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The use of shallow aquifers for subsurface heat storage in terms of energy management and building climatisation can lead to a temperature rise in the aquifer to 70 °C and above. The influence of temperature changes on individual mineral and sorption equilibria, reaction kinetics and microbial activity is largely known. However, the impact of heating to temperatures as high as 70 °C on the aquifer overall system has not been quantified yet. Temperature-related changes in sediment ion exchange behaviour, dimension and rates of mineral dissolution and precipitation as well as microbially enhanced redox processes were studied in column experiments using aquifer sediment and tap water at 10, 25, 40, and 70 °C. At 70 °C, a change in sediment sorption behaviour for cations and organic acids was postulated based on temporal changes in pH, magnesium, and potassium concentration in the experimental solution. No clear changes of pH, TIC and major cations were found at 10–40 °C. Redox zoning shifted from oxic conditions towards nitrate and iron(III) reducing conditions at 25 and 40 °C and sulphate reducing conditions at 70 °C. This was attributed to (a) a temperature-related increase in microbial reduction activity, and (b) three times higher release of organic carbon from the sediment at 70 °C compared to the lower temperatures. The findings of this study predict that a temperature increase in the subsurface up to 25 °C and above can impair the usability of ground water as drinking and process water, by reducing metal oxides and thus possibly releasing heavy metals from the sediment. Generally, at 70 °C, where clear cation and organic carbon desorption processes were observed and sulphate reducing conditions could be achieved, a site-specific assessment of temperature effects is required, especially for long-term operations of subsurface heat storage facilities.  相似文献   

探测地下目的物对于工程勘察、地震等灾害救援意义重大。这里探讨了利用归一化矢量分析方法和小波分析方法,对重力异常进行处理和分析,并进行了相应的模拟实验。经实验表明,重力方法对于探测地下目的物有一定的效果,对于工程勘察等应用有一定的作用。  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemical processes that took place during an aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) trial in a confined anoxic sandy aquifer (Herten, the Netherlands) were identified and quantified, using observation wells at 0.1, 8 and 25 m distance from the ASR well. Oxic drinking water was injected in 14 ASR cycles in the period 2000–2009. The main reactions consisted of the oxidation of pyrite, sedimentary organic matter, and (adsorbed) Fe(II) and Mn(II) in all aquifer layers (A–D), whereas the dissolution of carbonates (Mg-calcite and Mn-siderite) occurred mainly in aquifer layer D. Extinction of the mobilization of SO4, Fe(II), Mn(II), As, Co, Ni, Ca and total inorganic C pointed at pyrite and calcite leaching in layer A, whereas reactions with Mn-siderite in layer D did not show a significant extinction over time. Iron(II) and Mn(II) removal during recovery was demonstrated by particle tracking and pointed at sorption to neoformed ferrihydrite. Part of the oxidants was removed by neoformed organic material in the ASR proximal zone (0 – ca. 5 m) where micro-organisms grow during injection and die away when storage exceeds about 1 month. Anoxic conditions during storage led to increased concentrations for a.o. Fe(II), Mn(II) and NH4 as noted for the first 50–200 m3 of abstracted water during the recovery phase. With a mass balance approach the water–sediment reactions and leaching rate of the reactive solid phases were quantified. Leaching of pyrite and calcite reached completion at up to 8 m distance in layer A, but not in layer D. The mass balance approach moreover showed that Mn-siderite in layer D was probably responsible for the Mn(II) exceedances of the drinking water standard (0.9 μmol/L) in the recovered water. Leaching of the Mn-siderite up to 8 m from the ASR well would take 1600 more pore volumes of drinking water injection (on top of the realized 460).  相似文献   

Lasaga's (1982) Master Equation for crystal growth is solved for multicomponent systems in situations which allow for coupled diffusion of melt species. The structure of the solution is explored in some detail for the case of a constant diffusion coefficient matrix. Incorporating these results, the growth of plagioclase is modeled in undercooled tholeiitic melts by approximating interface growth rates with (1) a reduced growth rate function and with (2) calculated solid-liquid solution properties obtained from the silicate liquid solution model of Ghiorso et al. (1983; appendix of Ghiorso 1985). For this purpose algorithms are provided for estimating the liquidus temperature or the chemical affinity of a multicomponent solid solution precipitating from a complex melt of specified bulk composition. Compositional trends in initial solids produced by successive degrees of undercooling are opposite to those predicted in the binary system NaAlSi3O8-CaAl2Si2O8. Calculations suggest that the solid phase and interface melt compositions rapidly approach a steady state for a given degree of undercooling. Consequently, the overall isothermal growth rate of plagioclase forming from tholeiitic melts appears to be entirely diffusion controlled. In magmatic systems the multicomponent growth equations allow for the formation of oscillatory zoned crystals as a consequence of the couplingr between interface reaction kinetics and melt diffusion. The magnitude of this effect is largely dependent upon the asymmetry of the diffusion coefficient matrix. Methods are described to facilitate the calibration of diffusion matrices from experimental data on multicomponent penetration curves.Experimental results (Lesher and Walker 1986) on steady state Soret concentration profiles resulting from thermal diffusion in MORB and andesitic liquids are analyzed using the theory of multicomponent linear irreversible thermodynamics. Under conditions where the entropy production is minimized, a linear relationship is derived between liquid chemical potentials and temperature. This relationship is utilized to evaluate the validity of the solution model of Ghiorso et al. (1983) in melts up to 300° C above their liquidus. The results indicate that configurational entropies are accurately modeled for MORB and andesite bulk compositions. The modeling fails in two four-component systems tested. Equations are derived which allow the calibration of multicomponent regular solution parameters from steady state Soret arrays. An algorithm is demonstrated which permits the calculation of steady state Soret concentration profiles, given an overall bulk melt composition and temperature gradient. This algorithm uses the liquid solution properties of Ghiorso et al. (1983) and constants obtained from the experimental measurements of Lesher and Walker (1986).  相似文献   

目前,我国在CO2地质埋存的试验研究才刚刚开始,其研究方法与研究思路需要不断探索。本文立足于吉林油田大情字井区块,从储层埋存潜力、埋存体稳定性及水文地质条件三个方面对试验区实施CO2地质埋存工程进行评价。通过对注CO2层段的储层砂体有效厚度、空间展布范围、储层物性及储层微观结构,以及在此基础上,对各砂体横向和垂向上的连续性、砂体间的连通性等等方面的分析和评价,试验区具备一定的埋存潜力,其有效储层厚度平均为273m;同时对试验区盖层的封盖性、断裂的稳定性及井筒的密封性三方面的评价,建立试验区埋存体稳定性评价体系。研究表明,试验区具备厚层泥岩封盖层、盖层内断裂不发育且比较单一以及储层内广泛发育隔夹层,可以有效地对CO2的运移或渗漏实施封盖和遮挡;另外,结合试验区矿化度、水化学成分的研究表明,试验区与邻近区域存在明显的矿化度分带特点、水化学成分也相对较单一以及含水层和隔水层均较发育。在一定程度上说明,试验区目的层段具有相对独立的地下水水体环境,比较有利于适合注入CO2,并进行地质埋存。通过这三方面的研究,建立大情字井区块适合CO2地质埋存的埋存格架,为该区实现CO2长期有效安全埋存奠定基础。  相似文献   

Underground land use can play a significant role in future concepts of energy and gas storage and requires an improved understanding of the parameters of potential storage formations (saline aquifers), for instance of porosity and permeability, and also of mineralogical and gas compositions. This study aims at providing data examples and calculating vertical spatial variations through variogram analyses of important North German geological reservoirs from Dogger, Rhaetian, Middle Buntsandstein, and Rotliegend (Sub)Groups and Formations, focusing on the western part of the North German Basin. Vertical correlation lengths of porosity and permeability data range between 0 and 30 m, while most results are calculated at approximately 2–4 m and do not show relevant differences among the evaluated formations. In the majority of the regarded formations, the Kozeny–Carman relationship between porosity and permeability is supported as long as low porosity and permeability values are excluded from the evaluation. Mineral percentages varied significantly among the evaluated sediments. Besides quartz, ankerite is the main compound in the Dogger Group, while feldspars and clay minerals were more frequent in the Rhaetian, Middle Buntsandstein, and Rotliegend sediments. Methane was the main gas compound in the reservoirs, followed by nitrogen, ethane, and carbon dioxide. This study serves as preparatory work to allow for the parameterization of geological models and a subsequent simulation of fluid transport to evaluate (long-term) safety and impacts of geothermal and gas storage projects.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology to assess the technical and economic viability of grid-tied battery energy storage for a student residence under a time-of-use tariff structure. Battery as a storage medium can take advantage of the price arbitrage between peak and off-peak period under favourable conditions. To investigate the impact of different pricing regimes, summer rate was implemented, and the results were compared with that of winter rate on yearly basis. At base case conditions, neither a prevailing summer nor winter pricing tariff favours the use of battery energy storage. A 0.4656 R/kWh price differential between peak and off-peak period for a summer pricing regime was not sufficient for the battery energy storage system to break even. Implementing a year-round winter pricing regime with a price differential of 2.1171 R/kWh between peak and off-peak period requires a minimum of 866 battery cycle life to break even. Probabilistic analysis using Monte Carlo simulation indicated that to make battery energy storage system attractive, at least 110% increase in the peak price of electricity for summer is needed. The study concluded that the price differential among the different time-of-use tariff regimes impact on the extent of profitability of using battery energy storage.  相似文献   

A modeling study was carried out to evaluate the influence of aquifer heterogeneity, as represented by geologic layering, on heat transport and storage in an aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) system in Agassiz, British Columbia, Canada. Two 3D heat transport models were developed and calibrated using the flow and heat transport code FEFLOW including: a “non-layered” model domain with homogeneous hydraulic and thermal properties; and, a “layered” model domain with variable hydraulic and thermal properties assigned to discrete geological units to represent aquifer heterogeneity. The base model (non-layered) shows limited sensitivity for the ranges of all thermal and hydraulic properties expected at the site; the model is most sensitive to vertical anisotropy and hydraulic gradient. Simulated and observed temperatures within the wells reflect a combination of screen placement and layering, with inconsistencies largely explained by the lateral continuity of high permeability layers represented in the model. Simulation of heat injection, storage and recovery show preferential transport along high permeability layers, resulting in longitudinal plume distortion, and overall higher short-term storage efficiencies.  相似文献   

为研究城市下垫面空间格局对社区尺度内涝过程的影响, 构建社区尺度下的8种不同城市下垫面空间格局, 并建立相应的城市内涝数值模型, 模拟6种不同重现期(2 a, 5 a, 10 a, 20 a, 50 a, 100 a)设计降雨条件下内涝过程; 基于不同下垫面和降雨情景下的内涝数值模拟结果, 分别从内涝淹没特征值、时空变化过程、水动力特性等方面开展分析。结果表明: ①城市下垫面空间格局对社区尺度内涝淹没特征值、淹没时空变化过程和内涝积水流速分布均有一定影响; ②设计降雨重现期为2 a、5 a、50 a和100 a时, 不同城市下垫面空间格局间的积水总量峰值、积水面积峰值、区域最大积水深差别显著, 重现期为10 a和20 a时, 无明显差别; ③内涝积水较大流速分布主要集中在道路交汇处, 在本研究构建的情景中, 最大流速的差值占比为31.9%;④在8种不同城市下垫面空间格局中, 环形放射型格局在应对内涝方面更具弹性。本研究可为城市下垫面空间管控和城市内涝形成机理研究提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) is used for seasonal storage of large quantities of thermal energy. Due to the increasing demand for sustainable energy, the number of ATES systems has increased rapidly, which has raised questions on the effect of ATES systems on their surroundings as well as their thermal performance. Furthermore, the increasing density of systems generates concern regarding thermal interference between the wells of one system and between neighboring systems. An assessment is made of (1) the thermal storage performance, and (2) the heat transport around the wells of an existing ATES system in the Netherlands. Reconstruction of flow rates and injection and extraction temperatures from hourly logs of operational data from 2005 to 2012 show that the average thermal recovery is 82 % for cold storage and 68 % for heat storage. Subsurface heat transport is monitored using distributed temperature sensing. Although the measurements reveal unequal distribution of flow rate over different parts of the well screen and preferential flow due to aquifer heterogeneity, sufficient well spacing has avoided thermal interference. However, oversizing of well spacing may limit the number of systems that can be realized in an area and lower the potential of ATES.  相似文献   

The diffusional mass transfer of soluble components in pitted pebble conglomerates from the Alpine Molasse and the Carboniferous of northern Spain has been studied using electron microprobes. Two categories of pitted pebble conglomerates are distinguished depending on the presence or absence of an affected zone within the pebble which has suffered volume loss. In these affected zones there is a reduction of mobile components—Ca, Ba, Sr, and sometimes Si, and a concentration of immobile components—Mg, Al, Fe, Mn, Si, K, and Ti. The changes in relative abundances of different elements across these zones are shown to be dependent on the mineralogy of the dissolving pebble. This is interpreted as being partly due to the modification of the stress fields, developed within pebbles due to their composition. Theoretical predictions of the rates of pebble pitting are shown to be in reasonable agreement with natural examples. Most of the deformational structures in these conglomerates were produced by a diffusional mass transfer process such as pressure solution.  相似文献   

A low-dimensional model that describes both saturated and unsaturated flow processes in a single equation is presented. Subsurface flow processes in the groundwater, the vadose zone, and the capillary fringe are accounted for through the computation of aggregated hydrodynamic parameters that result from the integration of the governing flow equations from the bedrock to the land surface. The three-dimensional subsurface flow dynamics are thus described by a two-dimensional equation, allowing for a drastic reduction of model unknowns and simplification of the model parameterizations. This approach is compared with a full resolution of the Richards equation in different synthetic test cases. Because the model reduction stems from the vertical integration of the flow equations, the test cases all use different configurations of heterogeneity for vertical cross-sections of a soil-aquifer system. The low-dimensional flow model shows strong consistency with results from a complete resolution of the Richards equation for both the water table and fluxes. The proposed approach is therefore well suited to the accurate reproduction of complex subsurface flow processes.  相似文献   

植被大气间能量储存分项对能量闭合的影响在地表能量平衡研究中有重要意义。以张掖市盈科灌区玉米农田为研究区,在采用TDEC(Thermal Diffusion Equation+Correction)方法修正土壤热通量的基础上,分析了植被大气间能量储存分项对能量闭合率的影响。结果表明:能量储存分项对于能量闭合率具有一定的提升作用,平均提升幅度约为5.18%。能量储存分项对能量闭合率的影响与有效能量(Rn-G)相关。各能量储存分项对能量闭合率的贡献从大到小依次为:光合作用 >植被冠层热储存 >空气热储存 >空气湿度变化≈露水焓变,其中后两项量级极小,可在相关研究中忽略。量级较大的前三项能量分项具有明显的单峰日变化趋势,其中光合作用项相对另两分项在时间上有所滞后。此外,不同天气条件下(如有云和无云)能量储存分项对于能量闭合率的影响不同,有云时其影响相对较大。  相似文献   

南水北调东线山东段输水干渠沿线分布有第四系松散岩类孔隙含水层组、碳酸盐岩类裂隙岩溶含水层组、碎屑岩类裂隙含水层组和岩浆岩变质岩类裂隙含水层组。前2个含水层组具有巨大的含水空间,可进行地表水、地下水联合调蓄。沿线共划分出地下可调蓄区段9个,其中调蓄能力较强、调蓄条件较好应优先考虑的区段有济宁、东阿、莱龙蓬、烟台、牟平区段,调蓄能力较强但调蓄条件较差、需要辅助引水工程的区段为济南、淄博、潍坊、青岛区段。经估算,沿线地下可调蓄总量为20.4756×108m3。  相似文献   

The Storegga Slide, which occurred ~8100 years ago, is one of the world's largest and best studied exposed submarine landslides. In this study we use novel geomorphometric techniques to constrain the submarine mass movements that have shaped the north-eastern Storegga Slide, understand the link between different forms of failure, and propose a revised development model for this region. According to this model, the north-eastern part of the Storegga Slide has developed in four major events. The first event (event 1) was triggered in water depths of 1500–2000 m. In this event, the surface sediments were removed by debris flows and turbidity currents, and deposited in the Norwegian Sea Basin. Loading of the seabed by sediments mobilised by the debris flows and turbidity currents resulted in the development of an evacuation structure. Loss of support associated with this evacuation structure, reactivation of old headwalls and seismic loading activated spreading in the failure surface of event 1 up to the main headwall (event 2). In some areas, spreading blocks have undergone high displacement and remoulding. Parts of the spreading morphology and the underlying sediment have been deformed or removed by numerous debris flows and turbidity currents (event 3). We suggest that the higher displacement and remoulding of the spreading blocks, and their removal by debris flows and turbidity currents, was influenced by increased pore pressures, possibly due to gas hydrate dissolution/dissociation or by lateral variability in the deposition of contourite drifts in palaoeslide scars. The fourth event entailed a large, blocky debris flow that caused localised compression and transpressive shearing in the southern part of the spreading area.  相似文献   

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