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The 3-D ECOMSED ocean model was applied to establish a time-dependent boundary model for Jiaozhou Bay (JZB), in which the operator-splitting technique was used and the ‘dry and wet’ method was introduced. The influence caused by JZB reclamation on the surface level, residual currents, tidal system and tidal energy of M2 tidal system were predicted and analyzed. The results show that JZB reclamation has slight impact on the M2 tidal system, in which the variation of amplitude and phase is less than 1%.The ch...  相似文献   

应用短期资料的潮流准调和分析方法,对深圳湾4测站两周日海流观测获得的表、中、底层海流资料进行分析,计算了4测站O_1、K_1、M_2、S_2、M_4、MS_4 6个主要分潮的潮流调和常数,并给出各测站在各层的潮流椭圆要素。计算结果表明:深圳湾主要为不规则半日潮流海区,浅水分潮流在总海流中的影响较大;站位1、2和4主要分潮流的北分量大于东分量,而站位3主要分潮流的北分量小于东分量。观测期间余流的流向主要呈北和东北向;最小余流速度出现在站位3;余流流速表层最大,中层次之,底层最小。整个海区潮流的可能最大流速表层在76~102cm/s之间;中层在80~106cm/s之间;底层在56~88cm/s之间。整个海区潮流表现出往复流的性质。  相似文献   

IwrRODUcrIONBiochewhcalindiasrnaybeusedtoreboresponsestospedccontandnantSincludingheaVyrnetaIs.ChineseshrimpfisheriesarebasedonpenaeidsofWhichPenaeuspoiciIlatusistheddrinantsthe(Xuetal.,l993)incoastalwatersofFujianProvince.Larvalpenaeids(Andelsonetal.,l976)likeotherplanktoniccrustaonns(Clarkl992),arepartioulariysensitivetoheaVymetalcontandnatedwaterduetothefortnationofmetalbindingproteinsintheirbodies.Cytoplasndcproteins,dondnatedbythestilphydrygrouphave~reportedinvariousdassesofphylog…  相似文献   

Vibrio harveyi cells (dose = > 103 cells mL 1) and extracellular products (ECP; >25μg m L-1 of total protein concentration) destroyed haematopoietic cultures of Nephrops norvegicus within 24 h of exposure. Cytopathic effects (CPE)started after 4 h of exposure to the bacterial cells, with some granularity in the cytoplasm, mostly in cells in the outer periphery of the explant growth. At the end of the infection, a considerable number of nuclei remained attached to the substrate,apparently unaffected. Following exposure to ECP, initial deterioration was observed at 2 h with the presence of granularity in the cytoplasm of< 20% cells, and few cells displayed small vacuoles around the nuclei. Parallel results were obtained using whole animal experiments, with V. harveyi cells being lethal to nephrops within 24 h.  相似文献   

This study showed how the daytime length in Jiaozhou Bay affected the water temperature, which in turn affected the phytoplankton growth when solar radiation was sufficient for phytoplankton photosynthesis. Jiaozhou Bay observation data collected from May 1991 to February 1994 were used to analyze the daytime length vs water temperature relationship. Our study showed that daytime length and the variation controlled the cycle of water temperature flunctuation. Should the cyclic variation curve of the daytime length be moved back for two months it would be superimposed with temperature change. The values of daytime length and temperature that calculated in the dynamical model of daytime length lag vs water temperature were consistent with observed values. The light radiation and daytime length in this model determined the photochemistry process and the enzymic catalysis process of phytoplankton photosynthesis. In addition, by considering the effect of the daytime length on water temperature and photosynthesis, we could comprehend the joint effect of daytime length, water temperature, and nutrients, on the spatiotemperal variation of primary production in Jiaozhou Bay.  相似文献   

Models of marine ecosystem dynamics play an important role in revealing the evolution mechanisms of marine ecosystems and in forecasting their future changes. Most traditional ecological dynamics models are established based on basic physical and biological laws, and have obvious dynamic characteristics and ecological significance. However, they are not flexible enough for the variability of environment conditions and ecological processes found in offshore marine areas, where it is often difficult to obtain parameters for the model, and the precision of the model is often low. In this paper, a new modeling method is introduced, which aims to establish an evolution model of marine ecosystems by coupling statistics with differential dynamics. Firstly, we outline the basic concept and method of inverse modeling of marine ecosystems. Then we set up a statistical dynamics model of marine ecosystems evolution according to annual ecological observation data from Jiaozhou Bay. This was done under the forcing conditions of sea surface temperature and surface irradiance and considering the state variables of phytoplankton, zooplankton and nutrients. This model is dynamic, makes the best of field observation data, and the average predicted precision can reach 90% or higher. A simpler model can be easily obtained through eliminating the terms with smaller contributions according to the weight coefficients of model differential items. The method proposed in this paper avoids the difficulties of obtaining and optimizing parameters, which exist in traditional research, and it provides a new path for research of marine ecological dynamics.  相似文献   

Recent observations support an emerging paradigm that climate variability dominates nutrient enrichment in costal eco-systems, which can explain seasonal and inter-annual variability of phytoplankton community composition, biomass (Chl-a), and primary production (PP). In this paper, we combined observation and modeling to investigate the regulation of phytoplankton dynamics in Chesapeake Bay. The year we chose is 1996 that has high river runoff and is usually called a ’wet year’. A 3-D physical-biogeochemical model based on ROMS was developed to simulate the seasonal cycle and the regional distributions of phytoplankton biomass and primary production in Chesapeake Bay. Based on the model results, NO3 presents a strong contrast to the river nitrate load during spring and the highest concentration in the bay reaches around 80 mmol Nm-3 . Compared with the normal year, phytoplankton bloom in spring of 1996 appears in lower latitudes with a higher concentration. Quantitative comparison between the modeled and observed seasonal averaged dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations shows that the model produces reliable results. The correlation coefficient r2 for all quantities exceeds 0.95, and the skill parameter for the four seasons is all above 0.95.  相似文献   

Vibrio harveyi cells (dose—<103 cells mL−1) and extracellular products (ECP; >25 μmg mL−1 of total protein concentration) destroyed haematopoietic cultures of Nephrops norvegicus within 24 h of exposure. Cytopathic effects (CPE) started after 4h of exposure to the bacterial cells, with some granularity in the cytoplasm, mostly in cells in the outer periphery of the explant growth. At the end of the infection, a considerable number of nuclei remained attached to the substrate, apparently unaffected. Following exposure to ECP, initial deterioration was observed at 2 h with the presence of granularity in the cytoplasm of<20% cells, and few cells displayed small vacuoles around the nuclei. Parallel results were obtained using whole animal experiments, with V. harveyi cells being lethal to nephrops within 24 h.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONRecently ,thepollutionoftracemetalinseawaterhasbecomeincreasinglyevident.Researchershavefo cusedattentiontotracemetalpresentinvariousexistenceforms ,especiallyorganiccomplexingphases.Theexistencestatesandtransportmechanismofbaytracemetalswerethesubjectofstudybysomere searchers(Gu ,1 991 ;Florence ,1 998;Guo ,1 998;Wells,1 991 ,1 998a ,b ;Wellsetal.,1 998) .Whetherinfreshwaterorseawater,colloidsareclearlydominantfactorsaffectingtheexistencestatesandtransportmechanismoftrac…  相似文献   

The 3-D ECOMSED ocean model was applied to establish a time-dependent boundary model for Jiaozhou Bay (JZB), in which the operator-splitting technique was used and the ‘dry and wet’ method was introduced. The influence caused by JZB reclamation on the surface level, residual currents, tidal system and tidal energy of M2 tidal system were predicted and analyzed. The results show that JZB reclamation has slight impact on the M2 tidal system, in which the variation of amplitude and phase is less than 1%.The changes of the currents and residual currents in Qian Bay and near the reclamation areas are greater, but in other areas the changes are smaller, in which the currents have a change of around 1%, while the residual currents change ranges from 1.82%–9.61%. After reclamation, the tidal energy fluxes increase by 2.62%–5.24% inside and outside the JZB mouth, but decrease by 20.21%–87.23% near Qian Bay and the reclamation area.  相似文献   

红海湾海藻资源的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了红海湾的海藻资源状况。结果表明 ,红海湾海藻种类约有 1 9科 40种 ,其中主要经济海藻约 1 6种。敞开型硬相海岸的年平均生物量高达 1 847 2 6g/m2 ,以褐藻类为主 ;内湾屏蔽型软相海岸的年平均生物量为 1 1 2 42g/m2 ,以绿藻类为主。敞开型硬相海岸海藻的多样性和生物量明显高于内湾屏蔽型软相海岸  相似文献   

The species composition and abundance of microzooplankton at 10 marine and five coastal stations(Hongdao,Daguhe,Haibohe,Huangdao and Hangxiao) in the Jiaozhou Bay(Qingdao,China) were studied in 2001.The microzooplankton community was found to be dominated by Tintinnopsis beroidea,Tintinnopsis urnula,Tintinnopsis brevicollis and Codonellopsis sp.The average abundance of microzooplankton was highly variable among stations.Specifically,the abundance of microzooplankton was higher at inshore stations and lower ...  相似文献   

The authors analyzed the data collected in the Ecological Station Jiaozhou Bay from May 1991 to November 1994, including 12 seasonal investigations, to determine the characteristics, dynamic cycles and variation trends of the silicate in the bay. The results indicated that the rivers around Jiaozhou Bay provided abundant supply of silicate to the bay. The silicate concentration there depended on river flow variation. The horizontal variation of silicate concentration on the transect showed that the silicate concentration decreased with distance from shorelines. The vertical variation of it showed that silicate sank and deposited on the sea bottom by phytoplankton uptake and death, and zooplankton excretion. In this way, silicon would endlessly be transferred from terrestrial sources to the sea bottom. The silicon took up by phytoplankton and by other biogeochemical processes led to insufficient silicon supply for phytoplankton growth. In this paper, a 2D dynamic model of river flow versus silicate concentration was established by which silicate concentrations of 0.028–0.062 μmol/L in seawater was yielded by inputting certain seasonal unit river flows (m3/s), or in other words, the silicate supply rate; and when the unit river flow was set to zero, meaning no river input, the silicate concentrations were between 0.05–0.69 μmol/L in the bay. In terms of the silicate supply rate, Jiaozhou Bay was divided into three parts. The division shows a given river flow could generate several different silicon levels in corresponding regions, so as to the silicon-limitation levels to the phytoplankton in these regions. Another dynamic model of river flow versus primary production was set up by which the phytoplankton primary production of 5.21–15.55 (mgC/m2·d)/(m3/s) were obtained in our case at unit river flow values via silicate concentration or primary production conversion rate. Similarly, the values of primary production of 121.98–195.33 (mgC/m2·d) were achieved at zero unit river flow condition. A primary production conversion rate reflects the sensitivity to silicon depletion so as to different phytoplankton primary production and silicon requirements by different phytoplankton assemblages in different marine areas. In addition, the authors differentiated two equations (Eqs. 1 and 2) in the models to obtain the river flow variation that determines the silicate concentration variation, and in turn, the variation of primary production. These results proved further that nutrient silicon is a limiting factor for phytoplankton growth. This study was funded by NSFC (No. 40036010), and the Director's Fund of the Beihai Sea Monitoring Center, the State Oceanic Administration.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAtpresentgiantfreshwaterprawn (Macrobrachiumrosenbergii) ,Chineseshrimp (Penaeuschinensis)andgianttigerprawn (P .monodon)arethemainshrimpsforcultureinChina.Asweknow ,feedstuffcostisamajorexpenseiteminculturepractice.Overfeedingwillnotonlywastefee…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionForthepast 1 5years,muchattentionofoceanographershasbeenfocusedontheroleofironinlimiting phytoplankton productivityinthehigh nutrient ,low chlorophyll(HNLC)regions.OnboardshipironenrichmentincubationshavebeencarriedoutinthethreewellknownHNLCregions :notablyequatorialPacificOcean ,subarcticPacificO ceanandSouthernOcean (seereferencesinTable 1 ) .Theinsituironenrichmentexper imentshavebeenaccomplishedintheequatorialPacific (IronEx1in 1 993 (Wells 1 994)andIronEx2in 1 996(…  相似文献   

Age groups of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) in the Prydz Bay region were studied by distribution mixture analysis based on length/frequency data collected by R/VJidi during the 1989/1990 and 1990/1991 austral summer. Five age groups were determined, i.e. 1+, 2+, 3+, 4+, and 5+, or six age groups in all, if the 0+ larvae were included. The mean body length of 1+ to 5+ age groups was 25.70 mm, 40.47 mm, 45.52 mm, 50.52 mm and 54.52 mm respectively. Supposing the difference in body length between successive age groups is a reflection of the early growth, the maximum growth rate occurred during the period from 1+ juveniles to 2+ subadults (14.77 mm/a). From 2+ subadults to 3+ adults the growth rate dropped steeply (5.05 mm/a) because at this stage, increase of body length was substituted, to a great extent, by the growth of sexual products. From 3+ onwards the growth rate was maintained at a relatively low level and decreased slowly with age. The relative abundance of age groups 1+ and 2+, in our sample must be much lower than that in the real population owing to both the large mesh size we used and the distribution difference between juveniles and adults. If we left aside 1+ and 2+ age groups and just looked at the relative abundance of adults, we found that age group 3+ dominated the adult population and that the relative abundance decreased sharply with increasing age. If this situation is normal, one can expect an extremely high mortality rate in adults, 82.6% from 3+ to 4+ and 94.0% from 4+ to 5+. This is reasonably expectable for the Prydz Bay region. Contribution No. 3702 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The research is an achievement of “NINE FIVE” Key Project of CAS (KZ951-A1-205) and National Key Project (98-927-01).  相似文献   

1 IntroductionBacteriaandtheiractivitiesplayanimportantroleintheelementalbiogeochemicalcyclesandenergytransformingintheocean (Zhenetal.1 997) .DortchandPackard(1 989) proposedthatfoodwebsintheeutrophicwatersaredominatedbythebiomassofprimaryproducerswhilefoodwebsintheoligotrophicwatersaredominatedbythebiomassofmicrobes.Heterotrophicbacteriahadbeenshowntoplayanimportantroleinthedecompositionoflarge ,rapidlysinkingorganicparticleswithinandbelowtheeuphot iczone ,andfurthertoaffecttheelementaldyn…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONMicrozooplanktonsizecategoryiscomposedofdi versetaxonomicassemblages,includingplanktonicpro tozoa,larvalandnaupliarstagesofmetazoa(Gifford,1 988) .Microzooplanktonconstituteasignificantpro portionoftotalzooplanktonbiomassinavarietyofneri ticandoceanicenvironmentsandplayimportantrolesinplanktonicfoodwebs(FronemanandPerissinotto,1 996;Gallegos,1 989) .Severalmethodsforresearchonmi crozooplanktongrazingpressureonphytoplanktonwerereviewedbyMcManusandFuhrman (1 988)andGifford(1…  相似文献   

Sandu Bay is located in the East China Sea and is characterized by high-density fish farming and kelp culture. Despite this, little is known about the impacts of these different mariculture practices on the local environment. We investigated the temporal variation in macrobenthos and environmental conditions at three sites in the bay (fish farming site, kelp culture site, and a control site). We collected water and sediment samples during nine cruises between May 2009 and February 2010. The density of macrobenthos peaked at the fish farming site in July (655 ind./m2) whereas density did not fluctuate as widely at the other two sites. Biomass varied significantly at both the control and kelp culture sites, but had only a single peak at the fish farming site in June (21.90 g/m2). The dominant species varied throughout the study period at the control and kelp culture sites, whereas a single terebellid species (Lysilla pacifica) dominated the macrobenthos at the fish farming site. The diversity index H’ increased at the control site beginning in February then decreased after May, whereas H’ was low at the other sites in December. The mean dissolved oxygen level was highest at the control site (6.59 mg/L) and lowest at the fish farming site (5.54 mg/L). DO levels were lowest at all sites in summer (July and August). The sediment acid volatile sulfide content was higher at the fish farming site (1.46 mg/g dry weight) than those at the kelp culture and control sites (1.22 and 0.14 mg/g, respectively). Our results suggest that mariculture practices have a clear impact on the benthic environment/ community in Sandu Bay.  相似文献   

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