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We present the full VRI light curves and the times of minima of TY UMa to provide a complete photometric solution and a long-term trend of period variation. The light curves show a high degree of asymmetry (the O'Connell effect). The maxima at 0.25 phase (Max I) are 0.021, 0.015, and 0.020 mag fainter than those at 0.75 phase (Max II) in V , R , and I , respectively. The period of TY UMa has varied in a sinusoidal way, superimposed on the long-term upward parabolic variation. The secularly increasing rate of the period is deduced as 1.83 s per century  ( P˙ / P =5.788×10-10 d d-1)  . The period of sinusoidal variation is about 57.4 yr. The spot model has been applied to fit the asymmetric light curves of TY UMa, to explain light variations. By changing only the spot parameters, the model light curves can fit the observed light curves for three epochs. This indicates that the variation of the spot location and size is the main reason for changing the shape of light curves, including two different maxima and the interchanging depths of occultation and transit minima.  相似文献   

This paper presents charge-couple device (CCD) photometric observations for the eclipsing binary AW UMa. The V-band light curve in 2007 was analyzed using the 2003 version of the Wilson–Devinney code. It is confirmed that AW UMa is a total eclipsing binary with a higher degree of contact f=80.2% and a lower mass ratio of q=0.076. From the (OC) curve, the orbital period shows a continuous period decrease at a rate of dP/dt=−2.05×10−7 d yr−1. The long-term period decrease suggested that AW UMa is undergoing the mass transfer from the primary component to the secondary one, accompanied by angular momentum loss due to mass outflow L 2. Weak evidence indicates that there exists a cyclic variation with a period of 17.6 yr and a small amplitude of A=0. d 0019, which may be attributed to the light-time effect via the third body. If the existence of an additional body is true, it may remove a great amount of angular momentum from the central system. For this kind of contact binary, as the orbital period decreases, the shrinking of the inner and outer critical Roche lobes will cause the contact degree f to increase. Finally, this kind of binary will merge into a single rapid-rotation star.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the gravity and the effective temperature distribution on the outer equipotential surface of a contact binary. In particular, the lines of constant g, (the iso‐g curves), are computed and plotted on the outer surface Cs of contact configurations. Since the gravity distribution would also specify the effective temperature distribution on the binary's common photosphere through the gravity darkening effect, these lines correspond to isothermals too. Applications have been made to two contact binaries; namely, to AW UMa and OO Aql, two systems with very different mass ratios. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present narrow-band red light curves and surface maps of the short-period RS CVn binary system XY UMa, obtained between 1997 January and 2000 March. The light-curve morphology of this system is known to vary on time-scales of a few days. We have used eclipse-mapping techniques to map the distribution of cool starspots on the surface of the primary star. The resulting maps show the continued evolution of spot features on time-scales of a few days to a week. By comparison with the images of Collier Cameron & Hilditch, we also find evidence for longer term trends, including a decline to an activity minimum during 1997 and a rise in activity during 1998–2000. We also find marginal evidence from the O–C ephemeris curves for a periodicity and a peak corresponding to the time of activity minimum.  相似文献   

UBVRI photometry and spectroscopic observations around the Hα line of the cataclysmic star UX UMa are presented. The analysis of the 9-year photometry shows that the out-of-eclipse brightness of the system and the depth of the eclipse changes in different time scales while the width of the eclipse remains constant. The observed features of the light curves as well as the features of the two-peaked Hα profiles were attributed to an inhomogeneity of the accretion disk. “Spiral arm” model for a fitting of the light curves of UX UMa is proposed. It reproduces well the observational data. The obtained azimuthal extent of the spiral arms is of ∼90° and their light contribution is about 17–30of the total V flux of the disk. The obtained two dense structures at the outer disk covering partially the inner hot disk and the white dwarf at orbital phases ∼0.7 and ∼0.2 is in agreement with the predictions of the theoretical computations.  相似文献   

During re-processing and analysis of the entire ROSAT Wide Field Camera (WFC) pointed observations data base, we discovered a serendipitous, off-axis detection of the cataclysmic variable SW UMa at the onset of its 1997 October superoutburst. Although long outbursts in this SU UMa-type system are known to occur every ∼ 450 d, none had ever been previously observed in the extreme ultra-violet (EUV) by ROSAT . The WFC observations began just ≈13 hr after the optical rise was detected. With a peak count rate of ∼ 4.5 count s−1 in the S1 filter, SW UMa was temporarily the third brightest object in the sky in this waveband. Over the next ≈19 hr the measured EUV flux dropped to < 2 count s−1, while the optical brightness remained essentially static at m v∼11 . Similar behaviour has also been recently reported in the EUV light curve of the related SU UMa-type binary OY Car during superoutburst, as reported by Mauche & Raymond. In contrast, U Gem-type dwarf novae show no such early EUV dip during normal outbursts. Therefore, this feature may be common in superoutbursts of SU UMa-like systems. We expand on ideas first put forward by Osaki and Mauche & Raymond and offer an explanation for this behaviour by examining the interplay between the thermal and tidal instabilities that affect the accretion discs in these systems.  相似文献   

We present results of CCD photometric observations of the short-period W UMatype contact binary system, RZ Com. The light curve of the binary has changed from Wsubtype to A-subtype from 1998 to 2003, then back to W-subtype in 2004. An analysis was carried out using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code. It is confirmed that RZ Com is a low-degree, overcontact f = 20.1% (±7.4%) binary system with a high inclination of i = 81.°40 (±0.°40), and a mass ratio q = 2.351 (±0.031). Combining four newly determined times of light minimum with others in the literature, the variations in orbital period is examined. A small-amplitude oscillation (A=0.0065d), with a period of 41.5 year, is discovered superimposed on a long-term increase at rate dP/dt = +3.97×10-8d yr-1. The period oscillation can be explained either by the light-time effect due to the presence of an unseen third body, or by cycles of magnetic activity on the components. Combining our photometric solution with the spectroscopic elements obtained by Mclean & Hilditch, the absolute dimensions of RZ Com are: M1 = 1.14 (+0.19)Mo, M2 = 0.50 (-4-0.09)Mo, R1= 1.12 (±0.01)R⊙, R2 = 0.78 (±0.01)R⊙ and A = 2.41 (±0.02)R⊙.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of BV R light curves of an eclipsing binary CK Bootis, a system with a very small mass ratio. The light curves appear to exhibit a typical O'Connell effect. The light curves are analyzed by means of the latest version of the WD program. The asymmetry of the light curves is explained by a cool star spot model. The simultaneous BV R synthetic light curve analysis gives a tiny mass ratio of 0.12, an extremely large fill‐out factor of 0.65, and a very small difference between the component temperatures of 90 K. The absolute parameters of the system were also derived by combining the photometric solutions with the radial velocity data. The mass of the secondary is very low (0.15 M) and it continues losing mass. Thirty seven new times of minimum are reported. It is found that the orbital period of the system has a quasi periodic variation, superimposed on a period increase. The long‐term period increase rate is deduced to be dP/dt = 3.54x10–7 d yr–1, which can be interpreted as being due to mass transfer from the less massive star to the more massive component. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Photoelectric light curve (LC) solutions of the close binary system TW And were obtained using the PHOEBE program (version 0.31a). Absolute parameters of the stellar components were then determined, enabling us to discuss the structure and evolutionary status of TW And. The configuration of the system based on the LCs solutions indicates that the secondary component is slightly detached from its critical Roche surface. In addition, times of minima data (“OC curve”) were analyzed. Apart from an almost parabolic variation of the general trend of the OC data, indicative of a secular increase in the orbital period with a rate 0.032 s yr–1, which was attributed to a mass transfer with a rate of Δm2 = –1.10 × 10–10 M yr–1. Additionally, a sinusoidal variation with a period of 52.75 ± 1.80 yr, modulating the orbital period, was found, which we attribute to a third body orbiting the system. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

New light curves and photometric solutions of the contact binary AZ Vir are presented in this paper. The light curves appear to exhibit a typical O'Connell effect, with Maximum I being 0.021 mag (V) and 0.023 mag (B) brighter than Maximum II, respectively. From the observations, six times of minimum light were determined and from the present times of minimum light and those collected from the references, the light elements of the system were improved. The light curves were analyzed by means of the Wilson‐Devinney program. The results suggest that AZ Vir is a W‐subtype contact binary with a mass ratio of q = 0.623(2). The asymmetry of the light curves is explained by star spot models. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A photoelectric light curve of BL And is presented along with the first CCD light curve of GW Tau. Both objects are short-period eclipsing binaries and were observed in 2003 or 2004. Photometric elements were computed using the latest version of the Wilson–Van Hamme code. The results reveal that BL And is a semidetached system with the primary component filling its Roche lobe and the secondary one almost filling but still detached, while GW Tau is a marginal-contact binary system with a small degree of contact ( f = 10.9 per cent) and a large temperature difference of about 3100 K. All available eclipse times, including new ones, were analysed for each system. It was found that the orbital period of BL And is decreasing at the rate of  d P /d t =−2.36 × 10−8 (±0.09) d yr−1  while that of GW Tau may be decreasing or oscillating. We think period decrease is more probable. The derived configuration and secular period decrease for BL And combined with the asymmetry of the light curve indicate that this system may evolve from the present semidetached phase into a contact stage, with mass transfer from the primary component to the secondary one through the L 1 point, or that it might just undergo the broken stage predicted by the theory of thermal relaxation oscillations. In contrast, GW Tau is a marginal-contact binary in poor thermal contact and may be at the beginning of the contact phase.  相似文献   

Seven charge-coupled device(CCD)photometric times of light minimum of the overcontact binary BS Cas which were obtained from 2007 August to November and one CCD light curve in the R band which was observed on 2007 September 24 and October 15,are presented.It is found that the light curve of BS Cas has characteristics like a typical EW-type light variation.The light curve obtained by us is symmetric and shows total eclipses,which is very useful for determining photometric parameters with high precision.Photometric solutions were derived by using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code.It shows that BS Cas is a W-subtype overcontact binary(f = 27.5% ± 0.4%)with a mass ratio of q = 2.7188 ± 0.0040.The temperature difference between the two components is 190 K.Analysis of the O-C curve suggests that the period of AE Phe shows a long-term continuous decrease at a rate of dP/dt=-2.45 × 10-7 dyr-1.The long-time period decrease can be explained by mass transfer from the primary to the secondary.  相似文献   

The time sequence of 105 spectra covering one full orbital period of AA Dor has been analysed. Direct determination of   V  sin  i   for the sdOB component from 97 spectra outside of the eclipse for the lines Mg  ii 4481 Å and Si  iv 4089 Å clearly indicated a substantially smaller value than estimated before. Detailed modelling of line-profile variations for eight spectra during the eclipse for the Mg  ii 4481 Å line, combined with the out-of-eclipse fits, gave   V  sin  i = 31.8 ± 1.8 km s−1  . The previous determinations of   V  sin  i   , based on the He  ii 4686 Å line, appear to be invalid because of the large natural broadening of the line. With the assumption of the solid-body, synchronous rotation of the sdOB primary, the measured values of the semi-amplitude K 1 and   V  sin  i   lead to the mass ratio   q = 0.213 ± 0.013  which in turn gives K 2 and thus the masses and radii of both components. The sdOB component appears to be less massive than assumed before,   M 1= 0.25 ± 0.05 M  , but the secondary has its mass–radius parameters close to theoretically predicted for a brown dwarf,   M 2= 0.054 ± 0.010 M  and   R 2= 0.089 ± 0.005 R  . Our results do not agree with the recent determination of Vŭcković et al. based on a K 2 estimate from line-profile asymmetries.  相似文献   

TZ Lyrae: an Algol-type Eclipsing Binary with Mass Transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a detailed investigation of the Algol-type binary TZ Lyrae, based on 55 light minimum timings spanning 90 years. It is found that the orbital period shows a long-term increase with a cyclic variation superimposed. The rate of the secular increase is dP/dt = 7.18 × 10?8d yr?1, indicating that a mass transfer from the less massive component to the more massive one at a rate of dm = 2.21 × 10-8M⊙yr-1. The cyclic component, with a period of P3 = 45.5 yr and an amplitude of A = 0d.0040, may be interpreted as either the light-time effect in the presence of a third body or magnetic activity cycles in the components. Using the latest version Wilson-Devinney code, a revised photometric solution was deduced from B and V observations. The results show that TZ Lyr is an Algol-type eclipsing binary with a mass ratio of q = 0.297(±0.003). The semidetached configuration with a lobe-filling secondary suggests a mass transfer from the secondary to the primary, which is in agreement with the long-term period increase of the binary system.  相似文献   

CCD (V) light curve of the EW‐type eclipsing variable DF CVn was obtained during seven nights in April–May, 2004. With our data we were able to determine 4 new times of minimum light. The light curve appears to exhibit a typical O'Connell effect, with Maximum I brighter than Maximum II by 0.013 mag. in V. TwoWilson‐Devinney (WD) code working sessions, using the V light curve, were done with and without spots. The analysis of the results shows that the best fit was obtained with the spotted solution and indicates contact geometry. The photometric mass ratio of the system is found to be q = 0.347 and its inclination i = 72°, the primary minimum shows a transit. The star may be classified as an A‐type W Uma system. Assuming a reasonable value for the mass of the primary component an estimate of the absolute elements of DF CVn has been made, with the assumption that the primary has a mass corresponding to its spectral type according to Straizys and Kuriliene (1981). (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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