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应用遥感影像进行地表地质分析,具有数据量大、耗时短、费用低廉等优势,可以快速获取大范围区域的相关地质信息,因此,近年来,卫星遥感影像广泛应用于地质分析工作中。但是由于卫星影像在不同时期内的特征不同,且有大量不同的数据源,在不同影像上获取地质特征困难,因此,如何利用影像处技术增强影像中的地质特征,成为遥感影像地质判读的研究重点。地质断裂带调查一般借助各种直接与间接的调查方法以确认断裂带的存在与否和位置,了解断裂带的活动性,并提供点状或剖面数据材料。卫星影像在追踪研究贯穿地表且可为影像所解析的断裂带上,提供真实的影像证据,有助于直接分析影像中断裂带走向和延展。利用遥感影像处理计算,将卫星影像数据叠加到DEM上编制三维地形图,并利用计算机仿真,通过不同方向的投射光源,找出最适合的观察角及最能凸显出重点区域线状地类的状态。对于地质现象的分析及解释上,可提供较平面影像细致、准确的参考依据。  相似文献   

基于多角度卫星影像制作 DSM,DEM数字产品的方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着多角度卫星的不断发展,多角度的应用也随之而来。由于多角度观测卫星可同时提供多角度观测数据,提供立体像对,从而为提取影像高程信息提供了可能。本文基于Cartosa1t 卫星获取的多角度卫星影像,对DSM、DEM等数字3D产品的生成方法进行了论述,对其发展前景做了展望。  相似文献   

容芳芳 《北京测绘》2021,35(3):390-392
随着航空摄影测量技术的快速发展,海量正射影像数据生产已经成为测绘生产的常态.而正射影像的生产离不开数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM)数据,因此快速高效的生产DEM对正射影像的生产至关重要.本文以航空影像作为实验数据,利用影像处理软件的航空影像处理模块2018年版本(GXL 2018 ...  相似文献   

城市现状建筑容积率的分类提取对于有效把握城市用地开发强度以及制定科学合理的控制性详细规划具有重要参考意义。提出了一种主成分分量、主方向、边界指数以及矩形拟合度等多特征分量相结合的超高分辨率卫星影像建筑容积率贝叶斯分类提取方法。基于分类结果,采用阴影面积法与阴影长度法计算容积率并进行精度对比验证。利用WorldView-3卫星影像进行提取实验,并对实验区建筑逐一进行实地调查,结果表明,在容积率计算中,阴影面积法总体精度为93.90%,阴影长度法总体精度为85.19%,阴影面积法较阴影长度法在容积率分类提取精度上优势更突出。  相似文献   

针对非序列无人机影像,提出了一种基于卫星影像的无人机影像快速概略拼接方法。该算法首先利用改进的SURF算法提取特征点,然后利用最小欧氏距离寻找匹配点,最后结合模板匹配方法确定最终的正确匹配点。利用匹配点的尺度和方向信息计算无人机与卫星影像之间的相似变换参数,确定无人机影像的概略位置。试验结果表明,该算法拥有快速、准确和高适用性等优势,对卫星影像没有严格的时效限制,有一定的地形变化容错能力,能够满足快速概略拼接的要求,是一种可行的无人机影像概略拼接新方法。  相似文献   

Anandpur Sahib area of Rupnagar district (Punjab) was investigated using an integrated multi-disciplinary approach of geomorphological, structural, drainage and morphotectonic analysis through satellite data and GIS. Most commonly used geomorphic indices viz., channel sinuosity, drainage basin asymmetry, basin elongation ratio, mountain front sinuosity and valley floor to valley width ratio index have been used to identify the geomorphic indicators of active tectonics in the area. Existence of fluvial anomalies viz., abrupt changes in flow direction, flow against gradient, beheaded streams and river terraces reflect the strong structural control on the fluvial features. Asymmetric nature of drainage basin, elongated nature of the sub-watersheds, straight to curvilinear mountain fronts and narrow incised valley floors further substantiate the role of active tectonics in the region.  相似文献   

陈峰  张锦  曾波 《测绘通报》2015,(5):38-41
针对基础地理信息数据更新中如何快速高效地发现居民地要素变化信息的问题, 研究了一种基于图像代数运算的目标特征图像变化检测方法。首先确定变化检测目标类型为居民地要素, 然后通过图像分析和代数运算获得居民地要素的特征图像, 最后在特征图像基础上直接利用图像差分法对居民地要素进行变化检测;利用太原市某区域两个不同时期的资源三号卫星数据进行了图像代数计算和变化检测试验研究, 并对试验结果的有效性进行了评估, 结果表明该方法有效。  相似文献   

随着高分辨率遥感技术的应用,遥感技术在土地资源调查、土地利用动态监测和土地资源管理中的应用进入了实用化和业务化的新阶段。土地卫片执法检查工作采用GIS空间信息分析、土地利用遥感等技术,对土地利用变化动态遥感监测数据,在实地核查变化图斑,及用地合法性审查的基础上,全面掌握违法用地状况,将其提交给相关职能部门进行查处,进一步加强土地执法监察工作,有效遏制违法违规用地行为,依法查处违法违规案件,加强耕地保护和节约集约利用土地,进一步规范土地管理秩序,切实落实耕地保护责任。  相似文献   

Employing integrated remote sensing and GIS technology the western most part of Tripura region (Northeast India) and adjoining Bangladesh region has been investigated in the light of its geomorphological characteristics. Nature of fold ridges, several streams and the respective drainage basins are well depicted in satellite images and digital elevation model providing meaningful information. Quantitative parameters such as stream sinuosity, drainage basin asymmetry, basin elongation ratio have been computed. Main rivers of the study area, namely the Gomti and Khowai follows extremely meandering path and crosses through the transversely faulted anticlinal ridges. Fluvial anomalies viz. shift in stream channel and the abandoned meandering loops have been inferred and mapped. The Haora river in the study area exhibits northward shift in some part. Development of drainage system towards north and south from the drainage divide along the latitude 23°45N indicated up arching of the region which is also corroborated by the extracted topographic profiles. It has been observed that several tributary streams have gone dry and agricultural fields are developed along the dried up stream. These derived parameters remained useful to understand the nature of topographical modification attributed to the possible tectonic activity.  相似文献   

In this paper two new schemes for resolution enhancement (RE) of satellite images are proposed based on Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform (NSCT). First one is based on the interpolation on band pass images obtained by applying NSCT on the input low resolution image. Similar to Demirel and Anbarjafari (IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens 49(6):1997–2004, 2011), as an intermediate step, the difference between approximation band and the input low resolution image is added with all the band pass directional subbands, to obtain a sharper image. This method is simple and computationally efficient but lacks sharp recovery of the edges due to the interpolation of band pass images. To overcome this, another method is proposed to obtain the difference layer, where dictionary is built using patches which are extracted from high resolution training image subbands. Similar patches from the dictionary are then clustered together. This method gives a much sharper image than the first method. Subjective and objective analysis of proposed methods reveals the superiority of the methods over conventional and other state-of-the-art RE methods.  相似文献   

熊登亮  陈舫益 《东北测绘》2014,(1):127-128,134
无人机低空遥感作为一种新兴的航空摄影手段,近年来应用越来越广泛。在高原山区测绘大比例尺DEM往往难度较大,本文通过研究,提出利用无人机低空摄影获取数码影像,外业采用GPS测量少量控制点,内业采用多视影像匹配技术自动构建空中三角测量网,然后通过光束法平差实现快速解算,最后生成大比例尺DEM成果,实践证明是可行的。  相似文献   

从分析城市规划对基础资料的要求入手,逐项给出卫星影像所能发挥的作用,然后针对现有的卫星资源状况给出了不同规划阶段对卫星影像种类的选择。  相似文献   

PCI进行Spot5卫星影像正射处理像控布设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨Spot5卫星影像正射处理像控布设,以PCI软件处理1A级Spot5制作第二次全国土地调查底图为例,从成图精度、控制点的粗差探测与定位、以及可靠性的布点方案的改进,探讨了像控点的数量与分布,以求得成图质量与经济效益的有机平衡。实验结果表明,采用均匀分布的16点或25点布点方案,或角偶布设点组的9点或13点布点方案,成图精度、可靠性均能满足要求,相比之下角偶布设点组的9点或13点布点方案节约了外业工作量。  相似文献   

石江南  张峰 《四川测绘》2010,(6):263-265,286
本文结合生产实践讨论了利用SPOT5 HRS/HRG立体影像提取DEM的技术和方法,通过试验证明了SPOT5 HRS/HRG立体影像在提取高山峡谷地区DEM的优势,并对提取出的DEM成果精度进行了分析。  相似文献   

影像聚类是一种对影像数据进行分组的方法,在基于内容的影像检索中,如果能够利用较低层次的可视特征进行高效的影像聚类,将会大大提高影像检索的精度.文章分别利用色矩法与分块截短编码(BTC)方法提取影像颜色特征,然后采用K均值聚类算法来对两种方法进行聚类分析.实验结果表明,分块截短编码(BTC)方法的聚类精度优于色矩法.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the increasing aridity experienced in Hungary in the past decades, any future spatial planning decisions should consider the threat of an arid environment. For identifying sensitive and endangered areas, suitable methods should be developed. These could help those responsible for decision making in providing quick and suitable actions in planning. Through the investigation of vegetation, regional scale variations in the landscape along with the responses of forests to climatic changes can be easily detected. Our primary aim was the evaluation of the natural water supply on the Danube Tisza Interfluve by studying the forests, meadows and pastures of the area in the summers of 1992 and 2004. We investigated with the help of remote sensing the short‐term response of vegetation to the altered environmental conditions. According to the spatial and temporal analyses of vegetation indices (NDVI) based on AVHRR and MODIS images, a considerable decrease in the activity of vegetation can be observed throughout the entire vegetation period. Due to the suspected climatic changes, 33% of the studied vegetation might be endangered.  相似文献   

With the increase in spatial resolution of recent sensors, object-based image analysis (OBIA) has gained importance for producing detailed land use maps. One of the main advantages of OBIA is that a variety of spectral, spatial and textural features can be extracted for the segmented image objects that are later utilized in classification. However, using a large number of features not only increases the required computational time, but also requires a large number of ground samples, which is unavailable in most cases. For these reasons, feature selection (FS) has become an important research topic for OBIA based classification studies. In this study, three filter-based FS algorithms namely, Chi square, information gain and ReliefF were applied to determine the most effective object features that ensure high separability among landscape features. For this purpose, importance degree (i.e. ranks) of 110 input object features were firstly estimated by the algorithms, and correlation-based merit function was then applied to determine optimum feature subset size. Multi-resolution segmentation algorithm was applied for segmenting a WorldView-2 image. Support vector machine, random forest and nearest neighbour classifiers were all utilized to classify segmented image objects using the selected object features. Results revealed that the FS algorithms were effective for selecting the most relevant features. Also, the classifiers produced the highest performances with 24 out of 110 features selected by the information gain (IG) algorithm. Particularly, the support vector machine classifier produced the highest overall accuracy (92.00%) with 24 selected features determined by the IG algorithm. A significant improvement of about 4% was achieved by applying FS procedures that was found statistically significant in terms of Wilcoxon signed-ranks test.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between scale of observation and landform features and their representation in map form. The research is premised on the idea that large scale features are defined by the smaller features that comprise them (that mountain ranges are a collection of clustered yet individually identifiable mountains or hills). In preference to subjective selection of the higher order features, we propose a methodology for automatically discerning mountain ranges as well as the smaller hills that constitute them. A mountainous region can be defined by its prominence (relative height among surrounding features) and various morphological characteristics including the variability in morphology. The algorithm presented here uses derivatives of elevation and the density of morphological properties in order to automatically identify individual hills or mountains and ranges together with their extents. Being able to create generalised views of landscape morphology is considered to be part of the model generalisation process and is an essential prerequisite to spatial query and to the cartographic portrayal of these features at a range of scales (levels of detail). For the purposes of evaluation the algorithm was applied to the hills around Edinburgh city and the hills and ranges around Fort William, Scotland. The research reflects on the challenge of defining the subjective nature of what is a ‘hill’ or a ‘mountain’, but reminds us that a map seeks to capture the essence and characteristic form of the landscape – something that is necessarily fuzzy and scale dependent.  相似文献   

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