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This paper analyses the results of an application of a piled wavescreen. Experimental measurements were undertaken in the laboratory conditions for a given structural configuration under the attack of regular and irregular waves. Dynamic pressure distribution along and around the inclined piles was obtained employing pressure transducers. Using these data, in-line dynamic wave forces acting on piles were also determined. Water particle (orbital) velocities were measured at seaward and landward of the wavescreen using two acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADV) simultaneously. Furthermore, wave data were collected using resistance type wave gauges at the seaward and landward of the structure. Based on those data, wave attenuation performance of the wavescreen was explored for two different depth values. Findings showed that piled wavescreen can provide effective shore protection as an environmentally friendly coastal structure.  相似文献   

Jellyfish patch formation is investigated by conducting a drifter experiment combined with aerial photography of a sustained patch of the moon jellyfish in Hokezu Bay, Japan. Jellyfish patches are aggregations of individuals that are caused by a combination of swimming (active influence) and advection by currents (passive influence). The drifter experiment involved the injection of 49 drifters around a distinct surface patch of jellyfish within an area of approximately 300 m × 300 m. The drifters’ motion, caused only by the passive influence, was recorded in a series of 38 aerial photographs taken over approximately 1 h. The ambient uniform current field larger than the patch scale was estimated from the movement of the centroid position of drifters, while the distribution of horizontal divergence and relative vorticity around the patch was estimated from the time-derivative in areas of triangles formed by the drifters. The centroid positions of both drifters and patches moved stably toward the bay head at different speeds. The difference vector between the patch and drifter centroids was directed to the sun, and was opposite to the ambient current. The distributions of vorticity and divergence around patches exhibited inhomogeneity within the patch scale, and the drifters in this nonuniform current field aggregated near the convergence area within 1 h. The results suggest that horizontal patch formation is predominantly influenced by passive factors at the surface of Hokezu Bay. Furthermore, the upward swimming against downwelling may make sustained patch in surface layer.  相似文献   

A global barotropic ocean model forced by atmospheric disturbances is developed for the detection of seafloor vertical displacements from in situ ocean bottom pressure (OBP) data. The model accuracy is validated by deep-sea OBP data at more than 100 sites obtained over the global ocean. Parameters and boundary conditions including the horizontal resolution incorporated in the ocean model are tested in order to accurately simulate the nontidal (>2 days) OBP variations. The horizontal resolution is found to the factor that most significantly affects the simulated result. The finer the horizontal resolution applied, the smaller the model variability is. The model accuracy is highest when the horizontal resolution is 1/12°, but deteriorates when the horizontal resolution is finer than 1/12°. This may indicate a failure of the energy dissipation parameterization in the barotropic ocean model. Using the developed 1/12° model, the root-mean-square of the observed nontidal OBP component can be reduced by 18 % as an average of all the OBP data used. It is found that the 1/12° model is useful for the detection of a slow seafloor vertical displacement of centimeters related to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake from in situ OBP records near the hypocenter of the earthquake.  相似文献   

A discrete time-delay control (DTDC) law for a general six degrees of freedom unsymmetric autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is presented. Hydrodynamic parameters like added mass coefficients and drag coefficients, which are generally uncertain, are not required by the controller. This control law cancels the uncertainties in the AUV dynamics by direct estimation of the uncertainties using time-delay estimation technique. The discrete-time version of the time-delay control does not require the derivative of the system state to be measured or estimated, which is required by the continuous-time version of the controller. This particularly provides an advantage over continuous-time controller in terms of computational effort or availability of sensors for measuring state derivatives, i.e., linear and angular accelerations. Implementation issues for practical realization of the controller are discussed. Experiments on a test-bed AUV were conducted in depth, pitch, and yaw degrees of freedom. Results show that the proposed control law performs well in the presence of uncertainties.  相似文献   

The Drag-type In-Situ Acoustic Measurement System (DISAMS) is a new instrument designed for rapid measurement of seabed sediment acoustic parameters, including the sediment sound velocity and acoustic attenuation coefficient. The DISAMS consists of six independent acoustic probes arranged symmetrically such that each side has one transmitting probe and two receiving probes. The entire operation is controlled and monitored in real time by a deck control unit on board, and the center frequency of the DISAMS is 30?kHz. The DISAMS can record full waveforms to determine the sound velocity and attenuation coefficient in the seabed sediment. In addition to site measurements, the DISAMS can also carry out towing measurements, resulting in improved efficiency compared with existing in-situ acoustic measurement systems. This article presents the configuration, electronics, and tests of the DISAMS in detail. Laboratory tests were conducted in a sediment pool, sea trials were carried out in the Zhoushan Islands, and sound velocity and attenuation coefficient data were obtained. The test results demonstrated that the DISAMS performed well and was able to measure the sound velocity and attenuation coefficient rapidly and accurately in both site measurements and towing measurements.  相似文献   

The determination of the characteristics of a standing wave boundary layer, such as water particle velocities and shear stresses, is a vital issue in the prediction of sediment transport rate. Thus, an accurate measure of boundary layer characteristics is a key factor in the study of the wave boundary layer. In this study, a fiber-optic laser Doppler velocimeter (FLDV) is applied to directly measure the velocity profile in the standing wave boundary layer. As the experimental data presented in this paper, the antinode points of standing waves are found to move in the temporal domain. The previous second-order solution for a standing wave boundary layer is insufficient for the prediction of larger Ursell numbers.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model has been developed to simulate water mass circulation in estuarine systems. This model is based on the primitive equation in Cartesian coordinates with a terrain-following structure, coupled with a Mellor–Yamada 2.5 turbulence scheme. A fractional-step method is applied and the subset of equations is solved with finite volume and finite element methods. A dry–wet process simulates the presence of the tidal flat at low water. River inputs are introduced using a point-source method. The model was applied to a partially mixed, macrotidal, temperate estuary: Southampton Water, UK. The model is validated by comparisons with sea surface elevation, ADCP measurements and salinity data collected in 2001. The mean spring range 2(M2 + S2) and the mean neap range 2(M2 − S2) are modelled with an error relative to observation of 12 and 16%, respectively. The unique tidal regime of the system with the presence of the ‘young flood stand’ corresponding to the slackening conditions occurring at mid flood and ‘double high water’ corresponding to an extension of the slackening conditions at high tide is accurately reproduced in the model. The dynamics of the modelled mean surface and bottom velocity closely match the ADCP measurements during neap tides (rms of the difference is 0.09 and 0.01 m s−1 at the bottom and at the surface, respectively), whereas at spring the difference is greater (rms of the difference is 0.25 and 0.20 m s−1 at bottom and surface, respectively). The spatial and temporal variation of the degree of stratification as indicated by salinity distributions compares well with observations.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2002,45(2):89-110
Experimental and numerical analyses have been used to assess the validity and potentialities of the integral swash zone model by Brocchini and Peregrine (Proc. Coastal Dynamics '95, ASCE 1 (1996) 221) which is extended to include seabed friction effects previously neglected. Applications of the model to experimental data show it represents a simple and useful tool for modelling swash zone flows. The model allows for computation of integral swash zone properties and shoreline motion from local variables defined at the seaward limit of the swash. For most properties, correlation between local and integral properties is very good (correlation coefficient about 0.80).A suitable parametric form of frictional forces in the swash zone is defined on the basis of both experimental data and analytical investigation. Numerical tests showed that the proposed parameterization models well integral frictional forces within the swash zone. The parametric friction force improves capabilities of the integral swash zone model of representing real swash motions. This is particularly evident when considering the momentum equation: the correlation coefficient between the rate of change of the onshore momentum in the swash zone and its forcings increases from about 0.85 to about 0.95 due to the inclusion of the seabed friction.  相似文献   

The prediction of propeller induced pressure fluctuations and underwater radiated noise is a subject of great and increasing interest in marine engineering. Nevertheless, the full-scale prediction of these negative effects, even though based on dedicated model scale tests represents still a challenging task. This is due to different phenomena, among which scale effects on cavitation and ship wake, confined environment and near field effects in model tests play an important role; the analysis of these problems is made difficult by the rather limited amount of available data from sea trials and to the complexities of the phenomena, most of which related to cavitation on the propeller blades, that are present in the measurements carried out in cavitation tunnels, depressurized towing tanks or circulating channels.In the present work, the subject has been studied with reference to a four blades conventional CP propeller of a coastal tanker.Cavitation tunnel tests have been carried out in two rather different facilities, at UNIGE cavitation tunnel and at SSPA large cavitation tunnel.Results from model scale tests processed with different treatments are then compared with full scale measurements performed by SSPA on the same propeller in terms of cavitation extension and radiated noise.The analysis is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of different experimental setups, testing procedures and scaling laws.  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation model OMEGA (optimal modelling for ecotoxicological applications) is used to explore accumulation of organotins in the Western Scheldt food chain, consisting of herbi-detritivores, primary and secondary carnivorous fish and a piscivorous bird. Organotins studied are tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) and the respective di- and mono-organotin metabolites. Empirical elimination rate constants are compared to model predictions for organic substances and metals. It is found that field bioaccumulation ratios are higher than predicted based on elimination kinetics relevant for organic compounds. The results indicate that uptake of organotins mainly occurs via hydrophobic mechanisms, whereas elimination may occur via metal-like kinetics. This results in very low elimination rates, which are comparable to model predictions for metals.  相似文献   

The National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) deployed a 10-m-diameter discus-type hull in the Pacific Ocean some 185 km southwest of Los Angeles, California, in April 1984. Aboard this hull was an electronic system capable of acquiring, processing, and transmitting to shore directional wave measurements. For this system to produce accurate data, a number of factors had to be taken into account. These factors included noise, amplitude and phase alterations due to mechanical and electrical components, and magnetic fields arising from the hull. Comprehensive calibration and verification techniques were developed and applied to ensure data quality. The system configuration is described with emphasis on the methods used in the data processing to correct for the various factors. Examples of the resulting corrected data are given.  相似文献   

The article provides a theoretical approach to the issue of how fishers make decisions concerning compliant vs. non-compliant behaviour. Furthermore, the question of the extent to which such judgements can be influenced by the efforts of management authorities, is addressed. While the concept of compliance per se is rather seldom treated in the social science debate on resource management, it nevertheless lies at the heart of much of this literature. On the basis of major traditions in the debate, a model of fisher compliance is elaborated, emphasising coercive and discursive measures as two main mechanisms to be used by public authorities to induce compliance in individuals.  相似文献   

Large volume semi-submersible units may present significant wave induced resonant motions in heave, roll and pitch. Evaluating the slow motions of such systems is important from the initial stages of their designs and therefore requires a model that is both accurate and expedite enough. In the present article, different options for modeling the second-order hydrodynamic forces and induced motions are discussed using as a case-study the PETROBRAS 52 unit—P-52. Computations of the low frequency forces are performed in the frequency domain by means of a commercial Boundary Element Method (BEM) code. Different hydrodynamic approximations are tested and evaluated by directly comparing the predicted responses with those measured in small-scale tests performed in a wave-basin. From the results obtained in theses comparisons, a methodology based on a white-noise approach of the force spectrum is proposed. The validity of such approximation is attributable to the typically low damping levels in heave, roll and pitch motions. Furthermore, results also indicate that the second order forces may be calculated disregarding the free-surface forcing components, an option that helps to reduce the computational burden even more, rendering the procedure suitable for preliminary design calculations.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional coupled physical and water quality model was developed and applied to the Jiaozhou Bay to study water quality involving nutrients, biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, and phytoplankton that are closely related to eutrophication process. The physical model is a modified ECOM-si version with inclusion of flooding/draining processes over the intertidal zone. The water quality model is based on WASP5 which quantifies processes governing internal nutrients cycling, dissolved oxygen balance and phytoplankton growth. The model was used to simulate the spatial distribution and the temporal variation of water quality in the Jiaozhou Bay for the period of May 2005 to May 2006. In addition, the effect of reduction of riverine nutrients load was simulated and evaluated. The simulated results show that under the influence of nutrients discharged from river, the concentrations of nutrients and phytoplankton were higher in the northwest and northeast of the bay, and decreased from the inner bay to the outer. Affected by strong tidal mixing, the concentrations of all state variables were vertically homogeneous except in the deeper regions where a small gradient was found. Obvious seasonal variation of phytoplankton biomass was found, which exhibited two peaks in March and July, respectively. The variation of riverine waste loads had remarkable impact on nutrients concentration in coastal areas, but slightly altered the distribution in the center of the bay.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal ecology at sewage outfalls has been investigated in numerous field studies over the last 30 years. Foraminifera have been frequently used as biomonitors of sewage pollution since they are both abundant and ubiquitous. Sewage outfalls have been demonstrated to have both positive and negative effects on adjacent foraminiferal populations, but it has never been shown conclusively why sewage affects foraminifera in these ways. Such information on the impact mechanisms of sewage pollution is essential if foraminifera are to be used as sewage pollution biomonitors, and also to understand the ecology of these important protists. One possible cause of a positive effect is the direct consumption of sewage-derived particulate organic matter (POM) by the foraminifera themselves. However this hypothesis has never been tested experimentally. Here, lipid (fatty acid and sterol) biomarker techniques were applied to study the ingestion of two potential food items by the foraminiferan Haynesina germanica in the laboratory. An experiment was conducted to confirm that the laboratory conditions were conducive to the survival and feeding of the foraminifera. In this experiment, foraminifera were provided with the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, which was considered to be a suitable food source. After 2 weeks, a four-fold increase in the levels of the diatom fatty acid biomarker, 20:5(n-3), in the foraminifera suggested that they had fed actively on the diatoms and survived under the experimental conditions. These experimental conditions were used in the main experiment, where foraminifera were fed the POM from sewage. Lipid biomarker analysis indicated that H. germanica did not consume secondary treated sewage-derived POM. Neither fatty acid profiles in the sewage nor coprostanol, the diagnostic human faecal sterol, were detected in foraminifera after exposure to the potential sewage food source. However, foraminifera may have consumed bacteria associated with the sewage in the experiment. The findings are discussed in terms of current EU legislation on sewage treatment that has affected the composition of sewage discharges, and therefore possibly reduced the nutritive value of sewage to the marine benthos.  相似文献   

采用传统的理论模型或者经验公式构建台风动力场驱动海浪模式,无法反映台风影响下海气动力过程,难以为海浪模式提供高精度的台风风场、气压场数据。为解决这一问题,基于中尺度大气模式WRF和第三代海浪模式SWAN,构建大气-海浪实时双向耦合模式,并将其应用于理想台风的模拟之中。建立的WRF-SWAN耦合模式能够成功模拟理想台风影响下的台风浪分布特征,揭示了台风风场和台风浪在空间上的“右偏性”不对称分布特征,该模型可推广用于实际台风浪的模拟分析。  相似文献   

The results of ground-based and satellite spectroscopic measurements of the tropospheric NO2 content near St. Petersburg in January–March 2006 are presented. It is shown that the increased concentrations of NO2 observed in St. Petersburg and its vicinities in this period were caused by NO2 accumulation due to unfavorable weather conditions, which is confirmed by an analysis of meteorological data and the results of a numerical simulation of the dispersion of urban air pollutants. Data from satellite and ground-based measurements agree with each other satisfactorily (a correlation coefficient of 0.5) and with model calculations of tropospheric NO2 conducted for the coordinates of a station of ground-based measurements (a correlation coefficient of 0.6). The HYSPLIT dispersion model also made it possible to estimate the scale of the NO2 spatial-temporal variability in the near-surface layer in the vicinities of St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

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