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The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) has made elevation data at 30 m spatial resolution freely available, enabling reinvestigation of morphometric relationships derived from limited field data using much larger sample sizes. These data are used to analyse a range of morphometric relationships derived for dunes (between dune height, spacing, and equivalent sand thickness) in the Namib Sand Sea, which was chosen because there are a number of extant studies that could be used for comparison with the results. The relative accuracy of GDEM for capturing dune height and shape was tested against multiple individual ASTER DEM scenes and against field surveys, highlighting the smoothing of the dune crest and resultant underestimation of dune height, and the omission of the smallest dunes, because of the 30 m sampling of ASTER DEM products. It is demonstrated that morphometric relationships derived from GDEM data are broadly comparable with relationships derived by previous methods, across a range of different dune types. The data confirm patterns of dune height, spacing and equivalent sand thickness mapped previously in the Namib Sand Sea, but add new detail to these patterns. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A discussion is presented about the mechanisms that govern the spatial and seasonal variability in sand-wave height and migration speed in the 4 km wide Marsdiep tidal inlet, the Netherlands. Since 1998, current velocities and water depths have been recorded with an ADCP that is mounted under the ferry ‘Schulpengat’. In this paper, the current measurements were used to explain the sand-wave observations presented in Buijsman and Ridderinkhof [this issue. Long-term evolution of sand waves in the Marsdiep inlet. I: high-resolution observations. Continental Shelf Research, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2007.10.011]. Across nearly the entire inlet, the sand waves migrate in the flood direction. In the flood-dominated southern part of the inlet, the ‘measured’ (i.e. based on sand-wave shape and migration speed) and predicted bedload transport agree in direction, magnitude, and trends, whereas in the ebb-dominated northern part the predicted bedload and suspended load transport is opposite to the sand-wave migration. In the southern part, 55% of the bedload transport is due to tidal asymmetries and 45% due to residual currents. In addition to the well-known tidal asymmetries, asymmetries that arise from the interaction of M2M2 and its overtides with S2S2 and its compound tides are also important. It is hypothesised that in the northern part of the inlet the advection of suspended sand and lag effects govern the sand-wave migration. The relative importance of suspended load transport also explains why the sand waves have smaller lee-slope angles, are smaller, more rounded, and more three-dimensional in the northern half of the inlet. The sand waves in this part of the inlet feature the largest seasonal variability in height and migration speed. This seasonal variability may be attributed to the tides or a seasonal fluctuation in fall velocity. In both cases sediment transport is enhanced in winter, increasing sand-wave migration and decreasing sand-wave height. The influence of storms and estuarine circulation on the sand-wave variability is negligible.  相似文献   

The lower Yellow River (LYR) is a fully alluvial system with a fine-grained bed that has a high proportion of silt.Bathymetric survey data collected with a Multi-Beam Echo Sounder (MBES) from the wandering reach of the LYR indicates that the bedforms are characterized by large aspect ratios (wavelength/height)and low lee-side angles.Since the Xiaolangdi Reservoir (XLD) has been operational in the middle reach of the Yellow River,bedforms have been dominated by two-scales of dunes,that is,a frame...  相似文献   

Transport of nonsorbing solutes in a streambed with periodic bedforms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies of hyporheic zone focused largely on the net mass transfer of solutes between stream and streambed. Solute transport within the bed has attracted less attention. In this study, we combined flume experiments and numerical simulations to examine solute transport processes in a streambed with periodic bedforms. Solute originating from the stream was subjected to advective transport driven by pore water circulation due to current–bedform interactions as well as hydrodynamic dispersion in the porous bed. The experimental and numerical results showed that advection played a dominant role at the early stage of solute transport, which took place in the hyporheic zone. Downward solute transfer to the deep ambient flow zone was controlled by transverse dispersion at the later stage when the elapsed time exceeded the advective transport characteristic time tc (= L/uc with L being the bedform length and uc the characteristic pore water velocity). The advection-based pumping exchange model was found to predict reasonably well solute transfer between the overlying water and streambed at the early stage but its performance deteriorated at the later stage. With dispersion neglected, the pumping exchange model underestimated the long-term rate and total mass of solute transfer from the overlying water to the bed. Therefore both advective and dispersive transport components are essential for quantification of hyporheic exchange processes.  相似文献   

This study utilises the equivalent granular state parameter, ψ, as a key parameter for studying static and cyclic instability and their linkage. ψ can be considered as a generalisation of the state parameter as first proposed by Been and Jefferies so that the influence of fines content in addition to stress and density state can be captured. Test results presented in this study conclusively showed that ψ at the start of undrained shearing and ηIS, the stress ratio at onset of static instability, can be described by a single relationship irrespective of fines content for both compression and extension shearing. This single relationship is referred as instability curve. However, the instability curve in extension shearing is different from that of compression. In this paper, the capacity of the instability curve in predicting triggering of cyclic instability was evaluated experimentally. An extensive series of undrained one-way (compression) and non-symmetric two-way cyclic triaxial tests, in addition to monotonic triaxial tests in both compression and extension were conducted for this evaluation. Furthermore, a published database for Hokksund sand with fines was also used. Test results show that cyclic instability was triggered shortly after the cyclic effective stress path crossed the estimated ηIS-zone(s) as obtained from instability curve(s) irrespective of whether instability occurs in the compression or extension side.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamics of a system where there is a coupled flow above and below a sediment–water interface (SWI) are not completely understood. We numerically simulate mean two-dimensional, unidirectional, steady, viscous flow in these systems using a sequentially coupled formulation. Simulations were conducted to determine fundamental relationships between bedform geometry, Reynolds number for the water-column flow (Re), interfacial exchange zone depth (dz) in the sediments, and flux through the SWI (qint); the latter two parameters play a significant role in biogeochemical and aquatic-life processes across the SWI. dz and Re are functionally related through an asymptotic growth-curve model while qint and Re follow a power function. These relationships are dynamically explained by the manner in which pressure gradients along the SWI develop due to current–bedform interactions at different Res and by Darcy’s Law. We found that the coupling between water column and exchange zone flow is controlled by the behavior of the water-column eddy. The eddy detaches at or near the point of minimum pressure along the interface, and reattaches near the point of maximum pressure. These two critical points determine the pressure gradient along the bed surface that controls the exchange zone flow field. Moreover, the reattachment point corresponds to flow divides within the sediments. Lastly, pore-water velocities drop with depth below the SWI, and are larger below the bedform crests than below the troughs.  相似文献   

Sandy shallow seas, like the North Sea, are very dynamic. Several morphological features are present on the bed, from small ripples to sand waves and large tidal sandbanks. The larger patterns induce significant depth variations that have an impact on human activities taking place in this area. Therefore, it is important to know where these large-scale features occur, what their natural behaviour is and how they interact with human activities. Here, we extend earlier research that compares the results of an idealized model of large-scale seabed patterns with data of seabed patterns in the North Sea. The idealized model is extended with a grain size dependency. The adaptations lead to more accurate predictions of the occurrence of large-scale bed forms in the North Sea. Therefore, grain size dependency and, in particular, critical shear stress are important to explain the occurrence of sand waves and sandbanks in the North Sea. Responsible Editor: Alejandro Souza  相似文献   

The objective of the study presented in this paper is to investigate the predictive capabilities of a process-based sand–mud model in a quantitative way. This recently developed sand–mud model bridges the gap between noncohesive sand models and cohesive mud models. It explicitly takes into account the interaction between these two sediment fractions and temporal and spatial bed composition changes in the sediment bed [Van Ledden (2002) 5:577–594, Van Ledden et al. (2004a) 24:1–11, Van Ledden et al. (2004b) 54:385–391]. The application of this model to idealized situations has demonstrated a good qualitative agreement between observed and computed bed levels and bed composition developments. However, in real-life situations, a realistic quantitative prediction of the magnitude and timescale of this response is important to assess the short-term and long-term impacts of human interventions and/or natural changes. For this purpose, the Friesche Zeegat in the Wadden Sea (the Netherlands) is used as a reference to hindcast the morphological response in the period 1970–1994. Due to the closure of the Lauwerszee in 1969, the tidal prism of this tidal basin was reduced by about 30%. Significant changes in the bed level and bed composition have occurred in the decades following the closure to adjust to the new hydrodynamic conditions. We modeled the long-term bed level and bed composition development in the Friesche Zeegat in the period 1970–1994 starting with the geometry of 1970 by using a research version of Delft3D, which incorporates the sand–mud formulations proposed by [Van Ledden (2002) 5:577–594].The computed total net deposition in the tidal basin in the period 1970–1994 agrees well with the observations, but the observed decrease of the import rate with time is not predicted. The model predicts net deposition in the deeper parts and at the intertidal area in the basin and net erosion in between, which resembles the observations qualitatively. Furthermore, the computed distribution of sand and mud in the basin of the Friesche Zeegat appears to be realistic. Analysis of the results shows that the absence of the decreasing import rate in the basin is caused by a poor quantitative prediction of the changes in the hypsometry of the basin. Because of this, the computed velocity asymmetry in the main channel tends toward flood dominance, whereas the observations indicate that the system is ebb-dominant in 1992. Although the sand–mud model needs to be further improved and verified, the results presented in this paper indicate that the model can be applied as a first step to estimate the effects of human interventions on the large-scale bed level and bed composition changes in tidal systems with sand and mud.  相似文献   

Evolution of sand waves in the Messina Strait, Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present paper the morphodynamics of sand waves in the Messina Strait, Italy, is analysed by comparing data gathered during two different surveys carried out in 1991 and 2001, respectively. In particular, a morphometric analysis on the most recent data and a qualitative analysis of the differences between bottom bedform patterns, are carried out. At locations characterised by greater depths, only minor changes to the planimetric configuration of the field, i.e. crest orientation (which is seen to be orthogonal to the direction of net gross sand transport) and wave length are observed, while differences in wave length and crest direction are more evident in more shallow areas. On the other hand, wave height has significantly increased in the whole field. A possible explanation of such a change, based on the previsions of a theory which relates sand-wave growth and migration to the main components of the tidal ellipse, is provided.Responsible Editor: Jens Kappenberg  相似文献   

The Horqin sand-field in northeastern Inner Mongolia, China, had been the fertile grassland in North China, but desertification and sand-dust storm have increasingly occurred in the past decades [Zhu and Wang, 1992. Theory and practice of sandy desertification in China (in Chinese with English abstract). Quaternary Sciences 2, 97]. To understand the Holocene sand dune activities in this region, five sand dune profiles were investigated, and 32 coarse grain quartz samples were dated by OSL using the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol [Murray and Wintle, 2000. Luminescence dating of quartz using an improved single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol. Radiation Measurements 32, 57–73]. For cross-checking, six organic-rich samples from the paleosols and sandy peat/mud were dated by both 14C and quartz OSL. With one exception, 14C and quartz OSL dating results show good agreements. Based on the consistent results of five sand dune profiles, a chronology of Holocene dune activity in Horqin sand-field is established as follows: (i) active sand dunes built up widely before 10 ka; (ii) dunes semi-stabilized between 10 and 7.5 ka ago; (iii) the dunes solidify and chernozem soils developed between 7.5 and 2.0 ka ago; and (iv) partially re-mobilization of dunes occurred since about 2.0 ka ago.  相似文献   

Wind regimes in the vicinity of the Namib Sand Sea are high energy unimodal near the coast, becoming bimodal or complex inland. There is an overall decrease in wind energy and sand transport rates from south to north and west to east, such that sand moves from coastal and southern source areas to accumulate in the northern and central parts of the sand sea. Such a pattern can explain much of the observed spatial variability in dune types, sizes, and sediment characteristics and lends support to a climatic model of sand sea formation in this region. Seasonal and daily cycles of wind velocity and direction give rise to episodic sand transport, most of which is generated by winds of moderate velocity and frequency.  相似文献   

The effects of plastic fines on the instability of sand were studied in this article. For this purpose, the results of undrained monotonic triaxial compression tests conducted on specimens of sand with variation in fines content from 0% to 30% are presented. The specimens were prepared in two different initial dry unit densities and were subjected to two different confining pressures. The results of the tests are shown in four groups. They demonstrate that an increase in plastic fines leads to an increase in the instability, followed by a decrease with a further increase in fines content. It is also seen that the slope of the steady-state lines in p’-q space increases with increase in fines content, but after certain fines content, it begins to decrease. A reverse trend is observed for the slope of instability lines; it decreases at lower fines content, followed by an increase with a further increase in fines content.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of cyclic triaxial (CT) tests on sand with a simultaneous variation of the axial and the lateral stresses. Furthermore, a cyclic multidimensional simple shear (CMDSS) device and corresponding test results are discussed. For in-phase cycles with a constant strain amplitude it is demonstrated that the accumulation rate is independent of the polarization of the cycles in the strain space. Polarization changes lead to a temporary increase of the accumulation rate: they increase the effectiveness of compaction. For out-of-phase (e.g. elliptical) cycles the shape of the strain loop significantly influences the residual strain. A circular strain loop generates twice larger accumulation rates than a one-dimensional strain loop with identical span. The accumulation rate is not influenced by the circulation of the strain loop. It is shown that the direction of accumulation (so-called “cyclic flow rule”) is only moderately affected by the polarization and the shape of the cycles.  相似文献   

Interfacial instability of sand patterns induced by turbulent shear flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When a turbulent shear flow above a plane sand surface entrains sand grains,it generates a variety of sand patterns.Fluvial sand forms two major interfacial patterns:meso-scale dunes and antidunes,and large-scale bars.Measurements have evidenced that under erosive conditions,meso-scale patterns either change to or coexist with large-scale patterns.However,it remains elusive what exactly drives the switching of interfacial patterns and how the switching occurs.Here,we showdcombing a flow model with a grain transport model,allowing for both the surface and suspended sand fluxes dthat the switching of patterns emerges from the shear-driven complex feedback between grain transport and topographic perturbations.The switching predominantly depends on the magnitudes of the Rouse number and the grain size to undisturbed flow depth ratio.The model offers quantitative predictions of the maximum amplification of sand patterns and unveils a new attraction erepulsion phenomenon.  相似文献   

Results from experimental testing of four approximately one-third scale laterally loaded H-piles, subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading are presented. The test setups were designed to prevent torsion in the pile during testing and to eliminate the self-weight of the hydraulic actuator that could otherwise induce moment on the model piles. The tests were conducted in compacted medium dense sand and all the piles were extensively instrumented. Test results indicate that the lateral force–displacement responses under cyclic loading exhibited slight pinching behavior due to the gap that opened at the top of the soil-pile interface. Numerical simulations show that py curves based on the American Petroleum Institute (API) recommendations and that proposed by Reese et al. can reasonably predict the lateral response of the piles though slightly underestimate the ultimate capacities. The general pile behavior such as force–displacement response and moment distributions along the pile depth show slight sensitivity to the subgrade reaction modulus at large displacements.  相似文献   

Ephemeral sand ripples are described from steep rock surfaces in the UK. They are unconsolidated or stabilized by algae and bryophytes. The sand is transported by flowing water to produce a semi-regular pattern of sinuous ripples averaging 6–8 mm apart and with a relief not exceeding 4 mm. The ripples may be initiated by the formation of a self-perpetuating capillary wave template. Sand grains accumulate on the template to form the fully developed ripples. Ultimately, gravitational forces or flooding lead to their destruction. Travertine rimstones may be initiated in the same manner. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A non-linear morphodynamic model of a microtidal coastal shelf is used to study the response of shoreface-connected sand ridges and the net sand balance of the shelf to large-scale interventions. The model describes the interaction between storm-driven currents and the erodible bottom. The transport of sediment comprises both bedload and suspended load contributions and is due to the joint action of waves (stirring of sediment from the bed) and net currents (causing transport). Three basic types of interventions are studied: extracting sand from ridges, nourishing sand at the shelf and constructing navigation channels. The model results indicate that for all interventions studied a relatively fast local recovery (time scale of decades to centuries) of the disturbed bathymetry to its original pattern takes place. Readjustment of the global system to its original equilibrium state (the saturation process) occurs on a longer time scale (several centuries). During the adjustment stage, significant net sand exchanges between inner shelf and adjacent outer shelf and near-shore zone occur. The results further suggest that extraction of sand from the shelf and dredging of navigation channels have negative implications for the stability of the beach (its sand volume decreases).Responsible Editor: Iris Grabemann  相似文献   

The experimental results for the mechanical response of sand (at different levels of saturation with water) under shock-loading conditions generated by researchers at Cavendish [Bragov AM, Lomunov AK, Sergeichev IV, Tsembelis K, Proud WG. The determination of physicomechanical properties of soft soils from medium to high strain rates, November 2005, in preparation; Chapman DJ, Tsembelis K, Proud WG. The behavior of water saturated sand under shock-loading. In: Proceedings of the 2006 SEM annual conference and exposition on experimental and applied mechanics, vol. 2, 2006.p.834–40] are used to parameterize our recently developed material model for sand [Grujicic M, Pandurangan B, Cheeseman B. The effect of degree of saturation of sand on detonation phenomena associated with shallow-buried and ground-laid mines. J Shock Vib 2006;13:41–61]. The model was incorporated into a general-purpose non-linear dynamics simulation program to carry out a number of simulation analyses pertaining to the detonation of a landmine buried in sand and to the interactions of the detonation products, mine fragments and sand ejecta with various targets. A comparison of the computed results with their experimental counterparts revealed a somewhat improved agreement with the experimental results in the case of the present model as compared to the agreement between the widely used porous-material/compaction model for sand and the experiments.  相似文献   

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