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Understanding sources and rates of recharge to the Badain Jaran Desert in northern China is important for assessing sustainability of the area’s oasis lake ecosystem and its water resources in general. For this purpose, direct recharge was investigated with the chloride mass balance method for 18 unsaturated zone profiles (6–16 m depth). Spatial variability is low across the area (range in mean Cl in profiles: 62–164 mg/L Cl), largely attributable to the uniformity of sandy unsaturated zone conditions. No strong correlations between environmental factors of profile locations and recharge rates were found, though a weak relationship between recharge and vegetation density was suggested. The study area’s complex dune morphology appears to have no measurable impact on recharge variability. Mean estimated diffuse recharge is 1.4 mm/year (1.0–3.6 mm/year for 95% confidence level), approximately 1.7% of mean annual precipitation. Temporal fluctuations in recharge due to climate variability are apparent and there is good correspondence in temporal trends over a time span of 200–300 years. Water balance considerations indicate that direct recharge is insufficient to support the numerous perennial lakes in the study area, suggesting that diffuse recharge presently plays a minor role in the overall water balance of the desert’s shallow Quaternary aquifer.  相似文献   

潜水蒸发蒸腾(ETg)是干旱半干旱地区浅埋深地下水最主要的排泄方式,也是地下水系统中重要的均衡项。如果存在气压效应,用于估算地下水蒸发蒸腾强度的传统水位波动法则不适用。以黄土潜水为例,提出了一种基于水位变化和大气压变化规律的水位图方法,用于消除气压效应以获取潜水蒸发蒸腾强度。研究表明,大气压变化通常在午夜前,一般为22:00—24:00,会出现一个峰值,该时间段气压效应可以忽略,而且潜水蒸发蒸腾强度最小,此时潜水位的变化速率相当于净补给速率;在获取潜水净补给强度后,选择第二个时间段,0:00—4:00,此时潜水蒸发蒸腾强度最小,且气压一般处于连续下降阶段,可以用来估算气压效应系数。在此基础上,可利用水位均衡和水位波动法方便地估算潜水蒸发蒸腾强度。该方法数据获取容易,估算结果也较为准确。  相似文献   

Rainfall is the main source of groundwater recharge in the Gaza Strip area in Palestine. The area is located in the semi-arid zone and there is no source of recharge other than rainfall. Estimation of groundwater recharge from rainfall is not an easy task since it depends on many uncertain parameters. The cumulative rainfall departure (CRD) method, which depends on the water balance principle, was used in this study to estimate the net groundwater recharge from rainfall. This method does not require much data as is the case with other classical recharge estimation methods. The CRD method was carried out using optimisation approach to minimise the root mean square error (RMSE) between the measured and the simulated groundwater head. The results of this method were compared with the results of other recharge estimation methods from literature. It was found that the results of the CRD method are very close to the results of the other methods, but with less data requirements and greater ease of application. Based on the CRD method, the annual amount of groundwater recharge from rainfall in the Gaza Strip is about 43 million m3. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Groundwater pumped from the semi-confined Complexe Terminal (CT) aquifer is an important production factor in irrigated oases agriculture in southern Tunisia. A rise in the groundwater salinity has been observed as a consequence of increasing abstraction from the aquifer during the last few decades. All sources of contamination were investigated using hydrochemical data available from the 1980s. Water samples were taken from drains and observation wells tapping both the CT and the phreatic aquifers and analyzed with regard to chemistry, temperature, isotopes and other environmental tracers. Local salinization mechanisms are suggested, i.e. the upwelling of saline water from the underlying, confined Continental Intercalaire (CI) aquifer, as well as backflow of agricultural drainage water. At this stage, the main salt pan, the Chott el Djerid, is not a contamination source. A finite difference model was also developed to simulate groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the oases. Calibration for the period 1950–2000 was carried out in order to adjust geological and chemical system parameters. The simulation of planned extraction projects predicts a worsening of the present situation. Maintenance of the present abstraction regime will not reduce or stop the salinity increase.
Résumé L’eau souterraine pompée dans l’aquifère semi-captif du Complexe Terminal (CT) est un facteur de production important pour l’agriculture des oasis irriguées du sud de la Tunisie. Une augmentation de la salinité de l’eau souterraine a été considérée comme la conséquence de l’augmentation des prélèvements dans l’aquifère au cours des dernières décades. Toutes les sources de contamination ont été étudiées à l’aide de données hydro-chimiques disponibles depuis les années 80. Des échantillons d’eau ont été prélevés dans des drains et des puits d’observation qui captent à la fois le CT et les aquifères phréatiques; la chimie, la température, les isotopes ainsi que d’autres traceurs environnementaux ont été analysés. Des processus locaux de salinisation sont proposés, comme par exemple la remontée d’eau salée en provenance de l’aquifère captif du Continental Intercalaire (CI) sous-jacent, ainsi que le reflux des eaux du drainage agricole. A ce stade, le principal marais salé, le Chott el Djerid, n’est pas une source de contamination. Un modèle aux différences finies a également été élaboré pour simuler les écoulements souterrains et le transport de contaminants dans les oasis. Une calibration pour la période 1950–2000 a été effectuée afin d’ajuster les paramètres des systèmes géologique et chimique. La simulation de projets planifiés d’extraction prédit une aggravation de la situation actuelle. La conservation du régime d’extraction actuel ne réduira ou ne stoppera pas l’augmentation de la salinité.

Resumen El agua subterránea que se bombea del acuífero semi-confinado Terminal Complejo (CT) es un importante factor de producción en la agricultura de riego con oasis en el sur de Túnez. Se ha observado un incremento en la salinidad del agua subterránea como consecuencia de la abstracción creciente del acuífero durante las últimas décadas. Se investigaron todas las fuentes de contaminación usando datos hidroquímicos disponibles de la década de 1980s. Las muestras de agua se tomaron de drenajes y pozos de observación alojados tanto en el CT como los acuíferos freáticos y se analizaron en relación con química, temperatura, isótopos y otros trazadores ambientales. Se sugieren mecanismos de salinización local, i.e. el ascenso de agua salada a partir del acuífero confinado subyacente Intercalado Continental (CI), así como también retorno de flujo de agua de drenaje agrícola. En esta etapa, el pan salado principal, el Chott el Djerid, no es una fuente de contaminación. También se desarrolló un modelo de diferencia finita para simular el flujo de agua subterránea y el transporte de contaminantes en los oasis. Se calibró el modelo para el periodo 1950–2000 para de este modo ajustar parámetros del sistema químico y geológico. La simulación de los proyectos de extracción que se han planeado predice un empeoramiento de la situación actual. El mantenimiento del régimen de extracción actual no reducirá o detendrá el incremento de salinidad.

Bayesian frameworks for comparing water quality information to a pre-specified standard or goal and comparing water quality characteristics among two different entities are presented and illustrated using chloride and total dissolved solids (TDS) measurements obtained in the shallower Chicot and the deeper Evangeline formations of the Gulf coast aquifer underlying Refugio County, TX. The Bayesian approach seeks to present evidence in favor of the competing hypotheses which are weighed equally and unlike classical statistics do not make a decision in favor of one hypothesis. When comparing water quality information to a specified goal, the Bayesian approach addresses the more practical question—given all the information, what is the probability of meeting the goal? Similarly, when comparing the water quality between two entities, the approach simply emphasizes the nature and extent of differences and as such is better suited for evaluative studies. Bayesian analysis indicated that average chloride concentrations in the Evangeline formation was 1.65 times the concentrations in the Chicot formation while the corresponding TDS concentration ratio was close to unity. The probability of identifying water with TDS ≤1,000 g/m3 was extremely low, especially in the more prolific Evangeline formation. The probability of groundwater supplies with mean chloride concentrations ≤500 g/m3 was relatively high in the Chicot formation but very low in the Evangeline formation indicating the possible need for blending groundwater with other sources to meet municipal water quality goals.  相似文献   

The best planting alternatives for satisfying high water use demands of forage and fodder crops in a region of Inner Mongolia, China, were determined by a multiobjective distributed-parameter groundwater management model. These alternatives took account of different cropping patterns and pumping decisions associated with both temporal and spatial aspects of water allocation. The model was developed for phreatic, homogenous, and isotropic aquifers using the response matrix technique of quadratic programming theory and, in this case, using the alternative direction implicit (ADI) scheme. Model solutions using effective rainfall with a probability of 50%, show that average water table drawdown in the planning period (2006–2017) is 0.22 m and the groundwater fluctuation in each pumping well is very low. In order to evaluate the pumping decisions under an effective rainfall with a probability of 75%, a sensitive analysis was also conducted. Analysis shows that it is useful to apply the results from the proposed model to control the landscape degradation due to overgrazing and overpumping activities.  相似文献   

A simple, physically based method is developed in this paper to assist in the allocation of areas with high groundwater potential and for the determination of maximum allowed pumping rate to ensure proper groundwater management. This method utilizes the aquifer physical properties as well as GIS technology to accomplish this purpose. The design of this method was considered to be applicable in areas with little data, such as in most arid regions. This technique was applied to a catchment in an arid environment where qualitative as well as quantitative analyses of the results were undertaken. Locations of available groundwater and rates of maximum allowable pumping were compared with observations and experiments in the field and a good agreement was found. It was concluded that the best groundwater location was in the alluvial area, which represents only 16% of the total aquifer, which is a typical case in arid region catchments. The rate of maximum pumping was estimated to be 65 m3/h. However, to benefit 55% of the area, the maximum pumping rate should only be 40 m3/h with an average rate throughout the area (55%) of about 24 m3/h.This revised version was published online in December 2004 with corrections to the category.  相似文献   

在沿海地区,尤其是围海造陆工程形成的陆域地区地下水水位受潮汐影响较大,使传统水文地质试验求取含水层参数存在较大误差。因此通过合理概化地下水在潮汐作用下运动规律,建立数学模型,推导解析公式求取沿海含水层参数具有重要意义。分析天津滨海新区两处观测孔地下水位及潮汐波动特征,在滞后时间不明显的情况下,利用观测孔水位变幅数据计算了含水层水头扩散系数,并根据承压含水层储水系数经验值进一步获得含水层渗透系数。通过两个观测孔分别计算,对比计算结果互相验证发现,该方法取得了令人满意的结果。利用地下水潮汐效应计算含水层参数可以广泛应用于沿海地区水文地质工作中。  相似文献   

Multi-electrode geo-electrical and transient electromagnetic surveys were carried out to characterize the nature of the subsurface infiltration zones (5 to 20 m) related to a series of groundwater outlets, and to reveal the geometry of the different aquifers at Bani-Naim, in the south-eastern foothills of the Hebron area, West Bank, Palestine. The purpose of the surveys was to understand the link between water storage/transfer and the characteristics of the geological formations. The strata in this semi-arid region are composed of alternate layers of chalky limestone, hard limestone, marl and chalk. A total of 30 ERT and 15 TDEM were conducted at Bani Naim-Jahir and Bani Naim-Birein. A correlation between the results indicates various infiltration pathways: fractures, feature heterogeneities, and porous chalk. The local heterogeneity on the eastern side were the major pathways for the water infiltration, whereas the thick marl layer underneath acts as a natural impermeable barrier preventing water from infiltrating deeper. A combination of the different geophysical results identified conductive features that correspond to the infiltration zones supplying the dug wells with water. Furthermore, it was established that the fractured chalk and porous chalky limestone act as an aquifer. A three-dimensional visualization of the resistivity allowed a useful reconstruction of the shallow hydrogeological system. Consequently, these studies contribute to regional sustainable development projects in this semi-arid region.  相似文献   

 The sustainability of community water supplies drawn from shallow aquifers in the arid southwest of the Northern Territory has been evaluated using the radioactive isotope chlorine-36 (36Cl). These aquifers include fractured sandstones of the Ngalia Basin, fractured metamorphic rocks and Cainozoic sands and gravels. 36Cl/Cl ratios for these shallow, regional groundwaters exhibit a bimodal distribution with peaks at 205 (±7) and 170 (±7)×10–15. The higher ratio probably represents modern (Holocene) recharge, diluted with windblown salts from local playa lakes, and occurs mostly around the margin of the basin. The lower ratio corresponds to a 36Cl "age", or mean residence time, of 80–100 ka, implying that the last major recharge occurred during the last interglacial interval (Oxygen Isotope Stage 5). These values are mainly observed in the interior of the Ngalia Basin. Lower values of the 36Cl/Cl ratio measured near playa lakes are affected by addition of chloride from remobilised salts. Finite carbon-14 (14C) data for the groundwaters are at variance with the 36Cl results, but a depth profile suggests low recharge, allowing diffusion of recent atmospheric carbon to the water table. The 36Cl results have important implications for groundwater management in this region, with substantial recharge only occurring during favourable, wet, interglacial climatic regimes; most community water supplies are dependent on these "old" waters. Received, September 1997 · Revised, August 1998, March 1999 · Accepted, March 1999  相似文献   

In arid regions of western China, water resources come from mountain watersheds and disappear in the desert plain. The exchange of surface water and groundwater takes place two or three times in a basin. It is essential to analyze the interaction of groundwater with surface water to use water resources effectively and predict the change in the water environment. The conventional method of analysis, however, measures only the flow of a stream and cannot determine groundwater seepage accurately. As the concentration of Radon-222 (222Rn) in groundwater is much higher than in surface water, the use of 222Rn was examined as an indicator for the analysis of the interaction between surface water and groundwater. Measurement of the 222Rn concentration in surface water was conducted to detect groundwater seepage into a stream in the middle Heihe Basin of northwestern China. Furthermore, the simultaneous groundwater flow into and out of a stream from the aquifers was quantified by solving the 222Rn mass balance equation, in which the losses of gas exchange and radioactive decay of 222Rn are considered. Meanwhile, river runoff was gauged to determine the exchange rates between surface water and groundwater. The result shows that 222Rn isotope can be used as a good environmental tracer with high sensitivity for the interaction between surface water and groundwater, especially in the fractured aquifer system, karst aquifer system and discharge basins.  相似文献   

作图法求解库岸地下水的壅高值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用河流水位和对应的库岸钻孔水位,做出关系曲线,可以推算出钻孔地下水位的壅高值。本文以三峡库区洛碛镇为例,利用作图法求解了地下水的壅高值。  相似文献   

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