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Recent drought has led to unprecedented levels of plant mortality across the Southwestern US. An unaddressed feature of this drought's impact is how soil characteristics and soil hydrological behavior affect desert plant canopy die-back and mortality. Here, we present a multi-year study in the Mojave Desert assessing canopy die-back and whole-plant mortality of white bursage (Ambrosia dumosa) and creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) in soils varying in surface and sub-surface horizon development, and topographic (hillslope vs. channel) positions. Canopy die-back and mortality was more widespread A. dumosa than in L. tridentata, and dead plants tended to be smaller than surviving plants, especially in channel and hillslope locations. This suggests that juveniles were particularly vulnerable where plants depended heavily on augmentation of incident precipitation by runoff. Canopy die-back was greater in young, weakly developed soils that fostered extensive plant growth, while plants growing in older, well-developed soils showed markedly lower branch and plant mortality, especially in A. dumosa. We attributed these differences in plant response in part to variation in distributions of large rocks within soil profiles, which might affect soil hydrological heterogeneity and intensity of plant competition for water.  相似文献   

We quantified soil nutrients and biological crust cover (bryophytes and lichens) under the canopies of three species of Mojave Desert shrubs and in interspaces between shrubs at three elevations to determine the effects of shrub species, soil crust, and elevation on islands of soil fertility. Means of pH, organic matter, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrogen mineralization, and gravimetric soil moisture are significantly greater in soils under Ambrosia dumosa (Gray) Payne, Larrea tridentata Cov., and Coleogyne ramosissima Torr. than soils from adjacent interspace microhabitats. Although soil moisture and soil organic matter increase by a factor of 1.5 from the low elevation to the high elevation site, the ratio of shrub to interspace concentrations, or the difference in mean soil variables between shrubs and interspaces, is effectively constant and independent of elevation. Total bryophyte and lichen cover is relatively low (24.5%), however, there are 11 species of bryophytes and two species of lichens distributed across three elevations with the highest species richness and cover at the low-elevation site. Bryophyte and lichen cover is correlated with silt but is not related, consistently, to soil nutrients. Overall, the balance of processes controlling spatial aggregation of soil nutrients under shrubs is remarkably insensitive to potential differences in organic inputs among elevations, shrub species, and soil crust surfaces.  相似文献   

Although highly branched from the base, all shrubs have short main axes linking canopies to root systems. Main axes become increasingly segmented into independent canopy/stem/root segments as aridity increases across continents. The resulting hydraulic modularity has been proposed as an adaption to low soil moisture that prevents runaway embolism and minimizes risk of hydraulic failure. Here we test the hypotheses that (1) at a regional scale, the importance of axis-splitting species in communities declines with increasing elevation, as a proxy for precipitation, and (2) that this decline is explained by lower occurrence of low-elevation dominant species. We evaluated all species for axis splitting and determined importance values in plots along an elevational transect in the Mojave Desert. As predicted, as elevation increased, the total importance of axis-splitting species declined from 100% at low-elevation sites to 75% at the highest elevation site. However, this decline was not due solely to the decline of the lower elevation dominant species. At the high elevation site, the influx of new species resulted in a six-fold increase in species richness and almost all of the new high elevation woody eudicotyledonous species exhibited axis splitting; non-splitting species were represented by other growth forms.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the water requirements for germination and early seedling establishment of four African savanna tree species, namelyAcacia karroo, A. nilotica, A. tortilisandMundulea sericea. The acacias are characteristic of nutrient-rich, andM. sericeaof nutrient-poor savannas. Imbibition times of scarified seeds ofA. karroo(4 h),M. sericea(6 h) andA. tortilis(8 h) were rapid relative toA. nilotica(28 h) and were inversely correlated with seed size. Imbibed water is lost in about 2 h after drying at 25°C for all species exceptA. nilotica(only 70% moisture loss). Seeds ofA. karrooandM. sericeakept at 40°C dried to below their original moisture contents within 2 h. Seeds ofA. niloticaandA. tortilisdried at 40°C lost viability relative to (undried) control seeds, while there was no significant loss of viability forA. karrooandM. sericea. For fully imbibed seeds to germinate in sandy savanna soils, all four species required at least the equivalent of 3 mm rainfall every 2 days under mild greenhouse conditions. However, most ungerminated seeds were still viable despite drying-out from a fully imbibed state. Maintenance of soil at 50% field capacity (FC), or watering to FC every 9th day is the maintenance requirements for 2-week-old seedlings ofA. niloticaandM. sericeato continue growth for a further 5 weeks under greenhouse conditions, althoughA. niloticamostly survived 25% FC with one seedling surviving 12·5% FC. Root penetration was rapid in sandy soils, withA. niloticaandM. sericeaattaining a depth of 40 cm within 15 days. Frequent, but not necessarily high, rainfall appears to be essential for germination and seedling survival over the first 7 weeks.  相似文献   

Reeds are widely distributed in drought and high salt conditions of northwestern China.Leaf epidermal micromorphology,anatomy,chloroplast ultrastructure and physio-chemical characteristics due to long-term adaptation in the natural habitats of common reed (Phragmites communis Trin.) contrasted considerably among three different ecotypes:dune reed (DR),Gobi salt reed (GSR) and swamp reed (SR).The main objective of the present study is to determine the adapting characteristics of morphology,anatomy and physiological responses of thin roots in DR,GSR and SR.The results show that root length density was higher in SR and few root hairs were observed in DR.Cross-section anatomical features show that each ecotype has an endodermis and exodermis,while cortex thickness and proportion of root cortical aerenchyma and stele in root structure varied among the three ecotypes.The stele and xylem share a larger area in DR compared to GSR and SR.GSR has a large proportion of the cortex with radialized distribution of aerenchyma cells spacing,and the cortex has a peripheral,mechanically stiff ring in the exodermis.SEM and TEM microscope images show that GSR has a sclerenchyma ring with high lignification in the exodermis.The physio-chemical parameters show that GSR had a higher level of stress tolerance than DR.These findings indicate that developed water-absorbing tissues were largely distributed in the root structure of DR,and a main framework with supporting function spacing with aerenchyma was dominant in GSR in the long term adaptation to their natural habitats,respectively.  相似文献   

With the aim to seek evidences on the possible trade off between hydraulic efficiency and hydraulic safety, from both an evolutionary and an acclimation point of view, we compared root xylem anatomy and derived functional properties for seedlings of six Patagonian shrub species grown in a greenhouse under two levels of water availability (control and drought). Root central cylinder area, vessel diameter (b) and double-wall thickness (t) were measured; from these data, the sum of vessel radii to the fourth power and wall strength [(t/b)2] were calculated as indicators of hydraulic efficiency and safety respectively. Across species, we observed only a weak negative correlation between hydraulic efficiency and hydraulic safety. Within species, Lycium chilense, the species with the most mesic leaves of the group, showed significant acclimation to drought for both functional attributes, lowering efficiency and increasing safety by developing a higher proportion of small and more resistant xylem vessels.  相似文献   

In the southern region of the southern Chihuahuan Desert three common species of arborescent cacti are distributed over a north-west to south-east climatic gradient; Opuntia leucotricha, O. streptacantha, and Myrtillocactus geometrizans. In general, O. leucotricha is more abundant in the colder north-west section; M. geometrizans in the warmer south-east zone, not occurring in the north-west; and O. streptacantha reaches its greatest abundance in the centre of the region. We studied the potential replacement process between the three species due to canopy interference as well as the effect of a disturbance, freezing temperature, on their survivorship. Canopy interference between adjacent individuals of M. geometrizans/O. streptacantha and O. streptacantha/O. leucotricha indicated a potential replacement sequence of O. leucotricha replaced by O. streptacantha which, in turn, is replaced by M. geometrizans. In contrast, the damage caused by an extreme low-temperature event hardly affected O. leucotricha. It did however cause severe damage to individuals of O. streptacantha in the north-west of its distribution with little or no damage to individuals in the more south-eastern populations studied. M. geometrizans had a similar pattern of damage to O. streptacantha over its range in the region but at each site where the two species occurred together, that damage was more severe. Our observations suggest that disturbance in the form of extreme freezing temperatures is the mechanism that limits the distribution of these three arborescent cacti in the southern Chihuahuan Desert and allows their co-existence regionally.  相似文献   

We designed, constructed, calibrated and field-tested a lightweight (30 kg), 4.2 m diameter, 16.4 m3 polyethylene-covered dome static chamber ecosystem gas exchange cuvette that can quantify ecosystem CO2 and water vapour fluxes as low as 0.1 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 and 0.1 mmol H2O m−2 s−1 with little impact on environmental conditions. Fluxes measured in May 2001 in an intact Great Basin sagebrush ecosystem at midday were significantly higher than in an adjacent post-wildfire successional ecosystem, with observed ranges from –0.71 to 1.49 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 for CO2 and from –0.09 to 0.53 mmol H2O m−2 s−1 for water vapour.  相似文献   

Soil beneath shrubs form ‘fertile islands’ in fallow sites and millet fields in semi-arid Niger. To gain more information about this phenomena different shrub species in fallow sites following a gradient from 350–650 mm precipitation were examined. For each shrub two different areas were distinguished: an area under the canopy of the shrubs and an area in the nearby open land. Soil samples were taken from a depth of 0–10 cm and analysed for Corg, Ntotal, PBray, pH(H2O), exchangeable cations, effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) and soil texture. Significantly higher concentrations between 38–51% for C, N, P and 22% on ECEC for K+were found in the soil under the shrubs. The pH showed only slight but significant differences, whereas Al3+and H+rates on ECEC under the shrubs were increased by 44–55%. For Guiera senegalensis, the most common shrub of the studied area, enrichment ratios of most soil properties increased relatively more with increasing aridity. In general, enrichment ratios decreased with the age of the fallows, whereas concentrations showed no clear evolution. The chemical composition of the shrub litter seems to influence the degree of soil enrichment. The main step of fertile island formation takes place during the cultivation period by trapping wind-blown sediment. This work shows that shrubs are of vital importance for the accumulation of nutrients and maintenance of soil fertility within agro-ecosystems of Niger.  相似文献   

Many studies have focused on positive-plant interactions such as nurse plants, which provide a sheltered subcanopy environment that benefits the nursed species. Most of these studies have focused on plant distribution and association patterns, while the microclimatic benefits are often assumed. This study quantifies 5 a.m. subcanopy temperatures as well as dew points beneath a common nurse tree of the Sonoran Desert, Cercidium microphyllum (palo verde, Fabaceae). Data are collected over 35 days in the winter (January and February) at six locations (at the base of the trunk, midway to the canopy edge, canopy edge, all to the north and to the south of the base of the tree) under each of two trees, as well as a control in the open.It is warmer beneath the tree than in the open, but also, it is warmer in the interior than at the canopy edge, and warmer to the south. Furthermore, differences in temperature between the subcanopy and the open site are greater on colder nights, and less pronounced on warmer winter nights, possibly due to the effect of cloud cover which often results in warmer overnight lows. In addition, variation in 5 a.m. temperature is greatest at the canopy edge and open, and temperature varies less in the interior where temperatures are also warmer. Subcanopy cover was quantified using fish-eye imagery. Results show that there is a significant relationship between 5 a.m. temperature and overlying cover.Dew point temperatures, surprisingly, were lower under the tree than at the canopy edge and in the open. That is, it is relatively dry under the nurse. This pattern can similarly be seen by distance and direction from the base of the tree (drier in the south). This may have to do with the nurse's roots and other vegetation growing beneath the nurse's canopy that compete for water in the ground, which leaves less available water to evaporate into the subcanopy air.  相似文献   

August-June precipitation has been reconstructed back to AD 1720 for the northern Greater Higgnan Mountains, China, by use ofPinus sylvestris var. mongolica tree-ring width. The reconstruction explains the variance of 39% in observed precipitation from 1973 to 2008. Some extremely dry/wet signals in historical documents and other precipitation reconstructions in previous studies are precisely captured in our reconstruction. Wet periods occurred during the periods of 1730 to 1746, 1789 to 1812, 1844 to 1903, 1920 to 1930, 1942 to 1961, and 1985 to 1998; while periods of 1747 to 1788, 1813 to 1843, 1904 to 1919, 1931 to 1941, and 1962 to 1984 were relatively dry. Power spectral and wavelet analyses demon- strated the existence of significant 24-year, 12-year, and 2-year cycles of variability.  相似文献   

Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) is cultivated worldwide for fruit production either in the subsistence agriculture of dryland areas or as a cash crop. However, little horticultural research has been devoted to this species so far. Research needs related to reproductive biology as well as productivity and orchard management are outlined. A better knowledge of the environmental influence on reproductive biology and fruit quality, the control of fluctuations in plant cropping, as well as the reduction of seed number and size, are the major challenges for future research. Cactus pear will transcend the ethnical markets only if adequate marketing strategies can be promoted and fruit quality enhanced and standardized.  相似文献   

于2012年5—9月观测了毛乌素沙地油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)灌丛的穿透雨量,分析了其变化特征及影响因素。结果显示:油蒿灌丛的平均穿透雨量占降雨量百分比(Th%)为72.3%,其中有枯枝灌丛的Th%平均为69.3%,较无枯枝灌丛的75.3%低,这可能是油蒿灌丛老化后土壤水分条件变差的原因之一。油蒿灌丛下穿透雨量及其空间分布受到有无枯枝和距主干辐射距离远近的影响,且受到降雨量和风速风向等气象条件作用明显。  相似文献   

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