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Contamination of heavy metals represents one of the most pressing threats to water and soil resources, as well as human health. Phytoremediation can be potentially used to remediate metal contaminated sites. In this study, concentrations of copper, zinc, iron, and magnesium accumulated by native plant species were determined in field conditions of Hame Kasi iron and copper mine in the central part of Iran in Hamadan province. The results showed that metal accumulation by plants differed among species and tissue bodies. Species grown in substrata with elevated metals contained significantly higher metals in plants. Metals accumulated by plants were mostly distributed in root tissues, suggesting that an exclusion strategy for metal tolerance exists widely amongst them. The mentioned species could accumulate relatively higher metal concentrations far above the toxic concentration in the plant shoots. With high translocation factor, metal concentration ratio of plant shoots to roots indicates internal detoxification metal tolerance mechanism; thus, they have potential for phytoextraction. The factors affecting metal accumulation by plant species including metal concentrations, pH, electrical conductivity, and nutrient status in substrata were measured. Mostly, concentrations of zinc and copper in both aboveground and underground tissues of the plants were significantly, positively related to their total in substrata, while iron, zinc, and copper were negatively correlated to soil phosphorus.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the movement of potassium (K) in columns of contaminated calcareous soils by sheep manure and ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). Glass tubes, 4.9 cm in diameter and 40 cm in length, were packed with contaminated soils. The resulting 20-cm long column of soil had a bulk density of 1.3–1.4 g cm−3. Columns were leached with distilled water, 0.01 M EDTA, 0.01 M CaCl2, and sheep manure extract solutions. The amounts of K leached varied considerably between different soils (sandy loam and loamy sand) and leaching solutions. The amount leached with EDTA solution, varied from 7.2 to 66.7% of the extractable K when 20 pore volumes had passed through the column. The breakthrough curves of K in the EDTA and CaCl2 were approximately similar, indicating they have similar ability to displace K from these contaminated calcareous soils. Thus, among leaching solutions application of EDTA and CaCl2 on contaminated soils might enhance the mobility of K and large amounts of K will be leached.  相似文献   

某焦化厂土壤重金属污染特征与风险评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以某焦化厂为研究对象,分析了不同功能场地土壤重金属的垂直分布规律,并对土壤重金属进行了质量评价和污染风险评价。研究表明:焦化厂煤场土壤由于长年直接裸露于煤堆下,在雨水淋滤、土壤吸附阻滞等综合作用下,其表层重金属As、Hg、Cr、Cd和Pb含量均高于底层土壤;硫酸罐区与焦炉区土壤重金属在各层土壤中的含量相差不大;综合罐区土壤Hg、Cd、Pb含量从表层到底层表现出递减规律。各功能场地土壤重金属含量均未超标,综合罐区、煤场、硫酸罐区和焦炉区的土壤综合质量指数分别为0.332,0.308,0.307,0.306。场地污染风险评价结果表明:各功能场地土壤As、Cr的致癌风险指数与非致癌危害商均已超过可接受值,存在致癌风险和非致癌危害风险,故需对土壤As、Cr进行污染控制与修复,而Cd、Hg、Pb的风险值则在安全范围内。  相似文献   

Adsorption and precipitation reactions often dictate the availability of phosphorus in soil environments. Tripolyphosphate (TPP) is considered a form of slow release P fertilizer in P limited soils, however, investigations of the chemical fate of TPP in soils are limited. It has been proposed that TPP rapidly hydrolyzes in the soil solution before adsorbing or precipitating with soil surfaces, but in model systems, TPP also adsorbs rapidly onto mineral surfaces. To study the adsorption behavior of TPP in calcareous soils, a short-term (48 h) TPP spike was performed under laboratory conditions. To determine the fate of TPP under field conditions, two different liquid TPP amendments were applied to a P limited subsurface field site via an in-ground injection system. Phosphorus speciation was assessed using X-ray absorption spectroscopy, total and labile extractable P, and X-ray diffraction. Adsorption of TPP to soil mineral surfaces was rapid (< 48 h) and persisted without fully hydrolyzing to ortho-P. Linear combination fitting of XAS data indicated that the distribution of adsorbed P was highest (~ 30–40%) throughout the site after the first TPP amendment application (high water volume and low TPP concentrations). In contrast, lower water volumes with more concentrated TPP resulted in lower relative fractions of adsorbed P (15–25%), but a significant increase in total P concentrations (~ 3000 mg P kg soil) and adsorbed P (60%) directly adjacent to the injection system. This demonstrates that TPP application increases the adsorbed P fraction of calcareous soils through rapid adsorption reactions with soil mineral surfaces.  相似文献   

安永龙  黄勇  孙朝  邓凯文  李迪  黄丹 《地质通报》2018,37(6):1142-1149
为了监测北京市平原区2015年和2016年土壤中5种重金属As、Cd、Hg、Pb、Zn化学形态的变化趋势,运用Tessier连续提取法对土壤重金属进行了形态分析,并对影响重金属元素生物有效性的因素进行研究。结果表明,2年内研究区表层土壤重金属元素的形态变化微弱,有效态含量以Cd元素最高,达到45.67%,故潜在生态危害性最大;其次为Zn元素,达12.16%,其中碳酸盐结合态占比虽大,但由于研究区土壤呈偏碱性,Zn元素的迁移能力较弱,潜在危害性较小;As、Hg、Pb均以难迁移态存在,故潜在危害性也较小。土壤重金属元素的生物活性系数及迁移系数分别为:CdZnPbAsHg和CdAsZnPb=Hg,其中Cd元素2年的生物活性系数和迁移系数最高,展现出较强的生物活性和迁移能力,其余重金属元素的活性系数和迁移系数较低,潜在危害性较弱。影响重金属元素生物有效性的因素较复杂,以重金属元素全量为主,p H、有机质、CEC等理化性质次之。  相似文献   

The contents of Pb, Cd, Cr, As, and Hg was investigated in the neighboring areas of a lead smelting enterprise and the metals contamination of soil was evaluated with the methodologies of the single factor index and Nemerow integrated index. It is found that the content of heavy metals in the neighboring areas has no obvious difference from the reference points. And the soil contamination of heavy metals varies by elements, the contamination index follows the pollution order: Cd〉Hg〉Cr〉As〉Pb. The pollution degree of Cd is at high level and Hg at low level, but Cr and As reached the warning level. Therefore, the lead smelting enterprises should not only control lead but also other heavy metals as Cd.  相似文献   

Combustion of coals in thermal power plants is one of the major sources of environmental pollution due to generation of huge amounts of ashes, which are disposed off in large ponds in the vicinity of the thermal power plants. This problem is of particular significance in India, which utilizes coals of very high ash content (∼55 wt%). Since the thermal power plants and the ash ponds are located in densely populated areas, there is potential chance for contamination of soil and groundwater of the surrounding areas from the toxic trace elements in the ash. An attempt has been made to study the extent of soil contamination around one of the largest thermal power plants of India located at Kolaghat, West Bengal India. Chemical analysis of the top soils and the soils collected from the different depth profiles surrounding the ash ponds, show that the top soils are enriched in the trace elements Mo, As, Cr, Mn, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Be, V, Zn, which show maximum enrichment (2–5) in the top soils collected from all the soil profiles. These elements are also enriched in the pond ash. Since there are no other sources of industrial effluents, it can be said that the enrichment of the trace elements (Mn, Co, Mo, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Ni, Be, V) is attributed to their input from ash from the disposal pond. The study has been further strengthened by log-normal distribution pattern of the elements.  相似文献   

A simulating experiment was carried out on the interaction between natural precipitation and soil. The results demonstrated that the contents of heavy metals (V, Co, Cr, and Ni) released from soil into the solution under Earth's surface conditions are higher than the contents of those metals bonded to exchangeable species, which were extracted by sequential extraction procedure recommended by Tessier and others in 1979. It is demonstrated that the metals bonded to other 3 species (carbonate, Fe-Mn oxide, and organic matter) except those bonded to the exchangeable species in efficient speciation can be released under the Earth's surface conditions, when pH=4 in the reaction system, and the higher correlation coefficient indicated that the concentrations of heavy metals released from soil into the solution vary approximately with reaction time in terms of index regulations.  相似文献   

The generation of municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash (MSWIF) has been increasing significantly over the recent past, and its disposal is problematic and costly due to high concentration of leachable heavy metals present in the material. This study explored a potential stabilization of MSWIF by blending with a natural sorbent material with low permeability, clay, and assessed the potential release of heavy metals from the stabilized mixtures under various simulated subsurface environments. The leachability of heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Cr, Zn and Cu in the MSWIF-clay mixtures cured for 1 to 360 days was investigated by performing leaching tests and sequential chemical extractions (SCE). Leaching tests were performed at acidic, neutral and alkaline pH values. The leaching test results suggested that the natural clay could turn the MSWIF into non-hazardous material. All the MSWIF-clay mixtures demonstrated leaching behavior different from that of the original MSWIF. SCE results revealed that the acidic and reducing conditions were the most unfavorable to the immobilization of the heavy metals in the stabilized MSWIF-clay matrix. Conversely, the oxidizing and alkaline conditions were not critical to the stabilized MSWIF-clay mixtures. Apparently, clay in the mixtures could function as an adsorptive micro-barrier to retain the heavy metals within the MSWIF-clay matrices.  相似文献   

The charged sites on soil particles are important for the retention/adsorption of metals. Metallic counterions can neutralize the intrinsic charges on the surfaces of soil particles by forming complexes. In this study, efforts have been made to determine the effect of surface potential, pH, and ionic strength on the adsorption of four metal ions, hexavalent chromium Cr(VI), trivalent chromium Cr(III), nickel Ni(II) and cadmium Cd(II), in glacial till soil. Batch tests were performed to determine the effect of pH (2–12) and ionic strength (0.001–0.1 M KCl) on zeta potential of the glacial till soil. The point of zero charge (pH PZC ) of glacial till was found to be 7.0±2.5. Surface charge experiments revealed the high buffering capacity of the glacial till. Batch adsorption experiments were conducted at natural pH (8.2) using various concentrations of selected metals. The adsorption data was described by the Freundlich adsorption model. Overall glacial till shows lower adsorption affinity to Cr(VI) as compared to cationic metals, Cr(III), Ni(II) and Cd(II).  相似文献   

Effects of heavy metals on some soil biological parameters   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The soils most polluted by heavy metals are probably alluvial soils. One of them is the alluvium of the Litavka River. The heavy metal content was much higher in some cases than the threshold values, allowed by the Czech standards. The effect of soil contamination on enzyme activity is presented. Generally, the values of enzymatic activities were highest in the soil above the source of contamination and they decrease as they approach the source of contamination. All measured parameters were affected by heavy metal concentrations. Our results demonstrate that several parameters of microbial activity could be used as good indicators of increasing concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn in soil.  相似文献   

Nickel speciation in a nickel hyperaccumulating plant (Sebertia acuminata) and its associated soil of southern New Caledonia was studied using various analytical methods. The soil is formed of iron oxides (goethite, hematite), which contain almost all the nickel. The available nickel is probably linked to the organic matter in the litter. Sebertia acuminata, acts as a nickel pump, and concentrates the metal in its leaves. It partitions nickel and silica; nickel is concentrated in the cells (probably in the vacuoles) as organometallic complexes, whereas silica forms the framework of the cells, and the phytolithes. A thorough study of these plants seems essential in order to define the soil–plant relations, and to propose appropriate ways for ecological restoration. To cite this article: N. Perrier et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

王高  华明  郑俊  朱佰万 《江苏地质》2006,30(4):294-298
江都市土壤重金属含量分布及污染现状评价结果显示,江都市土壤环境质量总体良好,但局部地区土壤污染严重,其中通扬运河以北地区土壤环境质量优于通扬运河以南地区。土壤中镉、汞、锌含量空间分布不均匀,局部土壤含量超过国家土壤二级标准,由点源污染所致,其中镉、汞为江都市土壤主要致污染因子,导致局部土壤严重污染。建议对不同污染程度土壤土地采取不同利用方式,需进行合理调整规划。  相似文献   

烟台市是山东半岛蓝色经济区核心城市之一,通过对山东省烟台市生态地球化学资料的系统整理,研究土壤重金属污染现状与分布迁移规律,发现土壤主要污染因子是As、Cd、Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn等重金属元素污染,工矿三废排放是土壤重金属污染的主要原因;主要致污因子砷是环境中毒性最大的有害元素之一。土壤-苹果树体系中As迁移及形态转化规律为:植物根系吸收土壤中的砷,并在根部发生了AsⅤ→AsⅢ的还原作用,由植物的根部向上迁移过程中,AsⅢ的比例逐渐降低。砷在根系土-植物体系中的分布为:根系土>根>叶子>茎>苹果。  相似文献   

Various soil zones such as Bw, C1, and C3 are developed on spilite. Montmorillonite, vermiculite and chlorite is moderately occurred in the C1 and C3 soil zones, in contrast montmorillonite and vermiculite are absent in Bw soils whereas illite and sesquioxide are relatively increased. The high cation exchange capacity (CEC) of montmorillonite and vermiculte and moderate CEC of chlorite and illite resulted in the high adsorption of heavy metals. The adsorption of the heavy metals on spilite soil zones was studied at different concentrations and pH levels. Heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and copper were selected for adsorption studies considering their contribution as toxic metals in the environment. The initial solute concentrations ranged from 7.0 × 10−3 to 1.0 × 102 mg/L. The sorption behavior of Cd2+, Pb2+, and Cu2+ on soil zones of spilite was investigated using the batch equilibrium technique at 25°C. The characteristics of the adsorption process were investigated using Scatchard plot analysis (q/C vs. q) by the batch equilibrium technique at 25°C. In the adsorption of heavy metals, deviation from linearity in the plot of q/C versus q was observed, indicating the presence of multi-model interaction and non-Langmuirean behavior. When the Scatchard plot showed a deviation from linearity, greater emphasis was placed on the analysis of the adsorption data in terms of the Freundlich model, in order to construct the adsorption isotherms of the metal(s) at particular concentration(s) in solutions. The adsorption behavior of these metal ions on spilite soil zones is expressed by the Freundlich isotherms. Adsorption constants and correlation coefficients for the Cd, Pb, and Cu on spilite soil zones were calculated from Freundlich plots.  相似文献   

金沙江(攀枝花段)水系沉积物中重金属的形态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用连续提取法,并用原子吸收光谱法进行分析研究了金沙江攀枝花段水系沉积物中重金属的形态及分布特征。研究发现:①各重金属的形态以残渣态为主,离子交换态含量很少;②各元素的形态有自己的特点。铜在有机硫化物结合态中的含量较高,钴在碳酸盐结合态中的含量较高,铅锌钴的铁锰氧化物结合态均较高;③有效态对水环境质量具有潜在的危害。  相似文献   

重金属在土壤-水稻系统中的迁移转化规律研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
重金属在土壤-水稻系统中的迁移转化,受其在水稻土中的形态分布、土壤理化性质、有机物料和微量或大量元素的交互作用影响,以及其在水稻根际环境中的形态转化条件制约.重金属在水稻植株中的分布、迁移和总量传输,是一个动态过程.不同重金属处理水平、不同生长期水稻的不同器官的重金属含量不一,从土壤和根部传输上来的重金属会逐渐积累.  相似文献   

Partitioning of heavy metals on soil samples from column tests   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this study, column tests were used to determine the retention capability of three types of estuarine alluvia collected adjacent to landfill sites in South Wales. Selective sequential extraction (SSE) was used to study the retention mechanisms of heavy metals in the soil columns obtained from leaching experiments. Acid digestion was later used to check the validity of the SSE results. Breakthrough curves show good retention of heavy metal ions (Pb, Cu, and Zn) by all soils, where almost 99% of heavy metals were retained with the Ce/Co values in the order of 10−3. The retention strength of these soils was observed to be constant up to five pore volumes (PV). This corresponds with the pH of the effluents and pore water of soil slices, which also show good buffering capacity against very acidic leachate up to 5PV. The heavy metal extraction profiles from SSE show very similar trends with the retention profiles from the leaching experiments, where heavy metals were retained mainly at the top part where the leachate entered the column. SSE indicates qualitatively that heavy metals precipitated with carbonates and amorphous materials (oxides/hydroxides) are higher than heavy metal retention via exchangeable mechanisms. The mass balance calculation gives range of deviation of 1–16% of the total soil extraction. The distribution of the heavy metals with various soil constituents are ranked in the following order: Carbonates>Amorphous oxides hydroxides>Organic matter>Exchangeable phases.  相似文献   

The interaction between heavy metals and river sediment is very important because river sediment is the sink for heavy metals introduced into a river and it can be a potential source of pollutants when environmental conditions change. The Kumho River, the main tributaries of the Nakdong River in Korea, can be one of the interesting research targets in this respect, because it runs through different geologic terrains with different land use characteristics in spite of its short length. Various approaches were used, including mineralogical, geochemical, and statistical analyses to investigate the distribution and behavior of heavy metals in the sediments and their sources. The effect of geological factor on the distribution of these metals was also studied. No noticeable changes in the species or relative amounts of minerals were observed by quantitative X-ray diffraction in the sediments at different stations along the river. Only illite showed a significant correlation with concentrations of heavy metals in the sediments. Based on an average heavy metal concentration (the average concentrations of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn were 1.67, 20.9, 99.7, 125, 97.6, 149, 298 ppm, respectively), the sediments of the Kumho River were classified as heavily polluted according to EPA guidelines. The concentrations of heavy metals in the sediments were as follows: Zn > Pb > Cu > Ni > Cr > Co > Cd. In contrast, contamination levels based on the average I geo (index of geoaccumulation) values were as follows: Pb > Cd > Zn > Cu > Co = Cr > Ni. The concentrations of heavy metals increased downstream (with the exception of Cd and Pb) and were highest near the industrial area, indicating that industrial activity is the main factor in increasing the concentrations of most heavy metals at downstream stations. Sequential extraction results, which showed increased heavy metal fractions bound to Fe/Mn oxides at the downstream stations, confirmed anthropogenic pollution. The toxicity of heavy metals such as Ni, Cu, and Zn, represented by the exchangeable fraction and the fraction bound to carbonate, also increased at the downstream stations near the industrial complexes. Statistical analysis showed that Pb and Cd, the concentrations of which were relatively high at upstream stations, were not correlated with other heavy metals, indicating other possible sources such as mining activity.  相似文献   

土壤中重金属有效态分析方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤中重金属的不同形态决定了对于生物的有效性。自然界的重金属元素参与生态迁移能够被生物吸收利用的部分为生物有效态。土壤重金属可交换态的研究可以为其生物有效态研究提供参考。本文对于土壤中砷、汞、铬、镉、铅和铊的酸溶态、络合态和盐溶态这几种单一提取方式的可交换态的分析方法进行了研究比较,以其提取效率高的为有效态的表现方式,以p H值7.5为土壤酸碱度的界限,建立了土壤中的砷、汞、铬、镉、铅和铊在不同酸碱度下的分析方法。本方法的Cr的方法检出限为4.65ng/g;Cd的方法检出限为0.49ng/g;Pb的方法检出限为9.73ng/g;As的方法检出限为21.89ng/g;Hg的方法检出限为0.30ng/g;Tl的方法检出限为0.54ng/g。采用GBW7412,GBW7413,GBW7416这三个国家一级标准物质样品测得的方法精密度范围6.01%~19.3%。本方法适用于土地质量评估的要求。  相似文献   

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