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大别山北部石榴辉石麻粒岩流体包裹体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大别山北部石榴辉石麻粒岩是一种基性麻粒岩,岩石中富含有大量CO_2、CH_4、H_2S、H_2O流体包裹体,及含子晶多相包裹体。首次在寄主矿物石榴石、透辉石发现有含固相的多相包裹体。经拉曼光谱及电镜分析,固相部分为石榴石,辉石、重晶石和铁的氧化物;气相成分为H_2O、CO、CO_2、H_2S、H_2、CH_4、C_2H_2等,均一温度分别为950℃、975℃。指示着石榴辉石麻粒岩在形成过程中,在还原气氛下曾经发生过局部深熔作用,产生在组成上近于石榴石、辉石的熔体。这种溶体被正在结晶的石榴石,透辉石所捕获。石榴石中早期的含石榴石子晶+CO_2多相包裹体其CO_2密度为0.65~0.626g/cm~3;二相的 CO_2包裹体,CO_2部分的均一温度26~28.2℃,为晚期捕获的低密度CO_2包裹体,密度为0.648~0.688g/cm~3。石英中三相H_2O-CO_2包裹体,Th=331~410℃,CO_2-水合物溶化温度7.3°~8.6℃,是一种低盐度包裹体,CO_2部分均一温度:25.7~28℃,CO_2密度0.65~0.698g/cm~3为早中期捕获的包裹体。整个岩石中未发现高密度CO_2流体包裹体。表明麻粒岩可以形成在低密度CO_2之中。H_2O-NaCl包体均一温度80~475℃,密度0.36~1.026g/cm~3,主要为晚期包裹体,少数高密度H_2O包裹体,为早期捕获的包裹体。通过流体包裹体等容线确立石榴辉石麻粒岩P-T轨迹为  相似文献   

孙先如  周作祯 《岩石学报》1994,10(3):275-289
大别山北部红刚玉矿产在太古代大别山群黑云角门外长片麻岩以及超基性岩中。赋存红刚玉的刚玉黑云二长片麻岩的原始岩石为富铝泥质岩,在角门岩相变质条件下,通过两种脱硅方式,即变质分异作用和超基性岩侵位,形成刚玉黑云二长片麻岩。它们形成的温压条件:T=500℃~700℃,P=0.4~0.7GPa。刚玉形成的可能的化学机制是白云母在缺硅条件下的分解。  相似文献   

虎什哈一带的变质侵入岩中见有细粒含石榴二辉斜长麻粒岩和中细粒二辉斜长麻粒岩。  相似文献   

冀西北石榴基性麻粒岩中辉石的演化及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冀西北石榴基性麻粒岩中的辉石可分为三个世代。第一世代的单斜和斜方辉石包裹于石榴石变斑晶中,它们形成的温压条件为 T=750~830℃, P=1.0~1.26GPa。第二世代的单斜和斜方辉石分布于基质中,它们和斜长石常构成120°交角的稳定共生结构, 形成条件 T=780~860℃,P=0.83~0.92GPa。第三世代的辉石产于石榴石的冠状反应边内, 形成条件T=720~750℃, P=0.554~0.679GPa。从第一世代单斜辉石到第三世代单斜辉石,它们的Al  相似文献   

通过对大别山北部石榴二辉麻粒岩中的变质结构及变质反应特征的研究,认为石榴二辉麻粒岩在变质作用过程中,经历了四个主要的变质演化作用阶段:(1)S1阶段以早期的残留矿物,并呈包体的形式产于石榴石中为特征,以Cpx+Q(Cs)+Ru+Gt组合为代表,T=612~750℃,表明石榴二辉麻粒岩曾经历过榴辉岩相阶段的变质作用;(2)S2阶段是以Opx+Cpx+Gt+Amp+Q+Ti+Mt矿物组合为牲,其相应的T=837~887℃,P=1.03~0.95Gpa,此时的变质条件为麻粒岩相;(3)S3阶段,矿物组合为Cpx+Gt+Amp+Pl+Mt,T=530~660℃,P=0.85~0.95Gpa,此时的温故知新压条件代表岩石已经进入了角闪岩相阶段;和(4)晚期的低角闪岩相阶段S4,其形成的温压条件为T=495℃,P=0.56~0.70Gpa。  相似文献   

安徽大别山北部榴辉岩的分布及主要特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
安徽大别山北部新发现的榴辉岩主要产于花岗质片麻岩及基性一超基性岩中,与大别山南部的榴辉岩在产出围岩、矿物组成及地球化学特征等方面均十分相似。现今榴辉岩南多北少的分布,主要是在中生代热隆构造体制下剧烈差异抬升剥蚀,中生代花岗岩大面积侵位所致。  相似文献   

苏文  徐树桐 《地球科学》2000,25(2):152-158
通过对大别山北部石榴二辉麻粒岩岩相学、矿物地质温压计和热力学计算, 获得4个主要的变质演化阶段的矿物共生组合、温压条件和相应的水活度条件: (1) 榴辉岩相阶段(M1), 以Cpx (含Jd) +Q +Ru +Gt组合为代表的残留矿物, 并呈包体的形式产于石榴石中, t=612~750℃; (2)麻粒岩相阶段(M2), 以Opx+Cpx +Gt+Q +Ti+Mt矿物组合为特征, 其相应的t =837~887℃, p=1.03~1.25GPa, 水活度为0.718~0.799; (3) 角闪岩相阶段(M3), 矿物组合为Cpx +Gt+Amp +Pl+Mt, t=530~660℃, p=0.85~0.95GPa, 其相应的水活度为0.2 3~ 0.2 4;和(4) 低角闪岩相阶段(M4), 其形成的温压条件为t=495℃, p=0.5 6~ 0.70GPa, 相应的水活度为0.11~ 0.13.石榴二辉麻粒岩变质反应、变质结构、矿物组合及其演化, 不仅受控于形成时的温压条件, 而且与形成时体系中水活度的演化有着密切的成因关系.水活度的演化特征表明, 变质流体在变质作用过程中, 对变质反应温度起着一定的缓冲作用.   相似文献   

安徽大别山北部榴辉岩的分布及主要特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安徽大别山北部新发现的榴辉岩主要产于花岗质片麻岩及基性—超基性岩中 ,与大别山南部的榴辉岩在产出围岩、矿物组成及地球化学特征等方面均十分相似。现今榴辉岩南多北少的分布 ,主要是在中生代热隆构造体制下剧烈差异抬升剥蚀 ,中生代花岗岩大面积侵位所致。  相似文献   

大别山毛屋方辉岩中铬绿辉石的发现与意义刘晓春,曲玮(中国科学院地球化学研究所,贵阳550002)关键词铬绿辉石,大别山铬透辉石是超基性岩和金伯利岩中的常见矿物,而钠铬辉石只发现于铁陨石中。80年代初,OnYang[1]报道了缅甸玉中的钠铬辉石.是目前...  相似文献   

Granulites from Huangtuling in the North Dabie metamorphic core complex in eastern China preserve rare mineralogical and mineral chemical evidence for multistage metamorphism related to Palaeoproterozoic metamorphic processes, Triassic continental subduction‐collision and Cretaceous collapse of the Dabie Orogen. Six stages of metamorphism are resolved, based on detailed mineralogical and petrological studies: (I) amphibolite facies (6.3–7.0 kbar, 520–550 °C); (II) high‐pressure/high‐temperature granulite facies (12–15.5 kbar, 920–980 °C); (III) cooling and decompression (4.8–6.0 kbar, 630–700 °C); (IV) medium‐pressure granulite facies (7.7–9.0 kbar, 690–790 °C); (V) low‐pressure/high‐temperature granulite facies (4.0–4.7 kbar, 860–920 °C); (VI) retrograde greenschist facies overprint (1–2 kbar, 340–370 °C). The PT history derived in this study and existing geochronological data indicate that the Huangtuling granulite records two cycles of orogenic crustal thickening events. The earlier three stages of metamorphism define a clockwise PT path, implying crustal thickening and thinning events, possibly related to the assembly and breakup of the Columbia Supercontinent at c. 2000 Ma. Stage IV metamorphism indicates another crustal thickening event, which is attributed to Triassic subduction/collision between the Yangtze and Sino‐Korean Cratons. The dry lower crustal granulite persisted metastably during the Triassic subduction/collision because of the lack of hydrous fluid and deformation. Stage V metamorphism records the Cretaceous collapse of the Dabie Orogen, possibly due to asthenosphere upwelling or removal of the lithospheric mantle resulting in heating of the granulite and partial melting of the North Dabie metamorphic core complex. Comparison of the Huangtuling granulite in North Dabie and the high‐pressure–ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic rocks in South Dabie indicates that the subducted upper (South Dabie) and lower (North Dabie) continental crusts underwent contrasting tectonometamorphic evolution during continental subduction‐collision and orogenic collapse.  相似文献   

Ultra-high pressure eclogites and granulites both occur in the Dabie Mountains, central China. A garnet porphyroblast from felsic granulite in the Dabie Mountains has been analysed for compositional zoning by electron microprobe. Two segments of the porphyroblast have opposite compositional variations. Segment I (from centre outward 9  mm to analytical point 18) has decreasing XSps and increasing XPyr, while Segment II (from analytical point 18, 1  mm outward to the rim) has increasing XSps and XAlm and decreasing XPyr and XGrs. The compositional zoning in segment I is considered as growth zoning and that in Segment II as diffusive retrograde zoning. Garnet growth zoning records a P–T  path prior to the peak granulite metamorphism. The minimum P – T  conditions are estimated to be 1.35  GPa and 850  °C for peak metamorphism, based on the highest Mg/(Fe+Mg) composition in the garnet (analytical point 18) and matrix hypersthene, biotite and plagioclase. A symplectitic corona surrounds the porphyroblast and appears to have formed at 0.6  GPa and 700  °C. The well-preserved growth zoning in garnet suggests a short residence time for the granulite at peak metamorphism and thus rapid tectonic uplift history. The P–T  path is consistent with that of ultra-high-pressure eclogite in the area. Tectonic movements during a collisional event could have brought both the granulite and the eclogite to their present positions.  相似文献   

A combined study of major and trace elements, fluid inclusions and oxygen isotopes has been carried out on garnet pyroxenite from the Raobazhai complex in the North Dabie Terrane (NDT). Well‐preserved compositional zoning with Na decreasing and Ca and Mg increasing from the core to rim of pyroxene in the garnet pyroxenite indicates eclogite facies metamorphism at the peak metamorphic stage and subsequent granulite facies metamorphism during uplift. A PT path with substantial heating (from c. 750 to 900 °C) after the maximum pressure reveals a different uplift history compared with most other eclogites in the South Dabie Terrane (SDT). Fluid inclusion data can be correlated with the metamorphic grade: the fluid regime during the peak metamorphism (eclogite facies) was dominated by N2‐bearing NaCl‐rich solutions, whereas it changed into CO2‐dominated fluids during the granulite facies retrograde metamorphism. At a late retrograde metamorphic stage, probably after amphibolite facies metamorphism, some external low‐salinity fluids were involved. In situ UV‐laser oxygen isotope analysis was undertaken on a 7 mm garnet, and impure pyroxene, amphibole and plagioclase. The nearly homogeneous oxygen isotopic composition (δ18OVSMOW = c. 6.7‰) in the garnet porphyroblast indicates closed fluid system conditions during garnet growth. However, isotopic fractionations between retrograde phases (amphibole and plagioclase) and garnet show an oxygen isotopic disequilibrium, indicating retrograde fluid–rock interactions. Unusual MORB‐like rare earth element (REE) patterns for whole rock of the garnet pyroxenite contrast with most ultra‐high‐pressure (UHP) eclogites in the Dabie‐Sulu area. However, the age‐corrected initial εNd(t) is ? 2.9, which indicates that the protolith of the garnet pyroxenite was derived from an enriched mantle rather than from a MORB source. Combined with the present data of oxygen isotopic compositions and the characteristic N2 content in the fluid inclusions, we suggest that the protolith of the garnet pyroxenite from Raobazhai formed in an enriched mantle fragment, which has been exposed to the surface prior to the Triassic metamorphism.  相似文献   

对北大别黄土岭麻粒岩中石榴子石进行了详细的电子探针工作,并根据一颗石榴子石的成分环带,建立了扩散模型并进行了数值模拟,结合最优化的方法,得到了极其缓慢的冷却速率0.1℃/a。从扩散动力学数值模拟的角度对大别山造山带的冷却速率进行了探索性研究。该结果表明,黄土岭麻粒岩在受麻粒岩相改造后经历的是一个极其缓慢、持续时间很长的冷却过程。  相似文献   

北大别片麻岩的超高压变质证据——来自锆石提供的信息   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文对北大别片麻岩锆石中矿物包体及年代学进行了研究,首次发现了北大别片麻岩的超高压变质作用证据。结合阴极发光图像和同位素定年,片麻岩锆石中矿物包体组合至少可分出三期:(1)原岩岩浆矿物组合,即斜长石、黑云母、石英和磷灰石;(2)超高压变质矿物组合,即金刚石、石榴子石和金红石等;(3)麻粒岩相退变质矿物组合,如透辉石等。其中,金刚石和石榴子石主要以包体形式被包裹于透辉石中,而透辉石是北大别麻粒岩相退变质阶段形成的代表性矿物。锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年结果表明,北大别片麻岩的峰期变质时代和麻粒岩相退变质时代分别为218±3Ma和199±10Ma。这些证明北大别片麻岩,如同其中的榴辉岩一样,经过了印支期超高压变质作用。  相似文献   

周红升  马昌前  陈玲 《岩石学报》2009,25(5):1079-1091
出露于大别造山带西南部的研子岗碱性杂岩体侵位于元古代和新太古代随县群中,本文采用锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb定年方法,获得岩体的主体岩性角闪正长岩的岩浆锆石年龄为133± 1Ma,代表岩体的结晶年龄,这一年龄也是大别造山带中已知形成时代最早的早白垩世碱性岩体的结晶年龄(单颗粒锆石U-Pb法)。研子岗碱性杂岩体具有碱性岩典型的富碱(K2O+Na2O=8.38%~11.26%)、低硅(SiO2=63.41%~66.51%)的特点。主要矿物为微斜条纹长石,暗色矿物主要为镁角闪石。地球化学特征表明,全部岩石均具有高Ba-Sr花岗岩类高Ba(1230× 10-6~4865× 10-6)、高Sr(583× 10-6~2088× 10-6)和无负Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.97~1.12)等特征,并具有A型花岗岩的部分地球化学特征。岩石的Y/Nb比(0.46~1.09)较低,具洋岛玄武岩的部分地球化学特征,(87Sr/86Sr) i初始比值(0.70513~0.70543)较低,表明岩体的物源主要来源于幔源。Nd二阶段模式年龄(t2DM=1859~1942Ma)和锆石Hf二阶段模式年龄(tDM2=2130~2330Ma)较老,εNd(133)值(-12.5~-11.4)和εHf(133)值(-18.2~-15.4)较低。综合分析表明,岩体主要为古老的富集岩石圈地幔物质低程度部分熔融和随后地壳物质轻度AFC(混染和分离结晶作用)过程的产物,源岩熔融的热量主要来源于软流圈物质的上涌底侵作用提供。研子岗岩体形成于碰撞后构造环境,岩体的形成预示着大别造山带早白垩世造山过程的即将结束,板内时期的即将来临。  相似文献   

刘清泉 《地质与勘探》2014,50(2):199-215
在野外调查和测试分析的基础上,结合前人的研究成果,综合论述了大别山北麓斑岩型钼矿床的地质特征、形成时代和构造背景。大别山北麓斑岩型钼矿床总体沿区域构造线呈北西向狭长带状展布,具有近东西向成带、南北向成群的空间展布特征,其形成与燕山期中酸性浅成-超浅成小型花岗斑岩体有关,钼矿床直接产于岩体内外接触带及其附近的围岩中,矿床类型主要为斑岩型、斑岩-矽卡岩型及少量热液石英脉型。结合Re-Os同位素年龄数据,探讨了大别山北麓斑岩型钼矿床的成矿物质来源、成矿流体、成矿时代、主要成矿作用的时限以及成矿地球动力学背景。结果表明:大别山北麓地区钼矿床的主要成矿作用时限为142~137 Ma和127~110 Ma,对应的地球动力学背景为中国东部地球动力学体制大转换晚期的岩石圈拆沉及伸展减薄的构造背景。  相似文献   

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