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非绝热加热对热带气旋非对称结构影响的数值试验   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
利用含非绝热加热强迫的正压涡度方程。将非绝热加热作适当的参数化处理。对初始对称 热带气旋作了一系列数值试验,结果表明:不仅β项、平流项在热带气旋非对称结构的形成中有重要作用,而且非绝热加热对热带气旋的非对称结构亦有重要影响,从而验证了非绝热加热是热带气旋非对称结构形成的一种可能机制的结论。  相似文献   

Based on the tropical cyclone(TC)asymmetric disturbance as the superposition of thesymmetric environmental circulation,the analytical solution of travelling wave is given by usingthe barotropical nondivergent model with diabatic heating forcing and non-friction in a plane polarcoordinate.Then,the TC radial inhomogeneous structure is analyzed on radial/tangential velocityand geopotential height.It is found that the different kinds of structures are influenced by theCoriolis parameter(f),TC intensity(Ω),disturbance circular frequency(ω),and TC angularwavenumber(m).And,the diabatic heating(Q_1)has significant impacts on the radial/tangentialvelocity distribution shaped like the inner-tight and outer-relaxed.  相似文献   

Based on the tropical cyclone (TC) asymmetric disturbance as the superposition of the symmetric environmental circulation,the analytical solution of travelling wave is given by using the barotropical nondivergent model with diabatic heating forcing and non-friction in a plane polar coordinate.Then,the TC radial inhomogeneous structure is analyzed on radial/tangential velocity and geopotential height.It is found that the different kinds of structures are influenced by the Coriolis parameter (f),TC intensity (Ω),disturbance circular frequency (ω),and TC angular wavenumber (m).And,the diabatic heating (Q1) has significant impacts on the radial/tangential velocity distribution shaped like the inner-tight and outer-relaxed.  相似文献   

环境气流及非绝热加热对热带气旋结构和移动的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
设计一个三层的准地转斜压模式,研究了不同结构环境气流和环境非绝热加热场中热带气旋移动路径和结构的特征.数值试验的结果表明:(1)无外界影响下热带气旋向西北方向移动,垂直速度场有明显的螺旋结构;(2)热带气旋主要受基本环境气流引导,非对称环流中的小扰动干扰了热带气旋的移动;(3)非绝热加热场对热带气旋影响较大,热带气旋有向加热中心移动的倾向,同时热带气旋的水平、垂直结构都有较大的变化.  相似文献   

The energy dispersion of a typhoon vortex and its effect on the typhoon motion are studied using an analyticalmethod of double-Fourier expansion as well as a numerical model in a β-plane nondivergent barotropic framework.The analytic model and the linear version of the numerical model give essentially the same result:the energy dispersionfrom a tropical cyclone can creat an L-H-L wave train to the east of the tropical cyclone.Three numerical experiments,integrated for 7 model days by the nonlinear model,indicate that the closed high in the wave train produces obvious in-fluence on the structure and movement of the tropical cyclone.  相似文献   

The TOVS data are used to study the structure of a number of tropical cyclones for the year 2000. Differences are found to some extent between what is found and classic conceptual models in that (1) the horizontal structure is asymmetric and variable so that the low-value centers at low levels of the geopotential height field (or the high-value centers at high levels) do not necessarily coincide with the high-value centers of the temperature field; (2) the vertical structure is also variable in the allocation of the anomalies of the geopotential height field between low values at low levels and high values at high levels. It is especially noted that the centers of the anomalies are tilting at both high and low levels or the high level is only at the edge of a high-pressure zone. There is not any significant high-value anomalous center in a corresponding location with the tropical cyclone. The structure of tropical cyclone in the TOVS is also used as reference to modify the structure of typhoon BOGUS in the numerical prediction model system of tropical cyclones. It is found that the modified BOGUS performs better in coordinating with the environment and predicting the track of the tropical cyclone. The demonstration is two-fold — the structure of the typhoon BOGUS is such that it means much in the track prediction and the use of the TOVS-based tropical cyclone structure really helps in improving it. It provides the foundation for modification and evolution of typhoon BOGUS.  相似文献   

A barotropic prirnitive equation model is used to simulate the tropical cyclone motion.Tropical cyclonemovements under different environmental flow backgrounds were examined and sensitivity of tropical cyclonetracks were discussed.Conclusions of practical significance have been obtained in this paper.  相似文献   

By using a beta-plane quasigeostrophic barotropic model,four numerical experiments withintegration time more than five days are performed.Results show that the vorticity advection termand beta term are two basic factors significantly affecting tropical cyclone structure and motion.  相似文献   

The latest version of sea spray flux parameterization scheme developed by Andreas is coupled with the PSU/NCAR model MM5 in this paper. A western Pacific tropical cyclone named Nabi in 2005 is simulated using this coupled air-sea spray modeling system to study the impacts of sea spray evaporation on the evolution of tropical cyclones. The results demonstrate that sea spray can lead to a significant increase of heat fluxes in the air-sea interface, especially the latent heat flux, the maximum of which can increase by up to about 35% - 80% The latent heat flux seems to be more important than the sensible heat flux for the evolution of tropical cyclones. Regardless of whether sea spray fluxes have been considered, the model can always simulate the track of Nabi well, which seems to indicate that sea spray has little impact on the movement of tropical cyclones. However, with sea spray fluxes taken into account in the model, the intensity of a simulated tropical cyclone can have significant increase. Due to the enhancement of water vapor and heat from the sea surface to the air caused by sea spray, the warm core structure is better-defined, the minimum sea level pressure decreases and the vertical speed is stronger around the eye in the experiments, which is propitious to the development and evolution of tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

海洋加热尺度对热带大气垂直环流圈结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

热带西南季风对0214号热带气旋“黄蜂”的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
采用中国数值预报创新基地最新开发的三维变分同化系统(Grapes 3DVAR)的分析场为模式初值场,利用广州热带海洋气象研究所开发的南海热带气旋业务预报模式,在模拟试验(控制试验)的基础上,对强、弱热带西南季风作对比试验(异常试验)研究.试验结果表明除环境引导气流外,"黄蜂"偏心结构变化引起的偏心运动变化对热带气旋移向、移速的变化起了一定的作用;西南季风对热带气旋"黄蜂"的动力结构、热力结构和移动路径都有一定的影响;热带西南季风通过改变热带气旋的不对称结构和削弱副热带高压西侧这两个途径,造成热带气旋路径右偏.  相似文献   

海洋飞沫对热带气旋影响的数值试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将最新版的Andreas海洋飞沫通量参数化方案与中尺度大气模式MM5V3耦合,对0514号热带气旋Nabi进行数值模拟,探讨海洋飞沫蒸发对热带气旋发展和演变的影响.模拟结果表明,考虑海洋飞沫的作用后,热带气旋范围内(气旋中心附近600 km左右范围内)的潜热和感热通量明显增强,尤其是潜热通量,最大值可提高35%~80%,潜热通量的大值区对应热带气旋眼墙处的最大风速区.无论是否考虑海洋飞沫作用,模式均能较好地模拟出热带气旋Nabi的移动路径,但考虑飞沫作用后,由于飞沫对海气界面通量交换的贡献,使得模拟热带气旋中心的最低海平面气压降低,最大风速增强,暖心结构更加明显.  相似文献   

In this paper,the effects of sea spray on tropical cyclone(TC)structure and intensity variation are evaluated through numerical simulations using an advanced sea-spray parameterization from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Earth System Research Laboratory(NOAA/ESRL),which is incorporated in the idealized Advanced Research version of the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF-ARW)model.The effect of sea spray on TC boundary-layer structure is also analyzed.The results show that there is a significant increase in TC intensity when its boundary-layer wind includes the radial and tangential winds,their structure change,and the total surface wind speed change.Diagnosis of the vorticity budget shows that an increase of convergence in TC boundary layer enhances TC vorticity due to the dynamic effect of sea spay.The main kinematic effect of the friction velocity reduction by sea spray produces an increment of large-scale convergence in the TC boundary layer,while the radial and tangential winds significantly increase with an increment of the horizontal gradient maximum of the radial wind, resulting in a final increase in the simulated TC intensity.The surface enthalpy flux enlarges TC intensity and reduces storm structure change to some degree,which results in a secondary thermodynamic impact on TC intensification.Implications of the new interpretation of sea-spray effects on TC intensification are also discussed.  相似文献   

Cloud profiling radar (CPR) onboard CloudSat allows for deep penetration into dense clouds/precipitation. In this study, tropical cyclones (TCs) are classified into three stages as developing, mature, and decaying. The circular TC area with the radius of 500 km is divided into five regions. The vertical structure characteristics of 94 Western Pacific TCs at different stages in different regions from June 2006 to February 2014 are statistically quantified using the CloudSat tropical cyclone overpass product (the CSTC Product). Contoured frequency by altitude diagrams (CFADs) of radar reflectivity show an arc-like feature and exhibit opposite distributions with a boundary at 5 km. Bright bands are found at this altitude, indicating melting layers. Deep convective (DC) clouds have the largest occurrence probability in the inner region, while Ci clouds occur more frequently in the outer region at 10-15 km. As clouds have the second largest vertical scale after DC clouds. Distributions of Ac, Cu, and Ns clouds at different stages have few distinctions. As the altitude increases, the ice effective radius and the distribution width parameter decrease while the particle number concentration increases. Moist static energy (MSE), cloud thickness (CT), liquid water path (LWP), ice water path (IWP), water vapor (WV), and rain rate (RR) all diminish along the radial direction and are significantly larger at the mature stage. The average value of MSE at the developing stage is larger than that at the decaying stage.  相似文献   

一种初始涡旋重定位方法及热带气旋路径数值模拟试验   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
采用平滑滤波和柱形滤波技术,从背景场中分离出初始涡旋环流和大尺度环境场,然后把分离出的涡旋环流进行平移和再植入到观测位置,最终得到一种初始涡旋重定位方法。针对2006—2007年7个热带气旋共23个时次,采用背景场直接加入热带气旋bogus模型和背景场进行初始涡旋重定位后加入热带气旋bogus模型2种方案,分别进行了对比模拟试验。结果表明:对背景场进行初始涡旋重定位后加入热带气旋bogus模型的方案模拟的24和48小时热带气旋路径平均误差都相对较小,初始涡旋重定位方法可以减小热带气旋模式因热带气旋初始位置偏差而引起的误差,有助于提高热带气旋模式的路径预报水平,有较好的业务应用前景。  相似文献   

热带气旋移动的数值试验和非线性特色的某些现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

By using a beta-plane quasigeostrophic barotropic model,four numerical experiments with integration time more than five days are performed.Results show that the vorticity advection term and beta term are two basic factors significantly affecting tropical cyclone structure and motion.  相似文献   

广东省登陆热带气旋活动异常成因分析   总被引:43,自引:26,他引:43  
利用1970~2001年热带气旋年鉴资料,对32年来西太平洋热带气旋登陆我国的频率、位置、维持、衰减、变性、加强及消亡等进行统计分析,揭示热带气旋登陆活动的一些事实和特征。研究表明:在我国沿海不同地区(不包括岛屿)登陆的热带气旋,其陆上维持时间明显不同,从广西至浙江,维持时间向北增加;热带气旋登陆后的明显衰减主要发生在登陆后12小时内,登陆时越强的热带气旋,衰减得越厉害;热带气旋在我国陆上消失的位置最北是黑龙江、最西可至云南,广西是登陆我国热带气旋消失数最多的地区。  相似文献   

不同垂直加热率对爆发性气旋发展的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
文章着眼于海洋温带气旋爆发性发展热力结构的影响效应问题。通过数值试验的结果表明,温带气旋发展状况对于垂直加热廓线分布具有突出的敏感性,若将垂直加热廓线“形变”,则可能导致海洋气旋的爆发性发展,并构成类似观测到的“气象炸弹”动力,热力结构,即“上干下湿”,“上冷下暖”的不稳定层结或“抽吸”结构,急流轴“断裂”形成的非地转偏差特征。从而揭示了垂直加热廓线特征在海洋气旋发展诸影响因子中的关键作用以及潜热释放分布与海洋气旋动力、热力结构形成的机理。  相似文献   

In this study,the effect of vertical wind shear(VWS)on the intensification of tropical cyclone(TC)is investigated via the numerical simulations.Results indicate that weak shear tends to facilitate the development of TC while strong shear appears to inhibit the intensification of TC.As the VWS is imposed on the TC,the vortex of the cyclone tends to tilt vertically and significantly in the upper troposphere.Consequently,the upward motion is considerably enhanced in the downshear side of the storm center and correspondingly,the low-to mid-level potential temperature decreases under the effect of adiabatic cooling,which leads to the increase of the low-to mid-level static instability and relative humidity and then facilitates the burst of convection.In the case of weak shear,the vertical tilting of the vortex is weak and the increase of ascent,static instability and relative humidity occur in the area close to the TC center.Therefore,active convection happens in the TC center region and facilitates the enhancement of vorticity in the inner core region and then the intensification of TC.In contrast,due to strong VWS,the increase of the ascent,static instability and relative humidity induced by the vertical tilting mainly appear in the outer region of TC in the case with stronger shear,and the convection in the inner-core area of TC is rather weak and convective activity mainly happens in the outer-region of the TC.Therefore,the development of a warm core is inhibited and then the intensification of TC is delayed.Different from previous numerical results obtained by imposing VWS suddenly to a strong TC,the simulation performed in this work shows that,even when the VWS is as strong as 12 m s-1,the tropical storm can still experience rapid intensification and finally develop into a strong tropical cyclone after a relatively long period of adjustment.It is found that the convection plays an important role in the adjusting period.On one hand,the convection leads to the horizontal convergence of the low-level vorticity flux and therefore leads to the enhancement of the low-level vorticity in the inner-core area of the cyclone.On the other hand,the active ascent accompanying the convection tends to transport the low-level vorticity to the middle levels.The enhanced vorticity in the lower to middle troposphere strengths the interaction between the low-and mid-level cyclonical circulation and the upper-level circulation deviated from the storm center under the effect of VWS.As a result,the vertical tilting of the vortex is considerably decreased,and then the cyclone starts to develop rapidly.  相似文献   

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