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地层抬升剥蚀是沉积盆地中普遍存在的现象。地层剥蚀厚度的准确恢复对正确重建沉积盆地原始沉积-构造演化史,热史及油气生、排、运、聚史和定量评价油气资源潜力至关重要。本次研究在充分结合南黄海北部盆地东北凹陷区域构造和演化特征研究的基础之上,依据东北凹陷实际地质情况和资料条件,选取参考层厚度变化率法和沉积速率法,对东北凹陷始新统戴南组和三垛组地层的剥蚀厚度进行了定量恢复。结果表明,渐新世末的三垛运动使东北凹陷内始新统戴南组和三垛组地层遭受强烈的剥蚀改造,戴南组和三垛组地层在凹陷内各个构造带表现出不同的剥蚀响应特征。  相似文献   

为准确的恢复原型盆地剥蚀量,提出在波动分析法约束下,恢复原型盆地剥蚀量的新思路。即通过波动分析法界定剥蚀的区域和厚度范围,再精确计算原型盆地剥蚀量。并以惠民凹陷新生代为例,首先运用波动分析原理,得出反映凹陷形成与发展的主周期波为57,27和7.5Ma,根据7.5Ma的周期波反映凹陷内不同沉积期间断面的剥蚀情况,来确定区域的剥蚀范围。然后根据惠民凹陷的地质特点及资料情况,采用沉积速率法、镜质体反射率差值法、地层对比法等来恢复局部地层的剥蚀量。在波动分析法的约束下,参考地质沉积史和构造演化分析的结果,综合加权平均得到最终的地层剥蚀厚度,以确保计算结果精确。研究结果表明:受波动旋回的影响,沙四段和孔店组地层普遍存在剥蚀,剥蚀厚度较大的区域主要集中在凹陷边缘或靠近隆起区,剥蚀量最小的区域是阳信洼陷,说明该区沙四上亚段和孔二段烃源岩没有遭受破坏,具有较大的勘探潜力。  相似文献   

利用GC—MS分析惠民凹陷沙四段烃源岩样品,整体研究烃源岩地球化学特征。研究表明,临南洼陷和阳信洼陷沙四上亚段暗色泥岩有机碳含量高,总体上属于中等一好烃源岩。临南洼陷沙四上亚段烃源岩以Ⅱ型混合型有机质为主,次为Ⅲ型有机质;阳信洼陷烃源岩以Ⅰ型腐泥型为主,次为Ⅱ型混合型有机质。惠民凹陷烃源岩中检测到的三萜烷类主要包括C27-C35藿烷和莫烷型三萜类系列、少量的伽马蜡烷和微弱含量的重排甾烷。惠民凹陷泥岩中孕甾烷系列丰度相对低,烃源岩甾烷成熟度值C29ααS/S+R大于0.4,达到成熟阶段。滋镇洼陷和临南洼陷暗色泥岩沉积环境为淡水还原环境。阳信洼陷沙四段暗色泥岩沉积环境含盐度高,伽马蜡烷指数可达0.8。临南洼陷和阳信洼陷沙四段暗色泥岩具有低等水生生物和陆源高等植物双重输入贡献。惠民凹陷沙四段总体暗色泥岩含有高菲芳烃系列化合物,阳信洼陷三芴系列中硫芴占优势。  相似文献   

剥蚀厚度恢复法在渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷孔店组应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对勘探程度较低的复杂断陷盆地,利用常规剥蚀厚度恢复方法无法准确恢复其剥蚀厚度的问题,提出了1种基于构造演化研究的剥蚀厚度恢复方法,即从剥蚀动力学角度出发,分析剥蚀的成因机制,利用构造演化研究的平衡剖面,用地震资料界定剥蚀范围和求取剥蚀厚度,再根据已确定剥蚀区域的实际钻井资料情况,采用沉积速率法、波动分析法等进行井震结合的剥蚀厚度恢复。并以渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷孔店组为例,对孔一段(Ek1)和孔二段(Ek2)剥蚀厚度进行了恢复,结果表明:孔一段(Ek1)受剥蚀作用较强,在区域上存在较大差异,总体上剥蚀厚度较大,而孔二段(Ek2)受剥蚀作用较弱,剥蚀厚度较薄。该方法比传统的单一方法更加精确可靠,对恢复复杂断陷盆地剥蚀厚度具有较好的效果。  相似文献   

地层剥蚀厚度的恢复是盆地模拟中非常重要的一项工作,是反演盆地埋藏史和热史的前提条件。物质平衡法恢复地层剥蚀厚度是充分利用钻井、测井、地震等方法获得的地层物性资料来恢复地层剥蚀量的一种方法。该方法首先利用上下相邻地层的物性差别判断接触关系,在被剥蚀地层的顶部加入一厚度为H、岩性与残留部分相同的一段地层,使上下地层界面的物性差得到弥补,最后利用物质平衡原理得到初始沉积时的被剥蚀量。根据恢复地层剥蚀厚度的物质平衡计算模型编写计算机程序,使模型的计算更加准确、高效。基于物质平衡法模拟计算了南堡凹陷东营组地层的剥蚀厚度,计算出高35井、高62井、柳4井和柳13井东营组地层剥蚀厚度分别为486、466、573、634 m。模拟结果与前人研究成果对比表明,物质平衡法恢复地层剥蚀厚度是可行和有效的,与传统方法相比,物质平衡法所需要的物性资料较容易获取,适用于各个勘探阶段开展地层剥蚀量的研究。  相似文献   

西洼沙河街组沉积位于渤海湾盆地沙南凹陷,从Es3m到Es1,沙南凹陷经历四期裂陷幕,其间发育的不整合面T5使区域古地貌隆升,形成四期的三级层序变化旋回,并在西洼东—西向中央断裂带的控制下形成南、北物源和北部断裂坡折。双向物源和断裂坡折控制沙河街组沉积,形成多类型沉积,其中Es3m以半深湖—深湖、富泥质的湖底扇为特征,形成弱水动力沉积环境;Es3u以半深湖—深湖、富砂质的湖底扇和火山岩为特征,形成局部动荡的水动力沉积环境;Es12沉积较薄,形成独具特色的多样式、多类型沉积,包括半深湖—深湖、扇三角洲前缘、前缘斜坡扇、滑塌体、湖底扇及火山岩沉积,以及牵引流与重力流并存,以重力流为沉积主导。层段内的沉积序列及演化特征决定该区域形成南、北物源控制的4种成因砂体,南物源的晚期成砂机制,包括扇三角洲前缘砂、前缘斜坡扇砂,北物源的中晚期成砂机制,包括滑塌体砂和湖底扇砂。因此,西洼区域勘探以寻找岩性圈闭、构造—岩性圈闭为主,断裂与砂体的空间匹配关系决定了圈闭的有效性。  相似文献   

Lacustrine deep-water turbidite plays are a novel area for exploration in the Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin. Turbidites in the Shang 847 block, a typical turbidite play in the Huimin Depression, provide an opportunity to study the factors controlling the reservoir properties and hydrocarbon accumulation in lacustrine turbidite sandstones. The reservoir quality of turbidite sandstones (very fine-grained, moderately to well sorted, mainly lithic arkose) in this study area are mainly controlled by the distribution patterns of carbonate cements and pseudomatrix. Significant inverse relationships exist between the volume of carbonate cement and both porosity and permeability of the turbidite sandstones. Carbonate cement is located preferentially near the margins of the sandstone bodies. Sandstones with distance from the sandstone–mudstone contact surface less than 0.7 m or with thickness less than 1.2 m are commonly tightly cemented (carbonate cement >15%) with low porosity and permeability (lower than 10% and 0.1 mD, respectively). The source of carbonate cement was most likely external, probably derived from the surrounding mudstone. Most pore-filling carbonate cements occurred during late diagenesis at burial depths greater than 2200 m. The petrophysical properties of turbidites have a positive relationship with the content of kaolinite and chlorite, but have a negative relationship with the content of illite. 2-D and 3-D reconstructions of non-oil bearing and oil-bearing layers indicate that dissolution of carbonate cement, feldspars and unstable rock fragments was more developed in oil-bearing layers than in non-oil bearing layers and hance oil-bearing layers have higher porosity and larger pore sizes. Petrophysical property appears to have a significant effect on the hydrocarbon accumulation in the turbidite sandstones. Sandstones with porosities lower than 9% and/or permeabilities lower than 0.78 mD are not prone to contain oil.  相似文献   

Thin-bedded beach-bar sandstone reservoirs are common in the Eocene Shahejie Formation (Es4s) of Niuzhuang Sag, along the southern gentle slope of the Dongying Depression. Here we report on the link between sequence stratigraphy, sedimentary facies and diagenetic effects on reservoir quality. Seismic data, wireline logs, core observations and analyses are used to interpret depositional settings and sequence stratigraphic framework. Petrographic study based on microscopic observation of optical, cathodoluminescence (CL), confocal laser scanning (LSCM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were used to describe the fabric, texture, allogenic and authigenic mineralogy of these highly heterogeneous sandstone reservoirs. The Es4s interval is interpreted as third-order sequence, composed of a lowstand systems tract (LST), a transgressive systems tract (TST) and a highstand systems tract (HST). On the fourth order, twenty-nine parasequences and seven parasequence sets have been identified. Sand bodies were deposited mainly in the shoreface shallow lake beach-bar (clastic beach-bar), semi-deep lake (carbonate beach-bar) and the fluvial channels. The depositional and diagenetic heterogeneities were mainly due to the following factors: (1) fine grain size, poor sorting, and continuous thin inter-bedded mud layers with siltstone/fine-sandstone having argillaceous layers in regular intervals, (2) immature sediment composition, and (3) even with the dissolution of grains and several fractures, destruction of porosity by cementation and compaction. Secondary pores from feldspar dissolution are better developed in sandstones with increased cementation. Grain coating smectite clays preserved the primary porosity at places while dominating pore filling authigenic illite and illite/smectite clays reduced permeability with little impact on porosity. Due to the high degree of heterogeneity in the Es4s beach-bar interval, it is recognized as middle to low permeable reservoir. The aforementioned study reflects significant insight into the understanding of the properties of the beach-bar sands and valuable for the comprehensive reservoir characterization and overall reservoir bed quality.  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷断裂控藏特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南堡凹陷为渤海湾盆地的一个新生代富生烃凹陷,内部断层十分发育,大量的油气藏都围绕断裂分布。根据断裂平面及剖面组合特征,断裂平面组合样式可分为4种:平行状、交织状、梳状和帚状;剖面组合分为3种:复“y”形组合、花状组合及阶梯式组合。根据断裂、砂体及油气藏的分布特征,发现二级和三级生长断层凹面储集厚度较大、且砂体孔渗性较好,是油气运移的主要方向。反向旋转断层组合的断层下盘和同向旋转断层组合的断层上盘是油气聚集的有利部位。但由于断层带的分带性,上诱导裂缝带相对下诱导裂缝带渗透性好。上诱导裂缝带利于油气运移,下诱导裂缝带利于封堵油气,油气的最有利聚集部位为反向旋转断层组合的下盘。  相似文献   

实验区位于东营凹陷的东南端,由东西两个向斜和中间鞍部组成,周边含有丰富的油气,沙四上亚段成藏方面比较复杂,通过分析所得的自然电位曲线、电阻率曲线,对渤海湾盆地牛庄洼陷东部沙四上沉积特征进行研究,从而便于寻找油气成藏控制因素和有利的勘探目标。  相似文献   

The Es3L (lower sub-member of the third member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation) shale in the Jiyang Depression is a set of relatively thick and widely deposited lacustrine sediments with elevated organic carbon, and is considered to be one of the most important source rocks in East China. We can determine the mineralogy, organic and inorganic geochemistry of the Es3L shale and calculate paleoclimate indexes by using multiple geochemical proxies based on organic chemistry (total organic carbon [TOC] and Rock-Eval pyrolysis), major and trace elements, X-Ray diffraction, and carbon and oxygen isotope data from key wells alongside ECS (Elemental Capture Spectroscopy) well log data. These indicators can be used to analyze the evolution of the paleoenvironment and provide a mechanism of organic matter (OM) accumulation. The Es3L oil shale has high TOC abundance (most samples >3.0%) and is dominated by Type I kerogens. Additionally, the organic-rich shale is rich in CaO and enrichment in some trace metals is present, such as Sr, Ba and U. The positive δ13C and negative δ18O values, high Sr/Ba, B/Ga and Ca/Ca + Fe ratios and low C/S ratios indicate that the Es3L shales were mainly deposited in a semi-closed freshwater-brackish water lacustrine environment. The consistently low Ti/Al and Si/Al ratios reflect a restricted but rather homogeneous nature for the detrital supply. Many redox indicators, including the Th/U, V/(V + Ni), and δU ratios, pyrite morphology and TOC-TS-Fe diagrams suggest deposition under dysoxic to suboxic conditions. Subsequently, the brackish saline bottom water evolved into an anoxic water body under a relatively arid environment, during which organic-lean marls were deposited in the early stage. Later, an enhanced warm-humid climate provided an abundant mineral nutrient supply and promoted the accumulation of algal material. OM input from algal blooms reached a maximum during the deposition of the organic-rich calcareous shale with seasonal laminations. High P/Ti ratios and a strongly positive relationship between the P and TOC contents indicate that OM accumulation in the oil shale was mainly controlled by the high primary productivity of surface waters with help from a less stratified water column. Factors such as the physical protection of clay minerals and the dilution of detrital influx show less influence on OM enrichment.  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地莱州湾凹陷KL油田地区古近系沙河街组发育了陆源碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩的混合沉积构造,国内外学者在莱州湾凹陷地区已做了一些岩相古地理方面研究工作,但KL油田地区的混合沉积研究至今未涉及.由于KL油田地区钻遇沙河街组沙三下亚段的井较少(迄今全地区钻遇沙三下亚段井9口),本文充分利用有限的钻井资料,结合岩心资料、分析化验资料、单井沉积相解剖以及地震相分析,对渤海湾盆地莱州湾凹陷KL油田地区碳酸盐岩台地混合沉积特征以及沉积演化模式进行了较为深入的探讨.研究表明,KL油田古近系沙河街组主要以扇三角洲沉积体系为主,混积岩主要发育在沙河街组沙三下亚段,而沙三下亚段发育三种不同的沉积环境:KL-1井区发育辫状河三角洲,中部KL-4井区发育滨浅湖混积滩坝,东部KL-9井区在Ⅰ油组处于潍北凸起物源供给区,发育了扇三角洲.沙三下亚段沉积时期,沉积物在碳酸盐岩台地上进行混合沉积,狭义上表现为混积岩,主要类型包括:泥质灰岩、含泥灰岩、灰质粉砂岩;广义上表现为混积层系,主要类型包括:含陆源碎屑一碳酸盐混积岩、含碳酸盐一陆源碎屑混积岩、碳酸质一陆源碎屑混积岩.  相似文献   

Massive mudrock refers to mudrock with internally homogeneous characteristics and an absence of laminae. Previous studies were primarily conducted in the marine environment, while notably few studies have investigated lacustrine massive mudrock. Based on core observation in the lacustrine environment of the Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China, massive mudrock is a common deep water fine-grained sedimentary rock. There are two types of massive mudrock. Both types are sharply delineated at the bottom and top contacts, abundant in angular terrigenous debris, and associated with oxygen-rich (higher than 2 ml O2/L H2O) but lower water salinities in comparison to adjacent black shales. In addition, type 1 is laterally isolated and contains abundant sand injections and contorted layers formed in the depositional process, but type 2 exactly distributes in the distal part of deep water gravity-driven sandstone units, and shows scoured bases, high-angle mineral crytsals, and fining-upward trend. It is suggested that type 1 is a muddy mass transport deposit (MMTD) formed by slide, slump, and/or debris flow, and type 2 is a turbiditic mudrock deposited by settling from dilute turbidity currents. A warm and humid climate and high subsidence rate are two main triggering events. Because of its mass movement nature, MMTD preserves the mineralogic composition and organic matter characteristics of the source sediment. By contrast, dilute turbidity currents are able to greatly entrain biochemically-formed micrite and planktonic organisms from the water column, and deposit them in the turbiditic mudrock. Because of their different ability to deposit organic matter, MMTD have poor or fair source rock potential, but the turbiditic mudrock is able to be a potentially effective source rock. The minerals in the massive mudrock are disorganized and chaotic, which cause fractures to develop in various directions, thereby, enhancing the vertical migration of oil and gas molecules to horizontal wellbore in shale reservoir exploitation.  相似文献   

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