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This article points out some particular features conditioning seismic hazard assessments (SHA) in Spain, a region with low–moderate
seismicity. Although sized earthquakes occurred in the past, as evidenced by historical documents and neotectonic studies,
no large events occurred during the last decades. The absence of strong motion records corresponding to earthquakes with magnitude
larger than 5.5 is an important obstacle for the development of ground motion models constrained by local data, with the consequent
difficulty in SHA studies. In this paper, some recent developments aiming at providing solutions to these difficulties are
presented. Specifically, a strong motion databank containing a massive collection of accelerograms and response spectra from
different configurations source-path-site corresponding to earthquakes all over the world is introduced, together with software
utilities for its management. A first application of this databank is the development of specific ground motion models for
Spain and for the Mediterranean region that predict peak ground accelerations as a function of several definitions of magnitude,
distance and soil class. The predictive power of these ground motion models is tested by contrasting their estimates with
recently recorded ground motions. The comparison between our ground-motion models with others proposed in the literature for
other areas reveals a regular overestimation of the expected ground motions at Spanish sites by the non-local models. Consequently,
SHA studies based in external models may overestimate the predicted hazard at the Iberian sites. In the last part of the paper
a method for checking whether the response spectra proposed in the Spanish Building Code (NCSE-02) are consistent with actual
accelerometric data from recent low magnitude earthquakes is applied. The spectral shapes of the Spanish Building Code NCSE-02
are compared with the response spectral shapes deduced from the available accelerograms by normalising the response spectra
with the recorded PGA. It is appreciated that the NCSE-02 spectral shapes are exceeded by a large number of actual spectral
shapes for short periods (around 0.2 s), a result to be taken into account in further revisions of the NCSE-02 code. The issues
tackled in this work constitute not only an improvement for ground-motion characterisation in Spain, but also provide guidelines
of general interest for potential applications in other regions with similar seismicity. 相似文献
This work summarises the seismic hazard analysis performed for the complete characterisation of strong ground-motion at the site of the Itoiz dam (Western Pyrenees, Spain). The hazard analysis includes the compilation of a composite catalogue from French and Spanish agencies, the definition of an original hybrid seismogenic source model (including zones and major faults) and the selection of ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs). Hazard results are provided as hazard curves and acceleration response spectra on rock for the 1000- and 5000-year return periods, which correspond respectively to the operating basis earthquake (OBE) and safety evaluation earthquake (SEE). The impact of truncating GMPEs at a number of standard deviations (epsilon) has been found not critical here for the return periods targeted. Subsequently, an analysis of the contribution of each source to total hazard and a hazard disaggregation analysis are performed in order to establish the earthquake-source parameters for both the OBE and SEE scenarios consistently with the seismotectonics of the region. The European Strong Motion database is then searched and a selection of records is proposed for each of the scenarios. Our results suggest that seismic hazard in the region is underestimated by the official Spanish seismic hazard map included in the current version of the code (NCSE-02), which is the reference document for the definition of seismic actions for dam projects in the whole Pyrenees. 相似文献
Faulting, shallow seismicity (0–30 km), and seismic hazard of the Costa Rican Central Valley were analyzed. Faults in the study area are oriented northwest or northeast. There is an active fault system in the south flank of the Central Volcanic Ridge and another in the north flank of the Talamanca Ridge. Faults of these systems have generated 15 destructive earthquakes in the area during the last 228 years all of them shallow and their locations show one cluster near the Poas Volcano and another southward the Central Valley. These earthquakes have damaged cities of the Central Valley, two of them destroyed Cartago city and almost 1000 people were killed. Regarding recent seismicity, there are three main seismic sources at the Central Volcanic Ridge: Irazu, Bajo de la Hondura and Poas and other three in the Talamanca Ridge: Puriscal, Los Santos and Pejibaye.A seismic hazard map for the Metropolitan Area of San José has been elaborated, based on local tectonic and seismic information. The area for the hazard computation covers an area of 20×15 km 2 and includes the zone where the most population and socioeconomic activities are concentrated. The computation analysis are based on areas zones and faults, each one characterized by recurrence parameters, geometry, minimum and maximum magnitude and source depth. A recent local spectral attenuation model, which includes relations for shallow crustal sources and subduction zone earthquakes, has been applied in this study. The seismic hazard results are presented in terms of contour plots of estimated peak ground acceleration (PGA) for bedrock conditions for return period of 50, 100 and 500 years. In the Central Park of San Jose City the following PGA values were found: 0.29 g for 50 years, 0.36 g for 100 years, and 0.53 g for 500 years. 相似文献
鄂尔多斯块体周缘历史上多次发生大地震,同时该地区人口稠密,城市群集中,有必要分析该地区未来30年的大地震危险性,为该地区的应急备灾工作提供参考.本文利用块体周缘活动断层的滑动速率、历史地震古地震等资料,建立了考虑大地震发生率的时间非平稳性质和大地震危险性近断层分布特征的地震危险性模型.计算了块体周缘未来30年Ⅷ度地震动的超越概率分布图,并同《中国地震动参数区划图》的地震危险性模型进行了比较.本文研究认为,由断层滑动速率估算的断层地震活动性与基于地震目录统计的地震活动性总体差别不大,但断层源的地震危险性在沿断层破裂面地区增大明显.结果认为,鄂尔多斯块体周缘未来30年地震危险性最高的地区在块体西南缘,六盘山东麓断裂和会宁—义岗断裂及周边地区是未来30年地震危险性较高的地区. 相似文献
On May 22, 2021, the MS 7.4 earthquake occurred in Madoi County, Qinghai Province; it was another strong event that occurred within the Bayan Har block after the Dari MS 7.7 earthquake in 1947. An earthquake is bound to cast stress to the surrounding faults, thus affecting the regional seismic hazard. To understand these issues, a three-dimensional viscoelastic finite element model of the eastern Bayan Har block and its adjacent areas was constructed. Based on the co-seismic rupture model of the Madoi earthquake, we analyzed the co- and post-seismic Coulomb stress change caused by the Madoi earthquake on the surrounding major faults. The results show that the Madoi earthquake caused significant co-seismic stress increases in the Tuosuo Lake and Maqin-Maqu segments of the East Kunlun fault (>10 ?kPa), which exceeded the proposed threshold of stress triggering. By integrating the accumulation rate of the inter-seismic tectonic stress, we conclude that the Madoi earthquake caused future strong earthquakes in the Tuosuo Lake and Maqin-Maqu segments of the East Kunlun fault to advance by 55.6-623 and 24.7-123 ?a, respectively. Combined with the influence of the Madoi earthquake and the elapsed time of the last strong earthquake, these two segments have approached or even exceeded the recurrence interval of the fault prescribed by previous research. In the future, it is necessary to focus greater attention on the seismic hazard of the Maqin-Maqu and Tuosuo Lake segments. This study provides a mechanical reference to understand the seismic hazard of the East Kunlun fault in the future, particularly to determine the seismic potential region. 相似文献
It has been the belief among Earth scientists that the Peninsular Shield is aseismic, as the region attained stability long
ago. However, the earthquake at Koyna (10 December 1967), Bhadrachalam (13 April 1969), Broach (23 March 1970), Hyderabad
(30 June 1983), Khillari (30 September 1993), Jabalpur (22 May 1997), Gujarat (26 January 2001), and additional ones of smaller
magnitudes, altered this concept. This area has experienced many widely distributed shallow earthquakes, some of them having
large magnitudes. It is now widely accepted that seismic activity still continues with moderate events. Therefore, a need
has arisen to take into consideration recent seismological data to assess the future seismic status of Peninsular India. Earthquake
generation model has been studied to develop the statistical relations with surface wave magnitude ( M
≥ 4.5). Five seismogenic sources showing clustering of earthquakes and including at least three main shocks of magnitude
4.5 ≤ M
≤ 6.5 giving two repeat times, have been identified. It is mainly based on the so-called “regional time-predictable model”.
For the considered region it is observed that the time interval between two consecutive main shocks depends on the preceding
main shock magnitude ( M
) not on the following main shocks magnitude M
suggesting the validity of time predictable model in the region. 相似文献
川滇地区是我国地震危险性较高的地区之一.本文基于对特大强震的风险性考虑,使用全球地震模型OpenQuake软件,建立了川滇地区地震危险性预测新模型.首先根据构造特征划分多个震源分区,并整理出这些震源分区内断层活动特征与滑动速率;基于震源分区和断层模型,使用GPS应变率转换成的锥形古登堡-里克特关系作为整个区域的地震积累率,并允许超过历史最大震级的特大地震的出现,结合活动断层滑动速率所积累的地震发生率,给出震源分区内断层地震源和背景地震源的地震发生率的比率分配关系;在活动断层分段上,保留了大型断裂或其主要部分,没有根据小的阶区来对断层进行详细分段,以便分配特大地震发生率;并使用地震率平滑方法分配背景地震发生率.最后在OpenQuake中加入地震动预测方程,计算出了川滇地区的PGA分布图,为区域地震危险性提供科学依据. 相似文献
在衡水市活断层地震危险性评价中,应用研究区域的地震活动性数据建立恰当的分布式地震活动性空间光滑模型,并结合断层对周边地震危险性的影响,计算前磨头断裂和衡水断裂在不同超越概率下上限震级分别为6.5、6.0级的区域基岩峰值加速度。研究发现,研究区域内50年超越概率为63%的基岩峰值加速度略有增加;50年超越概率为10%、5%的基岩峰值加速度在断层附近有所增加。研究表明在较低超越概率的情况下,断层周围如深州市、冀州市和衡水市辖区的地震危险性大于其他地区;利用仪器记录资料得到的地震活动性模型并结合断层资料计算出的地震危险性结果能够反映衡水地区现今的地震活动水平和危险性水平。 相似文献
The seismic hazard for the Calabro-Sicilian area is evaluated using an anisotropic formulation of the Grandori attenuation law. For each macroseismic field two main directions are identified: minimum and maximum attenuation of the macroseismic intensity. The results of the investigation show that the anisotropic formulation improves the compatibility level of the model (with respect to the isotropic one) with the intensities observed and produces probabilistic expected intensities which compare favourably with the values of seismic history in the investigated area when the zonation defined by the Messina University research group was used. 相似文献
首先对2017年九寨沟MS7.0地震周边断裂活动和历史地震特征进行了阐述;然后利用黏弹性地壳模型,计算了1933年叠溪地震、1976年松潘震群和2008年汶川地震对2017年九寨沟地震的同震和震后库仑应力作用.该结果显示1933年叠溪地震对九寨沟地震具有延缓作用,而1976年松潘震群和2008年汶川地震对九寨沟地震的黏弹性库仑应力作用为正;随着下地壳和上地幔黏弹性物质的持续作用,前述几次地震总的黏弹性库仑应力在九寨沟地震破裂中心点处负的库仑应力逐渐减弱,而在破裂北段这些库仑应力逐渐转为正值,并促进了九寨沟地震的发生.本文也计算了九寨沟地震后对周边断层的库仑影响,并将此影响值转换为对断层能量积累的影响时间上,结果显示塔藏断裂带西段和中段在内的多条断裂带受到黏弹性库仑应力影响时间值超过10年.将库仑应力影响时间值加入到部分已知离逝时间的断层段上,也得到了这些断层段的未来30年特征地震发生概率.最终结果认为玛沁断裂带、玛曲断裂带、哈南—稻畦子断裂中段和西段等断层段的强震危险性需要重点关注. 相似文献
A GIS-oriented procedure that may partially illuminate the consequences of a possible earthquake is presented in two main steps (seismic microzonation and vulnerability steps) along with its application in Tabriz (a city in NW Iran). First, the detailed geological, geodetical, geotechnical and geophysical parameters of the region are combined using an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and a deterministic near-field earthquake of magnitude 7 in the North Tabriz Fault is simulated. This simulation provides differing intensities of ground shaking in the different districts of Tabriz. Second, the vulnerability of buildings, human losses and basic resources for survivors is estimated in district two of the city based on damage functions and relational analyses. The results demonstrate that 69.5% of existing buildings are completely destroyed, and the rate of fatalities is approximately 33% after a nighttime scenario. Finally, the same procedure was applied to an actual earthquake (first event on the 11th of August, 2012 of the Ahar twin earthquakes) to validate the presented model based on two aspects: (1) building damages and (2) seismic intensity. 相似文献
The seismic performance of underground reservoir structures depends on the properties of the structure, soil, and ground motion as well as the kinematic constraints imposed on the structure. A series of four centrifuge experiments were performed to evaluate the influence of site response, structural stiffness, base fixity, and excitation frequency on the performance of relatively stiff reservoir structures buried in dry, medium-dense sand. The magnitude of seismic thrust increased and the distribution of seismic earth pressures changed from approximately triangular to parabolic with increasing structural stiffness. Heavier and stiffer structures also experienced increased rocking and reduced flexural deflection. Fixing the base of the structure amplified the magnitude of acceleration, seismic earth pressure, and bending strain compared to tests where the structure was free to translate laterally, settle, or rotate atop a soil layer. The frequency content of transient tilt, acceleration, dynamic thrust, and bending strain measured on the structure was strongly influenced by that of the base motion and site response, but was unaffected by the fundamental frequency of the buried structure (f structure). None of the available simplified procedures could capture the distribution and magnitude of seismic earth pressures experienced by this class of underground structures. The insight from this experimental study is aimed to help validate analytical and numerical methods used in the seismic design of reservoir structures. 相似文献
The issue addressed in this paper is the objective selection of appropriate ground motion models for seismic hazard assessment
in the Pyrenees. The method of Scherbaum et al. ( 2004a) is applied in order to rank eight published ground motion models relevant to intraplate or to low deformation rate contexts.
This method is based on a transparent and data-driven process which quantifies the model fit and also measures how well the
underlying model assumptions are met. The method is applied to 15 accelerometric records obtained in the Pyrenees for events
of local magnitude between 4.8 and 5.1, corresponding to moment magnitudes ranging from 3.7 to 3.9. Only stations at rock
sites are considered. A total of 720 spectral amplitudes are used to rank the selected ground motion models. Some control
parameters of these models, such as magnitude and distance definitions, may vary from one model to the other. It is thus important
to correct the selected models for their difference with respect to the magnitude and distance definitions used for the Pyrenean
data. Our analysis shows that, with these corrections, some of the ground motion models successfully fit the data. These are
the Lussou et al. ( 2001) and the Berge-Thierry et al. ( 2003) models. According to the selected ground motion models, a possible scenario of a magnitude 6 event is proposed; it predicts
response spectra accelerations of 0.08–0.1 g at 1 Hz at a hypocentral distance of 10 km. 相似文献
Abstract The Agua Amarga coastal aquifer has been the object of a succession of anthropogenic interventions over the last 90 years: (a) the operation of saltworks from 1925 to 1975; (b) the withdrawal, since 2003, of groundwater from the aquifer along the coast line; and (c) the programme of pouring seawater over the salt marsh, carried out since 2009, to recover the piezometric levels and the soil moisture conditions. For a better understanding of how these past and present human activities have affected the natural groundwater regime, and to validate certain hypotheses concerning the interpretation of experimental data on temperature depth profiles and piezometric and salinity changes, a numerical fluid flow and solute transport model was designed and applied to the period 1925–2010, using SEAWAT. This model reproduces, in a qualitative and quantitative way, the flow and transport processes that operated during this time, as well as the behaviour of the seawater wedge. Citation Alhama Manteca, I., 2013. Simulation and consequences of successive anthropogenic activity in the Agua Amarga coastal aquifer (southeast Spain). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (5), 1072–1087. Editor D. Koutsoyiannis 相似文献
Vertical records are critically important when determining the rupture model of an earthquake, especially a thrust earthquake. Due to the relatively low fitness level of near-field vertical displacements, the precision of previous rupture models is relatively low, and the seismic hazard evaluated thereafter should be further updated. In this study, we applied three-component displacement records from GPS stations in and around the source region of the 2013 MW6.6 Lushan earthquake to re-investigate the rupture model.To improve the resolution of the rupture model, records from both continuous and campaign GPS stations were gathered, and secular deformations of the GPS movements were removed from the records of the campaign stations to ensure their reliability. The rupture model was derived by the steepest descent method(SDM), which is based on a layered velocity structure. The peak slip value was about 0.75 m, with a seismic moment release of 9.89 × 10~(18) N·m, which was equivalent to an M_W6.6 event. The inferred fault geometry coincided well with the aftershock distribution of the Lushan earthquake. Unlike previous rupture models, a secondary slip asperity existed at a shallow depth and even touched the ground surface. Based on the distribution of the co-seismic ruptures of the Lushan and Wenchuan earthquakes, post-seismic relaxation of the Wenchuan earthquake, and tectonic loading process, we proposed that the seismic hazard is quite high and still needs special attention in the seismic gap between the two earthquakes. 相似文献
A method is presented for incorporating the uncertainties associated with hypocentral locations in the formulation of probabilistic models of the time and space distributions of the activity of potential seismic sources, as well as of the resulting seismic hazard functions at sites in their vicinity. For this purpose, a bayesian framework of analysis is adopted, where the probabilistic models considered are assumed to have known forms and uncertain parameters, the distribution of the latter being the result of an a priori assessment and its updating through the incorporation of the direct statistical information, including the uncertainty associated with the relations between the actual hypocentral locations and the reported data. This uncertainty is incorporated in the evaluation of the likelihood function of the parameters to be estimated for a given sample of recorded locations. For the purpose of illustration, the method proposed is applied to the modelling of the seismic sources near a site close to the southern coast of Mexico. The results of two alternate algorithms for the incorporation of location uncertainties are compared with those arising from neglecting those uncertainties. One of them makes use of Monte Carlo simulation, while the other is based on a closed-form analytical integration following the introduction of some simplifying assumptions. For the particular case studied, accounting for location uncertainties gives place to significant changes in the probabilistic models of the seismic sources. Deviations of the same order of magnitude can be ascribed to differences in the mathematical and/or numerical tools used in the uncertainty analysis. The resulting variability of the seismic hazard at the site of interest is less pronounced than that affecting the estimates of activity of individual seismic sources. 相似文献
In this study, the spatial distributions of seismicity and seismic hazard were assessed for Turkey and its surrounding area.
For this purpose, earthquakes that occurred between 1964 and 2004 with magnitudes of M ≥ 4 were used in the region (30–42°N and 20–45°E). For the estimation of seismicity parameters and its mapping, Turkey and
surrounding area are divided into 1,275 circular subregions. The b-value from the Gutenberg–Richter frequency–magnitude distributions is calculated by the classic way and the new alternative
method both using the least-squares approach. The a-value in the Gutenberg–Richter frequency–magnitude distributions is taken as a constant value in the new alternative method.
The b-values calculated by the new method were mapped. These results obtained from both methods are compared. The b-value shows different distributions along Turkey for both techniques. The b-values map prepared with new technique presents a better consistency with regional tectonics, earthquake activities, and
epicenter distributions. Finally, the return period and occurrence hazard probability of M ≥ 6.5 earthquakes in 75 years were calculated by using the Poisson model for both techniques. The return period and occurrence
hazard probability maps determined from both techniques showed a better consistency with each other. Moreover, maps of the
occurrence hazard probability and return period showed better consistency with the b-parameter seismicity maps calculated from the new method. The occurrence hazard probability and return period of M ≥ 6.5 earthquakes were calculated as 90–99% and 5–10 years, respectively, from the Poisson model in the western part of the
studying region. 相似文献
An instrumental validation is attempted of an innovative approach devoted to the quick individuation, from macroseismic data, of site amplification phenomena able to significantly modify seismic hazard levels expected on the basis of average propagation effects only. According to this methodology, two evaluations of hazard are performed at each investigated locality: the former, obtained by epicentral intensity data ‘reduced’ at the site through a probabilistic attenuation function and, the latter, computed by integrating such data with seismic effects actually observed at the site during past earthquakes. The comparison, for each locality, between these two hazard estimates allow to orientate the identification of those sites where local amplifications of earthquake ground motion could be significant. In order to check such methodology, indications obtained in this way from macroseismic data are compared with the estimates of transfer functions performed through the HVSR technique applied to microtremors. Results concerning municipalities located in a seismic area of Northern Italy indicate a good agreement between macroseismic and instrumental estimates. 相似文献
南汀河断裂带是滇西南块体内部的一条左旋走滑断裂带,几乎横切整个块体,总长度达380km,是块体内NE向断裂中最长的一条,也是次级块体的边界断裂.南汀河断裂带晚第四纪活动性非常强烈,但仅南段在1941年记录到一次约7级的地震,其余段落还没有5级以上地震的记录,目前可能正处于应力积累和孕震阶段.2014年10月7日发生的景谷MS6.6地震位于断裂带南东约94km,其地震烈度等震线长轴与余震皆呈北西展布,指向南汀河断裂带.为了解景谷地震对周边构造特别是南汀河断裂带的影响,本文通过数值模拟方法计算了地震触发的同震静态库仑应力变化.利用两种同震滑动分布模型计算获得的结果显示,景谷地震对震中附近的断裂,如澜沧江断裂和景谷断裂影响较大,局部应力增加可达90kPa;对较远的断裂,如南汀河断裂带、龙陵—澜沧断裂带和无量山断裂带的影响较小,应力变化值均小于10kPa.通过设置不同断层参数进一步计算,南汀河断裂带北段两支断裂断层面上的静态库仑应力扰动呈半圆形分布,应力增加的最大值位于24.15°N附近的地表,沿断层的走向和深度都逐渐减小.其中西支断裂上应力变化最大值为0.89kPa,东支断裂上为1.18kPa.此外,在南汀河断裂带北段的古地震研究结果显示,该断裂段全新世以来发生过产生地表破裂的大地震,震级应当不低于7级.放射性碳测年将该次古地震事件的发震时间限定在900—1480AD,离逝时间为535—1115年.结合古地震事件的离逝时间和断裂带的滑动速率,本文计算得到南汀河断裂带北段已经积累的水平滑动量为2.8+1.5/-1.0m,进一步利用滑动量与震级的经验公式可估算出该断裂段目前积累的滑动量如果完全释放将会产生一个7.5+0.1/-0.2级的地震.虽然景谷地震在南汀河断裂带上触发的静态库仑应力变化值表明,该地震可能不会引起南汀河断裂带地震危险性的突变,但仍起到一定的加速作用.再考虑到断裂带北段目前已经积累了约7.5级地震所需的能量,该断裂段在未来具有较高的地震危险性. 相似文献