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Fluid inclusion studies in rocks from the Lower Proterozoic granulites from western Hoggar (Algeria) provide new evidence for the hypothesis that a CO2-rich, H2O-poor fluid was present during the high-grade metamorphism. CO2 inclusions represent the main fluid trapped in the Ihouhaouene ultrahigh-temperature (over 1000 °C) and high-pressure (10 to 14 kbar) granulites. The microthermometric and Raman microspectrometric measurements indicate that the carbonic fluid is mainly composed of CO2 with minor amounts of CH4 and N2 detected in some inclusions (< 4 mol% CH4). Carbonic fluid densities range from 1.18 to 0.57 g/cm3. The highest densities are recorded in superdense carbonic inclusions presenting evidence of the earliest trapping and they correspond to the fluid densities expected for the P–T conditions of the peak of metamorphism in the area previously determined from mineral geothermobarometers. Lower densities of carbonic fluids mainly result from the reequilibration of earlier trapped fluid inclusions during retrograde metamorphism and final uplift of the metamorphic terrane, but a new influx of carbonic fluids during the retrograde event remains possible. Carbonic fluids can be produced in situ from decarbonation reactions in interlayered impure marbles during the prograde event or derived from CO2 flushing from underlying basic intrusions. The aqueous fluids present large variations of composition (0.5 to 30 wt.% NaCl equivalent) and densities (1.16 to 0.57 g/cm3). They clearly correspond to post-metamorphic fluids because they mainly occur along microfractures, they do not show any evidence of immiscibility with the carbonic fluids and mixed aquo-carbonic inclusions have not been observed. The percolation of aqueous fluids is related to the Pan-African tectonometamorphic event.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Fluid inclusions in olivine and pyroxene in mantle-derived ultramafic xenoliths in volcanic rocks contain abundant CO2-rich fluid inclusions, as well as inclusions of silicate glass, solidified metal sulphide melt and carbonates. Such inclusions represent accidentally trapped samples of fluid- and melt phases present in the upper mantle, and are as such of unique importance for the understanding of mineral–fluid–melt interaction processes in the mantle. Minor volatile species in CO2-rich fluid inclusions include N2, CO, SO2, H2O and noble gases. In some xenoliths sampled from hydrated mantle-wedges above active subduction zones, water may actually be a dominant fluid species. The distribution of minor volatile species in inclusion fluids can provide information on the oxidation state of the upper mantle, on mantle degassing processes and on recycling of subducted material to the mantle. Melt inclusions in ultramafic xenoliths give information on silicate–sulphide–carbonatite immiscibility relationships within the upper mantle. Recent melt-inclusion studies have indicated that highly silicic melts can coexist with mantle peridotite mineral assemblages. Although trapping-pressures up to 1.4 GPa can be derived from fluid inclusion data, few CO2-rich fluid inclusions preserve a density representing their initial trapping in the upper mantle, because of leakage or stretching during transport to the surface. However, the distribution of fluid density in populations of modified inclusions may preserve information on volcanic plumbing systems not easily available from their host minerals. As fluid and melt inclusions are integral parts of the phase assemblages of their host xenoliths, and thus of the upper mantle itself, the authors of this review strongly recommend that their study is included in any research project relating to mantle xenoliths.  相似文献   

In this paper the first fluid-inclusion data are presented from Late Archaean Scourian granulites of the Lewisian complex of mainland northwest Scotland. Pure CO2 or CO2-dominated fluid inclusions are moderately abundant in pristine granulites. These inclusions show homogenization temperatures ranging from − 54 to + 10 °C with a very prominent histogram peak at − 16 to − 32 °C. Isochores corresponding to this main histogram peak agree with P-T estimates for granulite-facies recrystallization during the Badcallian (750–800 °C, 7–8 kbar) as well as with Inverian P-T conditions (550–600 °C, 5 kbar). The maximum densities encountered could correspond to fluids trapped during an early, higher P-T phase of the Badcallian metamorphism (900–1000 °C, 11–12 kbar). Homogenization temperatures substantially higher than the main histogram peak may represent Laxfordian reworking (≤ 500 °C, < 4 kbar). In the pristine granulites, aqueous fluid inclusions are of very subordinate importance and occur only along late secondary healed fractures. In rocks which have been retrograded to amphibolite facies from Inverian and/or Laxfordian shear zones, CO2 inclusions are conspicuously absent; only secondary aqueous inclusions are present, presumably related to post-granulite hydration processes. These data illustrate the importance of CO2-rich fluids for the petrogenesis of Late Archaean granulites, and demonstrate that early fluid inclusions may survive subsequent metamorphic processes as long as no new fluid is introduced into the system.  相似文献   

Fluids in metamorphic rocks   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
J. L. R. Touret   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):1-25
Basic principles for the study of fluid inclusions in metamorphic rocks are reviewed and illustrated. A major problem relates to the number of inclusions, possibly formed on a wide range of PT conditions, having also suffered, in most cases, extensive changes after initial trapping. The interpretation of fluid inclusion data can only be done by comparison with independent PT estimates derived from coexisting minerals, but this requires a precise knowledge of the chronology of inclusion formation in respect to their mineral host.

The three essential steps in any fluid inclusion investigation are described: observation, measurements, and interpretation. Observation, with a conventional petrographic microscope, leads to the identification and relative chronology of a limited number of fluid types (same overall composition, eventually changes in fluid density). For the chronology, the notion of GIS (Group of synchronous inclusions) is introduced. It should serve as a systematic basis for the rest of the study. Microthermometry measurements, completed by nondestructive analyses (mostly micro-Raman), specify the composition and density of the different fluid types. The major problem of density variability can be significantly reduced by simple considerations of the shape of density histograms, allowing elimination of a great number of inclusions having suffered late perturbations. Finally, the interpretation is based on the comparison between few isochores, representative of the whole inclusion population, and PT mineral data. Essential is a clear perception of the relative chronology between the different isochores. When this is possible, as illustrated by the complicated case of the granulites from Central Kola Peninsula, a good interpretation of the fluid inclusion data can be done. If not, fluid inclusions will not tell much about the metamorphic evolution of the rocks in which they occur.  相似文献   

应用阶段加热技术 ,对中国东部新生代玄武岩中的橄榄岩包体和大别造山带超高压榴辉岩进行了包裹体 CO2 的碳同位素组成测定。结果表明 ,橄榄岩的δ1 3C值变化较大 ,从 - 2 2 .8‰到 0 .7‰ ,明显不同于前人报道的低δ1 3C值 (- 2 8‰~- 2 0‰ )特征 ,指示中国东部地幔流体中 CO2 的碳同位素组成是不均一的 ,反映了地壳有机碳与原生地幔碳的混合特征。大别造山带榴辉岩的 δ1 3C变化从 - 18.5‰到 4 .6‰ ,同样明显不同于前人报道的低 δ1 3C值 (- 30‰~ - 2 0‰ )特征。榴辉岩的低δ1 3C值指示了板块俯冲前其玄武岩原岩受到地表含有机碳流体蚀变后的碳同位素特点 ,而较高的δ1 3C值反映了板块折返过程中榴辉岩受淋滤大理岩的富 CO2 流体叠加的退变质效应。橄榄岩包体和超高压榴辉岩的轻碳同位素共同特点反映了板块俯冲引起的壳—幔物质相互作用和碳同位素地球化学再循环 ,指示中国东部岩石圈地幔含有丰富的地壳有机碳组分  相似文献   

西华山钨矿床是一个产于燕山期花岗岩中的大脉型钨矿床。已有百余年的开采史。但在矿床成矿条件和成矿流体性质等方面一直存在不同认识。作者利用红外显微镜及其它相关设备,对西华山矿床不同中段样品中的黑钨矿、锡石、绿柱石、黄铁矿、闪锌矿、石英和萤石中的流体包裹体进行了详细对比研究。结果显示,蚀变花岗岩中造岩石英只见次生气液包裹体,晶洞水晶中只有原生包裹体,而云英岩石英中原生、次生包裹体均较发育。黑钨矿中以原生气液包裹体为主,在早期结晶的黑钨矿中还有较多的硅酸盐熔融包裹体,而晶洞中的黑钨矿和水晶一样——只有原生气液包裹体。绿柱石中除了硅酸盐包裹体外,主要是气液包裹体(多为次生)。其它锡石、黄铁矿、闪锌矿和萤石等都只有气液包裹体(原生或次生)。研究结果表明,西华山钨矿床的初始成矿流体是一种岩浆——热液过渡性流体,尔后才演变成单一的热水溶液,在这一过程中黑钨矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿、萤石和石英等矿物不断晶出。矿床总的成矿温度大致为700~200℃,压力约为160~200MPa。各种气液包裹体的盐度主要为5.0%~10%Na Cleqv。文中还对这些数据的地质意义以及对脉钨矿床流体包裹体研究和数据解释中的某些问题进行了较深入的讨论。  相似文献   

The granite plutons of Vattamalai (VT), Gangaikondan (GK) and Pathanapuram (PT) intruding granulite facies rocks in southern India were emplaced during the Late Neoproterozoic tectonothermal event. Feldspar thermometry of mesoperthites from the granites yield temperatures of 800–1000?°C indicating high- to ultrahigh-temperature conditions, comparable to similar estimates derived from some of the host granulite facies rocks in the region. This study reports results from a detailed investigation of fluid inclusions in the three granite plutons. Carbonic inclusions characterize the major fluid species in all the cases and their unique abundance in some of these plutons indicates up to 1 wt.% CO2. In most of the cases, the inclusions show a near-pure CO2 composition as deduced from melting temperatures which cluster close to ?56.6°C, and as confirmed by laser Raman spectroscopy. The VT granite preserves the highest density CO2 fluids among all the three plutons with a density up to 0.912 g?cm?3 (molar volume of 48.25 cm3?mol?1). A combination of CO2 isochores, feldspar thermometry data and dehydration melting curves, and liquidus for water-undersaturated granitic systems clearly bring out a genetic link between these granites and granulitic lower crust. The ultimate origin of the CO2-rich fluids is linked to sub-lithospheric mantle sources through tectonic processes associated with the assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent. To cite this article: M. Santosh et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The acoustic decrepitation method heats a small monomineralic sample and counts pressure impulses as the inclusions burst when they develop high internal pressures. For aqueous fluids, the decrepitation temperature is correlated with the homogenisation temperature, but gas rich fluids give a distinct and characteristic low temperature decrepitation peak which can be used to recognize gas rich fluid inclusions. This information is useful in exploration for Au deposits, which are frequently associated with CO2 rich and sometimes CH4 rich fluids. This distinctive decrepitation occurs because the CO2 rich inclusion fluids expand according to the gas law and develop internal pressures high enough to burst the host mineral grain at temperatures well below their homogenisation temperatures. In contrast, aqueous fluids condense to a liquid and vapour phase during post-entrapment cooling. Upon subsequent heating their internal pressures do not increase significantly until after homogenisation to a single phase occurs and hence they do not decrepitate "prematurely" as gas rich inclusions do. This behaviour is usually regarded as an annoyance in conventional microthermometric homogenisation studies, but can readily be used as an exploration aid to find mineralisation deposited from such gas rich fluids. Decrepitation results on samples from Cowra Ck, NSW, Australia, which have also been microthermometrically measured for CO2 content, show that amounts of less than 5 mole % CO2 are easily distinguished by decrepitation and amounts as low as 1 mole % CO2 may be determinable. Examples of the use of acoustic decrepitation in the study of 6 gold mines in the Shandong and Hebei provinces of China are discussed.  相似文献   

Modelling the sorption properties of coals for carbon dioxide under supercritical conditions is necessary for accurate prediction of the sequestering ability of coals in seams. We present recent data for sorption curves of three dry Argonne Premium coals, for carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen at two different temperatures at pressures up to 15 MPa. The sorption capacity of coals tends to decrease with increasing temperature. An investigation into literature values for sorption of nitrogen and methane by charcoal also show sorption capacities that decrease dramatically with increasing temperature. This is inconsistent with expectations from Langmuir models of coal sorption, which predict a sorption capacity that is independent of temperature. We have successfully fitted the isotherms using a modified Dubinin–Radushkevich equation that uses gas density rather than pressure. A simple pore-filling model that assumes there is a maximum pore width that can be filled in supercritical conditions and that this maximum pore width decreases with increasing temperature, can explain this temperature dependence of sorption capacity. It can also explain why different supercritical gases give apparently different surface sorption capacities on the same material. The calculated heat of sorption for these gases on these coals is similar to those found for these gases on activated carbon.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore deposits   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
J. J. Wilkinson   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):229-272
The principal aim of this paper is to consider some of the special problems involved in the study of fluid inclusions in ore deposits and review the methodologies and tools developed to address these issues. The general properties of fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore-forming systems are considered and the interpretation of these data in terms of fluid evolution processes is discussed. A summary of fluid inclusion data from a variety of hydrothermal deposit types is presented to illustrate some of the methodologies described and to emphasise the important role which fluid inclusion investigations can play, both with respect to understanding deposit genesis and in mineral exploration. The paper concludes with a look to the future and addresses the question of where fluid inclusion studies of hydrothermal ore deposits may be heading in the new millenium.  相似文献   

Raman microspectrometry of fluid inclusions   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
Ernst A. J. Burke 《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):139-158
For many kinds of fluid inclusions, the coupling of microthermometry and Raman microspectrometry is still the only viable option to obtain compositions of single fluid inclusions. A review is given on the basis of 16 years of experience and helped with about 120 references of the instrumentation, analytical conditions and methodology of the application of Raman microspectrometry to gaseous, aqueous and hydrocarbon inclusions, and their daughter minerals.  相似文献   

Radiogenic isotopes in fluid inclusions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Igor M. Villa   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):115-124
Radiogenic isotopes studied in fluid inclusions are still a limited field, with great potential for expansion as analytical techniques improve. The main limitation for Sr, Ar and He isotope work is the very small number of radiogenic atoms produced in a typical fluid inclusion. The requirements to analysts are correspondingly high. Examples show that isotopic tracing on fluid inclusion fluids can be a decisive tool in solving geological problems.  相似文献   

康家湾铅锌矿床位于湖南省水口山矿田,矿体主要产于二叠系当冲组下段泥灰岩、硅质岩与栖霞组灰岩的层间硅化破碎带中。根据矿物组合和穿插关系,可将该矿床的成矿作用过程划分为3个阶段:黄铁矿-石英阶段、闪锌矿-方铅矿(黄铁矿)-石英阶段和方解石-闪锌矿-方铅矿阶段。流体包裹体研究表明,康家湾铅锌矿床黄铁矿-石英阶段的流体主要为中-高温(243~343℃)、中-高盐度(18.4%~33.8% NaCleqv)的流体;闪锌矿-方铅矿(黄铁矿)-石英阶段的流体为中-高温(278~352℃)、中-低盐度(1.1%~20.7% NaCleqv)流体;晚期方解石-闪锌矿-方铅矿阶段的流体为低温(125~191℃)、低盐度(0.2%~6.7%NaCleqv)的流体。其中,闪锌矿-方铅矿(黄铁矿)-石英阶段的流体发生了沸腾作用。激光拉曼分析结果显示,该矿床成矿期的石英和闪锌矿中的液体包裹体气相成分主要为H_2O。H-O、S同位素研究显示,康家湾铅锌矿床的成矿流体可能主要来源于岩浆水,并在运移过程中混合了大气水。结合矿床地质、流体包裹体和氢氧、硫同位素特征,流体混合导致温度、盐度降低和沸腾作用可能是导致康家湾铅锌矿床成矿物质发生大规模沉淀的重要因素。  相似文献   

正1 Introduction It is the focus of geology and biology that the creature preserved in the geological history and the organic evolution.The creature preserved in geological history by these things:sedimentary,frozen earth,chrysophoron and evaporation salt.Evaporation salt can preserve the microbe  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in sedimentary and diagenetic systems   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Robert H. Goldstein   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):159-193
Some of the major problems in sedimentary geology can be solved by using fluid inclusions in sedimentary and diagenetic minerals. Important fluids in the sedimentary realm include atmospheric gases, fresh water of meteoric origin, lake water, seawater, mixed water, evaporated water, formation waters deep in basins, oil, and natural gas. Preserving a record of the distribution and composition of these fluids from the past should contribute significantly to studies of paleoclimate and global-change research, is essential for improving understanding of diagenetic systems, and provides useful information in petroleum geology. Applications of fluid inclusions to sedimentary systems are not without their complexities. Some fluid inclusions exposed to natural conditions of increasing temperature may be altered by thermal reequilibration, which results in stretching, or leakage and refilling, of some fluid inclusions. Similarly, overheating in the laboratory can also cause reequilibration of fluid inclusions, so fluid inclusions from the sedimentary realm must be handled carefully and protected from overheating. Natural overheating of fluid inclusions must be evaluated through analysis of the most finely discriminated events of fluid inclusion entrapment, fluid inclusion assemblages (FIA). Consistency in homogenization temperatures within a fluid inclusion assemblage, consisting of variably sized and shaped inclusions, is the hallmark of a data set that has not been altered through thermal reequilibration. In contrast, fluid inclusion assemblages yielding variable data may have been altered through thermal reequilibration. If a fluid inclusion assemblage has not been altered by thermal reequilibration, its fluid inclusions may be useful as geothermometers for low- and high-temperature systems, or useful as geobarometers applicable throughout the sedimentary realm. If a fluid inclusion assemblage has been altered partially by thermal reequilibration, techniques for distinguishing between altered and unaltered fluid inclusions may be applied.

In studies of global change, fluid inclusions can be used as sensitive indicators of paleotemperature of surface environments. Fluid inclusions also preserve microsamples of ancient seawater and atmosphere, the analysis of which could figure prominently into discussions of past changes in chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans. In petroleum geology, fluid inclusions have proven to be useful indicators of migration pathways of hydrocarbons; they can delineate the evolution of the chemistry of hydrocarbons; and they remain important in understanding the thermal history of basins and relating fluid migration events to evolution of reservoir systems. In studies of diagenesis, fluid inclusions can be the most definitive record. Most diagenetic systems are closely linked to temperature and salinity of the fluid. Thus, fluid inclusions are sensitive indicators of diagenetic environments.  相似文献   

大别山北部石榴辉石麻粒岩流体包裹体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大别山北部石榴辉石麻粒岩是一种基性麻粒岩,岩石中富含有大量CO_2、CH_4、H_2S、H_2O流体包裹体,及含子晶多相包裹体。首次在寄主矿物石榴石、透辉石发现有含固相的多相包裹体。经拉曼光谱及电镜分析,固相部分为石榴石,辉石、重晶石和铁的氧化物;气相成分为H_2O、CO、CO_2、H_2S、H_2、CH_4、C_2H_2等,均一温度分别为950℃、975℃。指示着石榴辉石麻粒岩在形成过程中,在还原气氛下曾经发生过局部深熔作用,产生在组成上近于石榴石、辉石的熔体。这种溶体被正在结晶的石榴石,透辉石所捕获。石榴石中早期的含石榴石子晶+CO_2多相包裹体其CO_2密度为0.65~0.626g/cm~3;二相的 CO_2包裹体,CO_2部分的均一温度26~28.2℃,为晚期捕获的低密度CO_2包裹体,密度为0.648~0.688g/cm~3。石英中三相H_2O-CO_2包裹体,Th=331~410℃,CO_2-水合物溶化温度7.3°~8.6℃,是一种低盐度包裹体,CO_2部分均一温度:25.7~28℃,CO_2密度0.65~0.698g/cm~3为早中期捕获的包裹体。整个岩石中未发现高密度CO_2流体包裹体。表明麻粒岩可以形成在低密度CO_2之中。H_2O-NaCl包体均一温度80~475℃,密度0.36~1.026g/cm~3,主要为晚期包裹体,少数高密度H_2O包裹体,为早期捕获的包裹体。通过流体包裹体等容线确立石榴辉石麻粒岩P-T轨迹为  相似文献   

流体包裹体组合对测温数据有效性的制约及数据表达方法   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:14  
池国祥  卢焕章 《岩石学报》2008,24(9):1945-1953
本文探讨流体包裹体组合(FIA)的原理及其对包裹体测温数据有效性的制约以及数据的表达方法。流体包裹体组合指的是一组同时被捕获的流体包裹体,其同时性的依据是岩相学关系而不是测温数据的相似性。如果根据岩相学关系建立了一个FIA,且这个FIA内的包裹体测温数据很一致,那么这些包裹体可能属于均一捕获且在捕获后未受破坏,这些包裹体的测温数据是有效的。在进行数据汇总或统计时,应取整个FIA内所有包裹体的平均值为代表,而不应将每个包裹体的数据都列入。如果同一FIA内包裹体的测温数据变化很大,那么这些包裹体可能属于非均一捕获或在捕获后遭受了显著改变(如卡脖子、拉伸)。这种情况下包裹体的测温数据是无效的,不应纳入数据汇总或统计。在很多情况下,一组包裹体是否属于同时捕获是很难确定的,因此不能严格地用FIA的方法来判定数据的有效性。但是,FIA的原理还是可以提供一些制约的。例如,如果相邻包裹体显示相似的测温数据,那么这些包裹体可能属于均一捕获且无显著捕获后变化。各个包裹体的数据都应纳入数据汇总及统计,但要注意不要将数据点过分集中在某个小区域。反之,如果相邻包裹体的测温数据相差很大,就要怀疑是不是非均一捕获、捕获后破坏,或不同期次包裹体叠加。详细的包裹体测温“填图”,结合与已知FIA数据的比较,可能可以解决这种多解性问题。  相似文献   

矿物润湿性对储层烃类包裹体形成制约的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈勇  葛云锦  周振柱  毛毳 《地质学报》2011,85(4):569-575
储层矿物润湿性制约了流体的微观流动特性,从而影响流体在储层的微观分布特征.油和水在矿物表面的润湿性差异导致油气充注过程中形成不同特征的流体包裹体类型.矿物表面实验分析表明,对于水和原油而言,石英具有较明显的亲水性,而方解石的亲水性和亲油性差别不大.轻质油(汽油)在矿物表面完全铺展,储层矿物具有明显的亲油性.通过在不同油...  相似文献   

鲁西南归来庄金矿成矿流体特征和演化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
沈昆  倪培  林景仟 《地质科学》2001,36(1):1-13
归来庄金矿是近年来在鲁西南新发现的隐爆角砾岩型金矿床,成因上与附近铜石偏碱性杂岩体有关。本文通过对侵入杂岩和金矿床中流体包裹体研究,结合前人地质勘探和科研成果,认为形成归来庄金矿的成矿流体是岩浆水与大量来自围岩的大气降水混合而成,早期为富含卤素和CO2的低-中等盐度热液,演化至晚期为低挥发分、不同盐度的低温热水溶液。金矿沉淀时的流体压力不高于40~60MPa,温度为180~250℃。温度下降和伴随隐爆作用发生的减压和流体不混溶是促使金沉淀的主要因素。  相似文献   

Carbonatites of the Jacupiranga alkaline–carbonatite complex in São Paulo State, Brazil, were used to investigate mineral–fluid interaction in a carbonatite magma chamber because apatite showed a marked discontinuity between primary fluid inclusion-rich cores and fluid inclusion-poor rims. Sylvite and burbankite, apatite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and ilmenite are the common phases occurring as trapped solids within primary fluid inclusions and reflect the general assemblage of the carbonatite. The apatite cores had higher Sr and REE concentrations than apatite rims, due to the presence of fluid inclusions into which these elements partitioned. A positive cerium anomaly was observed in both the core and rim of apatite crystals because oxidised Ce4+ partitioned into the magma. The combined evidence from apatite chemistry, fluid inclusion distribution and fluid composition was used to test the hypotheses that the limit of fluid inclusion occurrence within apatite crystals arises from: (1) generation of a separate fluid phase; (2) utilization of all available fluid during the first stage of crystallization; (3) removal of crystals from fluid-rich magma to fluid-poor magma; (4) an increase in the growth rate of apatite; or (5) escape of the fluids from the rim of the apatite after crystallization. The findings are consistent with fractionation and crystal settling of a carbonatite assemblage in a fluid-stratified magma chamber. Secondary fluid inclusions were trapped during a hydrothermal event that precipitated an assemblage of anhedral crystals: strontianite, carbocernaite, barytocalcite, barite and norsethite, pyrophanite, magnesian siderite and baddeleyite, ancylite-(Ce), monazite-(Ce) and allanite. The Sr- and REE-rich nature of the secondary assemblage, and lack of a positive cerium anomaly indicate that hydrothermal fluids have a similar source to the primary magma and are related to a later carbonatite intrusion.  相似文献   

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