mechanization, hence, to labor reduction. However, the seasonal character of the employment still requires a number of workers who have been drawn from rural areas and live now in poor settlements near the sugar fields or in city slums. The plan has enhanced traditional structures in NE Brazil.  相似文献   

A most distinctive feature of the settlement pattern of the Brasov area is the extreme dispersal of mixed farming encountered in the western extreme of the county to the north and south of Zarnesti: the Bran and Poiana Marului areas. Here a system of peasant subsistence farming developed in a political borderland between the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires. Despite feudal pressures, the peasantry took all available opportunities to extend their independence including elaborate transhumance systems. And after seeing transfrontier commerce as a source of plunder, in the tradition of Balkan highway robbery within relatively unregulated spaces, the peasantry has profited through employment in factories, particularly during the communist period. However, the current recession in manufacturing is throwing the rural population back on limited land resources. Although farming assumes an important subsistence role which contributes to stability, the long-term survival of these communities will depend on new sources of income. Rural tourism has considerable potential and a promising start has been made in Bran. There are, however, constraints on the further development of the business and great attention will have to be given to the conservation of the environment in both the Bucegi Mountains and the Piatra Craiului where national park status is proposed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Conclusion Urban and rural development arek inextricably related, that regional planning can play important roles as catalyst for agriculture and rural development; and that a system of growth centres and/or agropolitan policy which can be important in achieving economic growth with social equity, will be far more influential. Again if the National Planning Authority, Regional Planning Agency and the policy of growth centre in the rural areas of the recommended regions is pursued, it will not only increase agricultural productivity or a path to agricultural transformation for deleterious effects of migration to corporate farming but also could, over time help to reduce the pressure on the urban areas by providing counter-magnets to migration and we envisage, will bring about a national regional planning budget which should be operated on yearly basis.  相似文献   

More than 90% of the rural villages and settlements throughout Botswana have water supplies based on groundwater. The annual increase in water demand is about 0.3 × 106 m3 and on average around 60 new boreholes are needed annually. In parallel with construction of new production boreholes for rural villages, there is an on-going rehabilitation of existing boreholes which have lost their original yield due to clogging, corrosion, encrustation, etc. The total annual cost of siting, drilling and testing of around 100 new production boreholes for rural villages water supply is estimated at around US$7.5 million (1997 price).Modelling of every groundwater resource for rural village water supply in Botswana is currently not feasible due to a lack of relevant and detailed information. A modelling exercise will assess the resource of the aquifer being studied, but can not give an assessment of the yield of each production borehole. Groundwater supply to rural villages is therefore currently based on the abstraction possible from established production boreholes. Test pumping data from these boreholes are the prime information in such an assessment. However safety factors and the fact that drought periods of longer duration are common in a semi-arid environment must also be considered. A computer program package TESTCURV developed by the Department of Water Affairs is a most useful tool in the assessment of yields for production boreholes for village water supply in Botswana, based on the performance of the well and the aquifer. No replenishment is assumed and the question of sustainable yield is not addressed by the program.  相似文献   

第二次全国土地调查工作中,城镇与农村地区的土地面积在计算方法上有所不同:农村地区的土地面积是以椭球面为基准的面积,即球面面积;城镇地区的土地面积是以平面为基准的面积,即平面面积。二者之间存在差异并按一定规律变化,当调查区处于投影带边缘附近时,同一图斑的球面面积与平面面积之间的差异达到最大。由于采用不同的计算方法而导致面积数量的差异,在进行农村与城镇有关土地数据整合时会出现矛盾。为了建立城乡统一的土地管理信息系统,保证土地面积的一致性,应当采取相应措施消除二者之间的差异。  相似文献   

县域是统筹城乡发展最为关键和迫切的地域单元。统筹城乡发展,须以区域经济社会发展进入一定阶段为前提,涉及城乡经济、社会、文化、基础设施等多个方面,构建统筹城乡发展评价体系具有明显的复杂性。在回顾总结已有测评研究和对统筹城乡发展进行再认识的基础上,构建了3个一级指标、18个二级指标组成的评价指标体系,据此对陕西省华阴市统筹城乡发展水平进行综合评判,提出了统筹城乡发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Memon  Manzoor Hussain  Ahmed  Rafiq 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(2):1575-1602

Pakistan, being an agro-based economy, is considered most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The country is susceptible to many natural catastrophes and climate-induced events due to intra-geographical and intra-topographical disparities. This paper is an attempt to measure the relative vulnerability of diverse topographies in rural areas of Pakistan using vulnerability and capacity index tool. The results are based on the findings of primary survey data (350 households from 17 rural communities). Accordingly, and as expected, the key relative differences are attributed to topographical conditions besides the basic quandary of rural areas of Pakistan. The topographical attributes are largely linked to the nature of hazards and relative impacts. While the other aspects of vulnerability in all topographies stem out of inappropriate infrastructure, low education, and institutional factors. The absence of multi-sectoral and productive economic opportunities also poses an adverse impact on the resilience of households in rural areas. The women and households headed by females are found relatively more vulnerable than male-headed households.


Aquaculture can be considered as a rapidly growing industry in many parts of the world. The impressive overall upward trend in production is likely to continue for the rest of the century. However, aquaculture will still be a minor contributor to the world's protein supply, even though the projected annual output of about 30 million tons can be realized by the year 2000. Nevertheless, aquaculture can play an important role in many developing countries not only within the context of rural development, but also as a commercial activity that focuses on export markets. Progress in aquaculture will always be accompanied by a number of constraints that occur with or through expansion of this industry. Some of the most important problem areas are briefly addressed, including those related to environmental degradation, disease control, human health and competition for resources. Finally, gaps in science and technology as well as research priorities are identified.  相似文献   

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