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We analyze data from three seismic antennas deployed in Las Cañadas caldera (Tenerife) during May–July 2004. The period selected for the analysis (May 12–31, 2004) constitutes one of the most active seismic episodes reported in the area, except for the precursory seismicity accompanying historical eruptions. Most seismic signals recorded by the antennas were volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes. They usually exhibited low magnitudes, although some of them were large enough to be felt at nearby villages. A few long-period (LP) events, generally associated with the presence of volcanic fluids in the medium, were also detected. Furthermore, we detected the appearance of a continuous tremor that started on May 18 and lasted for several weeks, at least until the end of the recording period. It is the first time that volcanic tremor has been reported at Teide volcano. This tremor was a small-amplitude, narrow-band signal with central frequency in the range 1–6 Hz. It was detected at the three antennas located in Las Cañadas caldera. We applied the zero-lag cross-correlation (ZLCC) method to estimate the propagation parameters (back-azimuth and apparent slowness) of the recorded signals. For VT earthquakes, we also determined the S–P times and source locations. Our results indicate that at the beginning of the analyzed period most earthquakes clustered in a deep volume below the northwest flank of Teide volcano. The similarity of the propagation parameters obtained for LP events and these early VT earthquakes suggests that LP events might also originate within the source volume of the VT cluster. During the last two weeks of May, VT earthquakes were generally shallower, and spread all over Las Cañadas caldera. Finally, the analysis of the tremor wavefield points to the presence of multiple, low-energy sources acting simultaneously. We propose a model to explain the pattern of seismicity observed at Teide volcano. The process started in early April with a deep magma injection under the northwest flank of Teide volcano, related to a basaltic magma chamber inferred by geological and geophysical studies. The stress changes associated with the injection produced the deep VT cluster. In turn, the occurrence of earthquakes permitted an enhanced supply of fresh magmatic gases toward the surface. This gas flow induced the generation of LP events. The gases permeated the volcanic edifice, producing lubrication of pre-existing fractures and thus favoring the occurrence of VT earthquakes. On May 18, the flow front reached the shallow aquifer located under Las Cañadas caldera. The induced instability constituted the driving mechanism of the observed tremor.  相似文献   

We use time-dependent horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) of microtremors to determine the dominant frequencies of vibration of the geological structures beneath several recording sites in the vicinity of Teide volcano (Canary Islands, Spain). In the microtremors, the time-dependent HVSRs (ratiograms) are a useful tool to discriminate between the presence of real dominant frequencies linked to resonances of the subsurface structure and the spurious appearance of peaks due to local transients. We verified that the results are repeatable, in the sense that microtremors recorded at the same site but at different times yield a very similar HVSR function. Two types of results are found: (1) sites where there is no resonance of the propagating microtremors, and therefore no value of a dominant frequency can be assessed; and (2) sites where a stationary peak in the HVSR is found and a dominant frequency related to resonance of the shallow structure can be estimated. These resonant frequencies show substantial spatial variations even for nearby sites, which reflects the complexity of the shallow velocity structure in the Las Cañadas area. Large dominant frequencies occur near the caldera walls and also at a few locations that coincide with the intersections of the inferred rims of the three calderas forming Las Cañadas. Small dominant frequencies also occur near the caldera rim, and may be due to discontinuities in the caldera wall and/or to local velocity anomalies. Intermediate frequencies are mostly found in the eastern part of the caldera, where a tentative profile of the basement depth has been obtained. Intermediate frequencies have also been measured south of Ucanca and south of Montaña Blanca. In view of the present results, we conclude that the use of ratiograms constitutes an improvement of the HVSR method and provides an appropriate tool to investigate the shallow velocity structure of a volcanic region.  相似文献   

The latest cycle of volcanism on Tenerife has involved the construction of two stratovolcanoes, Teide and Pico Viejo (PV), and numerous flank vent systems on the floor of the Las Cañadas Caldera, which has been partially infilled by magmatic products of the basanite-phonolite series. The only known substantial post-caldera explosive eruption occurred 2 ka bp from satellite vents at Montaña Blanca (MB), to the east of Teide and at PV. The MB eruption began with extrusion of 0.022 km3 of phonolite lava (unit I) from a WNW-ESE fissure system. The eruption then entered an explosive subplinian phase. Over a 7–11 hour period, 0.25 km3 (DRE) of phonolitic pumice (unit II) was deposited from a 15 km high subplinian column, dispersed to the NE by 10 m/s winds. Pyroclastic activity also occurred from vents near PV to the west of Teide. Fire-fountaining towards the end of the explosive phase formed a proximal welded spatter facies. The eruption closed with extrusion of small volume domes and lavas (0.025 km3) at both vent systems. Geochemical, petrological data and Fe-Ti oxide geothermometry indicate the eruption of a chemically and thermally stratified magma system. The most mafic and hottest (875°C) unit I magma can yield the more evolved and cooler (755–825°C) phonolites of units II and III by between 7 and 11% fractional crystallization of an assemblage dominated by alkali feldspar. Analyses of glass inclusions from phenocrysts by ion microprobe show that the pumice was derived from the water-saturated roof zone of a chamber containing 3.0–4.5 wt.% H2O and abundant halogens (F0.35wt.%). Hotter, more mafic tephritic magma intermingled with the evolved phonolites in banded pumice, indicating the injection of mafic magma into the system during or just before eruption. Reconstruction ot the event indicates a small chamber chemically stratified by in situ (side-wall) crystallization at a depth of 3–4 km below PV. Although phonolite is the dominant product of the youngest activity of the Teide-PV system, there has been no eruption of phonolitic magma for at least 500 years from teide itself and for 2000 years from the PV system. Therefore there could be a large volume of highly evolved, volatile-rich magma accumulating in these magma systems. An eruption of fluorine-rich magma comparable with MB would have major damaging effects on the island.  相似文献   

The viscosity of a natural phonolitic composition with variable amounts of H2O has been experimentally determined. The starting materials were crystal-free phonolitic glasses from Montaña Blanca, situated within the Las Cañadas caldera of Teide. Dry phonolitic melt viscosities were determined using concentric cylinder viscometry in the low viscosity range. The glassy quench products of these runs were then hydrated by high pressure synthesis in a piston–cylinder apparatus to generate a suite of samples with water contents ranging from 0.02 to 3.75 wt%. Samples thus hydrated were quenched rapidly and prepared (cut and polished) for the determination of water contents by infrared spectroscopy before and after experimental viscometry. The viscosities of the melts (dry and hydrated) were determined at 1 bar using a micropenetration technique. Samples were stable under the measurement conditions up to 3.75 wt% H2O. Homogeneity of water content was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy and total water contents were calculated using absorptivity coefficients for compositions extremely close to that investigated here. The variation of viscosity as a function of water content and temperature can be described in the high viscosity interval of relevance to many welding processes by the non-Arrhenian expression:
log10 η=−5.900−0.286 ln (H2O)+(10775.4−394.8(H2O))/(T−148.7+21.65 ln (H2O))
whereas the high viscosity range alone is adequately described by the Arrhenian expression
log10 η=−10.622−0.738 ln (H2O)+(17114.3−590.4(H2O))×1/T
where η is the viscosity in Pa s, H2O is the water content in wt% and T is the temperature in K.These results are particularly useful for the scaling of conditions extant during the welding of phonolitic products of Montaña Blanca. The welding of glassy phonolitic rocks is enhanced by the lower viscosity of these melts with respect to calcalkaline rhyolites. The ratio of viscosities of phonolitic to calcalkaline rhyolitic melts is a complex function of temperature and water content and reaches up to 104.5 at 0.1 wt% H2O and 500°C. Abundant evidence of welding and remobilisation of pyroclastic and spatter products of Teide system volcanism are consistent with these experimental observations.  相似文献   

We present a new local Bouguer anomaly map of the Central Volcanic Complex (CVC) of Tenerife, Spain, constructed from the amalgamation of 323 new high precision gravity measurements with existing gravity data from 361 observations. The new anomaly map images the high-density core of the CVC and the pronounced gravity low centred in the Las Cañadas caldera in greater detail than previously available. Mathematical construction of a sub-surface model from the local anomaly data, employing a 3D inversion based on “growing” the sub-surface density distribution via the aggregation of cells, enables mapping of the shallow structure beneath the complex, giving unprecedented insights into the sub-surface architecture. We find the resultant density distribution in agreement with geological and other geophysical data. The modelled sub-surface structure supports a vertical collapse origin of the caldera, and maps the headwall of the ca. 180 ka Icod landslide, which appears to lie buried beneath the Pico Viejo–Pico Teide stratovolcanic complex. The results allow us to put into context the recorded ground deformation and gravity changes at the CVC during its reactivation in spring 2004 in relation to its dominant structural building blocks. For example, the areas undergoing the most significant changes at depth in recent years are underlain by low-density material and are aligned along long-standing structural entities, which have shaped this volcanic ocean island over the past few million years.  相似文献   

Recent studies on Teide–Pico Viejo (TPV) complex have revealed that explosive activity of phonolitic and basaltic magmas, including plinian and subplinian eruptions, and the generation of a wide range of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) have also been significant. We perform a statistical analysis of the time series of past eruptions and the spatial extent of their erupted products, including lava flows, fallout and PDCs. We use an extreme value theory statistical method to calculate eruption recurrence. The analysis of past activity and extent of some well-identified deposits is used to calculate the eruption recurrence probabilities of various sizes and for different time periods. With this information, we compute several significant scenarios using the GIS-based VORIS 2 software (Felpeto et al., J Volcanol Geotherm Res 166:106–116, 2007) in order to evaluate the potential extent of the main eruption hazards that could be expected from TPV. The simulated hazard scenarios show that the southern flank of Tenerife is protected by Las Cañadas caldera wall against lava flows and pyroclastic density currents, but not against ash fallout. The Icod Valley, and to a minor extent also the La Orotava valley, is directly exposed to most of TPV hazards, in particular to the gravity driven flows. This study represents a step forward in the evaluation of volcanic hazard at TPV with regard to previous studies, and the results obtained should be useful for intermediate and long-term land-use and emergency planning.  相似文献   

The island of Tenerife is volcanically complex, and its eruptive history predominantly reflects the processes and products of two different eruptive styles: (1) non-explosive effusions of basaltic lavas from fissure vents mostly aligned along two ridges; and (2) less frequent but explosive salic eruptions from central vents associated with the Las Cañadas volcanic edifice and associated summit caldera. We have taken into account this fundamental distinction to develop a volcanic-hazards zonation (for lava flows and ash fall only) that includes: definition of the principal hazards; identification of the areas that have higher probability of containing emission centres; and numerical modelling of the vulnerable areas to be affected by volcanic hazards. Not only does the volcanic-hazards zonation map provide emergency-management officials with an updated assessment of the volcanic hazards, but it also represents a starting point for the preparation of a volcanic risk map for Tenerife. Finally, the hazards-zonation map also furnishes the basis for the design of a proposed volcano surveillance network.  相似文献   

The Teide volcano (3717 m) is the central structure of the island of Tenerife and at present its morphology is that of a stratovolcano which has grown on a large caldera with a collapse 17 km in diameter, which was generated some 0.6 million years ago.The different studies that have been carried out seem to indicate that, in a oversimplified model, there is an intermediate magma chamber with an approximate volume of 30 km3 and located 2–3 km below the actual base of the caldera, i.e., almost at sea level, with a temperature of 430 ± 50°C, and a pressure of 400 ± 100 bar.The summit fumarole emissions are 85°C and are formed mainly of CO2 with small amounts of sulphur species, H2, CH4 and He. The water vapor (68–82%) emitted with the gases comes from the vaporization of a perched aquifer in the upper cone, as shown by the isotopic analyses.  相似文献   

The Las Cañadas caldera of Tenerife (LCC) is a well exposed caldera depression filled with pyroclastic deposits and lava flows from the active Teide–Pico Viejo complex (TPVC). The caldera's origin is controversial as both the formation by huge lateral flank collapse(s) and multiple vertical collapses have been proposed. Although vertical collapses may have facilitated lateral slope failures and thus jointly contribute to the exposed morphology, their joint contribution has not been clearly demonstrated. Using results from 185 audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) soundings carried out between 2004 and 2006 inside the LCC, our study provides consistent geophysical constraints in favour of multiple vertical caldera collapse. One-dimensional modelling reveals a conductive layer at shallow depth (30–1000 m), presumably resulting from hydrothermal alteration and weathering, underlying the infilling resistive top layer. We present the resistivity distribution of both layers (resistivity images), the topography of the conductive layer across the LCC, as well as a cross-section in order to highlight the caldera's evolution, including the distribution of earlier volcanic edifices. The AMT phase anisotropy reveals the structural and radial characteristics of the LCC.  相似文献   

Anomalous changes in the diffuse emission of carbon dioxide within the Masaya caldera have been observed before two seismic events that occurred at 10 and 30 km from the observation site. Their epicenters are located, respectively, south of Managua in Las Colinas (4.3 magnitude) and the Xiloa caldera (3.6 magnitude), in 2002 and 2003, recorded by the geochemical station located at El Comalito, Masaya volcano (Nicaragua). Anomalous increases were observed, which occurred around 50 and 8 days before the main seismic event that took place in Las Colinas, and 4 days before the seismic swarm at the Xiloa caldera, with a maximum CO2 efflux of 9.3 and 10.7 kg m?2 day?1, respectively. The anomalous CO2 efflux increases remained after filtering with multiple regression analysis was applied to the CO2 efflux time series, which indicated that atmospheric variables, during the first 4 months, explained 23 % CO2 variability, whereas, during the rest of the time series, CO2 efflux values are poorly controlled with only 6 %. The observed anomalies of the diffuse CO2 emission rate might be related to pressure changes within the volcanic–hydrothermal system and/or to geostructural changes in the crust due to stress/strain changes caused before and during the earthquakes’ formation, and seem not to be related to the activity of the main crater of Masaya volcano.  相似文献   

The Las Cañadas caldera wall and the outer slopes of the caldera provide three-dimensional exposures of numerous proximal-welded fallout deposits and have been mapped in detail. As a result, some parts of the Ucanca and Guajara Formations of the stratigraphy of Martí et al. (1994) have been divided into members that correspond to individual eruptions. Mapping has also revealed the occurrence of conduit-vent structures associated with proximal-welded fallout deposits. Conduit-vent structures consist of an upper flaring area and a lower narrow conduit. Conduit-vent geometry and dimensions include cylindrical plugs and eruptive fissures steeply dipping towards the caldera depression and elongated vents. The flaring area can be rather asymmetric and is usually filled by down-vent rheomorphic flow of the proximal fallout deposit. The lower conduits are filled by lava plug, agglutination of juveniles onto conduit walls and dyke intrusion with eventual dome extrusion. The eruption dynamics of welded fallout deposits and magma fragmentation within the conduit are consistent with an evolution from explosive to effusive. In this context conduit flow regimes evolve from turbulent to annular flow in which the conduit is progressively choked, and laminar flow leading to the final conduit closure.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide is one of the first gases to escape the magmatic environment due to its low solubility in basaltic magmas at low pressures. The exsolved CO2 gas migrates towards the surface through rock fractures and high permeability paths. If an aquifer is located between the magmatic environment and the surface, a fraction of the CO2 emitted is dissolved in the aquifer. In this paper, an estimation of the water mass balance and the CO2 budget in Las Cañadas aquifer, Tenerife, Canary Islands, is presented. Magmatic CO2 is transported by groundwater and discharged through man-made sub-horizontal drains or galleries that exist in this island, and by the flow of groundwater discharged laterally towards other aquifers or to the ocean. In addition, the pCO2 at the gallery mouth (or entrance) and at the gallery bottom (internal and deepest discharge point where the gallery starts) are calculated and mapped. The total CO2 advectively transported by groundwater is estimated to range from 143 to 211 t CO2 d?1. Considering that the diffuse soil emission of CO2 for the same area is 437 t d?1, the diffuse/dissolved CO2 flux ratio varies between 2 and 3. The high dissolved inorganic carbon content of groundwater explains the ability of this low temperature hydrothermal water to dissolve and transfer magmatic CO2 at volcanoes, even during quiescence periods.  相似文献   

The mechanisms driving the air–sea exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the North Sea are investigated using the three-dimensional coupled physical–biogeochemical model ECOHAM (ECOlogical-model, HAMburg). We validate our simulations using field data for the years 2001–2002 and identify the controls of the air–sea CO2 flux for two locations representative for the North Sea's biogeochemical provinces. In the seasonally stratified northern region, net CO2 uptake is high () due to high net community production (NCP) in the surface water. Overflow production releasing semi-labile dissolved organic carbon needs to be considered for a realistic simulation of the low dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations observed during summer. This biologically driven carbon drawdown outcompetes the temperature-driven rise in CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) during the productive season. In contrast, the permanently mixed southern region is a weak net CO2 source (). NCP is generally low except for the spring bloom because remineralization parallels primary production. Here, the pCO2 appears to be controlled by temperature.  相似文献   

New age determinations from Tenerife, together with those previously published (93 in all), provide a fairly comprehensive picture of the volcanic evolution of the island. The oldest volcanic series, with ages starting in the late Miocene, are formed mainly by basalts with some trachytes and phonolites which appear in Anaga, Teno and Roque del Conde massifs. In Anaga (NE), three volcanic cycles occurred: one older than 6.5 Ma, a second one between 6.5 and 4.5 Ma, with a possible gap between 5.4 and 4.8 Ma, and a late cycle around 3.6 Ma. In Teno (NW), after some undated units, the activity took place between 6.7 and 4.5 Ma, with two main series separated by a possible pause between 6.2 and 5.6 Ma. In the zone of Roque del Conde (S), the ages are scattered between 11.6 and 3.5 Ma. Between 3.3 and 1.9 Ma, the whole island underwent a period of volcanic quiescence and erosion.The large Cañadas volcano, made up of basalts, trachytes and phonolites, was built essentially between 1.9 and 0.2 Ma. To the NE of this central volcano, linking it with Anaga, is a chain of basaltic emission centers, with a peak of activity around 0.8 Ma. The Cañadas Caldera had several collapse phases, associated with large ignimbrite emissions. There were, at least, an older phase more than 1 Ma old, on the western part of the volcano, and a younger one, less than 0.6 Ma old, in the eastern side. The two large “valleys” of Guimar and la Orotava were formed by large landslides less than 0.8 Ma ago, and probably before 0.6 Ma ago. The present Cañadas caldera was formed by another landslide, less than 0.2 Ma ago. This caldera was later filled by the huge Teide volcano, which has been active even in historic times. During the same period a series of small volcanoes erupted at scattered locations throughout the island.The average eruptive rate in Tenerife was 0.3 km3/ka, with relatively small variations for the different eruptive periods. This island and La Gomera represent a model of growth by discontinuous pulses of volcanic activity, separated by gaps often coinciding with episodes of destruction of the edifices and sometimes extended for several million years. The neighbouring Gran Canaria, on the other hand, had an initial, rapid “shield-building phase” during which more than 90% of the island was built, and a series of smaller pulses at a much later period.A comparison between these three central islands indicates that the previously postulated westward displacement in time of a gap in the volcanic activity is valid only as a first approximation. Several gaps are present on each island, overlapping in time and not clearly supporting either of the models proposed to explain the evolution of the Canaries.  相似文献   

One of the seven potentially active andesite stratovolcanoes in southern Peru, Misti (5822 m), located 17 km northeast and 3.5 km above Arequipa, represents a major threat to the population (900,000 inhabitants). Our recent geophysical and geochemical research comprises an extensive self-potential (SP) data set, an audio–magnetotelluric (AMT) profile across the volcano and CO2 concentrations in the soil along a radial profile. The SP survey is the first of its kind in providing a complete mapping of a large andesitic stratovolcano 20 km in diameter. The SP mapping enables us to analyze the SP signature associated with a subduction-related active volcano.The general SP pattern of Misti is similar to that of most volcanoes with a hydrogeologic zone in the lower flanks and a hydrothermal zone in the upper central area. A quasi-systematic relationship exists between SP and elevation. Zones with constant SP/altitude gradients (Ce) are observed in both hydrogeologic (negative Ce) and hydrothermal (positive Ce) zones. Transition zones between the different Ce zones, which form a concentric pattern around the summit, have been interpreted in terms of lateral heterogeneities in the lithology. The highest amplitudes of SP anomalies seem to coincide with highly resistive zones. The hydrothermal system 6 km in diameter, which extends over an area much larger than the summit caldera, may be constrained by an older, concealed collapse caldera. A sealed zone has apparently developed through alteration in the hydrothermal system, blocking the migration of CO2 upward. Significant CO2 emanations are thus observed on the lower flanks but are absent above the hydrothermal zone.  相似文献   

This work addresses the study of fluid circulation of the Stromboli island using a dense coverage of self-potential (SP) and soil CO2 data. A marked difference exists between the northern flank and the other flanks of the island. The northern flank exhibits (1) a typical negative SP/altitude gradient not observed on the other flanks, and (2) higher levels of CO2. The general SP pattern suggests that the northern flank is composed of porous layers through which vadose water flows down to a basal water table, in contrast to the other flanks where impermeable layers impede the vertical flow of vadose water. In the Sciara del Fuoco and Rina Grande–Le Schicciole landslide complexes, breccias of shallow gliding planes may constitute such impermeable layers whereas elsewhere, poorly permeable, fine-grained pyroclastites or altered lava flows may be present. This general model of the flanks also explains the main CO2 patterns: concentration of CO2 at the surface is high on the porous north flank and lower on the other flanks where impermeable layers can block the upward CO2 flux. The active upper part of the island is underlain by a well-defined hydrothermal system bounded by short-wavelength negative SP anomalies and high peaks of CO2. These boundaries coincide with faults limiting ancient collapses of calderas, craters and flank landslides. The hydrothermal system is not homogeneous but composed of three main subsystems and of a fourth minor one and is not centered on the active craters. The latter are located near its border. This divergence between the location of the active craters and the extent of the hydrothermal system suggests that the internal heat sources may not be limited to sources below the active craters. If the heat source strictly corresponds to intrusions at depth around the active conduits, the geometry of the hydrothermal subsystems must be strongly controlled by heterogeneities within the edifice such as craters, caldera walls or gliding planes of flank collapse, as suggested by the correspondence between SP–CO2 anomalies and structural limits. The inner zone of the hydrothermal subsystems is characterized by positive SP anomalies, indicating upward movements of fluids, and by very low values of CO2 emanation. This pattern suggests that the hydrothermal zone becomes self-sealed at depth, thus creating a barrier to the CO2 flux. In this hypothesis, the observed hydrothermal system is a shallow one and it involves mostly convection of infiltrated meteoric water above the sealed zone. Finally, on the base of CO2 degassing measurements, we present evidence for the presence of two regional faults, oriented N41° and N64°, and decoupled from the volcanic structures.  相似文献   

The effect of carbon dioxide (CO2) cooling on trends of hmF2 and NmF2 are investigated using a coupled thermosphere and ionosphere general circulation model. Model simulations indicate that CO2 cooling not only causes contraction of the upper atmosphere and changes of neutral and ion composition but also changes dynamics and electrodynamics in the thermosphere/ionosphere. These changes determine the altitude dependence of ionospheric trends and complex latitudinal, longitudinal, diurnal, seasonal, and solar cycle variations of trends of hmF2 and NmF2. Under the CO2 cooling effect, trends of NmF2 are negative with magnitude from 0% to −40% for doubled CO2, depending on location, local time, season, and solar activity. The corresponding trends of hmF2 are mostly negative with a magnitude from 0 to −40 km, but can be positive with a magnitude from 0 to 10 km at night, with maximum positive trends occurring after midnight under solar minimum conditions.  相似文献   

The present work reports the results of 15 studies of diffuse CO2 degassing performed at Teide Volcano crater (Canary Island, Spain) and the chemical and isotopic compositions of fluids discharged from a fumarolic field located at the top of the volcano as measured between 1991 and 2010. A higher contribution of magmatic gases accompanied by enhanced total diffuse CO2 emissions were observed in relation with a seismic crisis that occurred in Tenerife Island between 2001 and 2005, with the main peak of seismic activity between April and June 2004. A significant pulse in total diffuse CO2 emission was observed at the crater of Teide (up to 26.3?t day?1) in 2001. In December 2003, the chemical composition of the Teide fumarole changed significantly, including the appearance of SO2, an increase in the HCl and CO concentrations and in the C2H6/C2H4 and C3H8/C3H6 ratios, and a decrease in the H2S, CH4, and C6H6 concentrations and in the gas/steam ratio. A few months after a drastic decrease in seismic activity, the SO2, HCl, and CO concentrations and the C2H6/C2H4 and C3H8/C3H6 ratios strongly decreased, whereas the CH4 and C6H6 concentrations and the gas/steam ratios increased. According to the trends shown by both the geochemical parameters and the seismic signals late in the observation period, the risk of a rejuvenation of volcanic activity at Teide is considered to be low. The associated temporal changes in seismic activity and magmatic degassing indicate that geophysical and fluid geochemistry signals in this system are related. Future monitoring programs aimed at mitigating volcanic hazard on Tenerife Island should involve coupled geophysical and geochemical studies.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) methods, either sub-seabed or in ocean depths, introduces risk of CO2 leakage and subsequent interaction with the ecosystem. It is therefore important to obtain information on possible effects of CO2. In situ CO2 exposure experiments were carried out twice for 10 days during 2005 using a Benthic Chamber system at 400 m depth in Storfjorden, Norway. pCO2 in the water above the sediment in the chambers was controlled at approximately 500, 5000 and 20,000 μatm, respectively. This article describes the experiment and the results from measured the biological responses within the chamber sediments. The results show effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on biological processes such as increased nanobenthos density. Methane production and sulphate reduction was enhanced in the approximately 5000 μatm chamber.  相似文献   

We report the results of two soil CO2 efflux surveys by the closed chamber circulation method at the Puhimau thermal area in the upper East Rift Zone (ERZ) of volcano, Hawaii. The surveys were undertaken in 1996 and 1998 to constrain how much CO2 might be reaching the ERZ after degassing beneath the summit caldera and whether the Puhimau thermal area might be a significant contributor to the overall CO2 budget of . The area was revisited in 2001 to determine the effects of surface disturbance on efflux values by the collar emplacement technique utilized in the earlier surveys. Utilizing a cutoff value of 50 g m−2 d−1 for the surrounding forest background efflux, the CO2 emission rates for the anomaly at Puhimau thermal area were 27 t d−1 in 1996 and 17 t d−1 in 1998. Water vapor was removed before analysis in all cases in order to obtain CO2 values on a dry air basis and mitigate the effect of water vapor dilution on the measurements. It is clear that Puhimau thermal area is not a significant contributor to CO2 output and that most of CO2 (8500 t d−1) is degassed at the summit, leaving only magma with its remaining stored volatiles, such as SO2, for injection down the ERZ. Because of the low CO2 emission rate and the presence of a shallow water table in the upper ERZ that effectively scrubs SO2 and other acid gases, Puhimau thermal area currently does not appear to be generally well suited for observing temporal changes in degassing at .  相似文献   

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