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This paper shows the importance that urban planning plays in the development of Hong Kong. This leads to a reassessment of the role of the government, which is the sole proprietor of the land, in the economy – while it acknowledges the importance of market forces. The first part shows how, since 1945, Hong Kong authorities have been obliged to intervene more in urban planning and local development, despite their liberal ideology. The second part focuses on the interaction between government action and market forces, and their influence in this development. The third part deals with the question of the economic integration between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta (PRD) after China started its economics reforms in 1978. The deconcentration of Hong Kong industries to China was mainly due to market forces, but provided a new role for the government. This role is analyzed through its transportation policy – the domain with the most visible governmental intervention before and after 1997. It indicates the preference of the government to develop the territory rather than better integration with the PRD, because of the internal economic problems that may emerge from this integration. Nevertheless, for political and economic reasons, this integration is also seen as necessary. The future of Hong Kong’s economy lies in the answers the authorities will give to this dilemma.  相似文献   

Ecotourism environmental impact assessment is a traveling activity relevant influence prediction and appraisal. And the setting-up of the index system is very important to implement the appraisal of environmental impact of ecological travel. According to the index system, natural ecological environment, humane social environment, the environment of tourist resources and the atmosphere of capacity of tourist environment, four major systems form the first index. Each system formed the second index of several key elements. In addition, it is a key step to appraise the sureness of the factor weight, which influences the rationality of the result directly. Daily method of weighting has the Delphi's and the AHP. According to "Grade form of characteristic value of Standard of rating for quality of tourist attractions" which the National Tourism Administration issues, the paper takes the Jingshan mountains ecological tourist zone as an example and adopts AHP to weight the factors mainly, assisted with the Delphi's by the help of computer. The Jingshan ecological tourist zone is good. The result of calculation, comprehensive value of 8.35 after establishment, shows that it doesn't change dramatically, attributing to the index of natural ecological environment like atmosphere, quality of surface water, acoustics environment and vegetation coverage. Improvement of traffic states and sanitation caused by the project in the region increases the comprehensive value, while the water and soil loss in partial area caused by construction decrease.  相似文献   

香港九龙破火山的地层结构与划分讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港岛—九龙半岛地区以往火山地层的划分主要依据岩性特征,基本不考虑火山构造和火山岩相的鉴别,由于陆相火山岩区特有的岩性岩相时空上的复杂多变,导致地层组越划越多,不能合理进行区域地层对比,更无法通过火山地层划分恢复古火山活动过程。笔者等在该地区开展了野外路线地质调查和火山构造—火山岩相研究,鉴别出九龙复活破火山机构,在此基础上确定火山地层主要由同一期普林尼式喷发形成的冷却单元构成,有类似的地层结构,结合年龄资料和区域地质对比,它们基本上可归入同一地层组;同时,分析了陆相火山地层的划分方法,指出岩石地层单位划分不能作为主要方法;冷却单元或流动单元才是合理划分陆相火山地层的基本单位。  相似文献   

Our study examines older people’s perceptions towards the urban environment and their spatial experiences through a person-environment perspective. We argue that Person-Environment (P-E) fit is critical to older people’s quality of life: positive environmental stimuli and personal adaptation competence have been held to influence this fit, and quality of fit will eventually affect interactions between older people and place. In a mixed-methods study, a context sensitive place audit was applied to a new town in Hong Kong, with a view to identifying strengths and weaknesses in the built environment and older people’s own strategies of living. Through 302 questionnaires and three focus groups with older participants, the results revealed high appreciation of outdoor spaces, transportation and social participation. The findings also indicate a strong association between housing typology and perceived age-friendliness. People accommodated in public housing estates tended to accord higher scores to their living environment although social exclusion was identified among oldest-old respondents in particular. Older people’s affective links with their living environment across time and their unique life-course experiences may help to explain their relatively relaxed attitudes when they face changes and hardships.  相似文献   

Geochemical investigations of the slip zones of a landslide in granitic saprolite revealed that they have signatures distinct from their host materials. These distinctions include stronger Si depletion, higher Al enrichment, greater LOI, significant fixations of Mn, Ba and Ce, stronger negative Eu anomalies, and greater accumulations of other rare earth elements (REE). Altogether, these geochemical characteristics indicate that: (a) the slip zones have greater abundance of clays, consistent with field and microscopic observations; (b) concentration of clay size particles within the slip zones may have been from downward leaching and deposition, and lateral transportation of Al-Si solutions and colloids through pores and fractures within the saprolite; and (c) there were prevailing oxidation and poor drainage, and occasional reduction conditions within the slip zones. It was concluded that geochemical analyses could be effective in gathering clues for understanding the development and nature of slip zones in landslide investigations.  相似文献   

The size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass and primary production were investigated in four contrasting areas of Hong Kong waters in 2006. Phytoplankton biomass and production varied seasonally in response to the influence of the Pearl River discharge. In the dry season, the phytoplankton biomass and production were low (<42 mg chl m−2 and <1.8 g C m−2 day−1) in all four areas, due to low temperatures and dilution and reduced light availability due to strong vertical mixing. In contrast, in the wet season, in the river-impacted western areas, the phytoplankton biomass and production increased greater than five-fold compared to the dry season, especially in summer. In summer, algal biomass was 15-fold higher than in winter, and the mean integrated primary productivity (IPP) was 9 g C m−2 day−1 in southern waters due to strong stratification, high temperatures, light availability, and nutrient input from the Pearl River estuary. However, in the highly flushed western waters, chl a and IPP were lower (<30 mg m−2 and 4 g C m−2 day−1, respectively) due to dilution. The maximal algal biomass and primary production occurred in southern waters with strong stratification and less flushing. Spring blooms (>10 μg chl a L−1) rarely occurred despite the high chl-specific photosynthetic rate (mostly >10 μg C μg chl a −1 day−1) as the accumulation of algal biomass was restricted by active physical processes (e.g., strong vertical mixing and freshwater dilution). Phytoplankton biomass and production were mostly dominated by the >5-μm size fraction all year except in eastern waters during spring and mostly composed of fast-growing chain-forming diatoms. In the stratified southern waters in summer, the largest algal blooms occurred in part due to high nutrient inputs from the Pearl River estuary.  相似文献   

Early Cretaceous rhyolitic tuffs, widely distributed on Port Island, provide insights into the volcanism and tectonic setting of Hong Kong. In this paper we present petrological, geochronological and geochemical data of the rhyolitic tuff to constrain the diagenesis age and petrogenesis of the rocks, tectonic setting and early Cretaceous volcanism of Hong Kong. The first geochronological data show that the zircons in the volcanic rocks have U-Pb age of 141.1–139.5 Ma, which reveals that the rhyolitic tuff on Port Island was formed in the early Cretaceous (K1). Geochemically, these acid rocks, which are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), and depleted in high field strength elements (HFSEs), belong to the high K calc-alkaline to shoshonite series with strongly-peraluminous characteristic. The geochemical analyses suggest that the volcanic rocks were derived from deep melting in the continental crust caused by basaltic magma underplating. Based on the geochemical analysis and previous studies, we concluded that the rhyolitic tuffs on Port Island were formed in a back-arc extension setting in response to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian Plate.  相似文献   

Yu  Qiwei  Lau  Alexis K. H.  Tsang  Kang T.  Fung  Jimmy C. H. 《Natural Hazards》2018,92(2):1011-1038
Natural Hazards - The adverse impact of climate change-associated extreme weather events is becoming more significant globally, particularly the flood impact on coastal and low-lying areas such as...  相似文献   

类刚性-大直径水泥土(旋搅)桩是水泥土桩系列中的一种新桩型,其特有的有关造桩的科技成果已获得了众多工程专家的赞誉和社会的公认,并已在珠江三角洲地区推广应用。其中,最具持续发展意义的成果,则是可促进建筑工程实现低碳目标:即低耗、低噪、无污染施工。通过该桩型的一些实例,结合珠三角地区的地层特点,重点介绍了在含水量为70%-80%的(欠固结)淤泥地层中,Φ1000-1200 mm水泥土桩现场抽芯桩身强度95%达到qu(28d)≥1.5-2.0 MPa的成果,以及"Φ1000 mm水泥土桩穿透N≥38击粗(砾)砂层"的成果。  相似文献   

以长江经济带上游地区泸州市规划中心城区为例,建立了包括多因素综合评价模型和多层次评价指标体系的工程建设适宜性评价方法,采用模糊赋权法和层次分析法相结合的组合赋权法计算评价指标的权重,利用GIS空间分析技术对泸州市规划中心城区工程建设适宜性进行了评价,并对评价方法的可靠性进行了分析。结果表明:泸州市规划中心城区工程建设适宜性整体较好,以适宜、较适宜为主,其中适宜区、较适宜区分别占研究区总面积的36.16%、28.81%,此外适宜性差区、不适宜区各占20.96%、8.07%;泸州市城市规划建设、重大工程建设选址应在适宜区和较适宜区范围内,尽量避免适宜性差和不适宜地区;在适宜性差和不适宜地区进行工程建设应注意不同区段现有和可能诱发的地质灾害、地基不均匀沉降、软土、坍岸等问题的防治。建立的评价方法在丘陵城市工程建设适宜性评价上适用性较好。  相似文献   

以珠三角广花盆地城市应急水源地为例,通过野外现场抽水和室内临界水力梯度试验对比,分析了地下水安全开采的控制条件。结果显示:广花盆地的岩溶塌陷是可通过控制水位降深等方法进行防控的,当地下水开采水位降深控制在9 m以内时,可大幅度降低岩溶塌陷概率。该结果可直接作为企业进行地下水安全开采的控制性指标和政府管理部门安全管控的决策性指标。由于地质条件的差异性,在实际开采地下水过程中,不能机械地依赖单一的地下水水位降深控制指标,应根据抽水影响半径以及各地不同的临界水力坡度分地段控制地下水位降深,或者改变开采方式,以达到充分利用地下水资源的目的。建议在实际抽水期间制订突发灾害预案,加强地下水监测工作,实时掌握地下水和其他影响因素变化动态。  相似文献   

土地整治环境影响评价是土地整治规划编制过程中的一个重要环节,目前的土地整治环境影响评价多是从某方面评价土地整治规划对环境的影响。在城乡一体化发展的背景下,按照“全域规划、全域整治”的要求,通过识别土地整治规划对经济、社会和环境影响,建立评价指标体系,以山东省诸城市为例,对土地整治规划环境影响进行综合评价。  相似文献   

陈立德 《华南地质》2023,39(4):666-671
全新世海侵以来,巨量泥沙在长江河口湾一带堆积,形成了自西向东雁列的六个亚三角洲河口沙坝。长江口随之从镇江、扬州向东南方向推进到长兴岛一带,加之百余年来长江中游荆江河曲的演化和簰洲湾弯曲河道的发展,长江中下游河道累计延长620 km。长江中下游河床纵比降的自动调整,促使了中游一带河道泥沙淤积达12.9 m。长江河道的不断延伸加长和长江中下冲积河床对纵比降的自动调整,是长江中游河道淤涨和洪水位上升的内因;而荆江一带人类工程活动的参与,强化了长江泥沙向下游输移,加速了长江三角洲的发展和长江河道的延伸,构成了长江中游河道淤涨和洪水位上升的正反馈机制。长江中游防洪减灾策略、长江流域防洪规划和流域国土空间规划,应统筹考虑长江口浚海清淤和长江三角洲泥沙资源化利用,或开辟新的防洪入海通道,如开辟南通-如东入海新运河暨防洪新河。  相似文献   

断层对油气藏的控制作用体现在油气藏的形成和演化过程中断层输导油气和封堵油气的双重作用。究竟起哪种作用主要取决于断层不同部位、不同层段封堵能力和输导能力的差异性。本文基于珠江口盆地恩平凹陷大量断层圈闭油藏的实际钻井资料,从断层活动速率、生长指数、泥岩涂抹因子(SSF)、断层泥比率(SGR)等角度建立了油气"穿断运移"模式和定量评价方法。指出对于恩平凹陷新近系圈闭而言,当控圈断层粤海组沉积期的活动速率<10m/Ma或生长指数<1.1、SSF>1.8~2.1或SGR<0.35~0.42时,油气能够横穿断层运移。基于这项研究,预测了恩平凹陷北部隆起带A1、A3、A4和南部隆起带A20等构造控圈断层的侧向开启部位和层段,推动了多个构造的钻探和3个商业油田的发现,证实了油气"穿断运移"模式和评价方法的准确性和适用性,对具有类似地质特征的地区具有良好的理论指导和实践价值。  相似文献   

珠江口盆地的成盆机制和构造演化过程探讨是该地区烃源岩研究中不可缺少的环节,也是大家广泛关注的焦点问题.本文以阳江东凹为例,通过整体与局部相结合的分析方法,从整体上确定了研究区走滑断裂的发育特征和展布框架,明确了区域构造运动与走滑断裂的成因联系;并将整体划分成局部,聚焦于阳江东凹古近纪盆地构造演化阶段逐步分解与精细检验,...  相似文献   

恩平凹陷隆起带远离洼陷生烃中心,油气以侧向运移为主.基于浅层断裂埋藏浅、活动晚、封闭性弱的特征,提出穿断成藏模式成功地指导了隆起带勘探,发现一批商业性油田.对恩平凹陷南、北隆起带浅层主要油田成藏特征进行剖析,阐述了浅层油气穿越未成岩断裂运移富集成藏模式及其成因机制.断层岩弱成岩导致有限油柱封闭高度与油气强充注是其形成机...  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of the Yellow River Delta in China, to trace land use and land cover changes during the past 20 years, with an emphasis on land quality changes. Three sets of data are used in this case study: remote sensing data derived from satellite images; crop yield data from statistics; and soil data collected by the researchers in the field. Our study reveals that at the regional scale, LUCC has taken place in a positive direction: vegetation cover has been expanding and crop yields per hectare have been on rise. However, while the overall eco-environment has improved, the improvement is uneven across the Delta region. At local levels, some areas show signs of increased salinization and declining organic content. Both natural forces and human activities are responsible for the LUCC, but human activities play a more important role. While some impacts of human activities are positive, the damages are often long-lasting and irreversible. We also conclude that it is necessary to use both macro data (such as remote sensing data) and micro data (data collected in the field) to study land quality change. The former are efficient in examining land quality changes at the regional scale, the latter can serve to verify ground patterns revealed from macro data and help to identify local variations, so as to get a comprehensive understanding of LUCC and promote sustainable land use and land management. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

应用遥感方法研究黄河三角洲地表蒸发及其与下垫面关系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
文中主要应用遥感方法计算了黄河三角洲地表蒸发量及其地表特征参数。地表特征参数及其合理组合揭示出黄河三角洲下垫面的基本特征:农田植被指数和天然植被的植被指数有不同的变化规律,下垫面覆盖度低,裸地较多,地表较湿润,蒸发量较大。蒸发量时空分布主要受下垫面条件控制,滨海裸地和受人类活动影响较大的农田等地蒸发量较大,年际平均蒸发量在570~860 mm之间。  相似文献   

肖攀  何军  彭轲  许珂 《中国地质》2019,46(S2):93-101
鄂西岗地1:50 000水文地质图数据集是在董市幅实施水文地质测绘、地球物理勘探、遥感地质解译、水文地质钻探、水样品采集测试及地下水位监测与统测等工作基础上完成原始数据采集,综合前期收集资料的整理分析与最新采集数据集成编制而成。原始数据采集主要包括遥感地质解译面积450 km2,机(民)调查点226个,地质调查点125个,环境地质调查点16个,水文地质钻探孔12眼,工程地质钻探孔8眼,水样品(全分析、同位素及有机污染样)合计采集80组,丰、枯水期地下水位统测各40点次,以及机(民)井监测12点位(一个水文年监测)等,数据采集严格遵守《水文地质调查规范》(DZ/T 0282-2015)《水文水井地质钻探规程》(DZ/T 0148-2014)等规范与技术要求组织实施,保证数据的准确可靠。数据集采用MapGIS 6.7平台辅助制图,坐标系为1984年西安坐标系,投影方式为高斯-克吕格投影(6度带)。水文地质图编制是以地下水系统理论为指导,充分展现关键水文地质信息与地下水资源现状条件,为区域地下水资源开发利用远景规划与有效保护提供直接依据,能够促进长江中游生态文明建设与长江中游经济带快速发展。  相似文献   

Tectonic activity occurred during the depositional period of the Enping Formation in the southern Baiyun Sag in the Pearl River Mouth Basin,with a series of synsedimentary faults and a set of large fan delta reservoir bodies developing.There is no data from drilling,cores,etc.for this area,so this paper applies three-dimensional seismic data to study the structural style of the steep slope zone,the seismic facies characteristics of fan deltas,and the source-sink system and sedimentary model of the Enping Formation.The control action of tectonic activity on fan deltaic sedimentary systems is studied by combining interpretation of fault systems,dissection of structural styles,seismic reflection structure,seismic facies geometry,and seismic attribute analysis,together with theoretical analysis of the source-sink deposition process.The Baiyun Sag has experienced tectonic activity since the Eocene,and a series of synsedimentary faults are developed in the southern steep slope zone.Under the common control of multiple large synsedimentary faults,a large ancient gully formed in the steep slope zone in the south,which gradually widened from south to north.The uplift area in the southern part of the sag was exposed for a long time during the deposition of the Enping Formation and consequently suffered weathering and erosion.The resulting sediments were transported through a system of provenance channels composed of slopes and an ancient gully to the depression area,where they were deposited and eventually converged to form a large fan delta.The fan delta presents the overall characteristics of NS strong wedge reflection and EW strong domal reflection—thick in the middle part and thin in the wings.It displays a lobe-shaped distribution on the plane,with the fan root pointing to the south slope.According to differences in reflection intensity from bottom to top,it can be subdivided into three stages of progradational sedimentary bodies—the southern uplift and denudation zone,the large ancient gully,and the fan delta—which together constitute a complete source-sink system.This represents a sedimentary model of progradational fan delta under the overall joint control of the re stricted ancient gully and syndepositional faults.  相似文献   

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