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孙奇  董全杨  蔡袁强  王军  胡秀青 《岩土力学》2015,36(8):2261-2269
利用空心圆柱扭剪仪对饱和砂土进行了应力主轴固定和偏应力比增大(即定向剪切)、偏应力比不变和应力主轴单调旋转(即纯应力主轴单调旋转)、偏应力比和应力主轴偏转角同时增加、偏应力比和应力主轴偏转角分段增加4个系列的排水剪切试验,着重分析不同应力路径下饱和砂土的变形特性及主应力和主应变增量方向变化规律。试验结果表明,纯应力主轴单调旋转下,主应力增量方向在45°~135°范围内变化,主应变增量方向逐渐偏向主应力方向;偏应力比和应力主轴偏转角同时增加下,砂土变形不断增大,当主应力增量方向 45°时,主应变增量方向与主应力增量方向基本一致,但当 45°时,主应变增量方向逐渐偏离主应力增量方向。当应力状态在偏应力比 0.75、应力主轴偏转角 45°范围内时,体应变、最大剪应变与应力路径无关,且后期纯应力主轴旋转下砂土变形不受前期加载历史的影响。  相似文献   

高应力下剪切速率对砂土抗剪强度影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用DRS-1型高压直剪仪,进行了16组法向应力水平、5种剪切速率条件下福建标准砂的抗剪强度试验,试验结果表明,高应力下砂土的抗剪强度受法向应力和剪切速率的共同影响。法向应力和剪切速率通过影响颗粒破碎和颗粒重排列程度等试样的细观参数,决定了砂土宏观上抗剪强度的发挥。当法向应力较小时,砂土抗剪强度与剪切速率基本无关;但是当法向应力较大时,较快剪切速率条件下的砂土抗剪强度变小,且其摩尔强度包线出现了“下弯-上扬”循环波动,因此不可以忽略剪切速率对砂土抗剪强度的影响。  相似文献   

中主应力对砂土抗剪强度影响的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土的抗剪强度参数一般通过三轴压缩试验确定。而三轴压缩试验中土的应力状态是轴对称的,这往往与实际工程中土体的受力情况不相同。因此,探讨一般应力条件下与三轴应力条件下强度指标之间的相互关系是至关重要的。基于砂土的空间滑动面强度准则即SMP准则,针对不同中主应力系数,通过数值分析探讨了中主应力系数对砂土抗剪强度指标的影响。分析结果表明,中主应力对土的抗剪强度指标具有显著的影响,一般地在平面应变条件下这种影响最大。  相似文献   

应变累积对黏土动剪模量和阻尼比影响的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
通过对比试验,研究了分级循环加载试验中的应变积累现象,分析其对土动剪模量和阻尼比的影响,并指出:由于剪切应变的积累,分级循环加载试验得出的滞回曲线随着加载级数的增加,而沿着剪应变轴逐渐发生平移,但其形状特性并未发生变化。讨论了分级加载试验数据处理的方法,试验结果表明:先前的较小幅值荷载作用下产生的累积应变对后继较大幅值荷载下测得的动剪模量和阻尼比影响较小。最后,分析了分级循环加载试验方法的意义。  相似文献   

膨润土与砂混合物的膨胀特性是评估核废料深层地质处置工程长期性能的重要指标。对比不同膨润土及其与砂混合物的膨胀试验结果可知,对纯膨润土及其低掺砂率混合物,浸水膨胀完成后蒙脱石孔隙比em与竖向应力?v在双对数坐标内呈惟一的线性关系,利用该线性关系可预测浸水完成后不同竖向应力下的体积变化量及不同初始状态对应的膨胀力;对高掺砂率混合物,在砂骨架形成之前,em-?v线性关系成立,随着竖向应力的增大,砂骨架形成,对应的em值脱离em-?v线性关系,混合物中掺砂率越大,脱离该线性关系时的竖向应力就越小。砂骨架形成前,砂颗粒被蒙脱石包围,外力由蒙脱石承担,最终变形量由试样中单位体积蒙脱石的含量决定;砂骨架形成后,竖向应力最终由砂骨架和蒙脱石共同承担。利用砂骨架孔隙比的概念可确定各种不同掺砂率混合物形成砂骨架时的应力起偏点。同时,还可确定混合物能够形成砂骨架的掺砂率范围。  相似文献   

“Sliding Surface Liquefaction” is a process causing strength loss and consequent rapid motion and long runout of certain landslides. Using a new ring shear apparatus with a transparent shear-box and digital video camera system, shear-speed-controlled tests were conducted on mixed grains (mixture of three different sizes of sand and gravel) and mixed beads to study shear behavior and shear zone development process under the naturally drained condition in which pore pressure is allowed to dissipate through the opened upper drainage valve during shearing. Higher excess pore water pressure and lower minimum apparent friction were observed in the tests where grain crushing was more extensive under higher normal stress and higher shear speed. Along with the diffusion of silty water generated by grain crushing, smaller particles were transported upward and downward from the shear zone. Concentration of larger grains to the central and upper part of the shear zone was confirmed by means of visual observation together with grain size analysis of sliced samples from several layers after the test. On the other hand, smaller particles were accumulated mostly below the layer where larger grains were accumulated. The reason why larger grains were accumulated into the shear zone may be interpreted as follows: grains under shearing are also subjected to vertical movement, the penetration resistance of larger grains into a layer of moving particles is smaller than that into the static layer. Therefore, larger grains tend to move into the layer of moving grains. At the same time, smaller particles can drop into the pores of underlying larger grains downward due to gravity.  相似文献   

Lashkari  A.  Falsafizadeh  S. R.  Rahman  Md. M. 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(11):3467-3488
Acta Geotechnica - This paper focuses on the influence of volume change boundary condition on the instability and post-peak softening of sand. The laboratory program comprises an extensive series...  相似文献   

Gao  Zhiwei  Lu  Dechun  Huang  Mian 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(10):2797-2811
Acta Geotechnica - Inclusion of flexible fibers such as polypropylene and polyester is an effective method for soil improvement, as it significantly enhances the soil strength and ductility. A...  相似文献   

Since cross-anisotropic sand behaves differently when the loading direction or the stress state changes, the influences of the loading direction and the intermediate principal stress ratio (b = (σ 2 ? σ 3)/(σ 1 ? σ 3)) on the initiation of strain localization need study. According to the loading angle (angle between the major principal stress direction and the normal of bedding plane), a 3D non-coaxial non-associated elasto-plasticity hardening model was proposed by modifying Lode angle formulation of the Mohr–Coulomb yield function and the stress–dilatancy function. By using bifurcation analysis, the model was used to predict the initiation of strain localization under plane strain and true triaxial conditions. The predictions of the plane strain tests show that the major principal strain at the bifurcation points increases with the loading angle, while the stress ratio decreases with the loading angle. According to the loading angle and the intermediate principal stress ratio, the true triaxial tests were analyzed in three sectors. The stress–strain behavior and the volumetric strain in each sector can be well captured by the proposed model. Strain localization occurs in most b value conditions in all three sectors except for those which are close to triaxial compression condition (b = 0). The difference between the peak shear strength corresponding to the strain localization and the ultimate shear strength corresponding to plastic limit becomes obvious when the b value is near 0.4. The influence of bifurcation on the shear strength becomes weak when the loading direction changes from perpendicular to the bedding plane to parallel. The bifurcation analysis based on the proposed model gives out major principal strain and peak shear strength at the initiation of strain localization; the given results are consistent with experiments.  相似文献   

The paper presents a simple constitutive model for the behavior of sands during monotonic simple shear loading. The model is developed specifically to account for the effects of principal stress rotation on the simple shear response of sands. The main feature of the model is the incorporation of two important effects of principal stress on stress–strain response: anisotropy and non-coaxiality. In particular, an anisotropic failure criterion, cross-anisotropic elasticity, and a plastic flow rule and a stress–dilatancy relationship that incorporate the effects of non-coaxiality are adopted in the model. Simulations of published experimental results from direct simple shear and hollow cylindrical torsional simple shear tests on sands show the satisfactory performance of the model. It is envisioned that the model can be valuable in modeling in situ simple shear response of sands and in interpreting simple shear test results.  相似文献   

纪文栋  张宇亭  王洋  裴文斌 《岩土力学》2018,39(Z1):282-288
对普通硅质砂和西沙群岛珊瑚钙质砂开展多级正应力下循环单剪试验,对比多循环周期下两种砂土剪切性质和颗粒破碎的差异。研究发现,两种砂样在循环剪切下体积变化都比较微弱,剪切过程中存在阶段性剪胀,使得试样的轴向位移呈波动变化;循环单剪下剪应力峰值包络线可以用联合型指数函数表达;剪应力随循环周期变化分为同步阶段和差异阶段,两个阶段转变节点对应的循环周期数随着正应力的增大而迅速减小;同步增长阶段珊瑚钙质砂和普通硅质砂的剪应力变化一致,在差异阶段普通硅质砂的剪应力要高出珊瑚钙质砂。两种砂剪应力差异程度随试验正应力不同而变化,普通硅质砂剪应力最大可高出珊瑚钙质砂14.7%;珊瑚钙质砂和普通硅质砂的颗粒破碎存在明显差异,珊瑚钙质砂全粒径范围内颗粒破碎分布更均衡,普通硅质砂在特定粒径区间内出现了剧烈的颗粒破碎,颗粒级配曲线存在明显拐点。普通硅质砂和珊瑚钙质砂滞回曲线的形状及随循环次数的变化规律有显著差异,是两种砂样剪切性质不同的重要体现。  相似文献   

Understanding the fundamental issues related with the effect of shear velocity on frictional characteristics at the interface of rock surfaces is an important issue. In this paper, strain-rate dependence on friction is investigated in relation to sliding behaviour under normal load. The phenomenon of stick-slip of granite and shaly sandstone with a tribometer at constant rate of strain under normal loads was observed.  相似文献   

Geotechnical experiments show that Lode angle‐dependent constitutive formulations are appropriate to describe the failure of geomaterials. In the present study, we have adopted one such class of failure criteria along with a versatile constitutive relationship to theoretically analyze the effects of Lode angle on localized shear deformation or shear band formation in loose sand for both drained and undrained conditions. We determine the variation in the possible stress states for shear localization due to the introduction of Lode angle by considering the localized deformation as a bifurcation problem. Further, similar bifurcation analysis is performed for the stress states along a specific loading path, namely, plane strain compression at the constitutive level. In addition, the plane strain compression tests have been simulated as a boundary value finite element problem to see how Lode angle affects the post‐localization response. Results show that the inclusion of a Lode angle parameter within the failure criterion has considerable effects on the onset, plastic strain, and propagation of shear localization in loose sand specimens. For drained condition, we notice early inception of shear localization and multiple band formation when the Lode angle‐dependent failure criterion is used. Undrained localization characteristics, however, found to be independent of Lode angle consideration.  相似文献   

为深入研究剪切速率对钙质砂强度和变形特征的影响,对钙质干砂进行不同剪切速率条件下的直剪试验。研究结果表明,随剪切速率从0.1 mm/min增至2.4 mm/min时钙质砂抗剪强度先减小后增大,其内摩擦角亦呈现出先减小后增大趋势,临界剪切速率为1.6 mm/min;低法向应力条件下钙质砂试样随剪切速率的增加更易于呈现剪胀现象,高法向应力条件下剪切速率从0.1 mm/min增长至1.6 mm/min时试样整体剪缩量逐渐减小;当剪切速率继续从1.6 mm/min增长至2.4 mm/min时试样最大剪缩量逐渐增加;不同法向应力水平条件下钙质砂加载速率效应的细观机制不同,较低应力水平条件下钙质砂加载速率效应主要由试样内部颗粒错动、换位、重新排列引起,在较高应力水平条件下钙质砂加载速率效应主要由颗粒破碎引起。  相似文献   

梁珂  何杨  陈国兴 《岩土力学》2020,41(1):23-31
珊瑚砂的物理力学性质与陆相沉积物有显著的差异。对南沙岛礁饱和珊瑚砂进行了不排水应变控制分级循环加载动三轴试验,研究了有效围压 和相对密实度Dr对饱和珊瑚砂动剪切模量和阻尼比特性的影响。通过与陆源砂砾土试验结果的对比发现:珊瑚砂与陆源砂砾土在最大动剪切模量Gmax、动剪切模量比G/Gmax曲线及其上下界、参考剪应变 、阻尼比? 曲线及其上下界等均存在显著的差异;珊瑚砂的Gmax比陆源砂的大,采用陆源砂Gmax的经验模型,珊瑚砂的Gmax将被低估约30%;珊瑚砂的非线性稍弱于陆源砂砾土,陆源砂砾土G/Gmax和? 的经验公式不适用于珊瑚砂。给出了珊瑚砂G/Gmax和? 的经验公式及相关参数。  相似文献   

应力路径对黄土固结不排水剪强度的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
梁燕  谢永利  刘保健 《岩土力学》2007,28(2):364-366
用总应力法研究了应力路径对陇西Q3原状黄土的固结不排水剪强度的影响。试验基于正交设计,考虑了含水率、固结比、固结末径向应力和剪切路径4个因子、4种水平。试验结果表明,当黄土各向异性程度较小时应力路径对黄土的固结不排水抗剪强度有一定影响;基于正交设计的黄土三轴固结不排水剪试验的破坏点与普通三轴固结不排水剪试验(均压固结常规剪切)得到的破坏点处于一个条带内。黄土强度随含水率的变化规律与普通三轴固结不排水剪试验的相同。  相似文献   

A series of laboratory tests on thin-walled PVC-U (i.e. very flexible) pipes buried in sand is described. The tests were conducted in a glass-fronted test tank, the pipe being positioned up against the glass with its longitudinal axis perpendicular to the glass. This allowed direct observation of the sand–pipe interactions. Photographs were taken through the glass allowing discrete measurement of pipe and soil displacements during pipe installation and subsequent surface loading. This paper discusses the influences on pipe response of installation method, cover depth and pipe stiffness as increasing static surface stress was applied. The results of the laboratory tests indicate very clearly the importance of well-controlled backfilling around flexible buried pipes to ensure their long-term performance. The stiffness of the pipe affects the way it behaves and hence its performance in resisting applied stresses. This is demonstrated by the observed changes in arching effects above pipes of different stiffness. The effect of increasing cover depth is demonstrated and confirms previous research findings regarding the influence of the ground surface on pipe performance. The results clearly demonstrate the valuable insight afforded by direct observation of the soil–pipe interaction during installation and the subsequent loading of flexible pipes.  相似文献   

冷艺  栾茂田  许成顺  马太雷 《岩土力学》2009,30(6):1620-1626
针对相对密度为30 %的福建标准砂,利用土工静力-动力液压-三轴扭转多功能剪切仪,在不同初始固结条件下控制试验过程的平均主应力保持不变,改变中主应力系数和主应力方向,进行了应力控制式单调排水剪切试验,着重探讨中主应力系数和主应力方向对砂土剪切强度的耦合影响。试验结果表明:在相同的试验条件下,中主应力系数对饱和标准砂的应力-应变关系具有影响,但对体变特性的影响并不明显。上述现象同初始固结应力比的大小无关。平均主应力一定,广义剪应力随中主应力系数增大而降低的趋势同时依赖于主应力方向的作用。中主应力系数对内摩擦角的放大效应同样受到主应力方向的影响。基于广义双剪应力准则,引入考虑主应力方向影响程度的权重系数,结合试验结果给出了考虑中主应力系数和主应力方向耦合影响的强度指标表达式。  相似文献   

文章在弹性力学和库仑-摩尔破裂理论基础上,用数学解析方法剖析三轴不等应力状态,以及三轴全拉、三轴全压和最大最小主应力一拉一压三种情况下,斜截面上剪应力与抗剪阻力之差——"剪切差函数"的极值。进而探讨了剪切破裂趋势面方向与三主应力轴,及岩石(体)内摩擦角φ和内聚力C的关系。给出了不同应力状态下发生剪切破裂面的可能方向。在全压状态下,剪切破裂趋势面与最大主压应力轴夹角γ=±(45°-φ/2),即共轭角χ=±(90°-φ)。在一拉一压状态下,±(45°-φ/2)≤γ≤±45°,具体数值视拉主应力与压主应力比值确定。以上三种不等主应力下的剪切破裂面都是平面,且平行于中间主应力轴。构造拉张力的存在是无可争议事实,通过一拉一压状态下剪切破裂面趋势面分析,给出了构造地质实践中为什么有时剪切面共轭角χ>±(90°-φ),甚至接近90°的理论分析。  相似文献   

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