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In the Slave Craton of northern Canada, extensive areas weremetamorphosed in broad aureoles (typically ca. 10–15 kmwide) around granitie batholiths emplaced about 2575 m.y. ago.Meta-greywackes and meta-pelites from two areas traversing oneof these aureoles near Yellowknife have been studied. New petrographicdata are given and integrated with previously published mineralogicaldata to elucidate the metamorphic history of the area. Metasedimentsin the aureole contain the concentrically zoned succession ofindex minerals chlorite, biotite, cordierite, gedrite, andalusite,sillimanite. In addition, garnet, staurolite, and parageneticallylate andalusite occur more irregularly, and cummingtonite characterizessubordinate calcic rock-types. The chemistry of all these mineralsis given and their origins discussed. The aureole evolved by the development and decay of a thermaldome. This was a continuous process, but three recognizablemetamorphic phases can be correlated as follows with establisheddeformational phases. The cycle began with a deformation phase(D1) unaccompanied by metamorphism. This evolved into D2 whichwas accompanied by broad regional metamorphism M2 (characterizedby the index succession chlorite, biotite, garnet, staurolite)as thermal doming began. With continued updoming of the isotherms,the third phase (D3) produced only minor folding but causedmajor metamorphic recrystallization (M3), culminating in theemplacement of granite at the core of the thermal dome. A concentriczonation of the metamorphic index minerals biotite, cordierite,gedrite, andalusite+sillimanite was superimposed on earlierassemblages. This M3 phase occurred at lower pressure (2.5–3.5kb) than M2 because of erosional unloading, but the temperatureswere more extreme, ranging up to about 700 °C. With deformationthen complete, the thermal dome decayed, and minor mineralogicalchanges occurred in this (M4) decay phase. The region has sincebeen effectively stable.  相似文献   

Eight continuous cores up to 150 m long and spaced an average of 200 m apart yield a detailed local insight into the composition and architecture of an ancient continental margin sequence, the Gowganda Formation (early Proterozoic: Huronian) near Elliot Lake, Ontario. Nearby outcrops of similar facies provide important supplementary data on sedimentary structures. Continental glaciers provided an abundant supply of coarse debris but, apart from rafting of debris by floating ice, played little or no part in Gowganda sedimentation. The basal 50 m of the Gowganda Formation in the drill-hole area represents a continental slope depositional system. It consists mainly of gravelly and sandy sediment gravity flow deposits, interbedded with minor rain-out units of diamictite, and argillite containing dropstones. Ten types of sediment gravity flow deposit are distinguished. An overlying submarine-channel depositional system, 10–50m thick, consists of hemipelagic argillites containing dropstones and showing deformation structures. These are interbedded with well-sorted channel-fill sandstones. Submarine point bars 4·5 m thick (identified in nearby outcrops) demonstrate a meandering channel geometry. This channel-fill sequence probably formed during a period of high sea-level and reduced sediment supply, but the relationship to ice advance-retreat cycles is unclear. The subsurface sequence is completed by a blanket of massive rain-out diamictites up to 55 m thick, and a younger slope sequence of sediment gravity flow diamictites and sandstones. The stratigraphy is quite different in outcrop section 10 km to the west of the drill-holes, suggesting the presence of major lateral facies changes and/or internal erosion surfaces within the Gowganda Formation. This complexity of stratigraphy and depositional processes is probably a feature of many ancient glacial units, and points to the advisability of not making climatic or tectonic interpretations from a few generalized or composite sections.  相似文献   

The geochemistry and isotope systematics of Archean greenstone belts provide important constraints on the origin of the volcanic rocks and tectonic models for the evolution of Archean cratons. The Kam Group is a approximately 10-km-thick pile of submarine, tholeiitic mafic, and subordinate felsic volcanic rocks erupted between 2712 and 2701 Ma that forms the bulk of the Yellowknife greenstone belt in the dominantly granite-metasedimentary Slave Province. Mafic rocks range from Normal-mid-ocean range basalt-like basalts to slightly light-rare-earth-element-enriched (LREE-enriched) but Nb-depleted basaltic andesites and andesites, whereas dacitic to rhyodacitic felsic rocks are strongly LREE-enriched and highly depleted in Nb. The varepsilonTNd range from +5 to -3 in the mafic to intermediate rocks and from 0 to -5.5 in the felsic rocks. The varepsilonTNd decreases with increasing La/Sm, SiO2 and decreasing Nb/La, suggesting that as the mafic magmas evolved they were contaminated by older basement rocks. Gneissic granitoids >2.9 Ga in age, found at the base of the Kam Group, have varepsilonTNd between -6 and -9 and are excellent candidates for the contaminant. The geochemical and isotopic data, combined with the submarine eruptive setting and field evidence for existing continental basement, support a continental margin rift model for the Kam Group. Similar geochemical-isotopic studies are required on other Slave greenstone belts in order to test evolutionary models for the Slave Province.  相似文献   

Well‐cuttings, wireline logs and limited core and outcrop data were used to generate a regional, three‐dimensional sequence framework for Upper Mississippian (Chesterian), Greenbrier Group carbonates in the Appalachian foreland basin, West Virginia, USA. The resulting maps were used to document the stratigraphic response of the basin to tectonics and to glacio‐eustasy during the transition into ice‐house conditions. The ramp facies include inner ramp red beds and aeolianites, lagoonal muddy carbonates, mid‐ramp ooid and skeletal grainstone shoal complexes, and outer ramp wackestone–mudstone, that grades downslope into laminated silty lime mudstone. The facies make up fourth‐order sequences, a few metres to over 90 m (300 ft) thick. The sequences are bounded along the ramp margin by lowstand sandstones and calcareous siltstones. On the ramp, sequence boundaries are overlain by thin transgressive siliciclastics and aeolianites, and only a few are calichified. Maximum flooding surfaces on the outer ramp lie beneath deeper water facies that overlie lowstand to transgressive siliciclastic or carbonate units. On the shallow ramp, maximum flooding surfaces overlie siliciclastic‐prone transgressive systems tracts, that are overlain by highstand carbonates with significant grainstone units interlayered with lagoonal lime mudstones. The fourth‐order sequences are the major mappable subsurface units; they are bundled into weak composite sequences which are bounded by red beds. In spite of differential subsidence rates across the foreland basin (1 to 3 cm/k.y. up to 25 cm/k.y.), eustatic sea‐level changes controlled regional sequence development. Thrust‐load induced differential subsidence of fault‐blocks, coupled with in‐plane stress, controlled the rapid basinward thickening of the depositional wedge, whose thickness and facies were influenced by subtle structures such as arches trending at high angles as well as parallel to the margin.  相似文献   

Geochemical Evolution of Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Great Salt Lake (GSL) of Utah, USA, is the largest saline lake in North America, and its brines are some of the most concentrated anywhere in the world. The lake occupies a closed basin system whose chemistry reflects solute inputs from the weathering of a diverse suite of rocks in its drainage basin. GSL is the remnant of a much larger lacustrine body, Lake Bonneville, and it has a long history of carbonate deposition. Inflow to the lake is from three major rivers that drain mountain ranges to the east and empty into the southern arm of the lake, from precipitation directly on the lake, and from minor groundwater inflow. Outflow is by evaporation. The greatest solute inputs are from calcium bicarbonate river waters mixed with sodium chloride-type springs and groundwaters. Prior to 1930 the lake concentration inversely tracked lake volume, which reflected climatic variation in the drainage, but since then salt precipitation and re-solution, primarily halite and mirabilite, have periodically modified lake-brine chemistry through density stratification and compositional differentiation. In addition, construction of a railway causeway has restricted circulation, nearly isolating the northern from the southern part of the lake, leading to halite precipitation in the north. These and other conditions have created brine differentiation, mixing, and fractional precipitation of salts as major factors in solute evolution. Pore fluids and diagenetic reactions have been identified as important sources and especially sinks for CaCO3, Mg, and K in the lake, depending on the concentration gradient and clays.  相似文献   

Facies architecture and platform evolution of an early Frasnian reef complex in the northern Canning Basin of north‐western Australia were strongly controlled by syn‐depositional faulting during a phase of basin extension. The margin‐attached Hull platform developed on a fault block of Precambrian basement with accommodation largely generated by movement along the Mount Elma Fault Zone. Recognition of major subaerial exposure and flooding surfaces in the Hull platform (from outcrop and drillcore) has enabled comparison of facies associations within a temporal framework and led to identification of three stages of platform evolution. Stage 1 records initial ramp development on the hangingwall dip slope with predominantly deep subtidal conditions that prevented any cyclic facies arrangements. This stage is characterised by basal siliciclastic deposits and a major deepening‐upward facies pattern that is capped by a sequence boundary towards the footwall (north‐west) and a major flooding surface towards the hangingwall. Stage 2 reflects the bulk of platform aggradation, significant platform growth towards the hangingwall and the development of reef margins and cyclic facies arrangements. Thickening of this stage towards the hangingwall indicates that accommodation was generated by rotation of the fault block and overlying platform. Stage 3 records a major flooding and backstep of the platform margin. The Hull platform illustrates important elements of margin‐attached carbonate platforms in a half‐graben setting, including: (i) prominent, but limited, coarse siliciclastic input that does not have a major detrimental effect on carbonate production near the rift margin in arid to semi‐arid settings; (ii) wedge‐shaped accommodation created by syn‐depositional rotation of fault blocks and tilting of the hangingwall dip slope, resulting in shallow‐water facies and subaerial exposure up‐dip of the rotational axis and deeper water facies down‐dip; and (iii) evolution of a ramp to rimmed shelf, coincident with a sequence boundary–flooding surface, that is accelerated by tilting of the hangingwall dip slope during fault‐block rotation.  相似文献   

The Bonneville Basin is a continental lacustrine system accommodating extensive microbial carbonate deposits corresponding to two distinct phases: the deep Lake Bonneville (30 000 to 11 500 14C bp ) and the shallow Great Salt Lake (since 11 500 14C bp ). A characterization of these microbial deposits and their associated sediments provides insights into their spatio‐temporal distribution patterns. The Bonneville phase preferentially displays vertical distribution of the microbial deposits resulting from high‐amplitude lake level variations. Due to the basin physiography, the microbial deposits were restricted to a narrow shoreline belt following Bonneville lake level variations. Carbonate production was more efficient during intervals of relative lake level stability as recorded by the formation of successive terraces. In contrast, the Great Salt Lake microbial deposits showed a great lateral distribution, linked to the modern flat bottom configuration. A low vertical distribution of the microbial deposits was the result of the shallow water depth combined with a low amplitude of lake level fluctuations. These younger microbial deposits display a higher diversity of fabrics and sizes. They are distributed along an extensive ‘shore to lake’ transect on a flat platform in relation to local and progressive accommodation space changes. Microbial deposits are temporally discontinuous throughout the lake history showing longer hiatuses during the Bonneville phase. The main parameters controlling the rate of carbonate production are related to the interaction between physical (kinetics of the mineral precipitation, lake water temperature and runoff), chemical (Ca2+, Mg2+ and HCO3? concentrations, Mg/Ca ratio, dilution and depletion) and/or biological (trophic) factors. The contrast in evolution of Lake Bonneville and Great Salt Lake microbial deposits during their lacustrine history leads to discussions on major chemical and climatic changes during this interval as well as the role of physiography. Furthermore, it provides novel insights into the composition, structure and formation of microbialite‐rich carbonate deposits under freshwater and hypersaline conditions.  相似文献   

晚三叠世龙门山前陆盆地分布于扬子克拉通西缘,属于印支期造山楔构造负载驱动的挠曲型前渊凹陷.其中卡尼期马鞍塘组是分布于底部不整合面之上的第一套地层单元,记录了前缘隆起边缘碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁的构建和淹没过程.据钻孔揭示马鞍塘组的最大厚度超过250m,显示为西北厚东南薄的楔形结构,从北西向南东依次分布了深水盆地、碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁和浅水滨岸带等沉积物类型.其中碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁分布于前陆盆地的远端,呈面向西的条带状展布,其走向线与龙门山冲断带的走向大致平行.碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁的厚度介于30~100m之间,由北西向南东变薄.在垂向上,马鞍塘组由3部分构成,下部为鲕粒滩和生物碎屑滩,中部为海绵礁,上部为黑色页岩,显示为向上变细、变深的沉积序列.在Li et al.(2003)盆地模拟的基础上,本次对卡尼期前陆盆地的沉降速率、沉积速率、海绵礁生长速率、相对海平面上升速率进行了定量计算,其中沉降速率为0.10mm·a-1、沉积速率为0.04mm·a-1、海绵礁生长速率为0.03mm·a-1、相对海平面上升速率介于0.01mm·a-1~0.05mm · a-1之间.研究结果表明:在卡尼期早期,相对海平面处于初始上升阶段,相对海平面上升速率较小,盆地处于欠补偿状态,沉积了碳酸盐缓坡型鲕粒滩和生物碎屑滩;在卡尼期中期,相对海平面上升速率等于海绵礁生长速率,海绵礁持续保持垂直向上的生长状态,形成了高度达100余米的塔礁;在卡尼期晚期,相对海平面上升速率大于海绵礁生长速率,礁顶的水深逐步变大,导致礁体被淹溺致死,从而在卡尼期形成了鲕粒灰岩滩-生物碎屑滩-海绵礁灰岩-页岩的向上变细、变深的沉积序列,显示了前陆盆地早期碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁生长并被淹没的特有模式.本次研究成果表明龙门山前陆盆地的底部不整合面和碳酸盐缓坡、海绵礁的淹没过程是扬子板块西缘印支期造山楔逆冲构造负载的挠曲变形的产物,显示了在卡尼期松潘-甘孜残留洋盆的迅速闭合和造山楔构造负载向扬子板块的推进过程.  相似文献   

Confocal photoluminescence (PL) and local absorption spectroscopy were used to study the types and spatial distribution of point defects in coated diamonds, the input of which is about 30% in the Snap Lake deposit, Canada. Nitrogen concentration is on the level of several hundreds of ppm in the core, with a nitrogen-poor layer in its outer part, whereas in the coat it is usually several times higher as a result of fast growth. Nitrogen defects in the core are strongly aggregated with N3, B and B′-forms dominating, whereas A-defects are typical of the coat. The rounded shape of the coated diamonds is a result of the combined effect of partial dissolution of the octahedral core and the “abnormal” growth of the coat, which produces a fibrous structure. Analysis of PL and PL excitation spectra showed that structureless yellow-green PL of the coat is likely to be due to nickel-nitrogen complexes with their fine structure broadened in the strain fields. The presence of irradiation/annealing products such as vacancies V0 and nitrogen-vacancy complexes NV, N2V2 shows that the diamonds studied have undergone post-growth ionizing irradiation with further low-temperature annealing in natural conditions.  相似文献   

The 150–160 m thick lowermost Silurian (Rhuddanian) Becscie and Merrimack formations of Anticosti Island, Canada, represent continuous deposition on a shallow, open marine carbonate ramp. Several rock types are identified: (a) laminated and homogenous mudstone; (b) laminated and homogenous packstone; (c) argillaceous mudstone and packstone; (d) calcareous shale; (e) laminated calcisiltite; (f) medium- to fine-grained grainstone; and (g) bio/intraclastic rudstone. These rock types are arranged into five distinct lithofacies: (LF1) calcareous mudstone-shale; (LF2) laminated-homogenous mudstone; (LF3) calcareous grainstone-shale; (LF4) laminated mudstone-grainstone; and (LF5) laminated calcisiltite-grainstone. The sequence reflects deposition on a low-energy, muddy, carbonate to argillaceous ramp subject to short-lived, episodic high-energy storms. These events produced fining-upwards storm units 5–80 cm thick, or tempestites, consisting of: a sharp scoured base overlain by intra/bioclastic rudstone grading upwards into medium-grained grainstone, finely laminated calcisiltite and mudstone, or shale. These are interbedded with low-energy, fairweather mudstones and calcareous shales. Deposition progressed from a carbonate mud-dominated ramp in the Becscie Formation to an argillaceous mud-dominated ramp in the Merrimack Formation. Lateral tempestite proximality trends and lithofacies distribution indicate that the Anticosti Basin deepened to the south-east into the Iapetus Ocean and shallowed towards a SW—NE-orientated shoreline to the north-west. Vertical tempestite proximality trends and lithofacies changes identify third-order eustatic sea-level changes. After an initial deepening at the base of the formation, a shallowing-deepening event dominated the sequence. Several higher order fluctuations, defined by lithofacies and tempestite proximality trends, are superimposed on these changes. The fluctuations identified with the aid of tempestite proximality trends are of an order of magnitude higher than those identified by either lithofacies or palaeontological methods.  相似文献   

塔中隆起带断裂系统及其对碳酸盐岩台地的控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
碳酸盐岩台地的建造与改造受多种因素的控制,本文主要探讨以断裂活动为代表的构造运动对碳酸盐岩台地发育和破坏的控制作用。塔中地区主要发育NW向基底卷入式断裂系统和NE向盖层滑脱式逆冲断裂系统两大类,前者主要形成于早奥陶世末的中加里东I幕构造运动,该断裂控制了塔中隆起开始形成时的构造格局,从而使塔中隆起带碳酸盐岩台地由早期的缓坡-镶边缓坡型的台地结构演化为礁滩型孤立台地,而后者主要形成于晚奥陶世末中加里东II幕构造运动,该断裂的强烈活动,使得塔中地区发生东西翘倾运动,东部隆起接受改造,早期的碳酸盐岩台地遭受严重破坏。  相似文献   

The results of integrated studies of inclusion-containing diamonds from kimberlites of the Snap Lake dike complex (Canada) are presented. Features of the morphology, defect–impurity composition, and internal structure of the diamonds were determined by optic and scanning microscopy. The chemical composition of crystalline inclusions (olivine, garnet, and pyroxene) in diamonds was studied using a microanalyzer with an electronic probe. The inclusions of ultramafic paragenesis in the diamond (87%) are predominant. Carbonates, sulfide and hydrated silicate phases were found only in multiphase microinclusions. The large phlogopite inclusion studied was similar in composition to earlier studied nanosize inclusions of high-silica mica in diamonds from Snap Lake kimberlites. Revealed features of studied diamonds and presence of high-silica mica suggest that diamonds from Snap Lake have formed as the result of interaction between enriched in volatile and titanium high-potassium carbonate–silicate melts and peridotitic substrate at the base of thick lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   


Sedimentary serpentinite and related siliciclastic-matrix mélanges in the latest Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous lower Great Valley Group (GVG) forearc basin strata of the California Coast Ranges reach thicknesses of over 1 km and include high-pressure (HP) metamorphic blocks. These units crop out over an area at least 300 km long by 50 km wide. The serpentinite also contains locally abundant blocks of antigorite mylonite. Antigorite mylonite and HP metamorphic blocks were exhumed from depth prior to deposition in the unmetamorphosed GVG, but the antigorite mylonite may be mistaken for metamorphosed serpentinite matrix in localities with limited exposure. These olistostrome horizons can be distinguished from intact slabs of serpentinized peridotite associated with the Coast Range Ophiolite (CRO) or serpentinite mélanges of the Franciscan subduction complex (FC) on the basis of internal sedimentary textures (absent in CRO), mixing/interbedding with unmetamorphosed siliciclastic matrix and blocks (differs from CRO and FC), and preserved basal sedimentary contacts over volcanic rocks of the CRO or shale, sandstone, and conglomerate of the GVG (differs from CRO and FC). Even in the relatively well-characterized Palaeo trench–forearc region of the California Coast Ranges the GVG deposits are difficult to distinguish from similar units in the FC and CRO. In typical orogenic belts that exhibit greater post-subduction disruption, distinguishing forearc basin olistostrome deposits, subduction complex, and opholite mantle sections is much more difficult. Forearc basin olistostromal deposits have probably been misidentified as one of the other trench–forearc lithologic associations. Such errors may lead to erroneous interpretations of the nature of large-scale material and fluid pathways in trench–forearc systems, as well as misinterpretations of tectonic processes associated with HP metamorphism and exhumation of the resultant rocks.  相似文献   

The mode of formation and environmental setting of stromatolites from the lower Missoula Group (ca. 1.1·109 years old) in Glacier National Park, Montana, have been determined. The stromatolite-bearing interval in the lower Missoula Group was deposited in a shallow, intermittently exposed setting of very low relief, the stromatolites forming during periods of submergence. In situ carbonate precipitation was the dominant process involved in the formation of encrusting stromatolitic laminae. This precipitate was deposited within, and probably beneath, algal mats, most likely as a result of the photosynthetic removal of carbon dioxide by the mat-building microscopic algae. Calcite also was precipitated in several types of open-space structures occurring within these stromatolites. Other laminae were produced by the organic stabilization of detrital particles; by the solely physical accumulation of terrigenous material; and probably, by bacterially induced precipitation of iron sulfide which was later oxidized to form hematite layers.Three forms of filamentous microfossils, two of which appear to be oscillatoriacean cyanophytes and the third of which is probably either a cyanophyte or filamentous bacterium, have been detected in these structures. In addition, hematitic pillar-shaped microstructures, interpreted to have been produced by filamentous bacteria, are abundant locally.In gross morphology, the lower Missoula Group stromatolites are simple, unbranched, domal structures ranging from several millimeters to several decimeters in both height and diameter. Physical conditions played a major role in determining the macrostructure of these stromatolites. Of particular importance were the shape of the positive sediment-surface irregularities upon which the stromatolites initially formed, the rate of sedimentation between stromatolite colonies, and the deposition of layers of terrigenous material on stromatolite growth surfaces. The effect of biological factors on stromatolite structure is clearly seen in those portions of stromatolites relatively free of terrigenous material; biological activity was apparently greatest on positive irregularities of the growth surface, resulting in preferential enhancement of such irregularities and development of second- and higher-order hemispheroidal structures.  相似文献   

The abrupt transition from coastal and shallow shelf sediments to bathyal sediments provides a record of rapid subsidence and deepening of the early Miocene Waitemata basin. Basal shallow marine strata (Kawau Subgroup) accumulated upon a highly dissected surface that overlies deformed Mesozoic metagreywacke. The early Miocene coast was characterized by an embayed and cliffed shoreline with numerous sea stacks and islands. Kawau Subgroup lithofacies, which include pocket beach, shallow shelf and base-of-cliff talus deposits, reflect rapidly changing coastline configuration and water depths as the rugged bedrock surface was buried. The response to continued rapid subsidence and transgression in Waitemata basin was a decrease in the supply of coarse clastic sediment. Beach gravels were locally displaced to greater water depths by avalanching down steep bedrock slopes. The first bathyal turbidite facies, which abruptly overlie the shallow-water Kawau Subgroup, include locally derived sediment gravity flows commonly ponded by remnant bedrock submarine highs. When this local supply of sediment had been exhausted, coarse sediment starvation ensued and bathyal muds accumulated. With the resumption of sediment supply and gradual burial of submarine bedrock relief, submarine fans coalesced and increased in lateral extent. Subsidence of the Waitemata basin to bathyal depths is thought to have occurred in less than a million years. From the above hypothesis, a general model of sedimentation is proposed.  相似文献   

We carried out a detailed study of sulphide minerals, a ubiquitous mineral group in lower crustal mafic to peraluminous granulite xenoliths from the Diavik kimberlites, to assess their use in constraining the origin and tectonothermal evolution of the deep crust, and to obtain additional data on the composition of lower crust beneath ancient continents. Sulphides are overwhelmingly pyrrhotite with minor Ni (0.7-3.9 at.%), Co (0.1-0.7 at.%), and Cu contents (0.4-3.9 at.%). Sulphide modes in mafic granulites range from 0.14 to 0.55 vol%, translating into bulk rock S contents from ∼600 to 2000 ppm, similar to S contents in other mafic igneous rocks and indicating preservation of primary igneous S contents. In mafic granulites, Re and Os abundances in sulphides range from 42.5 to 726 ppb and 3.2 to 180 ppb, respectively, whereas those in peraluminous granulites are distinctly lower (36.1-282 ppb and 1.8-7.2 ppb, respectively), suggestive of Re and Os loss to fractionating sulphides in the more evolved precursors of these rocks.The significant within-sample variability of 187Os/188Os and correlation with 187Re/188Os indicates the preservation of primary Re-Os isotope systematics and time-integrated decay of the measured 187Re. Within the large uncertainties inherent in the nature of the samples and technique, sulphides in some granulites may record major tectonothermal events in the central Slave craton spanning several billion years of evolution. Multiple generations of sulphide can occur in a single sample. These data attest to the heterogeneous composition and complex history of the Slave craton lower crust.  相似文献   

The Kaskapau Formation spans Late Cenomanian to Middle Turonian time and was deposited on a low‐gradient, shallow, storm‐dominated muddy ramp. Dense well log control, coupled with exposure on both proximal and distal margins of the basin allows mapping of sedimentary facies over about 35 000 km2. The studied portion of the Kaskapau Formation is a mudstone‐dominated wedge that thins from 700 m in the proximal foredeep to 50 m near the forebulge about 300 km distant. Regional flooding surfaces permit mapping of 28 allomembers, each of which represent an average of ca 125 kyr. More than 200 km from shore, calcareous silty claystone predominates, whereas 100 to 200 km offshore, mudstone and siltstone predominate. From about 30 to 100 km offshore, centimetre‐bedded very fine sandstone and mudstone record along‐shelf (SSE)‐directed storm‐generated geostrophic flows. Five to thirty kilometres from shore, decimetre‐bedded hummocky cross‐stratified fine sandstone and mudstone record strongly oscillatory, wave‐dominated flows whereas some gutter casts indicate shore‐oblique, apparently mostly unidirectional geostrophic flows. Nearshore facies are dominated by swaley cross‐stratified or intensely bioturbated clean fine sandstone, interpreted as recording, respectively, areas strongly and weakly affected by discharge from distributary mouths. Shoreface sandstones grade locally into river‐mouth conglomerates and sandstones, including conglomerate channel‐fills up to 15 m thick. Locally, brackish lagoonal shelly mudstones are present on the extreme western margin of the basin. There is no evidence for clinoform stratification, which indicates that the Kaskapau sea floor had extremely low relief, lacked a shelf‐slope break, and was probably nowhere more than a few tens of metres deep. The absence of clinoforms probably indicates a long‐term balance between rates of accommodation and sediment supply. Mud is interpreted to have been transported >250 km offshore in a sea‐bed nepheloid layer, repeatedly re‐suspended by storms. Fine‐grained sediment accumulated up to a ‘mud accommodation envelope’, perhaps only 20 to 40 m deep. Continuous re‐working of the sea floor by storms ensured that excess sediment was redistributed away from areas that had filled to the ‘accommodation envelope’, being deposited in areas of higher accommodation further down the transport path. The facies distributions and stratal geometry of the Kaskapau shelf strongly suggest that sedimentary facies, especially grain‐size, were related to distance from shore, not to water depth. As a result, the ‘100 to >300 m’ depth interpreted from calcareous claystone facies for the more central parts of the Interior Seaway, might be a significant overestimate.  相似文献   

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