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一种运用云顶亮温确定热带气旋海面大风区的方法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
运用1996—1997年间16个热带气旋的GMS红外云图云顶亮温(TBB)和国内外热带气旋大风报告,以及部分常规和船舶测风报告,通过统计分析,概括出可确定热带气旋7级和10级以上大风区的几种TBB场概略模型图,试图形成一种可供业务参考使用的大风区确定方法。  相似文献   

TBB资料揭示的热带大气低频振荡周期的年变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1980-1992年GMSTBB格点资料,分析了13年平均的TBB功率谱随时间的变化,讨论了低频振荡周期的年变化特征及其可能的成因。结果表明,热带大气低频振荡周期有很明显的年变化。北半球热速睦区比赤道附近和南半球热带地区的周期变化幅度更大。总体上,冬季比夏,秋季低频振荡周期更长。  相似文献   

Using data of tropical cyclones making landfall in China between May and October each year during the 1951-2015 period from the Shanghai Typhoon Institute, China Meteorological Administration (CMA-STI) Tropical Cyclone (TC) Best Track Dataset, we developed a method of rapid classification of TC tracks based on their average movement velocities and noted three types of tracks: a westward type, a northwestward type, and a northward type. We compared the climate characteristics of the westward and northward types and discuss their corresponding causes. The results show that the westward and northward types account for more than 80% of all TCs making landfall in China. Their climate characteristics, such as the frequency, landfall intensity, duration over land, velocity over land, movement distance over land, and other changes, show both similarities and differences. Both TC types show significant increases in their over-land durations, indicating that the effects of these landfalling TCs are increasing. However, the causes of these two TC types are similar and different in certain respects. The changes in large-scale steering flows have significantly affected the frequencies and over-land velocities of the landfalling TCs of the westward and northward types. In addition, differences between the changes in formation locations of the westward and northward types may lead to significant difference in their landfall intensities.  相似文献   

影响我国热带气旋活动的气候特征及其与太平洋海温的关系   总被引:23,自引:14,他引:23  
利用1956~2000年的热带气旋(简称TC,下同)资料对影响我国TC活动的气候特征进行了初步的统计分析,结果发现影响我国的TC活动具有明显的阶段性特征,1960年代影响我国的TC数明显偏少,而后进入偏多期,1990年代又相对偏少。影响我国的TC强度多集中于980~999 hPa,华东的闽、浙一带TC登陆比华南晚,但强度较大。在此基础上通过对影响我国的TC年个数与太平洋海温场进行相关分析,发现两个相关较密切的区域: 西太平洋暖池(120~150 E, 10~20 N)正相关区、赤道中东太平洋(180 ~90 W, 10 S~5 N)负相关区,这两个相关区具有较好的持续性。进一步分析影响我国的TC在El Ni駉年与La Ni馻年的气候特征发现,El Ni駉年影响我国的TC数较少,但强度较大,La Ni馻年则相反,影响我国TC多年和少年对应的太平洋海温距平分布形势分别与La Nia年和El Nio年的海温距平分布形势类似。  相似文献   

A tropical cyclone is a kind of violent weather system that takes place in warmer tropical oceans and spins rapidly around its center and at the same time moves along surrounding flows. It is generally recognized that the large-scale circulation plays a major role in determining the movement of tropical cyclones and the effects of steering flows are the highest priority in the forecasting of tropical cyclone motion and track. This article adopts a new method to derive the steering flow and select a typical swerving track case (typhoon Dan, coded 9914) to illustrate the validity of the method. The general approach is to modify the vorticity, geostropical vorticity and divergence, investigate the change in the non-divergent stream function, geoptential and velocity potential, respectively, and compute a modified velocity field to determine the steering flow. Unlike other methods in regular use such as weighted average of wind fields or geopoential height, this method has the least adverse effects on the environmental field and could derive a proper steering flow which fits well with storm motion. Combined with other internal and external forcings, this method could have wide application in the prediction of tropical cyclone track.  相似文献   

Better correlation exists between the activity of tropical cyclones affecting East China and Shanghai and the concurrent signals of SSTA in tropical Pacific. In an attempt to justify this statistic finding, a four-dimensional variational data assimilation system is established to optimize the initial fields of a hybrid air-sea coupled model. The prediction skill of tropical SSTA is improved. Long-term statistical models for predicting annual TC frequency affecting East China area and Shanghai city are developed based on 37-year products of this model and the forecast trials have achieved satisfactory results in 1998 and 1999.  相似文献   

用简单海气耦合模式产品作热带气旋频数年际预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先建立一个用于优化热带简单海气耦合模式积分初始的四维变分同化系统,由此提高模式对热带海表温度异常(SSTA)年际预测的准确率,并利用37年模式输出产品建立了影响化南和上海市的热带气旋(TC)年频数的长期预测方程,试报结果良好。  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of the relationship between the tropical cyclone genesis frequency and large-scale circulation anomaly in NCEP reanalysis, large-scale atmosphere circulation information forecast by the JAMSTEC SINTEX-F coupled model is used to build a statistical model to predict the cyclogenesis frequency over the South China Sea and the western North Pacific. The SINTEX-F coupled model has relatively good prediction skill for some circulation features associated with the cyclogenesis frequency including sea level pressure, wind vertical shear, Intertropical Convergence Zone and cross-equatorial air flows. Predictors derived from these large-scale circulations have good relationships with the cyclogenesis frequency over the South China Sea and the western North Pacific. A multivariate linear regression (MLR) model is further designed using these predictors. This model shows good prediction skill with the anomaly correlation coefficient reaching, based on the cross validation, 0.71 between the observed and predicted cyclogenesis frequency. However, it also shows relatively large prediction errors in extreme tropical cyclone years (1994 and 1998, for example).  相似文献   

介绍了一种判别热带气旋变性过程的客观方法.此客观方法使用三个判别参数: 对流层低层热力非对称参数B、高低层的热成风、对变性过程进行诊断判别.此方法使用格点的数值预报产品,计算简单、使用方便,便于业务化.同时针对2004年影响我国的0421号热带风暴"海马",使用NCEP再分析资料对其变性过程进行了分析验证,结果表明:此客观方法所定义的三个判别参数B、、在"海马"的变性过程中有很好的指示作用.  相似文献   

Based on the tropical cyclone (TC) observations in the western North Pacific from 2000 to 2008, this paper adopts the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm of evolutionary computation to optimize one comprehensive classification rule, and apply the optimized classification rule to the forecasting of TC intensity change. In the process of the optimization, the strategy of hierarchical pruning has been adopted in the PSO algorithm to narrow the search area, and thus to enhance the local search ability, i.e. hierarchical PSO algorithm. The TC intensity classification rule involves core attributes including 12-HMWS, MPI, and Rainrate which play vital roles in TC intensity change. The testing accuracy using the new mined rule by hierarchical PSO algorithm reaches 89.6%. The current study shows that the novel classification method for TC intensity change analysis based on hierarchic PSO algorithm is not only easy to explain the source of rule core attributes, but also has great potential to improve the forecasting of TC intensity change.  相似文献   

一种初始涡旋重定位方法及热带气旋路径数值模拟试验   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
采用平滑滤波和柱形滤波技术,从背景场中分离出初始涡旋环流和大尺度环境场,然后把分离出的涡旋环流进行平移和再植入到观测位置,最终得到一种初始涡旋重定位方法。针对2006—2007年7个热带气旋共23个时次,采用背景场直接加入热带气旋bogus模型和背景场进行初始涡旋重定位后加入热带气旋bogus模型2种方案,分别进行了对比模拟试验。结果表明:对背景场进行初始涡旋重定位后加入热带气旋bogus模型的方案模拟的24和48小时热带气旋路径平均误差都相对较小,初始涡旋重定位方法可以减小热带气旋模式因热带气旋初始位置偏差而引起的误差,有助于提高热带气旋模式的路径预报水平,有较好的业务应用前景。  相似文献   

An approach is proposed for predicting turning and acceleration motion trend of the tropicalcyclones over the South China Sea for 72 h in the extrapolated track coordinates.Cross-track(CT)and along-track(AT)components are defined according to the persistently extrapolatedtrack coodinates based on observed positions at the initial and past 24 h times.A kind of straight-forward measure may be provided with CT and AT components for typhoon turning motion and ac-celeration motion.Canonical correlation analysis(CCA)is performed to reveal the correlaotions be-tween tropical cyclone tracks and environmental 500 hPa geopotential height fields.A stepwise dis-criminate analysis technique is adopted to derive the classification functions of the respective threecategories for AT and CT components.Especially,categorical combinations of CT and AT compo-nents are divided into possible 9 regions corresponding with tropical cyclone behaviors.Not onlycan 9 motion trends of a tropical cyclone be predicted,but also the location and its maximum errorat least in certain direction are available.The perfect prediction(PP)verifications indicate that thepercent corrects for the CT and AT categories are 67% and 69% in the independent samples,73%and 53% in the dependent samples,respectively,higher than that of 33.3% for random chance;moreover,the rate for successfully forecasting that in which one of the nine regions the tropical cy-clones will fall at 72 h is about 40%,also higher than the stochastic probability of 11%.Themethod has been proved to be skillful and promising.  相似文献   

A heavy rainfall process, which occurred in Shanghai during 5-6 August, 2001 from a landfalling tropical depression (TD),is examined with a control numerical experiment based on MM5 model. It is found that the contours of generalized equivalent potential temperature (θ*) are almost vertical with respect to horizontal surfaces near the TD center and more densely distributed than those of equivalent potential temperature (θe).Because the atmosphere is non-uniformly saturated in reality, θ* takes the place of θe in the definition of convective vorticity vector (CVV) so that a new vector, namely the generalized convective vorticity vector (CVV*), is applied in this study. Since CVV* can reflect both the secondary circulation and the variation of horizontal moist baroclinicity, the vertical integration of vertical component of CVV* is found, in this study, to represent the rainfall areas in the TD case better than potential vorticity (PV), moist potential vorticity (MPV), generalized moist potential vorticity (Pm), and CVV, with high-value area of CVV* corresponding to heavy-rainfall area. Moreover, the analysis from CVV* implies that the Hangzhou Bay might play an important role in the heavy rain process. A sensitivity experiment without the Hangzhou Bay is then designed and compared with the control run. It is found that the CVV* becomes weaker than that in the control run, implying that the elimination of Hangzhou Bay results in reduced rainfall. Further analyses show that the Hangzhou Bay provides sufficient water vapor and surface heat flux to the TD system, which is very important to the genesis and development of mesoscale cloud clusters around the TD and the associated heavy rainfall.  相似文献   

In the context of a model of tropical cyclone intensity based on an improved meso-scale atmospheric model, numerical simulation is performed of the track and intensity variation of tropical cyclones(TC) arising from sea surface temperature(SST) variation over a specified sea region. Evidence suggests that the model is capable of modeling quite welt the track and intensity of TC:SST variation leads to an abrupt change in the cyclone intensity:the response of the cyclone to the abrupt SST change lasts 8-12 h.  相似文献   

根据表征土壤温度日变化的土温方程一阶近似解,提出一种利用一日中任意时刻NOAA-AVHRR图像数据估计地表温度日较差的简易推算方法。该方法尤其可用于反演土壤含水量的计算,当图像数据的时次与热惯量法所要求的最高、最低温度时次配不准的情况下,近似地估计地表温度日较差,进而计算地表热惯量及相应的土壤含水量。用实例验证了该方法的可行性,为进一步推广应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

The response of non-uniformity of precipitation extremes over China to doubled CO2has been analyzed using the daily precipitation simulated by a coupled general circulation model,MIROC_Hires.The major conclusions are as follows:under the CO2increasing scenario(SRES A1B),the climatological precipitation extremes are concentrated over the southern China,while they are uniformly distributed over the northern China.For interannual variability,the concentration of precipitation extremes is small over the southern China,but it is opposite over the northern China.The warming effects on the horizontal and vertical scales are different over the northern and southern part of China.Furthermore,the atmospheric stability is also different between the two parts of China.The heterogeneous warming is one of the possible reasons for the changes in non-uniformity of precipitation extremes over China.  相似文献   

The gradient of CO2 concentration, photosynthetically active radiation(PAR). net radiation.soil heat flux, profiles of wind speed, and air temperature and humidity were measured above a wheat field during May and June 1985 at Beijing Agro-Ecosystems Experimental Station. Beijing,China. Fluxes of carbon dioxide, sensible heat, latent heat and momentum were calculated by using the aerodynamic method. The observation site. equipment, calibration techniques, the errors associated with the measurement, and the computational procedures are described. The results show that the diurnal variations of amplitude of CO2 concentrations were 103.8 to 27. 0.86. 3 to 22.8 and 69.8 to 11.6 ppm:the average CO2 concentrations were 331.5. 339.9 and 364.6 ppm for the photosynthesis type, and 369.6. 364.0 and 375.2 ppm for the respiration type at 1. 2 and 10 m above surface, respectively, from May 14 to June 15. In the daytime, transfer direction of the CO2 fluxes and gradients is from air to crop canopy, and at noon(1100 to 1300 BT(Beijing Time)) the transfer rate reaches negative maximum value. At night, transfer of CO2 fluxes and gradients is in the reversed direction and reaches positive maximum in the early morning(0400 to 0600 BT). There are strong negative correlations between CO2 flux and the net radiation(Rn),available energy(H+LE). photosynthetically active radiation(PAR) and momentum flux(τ).  相似文献   

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