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R. J. Huggett 《地球表面变化过程与地形》1989,14(5):433-442
The bombardment of the oceans by asteroids and comets leads to the propagation of very large waves—superwaves. On approaching continental margins, superwaves may grow to heights large enough to spill on to the land, flooding extensive areas of continental lowland. The waters from these superfloods, in running back to the sea, would be capable of carrying out enormous amounts of work, possibly diverting rivers, cutting gorges, forming valley meanders, and leading to the widespread aggradation of coarse deposits produced by incoming superwaves stripping the soil and regolith cover and denuding weathered bedrock. Calculations of the magnitude and frequency of superfloods, based on current asteroidal impact rates, indicate that the superflooding of continental margins, including the British Isles, could have occurred several times since the start of the Pliocene. Thus, there seems to be a case for reviving some of the views of the old diluvialists, and exploring the worth of neodiluvialism as a system of Earth surface history. 相似文献
Dyah I. Kusumastuti Murugesu Sivapalan Iain Struthers David A. Reynolds 《Advances in water resources》2008,31(12):1651-1661
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the effects of spatial organization of lake chains and associated storage thresholds upon lake-overflow behaviour, and specifically their impact upon large scale flow connectivity and the flood frequency of lake overflows. The analysis was carried out with the use of a multiple bucket model of the lake chain system, consisting of a network of both lakes and associated catchment areas, which explicitly incorporated within it three storage thresholds: a catchment field capacity threshold that governs catchment subsurface stormflow, a total storage capacity threshold that governs catchment surface runoff, and a lake storage capacity threshold that determines lake overflow. The model is driven by rainfall inputs generated by a stochastic rainfall model that is able to capture rainfall variability at a wide range of time scales. The study is used to gain insights into the process controls of lake-overflow generation, and in particular, to explore the crucial role of factors relating to lake organization, such as the average catchment area to lake area (AC/AL) ratio and the distribution of AC/AL with distance in the downstream direction (increasing or decreasing). The study showed that the average AC/AL value was the most important factor determining the frequency of occurrence and magnitude of floods from a landscape consisting of lake chains. The larger the average AC/AL value the more runoff is generated from catchments thus increasing both the occurrence and magnitude of lake overflows. In this case the flood frequency curve reflects that of the catchment area, and lake organization does not play an important role. When AC/AL is small the landscape is lake dominated, the spatial organization of lakes has a significant impact on lake connectivity, and consequently on flood frequency. One of the aspects of lake organization that may have a significant influence on lake connectivity is the spatial distribution of AC/AL from upstream to downstream (increasing or decreasing). In a landscape in which AC/AL increases downstream, lake overflow will occur more frequently relative to a similar landscape (i.e. identical AC/AL) with a constant value of AC/AL. When AC/AL decreases downstream, however, runoff inputs from the upstream parts will trigger lake overflow in the downstream parts, and consequently, full connectivity may be achieved leading to increased flood frequencies. 相似文献
The relationship between the slip activity and occurrence of historical earthquakes along the Median Tectonic Line (MTL), together with that of the fault systems extending eastward has been examined. The MTL is divided into three segments, each containing diagnostic active faults. No historical earthquakes have been recorded along the central segment, although the segment has faster Quaternary slip rates compared with the other segments that have generated historical earthquakes. This discrepancy between earthquake generation and slip rate can be explained by a microplate model of southwest Japan. The microplate model also provides spatial and temporal coupling of slip on adjacent fault systems. In the context of this model, slip on adjacent faults reduces the normal stress on the MTL. Historical data and paleoseismic evidence indicate that slip on this segment occurs without significant strong ground motion. We interpret this as indicating anomalously slow seismic slip or aseismic slip. Slip on the central segment of the MTL creates transpressional regions at the eastern and western segments where historical earthquakes were recorded. Alternatively, the earthquakes at the eastern and western segments were triggered and concentrated shear stress at the edge of the segments resulted in postseismic slip along the central segment. The sequence of historical events suggests that the MTL characteristically does not produce great earthquakes. The microplate model also provides a tectonic framework for coupling of events among the MTL, the adjacent fault systems and the Nankai trough. 相似文献
A new rule is presented to estimate strength-reduction factors in single-degree-of-freedom elastoplastic oscillators, in which reduction factors depend only on displacement elastic spectra, so they are not an explicit function of structural period. It is found that the proposed rule yields good results when applied to accelerograms recorded in firm and soft soils, and for damping ratios of 2, 5 and 10 per cent of the critical. It is shown that the proposed reduction rule is more general than others previously published, and at least as accurate. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
China Seismic Experimental Site (CSES) deals with a long-term process of development of a multidisciplinary technical system. In the construction, maintenance, and upgrading of CSES, ideas of systems engineering play an important role. This article discusses several concepts which might be useful for CSES, including system metaphor, system performance evaluation, and system design. 相似文献
The effect of the modifications of the threshold values generally adopted for the five EcoQ (Ecological Quality) classes recognized by the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) for the most used benthic indicators and diversity indicators (AMBI, BENTIX, BOPA, BQI, H', ITI and M-AMBI) were studied to test whether it is possible to obtain the same or similar ecological classifications for transitional waters using these different indicators, and determine whether the current classifications can be improved. The analysis included: (i) the use of indicator equations, (ii) the use of reference indicators, and (iii) the use of indicator distribution laws. These investigations demonstrated that it was impossible to obtain an exact intercalibration of the ecological classifications with the selected indicators. However, some propositions to improve the actual classification were suggested. 相似文献
This paper addresses the issue of system identification for linear structural systems using earthquake induced time histories of the structural response. The proposed methodology is based on the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) and on the Observer/Kalman filter IDentification (OKID) approach to perform identification of structural systems using general input–output data via Markov parameters. The efficiency of the proposed technique is shown by numerical examples for the case of eight-storey building finite element models subjected to earthquake excitation and by the analysis of the data from the dynamic response of the Vincent-Thomas cable suspension bridge (Long Beach, CA) recorded during the Whittier and the Northridge earthquakes. The effects of noise in the measurements and of inadequate instrumentation are investigated. It is shown that the identified models show excellent agreement with the real systems in predicting the structural response time histories when subjected to earthquake-induced ground motion. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Comparative analysis of fuzzy inference systems for water consumption time series prediction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Two types of fuzzy inference systems (FIS) are used for predicting municipal water consumption time series. The FISs used include an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and a Mamdani fuzzy inference systems (MFIS). The prediction models are constructed based on the combination of the antecedent values of water consumptions. The performance of ANFIS and MFIS models in training and testing phases are compared with the observations and the best fit model is identified according to the selected performance criteria. The results demonstrated that the ANFIS model is superior to MFIS models and can be successfully applied for prediction of water consumption time series. 相似文献
通过对多自由度体系结构在地震作用下的能量分析,考虑地震动因素和结构自身特性,提出一种框架结构地震总输入能量的简化求解方法.实例计算结果表明:基于等效单自由度体系来估计多自由度体系的地震总输入能,是一种计算简便且较为准确的方法. 相似文献
Multi-agent systems for simulating spatial decision behaviors and land-use dynamics 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Anthony Gar-On Yeh 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2006,49(11):1184-1194
A new method to simulate urban land-use dynamics is proposed based on multi-agent systems (MAS). The model consists of a series of environmental layers and multi-agent layers, which can interact with each other. It attempts to explore the interactions between different players or agents, such as residents, property developers, and governments, and between these players and the envi- ronment. These interactions can give rise to urban macro-spatial patterns. This model is used to simulate the land-use dynamics of the Haizhu district of Guangzhou City in 1995―2004. Cellular automata (CA) were also used for the simulation of land use changes as a comparison. The study indicates that MAS has better performance for simulating complex cities than CA. 相似文献
Kenneth J. Gregory Stuart N. Lane John Lewin Philip J. Ashworth Peter W. Downs Michael J. Kirkby Heather A. Viles 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2014,39(4):476-486
The British Society for Geomorphology (BSG), established as the British Geomorphological Research Group (BGRG) in 1960, is considering how best to represent geomorphology and geomorphologists in the light of recent changes in the nature of communication. These changes provide the BSG and other academic societies with challenges and opportunities. Seven drivers of communication change are outlined: the changing position of geomorphology in higher education, the nature of academic interaction, the means of communication available, a transformation in the nature of geomorphological research, changes in funding support, the government role in resource allocation, and developments in quantifying international research impact. Challenges arising from changing communications are identified as occurring beyond the ‘academy’, in the nature of publication within the ‘academy’, and associated with meetings of the ‘academy’. Although national societies now have to contemplate significantly different purposes to provide for their members than in the twentieth century, there are opportunities available that cannot be fulfilled by international organizations alone. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Within and beyond academia, debates around equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) have been gathering pace. We focus on EDI and geomorphology and address four main questions: (1) why does EDI matter for geomorphology?; (2) what are the barriers to greater EDI in geomorphology?; (3) how can we address these EDI barriers?; (4) can we ensure a resilient future for geomorphology by addressing EDI? At a time of critical environmental, social and economic transition, we contend that addressing EDI is essential for ensuring a resilient geomorphology, defined here as a discipline that is seen to be adapting to these changing external circumstances so that it remains relevant, vibrant and accessible to a wide cross-section of society. Not doing so will limit the intellectual development of geomorphology, incur reputational risk for geomorphological groups and organizations like the British Society for Geomorphology, and ensure that the many potential benefits of geomorphology for science and society remain underutilized at best. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Integrated ebb-aligned drainage systems are a feature of tide-dominated marshes, and are generally regarded as major conduits for material exchange. In north Norfolk, highly unsteady creek flows exhibit well-developed velocity and stress transients which result from the discontinuous nature of the tidal prism and the interaction of shallow water tidal inputs with hydraulically rough vegetated surfaces. Marsh morphological development is governed by a form-process feedback, in the sense that the marsh surface acts as a topographic threshold separating the depositional regime of below-marsh tides from the erosional (ebb-dominated) regime of over-marsh tides. Vertical marsh growth results in increasing intermittency of creek sediment transport. Furthermore, velocity transients are associated with large discharges which must be allowed for in material flux computations. Creek flux measurements are not in themselves sufficient to estimate total material budgets, since a large proportion of tidal exchange may take place via the marsh edge. Such studies should focus instead on direct measurement of marsh surface processes. These findings have relevance beyond this back-barrier setting to marshes of different geometry, occupying a broad range of the tidal energy spectrum. 相似文献
地震仪器是地球物理勘探的核心装备,伴随地震勘探技术的进步,几年即可推出一代新设备。近年来,随着节点技术的发展,节点地震采集系统逐步应用在各个领域,且效果较好。结合地球物理勘探技术的发展需求,介绍主流陆地节点地震仪器的特点与应用,分析存在的问题及改进方向,希望促进对节点仪器的了解和应用。 相似文献
Dionisio Bernal 《地震工程与结构动力学》1999,28(11):1295-1308
Formulation of a frequency-domain substructure approach for the analysis of secondary systems is presented. The total system contemplated includes the primary structure, the secondary system, and the foundation medium, which is also treated as a substructure. A dynamic stiffness matrix in physical co-ordinates characterizes each one of the substructures. Elimination of the internal degrees of freedom of the primary structure prior to assembly of the equations for the coupled system is carried out with the aid of a truncated set of unconstrained normal modes. Accounting for the residual static flexibility of the truncated modes obviates potential problems of rank deficiency resulting from modal truncation. The formulation contemplates an arbitrary multi-component scattered motion at the soil–structure interface and imposes no limitations on the configuration of the primary or the secondary system. Connectivity between the systems is treated as an arbitrary linear relation between selected co-ordinates in each substructure. This feature is shown to be useful for modelling the commonly encountered situation where secondary systems are attached to torsionally eccentric structures. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper uses an associative memory approach to identify the properties of structural and mechanical systems. The methodology differs from standard identification methods in that it uses a set of parameter vectors simultaneously to generate the estimated parameter vector. The method develops a technique for sequentially generating genetically engineered relevant parameter vectors whose use results in accurate identification, while still using small data sets. This makes the approach promising for on-line, rapid, identification of structures and their health monitoring. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Multiple criteria decision making and decision support systems for flood risk management 总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1
Jason K. Levy 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》2005,19(6):438-447
Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) is a collection of methodologies to compare, select, or rank multiple alternatives
that typically involve incommensurate attributes. MCDM is well-suited for eliciting and modeling the flood preferences of
stakeholders and for improving the coordination among flood agencies, organizations and affected citizens. A flood decision
support system (DSS) architecture is put forth that integrates the latest advances in MCDM, remote sensing, GIS, hydrologic
models, and real-time flood information systems. The analytic network process (ANP) is discussed with application to short-term
flood management options for the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. It is shown that DSS and MCDM can improve flood risk
planning and management under uncertainty by providing data displays, analytical results, and model output to summarize critical
flood information. 相似文献
Ivan de Araújo Simões-Filho 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1996,148(3-4):625-635
The difference in travel times between split shear waves (travel-time splitting) in anisotropic media depends on nine combinations of the density normalized elastic parameters (the birefringence parameters). These combinations are all zero in isotropic media, where there is no shear-wave splitting. The number of nonzero birefringence parameters increases with decreasing symmetry elements in the medium: from one in cubic media to nine in triclinic media.The birefringence parameters may be recovered from travel-time splitting observations. Their azimuthal behavior may then be interpreted in terms of crack orientation (strike and dip directions). 相似文献
D. G. Taimazov 《Seismic Instruments》2009,45(1):75-77
A solution to the problem of the high-precision measurement of minor displacements with a capacitance transducer by special selection of its plate configurations is proposed. For relevant parameters of geophysical devices, the calculation accuracy of a displacement transducer is ±0.1 nm within the ±100-mm range. 相似文献
Richard Dawson Jim Hall Paul Sayers Paul Bates Corina Rosu 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》2005,19(6):388-402
A dike system of moderate size has a large number of potential system states, and the loading imposed on the system is inherently
random. If the system should fail, in one of its many potential failure modes, the topography of UK floodplains is usually
such that hydrodynamic modelling of flood inundation is required to generate realistic estimates of flood depth and hence
damage. To do so for all possible failure states may require 1,000s of computationally expensive inundation simulations. A
risk-based sampling technique is proposed in order to reduce the computational resources required to estimate flood risk.
The approach is novel in that the loading and dike system states (obtained using a simplified reliability analysis) are sampled
according to the contribution that a given region of the space of basic variables makes to risk. The methodology is demonstrated
in a strategic flood risk assessment for the city of Burton-upon-Trent in the UK. 5,000 inundation model simulations were
run although it was shown that the flood risk estimate converged adequately after approximately half this number. The case
study demonstrates that, amongst other factors, risk is a complex function of loadings, dike resistance, floodplain topography
and the spatial distribution of floodplain assets. The application of this approach allows flood risk managers to obtain an
improved understanding of the flooding system, its vulnerabilities and the most efficient means of allocating resource to
improve performance. It may also be used to test how the system may respond to future external perturbations. 相似文献