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AST3-2 (Antarctic Survey Telescopes)光学巡天望远镜位于南极大陆最高点冰穹A,其产生的大量观测数据对数据处理的效率提出了较高要求.同时南极通信不便,数据回传有诸多困难,有必要在南极本地实现自动处理AST3-2观测数据,进行变源和暂现源观测的数据处理,但是受到低功耗计算机的限制,数据的快速自动处理的实现存在诸多困难.将已有的图像相减方案同机器学习算法相结合,并利用AST3-2 2016年观测数据作为测试样本,发展一套的暂现源及变源的筛选方法成为可行的选择.该筛选方法使用图像相减法初步筛选出可能的变源,再用主成分分析法抽取候选源的特征,并选择随机森林作为机器学习分类器,在测试中对正样本的召回率达到了97%,验证了这种方法的可行性,并最终在2016年观测数据中探测出一批变星候选体.  相似文献   

AST3是将要安装于位于南极内陆冰穹A的昆仑站的3台口径50 cm的施密特望远镜,寻找变源(尤其是瞬间变源)是其科考目标之一,需要通过图像相减测光方法实现.首先需要根据初期的观测数据生成标准模板图像,而后在长期观测过程中,将模板图像与新观测到的图像进行相减测光处理,从而发现变源.模板在观测中起着举足轻重的作用,给出了模板制作的流程,并且验证了其可实现性和功能的正确性.  相似文献   

The Antarctic astronomical telescopes work chronically on the top of the unattended South Pole, and they have only one chance to maintain every year. Due to the complexity of the optical, mechanical, and electrical systems, the telescopes are hard to be maintained and need versatile expedition teams, which means that an excessive awareness is essential for the reliability of the Antarctic telescopes. Based on the fault mechanism and fault mode of the main-axis control system for the Antarctic equatorial astronomical telescope AST3-3 (Antarctic Schmidt Telescope 3-3), the method of fault tree analysis is introduced in this article, and we obtain the importance degree of the top event from the importance degree of the bottom event structure. From the above result, the hidden problems and weak links of the system can be effectively found out, which will indicate the direction for improving the stability of the system and optimizing the design of the system.  相似文献   

Antarctic Survey Telescopes(AST3) are designed to be fully robotic telescopes at Dome A,Antarctica,which aim for highly efficient time-domain sky surveys as well as rapid response to special transient events(e.g.,gamma-ray bursts,near-Earth asteroids,supernovae,etc.).Unlike traditional observations,a well-designed real-time survey scheduler is needed in order to implement an automatic survey in a very efficient,reliable and flexible way for the unattended telescopes.We present a study of the survey strategy for AST3 and implementation of its survey scheduler,which is also useful for other survey projects.  相似文献   

We present V -band light curves of 61 variables from the core of the globular cluster M5 obtained using a newly developed image subtraction method (ISM). Four of these variables were previously unknown. Only 26 variables were found in the same field using photometry obtained with dophot software. Fourier parameters of the ISM light curves have relative errors up to 11 times smaller than parameters measured from dophot photometry. We conclude that the new method is very promising for searching for variable stars in the cores of the globular clusters and gives very accurate relative photometry with quality comparable to photometry obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope . We also show that the variable V104 is not an eclipsing star as has been suggested, but is an RRc star showing non-radial pulsations.  相似文献   

The quantitative spectroscopy of stellar objects in complex environments is mainly limited by the ability of separating the object from the background. Standard slit spectroscopy, restricting the field of view to one dimension, is obviously not the proper technique in general. The emerging Integral Field (3D) technique with spatially resolved spectra of a two‐dimensional field of view provides a great potential for applying advanced subtraction methods. In this paper an image reconstruction algorithm to separate point sources and a smooth background is applied to 3D data. Several performance tests demonstrate the photometric quality of the method. The algorithm is applied to real 3D observations of a sample Planetary Nebula in M31, whose spectrum is contaminated by the bright and complex galaxy background. The ability of separating sources is also studied in a crowded field in M33. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract— The Meteoritical Bulletin No. 96 contains a total of 1590 newly approved meteorite names with their relevant data. These include 12 from specific locations within Africa, 76 from northwest Africa, 9 from the Americas, 13 from Asia, 1 from Australia, 2 from Europe, 950 from Antarctica recovered by the Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE), and 527 from the American Antarctic program (ANSMET). Among these meteorites are 4 falls, Almahata Sitta (Sudan), Sulagiri (India), Ash Creek (United States), and Maribo (Denmark). Almahata Sitta is an anomalous ureilite and is debris from asteroid 2008 TC3 and Maribo is a CM2 chondrite. Other highlights include a lunar meteorite, a CM1 chondrite, and an anomalous IVA iron.  相似文献   

Sky subtraction is a key technique in data reduction of multi-fiber spectra. Knowledge of characteristics related to the instrument is necessary to determine the method adopted in sky subtraction.In this study, we describe the sky subtraction method designed for the Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST) survey. The method has been integrated into the LAMOST 2D Pipeline v2.6 and applied to data from LAMOST DR3 and later. For LAMOST, calibration using sky emission lines is used to alleviate the position-dependent(and thus time-dependent) ~ 4% fiber throughput uncertainty and small wavelength instability(0.1 A) during observation. Sky subtraction using principal component analysis(PCA) further reduces 25% of the sky line residual from OH lines in the red part of LAMOST spectra after the master sky spectrum, which is derived from a B-spline fit of 20 sky fibers in each spectrograph. Using this approach, values are adjusted by a sky emission line and subtracted from each fiber. Further analysis shows that our wavelength calibration accuracy is about 4.5 km s~(-1), and the averages of residuals after sky subtraction are about 3% for sky emission lines and 3% for the continuum region. The relative sky subtraction residuals vary with moonlight background brightness, and can reach as low as 1.5% for regions that have sky emission lines during a dark night.Tests on F stars with both similar sky emission line strength and similar object continuum intensity show that the sky emission line residual of LAMOST is smaller than that of the SDSS survey.  相似文献   

The data reduction process for optical emission-line observations of galaxies using the TAURUS-2 Fabry–Perot interferometer mounted on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope is described in detail. The initial steps (bias subtraction, flat-fielding, etc.) are the same as for calibration of CCD images, and the wavelength calibration is similar to that in optical spectroscopy. The final steps are specific to Fabry–Perot instruments, and include the fitting of several instrumental parameters and a phase correction to convert the raw ( x ,  y ,  z ) data cube into a useful position–velocity ( α ,  δ ,  v ) cube. Software has been written to assist with the latter steps of the data reduction. H α observations of NGC 1808, NGC 2442 and Circinus are used to demonstrate the reduction process.  相似文献   

We present William Herschel Telescope spectropolarimetry observations of a complete RA-limited sample of nine low-redshift  (0.05< z <0.2)  3CR radio sources in order to investigate the nature of the ultraviolet (UV) excess in nearby powerful radio galaxies. Of the nine galaxies studied in detail from this sample, we find that four show a measurable UV excess following nebular continuum subtraction, but none of the sources shows significant polarization in the UV. One of the radio galaxies with a UV excess – 3C 184.1 – shows evidence for broad permitted lines and hence direct active galactic nucleus (AGN) light. In the remaining three galaxies we argue that the most likely contributor to the UV excess is a young stellar component. For these three galaxies we find that the best-fitting model for the optical/UV continuum consists of a combination of an old stellar population  (10–15 Gyr  old elliptical galaxy) plus a reddened young stellar population  (0.05–2 Gyr)  . The reddened young stellar component typically accounts for half of the total flux at 4780 Å, following nebular continuum subtraction, and   E ( B - V )  values of between 0.2 and 0.7 mag are required. However, for the majority of sources in our sample (six out of nine), continuum modelling provides no evidence for a significant young stellar component in the nuclear regions of the host galaxies. Our results are discussed in the context of far-infrared evidence for star formation activity.  相似文献   

We extend our two previous studies on the existence of stable orbits in the Solar System by examining the domain between Jupiter and Saturn. We place (1) a massless object, (2) a Moon-mass object, (3) a Mars-mass object, (4) an Earth-mass object, and (5) a Uranus-mass object in the said region. Note that these objects are considered separately in the framework of our simulations. Our goal is to explore the orbital stability of those objects. We employ the Lie-integration method, which is fast and well established, allowing us to solve the respective differential equations for the N $$ N $$ -body system. Hence, we consider the celestial bodies spanning from Jupiter to Neptune, including the aforementioned test object, the main focus for our model simulations. The integrations indicate that in some models the test objects placed in the region between Jupiter and Saturn reside in that region for more than 600 Myr. Between 5 and 10 au, mean-motion resonances (MMRs) take place acting upon the test objects akin to simulations of Paper I and II. Our models indicate relatively small differences for the long-term stability of the five test objects notwithstanding their vastly different masses. Generally, it is found that between a ini = 7 . 04 $$ {a}_{\mathrm{ini}}=7.04 $$  and 7.13 au the orbits become unstable mostly within 5 million years and further out, that is, up to a ini = 7 . 29 $$ {a}_{\mathrm{ini}}=7.29 $$  au, the duration of stability lengthens to up to hundreds of millions of years.  相似文献   

We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array to image four southern luminous blue variable stars: AG Car, He3-519, HR Car and WRA 751, at wavelengths of 3 and 6 cm, and resolutions of 1 and 2 arcsec respectively. With the partial exception of HR Car, all radio images show an unresolved stellar core surrounded by a large ionized gaseous nebula, and agree well with published H α and [N  ii ] optical images. The image of WRA 751 shows a stellar torus or disc. HR Car's radio image is unusual, and seems best explained by the presence of a hot binary companion.  相似文献   

南极高原拥有独特的天文观测优势,为了对南极中山站夜天文观测条件进行实测研究,中国科学院云南天文台专门研制了一套具有耐低温、自动除雪除霜等适应南极气候特征的全自动全天信息采集系统,该系统可以提供实时的全天云量、天光背景和全天图像,并将信息推送到网页实时显示。介绍了系统的研制及为适应南极气候进行的耐低温实验,统计分析了中山站2016~2017年的全天信息数据,结果显示,中山站2016和2017年的可观测时间为772.21 h和437.38 h,可观测夜数为93 d和51 d,天光背景最大真实值为22.05 Mag/arcsec 2,年平均气温为-10.6℃,最高气温19.1℃,最低气温为-44℃,2016年平均相对湿度为55.2%。  相似文献   

We present the results of TRIFFID simultaneous V - and B -band observations of the cores of the globular clusters M15, M92 and NGC 6712. A variability search of their dense centres was made feasible through performing post-exposure image sharpening on the images, increasing the image resolution by a factor of ∼2. The isis implementation of the image subtraction technique developed by Alard & Lupton was then used to detect flux variations in our image sets. We have obtained periods for all observable variables (in our field of view) in NGC 6712 and we have found two new RR Lyrae variables (an RRab and an RRc). We have confirmed three variables in our field of view of the M92. For M15, we detect 48 variables in our field of view, 23 of which are new discoveries. We obtain periods and amplitudes for all variables and classify new ones based on the light-curve shape, the most significant period and the mean magnitude in the V band. Among the detected RR Lyrae we find 19 RRc, 12 RRab and two RRd types. In the subsequent analysis we find a marked increase in RRc over RRab variables in the core. In a refined procedure to search for fainter objects we find no dwarf novae in our field of view of M15. Simulations performed on the data set to quantify our sensitivity to such objects indicate that an upper limit of 10 dwarf novae (at 92 per cent probability) exist in our field of view. The implications this result has on globular clusters are discussed.  相似文献   

Difference imaging is a technique for obtaining precise relative photometry of variable sources in crowded stellar fields and, as such, constitutes a crucial part of the data reduction pipeline in surveys for microlensing events or transiting extrasolar planets. The Optimal Image Subtraction (OIS) algorithm of Alard & Lupton (1998) permits the accurate differencing of images by determining convolution kernels which, when applied to reference images with particularly good seeing and signal‐to‐noise (S/N), provide excellent matches to the point‐spread functions (PSF) in other images of the time series to be analysed. The convolution kernels are built as linear combinations of a set of basis functions, conventionally bivariate Gaussians modulated by polynomials. The kernel parameters, mainly the widths and maximal degrees of the basis function model, must be supplied by the user. Ideally, the parameters should be matched to the PSF, pixel‐sampling, and S/N of the data set or individual images to be analysed. We have studied the dependence of the reduction outcome as a function of the kernel parameters using our new implementation of OIS within the IDL‐based TRIPP package. From the analysis of noise‐free PSF simulations of both single objects and crowded fields, as well as the test images in the ISIS OIS software package, we derive qualitative and quantitative relations between the kernel parameters and the success of the subtraction as a function of the PSF widths and sampling in reference and data images and compare the results to those of other implementations found in the literature. On the basis of these simulations, we provide recommended parameters for data sets with different S/N and sampling. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract— Microfossils have been separated and identified in four high metamorphic grade chondrites from Allan Hills and Queen Alexandra Range, Antarctica. Diatoms and opal phytoliths representing both marine and terrestrial flora were recognized among the dust removed from cracks in all meteorites studied. It is likely that contamination of Antarctic meteorites with such biogenic material is ubiquitous. Standard clean room procedures to avoid laboratory introduction of microfossils into the meteorites were followed, and the genera and species identified so far are characteristic of marine, freshwater, and continental environments. The most probable mechanism for introduction of the microfossils into the meteorites is eolian transport to and on the polar ice cap. It is likely that wind-driven systems may sample atmospherically transported material from large portions of the southern hemisphere. Entrainment of terrestrial microfossils is probably a typical interaction of meteorites with the Antarctic environment and must be recognized and accounted for in any attempt to use Antarctic meteorites as sources of extraterrestrial life forms. Organic molecules derived from microfossils are likely to be pervasive throughout any crack network present in a meteorite at all scales from millimeter to submicron. Cracks are a ubiquitous consequence of weathering in and on the Antarctic ice and the probability that crack surfaces contain terrestrial organic materials is high.  相似文献   

Abstract— The recovery of large numbers of meteorites from Antarctica has dramatically increased the amount of extraterrestrial material available for laboratory studies of solar system origin and evolution. Yet, the great age of Antarctic meteorites raises the concern that significant amounts of terrestrial weathering has corrupted their pre‐terrestrial record. Organic matter found in carbonaceous chondrites is one of the components most susceptible to alteration by terrestrial processes. To assess the effects of Antarctic weathering on both non‐Antarctic and Antarctic chondritic organic matter, a number of CM chondrites have been analyzed. Mössbauer spectroscopy has been used to ascertain pre‐terrestrial and terrestrial oxidation levels, while pyrolysis‐gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry was used to determine the constitution of any organic matter present. Increased oxidation levels for iron bearing minerals within the non‐Antarctic chondrites are likely to be a response to increased amounts of parent body aqueous alteration. Parent body processing also appears to remove ether bonds from organic material and alkyl side chains from its constituent units. The iron in Antarctic chondrites is generally more oxidized than that in their non‐Antarctic counterparts, reflecting terrestrial weathering. Antarctic weathering of chondritic organic matter appears to proceed in a similar way to parent body aqueous alteration and simply enhances the organic responses observed in the non‐Antarctic data set. Degradation of the record of preterrestrial processes in Antarctic chondrites should be taken into account when interpreting data from these meteorites.  相似文献   

We describe the source subtraction strategy and observations for the extended Very Small Array (VSA), a cosmic microwave background interferometer operating at 33 GHz. A total of 453 sources were monitored at 33 GHz using a dedicated source subtraction baseline. 131 sources brighter than 20 mJy were directly subtracted from the VSA visibility data. Some characteristics of the subtracted sources, such as spectra and variability, are discussed. The 33-GHz source counts are estimated from a sample selected at 15 GHz. The selection of VSA fields in order to avoid bright sources introduces a bias into the observed counts. This bias is corrected and the resulting source count is estimated to be complete in the flux-density range 20–114 mJy. The 33-GHz source counts are used to calculate a correction to the VSA power spectrum for sources below the subtraction limit.  相似文献   

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