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The purpose of the study is to assess the role of trophic relations of the dominant pelagic fishes capelin and polar cod in the Barents Sea with regard to distribution and accessibility as prey for the Atlantic cod in warm years (2004–2005). Unlike in the previous period, during these warm years a dramatic increase of the polar cod population resulted in a northwards expansion of the feeding grounds where overlapping of polar cod and capelin concentrations was observed. This caused an increased competition for copepods, which are the main food item for young fish. In the areas dominated by polar cod the shortage of copepods forced immature capelin to switch to the chaetognath Sagitta, which affected their fatness negatively.During the warm years the feeding grounds of Atlantic cod also expanded, to a large degree caused by the shortage of their main food, the capelin. In 2004–2005 the cod formed feeding concentrations in the north and northeast Barents Sea where they fed on the capelin. In this area the consumption of polar cod by cod increased, and in some local areas the polar cod practically replaced the capelin in the diet of cod. In general polar cod in the diet of Atlantic cod were more important in the northern than in the southern part of the Barents Sea. The fatness of cod was extremely low during the whole spring–summer period (until August), and after the feeding period the fatness index of the Atlantic cod became lower than the average long-term autumn value.  相似文献   

The principal features of the marine ecosystems in the Barents and Norwegian Seas and some of their responses to climate variations are described. The physical oceanography is dominated by the influx of warm, high-salinity Atlantic Waters from the south and cold, low-salinity waters from the Arctic. Seasonal ice forms in the Barents Sea with maximum coverage typically in March–April. The total mean annual primary production rates are similar in the Barents and Norwegian Seas (80–90 g C m−2), although in the Barents, the production is higher in the Atlantic than in the ice covered Arctic Waters. The zooplankton is dominated by Calanus species, C. finmarchicus in the Atlantic Waters of the Norwegian and Barents Seas, and C. glacialis in the Arctic Waters of the Barents Sea. The fish species in the Norwegian Sea are mostly pelagics such as herring (Clupea harengus) and blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), while in the Barents Sea there are both pelagics (capelin (Mallotus villosus Müller), herring, and polar cod (Boreogadus saida Lepechin)) and demersals (cod (Gadus morhua L.) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)). The latter two species spawn in the Norwegian Sea along the slope edge (haddock) or along the coast (cod) and drift into the Barents Sea. Marine mammals and seabirds, although comprising only a relatively small percentage of the biomass and production in the region, play an important role as consumers of zooplankton and small fish. While top-down control by predators certainly is significant within the two regions, there is also ample evidence of bottom-up control. Climate variability influences the distribution of several fish species, such as cod, herring and blue whiting, with northward shifts during extended warm periods and southward movements during cool periods. Climate-driven increases in primary and secondary production also lead to increased fish production through higher abundance and improved growth rates.  相似文献   

Euphausiids are a key component of the northern North Atlantic marine ecosystem and Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Thysanoessa longicaudata are dominant both numerically and in terms of biomass. The Irminger Sea is remote and experiences often-hostile weather conditions. Consequently, few studies have been conducted there, and detailed information on the seasonal distribution, abundance and growth of euphausiids is limited. Here we explore patterns of abundance and spatial and temporal variation in length–frequency distribution in order to determine regional growth rates for both species in the Irminger Basin. Regional composite length–frequency distributions for spring, summer and winter were devised by aggregating discrete net haul data according to the results of a multivariate cluster analysis of length conducted on spring and summer net sample data. Three biologically distinct regions within the Irminger basin were apparent (Central Irminger Sea, Northern Irminger Sea and East of Greenland Shelf). These regions corresponded broadly with distinct physical zones within the basin. Modes in the composite length–frequency distributions were determined by fitting multiple normal distributions, and regional differences in growth were investigated by tracking modes between seasons. The results provide some evidence for regional variability in growth and population dynamics. The population structure and growth of M. norvegica was similar in the open ocean regions of the Northern and Central Irminger Basin, but different in the region around the East Greenland Shelf. There was a distinct absence of larger individuals (+I-group) in the open ocean regions compared to East Greenland Coast region, and growth rates were marginally higher. A similar pattern in population structure was also observed for T. longicaudata. Variability in growth and abundance are discussed in relation to prevailing environmental characteristics such as temperature and food availability.  相似文献   

The aim of the research was to investigate the diet of herring at different stages of its life cycle. For that purpose feeding of 0-group and immature herring in the Barents Sea, as well as of mature fish from the Norwegian Sea, was studied. 0-Group herring was sampled in the Barents Sea in August–September 2002–2005 during the international 0-group and trawl-acoustic survey of pelagic fish, as well as during the trawl-acoustic survey of demersal fish in November–December 2003–2004. Stomach samples of immature herring (1–3 years) were collected in late May and early of June 2001 and 2005 in the south-western part of the Barents Sea during the trawl-acoustic survey for young herring. Stomach samples of mature herring were collected in the Norwegian Sea in 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, and 2002 in the course of the international trawl-acoustic survey of pelagic fish. Feeding intensity of herring of all age groups varied considerably between years and this was probably associated with availability and accessibility of their prey. The 0-group herring was found to have the most diverse diet, including 31 different taxa. In August–September, copepods, euphausiids, Cladocera, and larvae Bivalvia were most frequent in the diet of 0-group herring, but euphausiids and Calanus finmarchicus were the main prey taken. In November–December, euphausiids and tunicates were major prey groups. It was found that C. finmarchicus in the diet of 0-group herring was replaced by larval and adult euphausiids with increasing fish length. C. finmarchicus was the principal prey of immature herring and dominated in the diet of both small and large individuals and mainly older copepodites of C. finmarchicus were taken. Larval and adult euphausiids were found in stomachs of immature herring as well, but their share was not large. The importance of different prey for mature herring in the Norwegian Sea varied depending on the feeding area and length of the herring. On the whole C. finmarchicus and 0-group fish were the most important prey for mature herring diet, but fish prey were only important in a small sampling area. Hyperiids, euphausiids, tunicates, and pteropods were less important prey, and in 2002 herring actively consumed herring fry and redfish larvae.  相似文献   

In the late 1990s, the southeastern Bering Sea exhibited a number of anomalous conditions, including a major die-off of short-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus tenuirostris), a trans-equatorial migrant that constitutes a major portion of the marine bird biomass in the southeastern Bering Sea. As part of a larger study of the ecological role of the inner or structural front over the southeastern Bering Sea shelf, in 1997–1999, we collected short-tailed shearwaters to determine diet composition. In spring 1997, we found that short-tailed shearwaters were consuming predominately the euphausiid Thysanoessa raschii, a diet expected on the basis of past studies. However, in subsequent years, short-tailed shearwater diets in spring contained increasingly larger proportions of fish, in particular, sandlance (Ammodytes hexapterus), as well as other species of euphausiids (T. inermis in 1999). In summer and fall collections, short-tailed shearwater diets were more varied than in spring, and included both fish (age-0 gadids, 21–35% by weight) and a wider variety of euphausiid species (T. inermis and T. spinifera). In summer and fall, crab zoea (August 1998) and copepods (August 1999) were eaten by shearwaters collected while feeding within the inner front. Diets in 1997–1999 were broader than those found in previous studies of short-tailed shearwaters over the inner shelf and Bristol Bay, which had documented diets composed almost solely of T. raschii. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that euphausiids were less available to short-tailed shearwaters foraging over the middle and coastal domains of the southeastern Bering Sea in 1997–1999 than has previously been true. Our results are also consistent with hypothesis that the inner front can affect the availability of prey to shearwaters.  相似文献   

Concern about future anthropogenic warming has lead to demands for information on what might happen to fish and fisheries under various climate-change scenarios. One suggestion has been to use past events as a proxy for what will happen in the future. In this paper a comparison between the responses of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) to two major warm periods in the North Atlantic during the 20th century is carried out to determine how reliable the past might be as a predictor of the future. The first warm period began during the 1920s, remained relatively warm through the 1960s, and was limited primarily to the northern regions (>60°N). The second warm period, which again covered the northern regions but also extended farther south (30°N), began in the 1990s and has continued into the present century. During the earlier warm period, the most northern of the cod stocks (West Greenland, Icelandic, and Northeast Arctic cod in the Barents Sea) increased in abundance, individual growth was high, recruitment was strong, and their distribution spread northward. Available plankton data suggest that these cod responses were driven by bottom-up processes. Fishing pressure increased during this period of high cod abundance and the northern cod stocks began to decline, as early as the 1950s in the Barents Sea but during the 1960s elsewhere. Individual growth declined as temperatures cooled and the cod distributions retracted southward. During the warming in the 1990s, the spawning stock biomass of cod in the Barents Sea again increased, recruitment rose, and the stock spread northward, but the individual growth did not improve significantly. Cod off West Greenland also have shown signs of improving recruitment and increasing biomass, albeit they are still very low in comparison to the earlier warming period. The abundance of Icelandic cod, on the other hand, has remained low through the recent warm period and spawning stock biomass and total biomass are at levels near the lowest on record. The different responses of cod to the two warm events, in particular the reduced cod production during the recent warm period, are attributed to the effects of intense fishing pressure and possibly related ecosystem changes. The implications of the results of the comparisons on the development of cod scenarios under future climate change are addressed.  相似文献   

Food webs and carbon flux in the Barents Sea   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
Within the framework of the physical forcing, we describe and quantify the key ecosystem components and basic food web structure of the Barents Sea. Emphasis is given to the energy flow through the ecosystem from an end-to-end perspective, i.e. from bacteria, through phytoplankton and zooplankton to fish, mammals and birds. Primary production in the Barents is on average 93 g C m−2 y−1, but interannually highly variable (±19%), responding to climate variability and change (e.g. variations in Atlantic Water inflow, the position of the ice edge and low-pressure pathways). The traditional focus upon large phytoplankton cells in polar regions seems less adequate in the Barents, as the cell carbon in the pelagic is most often dominated by small cells that are entangled in an efficient microbial loop that appears to be well coupled to the grazing food web. Primary production in the ice-covered waters of the Barents is clearly dominated by planktonic algae and the supply of ice biota by local production or advection is small. The pelagic–benthic coupling is strong, in particular in the marginal ice zone. In total 80% of the harvestable production is channelled through the deep-water communities and benthos. 19% of the harvestable production is grazed by the dominating copepods Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis in Atlantic or Arctic Water, respectively. These two species, in addition to capelin (Mallotus villosus) and herring (Clupea harengus), are the keystone organisms in the Barents that create the basis for the rich assemblage of higher trophic level organisms, facilitating one of the worlds largest fisheries (capelin, cod, shrimps, seals and whales). Less than 1% of the harvestable production is channelled through the most dominating higher trophic levels such as cod, harp seals, minke whales and sea birds. Atlantic cod, seals, whales, birds and man compete for harvestable energy with similar shares. Climate variability and change, differences in recruitment, variable resource availability, harvesting restrictions and management schemes will influence the resource exploitation between these competitors, that basically depend upon the efficient energy transfer from primary production to highly successful, lipid-rich zooplankton and pelagic fishes.  相似文献   

The seasonal and interannual variability of the air–sea CO2 flux (F) in the Atlantic sector of the Barents Sea have been investigated. Data for seawater fugacity of CO2 (fCO2sw) acquired during five cruises in the region were used to identify and validate an empirical procedure to compute fCO2sw from phosphate (PO4), seawater temperature (T), and salinity (S). This procedure was then applied to time series data of T, S, and PO4 collected in the Barents Sea Opening during the period 1990–1999, and the resulting fCO2sw estimates were combined with data for the atmospheric mole fraction of CO2, sea level pressure, and wind speed to evaluate F.The results show that the Atlantic sector of the Barents Sea is an annual sink of atmospheric CO2. The monthly mean uptake increases nearly monotonically from 0.101 mol C m− 2 in midwinter to 0.656 mol C m− 2 in midfall before it gradually decreases to the winter value. Interannual variability in the monthly mean flux was evaluated for the winter, summer, and fall seasons and was found to be ± 0.071 mol C m− 2 month− 1. The variability is controlled mainly through combined variation of fCO2sw and wind speed. The annual mean uptake of atmospheric CO2 in the region was estimated to 4.27 ± 0.68 mol C m− 2.  相似文献   

The Jan Mayen area has an extreme environment with low temperatures and infrequent, but abrupt temperature changes. The shrimp population here is considered to be on its edge of distribution. The life-history parameters are in the same range as in other high-latitude shrimp populations and are characterized by slow growth, large size at maturation and extended longevity. Irregular and sporadic commercial exploitation limit fishing mortality and give the population life-history parameters not previously seen in other areas. The Jan Mayen shrimp are large compared to, e.g., the Barents Sea shrimp and can reach a maximum carapace length (Lmax) of 37 mm and an age of 10–11 years. The large size at sex transformation (L50, >24 mm) and analyses of length–frequency distributions indicate that the shrimp may be 6–7 years of age before changing sex. The change in Lmax and L50 observed during the study period is probably caused by increased natural mortality due to sudden temperature changes or due to increased predation, rather than increased growth rates. The life-history strategy of shrimp in the Jan Mayen area can be explained by factors such as depth, temperature and population density variations caused by fluctuation in recruitment and mortality.The shrimp fisheries in the Jan Mayen area began in the late 1970s and reached an annual landing of 2000 tonnes in 1985, and since then landings have oscillated around 500 tonnes depending on a combination of factors. The survey indices of stock biomass varied between 3000 and 6600 tonnes. For most years, the highest shrimp densities are at a depth of 200–299 m, while large shrimp (and therefore also female shrimp) are dominant at depths greater than 300 m.Fish community data were studied as the composition of the demersal fish community is an integrated response to environmental conditions and as predation affects the shrimp stock. Polar cod and capelin are the most abundant fish species in the study area. A high number of blue whiting was registered in 1979, but the number declined in 1980 and 1981 as temperature decreased. During the surveys in 1994 and 1995, no blue whiting was registered. A few individuals were found again in the 1999 samples. The number of Greenland halibut has declined from the beginning of the 1980s to the 1990s.  相似文献   

Results from this study suggest that small-scale variability in the Alaska Coastal Current (ACC) and competition between juvenile pollock and capelin are potential mechanisms affecting the distribution and abundance of fishes in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). Fish distributions in Barnabus Trough, off the east coast of Kodiak Island, were assessed using acoustic data collected with a calibrated echosounder during August–September 2002 and 2004. Trawl hauls were conducted to determine the species composition of the fish making up the acoustic backscatter. Oceanographic data were collected from moorings, conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) probes, trawl-mounted microbathythermographs (MBT) and expendable bathythermographs (XBT). National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data were used to assess area winds, and information on regional transport was derived from current meters deployed on moorings north and south of Kodiak Island. The distribution of water-mass properties and fish during 2002 showed variability at the temporal scale of weeks. Juvenile pollock (age-1 and age-2) were initially most abundant in warm, low-salinity water on the inner shelf, whereas capelin were distributed primarily on the outer shelf in cool, high-salinity waters. During a 2-week period juvenile pollock distribution expanded with the offshore expansion of warm, low-salinity water, and capelin abundance in outer-shelf waters decreased. We hypothesize that wind-driven pulsing of the ACC resulted in increased transport of warm, low-salinity water through the study area. In 2004, warm, low-salinity water characterized the inner shelf and cool, high-salinity water was found on the outer shelf. However, the distribution of water-mass properties did not show the weekly scale variability observed in 2002. Area winds were consistently toward the southwest during 2004, such that we would not expect to see the wind-driven pulsing of ACC water that occurred in 2002. Age-1 and age-2 pollock were not observed in Barnabus Trough in 2004. Instead, the midwater acoustic backscatter was composed of capelin mixed with age-0 pollock, and these capelin were not restricted to the outer-shelf waters, but were found primarily in warm, low-salinity inner-shelf waters that had been previously occupied exclusively by age-1 and age-2 pollock. We suggest that this is consistent with inner-shelf waters being preferred foraging habitat for juvenile pollock and capelin. Further study of the mechanisms linking climate change with variability in the ACC is needed, as are studies of the potential for competition between juvenile pollock and capelin.  相似文献   

In 1989–90 the small pelagic fishery of the Gulf of California began to show a very marked decline in the catch of its main component, the Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax). The catch plummeted from 292,000 t in 1988–89 to 7000 t in 1991–92 and 1992–93. This caused a serious economic crisis in the local fishery fleet and industry, and resulted in the loss of 3000 jobs. In 1993–94 the fishery showed signs of recovery as the abundance of the Pacific sardine began to recover. The catch improved to 128,000 t in 1993–94 and further to 215,000 t in 1996–97. In trying to understand this great variability, we proposed the hypothesis that the distribution and the abundance of the Pacific sardine of the Gulf of California is determined by the wind patterns (upwelling) and the sea surface temperature. The results of analyzing data from 25 cruises showed the period of low relative abundance between 1990 and 1993 and one of high abundance between 1993 and 1996. The range of the sardine's distribution expanded as its abundance increased and contracted when abundances were low. The relationship between the abundances of the sardine and environmental variables proved to nonlinear and bell-shaped. The adjusted pattern explained 78.8% of the variability of the sardine abundance. The highest abundance are produced by moderate upwelling (13–18 m3s−1 per 10 m of coastline) and sea surface temperatures of between 19°C and 25°C.  相似文献   

Brood sizes of 1259 adult female Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera were measured during 48 h incubations (10 °C, ±0.5 °C) on 27 oceanographic cruises between July 1999 and September 2004. The data set includes measurements from several stations off Newport, Oregon (Newport Hydrographic line, 44°39′N) made over a 5-year period and measurements from 14 more extensive cruises at stations representative of continental shelf, slope, and oceanic waters off Oregon and California, USA. E. pacifica had similar brood sizes at inshore (<200 m) and offshore (>200 m) stations with an average of 151 and 139 eggs brood−1 fem−1, respectively. T. spinifera brood sizes were considerably higher at inshore stations—particularly at Heceta Bank (44°N) and south of Cape Blanco (42°50′N)—than at offshore stations, 155 and 107 eggs brood−1 fem−1, respectively. Average brood sizes of E. pacifica increased during the study period, from 125 (in 2000) to 171 eggs brood−1 fem−1 (in 2003). Average percentage of carbon weight invested in spawning (reproductive effort) was higher in E. pacifica (14%) than in T. spinifera (6%), because both species have similar brood size but T. spinifera females are larger than E. pacifica females and produce smaller eggs. Reproductive effort for both species was higher during summer 2002, probably associated with anomalous cool subarctic waters and high chl-a concentration observed during that summer. Brood sizes and chl-a values remained relatively high in 2003–2004 compared to the 1999–2001 period. Geographical and temporal variability in brood sizes for both species were significantly correlated with in situ measurements of chl-a concentration but not with sea surface temperature. No gravid females were collected during late autumn and winter cruises, thus the spawning season along the Oregon coast appears to extend from March through September for both species. However, T. spinifera usually starts reproductive activity earlier in the spring (March) than E. pacifica. Both species had their highest brood sizes in summer during the period of most intense upwelling, which is associated with an increase in regional phytoplankton standing stock.  相似文献   

A relationship between body size and time of spawning has often been described for both pelagic and non-pelagic fish species that migrate for the purpose of spawning. The present study investigates this relationship for capelin (Mallotus villosus), a pelagic smelt-like species that spawns on the beaches of Newfoundland. Simple linear regressions were carried out separately for three groups of capelin: ovid females, spent females and males in three successive years (1982–1984). Bigger fish arrived near the spawning grounds first, for all three groups in all three years and was most obvious for female capelin. Analyses of stomach contents of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), an important predator of capelin in the Newfoundland area, showed a similar decrease in mean size of capelin throughout the capelin spawning season in June, July and August. Furthermore, analyses strongly suggest that early in the spawning seasons, when capelin abundance was high, cod selected for bigger capelin, whereas towards the end of the spawning seasons, when capelin abundance was low, cod did not show any size preference.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of stage-specific abundance and reproduction of the copepod Paracalanus parvus were studied from October 2005 to September 2006 in the Jiaozhou Bay. This copepod occurred continuously in this bay throughout the year. The species reached the lowest abundance in April and peaked in June. From October to December, distribution center mainly occurred in offshore water and at the mouth of the bay. In winter, early copepodites and adults gradually decreased and till February, most of the population was only comprised of CIV–CV stages. Overwintering copepodites matured in March and males tended to mature before female. From May to September, each stage occurred in the population and gradually reached high abundance. Temperature and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration in the three stations can't clearly explain the seasonal variation in stage-specific abundance, so we surmised the important effect of the Yellow Sea. Egg production rate (EPR) reached its lowest in winter and peaked in June at 60.8 eggs female−1 day−1 in nearshore water. In the warming period, EPR in nearshore water was statistically higher and EPR > 10 eggs female−1 day−1 lasted longer than that in offshore water, showing the importance of nearshore water for recruitment of P. parvus. Our study showed that EPR was positively related to temperature and total chlorophyll a in offshore water and mouth of the bay. In nearshore water, the relationships between EPR and temperature and Chl-a in three size fractions were not the same as those in offshore water, suggesting complicated ecosystem in such a eutrophic area in warming period.  相似文献   

The Fram Strait is very important with regard to heat and mass exchange in the Arctic Ocean, and the large quantities of heat carried north by the West Spitsbergen Current (WSC) influence the climate in the Arctic region as a whole. A large volume of water and ice is transported through Fram Strait, with net water transport of 1.7–3.2 Sv southward in the East Greenland Current and a volume ice flux in the range of 0.06–0.11 Sv. The mean annual ice flux is about 866,000 km2 yr−1. The Kongsfjorden–Krossfjorden fjord system on the coast of Spitsbergen, or at the eastern extreme of Fram Strait, is mainly affected by the northbound transport of water in the WSC. Mixing processes on the shelf result in Transformed Atlantic Water in the fjords, and the advection of Atlantic water also carries boreal fauna into the fjords. The phytoplankton production is about 80 g C m−2 yr−1 in Fram Strait, and has been estimated both below and above this for Kongsfjorden. The zooplankton fauna is diverse, but dominated in terms of biomass by calanoid copepods, particularly Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus. Other important copepods include C. hyperboreus, Metridia longa and the smaller, more numerous Pseudocalanus (P. minutus and P. acuspes), Microcalanus (M. pusillus and M. pygmaeus) and Oithona similis. The most important species of other taxa appear to be the amphipods Themisto libellula and T. abyssorum, the euphausiids Thysanoessa inermis and T. longicaudata and the chaetognaths Sagitta elegans and Eukrohnia hamata. A comparison between the open ocean of Fram Strait and the restricted fjord system of Kongsfjorden–Krossfjorden can be made within limitations. The same species tend to dominate, but the Fram Strait zooplankton fauna differs by the presence of meso- and bathypelagic copepods. The seasonal and inter-annual variation in zooplankton is described for Kongsfjorden based on the record during July 1996–2002. The ice macrofauna is much less diverse, consisting of a handful of amphipod species and the polar cod. The ice-associated biomass transport of ice-amphipods was calculated, based on the ice area transport, at about 3.55 × 106 ton wet weight per year or about 4.2 × 105 t C yr−1. This represents a large energy input to the Greenland Sea, but also a drain on the core population residing in the multi-year pack ice (MYI) in the Arctic Ocean. A continuous habitat loss of MYI due to climate warming will likely reduce dramatically the sympagic food source. The pelagic and sympagic food web structures were revealed by stable isotopes. The carbon sources of particulate organic matter (POM), being Ice-POM and Pelagic-POM, revealed different isotopic signals in the organisms of the food web, and also provided information about the sympagic–pelagic and pelagic–benthic couplings. The marine food web and energy pathways were further determined by fatty acid trophic markers, which to a large extent supported the stable isotope picture of the marine food web, although some discrepancies were noted, particularly with regard to predator–prey relationships of ctenophores and pteropods.  相似文献   

Acoustic data and net samples were collected during late spring and early fall 1997–1999 to assess zooplankton and micronekton abundance and distribution relative to the Inner Front at three sampling grids (Port Moller, Cape Newenham and Nunivak Island) on the inner shelf of the southeast Bering Sea. Epibenthic scattering layers were observed during May–June and August–September in all three years. Acoustic data were scaled to euphausiid biomass using target strength models. Mean euphausiid biomass determined acoustically for each transect line was 0.7–21 g m−2, with most values below 5 g m−2. There was no consistent relationship between the distribution and biomass of euphausiids and the location of the Inner Front. Zero age pollock were observed on the inner shelf in August–September during all years, but were confined primarily to the stratified side of the Inner Front and to the frontal regime. The acoustic data for pollock were scaled to biomass using laboratory measurements of gas bladder dimensions and target strength models. Acoustic determinations of mean transect biomass for euphausiids did not differ from literature values for the inner shelf of the southeast Bering Sea, and pollock biomass on the inner shelf did not differ from that around the Pribilof Islands. Despite recent anomalies in climate and oceanographic conditions on the inner shelf, and high mortality of shorttail shearwaters during 1997, we found no evidence of significant interannual differences in the biomass of euphausiids or zero-age pollock on the inner shelf of the southeast Bering Sea.  相似文献   

Whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri) larvae obtained and hydrographic data collected in the Rio de la Plata estuary (35°S–56°W) between 1987 and 2000 were used to explore the early life stages spatial and temporal distribution patterns and their relation to oceanographic features. The spatial distribution, restricted to a band in the inner part of the estuary, coincided with the bottom salinity front and the maximum turbidity zone (MTZ, turbidity front). Larvae were present during the warmest months (October through May) within a range of 14–24.5 °C temperature and 0.9–33 salinity. A vertically stratified sampling performed in the region where the largest abundance was found (December 2005 and March 2006) was used to test the hypothesis that larvae retention occurs in the bottom salinity front.The vertically stratified sampling showed larvae throughout the water column with high predominance in the river–estuary transition zone. A positive correlation between abundance and the bottom salinity horizontal gradient was found. The size analysis showed that the largest individuals (>10 mm SL), probably undergoing the settlement process, inhabited near the bottom and that the smallest (<10 mm SL) were present in the whole water column. Length distribution along the front showed no trend.Results support the estuarine retention hypothesis of previous studies on whitemouth croaker gravid females, eggs distribution and outcomes from a numerical simulation model. Retention in the salinity front/MTZ would allow larvae to benefit from food accumulation in the region, the high turbidity level provide shelter against predators and retention in the estuary secure closeness to the main nursery ground.  相似文献   

Climatological variability of picophytoplankton populations that consisted of >64% of total chlorophyll a concentrations was investigated in the equatorial Pacific. Flow cytometric analysis was conducted along the equator between 145°E and 160°W during three cruises in November–December 1999, January 2001, and January–February 2002. Those cruises were covering the La Niña (1999, 2001) and the pre-El Niño (2002) periods. According to the sea surface temperature (SST) and nitrate concentrations in the surface water, three regions were distinguished spatially, viz., the warm-water region with >28 °C SST and nitrate depletion (<0.1 μmol kg−1), the upwelling region with <28 °C SST and high nitrate (>4 μmol kg−1) water, and the in-between frontal zone with low nitrate (0.1–4 μmol kg−1). Picophytoplankton identified as the groups of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes showed a distinct spatial heterogeneity in abundance corresponding to the watermass distribution. Prochlorococcus was most abundant in the warm-water region, especially in the nitrate-depleted water with >150×103 cells ml−1, Synechococcus in the frontal zone with >15×103 cells ml−1, and picoeukaryotes in the upwelling region with >8×103 cells ml−1. The warm-water region extended eastward with eastward shift of the frontal zone and the upwelling region during the pre-El Niño period. On the contrary, these regions distributed westward during the La Niña period. These climatological fluctuations of the watermass significantly influenced the distribution of picophytoplankton populations. The most abundant area of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus extended eastward and picoeukaryotes developed westward during the pre-El Niño period. The spatial heterogeneity of each picophytoplankton group is discussed here in association with spatial variations in nitrate supply, ambient ammonium concentration, and light field.  相似文献   

Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) sampling on the Newfoundland and Scotian shelves covers three multi-year periods characterised by negative (1962–1971), positive (1992–2000) and negative/neutral (2001–2003) values of the NAO index. Water temperatures respond differently to changes in the NAO in different regions: a positive NAO index tends to lead to reduced temperatures on the Newfoundland shelf and to increased temperatures on the central/western Scotian shelf, and a negative NAO index to the reverse. Since the 1960s, the hydrographic changes due to the NAO have been superimposed on a freshening of the water column throughout the region, which is attributed to increased contribution of Arctic water outflow. Changes in plankton abundance measured by the CPR for the three time periods were generally, but not always, similar on the Newfoundland and eastern and western regions of the Scotian shelf, although Arctic species (e.g. Calanus glacialis, Calanus hyperboreus) were notably more abundant and warm water species (e.g. Metridia lucens, euphausiids) less abundant on the Newfoundland shelf than on the Scotian shelf. Three categories of phytoplankton (colour, diatoms, dinoflagellates) increased in abundance in the 1990s, and these increases generally persisted into 2001–2003. This is believed to be a response to the persistent freshening of the water column, probably due to increased stratification. The Arctic species C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus also showed persistent increases in abundance after 1992, perhaps due to increased transport from the Arctic, although the abundance of the Arctic slope water species Metridia longa decreased. Two groups, Calanus 1–4 and euphausiids, both thought to play important roles in the food chain, showed persistent decreases in abundance after 1992, especially on the Newfoundland shelf. In all regions, Calanus finmarchicus 5–6, Oithona spp. and Centropages hamatus abundance changed in association with variations in the NAO, although no common mechanism could be identified. C. finmarchicus 5–6 abundance decreased in the 1990s and increased after 2001, while the other two species showed the opposite pattern. Centropages typicus and M. lucens abundance on the Scotian shelf increased with rising temperature. This is attributed to increased production rates for the former and an increased influx of warm, M. lucens-rich, slope water on to the shelf for the latter. A comparison between ring net and CPR sampling on the Newfoundland shelf suggests that the Calanus 1–4 category is dominated by C. finmarchicus and that late stage C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus are grossly under-sampled compared to late stage C. finmarchicus.  相似文献   

The small frenulate pogonophores (Annelida: Pogonophora a.k.a. Siboglinidae) typically inhabit muddy sediments on the continental slope, although a few species occur near hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. We present data on the distribution and habitat characteristics of several species on the European continental shelf and slope from 48°N to 75°N and show how the animals interact with the chemistry of the sediments. The environments inhabited include: shallow (30 m), organic-rich, fjord sediments; slope sediments (1000–2200 m) and methane seeps at 330 m depth. All the species studied obtain nutrition from endosymbiotic bacteria. They take up reduced sulphur species, or in one case, methane, through the posterior parts of their tubes buried in the anoxic sediment. We conclude that most species undertake sulphide ‘mining’, a mechanism previously demonstrated in the bivalves Lucinoma borealis and Thyasira sarsi. These pogonophores participate in the sulphur cycle and effectively lower the sulphide content of the sediments. Our results show that the abundance of frenulate pogonophores increases with increasing sedimentation and with decreasing abundance of other benthos, particularly bioturbating organisms. The maximum sustainable carrying capacity of non-seep sediments for frenulate pogonophores is limited by the rate of sulphate reduction.  相似文献   

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