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Rainfall and runoff were monitored simultaneously for one year from a residential road, a car park, nine sections of road draining to individual gullies, two house roofs, two garage roofs, and three types of factory roof. The sites, which included an automatic weather station, were in Redbourn, Hertfordshire on Flood Studies Report Soil Type 1. The 2906 quality controlled ‘station-storms’ represented 193 rain storms and involved 57.2 per cent of the annual rainfall. 1732 storms were of less than 1.4mm of rain, whilst 77 had over 10mm. The percentage runoff averaged 11.4 per cent for roads and 56.9 per cent for roofs (28.3 per cent and 90.4 per cent respectively for rainfalls >5mm). Percentage runoff from the roads was cyclic with a peak during the summer months but there was a marked variation in monthly percentage runoff within and between sites. Regression analysis to explain percentage runoff was undertaken with various subsets of data for: each site; roads; and roofs. The regression analysis considered all storms; >1 percent runoff events; >5mm rainfalls; and events with > = 4 mm rain and > = 5 per cent runoff. The variable values in percentage runoff could not be explained satisfactorily with statistical methods. Only eight of the 72 equations explained more than 57 per cent of the variance. The most important explanatory variables for roads were short term rainfall intensity and rainfall amount, the former was the most important for roofs. ‘Seasonal’ variables had a positive relation ship for roads which shows that the percentage runoff from roads is higher in summer than winter. The antecedent variables showed that percentage runoff from roads and roofs is increased by antecedent rainfall. Seasonal factors and evaporation were unimportant for the percentage runoff from roofs. Depression storage, assessed by examining rainfalls that did and did not produce runoff, showed a diversity of monthly values. The depression storages derived by the regression intercept method were usually smaller. There were no relationships between depression storage and catchment or roof slope. The mean values for roofs and roads respectively were 0.52 mm and 1.23 mm for the classification method and 0.42 mm and 0.6mm with the regression approach. Peak runoff from the roads showed an attenuation to 12.8 per cent for 1 minute rainfall intensities and 24.2 per cent for 5 minute intensities. For roofs the attenuation averaged 36.8 per cent for 1 minute intensities and 92.6 for 5 minute intensities. Regression for peak runoff coefficients from roofs and roads explained negligible amounts of the variance except when events with 1 minute rainfall intensities of over 30 mm hr?1 over the roads were analysed. Total rainfall was an important explanatory variable as was the slope of the road. There was evidence that peak coefficients for roads are greater during the summer. 相似文献