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The Late Quaternary ( c . 130,000–10,000 BP) glacial history of the central west coast of Jameson Land, East Greenland, is reconstructed through glacial stratigraphical studies. Seven major sedimentary units are described and defined. They represent two interglacial events (where one is the Holocene). one interstadial event and two glacial events. The older interglacial event comprises marine and fluvial sediments, and is correlated to the Langelandselv interglacial, corresponding to oxygen isotope sub-stage 5e. It is followed by an Early Weichselian major glaciation during the Aucellaelv stade, and subsequently by an Early Weichselian interstadial marine and deltaic event (the Hugin Sø interstade). Sediments relating to the Middle Weichselian have not been recognized in the area. The Hugin Sø interstade deposits have been overrun by a Late Weichselian ice advance, during the Flakkerhuk stade, when the glacier, which probably was a thin, low gradient fjord glacier in Scoresby Sund, draped older sediments and landforms with a thin till. Subsequent to the final deglaciation, some time before 10,000BP, the sea reached the marine limit around 70 m a.s.l., and early Holocene marine, fluvial and littoral sediments were deposited in the coastal areas.  相似文献   

Glacial deposits and landforms, interpreted from the continuous seismic reflection data, have been used to reconstruct the Late Weichselian ice-sheet dynamics and the sedimentary environments in the northeastern Baltic Sea. The bedrock geology and topography played an important role in the glacial dynamics and subglacial meltwater drainage in the area. Drumlins suggest a south-southeasterly flow direction of the last ice sheet on the Ordovician Plateau. Eskers demonstrate that subglacial meltwater flow was focused mostly within bedrock valleys. The eskers have locally been overlain by a thin layer of till. Thick proximal outwash deposits occupy elongated depressions in the substratum, which often occur along the sides of esker ridges. Ice-marginal grounding-line deposit in the southern part of the area has a continuation on the adjacent Island of Saaremaa. Therefore, we assume that its formation took place during Palivere Stadial of the last deglaciation, whereas the moraine bank extending southwestward from the Serve Peninsula is tentatively correlated with the Pandivere Stadial. The wedge-shaped ice-marginal grounding-line deposit was locally fed by subglacial meltwater streams during a standstill or slight readvance of the ice margin. The thickness of the glacier at the grounding-line was estimated to reach approximately 180 m. In the western part of the area, terrace-like morphology of the ice-marginal deposit and series of small retreat moraines 10–20 km north of it suggest stepwise retreat of the ice margin. Therefore, a rather thin and mobile ice stream was probably covering the northeastern Baltic Sea during the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

High-resolution bathymetric mapping of the fjords and continental shelf around the Svalbard archipelago shows an extensive pattern of large- and medium-scale submarine landforms formed by differences in ice-flow regimes. Mega-scale glacial lineations, lateral moraines, transverse ridges and glaciotectonic features are superimposed on the large-scale fjord, shelf and cross-shelf trough morphology of the margin. From these landforms we have inferred the flow and dynamics of the last ice sheet on Svalbard. Major fjords and their adjacent cross-shelf troughs have been identified as the main routes for ice streams draining the ice sheet. On the west coast of Svalbard major pathways existed along Bellsund, Isfjorden and Kongsfjorden. Along the northern Svalbard margin most of the ice drained through the Woodfjorden cross-shelf trough and Wijdefjorden-Hinlopen strait. Extensive areas with trough-parallel glacial lineations in the cross-shelf troughs suggest fast ice flow by palaeo-ice streams. Lateral ice-stream moraines, several tens of kilometres in length, have been mapped along the margins of some of the cross-shelf troughs, identifying the border zone between fast ice flow and stagnant or slow-flowing ice on intervening banks. Several general implications can be drawn from the interpretation of the glacier-derived submarine landforms around Svalbard. Firstly, the Late Weichselian ice sheet was partitioned into fast-flowing ice streams separated by slower moving ice. Secondly, our submarine morphological evidence supports earlier sedimentological, stratigraphical and chronological studies in implying that a large ice sheet reached the shelf edge around almost all of western and northern Svalbard in the Late Weichselian. The idea of a relatively restricted ice sheet over Svalbard, with ice-free conditions in some areas of the west coast at the Last Glacial Maximum, is therefore unlikely to be correct. Thirdly, the ice sheet appears to have retreated more rapidly from the cross-shelf troughs and outer fjords, although sometimes this occurred in a punctuated pattern indicated by grounding-zone wedges, and more slowly from the intervening shallower banks. In addition, a grounding zone for the ice sheet has been mapped at the shelf edge 10-20 km off the northwest coast of Svalbard, suggesting that ice did not reach the adjacent Yermak Plateau during the Late Weichselian.  相似文献   

Late Weichselian glacial sediments were studied in three sections west of Lund, southwest Sweden. The lowermost sedimentary unit is a lodgement till containing rock fragments derived from the northeast-east. Fabric analyses indicate successive ice flow directions: from the northeast, east-northeast, south-southeast and then east. The last active ice movement in the area was from the east. Above the lodgement till are deglaciation sediments consisting of meltout till, flow till and glaciofluvial sand and gravel deposited in a subaerial stagnant-ice environment. The uppermost unit consists of glaciolacustrine clay and silt, containing abundant ice-rafted debris, deposited during a short-lived transgression phase when stagnant ice was still present in the area. At the westernmost site investigated, the petrographical composition of the deglaciation deposits displays a gradual change, with upwards increasing components of Cretaceous chalky limestone. The presence of this rock type requires a period of glacial transport from the south. This stratigraphy cannot be explained with traditional glaciodynamic models. A possible scenario can, however, be constructed using a previously published model (Lagerlund, 1987) where marginal ice domes in the southwestern Baltic area interact with the main Scandinavian Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

Quaternary sediments along a profile crossing the southern part of the Jæren escarpment, southwestern Norway, have been investigated with regard to their glacial history and sea-level variations. Deposits from at least three glaciations and two ice-free periods between Oxygen Isotope Stage 6 and the Late Weichselian have been identified. Subglacial till directly overlain by a glaciomarine regressional succession indicates a deglaciation, and amino acid ratios in Elphidium excavatum between 0.083 and 0.118 date this event to Oxygen Isotope Stage 6. Sea-level dropped from 130 to below 110 m a.s.l. Subsequently, a short-lived ice advance deposited a marginal moraine and a sandur locally on the escarpment. Stratigraphical position and luminescence dates around 148 ka BP suggest deposition during the final stage 6 deglaciation. A Late Weichselian till covers most of the surface of Jæren. In addition to a well documented westerly ice flow, glaciotectonic indications of ice flow towards the north have been found. Ice flow directions and a hiatus between Oxygen Isotope Stage 6 and the Weichselian indicate enhanced erosion along the escarpment and the influence of a Norwegian Channel ice-stream. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on field investigations in northern Russia and interpretation of offshore seismic data, we have made a preliminary reconstruction of the maximum ice-sheet extent in the Barents and Kara Sea region during the Early/Middle Weichselian and the Late Weichselian. Our investigations indicate that the Barents and Kara ice sheets attained their maximum Weichselian positions in northern Russia prior to 50 000 yr BP, whereas the northeastern flank of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet advanced to a maximum position shortly after 17 000 calendar years ago. During the Late Weichselian (25 000-10 000 yr BP), much of the Russian Arctic remained ice-free. According to our reconstruction, the extent of the ice sheets in the Barents and Kara Sea region during the Late Weichselian glacial maximum was less than half that of the maximum model which, up to now, has been widely used as a boundary condition for testing and refining General Circulation Models (GCMs). Preliminary numerical-modelling experiments predict Late Weichselian ice sheets which are larger than the ice extent implied for the Kara Sea region from dated geological evidence, suggesting very low precipitation.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from stratigraphic and geomorphologic investigations in the Poolepynten area, Prins Karls Forland, western Svalbard. Field mapping, soil profile development and 14C dating reveal the existence of at least two generations of raised beach deposits. Well-developed raised beaches rise to the Late Weichselian marine limit at 36 m a.s.l. Discontinuous pre-Late Weichselian beach deposits rise from the Late Weichselian marine limit to approximately 65 m a.s.l. Expansion of local glaciers in the area during the Late Weichselian is indicated by a till that locally overlies pre-Late Weichselian raised beach deposits. Stratigraphic data from coastal sections reveal two shallow marine units deposited during part of oxygen isotope stage 5. The two shallow marine units are separated by a subglacially deposited till that indicates an ice advance from Prins Karls Forland into the Forlandsundet basin some time during the latter part of stage 5. Discontinuous glaciofluvial deposits and a cobble-boulder lag could relate to a Late Weichselian local glacial advance across the coastal site. Late Weichselian/early Holocene beach deposits cap the sedimentary succession. Palaeotemperature estimates derived from amino acid ratios in subfossil marine molluscs indicate that the area has not been submerged or covered by warm based glacier ice for significant periods of time during the time interval ca. 70 ka to 10 ka.  相似文献   

The consistent geographical and altitudinal distribution of autochthonous block fields (mantle of bedrock weathered in situ) and trimlines in southern Norway suggests a multi-domed and asymmetric Late Weichselian ice sheet. Low-gradient ice-sheet profiles in the southern Baltic region, in the North Sea, and along the outer fjord areas of southern Norway, are best explained by movement of ice on a bed of deforming sediment, although water lubricated sliding or a combination of the two, may not be excluded. The ice-thickness distribution of the Late Weichselian Scandinavian ice sheet is not in correspondence with the modern uplift pattern of Fennoscandia. Early Holocene crustal rebound was apparently determined by an exponential, glacio-isostatic rise. Later, however, crustal movements appear to have been dominated by large-scale tectonic uplift of the Fennoscandian Shield, centred on the Gulf of Bothnia, the region of maximum lithosphere thickness.  相似文献   

Late Weichselian and Holocene sediment flux and sedimentation rates in a continental‐shelf trough, Andfjord, and its inshore continuation, Vågsfjord, North Norway, have been analysed. The study is based on sediment cores and high‐resolution acoustic data. Andfjord was deglaciated between 14.6 and 13 14C kyr BP (17.5 and 15.6 calibrated (cal.) kyr BP), the Vågsfjord basin before 12.5 14C kyr BP (14.7 cal. kyr BP), and the heads of the inner tributary fjords about 9.7 14C kyr BP (11.2 cal. kyr BP). In Andfjord, five seismostratigraphical units are correlated to a radiocarbon dated lithostratigraphy. Three seismostratigraphical units are recognised in Vågsfjord. A total volume of 23 km3 post‐glacial glacimarine and marine sediments was mapped in the study area, of which 80% are of Late Weichselian origin. Sedimentation rates in outer Andfjord indicate reduced sediment accumulation with increasing distance from the ice margin. The Late Weichselian sediment flux and sedimentation rates are significantly higher in Vågsfjord than Andfjord. Basin morphology, the position of the ice front and the timing of deglaciation are assumed to be the reasons for this. Late Weichselian sedimentation rates in Andfjord and Vågsfjord are comparable to modern subpolar glacimarine environments of Greenland, Baffin Island and Spitsbergen. Downwasting of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, and winnowing of the banks owing to the full introduction of the Norwegian Current, caused very high sedimentation rates in parts of the Andfjord trough at the Late Weichselian–Holocene boundary. Holocene sediment flux and sedimentation rates in Andfjord are about half the amount found in Vågsfjord, and about one‐tenth the amount of Late Weichselian values. A strong bottom current system, established at the Late Weichselian–Holocene boundary, caused erosion of the Late Weichselian sediments and an asymmetric Holocene sediment distribution. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The occurrence of till beds alternating with glaciomarine sediment spanning oxygen isotope stages 6 to 2, combined with morphological evidence, shows that the southwestern fringe of Norway was inundated by an ice stream flowing through the Norwegian Channel on at least four occasions, the last time being during the Late Weichselian maximum. All marine units are deglacial successions composed of muds with dropstones and diamictic intrabeds and a foraminiferal fauna characteristic of extreme glaciomarine environments. Land‐based ice, flowing at right angles to the flow direction of the ice stream, fed into the ice stream along an escarpment formed by erosion of the ice stream. Each time the ice stream wasted back, land‐based ice advanced into the area formerly occupied by the ice stream. During the last deglaciation of the ice stream (c. 15 ka BP), the advance of the land‐based ice occurred immediately upon ice stream retreat. As a result, the sea was prevented from inundating the upland areas, allowing most of the glacioisostatic readjustment to occur before the land‐based ice melted back at about 13 ka BP. This explains the low Late Weichselian sea levels in the area (10–20 m) compared with those of the Middle Weichselian and older sea‐level high stands (~200 m). Regional tectonic movements cannot explain the location of the observed marine successions. The highest sea level recorded (>200 m) is represented by glaciomarine sediments from the Sandnes interstadial (30–34 ka BP). Older interstadial marine sediments are found at somewhat lower levels, possibly as a result of subsequent glacial erosion in these deposits. Ice streams developed in the Norwegian Channel during three Weichselian time intervals. This seems to correspond to glacial episodes both to the south in Denmark and to the north on the coast of Norway, although correlations are somewhat hampered by insufficient dating control.  相似文献   

The Taymyr Peninsula constitutes the eastern delimitation of a possible Kara Sea basin ice sheet. The existence of such an ice sheet during the last global glacial maximum (LGM), i.e. during the Late Weichselian/Upper Zyryansk, is favoured by some Russian scientists. However, a growing number of studies point towards a more minimalistic view concerning the areal extent of Late Weichselian/Upper Zyryansk Siberian glaciation. Investigations carried out by us along the central Byrranga Mountains and in the Taymyr Lake basin south thereof, reject the possibility of a Late Weichselian/Upper Zyryansk glaciation of this area. Our conclusion is based on the following: Dating of a continuous lacustrine sediment sequence at Cape Sabler on the Taymyr Lake shows that it spans at least the period 39-17 ka BP. Even younger ages have been reported, suggesting that this lacustrine environment prevailed until shortly before the Holocene. The distribution of these sediments indicates the existence of a paleo-Taymyr lake reaching c. 60 m above present sea level. A reconnaissance of the central part of the Byrranga Mountains gave no evidence of any more recent glacial coverage. The only evidence of glaciation - an indirect one - is deltaic sequences around 100-120 m a.s.l., suggesting glacio-isostatic depression and a large input of glacial meltwater from the north. However, 14C and ESR datings of these marine sediments suggest that they are of Early Weichselian/Lower Zyryansk or older age. As they are not covered by till and show no glaciotectonic disturbances, they support our opinion that there was no Late Weichselian/Lower Zyryansk glaciation in this area. We thus suggest that the Taymyr Peninsula was most probably glaciated during the early part of the last glacial cycle (when there was only small- to medium-scale glaciation in Scandinavia), but not glaciated during the later part of that cycle (which had the maximum ice-sheet coverage over north-western Europe). This fits a climatic scenario suggesting that the Taymyr area, like most of Siberia, would come into precipitation shadow during times with large-scale ice-sheet coverage of Scandinavia and the rest of north-western Europe.  相似文献   

A coastal cliff facing the ocean at the west coast of Spitsbergen has been studied, and seven formations of Weichselian and Holocene age have been identified. A reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment and glacial history shows that most of the sediments cover isotope stage 5. From the base of the section, the formation 1 and 2 tills show a regional glaciation that reached the continental shelf shortly after the Eemian. Formation 3 consists of glacimarine to marine sediments dated to 105,000–90,000 BP. Amino acid diagenesis indicates that they were deposited during a c . 10,000-year period of continuous isostatic depression, which indicates contemporaneous glacial loading in the Barents Sea. Foraminifera and molluscs show influx of Atlantic water masses along the west coast of Svalbard at the same time. Local glaciers advanced during the latter part of this period, probably due to the penetration of moist air masses, and deposited formation 4. A widespread weathering horizon shows that the glacial retreat was succeeded by subaerial conditions during the Middle Weichselian. Formation 5 is a till deposited during the Late Weichselian glacial maximum in this area. The glaciation was dominated by ice streams from a dome over southern Spitsbergen, and the last deglaciation of the outer coast is dated to 13,000 BP. A correlation of the events with other areas on Svalbard is discussed, and at least two periods of glaciation in the Barents Sea during the Weichselian are suggested.  相似文献   

Extensive, 20–100 m thick Quaternary sediment accumulations, deposited before the latest Weichselian stage, were discovered in the Suupohja region in western Finland, near the centre of the Scandinavian glaciations. Fourteen lithofacies have been identified and interpreted in the accumulations. Geomorphologically and lithostratigraphically these accumulations occur in two forms: (1) till-covered beaded gravelly ridges that have occasional fine-grained sediments and paleosols between the gravel and the overlying till, and (2) irregularly shaped broad multilayer accumulations that include up to seven till units, three silt/clay units and three sand units. These sediments have been deposited in glacial, glaciofluvial, glaciomarine/-lacustrine and possibly in littoral and eolian environments during up to six glacial–deglacial cycles. The units are divided into five formations, which are proposed to form the Suupohja Group. According to the luminescence datings, lithostratigraphy and sedimentary structures, the sediments below the uppermost till are interpreted to have been deposited before the latest Weichselian glaciation, which occurred during the Middle or Late Weichselian Substage. This article clarifies the multiple lithostratigraphy of the Suupohja region and introduces potential type sections for further stratigraphic studies. The rich diversity of the sediments and their large extent makes this region one of the key areas in the Pleistocene research of the glaciated areas of northern Europe.  相似文献   

Middle and Late Pleistocene fluvial systems in central Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This reconstruction of the fluvial palaeogeography of central Poland is based on an exhaustive and critical review of the published and archival data for the Middle and Late Pleistocene sediments of the area. The Warsaw Basin in central Poland was a major confluence area during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. The fluvial watersheds have been only slightly modified since that time. The past river systems resembled the contemporary one, therefore indicating rebuilding during successive interglacials, at least since the Holsteinian when the sea undoubtedly occupied the southern Baltic Basin. The Weichselian fluvial system was strongly influenced by the Scandinavian ice sheet, especially by meltwater runoff in the extraglacial area and ice-damming in the Warsaw Basin where a large proglacial lake developed. The Weichselian fluvial sediments form up to three terraces in the valleys of the Vistula and its tributaries. The most contentious issue is the mutual relation of the ice-dammed lake and ice marginal spillways in the Warsaw Basin, both being important fragments of a widespread drainage network in the Central European Lowland.  相似文献   

In central and northern Sweden, glacial sediments and landforms, formed during Early and Middle Weichselian stadials and their transition into interstadials, are often preserved in spite of having been overridden by later glacial advances. This study presents an OSL‐dated glacial stratigraphy from Idre in west‐central Sweden, expanding the area in which Middle Weichselian ice‐free conditions have been identified. Three sedimentary units were identified, with the lowermost unit consisting of glaciolacustrine sand, deposited in a stagnant water‐body. Nine OSL samples gave ages ranging from 54 to 41 ka, suggesting deposition during a deglacial phase in MIS 3. Normal faults and silt veins, formed after deposition, indicate that the area was ice‐free for a prolonged period, enabling the melting of buried stagnant ice. Above an erosional unconformity is a sediment unit characterized by gravels and sands deposited in a proximal braided‐river environment. OSL ages range from 180 to 41 ka, indicating poor sediment bleaching during deposition. We thus consider them to give a maximum age of the sedimentation, indicating deposition at or after 41 ka. The uppermost unit consists of a stacked succession of subglacial traction tills and glaciotectonite beds, representing the Late Weichselian glaciation of the area, probably during the inception phase with a wet‐based glacier regime. At the last deglaciation of the area there was extensive meltwater erosion, eroding all sedimentary units and forming a landscape with terraces and channels, and erosional remnants of the uppermost diamict as free‐standing hummocks.  相似文献   

Ice streams are major dynamic elements of modern ice sheets, and are believed to have significantly influenced the behaviour of past ice sheets. Funen Island exhibits a number of geomorphological and geological features indicative of a Late Weichselian ice stream, a land-based, terminal branch of the major Baltic Ice Stream that drained the Scandinavian Ice Sheet along the Baltic Sea depression. The ice stream in the study area operated during the Young Baltic Advance. Its track on Funen is characterized by a prominent drumlin field with long, attenuated drumlins consisting of till. The field has an arcuate shape indicating ice-flow deflection around the island's interior. Beneath the drumlin-forming till is a major erosional surface with a boulder pavement, the stones of which have heavily faceted and striated upper surfaces. Ploughing marks are found around the boulders. Exact correspondence of striations, till fabric and drumlin orientation indicates a remarkably consistent flow direction during ice streaming. We infer that fast ice flow was facilitated by basal water pressure elevated to the vicinity of the flotation point. The ice movement was by basal sliding and bed deformation under water pressure at the flotation level or slightly below it, respectively. Subglacial channels and eskers post-dating the drumlins mark a drainage phase that terminated the ice-stream activity close to the deglaciation. Identification of other ice streams in the Peribaltic area is essential for better understanding the dynamics of the land-based part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during the last glaciation.  相似文献   

A database comprising some ~5200 individual striation measurements on bedrock surfaces across the island of Ireland was used to produce maps of flowsets corresponding to individual ice flow events during the last (late Devensian) glacial cycle. These flowsets were identified on the basis of regional-scale correspondence between striae orientations which, when linked together spatially, are able to identify consistent ice flow vectors. Four main chronological stages are identified on the basis of this evidence: (i) incursion of Scottish ice into Ireland; (ii) glacial maximum conditions; (iii) ice retreat and dissolution; and (iv) development of localised ice domes. Striae-based reconstructions of the glaciology of the last Irish ice sheet are qualitatively different from those based on bedform (mainly drumlin and ribbed moraine) evidence. Significant differences are apparent in upland areas which have fewer preserved bedforms and a higher concentration of striae. Combining bedform and striae datasets will enable a better understanding of the temporal evolution of the ice sheet. It is likely that both datasets record a snapshot of ice flow direction and subglacial conditions and environments immediately prior to preservation of this directional evidence.  相似文献   

High‐resolution swath bathymetry and TOPAS sub‐bottom profiler acoustic data from the inner and middle continental shelf of north‐east Greenland record the presence of streamlined mega‐scale glacial lineations and other subglacial landforms that are formed in the surface of a continuous soft sediment layer. The best‐developed lineations are found in Westwind Trough, a bathymetric trough connecting Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Gletscher and Zachariae Isstrøm to the continental shelf edge. The geomorphological and stratigraphical data indicate that the Greenland Ice Sheet covered the inner‐middle shelf in north‐east Greenland during the most recent ice advance of the Late Weichselian glaciation. Earlier sedimentological and chronological studies indicated that the last major delivery of glacigenic sediment to the shelf and Fram Strait was prior to the Holocene during Marine Isotope Stage 2, supporting our assertion that the subglacial landforms and ice sheet expansion in north‐east Greenland occurred during the Late Weichselian. Glacimarine sediment gravity flow deposits found on the north‐east Greenland continental slope imply that the ice sheet extended beyond the middle continental shelf, and supplied subglacial sediment direct to the shelf edge with subsequent remobilisation downslope. These marine geophysical data indicate that the flow of the Late Weichselian Greenland Ice Sheet through Westwind Trough was in the form of a fast‐flowing palaeo‐ice stream, and that it provides the first direct geomorphological evidence for the former presence of ice streams on the Greenland continental shelf. The presence of streamlined subglacially derived landforms and till layers on the shallow AWI Bank and Northwind Shoal indicates that ice sheet flow was not only channelled through the cross‐shelf bathymetric troughs but also occurred across the shallow intra‐trough regions of north‐east Greenland. Collectively these data record for the first time that ice streams were an important glacio‐dynamic feature that drained interior basins of the Late Weichselian Greenland Ice Sheet across the adjacent continental margin, and that the ice sheet was far more extensive in north‐east Greenland during the Last Glacial Maximum than the previous terrestrial–glacial reconstructions showed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Veikimoraines in northernmost Sweden display a very conspicuous distribution pattern, sharply demarcated to the east and successively decreasing to the south, west and north. The sharp demarcation to the east is thought to reflect the front of a stagnant ice sheet. The downwasting of this glacier was retarded by the insulation of a thick superglacial debris cover and subarctic vegetation invaded at least parts of the slowly collapsing ice. Radiocarbon datings of organic matter deposited in connection with the formation of the Veiki moraine, lithostratigraphical evidence and the relation to other glacial features prove the Veiki moraine landscape to date from the deg laciation of the first Weichselian ice sheet, i.e. the Peräpohjola Interstadial. The good preservation of the features implies that in extensive areas of northern sweden the Early Weichselian glacial landscape escaped significant erosion despite being overrun by two later glaciers. Previous interpretations of the Late Weichselian/Holocene deglaciation are largely based on an Early Weichselian deglaciation pattern.  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary sediment sequence of the continental margin in the eastern Weddell Sea is well suited for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Two cores from the upper slope, which contain the sedimentary record of the last 300 ky, have been sedimentologically investigated. Age models are based on lithostratigraphy and are correlated with the stable isotope record. As a result of a detailed analysis of the clay mineral composition, grain size distributions and structures, this sedimentary record provides the first marine evidence that the Antarctic ice sheet extended to the shelf edge during the last glacial.The variations in volume and size of the ice sheet were also simulated in numerical models. Changes in accumulation rate and ice temperature are of some importance, but the model revealed that fluctuations are primarily driven by changes in eustatic sea-level and that the ice edge extended to the shelf edge during the last glacial maximum. This causal relationship implies that the maximum ice extension strongly depends on the magnitude and duration of the sea-level depression during a glacial period. The results of the sedimentological investigations and of the numerical models show that the Antarctic ice sheet follows glacial events in the northern hemisphere by teleconnections of sea level. Correspondence to: H. Grobe  相似文献   

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