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Salt marsh cliff erosion in the Oosterschelde, due to basal scour and small-scale failure, was monitored during a two-year period using reference stakes. The composite marsh cliffs have a cantilever profile. Their stability is evaluated from beam failure analysis. A model is proposed, in which the cantilever weight is taken as the motive force; the major resistive force is the tensile strength. By substituting height, undermining width and soil mechanical properties of the cliff in the model, one can identify the cliffs that are likely to fail. Salt marsh cliffs, which combine a large tensile strength due to roots at the top of the profile with a large compressive stress at the cliff base due to the sandy texture of the subsoil, display the highest resistance to beam failure. The critical cliff dimensions, observed in the field, correspond with the values calculated from the proposed model of beam failure.  相似文献   

Tafoni and honeycomb weathering are abundant in sandstones at Capitol Reef National Park. Cavities are particularly common in talus blocks resting on alkali-rich soil, in vertical walls of desert washes, and in sandstones containing calcareous cement. Chemical analyses, X-ray diffraction data, and field observations suggest that salt weathering is the most important cause of disintegration, but dissolution of calcite cement also occurs in calcareous sandstones. Cavernous weathering at Capitol Reef produces cavities similar in appearance to features found in arkose outcrops along the coast of northwest Washington, even though the environmental conditions at these two locations are very different.  相似文献   

Duricrusts are an important landscape component of the Kalahari region of central southern Africa. Their exposures within the dry valleys (mekgacha) of the Kalahari provide some of the most widespread surface outcrops of the terrestrial Jurassic to Holocene Kalahari Group sediments. Exposures have been extensively used in the construction of lithostrati-graphic sequences, on the assumption that valley systems have incised their courses through a pre-existing duricrust sequence. Recent work, however, has identified the role of groundwater erosion processes in valley development, which may have influenced duricrust formation. Studies of duricrusts from boreholes drilled within two mekgacha show that duricrust type is intrinsically related to the presence of a valley. Analyses of calcretes and silcretes in a series of profiles and thin sections from the Letlhakeng area of Botswana also indicate extensive alteration and diagenesis in association with former higher water tables. Sedimentary sequences within duricrust host materials can be identified but there is no evidence for correlation of duricrust cements between exposures. Profile studies from the Auob Valley in Namibia, however, suggest that this valley has incised through a sequence of duricrusts. Caution is advised in future attempts to correlate duricrust types on the basis of valley exposures, with the recommendation that where such exposures are used in a lithostratigraphic context, only duricrust host material characteristics and not cementing materials should be considered.  相似文献   

‘The wick effect’ is the upward migration of saline solutions into rocks and their subsequent crystallization. Lower Carboniferous sandstone blocks of rectangular shape have been subjected to this process in the laboratory using a range of salt types, a range of salt concentrations, and various mixtures of salts. Some treatments produced severe disintegration, notably sodium carbonate and a mixture of sodium carbonate with magnesium sulphate, whereas other salts (including sodium chloride and gypsum) were much less effective. The debris produced by this experimental salt weathering included appreciable quantities of silt-sized material, which were analysed with a laser granulometer. Such material could provide a source for desert loess.  相似文献   

The thermal energy balance and the temperature profile of the Hakone volcano are considered quantitatively. Across the Hakone volcano and its surroundings the heat flow values vary from 10–1 to 103 mW/m2, due to thermal conduction and mass flow involving volcanic steam and hot spring discharge. An area with extremely low heat flow is observed in the western side of the caldera showing the presence of percolating meteoric water. The hydrothermal activity is intense in the eastern half of the caldera.The total heat discharge from the high temperature zone (discharge area) of the Hakone volcano amounts to 11.0×107 W. The magmatic steam energy discharge is 95.0×106 W. The thermal energy by redistribution of the terrestrial heat flow by the lateral deep ground water flow is calculated to be 9.00×106 W. For the model having the vertical vent in the volcano's central part up to 1 km depth below the ground surface from a magma reservoir the computed temperature distribution is consistent with the observed values. The depth of the magma reservoir is 7 km below the ground surface and the diameter is 5 km.  相似文献   

火山区台站观测的地震波分析与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以长白山天池台记录的地震P、S波及腾冲台记录的地脉动资料为基础,分析研究了火山区台站观测的地震波在微震监测与分析、火山地震类型判别、火山区介质非均匀性与各向异性分析以及地震预报与火山喷发监测在预报中的应用.  相似文献   

Two major fluvial terrace surfaces, and four less significant surfaces, are identified by aerial photographic interpretation, field mapping and levelling on one c. 2 km long reach of the upper Bowmont Water, an upland stream draining the northern Cheviot Hills, Scotland. The oldest terrace surface remains undated. Cartographic, radiocarbon and palynological dating suggest that later terraces formed very recently, within the last 250 years, with the most prominent terrace fill having aggraded in the 18th century. Incision below this terrace surface is dated to approximately the end of the 18th century, correlated with channel trenching at other sites in the region. Detailed palaeoecological and documentary evidence is used to examine whether climatic or land-use changes might have instigated aggradation, and a link with increased precipitation and flooding during part of the ‘Little Ice Age’ is suggested.  相似文献   

Pyroclastic flows from the 1991 eruption of Unzen volcano,Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pyroclastic flows from Unzen were generated by gravitational collapse of the growing lava dome. As soon as the parental lobe failed at the edge of the dome, spontaneous shattering of lava occurred and induced a gravity flow of blocks and finer debris. The flows had a overhanging, tongue-like head and cone- or rollershaped vortices expanding outward and upward. Most of the flows traveled from 1 to 3 km, but some flows reached more than 4 km, burning houses and killing people in the evacuated zone of Kita-kamikoba on the eastern foot of the volcano. The velocities of the flows ranged from 15 to 25 m/s on the gentle middle flank. Observations of the flows and their deposits suggest that they consisted of a dense basal avalanche and an overlying turbulent ash cloud. The basal avalanche swept down a topographic low and formed to tongue-like lobe having well-defined levees; it is presumed to have moved as a non-Newtonian fluid. The measured velocities and runout distances of the flows can be matched to a Bingham model for the basal avalanche by the addition of turbulent resistance. The rheologic model parameters for the 29 May flow are as follows: the density is 1300 kg/m3, the yield strength is 850 Pa, the viscosity is 90 Pa s, and the thickness of the avalanche is 2 m. The ash cloud is interpreted as a turbulent mixing layer above the basal avalanche. The buoyant portions of the cloud produced ash-fall deposits, whereas the dense portions moved as a surge separated from the parental avalanche. The ash-cloud surges formed a wide devastated zone covered by very thin debris. The initial velocities of the 3 June surges, when they detached from avalanches, are determined by the runout distance and the angle of the energy-line slope. A comparison between the estimated velocities of the 3 June avalanches and the surges indicates that the surges that extended steep slopes along the avalanche path, detached directly from the turbulent heads of the avalanches. The over-running surge that reached Kita-Kamikoba had an estimated velocity higher than that of the avalanche; this farther-travelled surge is presumed to have been generated by collapse of a rising ash-cloud plume.  相似文献   

长白山天池火山地震观测以来,记到了许多微小地震,对此,引起了许多专家们的关注。本文通过几年来观测到的资料分类和比较研究,对长白山天池火山地震波形特征进行详细的剖析,把长白山地震波形分成两大类,从第一类波形中找出反射波特征。  相似文献   

The first sign of magma accumulating beneath Miyakejima, an island volcano in the northern Izu islands, Japan, came at around 18:00 on 26 June 2000, when a swarm of earthquakes was detected by a volcano seismic network on the island. Earthquakes occurred initially beneath the southwest flank near the summit and gradually migrated west of the island, where a submarine eruption occurred the next morning. Earthquakes then migrated further to the northwest between Miyakejima and Kozushima, another volcanic island and developed to the most intense earthquake swarm ever observed in and around Japanese archipelago. To better image how the initial magma intrusion occurred, we relocated hypocenters by using a station-correction method and a double-difference method. The relocated epicenters are generally concentrated near the upper bound of dyke intrusions inferred from geodetic studies throughout the initial stages of the 2000 eruption at Miyakejima from 26 to 27 June 2000. As for seismic activity westward off Miyakejima in the morning on 27 June, hypocenters from both a nationwide seismic network that were relocated by the double-difference method, and those from the volcano seismic network relocated by the station-correction method, formed a very shallow cluster that ascended slowly with time as it propagated northwestward from Miyakejima. This suggests that the dykes have both a radial and upward component of movement.Editorial responsibility: S. Nakada, T. Druitt  相似文献   

A new continuous monitoring system has been developed for the measurement of volcanic gas from the steam well located 3 km north from the summit of Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan. After removing the water vapor using three sequential dehydration methods, CO2 and SO2 contents are measured using IR sensors, and O2 and H2 using a zirconia sensor and a semiconductor sensor, respectively. This system has been in operation without any significant trouble for 3 years.The dehydrated volcanic gas from the well consists of a mixture of CO2, O2 and N2. A decreasing trend of the CO2 content was observed from 1995 to 1998 together with a decrease of volcanic activity. Seasonal changes have also been observed in CO2 and O2 contents, CO2 being higher and O2 lower in summer, which suggests larger contribution of magmatic components in summer. While changes in short-term variation in CO2 and O2 are influenced by atmospheric pressure changes; the CO2 content correlates inversely with atmospheric pressure unlike O2 with some hours delay. In contrast, the H2 content increased intermittently up to 1200 ppm one to several hours after a sudden drop in the atmospheric pressure and without any apparent correlation with seasonal changes.This system allows us to study temporal variation in chemical composition of volcanic gas during quiescent periods of volcanic activity of Izu-Oshima volcano, and might help us detect anomalous changes before future eruptive events.  相似文献   

Seasonal snowpack dynamics are described through field measurements under contrasting canopy conditions for a mountainous catchment in the Japan Sea region. Microclimatic data, snow accumulation, albedo and lysimeter runoff are given through the complete winter season 2002–03 in (1) a mature cedar stand, (2) a larch stand, and (3) a regenerating cedar stand or opening. The accumulation and melt of seasonal snowpack strongly influences streamflow runoff during December to May, including winter baseflow, mid‐winter melt, rain on snow, and diurnal peaks driven by radiation melt in spring. Lysimeter runoff at all sites is characterized by constant ground melt of 0·8–1·0 mm day−1. Rapid response to mid‐winter melt or rainfall shows that the snowpack remains in a ripe or near‐ripe condition throughout the snow‐cover season. Hourly and daily lysimeter discharge was greatest during rain on snow (e.g. 7 mm h−1 and 53 mm day−1 on 17 December) with the majority of runoff due to rainfall passing through the snowpack as opposed to snowmelt. For both rain‐on‐snow and radiation melt events lysimeter discharge was generally greatest at the open site, although there were exceptions such as during interception melt events. During radiation melt instantaneous discharge was up to 4·0 times greater in the opening compared with the mature cedar, and 48 h discharge was up to 2·5 times greater. Perhaps characteristic of maritime climates, forest interception melt is shown to be important in addition to sublimation in reducing snow accumulation beneath dense canopies. While sublimation represents a loss from the catchment water balance, interception melt percolates through the snowpack and contributes to soil moisture during the winter season. Strong differences in microclimate and snowpack albedo persisted between cedar, larch and open sites, and it is suggested further work is needed to account for this in hydrological simulation models. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

13.8ka以来内蒙古吉兰泰盐湖的演化过程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过系统分析吉兰泰盐湖JLT-2010孔蒸发盐类矿物、碳酸盐矿物、碎屑岩矿物等,结合AMS14C测年获得的年代序列,研究该湖13.8 ka以来的演化过程.结果表明:吉兰泰盐湖13.8-11.7 cal ka BP期间水体较淡;11.7-10.2 cal ka BP期间湖泊开始萎缩、咸化,进入咸水湖阶段;10.2-5.5 cal ka BP期间湖泊进入硫酸盐沉积阶段,其中9.0-8.2 cal ka BP经历了一个明显的淡化过程;5.5 cal ka BP以来,湖泊成盐作用进一步加强,由前期的硫酸盐沉积转变为氯化物沉积,其中3.7-2.0 cal ka BP达到全面氯化物沉积阶段,2.0-1.7 cal ka BP又经历了一个短暂而明显的淡化过程;目前,该盐湖已进入干盐湖发展阶段.总体而言,吉兰泰盐湖蒸发盐类矿物主要是在全新世增温的背景条件下逐步萎缩形成的,由于区域性干旱气候的持续影响,吉兰泰盐湖逐步萎缩、咸化,进而析盐.  相似文献   

The Hakusan volcano, central Japan, is located in a region where two subducting plates (the Pacific Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate) overlap near the junction of four plates adjacent to the Japanese Islands (the Pacific Plate, the Philippine Sea Plate, the Eurasia Plate, and the North American Plate). The Hakusan volcano consists of products from four major volcanic episodes: Kagamuro, Ko‐hakusan, and Shin‐Hakusan I and II. To date the eruption events of the Hakusan volcano we applied thermoluminescence and fission track methods. 238U(234U)–230Th disequilibrium and 206Pb/238U methods were applied to date the zircon crystallization ages for estimating the magma residence time before the eruptions. The eruption ages we obtained are ca 250 ka for Kagamuro, ca 100 ka and ca 60 ka for Ko‐Hakusan, ca 50 ka for Shin‐Hakusan I, and <10 ka for Shin‐Hakusan II. They are concordant with previous reports based on K–Ar dating. Some of the pyroclastic rocks, possibly originating from Shin‐Hakusan II activities, are dated to be ca 36 ka or 50 ka, and belong to the Shin‐Hakusan I activity. The zircon crystallization ages show several clusters prior to eruption. The magma residence time was estimated for each volcanic activity by comparing the major crystallization events and eruption ages, and we found a gradual decrease from ca. 500 ky for the Kagamuro activity to ca. 5 ky for the Shin‐Hakusan II activity. This decrease in residence time may be responsible for the decrease in volume of erupted material estimated from the current topography of the region. The scale of volcanic activity, which was deduced from the number of crystallized zircons, is more or less constant throughout the Hakusan volcanic activity. Therefore, the decrease in magma residence time is most likely the result of stress field change.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the late Quaternary landscape evolution in the Chifeng region of Inner Mongolia, China, its relations to the history of the Pleistocene‐Holocene loess accumulation, erosion and redeposition, and their impact on human occupation. Based on 57 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of loess sediments, fluvial sand and floodplain deposits accumulated on the hill slopes and floodplains, we conclude that during most of the Pleistocene period the region was blanketed by a thick layer of aeolian loess, as well as by alluvial and fluvial deposits. The loess section is divided into two main units that are separated by unconformity. The OSL ages at the top of the lower reddish loess unit yielded an approximate age of 193 ka, roughly corresponding to the transition from MIS 7 to 6, though they could be older. The upper gray loess unit accumulated during the upper Pleistocene glacial phase (MIS 4–3) at a mean accumulation rate of 0·22 m/ka. Parallel to the loess accumulation on top of the hilly topography, active fans were operating during MIS 4–2 at the outlet of large gullies surrounding the major valley at a mean accumulation rate of 0·24 m/ka. This co‐accumulation indicates that gullies have been a long‐term geomorphic feature at the margins of the Gobi Desert since at least the middle Pleistocene. During the Holocene, the erosion of the Pleistocene loess on the hills led to the burial of the valley floors by the redeposited sediments at a rate that decreases from 3·2 m/ka near the hills to 1–0·4 m/ka1 in the central part of the Chifeng Valley. This rapid accumulation and the frequent shifts of the courses of the river prevented the construction of permanent settlements in the valley floors, a situation which changed only with improved man‐made control of the local rivers from the tenth century AD. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The vesiculation of magma during the 1983 eruption of Miyakejima Volcano, Japan, is discussed based on systematic investigations of water content, vesicularity, and bubble size distribution for the products. The eruption is characterized by simultaneous lava effusion and explosive sub-plinian (‘dry’) eruptions with phreatomagmatic (‘wet’) explosions. The magmas are homogeneous in composition (basaltic andesite) and in initial water content (H2O = 3.9±0.9 wt%), and residual groundmass water contents for all eruption styles are low (H2O <0.4 wt%) suggestive of extensive dehydration of magma. For the scoria erupted during simultaneous ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ explosive eruptions, inverse correlation was observed between vesicularity and residual water content. This relation can be explained by equilibrium exsolution and expansion of ca. 0.3 wt% H2O at shallow level with different times of quenching, and suggests that each scoria with different vesicularity, which was quenched at a different time, provides a snapshot of the vesiculation process near the point of fragmentation. The bubble size distribution (BSD) varies systematically with vesicularity, and total bubble number density reaches a maximum value at vesicularity Φ ∼ 0.5. At Φ  ∼ 0.5, a large number of bubbles are connected with each other, and the average thickness of bubble walls reaches the minimum value below which they would rupture. These facts suggest that vesiculation advanced by nucleation and growth of bubbles when Φ < 0.5, and then by expansion of large bubbles with coalescence of small ones for Φ > 0.5, when bubble connection becomes effective. Low vesicularity and low residual water content of lava and spatter (Φ  < 0.1, H2O  < 0.1 wt%), and systematic decrease in bubble number density from scoria through spatter to lava with decrease in vesicularity suggest that effusive eruption is a consequence of complete degassing by bubble coalescence and separation from magma at shallow levels when magma ascent rate is slow.
T. ShimanoEmail:

Using a 3D simulation model with a rate- and state-dependent friction law, Kuroki et al. (2002) discussed a process of a hypothetical great earthquake in the Tokai region, where the Philippine Sea plate subducts beneath the Eurasian plate. One of the main concerns was characteristic changes in volumetric strain and displacement on the ground surface which are caused by the evolution of the coupling between the two plates, i.e. evolution of a strongly coupled region between the plates which results in a preslip of the earthquake.In the present paper we discuss other observable phenomena which might help us to identify the stage of the coupling. The preslip of the earthquake could be more effectively detected by using full information about the change of strain rather than volumetric strain alone; the change in rotation angle of principal strain axes should amount to several tens of degrees while the order of the change in volumetric strain is 10−8 to 10−7 for 1 day before the earthquake. The spatial pattern of the displacement field on the ground surface provides us with information on the intermediate-term precursory changes in the plate coupling. Information given by micro-earthquakes is less direct. The seismicity should change considerably when a highly shear-stressed ring on the plate interface passes nearby, and ups and downs of seismicity rate will be estimated by Coulomb failure stress. On the other hand, focal mechanisms are rather insensitive to the progress of plate subduction. The changes may be not significant even at the time of the preslip. The interplate coupling yields a stress field that should produce reverse fault type mechanisms, but the stress field is modulated by a curved shape of the plate interface. Superposition of a regional tectonic stress to this field explains observed spatial distribution of focal mechanisms in the Tokai region which involve large strike-slip components.  相似文献   

The Neogene marine sedimentary rock area in the eastern marginal region of the Japan Sea is an area with some of the highest landslide densities in Japan. Some of the landslides in this area have been known to involve saline groundwater, which can be the cause of these landslides. In order to demonstrate the relationships between landslides and saline water, topographic, geological, groundwater, and electromagnetic surveys were performed in the eastern marginal region of the Japan Sea. Many landslides and gravitational slope deformations with linear depressions and small scarps were recognized in the study area. The resistivity profile obtained by an electromagnetic survey suggests that there is a wide zonal distribution of saline water with salt concentrations equivalent to seawater at depths of 50–100 m or more and that the groundwater shallower than 50 m has an electrical conductivity of less than 100 mS/m. The shallow resistive groundwater is inferred to be meteoric water that replaced the saline groundwater, which likely weakened the bedrock, resulting in landslides. A ridge of competent tuff overlying mudstone has many linear depressions from gravitational slope deformation and low‐resistivity water to a depth of 600 m, which suggests that the mudstone was weakened by water replacement and deformed under the tuff caprock. The saline groundwater is inferred to be fossil seawater trapped in pores during sediment deposition, which is brought near the ground surface along with rocks by tectonic movement in the hills. Thus, the saline water and its fresh water replacement are among the important basic causes of the landslides. The oil well data obtained in the eastern marginal region of the Japan Sea suggest that such saline water replacement has occurred widely and that replacement is likely one of the predispositions for the frequent landslides there.  相似文献   

流域范围内地表水和地下水转化对盐湖成盐元素的运移和富集具有十分重要的意义.本文通过尕斯库勒盐湖盆地内流域水体的水化学和B同位素特征识别了地表水和地下水之间的定量转化关系,在此基础上估算了流域中铀的补给通量.结果表明,流域水体中离子的分异除了蒸发浓缩作用之外,还受重力分异及掺杂作用的影响;上游库拉木勒克萨伊河和阿特阿特坎河水体在出山口附近转入地下并在中游补给地表水和地下水,其补给率分别占48.8%和51.2%,年均补给量分别为1.08×108和1.13×108m3/a;在中游至尾闾盐湖段,阿拉尔河和侧向补给对盐湖卤水的补给率占55.2%,深部水体的补给占44.8%;至少从5.7 ka以来,上游水体对盐湖卤水中铀的补给通量为4.11×103t,在湖积平原黏土沉积带以及祁漫塔格山前局部还原带可能具有较大规模的铀矿.研究结果有助于建立盐湖盆地水循环模式、揭示卤水资源形成机制;同时为尕斯库勒盐湖盆地水资源的高效利用和寻找铀矿提供理论依据和技术支持.  相似文献   

Abstract   The manned submersible Shinkai 2000 investigated yellow patches on the near-summit slope of Shiribeshi Seamount in the Japan Sea. Yellowish patches are often associated with seepage, and the possibility of seepage at Shiribeshi Seamount was tested by the following four lines of observation: (i) high subsurface temperature was measured at a ring-like patch, although no increase in subsurface temperature was observed at other patches; (ii) high gamma ray (γ-ray) intensity from the thorium series was recorded in the patch zone; (iii) the yellowish deposit was composed of calcite, quartz and amorphous iron compound, as seen at the yellowish patches in other seeps and volcanoes; (iv) lipid phosphate, a measure of microbial abundance, in sediments of the ring-like patch was determined, and the recorded microbial abundance was higher inside the patch than outside it. The four lines of observation are explained consistently by postulating that the seepage of warm fluid contained Fe and γ-ray sources. A hydrothermal origin of the yellow patches is not ruled out for the extinct but young (0.9 Ma) arc volcano.  相似文献   

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