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Ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic terrain conductivity, and electric tomography have proven to be effective tools if they are combined together to investigate archeological sites. We have conducted a geophysical survey at the Akhmim archaeological site, the main objective of our survey is to locate additional buried structures for further excavation. Geophysical data were acquired in the area using the GEM-300 multi-frequency terrain conductivity profiler, the SIR 2000 ground penetrating radar, and the Syscal R2 resistivity meter systems. The results of the integrated interpretation show a number of buried features and a strong linear zone about 1 m wide that coincides with the suspected trend of a buried wall. There appears to be two parallel ridges of strong reflections on either side, indicating two parallel walls extended East-West and a room is identified at the bottom left comer of the site. Moreover, the interpretation results of some selected GPR and dipoledipole resistivity profiles adjacent to the open-air museum suggest the existence of a second statue of Ramses Ⅱ to the right of the previously discovered statue which could still be buried in the sand.  相似文献   

A geophysical study that involved different techniques was carried out with the aim to improve the knowledge of the archaeological site where the Basilica of Maxentius was founded and to discern individual covered structures (foundations).Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES), seismic refraction and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) studies were performed in the archaeological site. VES and seismic refraction allowed to characterise the main geological formations of the hill where the Basilica was built and to distinguish the concrete floor and backfilling. Electrical data were processed using different algorithms; their results were compared to appraise the inverted models' robustness.ERT inversion algorithms were used to delineate shape and size of a much more complex structure, that were originally expected from archaeological excavation plan. The results of the commercial program were used as a posteriori information to include them in the algorithm proposed by the authors; the sequential use of the programs defined a processing procedure.The integrated use of different geophysical techniques reduced a great deal the intrinsic ambiguities of each method. Direct explorations (boreholes and archaeological excavations) confirmed the geophysical results.  相似文献   

An integrated geophysical survey which combines vertical seismic profile method, shallow reflection seismic method, electric sounding, soil temperature measurement and radioactive gas measurement was used to investigate Zhaoshuling landslide in the new site of Badong County and to assess the stability of the landslide. By rational use of these methods together with borehole geological profile and other geological information, the spatial distribution of the landslide body, the formations and structures within and without the landslide body were determined and the stability of the landslide was also assessed, thus making great contribution to the successful and rational investigation and assessment of the landslide.  相似文献   

Love and Rayleigh wave phase velocities are analyzed with the goal of retrieving information about the anisotropic structure of the Iberian lithosphere. The cross-correlation method is used to measure the interstation phase velocities between diverse stations of the ILIHA network at periods between 20 and 120 s. Despite the 2-D structure of the network, the Love wave data are too few to enable an analysis of phase velocity azimuthal variations. Azimuthal averages of Love and Rayleigh wave phase velocities are calculated and inverted both in terms of isotropic and anisotropic structures. Realistic isotropic models explain the Rayleigh wave and short-period Love wave phase velocities. Therefore no significant anisotropy needs to be introduced in the crust and down to 100 km depth in the upper mantle to explain our data. A discrepancy is observed only at long periods, where the data are less reliable. Love wave data at periods between 80 and 120 s remain 0.15 km/s faster than predicted by isotropic models explaining the long-period Rayleigh wave data. Possibilities of biases in the measurements due to interferences with higher modes are examined but seem unlikely. A transversely isotropic model with 8% of S-wave velocity anisotropy in the upper mantle at depths larger than 100 km can explain the whole set of data. In terms of a classical model of mantle anisotropy, this corresponds to 100% of the crystals perfectly oriented in the horizontal plane in a pyrolitic mantle. This is a rather extreme model, which predicts at time delay between 0 and 2 seconds for split SKS.  相似文献   

One of the youngest branches of environmental geophysics application is the preservation of national heritage. Numerous digital techniques developed for exploration directed to urban planning can also be applied to investigations of historic buildings. In identifying near-surface layers containing objects of previous civilizations, various sophisticated geophysical methods are used. In the paper, application of geophysics in quantification of possible problems necessary to be carried out in order to get an archaeological map of some locality is discussed [Komatina, S., 1996]. Sophisticated geophysical methods in the preservation of national heritage. Proc. of Int. Conf. Architecture and Urbanism at the turn of the Millenium, Beograd, pp. 39–44. Finally, several examples of archaeogeophysical exploration at Divostin, Bedem and Kalenic monastery localities (Serbia, Yugoslavia) are presented.  相似文献   

The abundance and distribution of rare earth elements (REE) and their signatures in the Vigo Ria were studied from 50 samples of surface sediments and related to the geological formation in its watershed. The total amount of REE in the Ria is heterogeneous. It ranges from 220 mg kg−1 in the southern middle Ria margin in the vicinity of the Galiñeiro geological shore complex, which contains REE-enriched minerals, to 2 mg kg−1 near the Ria mouth due to dilution with high levels of carbonated biogenic particles (31% of Ca). Rare earth elements of the Ria sediments are considerably enriched in light-REE relative to heavy-REE (a LREE/HREE ratio of 9.7±1.6) and also show a slightly negative Eu-anomaly. Low European shale normalised REE patterns were distinguished in the innermost sediments of Vigo Ria, but were not correlated with Al. This suggests a minor contribution of REE from upstream freshwater inputs to the sediments in the middle Vigo Ria zone. Normalised REE ratios in the middle Ria imply that fine particles enriched in REE may be exported from the Ria to shelf mud patches and REE can be useful as sediment tracers of Ria input on the shelf.  相似文献   

A logical procedure for designing a geophysical survey when sampling an area with a regular grid can be summarized as follows: model the expected anomaly, estimate the expected noise level, estimate the area of the anomaly above the noise level, choose the spacing, in both the x - and y -directions, of the measurement grid. This last step can be approached according to two main strategies: either when applying the sampling theorem to the shortest dimension of the anomaly or when using a coarser grid, leaving a more complete definition of the anomaly to a later fitting. When following this second option, it can be constructive to estimate the probability of intercepting a given anomaly with a specific segment of profile and a given profile spacing. This latter procedure is analysed by considering a rectangle approximating the plane projection of the anomaly shape and taking into account various ratios between the grid spacing and the rectangle sides. The formulae for estimating the probability of intersecting a given anomaly with a given segment of a given profile spacing are calculated. To demonstrate the accuracy of the results, a Monte-Carlo simulation on a synthetic magnetic map was performed, obtaining, for different ratios between the sides, segment length and profile interval, an agreement better than 0.1% with the analytical formulae.  相似文献   

The Sima del Elefante site is located within the Sierra de Atapuerca karst system (Burgos, northern Spain), and forms part of a series of important Early, Middle and Late Pleistocene archaeological complexes that have been dated previously with luminescence techniques (Gran Dolina, Galería Complex, Sima de los Huesos, Galería de las Estatuas). This study focuses on the upper Middle Pleistocene units (TE18 and TE19) at Sima del Elefante, which contain Acheulean and transitional lithic assemblages (Mode 2/3), as well as large and small mammal fossils. Importantly, these uppermost units are associated with a sediment plug located in the cave's interior at Galería Baja, which marks the closure of a significant palaeoentrance to the Atapuerca karst system. Establishing the accumulation history of these related deposits is important for understanding both Lower Palaeolithic technological dynamics via comparisons with similar levels at other Atapuerca sites (i.e., Gran Dolina and Galería Complex), as well as past human occupation patterns and carnivore use of (and accessibility to) the caves. We present single-grain TT-OSL and multi-grain pIR-IR chronologies for the Sima del Elefante upper sequence and the Galería Baja sediment cone, as well as U-series dating results for a stalagmitic crust capping the combined clastic infill sequence. The paired luminescence ages for the upper occupation levels are in agreement with each other and reveal that the host deposits accumulated 576–481 ka for the TE18 stratified scree layers, 266–237 ka for TE19 and 206–250 ka for the Galería Baja upper cone section (weighted mean 2σ age ranges). A concordant U-series age of 202 ± 65 ka is obtained for the overlying stalagmitic crust at Galería Baja. The Sima del Elefante ages are consistent with those previously obtained using U-series and biochronology, confirming that there is an erosional unconformity and complex carbonate deposition phase associated with the upper layers of unit TE18 and that the original cave entrance likely closed by ∼200 ka. Chronological correlation with other Atapuerca sites reveals potential equivalence between TE18 and unit TD8 (at Gran Dolina), and between TE19 and units GIIb–GIIIb (at Galería Complex) and, possibly, TD10.1 and TD10.2 (at Gran Dolina), though more refined dating is required to confirm the latter.  相似文献   

The Qujialing site is a representative Neolithic archaeological site in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Absence of suitable material for radiocarbon dating in this region makes the timing of the similar sites difficult. Here we applied optically stimulated luminescence (OSL–SAR) and thermoluminescence (TL–SAR) techniques to date the archaeological and natural deposits from the Qujialing site with known age, testing the techniques on samples at archaeological sites in this region. The results showed that the luminescence properties of quartz from sediment and baked earth samples are very similar. The quartz OSL ages obtained for a sediment sample and a baked earth sample from the cultural layer are 5.4 ± 0.3 and 5.1 ± 0.3 ka, respectively. The quartz TL age of the baked earth sample is 5.6 ± 0.5 ka. These dates are consistent with the calibrated radiocarbon ages (4.9 ± 0.1 and 5.1 ± 0.1 ka cal BP (±1σ)) of the two charcoal samples from the cultural layer at a nearby locality, and are also in agreement with the age of Qujialing culture period. The results indicate that the OSL dating techniques can be applied to date similar archaeological sites in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China.  相似文献   

Intrusive features of varying size can be interpreted from the aeromagnetic map of the Xanthi area in N. Greece.The Xanthi pluton, which outcrops north of the city of Xanthi, seems to have the shape of a truncated pyramid. This feature has relatively large areal extent and reaches an approximate depth of 7 km. Another, relatively large magnetic body is buried under the sediments at the estuary of the Nestos River.3-D models of several smaller intrusions were constructed and the produced effect was compared to the observed. Some of these intrusions seem to be detached branches of the large Xanthi pluton.The basement in the outer part of the basin of the Nestos River seems to be buried at about 4 km depth. This figure is obtained by the Multiple Source Werner Deconvolution estimates and it is in agreement with the results of former geophysical studies and deep industrial boreholes.A 3-D model of the Xanthi-Komotini basin suggests that this basin is about 0.4 km deep at its southern part. The depth at its northern boundary is about 1.8 km while the boundary itself is formed by the large Kavala-Xanthi-Komotini fault.The Tertiary basin of the Nestos River and the observed magmatism are consistent with the idea of an older extensional tectonic regime in the area.  相似文献   

PAH exposure was assessed in fish from Arthur Harbor, Antarctica and sites remote from human activities by measuring the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolites in bile and PAH in tissues and stomach contents. The highest concentrations of biliary metabolites and tissue PAH were present in fish captured near an Argentine supply ship (Bahia Paraiso) that ran aground in Arthur Harbor in 1989. The presence of biliary PAH metabolites in fish collected near Palmer Station, a small US scientific station in Arthur Harbor, suggests low level exposure to contaminants. However, PAH tissue concentrations in fish from Palmer Station were similar to those from remote sites. Both tissue PAH and metabolite concentrations were low in fish captured at sites remote from human activities. The confirmation of PAH metabolites in the bile of fish from Arthur Harbor is direct evidence that the presence of humans has resulted in Antarctic fish being exposed to petroleum-derived PAH.  相似文献   

Many archaeological artifacts contain magnetic minerals that may record the direction and strength of the Earth’s magnetic field. The geomagnetic field parameters (declination, inclination and intensity) change through time and then may be used as a dating tool. Over the last three decades, the archeomagnetic method was successfully applied in Europe. Still, no systematic studies are devoted to the American sites. We report here, a detailed rock-magnetic and archeomagnetic investigation of some pre-Columbian settlements at Chapultepec archeological site (western Mesoamerica). Continuous low-field susceptibility vs. temperature curves performed in air point to Ti-poor titanomagnetites as remanence carriers. Hysteresis ratios fall essentially in the pseudo-single-domain region. The twelve oriented samples taken from the furnace located in the habitation area were demagnetized applying pick alternative fields. In most cases, a stable uni-vectorial remanent magnetization was found yielding a reasonably well defined mean characteristic direction: inclination I = 32.8°, declination D = 353.4°, and parameters of Fisherian statistics α95 = 10.4° and k = 14. Still poorly defined directional master curves for Mesoamerica, together with relatively dispersed mean directions obtained in this study, make dating targets difficult. Archaeomagnetic dating was carried out on the basis of Bayessian statistics. This established a most probable time interval from 512 to 634 A.D. with an average of 573 ± 61 A.D.  相似文献   

经过半个多世纪的努力,中国学者在青藏高原进行的地壳上地幔地球物理探测工作取得了巨大进展. 累计完成长约45000km的深部地球物理探测工作,取得了许多科学数据,为探讨高原地壳上地幔结构、隆升机制和动力学研究奠定了基础. 为比较全面反映中国学者多年来的工作成果,作者广泛收集资料,总结了中国学者在青藏高原地壳上地幔地球物理探测工作程度,并按照方法分类绘制了系列工作程度图. 文中分别对地壳结构、上地幔的横向不均匀性、岩石圈的电性结构、青藏高原隆升机制、青藏高原地球动力学模型等几个方面所取得的主要成果做了概略的评述. 已有资料表明:青藏高原的莫霍面埋深变化较大,且在几条重要缝合带莫霍面两侧都有断错;根据目前的探测结果,高原在20±5km埋深范围内普遍存在壳内低速高导层,速度一般为5.6~5.8km/s,电阻率约为1~10Ω·m,厚度一般为5~10km,但横向分布不连续. 低速层与高导层的深度、厚度在趋势上一致,但不十分吻合.天然地震的研究结果表明,组成高原各个地块内部的地震各向异性方向大致相同,各地块的分界处各向异性方向往往有明显的变化;虽然对高原隆升机制还存在不同的看法,但至少认为高原是多期隆升、多种机制共同作用的结果这一点已达成共识. 综合已有的地球物理调查成果,结合地质地球化学资料建立的高原地球动力学模型,形象地表达出青藏高原岩石圈的双向挤压变形模式. 这些工作为研究青藏高原隆升和变形机制提供有价值的信息.  相似文献   

This study of the Ballandaz landslide (Savoie, French Alps) was carried out as part of the ANR/PGCU-SIGMA research project. Its aim was to characterize the slope by different methods of geophysical imagery, and then use this characterization to provide a combined interpretation of the morpho-structures in order to simulate the geomechanical behavior of the sliding mass. First, electromagnetic mapping was used to identify the variations of the surface lithology and moisture from which one can more precisely locate the active zone of the slope. Then, electrical and seismic 2D imagery methods were used along several transverse and longitudinal profiles in order to produce electrical resistivity and seismic-velocity depth sections showing up the slope's structures. The H/V method was also tested locally to determine the depth to basement so as to complement the profiles: it reveals potential seismic site effects from the deeper structures. Helped by drilling and inclinometer surveys, the geophysical interpretations have revealed the various units structuring the landslide: (i) the active, very heterogeneous shallow level overlying (ii) a more rigid, less porous, and probably stable shallow bedrock, (iii) boulders, and (iv) the sound geological basement of quartzite and gypsiferous facies. The study has shown the usefulness of combining such different sounding techniques for studying complex environments like landslides; it has also revealed the limitations of each method when used for studying very heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

目前在研究地球物理参数的空间变异特性时常常是基于几何各向异性假设,然而实际中几何各向异性假设常常不成立。本文提出了一种求解地球物理参数各向异性的新方法,首先对各方向上的变异值作归一化处理,然后用拟合的方法得到各方向单位步长上的变异性强度,进而实现对全局各向异性的求解。以上海地区合成孔径雷达干涉测量(InSAR)中差分大气延迟样本数据为例,验证了新方法求解各向异性的优越性:新方法的偏差只有6.4%,而基于几何各向异性假设方法的偏差达到了21.2%,而且新方法的运算效率有非常显著的提高。进一步,通过克里金插值交叉验证实验,证明了基于新算法得到的结构函数的插值效果最好,从而从另外一个角度验证了新算法求解的各向异性更准确,更好地表征了区域化变量的空间结构特征。因此,与几何各向异性假设的方法相比,新方法不仅能更准确的描述地球物理参数的各向异性,而且有更高的运算效率,为更准确地估计出所需的地球物理参数奠定了基础。  相似文献   

We evaluate the applicability and the effectiveness of the GPR attribute analysis for archaeological purposes and we test the attribute analysis on GPR data obtained in the river harbor area of the Aquileia Archaeological Park, NE Italy, where cultural heritage of the Roman imperial period is buried at different depths beneath a silty loam layer at an average depth not greater than 3–4 m. A multi-attribute approach is used to characterize the subsurface through several attribute categories, including instantaneous, section and volume attributes applied to quantities related not only to the reflection amplitude, but also to frequency and phase or other more complex parameters. The results allow the identification of different buried archaeological remains, from brick walls to isolated stone chunks also in a very complex environment characterized by several interconnected or superimposed archaeological remains.  相似文献   

This study presents palaeodosimetric results from the Middle Pleistocene archaeological site of Coudoulous I (Lot, SW France). Nine sedimentary quartz samples (41–60 μm) have been analyzed using a multiple aliquot protocol based on the measurement of the TT-OSL signal. In addition, 7 teeth and 7 bones have been dated by combining the ESR method with U-series analyses. Both methods gave consistent age results allowing correlation of the Early Middle Paleolithic Human occupation of the site to MIS 6 and part of the Lower Paleolithic tools to MIS 7. Beyond the establishment of a radiometric chronology for the Coudoulous I sequence, this study focuses on the information extracted from the intercomparison of the methods. Our data suggest that 1) the TT-OSL signal is stable over at least the last 230 ka (considering the age range of the studied samples), 2) there are not significant problems of incomplete bleaching leading support to the applicability of the TT-OSL technique for sedimentary deposits associated with karstic contexts. This approach highlights the interest of combining luminescence and ESR/U-series methods to discuss the reliability of the dating results.  相似文献   


考古磁学技术为考古遗址的受热历史研究提供了重要的定性/定量分析方法.黑龙江省东北部的小南山是中国东北地区重要的史前遗址之一,该遗址记录的最早人类活动可以追溯到更新世末期.遗址揭露了距今约16 ka以来序列性的人类生活遗物及遗迹,包括大量的石制品和少量的陶片,以及与当时人类生活方式相关的疑似用火遗迹.本文对小南山遗址内疑似用火区及周边的散土样品进行了一系列岩石磁学测试,包括低频磁化率、逐步磁化率随温度变化曲线(χ-T)、磁滞回线、等温剩磁获得曲线、反向场退磁曲线和一阶反转曲线(FORC)等,旨在通过磁学指标为遗址受热温度、受热范围等信息提供定量化证据.实验结果显示,采样区域内两处疑似用火区(ZB、ZC)磁化率普遍偏高、逐步χ-T曲线在400~600℃之间表现出较好的热稳定性、饱和等温剩磁偏强、FORC信号偏强;而表层烧土被清理后的疑似用火区(ZA)和非疑似用火区磁化率普遍偏低、逐步χ-T曲线显示样品在加热过程中逐渐发生热变化、饱和等温剩磁和FORC信号偏弱.这些磁学特征意味着ZB、ZC两处疑似用火区曾受过加热烘烤,而从ZA采集到的样品和疑似用火区外的样品则可能没有受热.逐步χ-T曲线结果显示疑似用火区高磁化率样品在400~600℃之间表现出较好的热稳定性,而当温度达到700℃时则发生明显的热转化,指示样品历史最高受热温度应该在600~700℃之间.


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