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渤海海域莱州湾凹陷盐构造成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
通过分析莱州湾凹陷盐构造特征,盐构造形成动力条件,探讨莱州湾凹陷盐构造成因,讨论了走滑背景下盐岩活动特点。分析表明,莱州湾凹陷盐层构造发育刺穿性盐株和枕状底辟,欠压实、超压破裂、潜伏走滑断层和楔形体的重力扩张促使了莱州湾凹陷盐岩早期流动;渐新世右行走滑阶段,走滑压扭作用下形成刺穿盐株;盐构造活动可分为沙三末期-沙一段沉积期盐流动阶段、中晚渐新世东营沉积时期盐刺穿阶段、中新世-第四纪盐构造再次活化三个阶段。走滑断裂作用下盐岩以流动为主,发育典型的刺穿型盐底辟。  相似文献   

郯庐深断裂带自安徽庐江—山东郯城、沂水、安丘一线向北延伸进入渤海海域被新生代盆地沉积层和海水覆盖。根据区域重、磁力异常图解释的渤海海域的郯庐深断裂带位于莱州湾—渤海东部—辽东湾东部一线,总体走向NNE,对应于渤海海域NNE向地幔隆起带的东部斜坡。渤海海域新生代盆地与地幔隆起呈镜像反映,构成古近纪断陷的边界断层包括NE向、NNE向、NEE向、NW向和NWW向等多个方向,且多表现出铲式正断层的几何学、运动学特征。渤海海域新生代盆地在莱州湾—渤海东部—辽东湾东部发育有由2~4条走向NNE向、陡倾斜的基底走滑断层及相关构造变形组成的右旋走滑构造带,位置与区域重磁资料解释的郯庐深断裂带大致相当。综合深层地壳结构和新生代盆地构造特征有理由认为,渤海海域中新生代盆地中的走向NNE向、陡倾斜的基底走滑断层构造带的与深层至少切割莫霍面的深断裂带构成了一条地壳尺度垂向的强变形构造带。渤海海域的郯庐深断裂带在新生代时期郯庐断裂带并非只发生右旋走滑运动,在区域裂陷作用中控制古近纪断陷的伸展断层可能利用了深断裂带在浅层地壳的部分断层面,并且因为伸展位移在中地壳层中发生拆离滑脱,而深断裂带的右旋走滑位移才使浅层断层与深层断层保持紧密联系。  相似文献   

高祥林 《地质科学》2006,41(2):355-364
渤海中部的郯庐断裂带在平面上表现为不连续的几条北北东走向断层,地震反射剖面和钻探资料显示断层两侧沉积厚度的巨大差异,表明新近纪以来它们是在沉降运动背景下活动的具有大幅度倾滑位移的正断层,构成渤海盆地内凹陷与凸起的边界。这些断层在剖面上有一定弯曲和倾斜,向下延伸深度不超过10~12km。在此深度以上的地壳浅部,没有水平方向位移以及其它直接变形证据表明郯庐断裂带有走滑运动分量。从地震机制解得到的走滑断层运动反映渤海地区地壳深部的变形及相应的构造应力状态,与浅部残留的伸展构造应力同时存在。根据断裂力学分析,认为中新世末以来渤海浅层新近系内出现的大量近东西向小断裂可能是现代构造应力场作用的结果,与郯庐断裂带或其它基底老断裂没有继承性或派生的成因关系。  相似文献   

目前,针对渤海南部潜山地层结构、构造演化的研究较少.应用三维地震资料、钻井资料,系统分析了该区潜山断裂类型、地层构造类型、成因演化和动力学背景.研究表明,近南北向郯庐走滑断裂和近东西向反转断裂共同控制了研究区潜山地层分布,进而造成了研究区潜山地层的结构、构造差异.近南北向郯庐走滑断裂为调节东西两侧挤压强度差异的同印支造山期断层.郯庐走滑断裂西支以西挤压变形强度相对较弱,普遍发育古生界薄底或秃底构造,以"中生界+古生界+前寒武系"三层结构为主;以东挤压变形作用则相对较强,表现为强烈隆升,古生界剥蚀殆尽,为"中生界+前寒武系"双层结构,花状走滑构造发育.近东西向反转断层为印支期逆冲断层,燕山期伸展反转,现今断裂上升盘残存古生界,下降盘古生界剥蚀殆尽.横向挤压收缩差异是导致研究区潜山地层结构、构造差异的主要原因.   相似文献   

郯庐断裂带新近纪以来的挤压构造与合肥盆地的反转   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
郯庐断裂带于新近纪以来呈现强烈的逆冲活动,使得先存的伸展性断层产生了一系列逆冲反转构造.该逆冲活动使合肥盆地东部边缘地层被明显掀斜并产生断弯褶皱.与此同时,合肥盆地也相应遭受了挤压而反转,在合肥盆地内形成了一系列NW向左行平移断层和NNE向的宽缓褶皱构造.这些构造对油气二次运移和圈闭有利.在太平洋板块向西俯冲产生的弧后扩张使中国东部大陆受到挤压的区域动力学背景下,郯庐断裂的逆冲活动和合肥盆地反转构造在近EW向挤压应力下形成.  相似文献   

王应斌  黄雷 《地质学报》2013,87(12):1811-1825
营潍断裂带是指郯庐断裂带的渤海段,限于资料原因,一直是郯庐断裂带研究的薄弱地带,本研究利用渤海油田现有的大量勘探资料就断裂带的空间展布、新生代控盆模式等尚存争议的问题做一较系统的研究,以期促进对郯庐断裂带的整体认识。总体认为营潍断裂带在渤海可分为东西两支,平面上可分为3段,两分支断层分别在各段均具有不同的构造表现形式,对新生代盆地构造格局、沉积盆地发育等具有完全不同的控制作用;整体特征反映出营潍断裂带在渤海新生代盆地的演化中,右旋走滑活动起到极为重要的作用。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带是亚洲东部著名的走滑断裂活动带,经过多年研究,取得了一系列重要成果。以其中的渤海海域辽东带中南部为研究对象,从沉积体系、沉积中心和层序构型三方面分析沉积对断裂走滑活动的响应。郯庐断裂走滑活动对沉积体系和沉积中心的展布特征与迁移规律具有控制作用。具体表现为:走滑活动错开先期形成的沉积体系和沉积中心;使同期形成的沉积体系和沉积中心随时间发生横向迁移;使沉积区发育的三角洲扇体进积特征不明显。断裂走滑活动通过改变可容空间大小,制约层序构型和沉积相分布模式。  相似文献   

渤海海域渤东地区新生代断裂特征及对油气的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于郯庐断裂带控制着渤海盆地渤东地区断裂构造特征及油气聚集,在精选4条二维测线及PL2-2和LD32三维区块精细解释的基础上,系统研究了渤东地区新生代构造变形特征及郯庐断裂带对油气的控制作用.结果表明,渤东地区在平面上整体呈“入”字型排列,并由渤东1号断层及渤东2号断层组合发育成复合堑—垒结构,由此区域分为南、中、北3个区.郯庐断裂带在渤东地区的3个分支整体控制着渤东地区断裂的形成及演化.由三维地震资料精细解释渤东地区断裂系统为古近纪伸展断层系统和古近纪末期—新近纪走滑断层系统的叠加复合.渤东地区断裂演化影响烃源岩的分布与热演化,控制油气的运移及圈闭的形成,渤东低凸起及渤东凹陷中央走滑带形成的反转构造以及渤东凹陷东斜坡是有利的油气聚集带.  相似文献   

渤海郯庐断裂西支是指郯庐断裂渤海段西侧分支断层,其形成演化对前新生代地层展布和潜山构造发育具有重要控制作用。基于三维地震、钻井、分析化验等资料,对渤海郯庐断裂西支构造特征、成因演化模式,以及对潜山形成的控制作用进行了分析。研究表明:(1)渤海郯庐断裂西支具有印支期、燕山早期、燕山中期、喜山早期多期叠加活动的特征,喜山晚期活化作用弱,整体隐伏于新生代沉积物之下;(2)渤海郯庐断裂西支具有显著的分段性,被近东西向断裂分割成北、中、南3段,各段在关键地质时期构造变形型式和强度存在一定差异;(3)印支期不均一南北向挤压所导致的走滑转换是渤海郯庐断裂西支的启动机制;(4)渤海郯庐断裂西支在印支期-燕山早期走滑逆冲活动及伴生褶皱是控制潜山地层展布及渤中19-6等潜山构造形成的关键因素。研究成果可以为渤海海域的油气勘探提供基础。  相似文献   

马站盆地成因与晚白垩世郯庐断裂带的活动性   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对郯庐断裂带内马站盆地中沉积岩相和同沉积构造分布特征的详细研究及盆地内凝灰岩夹层中的锆石裂变径迹年龄测定和盆内化石的研究,认为该盆地是一个形成于晚白垩世并与郯庐断裂带活动有关的走滑盆地。该盆地的形成表明郯庐断裂带,至少是其一部分,在晚白垩世时期仍存在明显的走滑活动。   相似文献   

The stratigraphic architecture, structure and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Tan-Lu fault zone in Laizhou Bay, eastern China, are analyzed based on interpretations of 31 new 2D seismic lines across Laizhou Bay. Cenozoic strata in the study area are divided into two layers separated by a prominent and widespread unconformity. The upper sedimentary layer is made up of Neogene and Quaternary fluvial and marine sediments, while the lower layer consists of Paleogene lacustrine and fluvial facies. In terms of tectonics, the sediments beneath the unconformity can be divided into four main structural units: the west depression, central uplift, east depression and Ludong uplift. The two branches of the middle Tan-Lu fault zone differ in their geometry and offset: the east branch fault is a steeply dipping S-shaped strike-slip fault that cuts acoustic basement at depths greater than 8 km, whereas the west branch fault is a relatively shallow normal fault. The Tan-Lu fault zone is the key fault in the study area, having controlled its Cenozoic evolution. Based on balanced cross-sections constructed along transverse seismic line 99.8 and longitudinal seismic line 699.0, the Cenozoic evolution of the middle Tan-Lu fault zone is divided into three stages: Paleocene–Eocene transtension, Oligocene–Early Miocene transpression and Middle Miocene to present-day stable subsidence. The reasons for the contrasting tectonic features of the two branch faults and the timing of the change from transtension to transpression are discussed.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带安徽段活断层特征与成因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
详细的野外地质调查表明, 郯庐断裂带安徽段活断层广泛存在, 自北向南分别沿着嘉山盆地的东、西边界、合肥盆地东界与大别造山带东界分布。走向上自北向南由北北东向转为北东向, 倾向上与早期盆缘正断层一致。这些活断层以逆右行平移活动为主, 显示了逆冲分量随着断层倾角变小而增大的现象。依据一系列活断层擦痕实测数据的反演, 指示它们活动时的应力状态为北东东—南西西向挤压, 与现代应力状态一致。从多种现象综合分析, 本文认为郯庐断裂带安徽段活断层的最新活动时代应为中更新世, 从而该段没有强震记录或小震群集现象。本次工作表明, 区内活断层主体上是早期盆缘正断层直接复活成因。由于其第四纪期间有限的累计垂直位移分量, 并没有改变白垩—古近纪盆地发育阶段的地貌格局。  相似文献   

本文以地震信息为基础,应用多旋回先张后压中国含油气盆地构造演化史理论[1,2],系统阐述了渤海湾盆地海域古近系—新近系地质结构演化过程和形成机制。特别是应用高质量的勘探地震信息,将渤海湾盆地海域石油构造样式划分为透入、拆离、渗入式三大构造样式,13类亚构造样式。最后以复合构造样式和复式油气藏(田)的描述作为构造样式的结语。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带中生代构造演化史:进展与新认识   总被引:37,自引:2,他引:37  
总结出郯庐断裂带中生代运动学演化的过程与历史,概括为"两大运动时期、五个发辰阶段".第一运动时期对应于三叠纪一早侏罗世早期的"印支运动",以扬子陆块与华北地块之间的拼合和碰撞造山为主导,郯庐断裂带经历了:①转换走滑阶段(240~220Ma),其走滑活动局限在大别和苏鲁超高压变质带之间.这个阶段的陆一陆深俯冲作用使苏鲁超高压变质带向西韧性挤出,导致徐淮弧形构造带的形成和发育.②左旋平移走滑阶段(220~190Ma),徐淮弧形构造带向南错移了约145km,并被大别山以北地区的东西向逆冲系统所吸收.左旋走滑扩展使郯庐断裂带贯穿整个华北和东北地区.第二运动时期对应于中、晚侏罗世至古新世时期的"燕山运动",郯庐断裂带的演化与东亚活动陆缘的演化紧密联系在一起,经历了③中、晚侏罗世至早白垩世早期挤压走滑活动,伴随着华北东部地区岩石圈、地壳增厚和郯庐左旋走滑断裂系的发育.④早白垩世以地壳伸展和陆内裂谷断陷作用为主,使早期增厚的华北克拉通岩石圈发生垮塌和减薄.⑤晚白垩世一古新世以右旋走滑为主,沿断裂带及其两侧发育一系列拉分盆地.系统地阐述了郯庐断裂带中生代发育过程与地质特征,及其在东亚大陆演化历史中独特的作用.  相似文献   

渤海南部新生代构造发育与演化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用三维地震资料及钻井资料,在对断裂体系精细刻画的基础上,结合区域地球动力学背景,就渤海湾盆地渤海海域南部地区(包括渤南低凸起、黄河口凹陷、莱北低凸起、莱州湾凹陷)新生代的构造发育演化特征及沉积–沉降中心迁移规律进行了详细分析。研究结果表明:断裂体系存在三组优势发育方向,NNE向断裂属郯庐断裂带渤南段,可分为西、中、东三个分支带,走滑特征明显;近EW向及NE向为伸展性质的控凹、控带断裂;三组断裂相互切割,形成了渤海南部地区"东西分带、南北分块"的构造格局;古近纪具有两个沉积–沉降中心,黄河口凹陷中心受控于近EW向断裂,莱州湾凹陷的沉积中心受近EW向和NNE向断裂共同控制,至新近纪,沉积中心呈由南向北迁移的规律;渤海南部地区构造演化体现了断–拗与走滑的叠加效应,可以划分为孔店组–沙四段沉积期的初始裂陷、沙三段沉积期的伸展裂陷、沙二段–东营组沉积期的走滑–伸展和馆陶组沉积期以来的走滑–裂后拗陷四个阶段。  相似文献   

Analyses of deflected river channels, offset of basement rocks, and fault rock structures reveal that slip sense inversion occurred on major active strike-slip faults in southwest Japan such as the Yamasaki and Mitoke fault zones and the Median Tectonic Line (MTL). Along the Yamasaki and Mitoke fault zones, small-size rivers cutting shallowly mountain slopes and Quaternary terraces have been deflected sinistrally, whereas large-size rivers which deeply incised into the Mio-Pliocene elevated peneplains show no systematically sinistral offset or complicated hairpin-shaped deflection. When the sinistral offsets accumulated on the small-size rivers are restored, the large-size rivers show residual dextral deflections. This dextral offset sense is consistent with that recorded in the pre-Cenozoic basement rocks. S–C fabrics of fault gouge and breccia zone developed in the active fault zones show sinistral shear sense compatible with earthquake focal mechanisms, whereas those of the foliated cataclasite indicate a dextral shear sense. These observations show that the sinistral strike-slip shear fabrics were overprinted on dextral ones which formed during a previous deformation phase. Similar topographic and geologic features are observed along the MTL in the central-eastern part of the Kii Peninsula. Based on these geomorphological and geological data, we infer that the slip sense inversion occurred in the period between the late Tertiary and mid-Quaternary period. This strike-slip inversion might result from the plate rearrangement consequent to the mid-Miocene Japan Sea opening event. This multidisciplinary study gives insight into how active strike-slip fault might evolves with time.  相似文献   

A 61-m-long sediment core (HB-1) and 690 km of high-resolution seismic profiles from offshore of the Yellow River delta, Bohai Sea, were analyzed to document the stratigraphy and sea-level changes during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating and analyses of benthic foraminifera, ostracods, the mineral composition, and sedimentary characteristics were performed for core HB-1, and seven depositional units (DU 1–DU 7 in descending order) were identified. The seismic reflection data were interpreted in light of the sedimentological data of the core and correlated with other well-studied cores obtained previously in the Bohai Sea area. Seven seismic units (SU 1 to SU 7 in descending order) were distinguished and interpreted as follows: SU 7 corresponds to marine facies in Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 5; SU 6, to terrestrial facies in MIS 4; SU 5 and SU 4, to alternating terrestrial and marine facies (DU 7–DU 5) in MIS 3; SU 3, to terrestrial facies (DU 4) in MIS 2; SU 2, to Holocene marine facies (DU 3 and DU 2); and SU 1, to modern Yellow River delta sediments deposited since 1855 (DU 1).The sedimentary facies from DU 7 to DU 5 reflect sea-level fluctuations during MIS 3, and the boundary between DU 5 and DU 6, which coincides with that between SU 4 and SU 5, is a distinctive, laterally continuous, undulating erosion surface, with up to 20 m of relief. This surface reflects subaerial exposure between transgressions during MIS 3. Estimated sea levels during MIS 3 ranged from −35 ± 5 to −60 ± 5 m or lower, with short-term fluctuations of 20 m. Sedimentary environments in the Bohai Sea area were governed mainly by eustatic sea-level changes and the Bohai Strait topography, which controls the entry of sea water into the Bohai Sea area.The mineral composition of the sediment core suggests that the Yellow River did not discharge into the Bohai Sea, or at least did not influence the study area significantly, during parts of MIS 3 and MIS 2 to the early Holocene (11–8.5 cal kyr BP).  相似文献   

李建平  刘子玉  陈莹  韩雅坤 《地质科学》2023,58(4):1340-1353



The Tan-Lu fault zone (TLFZ) traverses the Liaohe western depression (LHWD), affords an exceptional opportunity to reveal the structural deformation and evolution of a major strike-slip fault of the LHWD using three dimensional seismic data and well data. In this paper, based on structural interpretations of the 3-D seismic data of the LHWD, combined with depth slice and seismic coherency, a variety of structural features in relation to right-lateral strike-slip fault (the western branch of the Tan-Lu fault) have been revealed presence in the depression, such as thrust faults (Xinlongtai, Taian-Dawa, and Chenjia faults), structural wedges, positive flower structures, and en echelon normal faults. Fault cutoffs, growth strata and the Neogene unconformity developed in the LHWD verify that the activity of right-lateral strike-slip from the late Eocene to Neogene (ca. 43–23 Ma). The study indicates that the right-lateral strike-slip played an important role in controlling the structural deformation and evolution of the LHWD in the early Cenozoic. Moreover, the front structural wedge generated the gross morphology of the Xinlongtai anticline and developed the Lengdong faulted anticline during the late Eocene, and the back structural wedge refolded the Lengdong faulted anticline zone in the late Eocene to the early Oligocene. Wrench-related structures (the Chenjia thrust fault and the en echelon normal faults) were developed during the late Oligocene. Uniform subsidence in the Neogene to Quaternary. Furthermore, the driving force of the right-lateral strike-slip deformation was originated from N–S extension stress related to the opening of the Japan Sea and NE–SW compression, as the far-field effect of India–Eurasia convergence.  相似文献   

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